Simple search optimization. Yandex and search engine optimization

While there are a few search engines worth mentioning in the SEO discussion, I'm only talking about Google because every other search engine is struggling to catch up. If you are firmly established in Google, you will most likely be able to apply the same strategies in other systems.

And although there is an entire industry of search engine optimization (SEO) services dedicated to helping entrepreneurs improve the position of their sites in search engines, there are still rare honest experts who will immediately say: guaranteed to achieve a high search ranking. impossible. Even if you are lucky enough to climb to the top of Google for a short time, your chances are slim in the long run, and it takes luck and determination to maintain your position honestly.

I've met plenty of site owners who believed they had cracked Google's code, but they all inevitably realized (or will soon realize) the hard truth: Google is too smart to be fooled for long. Only high-quality sites that meet Google standards are in the lead. In one night, anyone can go from page one to page four hundred and thirty-one. Pretending it doesn't concern you is pointless arrogance. I myself decided not to consider my position in Google unshakable and I do not advise you.

However, you should make every effort to get as much free traffic from Google as possible.

What to focus on so that Google will reward you for your efforts?

There are only two proven ways to win the "love of Google":

Create a high-quality site with relevant, easy-to-browse information that matches the keywords.

And most importantly, increase the number of links to you from other pages you visit.

The Google system says, “Pages we consider important get higher PageRanks and are more likely to rank at the top of searches. To improve the ranking of your site, a webmaster needs to increase the number of quality sites, linking to his page.

What is PageRank?

The PageRank used by Google is assigned to almost every open page on the Internet. To find out what level of importance Google has assigned to a page, you need to check its rating - an indicator from 1 to 10, available for viewing by anyone. Most sites have it set to 0 or 1. You can easily add the Google PageRank indicator to your browser's button bar and see which sites Google approves and which it almost ignores. At the same time, beauty or “gloss” does not matter: only the interests of the Google user who searches for words or phrases are important. Google wants the best of the best to get to the top. The best information is the most up-to-date, most often referred to, etc.

What is the difference between natural and paid results?

Please note that this chapter we are talking about the "organic results" of Google searches. There are sites that Google awards high rating completely free for owners. When you search Google, you will see paid results, or PPC ads, appear at the top and right of the screen. Someone paid to show all these ads (sometimes quite a large sum). Entire volumes have been written about the costly possibilities of effective application of such declarations. Personally, I don't trust the pay-per-click model and won't talk about it because it's a costly undertaking and my book is called Free Marketing.

To learn more about Google PageRank, enter the term "pagerank" into the Google search box. About the growth of your authority in in the eyes of Google will indicate a gradual increase in this indicator.

How does the Google search algorithm actually work?

To fully understand what obstacles await you on the path to success, you need to realize that Google takes the issue of site ranking very seriously. The main mission of Google is to automate the process of providing access to the best content on the Internet to all users of the system as much as possible. Once you understand that the goal Google– to provide a basic service at its best, and consider that the company's management spent countless hours and millions of dollars searching for brilliant statisticians and mathematicians, brilliant data analysts, etc., so that they create a secret algorithm that automatically monitors each site and assigns it ranking and then determining how to rank sites in natural search results.

Yes, it is really very difficult. Want more simple explanation? Here is one of the best descriptions of the Google algorithm known to me. Imagine a large wall with many switches on it. Several brilliant engineers are tasked with a top-secret mission to constantly operate circuit breakers, ensuring optimal performance search engine. It's an ongoing process that doesn't stop for a moment - because Google doesn't want to reveal its algorithm to anyone. The company's management does not want anyone else to be able to operate the mechanism. I even have a version (just a guess) that there is an element of chance in this process, because of which no one will ever be able to systematize it (even the company's engineers themselves).

The next time someone promises you a guaranteed result on Google, ask yourself if this person is able to think better than the brilliant engineers who developed the algorithm for millions of dollars. Yes, there is a chance that he will achieve some results, but on short term. The only viable long-term strategy is to play by the rules. This means creating unique, high-quality content that other sites will willingly (and voluntarily) link to. When other sites link to you, this is called a backlink - a reverse external link. If someone tells you that they can automate the process of creating high-quality backlinks, know that Google is spending millions of dollars and attracting the best minds to stop such activity. I will not tire of repeating: Google will not be fooled. It discovers and rewards the best sites, but also makes sure to find those that automate the management of its system and punish the owners.

The term "website optimization" has recently been heard by many companies that provide certain services on the global network. But this is not surprising, given the huge benefits that can be derived by properly building a strategy for advertising your products or services on the Internet. Let's first define the definitions and scope of the Internet audience, which will be discussed in this article. I would like to emphasize that we will talk specifically about site optimization, without affecting such areas of Internet advertising as contextual advertising, media advertising, banner networks, advertising on thematic portals, spam (and, you see, it also has its place, although it can hardly be called an honest method of advertising), creating doorways, etc.

Website optimization (or search engine optimization) implies a set of measures to increase the visibility of the site in the results of search engines (in other words, raising the position of the site) by recruiting key phrases in search engines.

The most visited platforms for media advertising:

Rambler - about 3 million people a week;
Yandex - about 7 million people a week;
RBC - about 1 million people a week.

Well, the last definition that is worth mentioning in this article is the promotion of the site, or its promotion.

By promotion we will understand a certain set of measures to attract targeted visitors to a website on the Internet. It can be a combination of one or another amount of contextual advertising, search engine optimization, media, banner advertising and other legitimate online advertising methods, including in part design and programming work.

On this definition, we would also like to emphasize the fact that in this article we will focus on optimizing the site exclusively for Russian-language search engines. This was done with the aim that you can’t cover everything in one article, but there are quite significant differences between the world search engines and the Runet search engines.

What search engines does Runet have? Let's name the most popular of them:

Yandex, (currently broadcasting Yandex search results), Rambler, Google,, (currently broadcasting Yandex search results).

Someone can also name Webalta or Aport, but we would not talk about the first one yet, since this search engine is only at the dawn of its activity and its future is still unknown. The second one is already fading away.

By the amount of transmitted search traffic (only in Russia), search engines can be arranged as follows:

Yandex ~ 60%
Rambler ~ 20%
Google ~ 8% ~ 8%
… other.

The amount of transmitted search traffic in Ukraine:

Google ~ 40%
Yandex ~ 30%
Rambler ~ 18% ~ 6% ~ 3%
… other.

From this information, we can conclude that when promoting a site in search engines, a user is most often interested in search engines. Yandex systems, Rambler, Google,, and to attract users from Ukraine.

I would like to immediately emphasize the fact that this dependence is not an axiom, and the amount of attracted traffic depends very much on many factors. Some of them are: the subject of the site, positions in the search engine results, the description of the site given by the search engine (the so-called snippet), the level of indexing of the site by the search engine (in other words, the number of pages of the site known to the search engine).

So, the main stages of search engine optimization of the site are:

1. Initial analysis of the field of activity, site analysis, competition analysis;
2. Selection of key queries for search engine optimization (compiling a semantic core);
3. Work with the structure and content of the project;
4. Optimization of project meta-data;
5. Work on the link popularity of the project (link exchange, registration in search engines, tops, directories, etc.).

These are, perhaps, the main stages of website promotion in search engines. However, it is necessary to talk in detail about each of them.
1. Initial analysis of the field of activity, site analysis, competition analysis.

At the first stage, an initial analysis of the company's field of activity should be carried out, carefully studying the structure of the site, its text content, while assessing the level of competition and, if possible, identifying the difficulties that will be encountered.

Perhaps, this stage should be considered along with the compilation of the semantic core of the project, but let's focus on a real example of determining the competition of a site for the sale of household appliances and several units of goods for promotion through a search engine.

Suppose there is a site selling household appliances with units of goods in three areas: washing machines, microwaves, juicers.

What should you pay attention to?

Website building

A good construction of the navigation structure of the site will be the division of these products into separate headings or folders on the portal, as well as the issuance of the so-called common key queries ( Appliances, buy household appliances, household appliances store) at home page portal (provided that the emphasis is on the promotion of these requests).

For example, - requests for household appliances without reference to models, directions; - washing machines; - microwave ovens; - juicers.

A further hierarchy for project promotion will be quite acceptable if, within the framework of each individual direction of the product, there is a distribution according to the characteristics of the product itself, and then - by models.

For example, for washing machines: - washing machines; - Bosch washing machines; - Samsung washing machines; - Bosch washing machine, model WVF2000; - Samsung S1005J washing machine.

I would like to emphasize the fact that the construction of the site may be different, but we will consider the most acceptable, in our opinion, general case for large-scale promotion of the site for a large number of search queries in search engines.

Often you can find sites without text content on the main page or a narrow specialization of companies. The main thing from this example is to understand the main essence of the distribution of requests, namely, the placement of general requests that carry the comprehensive nature of the company's activities on the main page, as well as the division of different areas of the company or the online store into pages within the site with further distribution according to functional features and model names.

Such a project structure allows, on the one hand, to facilitate the work of optimizing the project, and on the other hand, to complicate this process and extend the period of website promotion. But if you think globally, are focused on a lasting result, are not afraid of the test of time and difficulties in your work, we advise you to stick to this particular strategy. Why - we will partially explain now, partially a little later (this applies to the internal link ranking of the site).

What will we gain with such a distribution and site construction:

* hit target audience to the page that clearly corresponds to the given request (by asking the query "samsung washing machine", the user will be redirected to the page, which fully satisfies his requirements). This indicator will also play a role in evaluating the effectiveness of the search engine optimization of the project. It is not surprising that, having got on this key request to the main page of the site, or to any other, the user simply will not be able to find the information he needs, after which he will close the page.

* Uniform, correct distribution of requests throughout the site. There is a hypothesis and a lot of debate about how many keywords to highlight per page. You will not find a clear answer, but it does not exist. Requests are different, so you need to think in terms of the thoughts of a potential user who will come upon request to the page that you have planned. Let's take our example: a site with a page will look a little incorrect for such queries as "Bosch washing machine". Agree that this is not entirely true. And if there are more than one hundred key phrases, why not distribute them on one page? A correct approach to the problem is needed, and the proposed scheme completely solves it.

* The problem of the text content of the site. Looking ahead a little, let's say that the text content of a site is an important factor in its ranking by a search engine. Finding a key phrase is an important positive aspect for a good site positioning in search engine results. It is very difficult to describe all the goods or services on one page, while maintaining the conciseness and clarity of the information that you want to convey to a potential client.

Many may say: “Yes, we have 5-6 requests, why should they be divided there, because we turn everything to the main page.” Yes, maybe it's just a question of time. search promotion project, but not a question of the convenience of the user who came to the site. It’s good if these requests are single-rooted, and if the site has pages specially designated for this, why not use them?

Unfortunately, this opinion is often encountered. For this reason, many companies, limiting themselves to 10-20 keywords, display the main page of the project for the entire set. The result is a poor return on search engine optimization and wasted money. This may not be entirely correct also because, when ranking a site, the search engine takes into account the “occurrence” of key queries in the text content of the page. Agree, sometimes it is very difficult to contain 10-20 different-rooted key phrases in the text on one page.

After we have carried out a preliminary analysis of the structure of the project, it does not hurt to conduct a small analysis of the site itself.

What you should pay attention to:

* Writing robots.txt

The robots.txt file serves to prohibit certain search robots to index part or all of the site. The robots.txt file is located in the root directory of the site and allows you to select a priority site mirror for some search engines (for example, Yandex) using the Host directive.

For more information about writing a robots.txt file, see:

* Use JavaScript, Flash

Search engines can't always process JavaScript links correctly, so it's a good idea to use them as little as possible. Site elements made in Flash are not indexed by many search engines. If the project's internal links are in Flash, most search engines won't find those pages.

* Formation of a list of new pages or site maps

Every time the site appears new page, it becomes known to the search engine only when it is found by the robot search engine. If the page is located deep in the site, this may not happen very soon. Placing a sitemap often solves the problem of indexing and re-indexing a site.

* Dynamic pages

For several reasons dynamic pages poorly indexed or not indexed at all by search engines. We advise you to avoid dynamic spelling of site page addresses.
Competition analysis

It is clear that when optimizing a project, we are interested in the first 10 positions of the search engine results. Therefore, we recommend that you analyze the competition based on the performance of the first ten sites of the search engine issuance. First of all, you need to decide which search engine you are interested in. But due to the fact that the Yandex search engine generates the largest share of Runet traffic, let's focus on the main indicators of the first ten sites that you should pay attention to first of all:

Pay attention to the PR indicators of the main and internal pages of the site, the TIC of the site, and also check its presence in the authoritative directories and

For more information about TIC:

* Pay attention to the link popularity of the project and the presence of links from the main pages of the site.

This can be done using the command. Google needs to ask search query like link:

The search engine will give the number of links (not all) to the site and indicate the addresses of their location. When analyzing links to a site, it is important to pay attention to such indicators as: thematic links (the similarity of the subject of the referring site with yours), the presence of links from the main pages of other sites (again, pay attention to the thematic content of sites, site authority indicators, the number of such links) , as well as the nesting of the page on which the link is placed.

Usually than more quantity links, the closer they are to the subject of your site, the higher the indicators of their authority, the higher the competition in this field of activity. It can be assumed that in order to achieve the same result, subject to high level the content of the site, its construction, layout, graphics and other indicators, you will need in total approximately the same number of links to the site.

Also, for the Yandex search engine, it will be convenient to check the number of sites that link to those of interest to us, with certain content in the text of the page. This can be done with the command:

anchor#link="*"[key query] – links to the entire site as a whole with the content of the "key query".

anchor#link=""[key query] – links to the main page (you can specify the address of any other page) with the content of the "key query".

Thus, you will also have additional opportunity evaluate competition for individual queries by learning the sources of links and authority indicators of referring sites.

Unfortunately, direct queries in the Google search engine do not allow this. Look for such an opportunity on the websites of webmasters, although the picture is quite clear from the statistics of the Yandex search engine.

Track the performance of all 10 or at least the first 5 sites from the top 10 search engine results. Carry out a cumulative analysis of those indicators of the authority of the site, which you will be guided by when promoting the project. From the same indicators, taking into account their capabilities and knowledge in the field of promotion, we can draw conclusions about the approximate timing of the promotion of the portal.

After we have decided on the analysis of the site, areas of activity and competition, we proceed to the next stage - the selection of key phrases to promote the project.
2. Selection of key queries for search engine optimization (compilation of a semantic core).

When selecting key phrases, we recommend using two services, namely: Yandex user query statistics -, as well as Rambler query statistics On the left, you will see the keyword, and on the right, the number of impressions of the request for the previous month. On average, the click-through rate (CTR), in other words, the number of clicks to the site, is 2-3%. Thus, you can also calculate the approximate traffic that you will receive for a specific request, hitting the top of the issue:

Visitors = (Impressions*3%)/30 days per month.

I would also like to note that the number of visitors who clicked on the request directly depends on the position of the site, the so-called snippet (see below), issued by Title tag site, site popularity and relevance of the issuance.

Snippet - a description of the site, displayed by the search engine when issuing. As a rule, this is a piece of text, or the contents of the Description tag, which includes the searched key phrase.

Before promoting the site, it is important to determine for yourself what goals you are pursuing in the process of promoting the project - commercial or informational. Consequently, requests must be divided into commercial and informational.

In our case, commercial general queries for the main page of the site can be attributed (we set the query household appliances in - main page

home appliances store
online store of household appliances
sale of household appliances
network of household appliances stores
household appliances website
company household appliances
buy household appliances
search for household appliances

Information requests also include:

built-in appliances
household appliances market
home appliances expert
home appliances electronics
small household appliances
household appliances forum
home appliances video - washing machines (we take only commercial ones)

washing machines
choose a washing machine
washing machine to buy
washing machine automatic
washing machine choice
sale of washing machines
ultrasonic washing machines
washing machines shops
best washing machine
built-in washing machines - Bosch washing machines (we take only commercial ones)

bosch washing machine
bosch washing machines
Bosch washing machines
bosch siemens washing machines
Bosch washing machines
bosch washing machines vertical
bosch washing machine price
bosch washing machines

etc. (for simplicity and transparency, we will limit ourselves to these phrases in our example) These are not all key phrases that are worth taking into account. But in order not to confuse the example and maintain some clarity, we will limit ourselves to these most popular phrases among users.

I would like to note that there are also queries like “bosch max washing machine”, “bosch 2460 washing machine” in the statistics, but they already refer to specific models washing machines, for which, according to the structure of our site, individual pages. Therefore, these key phrases should be taken into account when optimizing the respective internal pages.

Such an analysis should be carried out on your entire range of products, asking the queries "microwaves" (don't forget about "microwaves"), " washing machines”, “juicers”, etc.

Perform a complete analysis and compile a complete list of key requests to move the project forward. Pay attention also to the right column in the selection statistics Yandex queries. This is what people who searched for household appliances were still looking for. As a rule, queries in the right column are a good clue when selecting key phrases, often pointing to synonym queries, or other queries of your subject that are of interest to the user.

When selecting key phrases, pay attention to abbreviations, misspelled queries, writing of manufacturing companies in Cyrillic and Latin (for example, Samsung and Samsung). Simply put, when choosing keywords you need to look at the problem through the prism of your client's mindset, analyzing all possible options for submitting requests when searching for a particular product.

Don't forget to look at your competitors and the keywords they use to promote you.

If you're looking for a quick return on search engine optimization, don't great effort promotion of the project on single-word queries at the initial stage. Key queries from one word are often common, and not always great popularity speaks of their huge commercial component. We also recommend giving great attention narrow requests. In our case, these could be requests “buy washing machines”, “buy samsung washing machine”.

It is not necessary to prove once again the fact that users who came to the site by the request “buy samsung washing machine” will be more desirable for you than users who came by the request “washing machines” if you are selling washing machines. Samsung machines. However, this does not mean at all that you should not take into account the request “washing machines”. We just want to emphasize that in terms of commercial return, the second request will be much more practical, although less popular.

Evaluate your efforts to promote the project correctly, because sometimes the efforts spent on promoting one strong request of the “household appliances” class can be directed to promoting 10 simpler, narrowly targeted requests (for example, “buy a washing machine”) and get a much greater return on promotion project, while spending less time and resources. As a rule, narrowly targeted requests are also quite simple to promote, which indicates another important moment of promotion, namely, the ability to achieve a fairly fast and stable result with a good commercial component.

The only problem when promoting a project on a set of narrowly focused requests is their number. Of course, it is more convenient to promote 5-10 narrowly targeted queries than 100-200 small keywords. But let's think, first of all, about what goals we are pursuing, and also about the fact that a good quality site with good targeted traffic- the task is not one or two months. It can take years to resolve.

And did you know that...

AT 1971 Ray Tomlinson of Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc. (BBN), developed mail program for sending messages over a distributed network.

To March 1972 he upgraded his email program to use it on the ARPANET, the forerunner of the current Internet. It was at this time in the addresses Email the @ symbol began to be used - “at commercial” or colloquially “dog”, “dog”. And the thing is that on the teletype machine “model 33”, which was at the disposal Ray Tomlinson, this key was used for punctuation and for marking the English preposition at (on). Thus, an email address of the form <имя_пользователя>@ <имя_домена> means nothing more than “a user with such and such a name on such and such a domain”.

Search Engine Optimization

This article considers various search algorithms, their specifics, features of work. The information in this article will help you optimize your site for the major search engines: AOL, Google and AskJeeves (Part 1), Yahoo and Alta Vista (Part 2) and MSN (Part 3).

Now everyone has an idea of ​​what a search engine is. As soon as a person has a question, it becomes necessary to find the address of a restaurant or make an online purchase, he often turns to one of the search networks on the Internet.

If you've ever had to use two different search engines to search for the same query, you've probably noticed that search results aren't necessarily the same. Why do different search engines give different results for the same query? On the one hand, this is because the indexing process differs between search engines, and search results will depend on what information is found by the search spider and what information is put into the database by the web developer. On the other hand, and this is probably the most important thing, search engines use different algorithms to search for information in databases. The algorithm consists of certain rules and established sequence action, which is used by the search engine to determine the relevance of information in the database to the user's query.

Search algorithm

Search algorithm- this is a mathematical formula in which the user's query is taken as an unknown, and usually, after considering several solutions obtained using this formula, the search engine issues one. The search algorithm matches query keywords with information in the database and finds relevant results. Web crawlers analyze the content of web pages and the relevance of keywords on those pages based on a formula that may vary from search engine to search engine.

What information is included in the algorithm?

Many algorithms contain information about user requests, the pages they subsequently explore, and the time they spend on the page. With this information, the search engine can return desired results. In order for the results to be relevant to the query, it is necessary to process a huge amount of information for each individual case. Unfortunately, the algorithm is designed only for big number possible requests, which significantly reduces the efficiency of this method.

Another method involves link analysis. It is believed that links exist between related sites, and links from quality sites lead to the same quality sites. By analyzing the principles by which one web page links to another, the search engine can determine what the site is about and how relevant the page is. Likewise, some search engines take into account internal site navigation. So search robots determine how the pages of one site are interconnected, and how user-friendly navigation is. If the "spider" hits a dead end, on a page from which it is difficult to navigate to another section, such a page is "punished".

Regular databases consist of data grouped by a web developer. This approach is already a bit outdated, but most databases are created by humans, the largest of them is DMOZ.

One of the most basic elements that a search algorithm necessarily analyzes is the location of keywords on a web page and their density. The more often a keyword appears on a page, the more relevant it is considered.

Due to the increase in spam, search engines no longer consider meta tags. And those who still pay attention to this factor, mainly consider tags and <description>. Of course, there are other factors that the search engine takes into account when searching for information on a user request, such as how long the site has been on the Internet, whether it contains errors, etc.</p> <p><b>How are search engines different?</b></p> <p>The principles of the algorithm of each search engine are kept in the strictest confidence. No one knows exactly what the search engine pays attention to when indexing information, and what importance it attaches to each variable of the formula, so any conclusions are based on assumptions, reflections and conjectures. Each search engine has its own anti-spam methods and filters, and each has its own understanding of what exactly constitutes spam. Many search engines improve their algorithms to support new filtering technologies, others don't change their algorithms to apply advanced filters. In order to understand the purpose of filters in a search engine, you need to imagine how water is filtered: the flow of water passes through <a href="">special installation</a> made of a porous substance that traps unwanted impurities. The search engine filter also works, it detects "undesirable impurities" and excludes them from search results.</p> <p><b>How to ensure the effectiveness of search engine optimization?</b></p> <p>It's not easy to please everyone <a href="">search engines</a> when there are thousands of them. However, some tips will help you streamline your efforts and help you achieve performance in the major search engines.</p> <p>Working on keywords involves obtaining the following information:</p> <ul><li>how often your keywords are requested by users;</li> <li>whether their competitiveness is high;</li> <li>whether they correspond to the content of the site.</li> </ul><p><b>Choose 3-5 keywords for page optimization</b>, instead of wasting energy on the whole set of words. The more phrases selected, the lower the keyword density. Stick keywords to every page, instead of trying to fit them all over the site. Keyword density can range from 0.7% (applies to Google) to 1.7 (applies to Yahoo).</p> <p><b>A compelling, unique title for every page</b> is a necessary element of search engine optimization. All the major search engines place great importance on the quality of the title.</p> <p><b>Unique content</b> A containing the main keywords is also needed. Write for ideas, not for keywords. Keywords should flow from content, not the other way around, content from keywords.</p> <p><b>Optimize website structure and design</b> to avoid search engine penalties. Convenient navigation <a href="">readable code</a>, valid links, proper markup will make it easier for the search engine to index your site and increase the potential of the pages, i.e. the ability to attract the user.</p> <p><b>High quality, relevant external links</b></p> <p>Since the major search engines rely on external links to determine the relevancy of a site, it is simply necessary to take care of their quality and relevancy. Do not use artificial reciprocal links. Your links should lead to resources relevant to your field of activity.</p> <p><b>Search engine basics</b></p> <p>Having an idea of ​​how the search engine works, you can easily determine how it wants to see your site, how it evaluates relevance, and which sites "punish" and for what.</p> <p><b>Search Engine Optimization - <a href="">continuous process</a> </b></p> <p>Search engine optimization is an ongoing process. Keeping content, links and pages up to date is essential to ensure continued success. The key to SEO is unique content: content, keywords, links.</p> <p><b>Don't make a big deal out of molehills</b></p> <p>If you follow the basic principles of search engine optimization, changes <a href="">search algorithm</a> won't scare you. Of course, some transformations and changes may be required, but do not sound the alarm.</p> <p>Why is it important to understand what search engine requirements are? They say you need to know your enemies by sight. AT <a href="">this case</a>, the search engine, of course, is not your enemy, but the more you know about what the basic principles of its work are, how it indexes sites, etc., the higher your chances of ranking high in this very search engine.</p> <p>Let's say that you optimize the resource only for Google and Yahoo, in this case you lose two-thirds of the possible traffic, while optimizing for MSN, you deprive yourself of 85% of the traffic. It will be easier to optimize your resource for several search engines at once when you have information about their basic concepts.</p> <p>Does this mean that as soon as there is any change in the algorithm of the search engine, you need to immediately start improving your site? No, it's not. In fact, what is needed in this situation is not to panic. When improving and transforming your resource, try to act in accordance with the knowledge about the search engine that is available to you.</p> <p>An attempt to unravel the mysterious formula of the search algorithm is unlikely to lead to the desired result. Most likely, you will just waste valuable time instead of building friendships with search engines. Having proven yourself on the good side, you can not only secure a place for your resource on the search results page, but you will feel more confident and calm.</p> <p><b>The main differences between the main search engines</b></p> <p>"Knowing in the face of your enemy", you will be able to figure out what exactly determines the position of your site in a particular search engine. Search engine algorithms are constantly improving, some on a daily basis. It is impossible to predict when and how the next change will happen, but it is useful to pay attention to the following factors, which will certainly affect the ranking of the site:</p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1"><tr valign="top" align="center"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>Factor</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>External links</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>Keyword Density in Content</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>Headline keyword density</b> </td> <td rowspan="2" valign="top"><b>Keyword density in meta tags</b> </td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>Search system</b> </td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>Google</b> </td> <td>Natural, one-way links; punishment for quickly acquired links</td> <td> 2.10% </td> <td> 17% </td> <td>undefined</td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>Yahoo</b> </td> <td> </td> <td> 3.40% </td> <td> 19.60% </td> <td> 7.00% </td> </tr><tr valign="top"><td colspan="2" valign="top"><b>msn</b> </td> <td>natural and artificially acquired links, reciprocal links; no matter what the speed of their acquisition</td> <td> 4.90% </td> <td> 18% </td> <td> 7.80% </td> </tr></table><br><p><b>AOL Search</b></p> <p>AOL claims to be the first search engine to use "cluster" technology. Search results are automatically broken down into relevant topics and displayed on the results page alongside the overall search results. It is important to note that in 80% of cases to find <a href="">necessary information</a> AOL accesses the Google database. Therefore, optimization for AOL can be safely considered as optimization for Google, because. both systems use the same principles to evaluate the relevance of resources and return results. The main difference is that AOL is used as a search engine for 16% of search engine usage.</p> <p>search engine <a href="">Google system</a> the so-called Hilltop algorithm or in other words "Austin's update" is used. Hilltop relies heavily on a site's "authority", which it defines as a site's relevance and importance in relation to a particular area of ​​activity (topic group of keywords).</p> <p>This search engine has developed such a criterion for evaluating resources as link popularity. This criterion ensures the quality of search results and increases the resistance of the search engine to automatically generated web pages. Link popularity is inseparable <a href="">Google component</a> PageRank.</p> <p> defines PageRank as a whole system of algorithms for evaluating parameters from numerical values ​​to web pages indexed by a search engine.</p> <p>PageRank includes over 100 factors. It's hard to say how much weight each of these factors has, but backlinks are known to be one of the biggest factors in determining relevancy. PageRank factors also include such concepts as keyword density, domain registration period, design, absence of errors on site pages, <a href="">convenient navigation</a>, no spam and many others.</p> <p>It can be said that Google is the most mysterious and currently the most popular of the major search engines.</p> <p><b>AskJeeves (Ask Jeeves)</b></p> <p>To work in AskJeeves, you just need to enter an English keyword in the query string, then simply click the "Ask" button and Jeeves will do everything necessary. The search engine has recently been rebranded and its mascot, the butler, will soon go down in history.</p> <p>AskJeeves works on the principles of the Teoma search engine. Many note that Teoma tolerates "abandoned" sites longer than any other search engine. So there's a good chance that even with a redirect (temporary 302 or permanent 301), your old URL has a good chance of staying in the database for a long time. Previously, the search engine re-indexed data once every 3-6 months, it very rarely happened that AskJeeves indexed the same resource twice a month. Re-indexing in this search engine is generally considered random and superficial, it is also noted that sponsorship contributions increase the chances of a resource for faster and deeper indexing. In any case, you won't see your site on AskJeeves or Taoma soon until you've paid your sponsorship. Otherwise, you will have to wait a very long time for the search robot to want to index your site.</p> <p>AskJeeves is a good place to put your ads. Posting ads works the same way here as it does in Google Adwords. If Adwords brings you pretty good quality traffic, AskJeeves is going to be even more successful. The word "quality" is key here. In AskJeeves, it is very easy to fake the number of clicks. This is because AskJeeves uses a special method of displaying search results on the results page. Whereas in Google sponsored results are on the page, certainly separate from the general results: either highlighted in blue at the top or bottom right, in AskJeeves it is difficult to distinguish between sponsored and regular resources.</p> <p>This article provides recommendations on how to optimize the site yourself. If you do not want to spend money on site promotion specialists and decide to optimize the site yourself, you may be able to do everything on your own, relying on advice.</p> <p><b>Why do you need site optimization?</b></p> <p>If you are familiar with the basics, feel free to skip to the next part of the article. This section is written for beginners who do not know how to optimize the site themselves.</p> <p>When deciding which site to put in first place, and which one in second, and so on, search engines take into account two factors: external and internal. External ones are related to the number and to your project from other sites, internal ones - to the content of the web resource.</p> <p>The task of website optimization is to maximize the attractiveness of the content of the site for search engines. How to optimize a site for Yandex or Google is not important, since all search engines work according to similar principles. There are differences, of course, but they show up in the details.</p> <p><b>How to optimize the site yourself: tips for beginners</b></p> <p>To complete this task:</p> <ul><li>The texts posted on the site are optimized for search engine queries: in other words, they include keywords and phrases in the text that are used to promote the site in search engines Yandex, Google and others. There are no single rules on how to optimize a site. <a href="">General recommendations</a>: the main keywords should be included in the heading and subheadings of the text, and also contained in the body with an approximate density of 3-5%.</li> <li>Optimize the design of the site, taking into account the work of search engines. For example, Yandex and Google cannot read texts posted as pictures. Therefore, if you need search engines to see the text, do not make it in the form of pictures or flash graphics. How to optimize the site in terms of design? Try to ensure that each page has the ability to place text of a large volume, the menu is attributed with text, not pictures, each picture has an alt tag with keywords or phrases.</li> <li>Optimize the structure of the site and the title of the sections, which should contain keywords and phrases that promote the site in search engines. It is important that you can get to any page of the site from the main page by making a maximum of three mouse clicks. Otherwise, search engine robots may not reach the pages located in the depth of the site, or index them very rarely. How to optimize the site if it has a large number of sections and subsections? In this case, it makes sense to create a sitemap that will contain links to the main pages of the project. A link to the sitemap should preferably be placed on the main page.</li> <li>If on your site <a href="">a large number of</a> pages, for example, hundreds of thousands - it makes sense to see if all the pages are in the database of search engines? If not all, then it makes sense to transfer some of the content to subdomains. The fact is that for each site, search engines set their own limit on the number of pages that fall into the database of the same Yandex or Google. How to optimize a large site? If the site contains a large number of pages, some of the pages may simply not be indexed - by placing them on a subdomain, you can increase the number of indexed documents on the site.</li> </ul><p><b>We optimize the site ourselves in three stages</b></p> <p>If you decide to optimize the site yourself, follow these three steps in sequence.</p> <ol><li>Definition of keywords and phrases. At this stage, it is being compiled, according to which you plan to promote the web resource in search engines. This is one of the most <a href="">milestones</a> work, because if you choose the wrong queries - all subsequent activities to optimize and promote sites will be in vain!</li> <blockquote><p><i>Example from practice:</i></p> <p>The client is engaged in the transportation of animals - the service is called zootaxi. Along with the promotion for the word zootaxi asks to promote the site for the request "transportation of animals." An analysis of this request through the Yandex.Direct service shows that the majority of people, when asking the query “transportation of animals”, are not looking for zootaxi services at all, but the rules for transporting cats or dogs! By promoting the site on this request, the client will not receive a single client, although he will invest decent funds in promotion!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote><p>Sometimes it doesn't make sense to advance for single-word queries because most <a href="">potential clients</a> enter queries containing two, three or more words. Single-word promotion will not give the same effect as promotion for longer queries.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote><p>You can determine key queries by analyzing your own website and business and getting query statistics from the Yandex.Direct service. As a rule, at the finish line you have a list of 10-15 requests, and sometimes more than 100 requests. It all depends on the theme of the site that you plan to optimize yourself.</p> </blockquote> <li>Distribution of key phrases by sections of the site. It makes no sense to promote only the main page of the site or sections of the product catalog - in an ideal situation, every page on the site should be promoted. In order for documents not to compete with each other in search results, they must be optimized for different queries. For the most popular requests, it makes sense to optimize the main page of the site, for less popular - <a href="">internal pages</a> site. <a href="">General rule</a>: the higher the page nesting level, the less competitive queries it makes sense to choose to optimize the document.</li> <li>Optimization of each page of the site for the selected queries: <ul><li>Check the text for uniqueness. If there is similar text on another site, rewrite it again before optimizing.</li> <li>Include in the text on your site all the keywords and phrases chosen for this page.</li> <li>The main keywords and phrases should occur with a density of 3-5%, and must also be present in the title and subtitles.</li> <li>Make it a rule to make one subheading for every 1200-1500 characters of text. In a text of 2000 characters, it is desirable to make 1-2 subtitles, 3500-4000 characters - 3-4 subtitles, and so on.</li> <li>If you decide: we will optimize the site ourselves, get ready for tedious and painstaking work with text. All keywords and phrases must occur exactly in the case in which they occur in your chosen keywords and queries. The exact occurrence of words and phrases in the text is important, and without changing the sequence of words. If you need to optimize the text for the query "buy furniture Moscow", then that's it <a href="">given phrase</a> must appear in the text.</li> <li>Make sure that your text does not turn into a hodgepodge of keywords - maybe search engines will like it, but people will not read such text, which means commercial value <a href="">given text</a> will be equal to zero.</li> <li>Write large texts - at least 3000-4500 characters. Get ready for the fact that preparing content will take a lot of time and effort.</li> <li>Provide in the text the possibility of highlighting key words or phrases in italics or <a href="">in bold</a>- without fanaticism, but if you highlight a few phrases in bold during layout, it will definitely not be superfluous.</li> </ul></li> </ol><p><b>We optimize the site ourselves: is it profitable to optimize the site yourself?</b></p> <p>This section is not intended for website promotion and promotion specialists, but rather for clients who doubt the need to spend money on website optimization. Yes, you can do all the site optimization work yourself, but for this you will have to learn a new profession for yourself and then constantly monitor changes in search engines and all trends in the industry.</p> <p>You can save money and say: we optimize the site ourselves, but in most cases this will mean that you will most likely waste all subsequent ones that significantly exceed the cost of optimization. Is such savings necessary? Everyone answers this question for himself.</p> <p>When you "sharpen" blog articles on a turnkey basis, the site becomes visible to users who find it for commercial or informational requests. How to understand what is important and what is not? How competent optimization of the blog and articles in it will affect the ranking of the site?</p><i> </i><h2>A marketer on how we optimize an article for a blog: “Show that real people stand behind the company”</h2><p>Kristina DOMENKOVA, marketer:</p><p>“A developed corporate blog is a useful thing. Expert articles, materials written on demand <a href="">potential buyers</a>, increase recognition, build a reputation, attract <a href="">additional traffic</a> and even sell. But before you start a blog, you should evaluate your resources. A good article is time and money.</p><p>The question always arises: “What to write about in a blog?”. I can give you some advice from my own experience. If you are just starting to write, the surest way is to ask sales managers what interests and excites Clients, and answer their questions in articles. In this way, you will close some objections at the decision-making stage and unload the sales. They, in turn, will be able to send Clients links to your blog texts. Analyze competitors and their content, you may find interesting clues. By collecting requests from the developed blogs of competitors, you can create a good content plan for yourself. The fact that without it to work ineffectively can no longer be explained.</p><p>Personalize your blog, show what is behind the company, products and services <a href="">real people</a>. Write for the target audience. Explore her interests/pains (give a ready solution). Think about the "voice" of the brand (formal or casual). Decide on content formats (article, test, infographic, video, etc.). Be sure to analyze the response (the number of views and shares, reading to the end, comments, etc.) and take the time to sow. Otherwise, the efforts of your authors will not pay off.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>A few years ago, search engines took into account the frequency of occurrences of keywords in page texts, and articles with <a href="">the largest number</a> entries quickly got into the TOP of search results. Now SEO-optimized articles should include many more factors. In addition to text, search engines analyze data such as:</p><p>Title (meta tag - title) <br>Description (meta tag - description) <br>Headings H1 (H2, H3) <br>URL (page address) <br>Alt meta tags for images</p><p>The question of how to optimize a blog article for search is acute, because Yandex and Google algorithms are looking for pages that answer people's questions and needs. Therefore, when thinking about how to optimize an article for a search query, first of all, you need to remember about behavioral factors.</p><h2>SEO Specialist on Meta Tag Extensions: "Show Search Engines Your Text Is Relevant"</h2><p><img src='' height="240" width="240" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Anastasia KRASOVSKAYA, SEO-specialist:</p><p>“For bulk site crawling, we use <a href="">Screaming Frog</a> SEO Spider. It allows you to crawl pages and work with Title, Description, H1 and other tags separately. You can immediately see duplicate, missing or multiple meta tags and understand which page they are on. For <a href="">quick access</a> from the browser I use RDS-bar or SEO META in 1 CLICK. Thanks to these extensions, I can immediately see all the meta tags on the page and understand what are the shortcomings. All this greatly automates the work of a SEO specialist.</p><p>Step 1: How to compose the title correctly</p><p>Title - the most important meta tag, title. It shows search engines and users what information is on the page. Title is displayed in browsers, in search engine results and must be unique for all pages of the site. The title of an article is the first thing potential readers notice.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>How to write a title for an SEO-optimized article? Here are some recommendations:</p><ul><li>Compose the title based on the semantic core of the site, its structure and those queries for which you want to reach the TOP (in our case, these are informational queries).</li><li>In Yandex.Metrica, you can see what requests users go to the site for, and choose from them those that are not fully disclosed in your blog. Also, to select keywords and evaluate their frequency, we use <a href="">Yandex Wordstat</a>. An excellent service for optimizing and testing headlines from Google - Optimize.</li><li>You can only use adjectives in a title written under <a href="">information request</a>, but in this case, the landing page must match. Adjectives grab attention and increase the CTR (click through rate) of headlines.</li><li>Beware of stop words and don't use them if possible. Stop words include prepositions, pronouns, particles that search engines do not take into account when ranking.</li><li>Entering the brand name at the beginning of the title is not the best idea. If your company is widely known outside the Internet (offline), then the risk is justified. But in a competitive topic with low brand awareness, such decisions will not lead to anything.</li><li>Don't pile up the meta tag with multiple requests.</li><li>Enter the keyword at the beginning of the title.</li><li>Before writing a title for an article, you should analyze the competitors in the TOP (view the first page of the search results) and make the tag unique.</li><li>Do not duplicate in H1 title (top level heading)</li><li>Don't forget about the length of the meta tag. The optimal length in Google is 55-90 characters, in Yandex - no more than 68 characters.</li><li>When compiling the title of an article, consider search suggestions (options for the most <a href="">popular queries</a>, entered by users in the search bar).</li> </ul><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Step 2: How to Write a Description</p><p>Description is a short description of the page. The meta description is a small piece of text. It is displayed under <a href="">Title</a> in the issuance results. Place keywords closer to the beginning of the Description, use numbers, <a href="">Interesting Facts</a> and calls to action. An unusual description of what is contained on the page, again, increases the CTR, and this is one of the ranking factors for sites.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Description length in Google is up to 140 characters, in Yandex - up to 185 characters.</p><p>By the way, the date of publication, which is displayed under the Title, will help increase the CTR. Users are more likely to “click” on a link if they see that the material is relevant and fresh.</p><p>Step 3: URL Optimization</p><p>Your web page URL should be optimized and contain relevant keywords. For example, if your article is about ways to increase the sales of an online store and is written for an information request, then the URL might look like this:</p><p>Step 4: How to Optimize Headings and Subheadings (H1, H2, H3-6)</p><p>H1 is the most important first level heading for search engines. Headings of other levels are of lesser importance. In the text, the meta tag is highlighted in "bold" or larger font and may look like this:</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ul><li>Don't use the H1 tag more than once per page</li><li>Respect the hierarchy</li><li>Optimize your titles with keywords</li><li>Don't use strong highlighting</li> </ul><p>Step 5: How to Optimize Images (Title, Alt)</p><p>Optimizing images when used in an article helps not only search robots, but also users who, thanks to correctly spelled attributes, will be able to learn about the content of the image they are viewing.</p><p>The title is additional information about the photo ( <a href="">detailed description</a>) and is displayed when you hover over the image.</p><p>Alternative text (Alt) is displayed in the browser if, for example, the picture does not load or has been deleted for some reason.</p><p>Tips for filling in the title of the picture.</p><ul><li>Must contain information that matches what is shown in the photo</li><li>Should not be too long (multi-line tooltip popping up on image hover can be annoying and not very aesthetically pleasing)</li><li>May contain a keyword</li><li>It is better not to duplicate the content of the alt, title of the article, headings</li> </ul><p>The alt attribute is more essential for search engines and page promotion, it is readily indexed by them and can attract additional traffic from Image Search. Alt is visible to users in several cases: when graphic content is disabled (in browsers), in the description of an image in image search.</p><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Tips for filling alt:</p><ul><li><ul><li>The attribute must match the content of the article</li><li>Must be relevant to the text that is nearby</li><li>Should not be too short (on average - 3-4 words)</li><li>May contain a keyword (do not list all the queries for which the text is written)</li><li>Do not use commercial requests (buy, order, issue, etc.).</li> </ul></li> </ul><h2>SEO copywriter on additional optimization: “To write an article for search, it needs to be constantly updated”</h2><p><img src='' height="241" width="241" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Sergey GERASIMOVICH, SEO copywriter:</p><p>“At the agency, we have abandoned the classic scheme of copywriters’ work: “TOR accepted - the text is written, handed over and forgotten.” The only true option, if you want your blog to have high-quality SEO-optimized articles, is to optimize them. There are many ways to do this. You need to try and track the results of your work.</p><p>First of all - the structure of the text (headings H1-H3). Breakdown into logical parts, checking the correspondence of the title and the text under it, the formation of lists, if there are none. The next step is to work with queries. We increase the density of keywords (at the same time watching for overspam), be sure to include direct requests in the headings, and in the text - words from the thematic core and <a href="">search suggestions</a> Google or Yandex. Adding images. Increasing the amount of text, but not a complete rewrite (if the page ranks, it can get even worse), but adding 1-2 paragraphs with relevant information.</p><ul><li>Volume. There are no strict standards on how long text should be. It is necessary to watch the TOP, analyze competitors and write better and more than theirs. For some topics, text is not needed at all.</li><li>Peripheral Keys. When writing text, use LSI keys - queries that are closely related to the topic. For example, if you write about furniture, the LSI keywords will be the words: interior, comfort, materials, etc. The more near-thematic queries are used in the article, the easier it will be for search engines to understand that the topic is fully covered. There are special services that help to collect such words. One of them is Pixel Tools.</li> </ul><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ul><li>Headings. Headline attractiveness is one of the most important things. It depends on him in the first place whether the user will go to the site or not. It also affects your position in SERPs.</li><li>Snippets. This is the part of the information that you see in <a href="">search results</a> as a page description. Snippets are needed so that users can make sure that the information on the page will satisfy their needs. Do not ignore this factor and make sure that snippets perform their functions effectively. We have already written about how to create snippets.</li><li>Internal links. It will be great if in each of your articles you post links to your other publications that are related to the topic. This will create an effective funnel that will help keep the visitor on the site. <a href="">long time</a>. If a visitor stays on a resource for a long time, search engines consider your site relevant to their needs and give a higher position in search results.</li><li>External links. Another <a href="">good reception</a> to attract the attention of the audience to the page with your article - place links to it on thematic sites. It can be forums, blogs, social networks, news sites. This will naturally attract new targeted visitors.</li><li>Video recordings. Statistics show that articles that contain videos on a specific topic are more popular. If possible, supplement your publications with videos to attract more attention.</li><li>Social media. Social media are effective platforms in which users constantly communicate with each other and exchange information with each other. Why not make it so that the reach of the audience that reads your article has increased several times? Share the link to the post <a href="">social networks</a> and get new visitors. In addition, if your article is interesting and useful to users, it will be shared, and this will further increase the reach.</li> </ul><p>We told how to optimize an article for search, based on the experience of GUSAROV. It is important for us to share the results of our work and receive feedback. Difficult to write <a href="">good lyrics</a>, but <a href="">permanent job</a> over this makes you systemic and sure to produce results.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> <div style="font-size:0px;height:0px;line-height:0px;margin:0;padding:0;clear:both"></div> </article> <div class='yarpp-related'> <div class="related-posts-title">Related posts:</div> <ul class="related-items"> <li> <img src="/uploads/fc8917f746b756dff4c63f6631488108.jpg" width="180" height="160" alt="HTLV-I viruses: epidemiology of T cell virus" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <a href='' class='related-item__title'>HTLV-I viruses: epidemiology of T cell virus</a> </li> <li> <img src="/uploads/86bf15198664f36d9f0c626827daf7d2.jpg" width="180" height="160" alt="Information technologies used in the armed forces Information support of combat operations in modern conditions" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <a href='' class='related-item__title'>Information technologies used in the armed forces Information support of combat operations in modern conditions</a> </li> <li> <img src="/uploads/1d82790b4eec778588fe81e97ba403fa.jpg" width="180" height="160" alt="Update 1 releases with 8.2 zoom" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <a href='' class='related-item__title'>Update 1 releases with 8.2 zoom</a> </li> <li> <img src="/uploads/c53adaf83266f53f977622fe974da2d8.jpg" width="180" height="160" alt="Entering the nomenclature in 1s 8" loading=lazy loading=lazy> <a href='' class='related-item__title'>Entering the nomenclature in 1s 8</a> </li> </ul> </div> <style> .nafAdaptMedia { width: 100%; 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