Standard Windows 7 Explorer. System File Checker

Any WINDOWS operating system cannot function without a shell. Built into the system, it is a conductor between all elements and nodes, hence the name. Therefore, if Explorer malfunctions, the entire operating system freezes. As a result, this application stops working.

Causes and solutions

Sometimes this happens when running some unstable program, sometimes when opening some faulty media, sometimes for other reasons. obvious reasons. That is, immediately after some user action a crash occurs. The cause of the problem in these cases is obvious, and you can fix it simply by removing the unstable program or formatting the media.

But there are also hidden reasons. For example, when opening the context menu of a file or folder, it freezes and, if the system is functioning well, ends problematic application, V in this case"Conductor". Such an event may occur due to the fault of this file (or folder), if there are errors in recording data or if it is excessively divided into fragments. This is unpleasant, but not “deadly”. This scenario occurs in any system, and it is not possible to avoid it. You can only reduce the frequency of its repetition.

To do this you need to perform some operations with group policy. You can open the console that controls these parameters using the Run command, entering the console name “GPEDIT.MSC” in the field and clicking OK. You can also go to the “System32” folder, which is located in the “WINDOWS” folder, and run this file as an administrator.

In the console that opens, go through the tree to “Computer Configuration”. In Administrative Templates, expand WINDOWS components" In this subsection, click the line with the words “WINDOWS Explorer”.

In the right side of the console, double-click on the line “Disable protected shell protocol mode” and, in the dialog that opens, click on the “Enable” button. Do the same with the “Disable Data Execution Prevention” option. You can also disable "close heap due to corruption". Such settings reduce the number of conflicts when launching old applications and modules and remove the restriction on applications opening all files and folders.

Usually, when the shell freezes, WINDOWS automatically restarts Explorer, but this does not always happen. To restart the shell manually, you need to launch the “Task Manager” (keys “CTRL+ALT+DELETE”). On the “Applications” tab, highlight the line with the “not responding” status note and click on the “End task” button at the bottom. The window that caused the freeze will close and the system will start working.

In more complex cases, when everyone “does not answer” open windows you need to do the same operation with them. If this does not help, you need to go to the “Processes” tab, highlight the line with the application that is overloading the processor (the value in the “CPU” column is greater than 95), and click the “End Process” button.

Also, if File Explorer does not start automatically after closing, you can start it by clicking the " New task" and entering "EXPLORER.EXE" in the field.

In cases where errors in the operation of Explorer are more critical, it is best to reinstall the operating system, or, if there is a saved archive copy system partition, restore a working version.

In conclusion.

To reduce the influence of various programs on the shell, you need to remove the programs they build into context menu points. For this you can use suitable utility with a context menu manager (for example, “GLARY UTILITIES”).

Program to improve functionality standard Explorer Windows. It allows you to integrate some functions into Explorer popular browser Google Chrome, such as working with multiple tabs in one window and creating bookmarks for frequently used files and folders.

Many people often make various jokes about how operating systems work. Windows family. These are most often “advanced” users who switched to Linux and others like them :).

Many people, reluctantly, endure the inconvenience of working with a PC, gradually getting used to it. And only a few try to improve their system in any way by adding various useful features, which greatly facilitate the performance of everyday tasks.

In our article today, I would like to touch on the topic of improving Windows Explorer. Some users decided to get rid of it once and for all and use third-party file managers.

This is also an option, but usually many remain “attached” to standard means access to files. And precisely for such users third party developers They write dozens of different applications that significantly improve the good old Explorer.

It's no secret that the Explorer is based on the notorious Internet Explorer, only stripped down and adapted to work with the local file system. Program developers Clover, about which today and we'll talk, decided that since the basis for the standard viewer Windows files is a browser, then let it be... Chrome!

Accordingly, by installing Clover, we will get a “chrome-like” appearance Explorer with the ability to create multiple tabs (instead of opening new windows) and bookmarks to quickly navigate to the desired directories!

But about everything in due time, for now I offer a small comparison of Clover with paid analogue, which improves working with files in Explorer - Xplorer 2:

Comparison with a paid analogue

Clover is not as functional as other similar utilities, but I liked it primarily because it practically does not change the appearance of Windows Explorer. This allows you to comfortably use standard sidebar tasks. That is, there is no need to relearn and remember what and where (in terms of functions) is now located - everything remains as it was, and even better :)

Installing the program

Installation will not take you much time. Just download the archive with the program and run from it installation file. In the window that appears, click the “Next” button, and in the next window, select (if necessary) the installation location, click the “Install” button and wait for the installation process to complete.

After installation is complete, a program icon will appear on your desktop and the “My Computer” window will open, which will now look like this:

As you can see, virtually everything remained in place, but three new points were added: the ability to create tabs became possible, the bookmarks bar was activated, and a button in the form of a wrench was added to configure our program.

Clover program settings

First of all, let's take a look at the Clover settings menu:

To be honest, it slightly disappointed me... The fact is that, in fact, there are no settings at all :). All we can do is open new tab, new window and hide the bookmarks bar. Not too much, though I didn’t really want to :). Indeed, the fewer customization options, the less chance there is to mess up somewhere ;)

Interestingly, by selecting “About Clover”, we will see a window in which we can check if there are any updates for our program. By the way, it looks the same as the Chrome browser.

The “Help” item will send us to the official website of the program (by the way, it’s Chinese :)), and “Exit”, contrary to expectations, will not disable new functions, but will simply close the current window.

Working with bookmarks

As we found out above, bookmarks in Clover are the only thing that can be customized, so let's start with them:

There are several ways to add a bookmark to the desired folder or file:

  1. Drag the folder (or file) icon to the bookmarks bar;
  2. Select the folder and press the key combination “CTRL+D”;
  3. Call the context menu of the bookmarks bar and click “Add page”.

In addition, as in “Chrome-like” browsers, we have the ability to group our bookmarks by certain folders. Call the context menu of the bookmarks bar and activate the “Add folder” item:

In the window that appears, in the “Name” field, enter the desired name for your folder and click “Save.” If you need to create several folders, this can be done by pressing the “ New folder" Bookmarks are added to the resulting folders using the same principles as to the bookmarks bar.

Using bookmarks, you can access any folders, files and even programs, thus obtaining an excellent tool for quick call required functions!

Working with Tabs

Clover's main trump card is the function of adding tabs to Explorer:

As with working with bookmarks, the most convenient way to open the desired folders in new tabs is to drag them to the tab bar. In this case, the cursor will take the form of an arrow, which indicates whether you need to insert a new tab after the existing one, before it, or open it in the current tab (see screenshot above).

However, in reality there are much more possibilities for creating a tab:

  1. The already mentioned drag and drop (opens the selected folder in a new tab);
  2. Clicking the parallelogram button to the right of the last open tab (opens a new “My Computer” tab);
  3. Keyboard shortcut “CTRL+T” (opens a new tab “My Computer”);
  4. The “New Tab” item in Settings and in the context menu of the tab bar (opens a new “My Computer” tab).

Regarding last point I would like to talk separately:

In the context menu you can find another pretty convenient way creating a new tab - “Duplicate”. It allows you to quickly create a copy of the currently selected tab.

In addition, useful items here will be “Open closed tab", which allows you to bring back recently viewed tabs that you closed, and "Pin a tab." Last function allows us to keep the necessary open tabs even after turning off Explorer!

In addition to the simple convenience of displaying several directories in one window, you can also easily drag and drop files and folders between open tabs, so that the need for multi-panel interfaces disappears by itself!

That's probably all there is to it :). It's time to take stock.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • expanding functionality without changing the appearance of Explorer;
  • support for opening multiple folders in different tabs of the same window;
  • developed bookmark system for quick access to the necessary folders and files;
  • convenient tab management functions;
  • moving files and folders between open tabs.
  • not found :).


The conclusion suggests itself - if you are not used to using various file managers in your work, then Clover will be an excellent addition to your standard Explorer.

With its help you will not only simplify navigation through file system and copying data from one folder to another, but you can also organize your own shortcut panel for any programs or folders! And all this - without significant changes in the functionality of the standard Explorer!

P.S. Permission granted to freely copy and quote. this article provided that open active link to the source and preservation of the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny.


Versions change operating system, and one single program continues to be the most important with an unchanged set basic functions. It's about about standard for Windows file manager - conductor.

Since the times of the antediluvian operating room MS-DOS systems the basis for managing everything that happens on the computer were needed various programs. Working with any files was available when running the so-called file managers, the founder of the family of which is considered to be the program Norton Commander.

What is Windows 7 Explorer

With the arrival and consolidation as a base Windows systems, starting with its versions 95 and the subsequent 98th, a group of programs called “file managers” received, in fact, a new branch of development. Even though “Norton-compatible” utilities continued to develop, even such long-lived ones as FAR appeared, but a completely different program became the basis for managing the entire file system.

Today, Windows 7 Explorer serves as a navigator through the system of files located on the hard drive and all connected removable media, surprises no one and only those who saw the times of using another software, sometimes remembers its advantages or disadvantages.

Explorer has all the necessary capabilities for copying, deleting files and editing them, from changing the name to launching a specialized editor program or viewing utility (provided that they are installed separately from each other).

Explorer for Windows is a regular file manager with the following set of functions and capabilities:

  • Navigating through the file system: opening a directory (folder), opening files for reading or editing, launching programs, renaming, deleting files, copying or moving them, and much more.
  • Search by numerous parameters, starting from the name (full and partial), ending with the presence of certain text and other characteristics inside the file.
  • View file properties, even previewing its contents (depending on the selected method of displaying them).
  • Providing additional functions. For example, access to service menu hard drive, allowing you to format it, check it, defragment it.

Through Explorer, Windows 7 is completely controlled, like a car with a steering wheel, despite the presence of other controls in it. For the user, Explorer is associated with the graphical shell operating system, file managers have become so firmly ingrained in his daily life. After all, since the days of Norton Commander, they have been set to autoload to simplify computer management.

Does Explorer change with replacement versions of Windows?

Computer users are accustomed to the fact that with the transition to updated version In addition to an expanded set of functions, Windows often receives other GUI even for familiar “standard” programs. This happened with the advent of XP, and then modifications 7 and 8 became a reason for discussion.

The changes regarding the Explorer utility are quite easy to notice, especially if you start comparing with Windows 98. The arrival of the mass version of XP to replace the outdated or, more correctly, exhausted modification was marked by the introduction of serious changes to the appearance of Explorer.

Changes were made to it that made the program more focused on completing the tasks inherent in modern computer, namely the reproduction various content, drawings, videos, music. This became possible thanks to the presence on the left side of the Explorer window of a list of tasks available for execution for each type of file or directory.

Changes were also made to the placement of the main menu items, so in Windows 7 it became possible to pin necessary programs on the Taskbar instead of the Panel quick launch. A non-removable “Collapse All” button has appeared, located at the bottom of the screen to the right of the clock. Display option disabled classic look Start menu, familiar since Windows 98.

Small changes like the appearance of a button to create a new folder or save search results for later use have become a matter of habit, because... Many computer owners pay little attention to such details, assessing changes based on global changes.

Hidden features of Windows 7 Explorer

Despite quite standard set functions, the developers have put a lot of features into Explorer for Windows 7 and subsequent versions of this operating system. They are often simply ignored, using more familiar categories.

So, among the most significant “hidden” opportunities it is worth noting the following:

  • Libraries. All user files on your computer can be conveniently placed in several virtual folders by their purpose: documents, music, etc. You can create your own categories and quickly move between folders.

  • Access to the most visited places. In fact, this is a working analogue of Favorites, where links to the most important directories and files are saved automatically, which distinguishes the function from the “standard” one, it uses manual creation links.
  • Panel quick access commands can now be edited manually. This approach allows you to reconfigure the “appearance” of Explorer to suit individual requirements, which simplifies the use of your computer. For example, it’s much easier to turn on the display hidden files or their expansion, which is often necessary for a short period of time, and it is difficult to search every time desired item in the context menu.
  • When you press and hold a key, you can quickly launch the most common commands. A number or letter appears next to the corresponding menu item for activation with one click.
  • Quickly switch folder types. For example, you can easily enable tiled display for quick view contents of the pictures. And then return the list appearance for more comfortable work with files.

Not everyone takes advantage of such opportunities, because... accustomed to minimal comfort outdated versions systems and there is not always the desire or time to explore new opportunities.

How to launch Explorer

Even launching this program is possible in several ways. So, in addition to the usual double click You can use the “My Computer” icon in at least two more ways.

  • Call the context menu by pressing right click mouse on Start. Select "Open File Explorer".
  • Press the hotkey combination +. Explorer will start immediately.

The second method is especially interesting if you often use applications that are maximized to full screen and the Start button is inaccessible. Such little things significantly speed up the use of the computer and make the interface more friendly.

Many popular apps from the world of computers are taking root on mobile devices ah - and vice versa. For example, applications WhatsApp messengers, Telegram or Viber were initially available only for mobile devices, but now they can also be used on “large” PCs. The ES project has proven itself so well on Android that many users today would prefer to use it on Android as well. big screen. Of course, if all its advantages were preserved under the desktop OS.

Convenient and small, it can do everything, works with networks, scans files for viruses, contains a preview for everything that can be shown or played, customizes the interface - the perfect file manager!

But does he exist in the world at all? On at the moment There is no official confirmation.

Alas, the answer is no. Developers do not want (or are not ready) to discover new operating systems. Therefore, downloading ES Explorer for either Windows 7 or Windows 10 - free or paid - will not work anywhere.

Unfortunately, the PC version has not yet been developed by the creators of ES Explorer

Is this bad? Probably not. Today there are not many popular file managers for Windows: this is a system file manager (which consists of windows), a modern two-panel Total Commander and the old-fashioned-looking but powerful Far Manager.

Do they need another one to join their company? In fact, there are only two cases when ES File Explorer for Windows 7 systems is really needed.

  • This is a situation where Android emulator(BlueStacks) you need file access external system. Then yes, ES saves you. But to say that this is “ES Explorer for Windows 7 on a computer” would be too loud.
  • Connect via Wi-Fi from an Android smartphone to a PC. If access is open, then through your favorite file browser you can view and copy files from your PC as easily as between folders on the phone itself.
  • It’s easy to copy files in both directions, although the process can only be controlled from a mobile device.

But, we repeat, it is impossible to download ES Explorer to a computer for Windows, for free or for money. All sites offering it are fraudulent. Therefore, we strongly advise you not to believe them. If you need accurate data, look for the official website of the developers or subscribe to the newsletter.

How to replace ES Explorer on Windows 7?

In general, any file manager from the previous paragraph. Any of them will provide you with maximum freedom in working with files and will help speed up long, painstaking work, and will also replace several other applications. Which one to choose is a matter of your taste.

Total Commander could be a replacement for ES Explorer

However, if the developers do create ES File Explorer for some desktop OS, we will be among the first to write about it. And then it will probably be something interesting and worthy.

Note that there is another alternative, especially if you need a computer as an entertainment center: choose a model not on a Microsoft system, but on Android, and connect it to the TV. Then your favorite ES Explorer will come in very handy!

The conductor is computer program, which is the main operating system of any Windows family. Users are able to navigate between folders and directories, move, delete and copy documents. Present various panels, allowing you to include quick search in any folder. Unlike many other file managers, it uses only one work panel. If you have ever downloaded and worked with Total Commander, which has two working panels, Explorer may not seem very convenient at first. However, working with the program is very simple and convenient, so in the near future you will definitely love this software. Moreover, if you manage to download the QT Tab Bar Explorer program, the main purpose of which is to improve and add new functions.

Most users use the most different programs to optimize the operation of the computer, browser, but no one thought that Explorer could also be significantly improved. It is for these purposes that a wonderful utility called QT Tab Bar was developed, which any user can download. The software is freely available, so there should be no problems with downloading and installation. Despite their status, the benefits of which are minimal and will only pollute the hard drive.

Another advantage of the free QT Tab Bar program is its full Russification. The only thing you need for this is to download special file V xlsx format and send it to the folder with installed utility. Now you will have access to all settings and options in Russian, which will significantly simplify the process of processing information and managing software.

Download QT Tab Bar Explorer for free to improve functionality

What new functions will the user receive if he managed to download and install free program QT Tab Bar for Explorer? First of all, it is necessary to note the wonderful tab system copied from browsers. That is, links to your folders and directories will appear on the toolbar. Naturally, you yourself will set the settings for the tabs, adding the folders that you visit most often. Everything looks very nice and compact, and the time spent moving between different folders is significantly reduced.

If you download the QT Tab Bar Explorer program, you will have access to preview files, toolbars from Windows Vista and Windows 8, hotkeys and many other functions. Overall, QT Tab Bar is a great program that should make working with system utility Conductor.