Reset bios msi settings. Resetting the BIOS by removing the battery

The BIOS often needs to be reset on laptops when the user comes face to face with a number of problems that can only be corrected by resetting the BIOS.

Some problems can only be fixed by doing a hard reset; but the user needs to be aware of what this entails and how to do it.
Most often, the problem is not in the hardware; this will help bring the device back to life.

1. Reset details

It would seem that resetting the settings to factory settings is not difficult, or cannot be difficult. But a user who encounters this for the first time will need to specify the “path” and answer questions.
Why you need to reset the BIOS on a laptop:
- the need to reset a paralyzed BIOS due to loss of access to it. But this is only necessary if you will access the BIOS settings frequently;

- incorrect “overclocking” of the processor, with the highest settings being set, critical values bus frequency or memory timing. In general, overclocking the processor on laptops is most often not recommended;
- the system cannot boot, but the BIOS is available;
- included in BIOS various changes not an experienced user, which led to malfunction systems.

2. How can you reset the BIOS. Options.

For PCs and Laptops, there are several main options for resetting the BIOS to factory settings:
- using the interface of the BIOS itself, if available;
- using additional software, most often applicable for 32-bit OS;
- mechanically.
Other ways to reset your PC to factory settings can be found in its documentation, if available. Find instructions under certain models devices can also be found on the Internet or on the manufacturer’s website.

3. To factory settings via BIOS

Resetting BIOS settings can be done through the working BIOS itself, using a special utility already built into it. To do this, you need to go to the interface. The transition to the BIOS interface can be done using the following buttons: Delete, F2, 10, 11, Esc. Most often, this button is indicated when the system starts. The picture shows an example.

Once you are in the BIOS menu you need to find special menu“Exit” and select “Load setup Defaults”. Confirm the reset using the “yes” button, so the factory settings will be activated. After confirming the action with the F10 key, all changes will be saved.

Some laptop models have a different name for the BIOS reset item. For example, Sony has “optimized defaults”, that is, using this item you can reset the BIOS settings.

In Toshiba, Samsung and HP, this item is located under the F9 key and is called “Setup Defaults”.
For older models, these items are most likely: Use Default Settings or Set BIOS Default.

Most often, resetting the settings will turn on the PC and boot normally.

But if an error occurs during the BIOS reset, for example, at the system media selection point, you will need to go to the BIOS again and go to special settings:
1. Go to BIOS;
2. Find the Boot section;
3. In the tab Boot Mode change the UEFI item to Legacy;
4. Save the settings and reboot the system.
This method has a chance of not working, for example, if a password is set on the BIOS, or it is inaccessible for some other reason.

4. Reset BIOS using the DEBUG program

You can change the BIOS interface and reset it using special supplement for Windows OS. Most often, it is built into x32 systems and must be launched “as administrator”.
1. Open the “run” program Win + R;
2. Enter “debug.exe”;
3. Now enter “o702E”, “o71FF” and “q” one after the other;
4. Confirm your entry with the special “Enter” button.

After this action, all BIOS settings will be reset. And after the system reboots, the user will receive a notification that it is necessary to check the BIOS settings. Next, you will need to configure the BIOS yourself, or leave it as it is.

The disadvantage of this software is the inability to run on x64 Windows OS. This means that most modern computers will need to be “zeroed” using other methods.

5. Mechanical (hardware) method of resetting BIOS

Such a “hard” reset Laptop BIOS needed when the BIOS password is forgotten, unknown, or in any other case when the BIOS is inaccessible.
In this case, the only way out is a hardware reset of the BIOS.

Resetting "BIOS" with the button

Laptops released 2-3 years ago have this button in a visible place, so as not to resort to disassembling the device. To reset the BIOS using the button, you need:
1. Turn off the laptop completely, turn it upside down;
2. At the bottom, find the inscription “CMOS”; near it there will be a special hole through which you can reset the BIOS;
3. Insert a suitable object such as a “clip” or “nail” into the hole found to hold the button for 30 seconds or more;
4. Turn on the laptop.

If there are no holes, you need to disassemble it and find such a button.
Before disassembling the laptop, remove all power cords and other peripherals including battery.

Removing the “battery” from motherboard
This is the easiest way" hard reset» BIOS. Most Laptops will allow you to reset the settings by removing the battery highlighted in the picture below.

By removing the battery, you turn off the power to the BIOS and, accordingly, reset all settings and the password itself. The board should be de-energized for 5 to 40 minutes, it all depends on the model. Sometimes this may not work.

The battery is always in a visible place and is located closer to the edge of the motherboard and nothing interferes with its removal.
The user must:
- remove the cover;
- completely de-energize the devices, remove the laptop battery;
- find the battery;
- remove it carefully;
- wait up to 40 minutes for it to work;
- install the removable battery in place;
- turn on the laptop;
- New BIOS settings, set date, clock and other parameters.
Currently, there are non-removable batteries. For them this method is impossible. Therefore you can use in the following way.

Cleaning jumper - switching

This method of switching a jumper is possible if the laptop has a special jumper, which is responsible for resetting the BIOS settings.
In order to find it, you need to “climb” under the lid of the laptop and gain access to the motherboard. Most often, such a switch is located directly next to the battery, and the jumper is labeled with one of the following names: CLRTC, CLR and CCMOS.

Most often the Jumper pad consists of three contacts. To reset the BIOS you need to move this jumper one step, that is, from a certain position to the next, and vice versa.

After the jumper is switched, you should press the power button of the laptop for more than 10 seconds.
The laptop, of course, will not be turned on, but the signal will be transmitted to the jumper. After this, return the jumper to the position in which it was and proceed to turn on the laptop and configure the reset BIOS.

The hardware method of resetting the BIOS settings will almost 100% ensure that they are reset, but if the laptop is still under warranty, this action will lead to the loss of the warranty on it, so it is best to use the hardware method after the warranty period has expired.

6. Summary

The provided methods for resetting BIOS settings will help you cope with this problem without specialists. Most often, solving this problem should take no more than a couple of minutes.

But if none of the methods help, contact a service specializing in in this direction. The device can be protected using some kind of additional chip.

Good afternoon.

Many problems on a laptop can be solved if you reset the BIOS settings to factory settings (sometimes they are also called optimal or safe).

In general, this is done quite easily, it will be more difficult if you set a password on the BIOS and when you turn on the laptop it will ask for this same password. Here you can’t do without disassembling the laptop...

In this article I wanted to look at both options.

1. Reset laptop BIOS settings to factory settings

To enter the BIOS settings, the keys are usually used F2 or Delete(sometimes F10 key). It depends on the model of your laptop.

Finding out which button to press is quite easy: reboot the laptop (or turn it on) and look at the first welcome window (it always indicates a button to enter the Bios settings). You can also use the documentation that came with the laptop upon purchase.

And so, we will assume that you have entered the Bios settings. Next we are interested in Exit tab. By the way, in laptops different brands(ASUS, ACER, HP, SAMSUNG, LENOVO) the names of the Bios partitions are almost the same, so there is no point in taking screenshots for each model...

Setting up BIOS on an ACER Packard Bell laptop.

Next, in the Exit section, select a line like “ Load Setup Defaults"(i.e. loading default settings (or default settings)). You will then need to confirm in a pop-up window that you want to reset your settings.

And all that remains is to exit the BIOS while saving the settings made: select Exit Saving Changes(first line, see screenshot below).

Load Setup Defaults - loading default settings. ACER Packard Bell.

By the way, in 99% of cases with the settings reset, the laptop will boot normally. But sometimes it happens small mistake and the laptop cannot find what to boot from (i.e. from what device: flash drive, HDD, etc.).

To fix it, go to Bios again and go to the section Boot .

Here you need to change the tab Boot Mode :UEFI change to Legacy, then exit the Bios saving the settings. After rebooting, the laptop should boot normally from hard drive.

Changing the Boot Mode function.

2. How to reset BIOS settings if it requires a password?

Now let’s imagine a more serious situation: it happened that you set a password for the Bios, and now you have forgotten it (or your sister, brother, friend has set a password and is calling you for help...).

Turn on your laptop (in the example, an ACER laptop) and see the following.

ACER. The BIOS asks you to enter a password to use the laptop.

To all brute force attempts, the laptop responds with an error and after several incorrect passwords are entered, it simply turns off...

In this case, you cannot do without removing back cover laptop.

You only need to do three things:

  • disconnect the laptop from all devices and generally remove all cords that are connected to it (headphones, power cord, mouse, etc.);
  • remove the battery;
  • remove the cover protecting RAM And hard drive laptop (the design of all laptops is different, sometimes you may need to completely remove the back cover).

Overturned laptop on the table. You need to remove: the battery, the HDD and RAM cover.

Laptop without battery, hard drive and RAM.

There are two contacts under the RAM strips (they are also signed JCMOS) - these are what we need. Now do the following:

  • close these contacts with a screwdriver (and do not open them until you turn off the laptop. This requires patience and accuracy);
  • connect the power cord to the laptop;
  • turn on the laptop and wait about a second. 20-30;
  • turn off the laptop.

Now you can connect the RAM, hard drive and battery.

Contacts that need to be closed to reset the BIOS settings. Usually these contacts are labeled with the word CMOS.

Bios ACER laptop was reset.

We need to say a few words about the “pitfalls”:

  • not all laptops will have two contacts, some will have three, and to reset you need to move the jumper from one position to another and wait a few minutes;
  • instead of jumpers there may be a zero button: just press it with a pencil or pen and wait a few seconds;
  • You can also reset the Bios if you remove the battery from the laptop motherboard for a while (the battery looks like a small tablet).

That's all for today. Don't forget your passwords!

In some cases BIOS operation and the entire computer may be suspended due to incorrect settings. To restore the functionality of the entire system, you will need to reset all settings to factory settings. Fortunately, in any car this function is provided by default, but reset methods may vary.

In most cases, experienced PC users can return BIOS settings to an acceptable state without completely resetting them. However, sometimes you still have to do full reset, for example, in these cases:

  • You have forgotten your operating system and/or BIOS password. If in the first case everything can be corrected by reinstalling the system or using special utilities for recovering/resetting the password, then in the second case you will only have to do a complete reset of all settings;
  • If neither the BIOS nor the OS loads or loads incorrectly. It is likely that the problem will lie deeper than incorrect settings, but it’s worth trying to reset;
  • Provided that you have made incorrect settings in the BIOS and cannot return to the old ones.

Method 1: special utility

If you have a 32-bit version of Windows installed, then you can use a special built-in utility that is designed to reset BIOS settings. However, this is provided that operating system starts and works without problems.

Use these step-by-step instructions:

This method is only suitable for 32-bit Windows versions Moreover, it is not stable, so it is recommended to use it only in exceptional cases.

Method 2: CMOS battery

This battery is found on almost all modern motherboards. With its help, all changes in the BIOS are stored. Thanks to it, the settings are not reset every time you turn off the computer. However, if you take it out for a while, the settings will be reset to factory settings.

Some users may not be able to get the battery due to the nature of the motherboard, in which case they will have to look for other methods.

Step by step instructions for removing the CMOS battery:

Method 3: special jumper

This jumper is also quite common on various motherboards. To reset the BIOS settings using a jumper, use these step-by-step instructions:

You also need to take into account the fact that the number of contacts on some motherboards may vary. For example, there are samples where instead of 3 contacts there are only two or as many as 6, but this is an exception to the rule. In this case, you will also have to bridge the contacts using a special jumper, so that one or more contacts remain open. To make it easier to find the ones you need, look next to them for the following signatures: "CLRTC" or "CCMOST".

Method 4: Button on Motherboard

Some modern motherboards have special button to reset BIOS settings to factory settings. Depending on the motherboard itself and the features of the system unit, desired button can be located both outside the system unit and inside it.

This button may be labeled "clr CMOS". It can also be simply indicated in red. On the system unit, you will have to look for this button from the back, to which various elements are connected (monitor, keyboard, etc.). After clicking on it, the settings will be reset.

Method 5: use the BIOS itself

If you can enter the BIOS, then you can reset the settings using it. It's convenient because you don't need to open it system unit/ laptop case and perform manipulations inside it. However, even in this case, it is advisable to be extremely careful, as there is a risk of further aggravating the situation.

The reset procedure may differ slightly from that described in the instructions, depending on BIOS version and computer configurations. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

Resetting the BIOS settings to the factory state is not something difficult even for not very experienced users PC. However, if you decide to do it, it is recommended to exercise some caution, since there is still a risk of harming your computer.

In this note I will write how to reset (clear) the BIOS. The article is intended for beginners.

So, for some reason we need to reset (clear) the BIOS. Or, as they sometimes say, make “clear cmos”.

To facilitate this action in some high and medium motherboards price range The manufacturer provides buttons that allow you to clear CMOS data almost instantly.

They are usually marked with "clr_cmos" (clear_cmos).

They can be located on the front of the board itself:

So, behind the motherboard can be located:

And sometimes without any inscription at all:

[Instructions on how to use this " quick button reset" clear BIOS, will be at the end of the note].

But on ordinary motherboards (which constitute ~99% of the total number) there are no such “conveniences”. But there is no reason to be upset - absolutely every motherboard has a three-pin connector. This connector is precisely intended for cleaning the BIOS (CMOS).

They might look like this:

As you may have noticed in all three photos, a two-pin jumper (or jumper) is installed on the three-pin connector. The jumper can only close two of the three contacts. For all motherboards (and hard drives, by the way), these jumpers are absolutely standard - identical, that is.

This is what the jumper looks like:

They can be found either on the motherboard itself - in the box or on the motherboard itself, where it is already installed on a three-pin connector in position 1-2 (as you may have noticed in the three photos above). Like in the photo below:

Or find a jumper on hard drives, where it is already installed in some position.

But - on modern motherboards, manufacturers usually do not install any jumpers. Then you need to look for them in the store where you bought the motherboard - ask for one thing and they will give it to you for free.

In this particular case, we will look at the MSI P67A-C43 motherboard.

It looks like this:

On modern boards The three-pin connector for cleaning the CMOS is marked "JBAT1" (presumably Jumper Battery 1). Looking for her:

We found her. What needs to be done?

The instructions are as follows:

1. Turn off the computer in advance.

2. Move the button on the power supply (PSU) to position “0”.

3. Pull out the 3-pin power plug from the “back” of the power supply.

4. Then wait about 15 seconds and then take the jumper and jumper pins 2-3. Photo below:

If the jumper is already in position 1-2, then the jumper should be moved from position 1-2 to position 2-3. Photo below:

5. Wait for 5 seconds. Then return the jumper back to starting position 1-2. Even if there was no jumper, still let it remain in position 1-2.

This is normal as position 1-2 for the jumper is the standard/nominal operating position.

Under no circumstances leave the jumper in position 2-3! This is fraught with unpleasant consequences for the performance of the motherboard!

6. After you have installed the jumper in position 1-2, you can turn on the computer. The BIOS is, as they say, “virginly clean”.

P.S. Now let's talk about how to reset the BIOS using the "quick button".

We do the same steps as above, but instead of “dancing with jumpers” we simply press the button.

How to reset the BIOS - this question has probably arisen more than once for many users personal computer. A procedure such as resetting the BIOS settings can be extremely useful in cases where rebooting the computer does not help and, as it seems, can no longer be revived by the user, and the only way to restore the PC’s functionality is a visit to a repair shop. Since reset BIOS returns factory default settings, this method often helps solve problems related to improper functioning of the PC.

You may need to reset the BIOS settings due to various reasons. For example, it may be that you were experimenting with computer equipment as part of processor overclocking activities, and as a result, your computer simply stopped booting. Or you need to reset the password that prevents you from entering the BIOS. In short, the reasons may vary. Methods for resetting the BIOS can also vary, and not every method can be applied in every situation. But it’s better to talk about everything in order.

All BIOS reset methods can be divided into two main categories: hardware and software. To the most famous at the moment methods include the following:

  1. Resetting BIOS to default settings using BIOS Setup.
  2. Reset by installation special jumpers on the system board.
  3. Reset by removing the battery motherboard.
  4. Reset by short circuit certain contacts BIOS chips.
  5. Reset using port programming.

Let's take a closer look at these options.

Resetting the BIOS to default settings using BIOS Setup

The easiest way to perform the BIOS reset procedure is to start with this software method. To implement it, just enter Setup (usually by pressing Delete key when you boot the computer), find the appropriate partition, select the desired option and restart the computer. After the reboot occurs, the BIOS will return to factory default settings. The option to load default BIOS settings is available in almost every BIOS version. It's usually called Load Defaults or something like that.

Everything seems simple, but there are some limitations. The thing is that it will be difficult for you to apply this method in the event that you cannot enter BIOS Setup - for example, when your computer does not boot at all. A similar situation arises when an unknown password prevents you from logging into Setup or continuing to work with the computer after booting. Thus, the functional usefulness of the described method is limited.

Resetting the BIOS by installing special jumpers (jumpers) on the motherboard

Naturally, many motherboard manufacturers provided for the possibility that the user would not be able to clear the BIOS memory using Setup and load standard factory settings in a similar way. Therefore, solutions were built into the design of the boards that allow you to reset the settings BIOS hardware way.

Most often, you can use a special jumper for this purpose. Of course, finding a small jumper on a large motherboard is not always easy. So it's usually best to look at your motherboard's manual to find it.

If you do not have the manual with you, then you should remember that quite often this jumper is marked on the motherboard as Clear CMOS (and therefore this type jumpers are often referred to as Clear CMOS).

Clear CMOS jumper on motherboard

In addition, the jumper can most often be found near the battery that powers the CMOS memory. However, this rule is not always observed, so it is still safer to use the motherboard diagram to find the jumper.

Usually closing the Clear CMOS jumper is enough to clear the CMOS memory. To be safe, keep the jumper closed for a while. Typically within a few seconds BIOS memory turns out to be erased, and after that you can turn on the computer again.

We hope that all readers know the following principle, but let us remind you of it once again: all operations for setting jumpers must be carried out on a computer that is completely disconnected from the network, otherwise the results can be disastrous for the motherboard.

Resetting the BIOS by removing the CMOS battery from its slot

If there is no corresponding jumper on the motherboard (or you were unable to find it), but there is a CMOS battery on the board, then you can try to reset the BIOS memory in the following way - simply remove the battery from its socket. However, this method is not always as effective as it might seem at first glance. The fact is that CMOS memory usually does not require much power to operate and therefore BIOS data located in this type of memory can be stored in it for a long time even in the absence of power. Therefore, in order to make sure that you managed to completely clear the BIOS memory, you need to keep the system unit without a battery for some time. Usually, after a day, the CMOS memory is completely cleared, although very often a shorter period of time may be sufficient for this.

Appearance CMOS batteries

The CMOS battery is usually quite easy to find on the motherboard - it is usually made of shiny metal, and its surface is shaped like a circle with a diameter of 1 cm. Removing the battery is also quite simple - just press the special latch that holds the battery in the socket.

Like setting a jumper, removing the CMOS battery can only be done with the computer completely disconnected from the network.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that the battery is not always removable. Quite often, especially on a laptop, it is simply impossible to remove the battery without damaging the system board. In this case, the only option for the user is often to go to the service center.

Other methods of resetting BIOS

If none of the above methods helped you and you don’t know how to clear BIOS memory, then in some cases you can try other methods. However, they are not as reliable and you should use them at your own risk.

First of all, it is worth noting that such a frequently mentioned method of resetting the BIOS as closing the contacts BIOS batteries, is unlikely to be able to help you. Moreover, if you use it, it will be fraught with failure of the motherboard.

However, for some BIOS chips, a positive result is sometimes achieved by closing certain contacts of these chips. Below we provide a list of relevant microcircuits and the procedures that must be performed with them to reset the BIOS:

  • Р82С206 Chip – closure of contacts number 12 and 32 (or 74 and 75).
  • F82C206 Chip – closure of contacts 3 and 26.
  • Dallas DS1287A, DS12887A, Benchmarq bq3287AMT - closing contacts 12 and 21.
  • Motorola MC126818AP, Hitachi HD146818AP, Samsung KS82C6818A – closing contacts 12 and 24 (it is also possible to remove the chip from the socket).
  • Dallas DS12885S, Benchmarq bq3258S – closing contacts 12 and 24 (or 12 and 20).

When performing actions to close the contacts of microcircuits, you should adhere to several simple rules. First of all, it is worth remembering that all operations with microcircuits should be carried out only with the power of the computer’s motherboard turned off! In addition, often simply closing the contacts may not be enough to reset the BIOS, so it is best to keep the contacts closed for a few seconds.

In addition to hardware BIOS reset, as well as reset using the option Setup programs, clean and clean software methods, based on recording a specific set of data to the computer ports. Firstly, for this purpose you can use special utilities. But if you do not trust programs downloaded from the Internet, then similar program you can create it yourself. The easiest way to do this is to use Debug utility, included in the MS Windows operating system. To carry out the operation of clearing the BIOS from AMI or AWARD manufacturers, just run the “Run” program and enter the following set of commands:

After entering these commands, the computer must be restarted.

Features of resetting BIOS for a laptop

How to reset the BIOS - this question arises no less often for users working on a laptop than for those users who use a desktop PC for work. However, on a laptop, implement this operation, as a rule, is somewhat more complicated. In many cases, you can use the same methods on a laptop as you can on a desktop PC. However, often on a laptop the user may encounter enhanced protection BIOS data, especially on a top-end laptop. In this case, to perform the BIOS reset operation on a laptop, it is best to contact specialists.


Any user may benefit from information on how to reset BIOS settings. If your computer shows no signs of life, is malfunctioning, or you can’t boot it because you don’t know the password, then don’t despair. Resetting the BIOS contents to factory settings will, in most cases, restore the computer's functionality.

There are many ways to reset BIOS settings, and the most reliable and universal of them are hardware methods, such as setting jumpers on the motherboard or removing the CMOS battery.