Text editor OpenOffice Writer. Writer: a powerful word processor

OpenOffice.org is a feature-rich suite of office applications with multilingual support that works on all major operating systems. When working with the Open Office package, you can store all your data in open format Open Document Format (ODF).

Approved by the International Organization for Standardization, this package applications allows you to export documents to PDF format with one click and provides Flash support. The already familiar interface will not confuse you - it is easy to understand and use, especially for users “seasoned” with working with Microsoft Office.

OpenOffice.org - good alternative MS Office and other similar packages. Among its functionality you will find a word processor, graphic editor, a spreadsheet, a client for processing databases and a module for creating a variety of presentations. And all this is absolutely free. You won’t pay “a penny” for a complete set of useful distribution kits.

By the way, there is no need to redo documents in the old Word format, because Open Office is compatible with all major formats, including Microsoft ones. Of course, the free OpenOffice cannot reach the “polished” commercial applications, but in terms of price/quality the office suite has left even the famous heavyweights behind.

If you need good program with a high level of security, rich functionality, flexible settings and comprehensive compatibility, we recommend downloading the Open Office package for free without registration. You can use it in your business, in a government agency, in education or at home. One of the most useful opportunities OpenOffice.org - use the program without installation, launching it, for example, from your handy flash drive.

OpenOffice.org can be downloaded for free only because the package is distributed free of charge and for normal operation no license fees required.

The Open Office office suite includes the following programs:

  • Writer (replacement for MS Word) - text and visual editor HTML
  • Calc (MS Excel replacement) - spreadsheet application
  • Draw (instead of Paint) - a graphic editor for working with vector images
  • Impress (replacement for MS Powerpoint) - application for creating presentations
  • Base (instead of MS Acess) - application for working with databases (DBMS)
  • Math - editing mathematical formulas.

One of the main innovations of OpenOffice.org version 3 is support for the new format Open XML- files with the extension .docx, .pptx, .xlsx. You can save documents in this format by default, starting with Microsoft Office 2007. The developers of the free office suite OpenOffice.org tried to make it easier for even novice users to work with the application.

Spell checking: To enable spell checking and hyphenation for the Russian language in OpenOffice.org, you must install a Russian spelling dictionary. Dictionaries are installed using the extension management service. First you need to download the dictionary [dict_ru_RU-0.6.oxt], and then install it using the menu command "Tools => Manage extensions".

OpenOffice.org Writer- word processor and visual (WYSIWYG) HTML editor, part of OpenOffice.org and free software(released under LGPL license).

Writer is a free replacement Microsoft Word . Writer also has some features not natively found in Word, such as:

l saving documents in PDF format (This feature was implemented in MS Office 2007 in the form of a plug-in, which is not included in the standard package and must be installed separately);

l arithmetic calculations and other formulas in tables (Word also has them)

l the ability to create compound documents; (Also available in Word)

l the ability to protect individual parts of documents (sections) and individual cells tables from changes; (Also available in Word)

l support for page styles (There really is no analogue)

l formula editor is separate component OpenOffice package, it is quite simple, allows you to type formulas both symbolically and in a notation very similar to TeX

Disadvantages of Writer

l Unlike editors such as Microsoft Word, Writer does not have a grammar checker, although it does have a spell checker. To enable grammar checking, you need to install a special extension.

l The email capability, which was completely rewritten in version 2.0, is still less stable and extensible than other word processors.

l Writer's cold start time is higher than other word processors. It's often claimed that Writer's performance is slower than Word's, but various tests show it's about as fast as

l It's difficult to set table boundaries in Writer

l There is no ability to create multi-page documents in the form of brochures

16. Concept of spreadsheets and spreadsheet processor

Spreadsheets(or spreadsheet processors) are application programs designed to carry out spreadsheet calculations and complex calculations using formulas.

A set of tools consisting of software modules and implementing a certain set of operations on tabular data is usually called table processor

The most popular table processors

l Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program created by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows, Windows NT and Mac OS. It provides economic-statistical capabilities, graphical tools and VBA ( Visual Basic for applications). Microsoft Excel is part of Microsoft Office and today is one of the most popular applications to the world

l OpenOffice.org Calc- a table processor included in OpenOffice.org. With its help, you can analyze input data, do calculations, make forecasts, and combine data with different sheets and tables, build charts and graphs

17. Functions in MS Excel. Table processor MS Excel. Basic Concepts

l Workbook is a spreadsheet document that combines worksheets, chart sheets, and macro sheets. Stored in a separate file.

l Worksheet- an information structure in which data is organized into rows and columns. The worksheet consists of 256 columns (usually denoted in Latin letters from A to IV) and 65,356 lines.

l Cell- the smallest structural unit within a worksheet or macro sheet. The cell is at the intersection of a column and a row.

l Selection area- selected set of cells. The selection area can be adjacent or non-adjacent.

l Related area is a selected rectangular area. The selection order is similar to the order used in the Word editor.

l Non-contiguous area is a selection area consisting of several rectangular areas. The first adjacent area is selected. Next, hold down the “Ctrl” key and select the remaining adjacent areas.

l Range- address of the selection area. For an adjacent (i.e., rectangular) area, the range looks like: cell address from the upper left corner, colon symbol, cell address from the lower right corner. For example, A1:B5. For noncontiguous areas, a range consists of a list of the range of contiguous areas separated by a semicolon.

Formulas in MS Excel

l Calculations in tables are made using formulas. A formula can consist of mathematical operators, values, cell references, and function names. In this case, the result of executing the formula is a new value. The result is placed in the cell in which the formula is located. The formula begins with an equal sign.

Formula bar- located under the bottom line of the toolbar. Consists of three parts. The left side (name field) shows the address (or name) active cell or a range of cells. The right side contains the contents of the cell. There are three buttons in the center. Button with a cross - undo the last changes made to the contents of the cell. Button with a checkmark - save the last changes made to the contents of the cell. Button " fx » - call the function wizard

Functions in MS Excel

Function- combining several mathematical operations to solve a specific problem. Functions are formulas that have one or more arguments

Charts in Excel

Diagram- form graphical representation numerical data. There are several types of charts, e.g. line graph, pie chart, bar chart, etc. The diagram can be placed either in a worksheet or in separate sheet diagrams.

18. Database concept

Database is a set of independent materials presented in an objective form (articles, calculations, regulations, court decisions and other similar materials), systematized in such a way that these materials can be found and processed using an electronic computer.( Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 1260).

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Page creation date: 2016-07-22

Text OpenOffice editor. org Writer 2

Getting to know the workspace... 3

Basic concepts. 5

Document formatting. 8

Markers and numbering. 12

Formatting text into multiple columns. 13

Tables.. 14

Insert graphic images. 16

Formula editor. 17

Saving the document. 21

Exercises for independent work.. 23

Test questions.. 28

Text editor OpenOffice. org Writer

A text editor is a computer program designed to create and edit text files, as well as viewing them on the screen, printing them, searching for text fragments, etc. There are two types of editors. The first type is focused on working with a sequence of characters in a text file. Such editors provide advanced functionality - syntax highlighting, string sorting, templates, encoding conversion, display of character codes, etc. Sometimes they are called code editors, since their main purpose is to write source codes computer programs. The second type of text editors has advanced functions for formatting text, introducing graphics and formulas, tables and objects into it. Such editors are often called word processors and are intended for creating various types of documents, from personal letters to official papers. Text editors include Microsoft Word, Lotus Word Pro, Corel Word Perfect, Star Office and others. This tutorial will focus on the text editor - OpenOffice. orgWriter.

OpenOffice. org Writer is a text editor, a program for creating and processing text documents. WYSIWIG (What You See Is What You Get) view allows you to view your print-ready document on screen without having to waste paper on a test print. Formatted characters appear on screen as they will appear when printed.

Text editors can provide a variety of functions, namely:

· editing text lines;

· ability to use different character fonts;

· copying and transferring part of the text from one place to another or from one document to another;

· contextual search and replacement of parts of text;

· setting arbitrary line spacing;

· automatic transfer words on a new line;

· automatic page numbering;

· alignment of paragraph edges;

· creation of tables and diagrams;

· checking the spelling of words and selecting synonyms;

· creation of tables of contents and subject indexes;

· printing the prepared text on a printer in the required number of copies, etc.

Getting to know the workspace

Figure 1 shows the Writer workspace, typical application OpenOffice package. org. Along the top edge of the application window is the title bar - a rectangular area containing the name of the program, the name of the document, and control buttons with which you can resize the window, minimize it, or close it.

Elements user interface, which you see when you launch the OpenOffice application. org Writer - menu bars, toolbars, status bars and windows - are called the program's work area. All OpenOffice applications. org have a similar interface. However, each program uses a special metaphor for its workspace depending on the tasks it performs: Writer documents are like printed pages, Calc documents- on tables, Database documents - these are forms for data entry, etc.

Below the title bar is a menu bar with commands that do the main work in the program. Each word on this line is a button that opens a list of commands. Running the command may not be possible (the command is inactive); it may open a submenu with clarifying commands or a dialog box. Figure 2 shows the OpenOffice menu bars. org, and below is a breakdown of the symbols:

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· Ellipsis after the command name - Selecting a menu command displays a dialog box;

· Dimmed command - The menu command is currently unavailable;

· Checkmark next to a command - The checked command is currently active. (These commands control parameters or properties that can be entered or deselected.) Clicking on a previously checked command clears the check box and thereby cancels execution of that command; clicking on an unchecked command sets the check box;

· Triangle to the right of the command name: cascade menu (or submenu) - Accessing this menu item displays a submenu with new commands of the next level

· Keyboard shortcut to the right of the command name - Alternative launch of a menu command using the keyboard

· Underlined letters - Click on Alt key together with a key with an underlined letter (often chosen according to a mnemonic principle, such as F in the word File) runs a command.

Below the menu bar is one or more sets of buttons. These sets are called toolbars. Toolbar buttons are shortcuts to menu commands.

To run a command from the toolbar, simply click the button. To clarify the purpose of a button, hover your mouse over it and a tooltip will appear.

Basic Concepts

Printing options

Figure 3 shows the OpenOffice application dialog box. org. (This dialog box appears when you select Print from the File menu.)

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Dialog boxes prompt you to select one or more options using list boxes, buttons, and other components. To exit the dialog box, mark your selection and click OK. To move between items in the dialog box, use the mouse or the Tab key; the item you want to fill is always highlighted. Most dialog boxes do not require you to fill in all the blank fields. If, after the dialog box appears, you decide that you do not need it, click the Cancel button or click the close button on the title bar of the dialog box. You can also call up a tooltip by clicking on the “?” in the title bar, and then clicking on the item you want to learn more about.

Editing text

Once you place your cursor where you want to make changes in the document, the next step is editing. This could be deleting, adding or replacing characters, moving or deleting part of the text, or changing the case of the text.

Please note that changes are made exactly to the place in the text where the cursor (black vertical blinking line) is currently located; the mouse pointer (thin black non-blinking vertical line) may be in a different place or absent altogether.

Deleting characters is done using the Delete and Backspace (left arrow) keys. Moreover, the first deletes one character to the right of the cursor, and the second - to the left of the cursor. If you hold down the Ctrl key, the word will be deleted to the right or left of the cursor, respectively. To return text deleted by mistake, select Edit ® Undo, or the corresponding Undo button on the toolbar or the Ctrl+Z keyboard shortcut.

Selecting text

Figure 4 shows a highlighted block of text - white letters on dark background. Most of Writer's editing techniques (as well as the formatting techniques discussed later) require you to first select a piece of text. The command selected after this applies only to the selected fragment.

Highlighting allows you to pinpoint the part of the document that will be affected by a command, from a single character or picture to an entire document. For example, you could first select a piece of text, and then press the Delete key to delete the entire piece of text. You can select text using the keyboard or mouse. In the selected text fragment, the background and text color are reversed.

Select using the keyboard

The main way to select using the keyboard is to hold down the Shift key and press the arrow keys. When the Shift key is pressed, keyboard commands not only move the cursor, but also highlight text. Pressing the left and right arrow keys in combination with the Shift key selects one character at a time, and the up and down arrows highlight one line at a time in the corresponding direction.

Another way to select using the keyboard is to press the F8 key. The cursor must be at the beginning of the selected fragment. Then place the cursor at the end of the selected fragment using the mouse.

Finally, you can select the entire document by choosing Edit ® Select All or pressing Ctrl+A. To cancel the selection and see the cursor again on the screen, click anywhere in the document or press the arrow key.

Selecting with the mouse

To select text using the mouse, position the mouse pointer at the beginning of the selected fragment, click left button mouse and, without releasing it, drag the mouse to the end of the text fragment that you want to select. If you reach the edge of the window while dragging, Writer will scroll the document so you can continue highlighting.

Editing a selected fragment

Once you have selected a piece of text, you can use commands to edit or format it. When you start using them, don't forget that you can refuse editing using the Undo command (a button on the toolbar in the form of a left (right) arrow), even if a significant amount of text is deleted or damaged.

You can simply enter new text, which will replace the selected one. As soon as you type the first letter, all selected text will be automatically deleted and new text will be entered in its place. To delete selected text, press Backspace or Delete. To change the case of the letters of the selected fragment (make all letters lowercase or uppercase, or replace all lowercase letters with uppercase and vice versa), use the Case command from the Format menu and select the corresponding switch in the Case dialog box.

Move and copy text with the mouse

If you prefer to use a mouse, the following method will be convenient for you. Select the text. Place the mouse pointer on the selected fragment (the pointer will take the form of an arrow) and press the left mouse button. Without releasing the left button, drag the cursor to a new position. To copy text, hold down the Ctrl key while dragging. If the place where you want to place the text is not visible on the screen, drag the text to the edge of the window and the document will automatically rotate in the desired direction. The new text location may be in the same Writer document, in a different Writer document, or even in a document created in another OpenOffice application. org.

Copying and moving a piece of text is done using the Cut, Copy and Paste commands from the Edit menu. The Cut command moves, and the Copy command respectively copies the selected text fragment to the Clipboard - a special memory area. The Paste command places a fragment from the clipboard at the cursor position. The Cut, Copy, and Paste commands can be found on the Edit menu, the right-click context menu, and the Standard toolbar. They are active if a fragment of text or another object in the text is selected.

Formatting a Document

Main objects Document Writer are page, paragraph and character. For each of these objects, you must set formatting options that determine the appearance of the document.

Selecting Page Options

Any document consists of pages, so at the beginning of working on the document you need to set the page parameters: format (page size), orientation (portrait or landscape), margin size, etc.

These parameters can be set in the menu using the Format ® Page command (Fig. 5).

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In the Margins area of ​​the dialog box, you set the size of the margins, which determine the distance from the edges of the page to the border of the text area. There you can also set the page orientation. In addition, the Page dialog box allows you to adjust the paper size and position of headers and footers. Headers and footers are special areas of the sheet designed to display the page number on each page of a document, as well as the same text, for example, the author's name, document title, etc. To display page numbers, select the command Insert ® Fields ® Page Numbers. It is better to first insert a header (header (footer) tab), then insert the page number in it in the same way.

Character Formatting

Symbols are the basic objects that make up a document. Symbols are letters, numbers, spaces, punctuation marks, special characters, such as @, *, &. Symbols can be formatted (change their appearance).

Among the main properties of symbols are the following: font, size, style and color.

The font is full set characters of a specific appearance, including uppercase and lowercase letters, punctuation, special characters, numbers, and symbols arithmetic operations. For each historical period and different countries the font of a certain design is characteristic. Each font has its own name, for example Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New, Comic Sans MS, etc. The window called up by the Format ® Symbols command is shown in Figure 6.

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Font size.

The unit of font size is the point (1 pt = 0.376 mm). Font sizes can be changed over a wide range (usually from 1 to 1638 points), with most editors using a 10 pt font size by default. Below are examples of text presentation when various sizes font.

Font size 16 pt.

Font size 12 pt.

Font size 8 pt.

Style and type of symbols.

In addition to the normal (regular) style of characters, bold, italic, and bold italic are usually used. You can set additional character formatting options: underlining characters with lines of various types, changing the appearance of characters (raised, recessed), changing the distance between characters (sparse, compacted), etc.

If you plan to print a document in multicolor, then for different groups of characters you can set various colors, selected from the palette offered by the text editor.

Formatting Paragraphs

Paragraph is one of the main objects text document. From a literary point of view, a paragraph is a part of a text that is a fragment of a work complete in meaning, the end of which serves as a natural pause for the transition to a new thought.

In computer documents, a paragraph is any text that ends with a control character (marker) for the end of the paragraph. Entering the end of a paragraph is achieved by pressing the Enter key and is indicated by a symbol if the display of non-printing characters is enabled. This mode is turned on and off by clicking the button on the toolbar Standard.

A paragraph can consist of any set of characters, pictures, and objects from other applications. Formatting paragraphs allows you to prepare a correctly and beautifully formatted document. The formatting paragraph dialog box can be opened using the command Format ® Paragraph. It can also be found in the context menu if you point to the selected piece of text and press the right mouse button. Figure 8 shows one of the tabs in the Paragraph dialog box.

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Paragraph alignment

Alignment reflects the position of text relative to page margins. There are four ways to align paragraphs:

· On the left edge - the left edge is smooth, and the right edge is torn.

· Centered - both edges have uneven outlines, but each line of the paragraph is symmetrical relative to the middle.

· On the right edge - the right edge is smooth, and the left is torn.

· In width - both edges are even, that is, located exactly along the borders of the page.

Paragraph alignment commands are found on the Formatting toolbar.

First line indent (red line).

Most often, a paragraph begins with a first line indent. Indentation can be of various types:

Positive indentation (a positive value), when the first line begins to the right of all other lines in a paragraph, is used in regular text.

Negative indentation (negative value), when the first line extends to the left of the remaining lines of the paragraph, is used in dictionaries and definitions.

Zero indentation, used for center-aligned paragraphs.

Indents and spacing.

The entire paragraph can have indents on the left and right, which are measured from the page margins. So, epigraph to work of art or the addressee's details in the application are indented on the left, and when making a corner stamp, you can use the indentation on the right. It may also be necessary to separate paragraph text from previous and subsequent text.

To align a paragraph, enter the command Format ® Paragraph and in the Paragraph dialog box that appears, do necessary settings. On the Alignment tab. To set the alignment type for selected paragraphs, select the appropriate item from the Alignment drop-down list. You can also change paragraph alignment using the buttons on the Formatting toolbar.

To set the type of indentation for the first line of a paragraph, set the required value in the First Line list and set a specific numeric indentation value using the counter on the right.

To set the indentation of a paragraph from the page margins, select the desired indentation value using the Left Indent and Right Indent counters. To ensure that the text extends to the left (right) margin of the page, set a negative indent value.

The distance between document lines can be changed by specifying different meanings line spacing (single, double, etc.). To visually separate paragraphs from each other or one paragraph from the rest, you need to set increased spacing between paragraphs. The line spacing is selected using the Line spacing drop-down list, and the spacing before (after) the paragraph is selected using the Spacing before and after counters.

The Position on Page tab allows you to set the required distribution of paragraphs across pages, that is, you can prohibit breaking a paragraph between pages, leaving the first or last (hanging) line on the page, and so on.

Bullets and numbering

Bullets and numbering are used to place various lists in a document. There are different types of markers and numbering:

· numbered lists (a type of numbering), when list elements are accompanied by Arabic or Roman numbers and letters;

· bulleted lists (markers), when list elements are marked using special marker characters.

· It is possible to create multi-level lists (structure).

To convert existing text in numbered or bulleted list you need to select this text and select the command Format ® Bullets and numbering and click on the tab Numbering type or accordingly Markers.

Tab Structure allows you to set special list, containing up to nine levels of items, numbered or labeled separately. On the Structure tab, select the required type of multi-level list (Fig. 8).

To go to a lower level, you need to select the text, call the context menu and select the command One level down, and to return to a higher level select the command Up one level. For detailed installation list options, select the Settings tab. In the Settings panel, specify the list numbering order, the characters before and after the number, etc. To work with lists, you can also use the buttons on the Formatting toolbar.

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Formatting text into multiple columns.

In newspapers and some books (usually dictionaries and encyclopedias), information is often presented in several columns. This is because short lines are easier to read.

To split text into columns, select it and select the command Format® Columns. In the menu that opens, select the number of columns to create.

In a group Settings of this dialog box are given standard options column placement.

In addition, the number of columns can be set using a counter. In this case, on the panel Width and spacing set the sizes of the columns and the intervals between them.

Group dividing line allows you to separate columns from each other with a vertical line.

A table is an object consisting of rows and columns, at the intersection of which cells are formed. Table cells can contain various data (text, numbers and images). Using tables, you can format documents, for example, arrange paragraphs in several rows, combine a picture with a text signature, and so on.

You can convert existing text into a table using the command Table ® Convert to Table, but it is more convenient to first create a table and only then fill it with data. The command Table ® Insert ® Table opens a dialog box in which you can set the required number of columns and rows, and the ability to vary the width of the columns depending on the content. The AutoFormat button allows you to select one of the formatting templates (table type) for the inserted table. By selecting templates from the list, you can view them in the right field (Fig. 10).

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You can also change the table design manually. You can change the type, width and color of cell borders, as well as the background color of cells using the command Table ® Table Properties. On the Bordering tab, you can set the borders, type, width, and color of border lines. On the Background tab, you can set the background color of the cells.

You can change the column width or row height using the mouse (by dragging the borders). You can set the column width (row height) that is appropriate for the existing content using the Table ® AutoFit command.

Inserting or deleting rows and columns into an existing table is done using the commands Insert/Delete menu line (column) Table. First you need to select the row or column before (after) which you want to insert additional element tables. Having selected a group of table cells with the mouse, you can clear their contents using Delete keys. You can merge a group of cells into one cell, change the alignment in a cell, both horizontal and vertical, using context menu.

All the same actions can be performed using the Table toolbar. The table properties window allows you to set the exact width of the columns depending on the specified exact width of the table. There you can also specify the location of the table on the page and its name. The table properties window is shown in Figure 11.

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Inserting Graphics

To include a picture in a document, you can draw it using OpenOffice tools. org or insert into the text a ready-made drawing stored in a file on your computer.

To work with graphic objects, you can use the toolbar Drawing. (Remember: in the View menu, find the Toolbars command and in the submenu that opens, check the box next to the name of the Drawing toolbar). On the Drawing toolbar, in addition to commands for inserting graphic objects, there are commands for editing them: changing the color of the outline and fill, changing the thickness and type of lines, giving volume to the autoshape, which come off when you select an object and are located after the toolbar Standard.

If you need to insert a ready-made picture stored in a file into the text, use the command Insert ® Image ® From File. This command opens a dialog box that allows you to find and select required file in the computer's memory. Edit the appearance and position of such graphic object in the text, you can use the context menu (change the size of the image, the way the text wraps around it, the area, etc.)

Formula editor.

The formula editor allows you to quickly and easily enter various mathematical formulas. The formula editor can be called using the command Insert® Object® Formula. When you start the editor, a toolbar appears Choice(fig) from which you can select the desired operands, mathematical signs. And also a window appears "Teams" to enter and change formulas. When you enter items in this window, the results are immediately displayed in the document.

For example, you need to type the following formula:

To create this formula you need to do the following:

1.Select a command from the menu bar Insert® Object® Formula;

2. place the cursor in the “Commands” window, type from the keyboard: “y=” ;

3.on the toolbar Choice select the operators button (Fig. 15)

4.in the drop-down list, find the image of the sign we need

5.enter the boundaries of integration by selecting the command upper and lower index, then enter the numerical value 4 from the keyboard, in the lower area 2.

6. The integrand is a fraction. Find the corresponding button on the toolbar Choice and select the right sign divisions

7.enter the numerator and denominator: Enter the numerator “x+8” and the denominator “x” from the keyboard. To enter the degree, use the toolbar again Choice

In the curly braces that appear, type the degree “2” (in the “Commands” window)

· Change text case.

· Insert an image from a file into the text.

· Arrange the text in two columns.

Task 9. Convert the text into a table and complete the suggested tasks.

Features of the algorithm.

Based on the features of the algorithm, we can distinguish the following groups viruses: - “companion” viruses are viruses that do not change files. The operating algorithm of these viruses is that they create satellite files for exe files that have the same name, but with the extension com. When the system starts, it first looks for a file with the extension com, launches it, the virus performs all its actions, and then launches this program, which has the extension exe; - viruses – “worms”, viruses that spread on a computer network.

· pillars in the table same width;

· frame the table borders with a thick blue line;

· frame the page.

Task 10. Convert the following text according to the instructions:

Based on the characteristics of the algorithm, the following groups of viruses can be distinguished:

companion viruses;

viruses – worms;


stealth viruses (stealth viruses);

ghost viruses.

Heading: bold, 14 pt., spacing sparse 5 pt., centered.

Present the main text as a numbered list and arrange it in two columns.

Exercise1 1 . Copy the text into a new document and format it as needed.

Chess. Chess is a very old game in which the player seeks to checkmate the opponent's king. Players take turns; Each player has 16 pieces. Usually goes first pawn. She moves only forward, moving only one square (except for the first move, when she can move two squares at once), or diagonally when she hits a piece. Rook walks in a straight line in any direction. Elephant walks and hits only diagonally. Queen walks in any direction for any number of cells. King also moves in any direction, but only one cell. Reference. Chess (from the Persian: checkmate - the ruler has died) is a game with 32 pieces (16 white and black) on a 64-cell board for two partners. The birthplace of chess is India. Chess appeared in Russia in the 9th and 10th centuries.

Format paragraphs at the end of sentences after the words: Chess, pieces, square.

For the title, define the formatting:

§ align to center

§ bold font (14 pt)

§ color: blue

§ all letters are capitalized

§ character spacing – sparse – 3 pt.

Format the body text:

§ align to width

§ font 12 pt

§ first line – indent 1.25 cm

§ line spacing – one and a half.

For reference, the italic font is 16 pt.

For all underlined words, set the following format:

§ font 14 pt

§ Arial KOI-8 headset

§ italic style

§ color: lilac

§ character spacing - sparse 4 pt.

Exercise1 2 . Type and format the text according to the assignment.

Heading: bold, 14 pt., spacing sparse 5 pt., centered. Header frame: double frame, width 3 pt., any fill.

For a paragraph of the main text: 14 pt., left and right indents 0, first line indent 1 cm, line spacing one and a half, width alignment, space after paragraph 2 cm, space before paragraph 0 cm.

For a signature paragraph: left indent 0 cm, single line spacing, space before and after the paragraph 0 cm, justified.

Replace all lowercase letters in the “Union of Students of Russia” with uppercase ones.

Exercise1 3 . Create a similar table:

Exercise1 4 . Type the text as follows:

Make the title large in bold, and the attributes – in small print and placed in the center of the sheet.

Format the body text as multilevel list(structure). Indent this piece of text on the left by 6 cm.

Security questions

Answer the following questions in writing. It is permitted to use information from this manual and from help system OpenOffice. Org. Show the answer sheet to the teacher.

1. What structural elements does a word processor interface consist of?

2. How is the document formatted?

3. How to navigate through text using the keyboard and mouse?

4. How to set fields and select required format paper?

5. How to create a table?

6. How can you define calculated cells in a table?

7. How to number pages?

8. What is a clipboard and why is it needed?

To receive credit for the block you must be able to:

Upload and save Word documents;

Use the search and replace capabilities of strings;

Show and hide toolbars, determine the composition of toolbars;

Show and hide formatting rulers;

Change the font in which the text is typed (the font itself, its size, style, color, etc.);

Change paragraph formatting options (spacing before and after paragraph, line spacing, indents on the right and left and a red line);

Insert a picture from a file into the text, change the size of the picture, change the properties of the picture, the method of embedding the picture in the text (on top of the text, in the text, etc.);

Use the Drawing panel to create simple Word graphics;

Create tables; add and remove rows and columns from tables; convert table to text and text to table;

Change headers and footers;

Use the symbol table;

Create and change styles; apply styles to text fragments;

View the document outline;

Automatically generate document content;

Record macros, link them to the toolbar and associate them with a keyboard shortcut;

Transfer styles and macros from document to document and to template;

Use the editor Microsoft formulas Equation;

Create two editing areas for one document;

Install automatic numbering for objects, and create links to such objects (Insert|Link|Title... and Cross-reference...);

And much more.

Topic 1. Basic text formatting optionsMicrosoft Word

About some interface elements.

1. Launch Word double by clicking on its icon in the MS Office window. When Word starts, it automatically displays two toolbars: Standard(with buttons for the most commonly used document processing commands) and Formatting(with buttons for the most commonly used text design operations).

2. Familiarize yourself with the purpose of toolbar commands and operations without executing them, that is, placing the Mouse cursor on the buttons without pressing the Mouse key.

3. Learn the purpose of file operations from the menu File and editing operations from the menu Edit. Make sure some of them duplicate panel buttons Standard.

4. Explore possibilities for change. standard view Word window using the View menu commands ( View):

Enable/disable toolbars using the command View/Toolbars and the list of panels called up by this dialog box command;

Enable/disable format rulers using the command View/Ruler (View/Ruler);

Run the command View/FullScreen to remove all elements of the main Word window; To restore the window view, press the Esc key.

5. After becoming familiar with the Word interface elements, restore the original screen appearance.

Typing and formatting text.

1. Type Text1 from the lab attachment without changing the default formatting attributes. (! When typing text, use the keyEnteronly to move to a new paragraph! Use spaces only to separate words or sentences!)

2. Save the text in your subdirectory under the name TEXT1.DOC using the command File/ Save As...( File/Save As...) and present it to the teacher.

3. After saving the document, learn how to select text fragments using the Mouse or the cursor keys while holding down Shift key(ß,à, Home, End, Ctrlà,Ctrlß). You will also learn how to select text fragments using a special selection field located on the left edge of the page, where the Mouse cursor arrow changes direction. ( Double click to the left of a paragraph selects the entire paragraph; clicking while holding down the Ctrl key selects the entire document). Holding down the Ctrl key allows you to select multiple fragments.

4. View the service (non-printing) characters of your document using the button Nonprinting Characters(Non-printable characters), located on the right top corner windows on the Standard toolbar. (Which service characters is in your text? What do you need to do so that a tab character appears in your text?) To format a certain fragment of a document, you must first select it (mark it) using one of the methods studied above. To center headings, underline, italicize and bold image fragments, select and set font sizes, use the panel buttons Formatting. To format paragraphs use the command Format/ Paragraph(Format/Paragraph) and tab Indents and Spacing(Indents and Spacing).

5. Install the font Times New Roman, size 10pt, left paragraph indent ( From Left:) 0.5cm, Red line (First Line) 1.5cm, Single (Single) line spacing in list Line Spacing(Interline) and the distance after the paragraph is 12pt in the line After: (After).

6. Format the TEXT1 document according to the Text2 sample from the laboratory appendix and save it under the name TEXT2.DOC.

7. Insert an illustration from ClipArt into the document. To do this, place the cursor at the insertion point, select the command Insert/ Picture(Insert/Figure) and in the insert picture dialog box, set the option Preview Picture (Preview drawing) to view pictures with files from the list of file names. Select the illustration you need and click OK. (To delete an illustration, select it and press the Delete key.)

8. Learn how to resize a picture and set the size you need. To do this, click on the picture; it will appear in a frame with eight “handles”. Try moving any of the handles by placing the Mouse cursor on it and dragging it while holding down the Mouse key. To maintain the proportions of the picture, perform the same manipulations while holding down the Ctrl or Shift key.

9. Type a line with a phone number and frame it using the command Format/ Borders and Shading(Borders and Shading).

10. Split the screen into two parts to view two screens at the same time different fragments document using the command Window/ Split(Window/Split). After executing this command, a breakdown line appears on the screen, which can be moved with the Mouse or the cursor keys. To cancel the split, use the command Window/ Remove Split(Window/Undo split).

11. Preview the document before printing it using the button Preview(Preview) panels Standard. Experiment with the zoom and magnifying glass buttons of the preview dialog box.

12. Save the document under the same name using the button Save(Save) panels Standard.

Topic 2. Advanced Word Processor FeaturesMS Word

1. Working with styles

Style formatting represents a number of formatting attributes combined into one group with a common name.

A good rule of thumb for formatting documents is to format all paragraphs that have a similar purpose in the same style (for example, plain text in one way, tabular text in another, and headings in another). In this case, when you change your design requirements, you should change the style attributes, and the formatting of all text fragments to which this style is applied will automatically change.

There is a distinction between paragraph style and character style. Paragraph style can include font size and type, alignment, spacing, borders, and any other format attributes that affect the entire paragraph. You can define a symbol style in a similar way, but it includes all the attributes that determine the appearance of the symbol. Word provides the user with many ready-made standard styles, as well as tools for creating your own own styles and to change existing ones.

1.1. Create a copy of the previous file laboratory work under the name PROBA1.DOC using the command File/Save As... (File/ Save As…).

1.2. Run the command Format/Styles and Formatting...(Format/ Style) to activate the corresponding task area. The top of the tab displays the name of the style applied to the text under the cursor or selected text. At the bottom is a list of all document styles.

1.3. Click the button Create a style Creating a style.

1.4. Click the button Format, to open a list menu for setting the attributes you need. Set the font size to 14, the left paragraph indent to 2cm; for the Red line, set the option Ledge (Hanging) and set in line On (By) 1cm. Set line spacing Double (Double), using a list Interline (Line Spacing) and the space before the paragraph is 12pt, using in the margin Interval (Spacing) line Before (Before).

1.5. After setting the paragraph formatting attributes, enter a title in the field Name (Name) dialog box Create a style (New Style), to title your style. Type, for example, “My style” and confirm the selected settings by pressing OK.

1.6. Apply My Style to the first paragraph of the PROBA1 document. To do this, select the paragraph and select the style name from the list of styles in the formatting panel. You can create a special combination for your style shortcut keys, which speeds up the formatting process. (When you select a keyboard shortcut, you must ensure that the shortcuts are not used for other purposes in Word!).

1.7. Go to the Styles and Formatting tab, click right click mouse on your style, and select the “Change style...” pop-up menu item.

1.8. Click the button Format and select Combination clAvish... to open a dialog box Keyboard settings. Enter the shortcut key combination in the field New keyboard shortcut by pressing this combination, for example, . (To correct the entered combination, use the Backspace key). In the “Save changes to...” field, select your document. Changing the Normal template is recommended only if you really you want it you understand what are you doing and answer for the consequences.

1.9. Press the buttons in sequence Assign (Assign), OKand Close (Close). A shortcut key combination has been created for your style.

1.10. Use the keyboard shortcut to format the second paragraph and compare the formatting results between the two paragraphs.

A new style can also be created based on a ready-made paragraph, formatted in advance when typing.

1.11. Select the third paragraph of document PROBA1. Set it to be centered and framed with a double border with a 4pt indent from the text using the command Format/Border and Fill (Format/ Borders and Shading).

1.12. Run the command Format/Styles and Formatting.... At the top of the tab that appears, as we already know, the name of the text style under the cursor (“Format selected text”) is displayed. Right-click on the style name, select the “Change Style...” pop-up menu item, and in the “Change Style” dialog that opens, delete the current name and enter a new one, for example, “My New Style”. Click OK. The created style “My New Style” will complement the list of styles in your document.

1.13. Apply "My New Style" to one of the last paragraphs.

Word has tools for changing your own and standard styles. (Do not change the default styles, but especially the style Normal , if you are not sure of the consequences).

1.14. Go to tab Styles and formatting... and right-click on the style you want to change, for example, the My New Style style. From the pop-up menu, select "Change style...".

1.15. Click the button Format and select the attributes to be changed; for example, set line spacing Minimum (At Least) and replace double frame to single line with text shading 25%. To set shading, use the tab Fill (Shading) in the dialog box Border and Fill (Paragraph Borders and Shading).

1.16. Confirm the changes.

1.17. Review the paragraph style changes in the PROBA1 document and present it to your instructor.

1.18. Delete "My New Style" by right-clicking on its name in the tab "Styles and Formatting", and selecting "Delete…".

1.19. Design all paragraphs of the PROBA1 document with the “My Style” style, and the document title with one of the standard styles Title (Headings) .

1.20. Format the new document with the “My Style” style yourself. To do this, create another copy of the previous lab file under the name PROBA2 and, to apply “My Style” to the PROBA2 document, write it to the list of styles of this document using the command Service/"Templates and add-ons" and a button Organizer.... It should be noted that the style must be exported to the Proba2 document, and not to the Normal template. To do this, on the right side Organizer click the button Close file Then Open file, select Proba2 and copy the desired style into it.

To form the document structure, it is convenient to use the property "Level" paragraph. This property can take the values ​​"Body Text", "Level 1" (highest), "Level 2", ..., "Level N" (lowest). When displaying the document structure ( Document view/outline) the formation of the hierarchy will be based on the value of this property. Typically, this property is changed not for selected paragraphs, but for styles. Built-in styles from the Normal template “Heading 1” - “Heading N” have levels “Level 1” - “Level N”, respectively.

1.21. Create a document with a multi-level hierarchical structure using standard Heading 1-Heading N styles. Review the document structure ( Document view/outline).

1.22. For documents with a correctly formed structure (that is, if the section and subsection headings have the required levels), you can automatically generate a table of contents ( Insert/Link/Table of Contents and Indexes/tab Table of contents). Give it a try.

2. Formula editor and symbol insertion.

MS Word has built-in tools for writing mathematical expressions. This is, firstly, the MS Equation module, with which you can create and edit complex designs, and secondly, the ability to insert individual characters into the text.

2.1. Insert the formula specified by the teacher into the document. Use the command for this Insert/Object…. Select Microsoft Equation 3.0 from the list and click OK.

2.2. Add the symbol x (xi) to the text. To do this, select the menu item Insert/Symbol, in the window that opens, select the Symbol font and the desired symbol. Click Insert, and then Close.

3. Macros

To speed up routine and frequently repeated actions, you can use Macros. A macro is a program written in the language Visual programming Basic (and can be modified using the Visual Basic editor), but you don't need to know a programming language to create it—Word provides tools for recording macros. The user's actions can be compared to a recording session. The user starts recording, performs the necessary actions manually, then stops recording. When playing back a macro, the same set of commands will be executed that were executed by the user when recording.

For example, let's create a macro that will insert a 2x2 table with a signature after the cursor. "Table X".

3.1. Select menu item Tools/Macro/Start Recording… Give the macro a name. In the field This macro is available for... select the name of the current document. Click the hammer button to create a macro button on the toolbar. On the "Commands" tab, select the "Macros" category, select the macro you want on the left and drag it to the toolbar. Click Close.

3.2. Create a table ( Table/Insert/Table). And under it type the text “Table X”.

3.3. Click the stop icon in the macro recording panel.

3.4. Try clicking the toolbar button you created.

3.5. To remove a macro call button, right-click on the toolbar and select the menu item Settings. Open the Commands tab and drag a button from the toolbar onto the field of this tab. Click Close.

A cross-reference is a reference to an element that is in another part of the document, for example, "See". Fig 1." You can cross-reference headings, footnotes, bookmarks, titles, and numbered paragraphs. The most commonly used references are titles. To use this convenient mechanism, you need to create the names of all the pictures that you are going to refer to from the text through the menu item "Insert|Link|Title".

4.1. Insert the drawing into the document. Move the cursor to next line, where the title of the picture should be placed.

4.2. Select menu item "Insert|Link|Title". In the Signature selection box, select Drawing. If there is no such alternative among the possible alternatives, then click the “Create...” button and enter “Drawing”. Familiarize yourself with the different numbering styles for this type of object (Numbering…). Click OK.

4.3. If you need to place a link to this picture in the text, select the menu item "Insert|Link|Cross-reference...", in the “link type” field, select “Drawing”, and in the “Insert link to” field - “Constant part and number”. Click OK. If you did everything correctly, the line “Figure 1” will be inserted into the text of the document. If, while holding Ctrl, you click on this link with the left mouse button, you can move to the corresponding object (in this case, to the figure caption). Experiment with various options creating a link.

4.4. Before the picture created in point 4.1, insert another picture with a caption (see points 4.1 and 4.2). Now new drawing will become picture 1, and the old one will become picture 2. Its signature will also change. However, the link created in step 4.3 will still be associated with the picture for which it was created. The link text may remain the same (“Figure 1”), but in order to fix this, just right-click on it and select the “Update Field” menu item. The fields are automatically updated the next time you open the document or print it!

. The feature of this online Word editor is its close similarity to the interface from MS Word (2003-2007) for convenience and quick user acquisition of the program.

And now more about the service itself.

2. Editor interface

The ascetic design will help you easily understand the service shell, and the set of functions will solve problems of any level of complexity. The interface consists of:

  • Menu bar
  • Toolbar Standard
  • Formatting toolbar
  • Ruler
  • Work area
  • Status bar

You can choose one of three document display options – standard, full screen and web layout mode. Between standard and full screen mode can be switched using a combinationCtrlShiftJ, also on the menu View→ Whole screen or View→ Web Page Mode. The editor has a convenientSidebarwith a set of necessary tools, which can be opened in the menuView→ Sidebar.

3. Editing and formatting

  • Entering text

    IN WorkspaceThe text is typed, edited and formatted. Toolbars inEveryone has OpenOffice Writer necessary tools to work withstyle, template, color, font size, input language, alignment, paragraph and other set of text formatting.

  • Autofill

    The service has useful function Autofill. It helps when entering long words, terms, and also supports foreign language. In order to agree with the proposed wordAutofill click Enter, if you want to ignore the sentence, just continue printing.

  • AutoCorrect

    This feature allows you to automatically correct the most typical mistakes. To configure autocorrect, use the menu to select: Format→AutoCorrect→AutoCorrect Options.

  • Navigator

    When you work with documents large sizes, you may have problems with orientation and movement in the text. To simplify the process of finding the necessary information, there is a tool Navigator.It is represented by a window in which all elements of the document are located, consists of: a function panel, possible document objects, a list open documents. Call a function using a keyF5.

  • Seal

    From OpenOffice Writer you can quickly print a document on a connected printer, and also set special printing parameters through a dialog box.

As a result, we have a high-quality and free Word online, which can boast of its capabilities and compete with popular cloud services from giants such as Microsoft and Google. The only weaknesses include the outdated design of the application and the lack of collaboration on one document.