The most popular search queries. How to view search query statistics

Today in this article I want to talk to you about the Internet. Many beginning and experienced entrepreneurs begin to wonder: “What are they looking for on the Internet?” or “How to find out what people are looking for on the Internet?” Simply put, it is always interesting to know what people want to find, what information to get, what to buy, and so on. This is exactly what I want to talk about today.

What are they looking for on the Internet?

With every second, the Internet is becoming more and more an integral part of the life of any person. It is difficult to imagine a person who does not know what the Internet is and how to use it. Even television will soon cease to exist, because it will be swallowed up by the World Wide Web www. I learned about this at the media school where I am now going to study. In 5-10 years there will be a symbiosis of television and the Internet. We will start watching all programs on the Internet.

Answering the question of what people are looking for on the Internet is quite simple. On the Internet, people are looking for information about how to solve some problem, news,... People are looking for entertainment: games, music, forums, social networks. And people also search on the Internet for some things, products and services that they want to buy.

And many people, thanks to the Internet, become entrepreneurs and earn millions of dollars using this web. There is even a separate term: Internet entrepreneur. That is, this is an entrepreneur who carries out business activities on the Internet.

Many people enter a query into Yandex or Google: . And now this is very relevant in our time. Every year the turnover on the Internet increases, there is more information, traditional businesses disappear into oblivion or they move to a new format (the Internet).

Surely you are interested in finding out whether a person is looking for this or that product on the Internet. And most importantly, how many people are looking for a specific product. Well, this is not difficult to do. Now I’ll tell you the secret of how I personally choose topics for articles so that they don’t hang out on the Internet without being read, but on the contrary, so that people find and read them.

Yandex has a system Follow the link and enter your request. Before writing an article: “What are they looking for on the Internet?” , I went to this service and checked the popularity of the request. The results are in the screenshot.

17598 impressions per month for this request. If you look closely at this screen, you can see that this figure is the sum of many other requests: “Looking for a job on the Internet”– 2261 impressions per month. "Search Internet search"– 569 impressions. And we need to know how many specific people enter the query: “What are they looking for on the Internet?”. To do this, we put quotation marks. See screenshot.

In total, we see only 362 impressions. This means that 362 people per month enter this particular query. This is no longer 17598, it is much less. My experience says that the number 362 is a low-frequency driver. (Queries are high-frequency, mid-frequency and low-frequency).

Low frequency queries are from 0 to 1200, mid frequency queries are from 1200 to 5000, the rest are high frequency. Please note that each entrepreneur has his own figures on this matter. I gave examples when writing articles. In sales, a high-frequency driver can be from 500 requests per month.

So, these numbers show the popularity of the request. This is what people search for the most on the Internet. Yandex also provides hints when you just start entering a query. Let's look at the screenshots.

As you can see, I entered only one word. In the first case "How", in the second case "Why". And Yandex immediately returned the most popular queries that begin with these words. And indeed, if you click on the first queries, you can immediately see that the number of impressions is significantly higher than for the other queries that are below.

You will definitely come across idiotic requests. Here they are: “Why is Putin a crab”, “Why am I a shampoo?”, “Why am I a toilet?” and so on. Don't pay much attention to this. People are just going a little crazy. This is normal for Russia.

Now you know how to determine what a person is looking for on the Internet and how popular this request is. People on the Internet search for literally everything. The Internet is a great place to create a business. There are countless fish here. You just need to create a strong fishing rod and cast an attractive bait. Then the catch will be excellent.

The Internet is a great helper of our time. Almost any issue can be resolved if you use this powerful system correctly. Don't forget that the Internet is a provider. Seller and buyer meet on the Internet, new acquaintances appear, and meetings are organized.

And of course, the Internet is full of scammers who cleverly scam people out of money. This is what you need to watch out for. In general, there is an opinion that the Internet is a complete scam. This is a place where people are scammed out of money. In fact, it's not about the Internet, it's about the person who is either honest or dishonest. When buying this or that product, you need to study it inside and out, read real reviews from real people. Don't be lazy.

On this note, I am ending this article, and let's move on to look for topics for future articles that are popular with people. All the best to you, good luck everywhere and in everything. Ciao!

what they look for on the Internet


Have you ever asked yourself the question: what are people looking for on the Internet? What are they interested in? I think if you are a webmaster, or you are simply interested in the topic of the Internet, then you have asked yourself this question. Let's find out which search queries are the most popular in 2017 in Yandex and Google.

The most popular queries in Yandex 2017

The most popular phrase in Yandex is download for free, and other phrases are also very popular: either with the word “free” or with the word “download”! Well, what can you do, people love free things: download for free, watch for free, play games for free. But besides them, there are other common requests: March 8, New Year, February 23. Yes, holidays are another very popular topic. True, these are so-called situational requests, the traffic for which increases immediately before the event itself. Usually this happens 2-3 days before the holiday and after its completion, requests drop to almost zero. I also want to mention seasonal requests. These are the requests that arise during a certain period of time of the year. There are a lot of such queries, for example, “answers on the Unified State Exam,” “where to relax in the summer,” etc.

Here is a list of the most popular queries in Yandex in 2017.

The most popular queries on Google in 2017.

In Google, the list of the most popular queries is similar to the Yandex list. But there are also some differences. For example, the most popular word here is download. Download for free (also a leader), download MP3, download a movie, download a game. By and large, the lists of the most popular queries for both search engines are almost the same. This is if we take, of course, the Russia region in Google.

Well, now, look at the list of the most popular queries on Google in 2017.

What topic for an article should a webmaster choose to get maximum traffic to the site? First you need to check how many times a particular question has been asked. Some requests are very popular (download for free), others are extremely rare. It is clear that according to popular phrases, there is maximum traffic. But the competition for them is very strong. As a result, it is very difficult to get into the TOP10 of search results using such queries. For rare requests, and even more so for zero ones, getting to the top is usually not a problem. The problem is different, according to them, the traffic is either very small or there is none at all.

To determine the popularity of queries, there are two popular tools - Yandex Wordstat and Google keyword planner.

How to view keyword statistics in WordstatYandex

Yandex Wordstat is the most popular tool in RuNet for obtaining search query statistics. It is free, it allows you to collect data on all search phrases entered by users of the Yandex PS. It's no secret that Yandex is the most popular search engine in Russia.

What I like about the WordstatYandex service is its simplicity. To use it, just create an email account in Yandex and go to Next, enter a query and get its statistics. And that's all!

This way you can get the dynamics of statistics for any search query. Moreover, you can get data by region and month.

Yandex Wordstat shows statistics not only for the selected phrase, but also for other search queries related to the search phrase.

Unfortunately, this tool has some disadvantages.

The display of statistics is not entirely clear. For example, if you need statistics on the phrase “summer dresses,” then Yandex will show that this search query was requested 73,000 times. But that's not true. In fact, 73,000 times is the total number of searches that included the words “Summer Dresses.” That is, they also searched for “summer dresses photos”, “buy summer dresses” and so on. If you look at the statistics directly for the phrase “summer dresses”, it turns out that there were significantly fewer such search queries.

To determine exact statistics for a phrase, you need to use the “quote” operator. And then the answer will be completely different.

But you can find out the exact data for each search phrase using the exclamation point operator, see the screenshot.

Thanks to Yandex Wordstat, you can quickly find out statistics on the selected phrase and only then decide whether to use this phrase for promotion.

How to view statistics in Google Planner.

In addition to the Yandex Wordstat service, there is another service. This is a Google service and it is called Google Planner (Keyword Planner). In RuNet, the description of this service is much less common than the description of Yandex Wordstat. And in vain. Since the capabilities of the Google planner significantly exceed the capabilities of Yandex Wordstat.

As with Yandex, you also need to have your own account here. Simply put, you need to have an email account in Google. Next, go to, after which you need to go to the Tools menu,

and select the item – Keyword Planner.

Now you need to select the item – Search for new keywords by phrase, site or category

Enter the desired search term. Here you can also set additional settings: landing page, category, and so on. However, it is not necessary to specify these settings; you can simply enter the desired phrase and click on the button - Show options.

A window will open with a lot of numbers. It displays how many options there are with the selected keys (as in Yandex), and separately, how many options there are for the selected query. There is also a button here - Download.

The report shows how many impressions a particular search query had. The statistics displayed are approximate. The values, from and to, differ tenfold: a hundred to a thousand requests, a thousand to ten thousand, and so on. For example: the search query, “Summer dresses,” has a total number of one hundred to one thousand (region – Russia). And this error applies to all search queries.

For a general assessment, such statistics will be sufficient. After all, in any case, this is only a rough assessment of whether it is necessary to work with this request. But there is one trick in AdWords. Thanks to this feature, you can get accurate statistics for all requests. True, for this you need to transfer money to an advertising company. Each country has its own minimum requirement for creating an advertising company.

Since I have such an account, here is a screenshot with the exact readings.

As you can see, the exact numbers are already displayed here. More precisely, exact average figures for the year. Although, when creating a report, you can check the box, and then it will indicate the values ​​​​for each month for the past year.

Finding out the statistics of search queries in Yandex is not a problem. It's even easier to do this in Yandex. But Google immediately displays all related queries into an Excel file, thanks to which you can immediately select the necessary keys. You can sort the keys alphabetically, by frequency, by level of competition, by approximate cost.

What is the cost of advertising for a search phrase? First of all, AdWords is designed for advertisers. And of course, it is simply vital for potential advertisers to know how much advertising costs for a particular request. But for webmasters who are not going to provide paid advertising, knowing the meaning of this parameter will not be superfluous.

In Yandex you can also find out how much advertising costs for a specific request. But for this, you need to open another service. And this is not at all so convenient.

One more thing. The fact is that Google can show phrases that may not contain the keywords you requested. However, these search queries may also be related to the search phrase.

For example, for the phrase “summer dresses,” Google will also suggest the word “sundress.” Essentially, this is a tip for webmasters. Which will allow you to use even more search queries for search engine promotion.

How to combine Yandex and Google tools.

Although Yandex is ahead of Google in terms of the number of search queries, Google also has a very large share. And therefore, for me these search engines are equal. When I receive statistics in Yandex, I understand that the statistics in Google will be similar. And vice versa. Therefore, both tools are relevant to me. And here the scheme of my work is simple.

For example, for Yandex requests
“buy an apartment in Moscow” and
“Buy an apartment from Moscow” will be the same

To avoid this, you must use the + operator before the preposition
“buy an apartment + in Moscow” and
“Buy an apartment + from Moscow”

This is especially important when creating semantics for Direct!


    Good addition on operators, they really need to be used. By the way, I myself also often use “+”


    • Well, I think that any user who is going to work with Wordstat should memorize these operators and understand what each of them represents.
      Moreover, there are not so many of them.

      Every year, in December, Yandex and Google compile themes and ratings for the year. But these are not the most popular queries, which reflect user choice for the whole year.

      In the Yandex blog it is written that “Themes of the Year” are not what was asked a lot in general, but what caused the greatest surge of interest. Over the course of a number of years, the lists of events, people and phenomena that have become signs of the outgoing year will always include the main news, new phenomena, championships, next seasons of popular TV series, etc.

      This is clearly shown in the Google video - Year in Search 2018

      "Events of the year":

      1. World Cup
      2. Olympics
      3. Kemerovo
      4. Khabib vs McGregor fight
      5. Russian presidential elections
      6. Kerch
      7. Ice Hockey World Championship
      8. An-148
      9. Prince Harry's wedding
      10. Eclipse July 27


      1. Khabib Nurmagomedov
      2. Meghan Markle
      3. Nastya Rybka
      4. Pavel Grudinin
      5. President of Croatia
      6. Alexander Kokorin
      7. Alina Zagitova
      8. Elon Musk
      9. Conor McGregor
      10. Coin

      "How to become":

      1. Blogger
      2. Model
      3. Election observer
      4. Programmer
      5. Astronaut
      6. Judge
      7. Volunteer
      8. Fitness trainer
      9. Photographer
      10. Stewardess

      The lists are compiled based on the search queries that saw the biggest increase in traffic this year compared to last year.

      Features of keyword statistics

      • Wordstat.Yandex in its forecasts may take into account events that are no longer relevant for a given month. For example, in February, even compared to December 2017, a large increase in the number of impressions was expected for New Year congratulations, in March - for the holiday of February 23.
      • The word “family” accounts for almost 30% of impressions on the socio-political site “7x7” (family seven) and the film “family seven”.
      • Most of the requests may relate to a completely different topic. For example, the word “cure” was most often searched for the film “Maze Runner: The Death Cure,” and “sea” was the cartoon “Vacation Monsters 3: The Sea Calls.”
      • People search for Instagram mainly by the beginning of this word: “instagra”, “instagr”. The Instagram of Buzova and Borodina is of greatest interest.
      • Yandex considers the words “children” and “child” to be the same, and the statistics for them are the same.
      • "Home" - in first place is the series "House 2", "Dacha" - radio dacha, listen to dacha, dacha online, etc.
      • Oddly enough, “YouTube” together with “youtube” are not even included in the TOP 10 most popular queries.
      • With the word “Internet” the majority of impressions come from “online store”.
      • The largest number of impressions is given not by “car”, but by “auto”; not “dentistry”, but “teeth”; not “social network”, but “social network”.
      • Judging by the statistics, many users want to get a computer, laptop, or tablet for free.
      • More than a quarter of all queries with the word “fish” do not relate to its preparation: horoscope of fish, photo of fish, what fish means in dreams, etc.

      User activity on the Internet depends on the time of year, current events and a number of other factors, and therefore the number of search queries for keywords is constantly changing.

      Popular queries about Yandex images

      A survey conducted in January 2016 by the Public Opinion Foundation showed that 87% of Internet users use social networks, of which 51% have accounts in several online communities. 13% do not use social networks.

      News on the Internet

      80% of Russian Internet users have read news on the Internet over the past month.

      The greatest interest is caused by events in the world, politics in Russia, the activities of the Russian authorities, international relations and family, children, home.

      48% of respondents trust information messages received from the Internet.


      According to Yandex search data (March - May 2017), the number of search queries about children depends on their age and ranges from 400 thousand per month (children under one year old) to 60 thousand (children 10 years old). Requests that indicate the age of the child and briefly describe the problem or question that has arisen, for example, [a 2-year-old child has tantrums, what to do] or [how to dress a 7-month-old child in the spring] are asked more than 1.7 million times a month.


      More than 4% of search queries are devoted to the topic “health”, almost 7.5 million per day. Every minute Yandex is asked about health more than 5 thousand times. The three biggest medical topics are related to finding information about medications, diseases and symptoms, clinics and doctors. Many topics overlap with each other - because they are often asked at the same time, for example, about diseases and nutrition, pregnancy and vitamins, symptoms and medications.


      Every month, almost 30 million Russian Yandex users make queries on culinary topics. In just a month, Yandex responds to more than 91 million queries about cooking - mainly how to prepare this or that dish or what to do with this or that product.

      Distribution of requests by time of day

      People search for something on the Internet around the clock. In terms of the total number of requests, three topics almost always lead: school, cinema and porn.

      Yandex has identified characteristic topics - those in which people are more interested during the day than on average (for the period January - May 2017).

      In the morning (after 6 o’clock) the first thing they do is ask about the weather, find out the meaning of their dreams and congratulate each other on various holidays. Between 8 and 9 they are still trying to sort out their personal affairs.

      From 9 to 17, the most common search topics are work and work-related topics - law, business, production (GOSTs, safety standards, product classifiers). Along with work, people are looking for answers to various questions related to money and government services - paperwork, payments, and so on.

      At about 15:00, the first non-working topic appears among the most popular search topics - games. After 17 hours of work there are no more topics left. At this time, interest in games reaches its peak, and people also begin to look for culinary recipes and cartoons. Schoolchildren begin their homework.

      At 22:00, queries about beauty and health, celebrities and sports appear. Before midnight, the most frequently searched topic is movies. At night, interest in cinema remains, but porn and intimate services become the most relevant - until 5-6 in the morning.

      Yandex began in the late 1980s. And today it is one of the most popular among search services. The main feature of this search system is that it searches for keywords without taking into account the number of parts of speech and prepositions used in them. Displays sites upon request, based only on keywords. This feature is very convenient for users, but analyzing queries in Yandex becomes more problematic.

      In addition to the popular today Google and the named search engine, Rambler is also used. It is more accurate in terms of searching queries, but less popular.

      What is "Yandex Wordstat"?

      This special service was created by Yandex for webmasters and optimizers. This system helps to create the semantic core of the site and choose the right keywords for each new article that you publish on your site. And this significantly increases the number of visits.

      In addition, Wordstat helps to assess the competitiveness of your Internet resource.

      By registering in the mentioned system, you can use keyword selection to find the most popular queries.

      The system provides information about requests throughout the month. By entering the word and phrase you need in the topic field, you can filter the results by region.

      When selecting queries, you can use special operators that make the search easier.

      Most popular

      In 2012, a list was created of the five topics that people most often search for on the Internet. Ryan Dube, an SEO with 10 years of experience, helped put this list together.

      These results cover the entire global population. Let's look at them:

      1. So, the requests of children and adolescents came first. Here are questions about why parents forbid something, and how to kiss a girl for the first time. There are many topics that children and adolescents are embarrassed to discuss with adults. However, this is a completely healthy interest, and there is no need to be afraid of it, experts say. Although kids should think about how to clear queries in Yandex before parents find out what questions are swarming in the heads of their children.
      2. The next topic calls into question the mental health of most people. These are scenes of rape and torture. As they say, no comments.
      3. In third place was the question “How?” with many variations. How to build, plant, cook?
      4. In fourth place are purely female questions: how to seduce a man, lose weight, remain attractive and desirable?
      5. And of course, many people read articles on the topic of certain diseases. Many of us prefer a quality text to a doctor's consultation. We usually look for symptoms that seem to us to be a manifestation of a non-serious disease on the Internet.

      This Yandex query statistics helps you decide on the choice of content if you are looking for a topic to create and develop your own project. It’s worth focusing on when choosing a topic for a new blog.

      The most frequent request in Yandex

      Probably, many Internet users once wondered: what queries are entered into search engines? People work with websites on a wide variety of topics, develop online stores and companies, and this, as a rule, is the basis of their search activity. A special Yandex system helps track which questions most often concern users. So, what is the most frequent request in Yandex?

      A large number of users solve operational issues. The rest are concerned mainly with pressing matters that are related to small personal needs - to eat, play, watch and, of course, talk. The following are the results obtained within one month.

      World online

      Nowadays, people do almost everything on the Internet - work, study, shop. Fortunately, their percentage is not so high that the city streets are empty. But at the same time, the most popular query in Yandex contains the word “site”. This mainly includes website promotion (as many as 146,000,000 requests per month!). Some are looking for specialists to promote their own websites, others are trying to master this skill on their own. After all, a well-promoted website brings in good income.

      This is especially true for online stores. And they are next on the list. Users actively make purchases via the Internet, ranging from underwear to large appliances. The number of online stores is growing steadily. Many create their own and work only via the Internet, others increase the number of sales by creating a catalog.

      Advertising sites are no less in demand. Among them, the leader is OLX, previously called “Slando”.

      Facebook and VKontakte

      Facebook is also one of the most frequent requests in Yandex. It leads the top ten most popular social networks in the world. He is accompanied by YouTube, VKontakte, Twitter, Weibo, etc. The number of users is about 1.4 billion. At the same time, 160 million are citizens of the USA, Brazil, Turkey, Great Britain, and Mexico.

      With the decline in popularity of VKontakte, which was previously liked much more by Russian-speaking users, the demand for Facebook has increased significantly. But at the same time, VKontakte is trying not to give up its positions. This is the only Russian site that took 8th place in the top ten most popular social networks in the world. More than 228 million users from many Russian-speaking countries are registered here. Despite the ban on VKontakte in Ukraine, many Ukrainians continue to actively visit this site. Therefore, one of the most frequent requests in Yandex looks like “my VKontakte page.”

      And since our population loves to communicate with foreigners (including using special dating sites), the next most common request is “translator”. By the way, many foreign students are registered on the VKontakte network and communicate with Russian-speaking friends. In this case, both interlocutors are forced to use a translator.

      Time for business - time for fun

      The most interesting thing is that the number of requests for the word “game” totals 75,984,283 times per month. Most of the requests relate to the popular game "Tanks", which is especially popular among men, and to online children's games for boys and girls. They allow you to keep your child busy while doing household chores.

      Slightly less often than games, people search for movies to download or watch online. It is noteworthy that when you enter the word “love” into a search engine, it immediately returns films in the genre of drama or melodrama. Mostly Turkish.

      What do people prefer to watch? The larger number of queries on Yandex indicates that they most often watch shows (like “Kitchen” and “The Bachelor”), as well as American films. Most often they belong to the fantasy genre. TV series are no less in demand - both Russian and Ukrainian, and American.

      Urgent problems

      The following requests in Yandex, according to statistics, relate to news, calculating the amount on a calculator, and the weather forecast for tomorrow. By the way, the weather forecast is often correct.

      And of course, the horoscope. Yandex provides a huge number of sites with horoscopes for today, tomorrow and for the month. Not far from horoscopes in terms of frequency of requests is the dream book.


      Fortunately, they download not only films, but also literature. And they don’t just pump. It is often read online. I am glad that reading literature is still a popular activity for young people. Currently, you can read books online on several sites completely free of charge - “Litmir”, Loveread, Knizhnik, etc.

      It is noteworthy that the top three most popular genres of literature are women's love stories. This includes historical, modern and even fantasy. The number of romance fiction novels is growing every day.

      The Russian detective story is also very popular. While foreign detectives are rarely read here, Russian detective stories, including women’s detective stories (many of them have a fair amount of humor), are searched for on Yandex very often. They are read online, downloaded, and purchased in online stores.

      "Why Chicks"

      The question “why” is one of the most popular queries in Yandex and Google. Most people are interested in why this or that organ hurts. A huge number of queries in Yandex are focused on headaches, back pain and leg swelling.

      Slightly fewer people are interested not in health, but in relationships with the opposite sex - “why is he...” or “why is she...”. And here the variations of the questions vary - it could be betrayal, difficulties in mutual understanding and unpleasant situations in which the partner showed himself at his worst. The history of queries in Yandex shows that such issues are usually discussed on forums.

      In addition, the following questions are often entered into the search engine:

      • "Why am I stupid?"
      • "Why can't I lose weight?"
      • "Why am I an idiot?"

      Typically, discussions of such problems take place on forums.

      In conclusion

      The search history in Yandex is incredibly voluminous, and it is incredibly difficult to cover all popular topics. But we tried to describe the most popular queries that interest the Russian-speaking population on the Internet. We hope you found the information useful.

      We only need what we need.

      Anton Chekhov

      Probably many people are interested what people most often ask for in search engines, what are the most popular search queries? and in demand.

      Errors and typos in queries, activity by geographic and time parameters, the most popular search engines and questions..

      Yandex itself provides answers to these questions:

      Interesting figures and facts on the Runet sector:

      According to Yandex statistics, the monthly viewing of search results pages by Runet users is more than 3.1 billion times.

      Every day more than 100 million requests.

      Approximately half of all requests (~ 45% - 48%) come from residents of just ten cities:

      • Moscow
      • St. Petersburg
      • Voronezh
      • Rostov-on-Don
      • Nizhny Novgorod
      • Samara
      • Ekaterinburg
      • Omsk
      • Novosibirsk
      • Khabarovsk

      Every day the residents of these cities spend 18.5 million. search sessions, the total duration of which is - 100 years.

      Search session- this is the sequence of queries with which the user solves one search problem.

      Search session duration- time from the first request to the last.

      The average number of requests to Yandex per person is 6 - 7 within 2 - 3 search sessions.

      On average, a person spends about two minutes to ask one query and view the search results.

      Quantity single word queries on Yandex fell almost four times, while queries of three or more words, on the contrary, increased by almost 80%.

      The most verbose queries are asked by Yandex and search users - about 5 words

      When searching on and, about 4 words are entered.
      - QIP users - on average 2 words.
      - The length of requests for [email protected] and differ very rarely.

      Google refused to research TNS.

      Ten most popular queries

      The most popular queries are queries asked by users of all regions, with the same search wording.

      It is worth understanding that, despite numerous repetitions, frequently asked queries are only a very modest part of all requests to Yandex. Even all taken together, the first hundred popular queries make up no more than 5% of the total, and the first ten make up less than 3%.

      Also, in different cities and regions, the list of popular queries often includes large regional portals that are not interesting to users of other remote cities.

      The first step of the most popular queries asked to search engines [email protected], Yandex And QIP, are still occupied by queries related to social networks. The bulk of the people “hang out” there.

      The next most popular are queries with the word " porn", number of lovers" strawberries"and peeping in" keyhole"is clearly not decreasing.

      Another interesting pattern is observed:

      • The top 10 Yandex requests include the request ""
      • The top 10 requests from include the request "Yandex"
      • The top 10 QIP queries include both of these queries "Yandex" And ""

      If we discard “concerned” users, then the following most popular questions for search engines are distributed approximately as follows:

      Distribution of the most popular queries on different sites
      (orange - Yandex, blue -, green - QIP)

      The number and popularity of these requests in percentage terms are almost the same in all ten cities.

      1. in contact
      2. classmates
      4. porn
      5. in contact login to the site
      6. in contact input
      7. auto ru
      8. porn online
      9. my world
      10. games for girls

      Most popular questions:

      Approximately 2.5% of all entered requests for [email protected], usually formulated as a question. For Yandex, this figure is even more than 3%.

      Most questions start with:

      1. Which
      2. How many

      Yandex considers the following queries to be the most popular and frequently repeated questions asked daily to all search engines:

      6. Frequently used qualifying words

      Recently, more and more requests (about 10%) began to contain clarification - a direct indication - to buy, sell or receive something.

      The most common clarifications today are download And for free. Requests to Yandex and with words download And for free- approximately 4% of all available requests.

      The most common clarifications

      7. The most common mistakes and typos:

      Despite the fact that the number of errors and typos in queries has generally decreased, 12% of all queries are written illiterately.

      The most common errors are errors that occur due to incorrect keyboard layout. So, the most common Yandex spellings are: "nftvuchyukg", "nfyukg", "zyltrc"..

      Unfinished queries (for example, "vko" or "get to know") occupy a solid second place.

      Every tenth request for [email protected] looks like a website address (well, people confuse the browser address bar with the search bar).

      - The most common erroneous request - "classmates ", with one letter "c". (from 3% to 5% of users).

      - Second place among misspellings confidently keeps his word "agency" . For every 100 correct queries with this word, more than 30 queries are misspelled - "agency" , without the letter "t".

      According to (April - May 2010), the most errors are in popular queries, except " classmates " And "agency" , come from the words:

      • russifier (russifier)
      • cribs (cribs)
      • Toyota (Toyota)
      • video (video)

      85% of search queries contain a noun as the first word, which is 25% more than last year. Most often, the question is formulated as follows: nouns, adjectives, verbs. - "Hot tour package buy"

      And finally, obscene language:

      Surprisingly, there are very few such requests - much less than one percent.

      The very minimum percentage of requests containing obscene and obscene language comes from users; people respect their language and do not want to pollute it.

      Continuing the topic What is most often searched on the Internet. Popular queries, It will be interesting to see statistics on regional features and Geo-dependent search queries.

      But about this and about Yandex statistics comparing user activity in different cities -