Modern innovative technologies. Digital technologies are the future of humanity

This time there are a lot of interesting things on the stands at the forum. For example, examples of how digital will help people with cancer and prevent any fire

At the Open Innovations 2017 forum in the Skolkovo technology park. Photo: Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

The annual International Festival “Open Innovations” opened in Skolkovo. This time the theme of the festival is dedicated to digital economy. The forum is designed to show innovative achievements in all significant areas of the economy. And not only the economy, but life in general.

The large black building housed huge amount stands with participants, plus several stages where lectures were continuously held current topics. Among the speakers on the first day are the founder of the Kickstarter crowdfunding service Charles Adler, the famous futurologist Michio Kaku and the Russian director Timur Bekmambetov.

A lot of interesting things can be found at the stands. For example, the OncoUnite company can significantly help cancer patients with choosing the right medicine. And to do this on the basis of DNA analysis, says general manager company Dmitry Chebanov:

Dmitry Chebanov General Director of OncoUnite company“One of the offices is located here - in innovation center"Skolkovo". A person comes to us with the results of a biopsy. That's it, then we transfer the material to the laboratory, work with it, isolate and read the DNA. We pass the results received from the laboratory through our software product, which produces a result, namely, which treatment is suitable for this particular patient.”

There is also a fire prevention system. In 2016, Open Innovation was remembered, among other things, for a fire due to problems with wiring, which ended with the evacuation of Prime Minister Medvedev. You can prevent a fire, says Boris Korol from the TermoElectrika company:

Boris Korol representative of the company "ThermoElectrika"“The solution is based on an interesting property. When heated, special stickers made of gas-filled plastic, glued to the contacts, release gas at a pre-emergency temperature of 120 degrees. This means that there is something wrong with the contact. Further heating may cause a serious accident. The gas emitted by the sticker is caught by a special gas analyzer - a detector sensor. It sends a signal to the control panel, notifying the dispatcher that something has gone wrong in a particular electrical cell.”

Now, if someone burns on the forum, it will be only figuratively. A separate trend at the forum was VR technology. If before glasses virtual reality were needed in order for the zombies to come out computer game were scarier, now VR technology can help you decide on the design of your apartment or get involved in art.

At the Rusnano stand, wearing a virtual reality helmet, you can go to Baikal, where a huge art object “Guardian of Baikal” will soon be installed. It’s not there yet, but you can enjoy the beauty of the nature of Eastern Siberia, as if live, now, said Alexander Bragin, CEO of VR 2 GO:

Alexander BraginCEO of VR 2 GO“Currently the Tretyakov Gallery is hosting a biennale of contemporary art. The work of Dasha Namdakova “Guardian of Baikal” is exhibited there. We implemented a VR Experience for it, which allows you to be transported to Lake Baikal and look at the sculpture in your own maximum size six meters. The Frida Art Foundation approached us with the task of developing a VR Experience for the Biennale. We sent a 360 camera to Olkhon Island for filming, where the sculpture will be installed at the end of October.”

It’s easy to get lost within the walls of the technopark, traveling through virtual worlds. Neural networks, blockchain, quantum technologies, ventures - you can spend hours at these stands. The main thing is to return to reality after this.

Information systems have entered all spheres of life. The development of digital technologies opens up a huge range of opportunities. Progress in everyone and industry is proceeding at tremendous speed, never ceasing to surprise and delight.

The essence of the phenomenon

Digital technologies- it is based on methods of encoding and transmitting information discrete system, allowing you to perform many diverse tasks in the shortest periods of time. It is the speed and versatility of this scheme that have made IT technologies so in demand.

Business and production, daily needs and greatest discoveries- New techniques are applied in all areas.

Domestic use

Quantity digital devices in every home is constantly increasing. Computers, smartphones, consumer electronics- It’s hard to imagine modern reality without such gadgets. Digital technologies are unique phenomenon, which over the past decades has completely changed the way of life of every inhabitant of the planet.

Researchers argue that the introduction of technological innovations will occur at an increasingly rapid pace every year. It took 30 years for electricity to become widespread in the 20th century, and tablet computers came into use within 3-4 years.

Society is becoming friendlier. Huge flows of information that anyone can receive from the Internet make education more accessible. Realizing your creative potential or simply making money without leaving home - previously one could only dream of such opportunities. Today this is reality.

Saving Lives

The introduction of new digital technologies in medicine can save millions of lives every year. Modern developments help create high-tech equipment for the diagnosis, analysis and treatment of a wide variety of diseases. Clinical studies that can be conducted using unique empirical methods open up ample opportunities for the production of previously unknown drugs.

Improving methods of pharmacology, therapy and surgery helps reduce mortality rates and improve living standards.

Virtual methods of communication make it possible to diagnose diseases remotely in the shortest possible time. 3D printers that make it possible to produce prosthetics - such developments are the future.

Industry breakthrough

Increasing production volumes with the growing population on the planet is becoming a priority in many industries. Digital technologies are a way to speed up any industrial processes using ultra-precise measurement methods.

Implementation information systems in the methods of interaction between different parts of the enterprise makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the industrial organization. By creating more and more products in the shortest possible time, industrialists have the opportunity to sell products around the world.

By expanding the boundaries of possibilities, modern digital technologies help increase the pace of economic development.

Reducing the need for human resources in production makes it possible to free up the creative reserves of society, directing them to the development of spirituality and culture.

Business promotion

Business corporations are at different stages of implementing IT management and communication methods. However, it has long been clear that digital technologies are the most right direction for the rapid development of entrepreneurship.

Automation of work processes within companies allows you to maintain financial records based on real statistical data. Using management optimization experience allows you to diversify production and make more rational decisions in the process.

Business models are undergoing significant changes. Now any large organization has the opportunity to expand the scope of its activities using the global network. Quick access to any geographical point makes business management as efficient as possible.

Investments in digital help to obtain an objective assessment of real markets and customer needs.

The world is changing

Promising developments by the world's leading specialists are ready to conquer the whole world. Augmented reality is no longer just a theoretical project. Virtual mirrors are already being installed in fitting rooms of expensive clothing stores. Similar technologies are being tested in cars and on the streets of large cities.

Virtual reality has long migrated from science fiction films to the entertainment industry. Special helmets and suits allow you to experience one hundred percent interaction with virtual world, guaranteeing complete immersion into another reality.

The Internet is becoming more than just a way to exchange information. Digital technologies allow you to create a unique copy physical world. Each object connected to global network, is under full control owner. can report a forgotten iron, washing machine will signal a possible breakdown of the mechanism.

The development of IT communications involves the creation of interaction not only between a person and an object, but also between two mechanisms. Exchange of information between different elements conveyor line, simple methods maintenance, logistics management - here incomplete list the amazing benefits digital technology can bring.

The production of security documents is the most important traditional activity of JSC Goznak, in which the company has achieved great success. For many decades, paper was the main material for document production. But the requirements for the production of this protected product in recent years have undergone significant changes: (1) plastic is increasingly used in the production of documents; (2) documents are equipped with electronic storage media. These trends have presented the company with new challenges in research and development.

Today, one of the most important areas of activity of JSC Goznak is the development and implementation of new generation products and services. And before everything - complete complex of production and personalization of identification documents.

Documents on plastic media and new-generation secure products assume the presence of a machine-readable tool - a bar code, QR code, RFID tag, which are used as an element of additional authenticity control and for access to external databases. Our company has successful experience in creating products using barcodes and QR codes. Among other things, specialists from FSUE Goznak produced Russia’s first edition of postage stamps with a two-dimensional barcode. The stamp depicts official logo XXII Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi and the matrix code (QR code), with which you can use mobile device quickly get to the official website of SOCHI-2014.

The next stage of digital technologies - electronic information carriers are microcircuits, which are essentially microprocessors of varying complexity. Electronic media are increasingly used in the market information - contact, contactless, with dual interface.

Goznak in short terms managed to develop, implement and master the production of new generation documents. The company has successfully mastered the technology for producing documents in ID-1 (identification cards) and ID-3 (passports) formats with digital storage media. Using a contactless microcircuit, Goznak JSC produces new generation passports. When producing an electronic compulsory health insurance policy (CMHI), a contact microcircuit is used. When developing and creating a Universal electronic card(UEK) a dual interface is used.

This required research and development work in the field of selection of materials, methods of attaching microcircuits to the antenna, and methods of securing microcircuits in a plastic product. As part of the development of protective elements for plastic products, the following were created: an element made by laser with a personalized image (“Blik”); cards with a transparent window; color-variable elements based on embossing.

Our company not only produces electronic documents, but also personalizes them, using graphic and electronic technologies.

The main personalization center, created in 2006 at the Moscow Printing Factory of Goznak, produces up to 5 million international passports per year with electronic media information.

In 2012, the Multifunctional Personalization Center at the Moscow Printing House of Goznak was put into commercial operation - an important segment state system production, registration and control of new generation passport and visa documents (GS PVD NP). On this site, the process of personalizing passports with a domestically produced microcircuit, a Universal electronic card, compulsory health insurance policies, and payment cards has been organized and mastered.

The multifunctional personalization center is certified for compliance with the requirements and standards of international payment system MasterCard on physical and logical security. Previously, GOZNAK certified the infrastructure for the production of blanks bank cards according to the requirements of international payment systems MasterCard and Visa.

JSC Goznak has the ability to increase production volumes and personalization electronic documents wide range of purposes.

When producing personalized documents with electronic storage media, divisions of JSC Goznak work with personal data. This means that the company is obliged to provide high level security production processes, create secure system data processing and storage. And this is another task successfully solved by Goznak.

The complex of the state system for the production, registration and control of new generation passport and visa documents (GS PVD NP) also includes the Center for Processing and Storage of Electronic Data. JSC Goznak offers government agencies and state extra-budgetary funds the placement of external information systems on the company’s technological platforms, services for long-term and guaranteed storage of electronic documents and information, as well as the provision of electronic services on its basis.

One of the developments of Goznak JSC specialists in the field of digital technologies is already protected by a patent.

Innovative technologies have become perhaps the greatest agent of change in modern world. There is never a risk, but positive technological breakthroughs promise to provide innovative solutions to the world's most pressing problems of our time, from resource scarcity to global change. environment. (…) By highlighting the most important technological advances, the Council aims to raise awareness of their potential and help close gaps in investment, regulation and public perception.

− Noubar Afeyan, entrepreneur, one of the authors of the report

Now let's look at the innovations themselves.

These innovative technologies practically invisible. These include earbuds that monitor your heart rate, sensors that monitor your posture (worn under clothing), temporary tattoos that monitor your vital organs, and haptic soles that give you GPS directions via vibration.

The latter, by the way, want to be used as a guide for the blind. And everyone knows the glasses Google Glass Innovative technology is already helping oncologists perform operations.

Google Glass is an innovative technology

2. Nanostructured graphite composite materials

Car exhaust polluting the atmosphere is the scourge of modern environmentalists. It is not surprising that the increase working efficiency transport is one of the priority technological areas.

This will be facilitated by carbon fiber nanostructuring methods for the latest composite materials, which will help reduce the weight of cars by 10% or more. For what? A light car needs less fuel, which means it will pollute the environment less

Another environmental problem is the reduction of reserves fresh water and associated desalination sea ​​water. Desalination can increase the supply of fresh water, but it also has disadvantages. Moreover, serious ones. Desalination requires a lot of energy and also produces concentrated salt water waste. The latter, returning to the sea, has an extremely negative effect on marine flora and fauna.

And the most promising solution to this issue may be to fundamentally new look for this waste. They can be considered as a raw material source of very valuable substances: lithium, magnesium, uranium, ordinary soda, calcium, potassium compounds.

Energy problems are an inexhaustible source of questions. But some of them, it seems, will become completely solvable, thanks to new innovative technologies. For example, it is proposed to use flow batteries to store chemical energy in liquid form and in large quantities. This is similar to how we store coal and gas.

They will allow you to store quite large amounts of energy and all kinds of solid batteries, and in cheap and accessible materials.

Recently, graphene capacitors have also been invented large capacity, with which you can very quickly charge and discharge batteries, performing many tens of thousands of cycles. Engineers are also considering other potentials, such as kinetic energy in large flywheels and storage compressed air underground.

Molecular structure of graphene

5. Nanowire lithium-ion batteries

Such innovative batteries will conduct faster full charge and generate 30-40% more electricity than today's lithium ion batteries. All this will help improve the electric vehicle market, and will also allow storing solar energy right at home. Experts suggest that now and over the next two years, batteries with a silicon anode will also be used in smartphones.

A real leap forward in this area occurred last year. This is why there is a high probability that in the near future we will see important breakthroughs regarding the use of innovative screenless display technology. About what we're talking about? About virtual reality headset, bionic contact lenses, development mobile phones for elderly and visually impaired people, about video holograms that do not require glasses or moving parts.

Glyph: futuristic virtual reality helmet

7. Medicines for human intestinal microflora

IN lately It turned out that intestinal microflora influences the development of many diseases - from infections and obesity to diabetes and inflammation of the digestive tract.

Everyone knows that antibiotics destroy the intestinal microflora, causing complications such as infections from the bacterium Clostridium difficile, and sometimes threatening human life. Therefore, today clinical trials are being conducted all over the world. As a result, it was possible to detect groups of microbes in a healthy intestine. These microbes will help create a new generation of drugs, which, in turn, will help improve the treatment of human intestinal microflora.

These are also new generation drugs. Advances in the study of ribonucleic acids (RNA) will make it possible to obtain them. With the help of these drugs, it will be possible to dilute the natural protein present in excessive quantities and it will be possible to produce optimized medicinal proteins in the natural conditions of the body.

RNA-based drugs will be produced by already established private companies, but in collaboration with large pharmaceutical companies and research centers.

9. Predictive analytics

Smartphones are innovative technologies that contain an incredible amount of information about the activities of people, both the owners of these smartphones and their acquaintances (contact lists, call logging, GPS, Wi-Fi, geo-referenced photos, download data, applications we use etc.) will help build detailed predictive models about people and their behavior.

All this, according to experts, should serve a good purpose - for example, urban planning, prescribing individual medications, medical diagnostics.

Innovative technology Controlling a computer only with the power of thought is not at all a fantasy. Moreover, this is much closer to reality than we used to think. Brain-computer interfaces (where a computer reads and interprets signals directly from the brain) are already being tested in clinical trials. And most importantly, there are already good results. They are needed, however, not for entertainment, but for people with disabilities. For example, for those who suffer from quadriplegia (paralysis of the arms and legs), isolation syndrome, people who have suffered a stroke, and who use a wheelchair. The brain-computer interface is capable of many things. With its help, a person will be able to control, say, a robotic arm in order to drink, eat and do much more. Moreover, brain implants can partially restore vision.