The phone turns off at 50 percent. Why does my phone turn off by itself? Possible causes and solutions to the problem

Numbers that show the exact percentage of battery charge on a smartphone or tablet are a fiend that every self-respecting person should get rid of. Why? Now we'll explain!

The first thing that is drilled into the heads of all mobile application developers in their special School for Mobile Application Developers is that their mobile application should be addictive. So that a person gets into the habit of checking the mobile application at certain intervals. This, they say, is the secret of a truly successful mobile application.

Ok, maybe this is not the first thing they are taught. But they are definitely taught this - at some stage.

This was the first fact. The second fact is that the battery charge, expressed as a percentage, gives many people an unbearable desire to constantly monitor it. Who among us, even the best of us, hasn’t picked up a phone just to see how much the treasured number has changed?! Well, admit it in the comments, what does it mean for you to feel discomfort and want to connect your smartphone to a source of life-giving electricity? In our case it is somewhere around 64%.

Picking up a smartphone to check the treasured figure, we at the same time climb into social networks and other wheels in which, like real squirrels, we begin to successfully run. Ok, “we” don’t interfere - by a willful decision, all social networks were expelled from the smartphone (we don’t ask the same from you - this advice is only for absolutely hardcore people who fearlessly go to the toughest psychological experiments above yourself). But you are definitely climbing! And all these applications that you use when you pick up a smartphone are created - how? That's right - to create a habit for you!

What’s most interesting is that both Apple and Google know very well that this damn figure causes colossal damage to the people’s psyche. This is why by default both iOS and Android DO NOT SHOW IT! Both OS get by simple icons, which “empty” in accordance with how the battery is discharged. If your smartphone flirtatiously shows the exact battery charge as a percentage, then it means that you yourself, in a fit of madness, once found this option and turned it on. with their own with my own hands!

After all, numbers are not needed, well!

If the battery icon is half empty, you will most likely get home from work while reading a book or turning on Waze. If it is more empty than full, it is better to plug your smartphone into a power outlet for at least half an hour. Well, if she blushes, it’s a bad thing; she only has enough energy to call a friend, and nothing else. See how simple everything is? And it works without any devilish numbers. Try it, you will like it!

💡 If Android does not show the battery charge correctly, then there will be inconvenience when using the device. , may turn off unexpectedly, even if the percentage of charge is still sufficient to operate. Calibrating the battery will help eliminate the error, but in difficult cases the battery will need to be replaced.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Reasons for incorrect battery charge display

If you notice that something wrong is going on with the charge numbers, then do not ignore this indicator, but try to determine the reason. It could be:

  • Incorrect battery calibration.
  • Errors during firmware.
  • Battery wear.

If the phone has been working for several years, then most likely the reason is fast discharge And incorrect display The charge level depends on the condition of the battery. You can try it, but it will be more effective to replace it with new source nutrition.

To slow down the rate at which your battery wears out, use a genuine charger and try to charge your phone/tablet from a wall outlet rather than Computer USB.

If errors in determining the charge level appeared after flashing the device, try flashing it again, after charging the battery to 100%. Or install another firmware if you are using custom builds.

Battery calibration in Android phones

What to do if Android has not been flashed, and the device was purchased not so long ago that the battery has become unusable? Calibrate the battery using programs or Recovery Menu.

Calibration is needed to eliminate a failure in which the battery “remembers” incorrect charge limits. As a result, at full capacity, it shows incorrect percentages and quickly discharges.

Without root and recovery

If you don't have it on Android and you don't want to install anything unnecessary, try calibrating the battery using several discharge-charge cycles.

  1. Completely discharge the device. The battery must be in such a condition that when you try to turn on the gadget, it makes a characteristic discharge sound and immediately turns off.
  2. Remove the battery and wait a couple of minutes. If the battery cannot be removed, leave the device turned off for 10 minutes.
  3. Place your switched off phone to charge. Wait until it is fully charged.
  4. Without turning on the device, remove the battery and wait a few minutes. Then reinsert and turn on the phone.

It is advisable to repeat the cycle three times to increase the accuracy of battery calibration. After one time the effect will not be noticeable.

Battery calibration apps for Android

If manual calibration did not help fix the problem, use the application Battery Calibration.

  1. Install Battery Calibration.
  2. Charge the device to 100%.
  3. Launch the application and click the "Calibrate" button.
  4. Disconnect the charger.
  5. Let your smartphone drain completely.

Working in custom Recovery

If your phone has custom Recovery Menu, then it should have an item to reset battery statistics. For example, in TWRP you need to open the “Wipe” section and select “Wipe Battery Stats”. There is another way:

  1. Go to Recovery menu.
  2. Click "Advanced" and open "File Manager".
  3. Go to the data/system directory, click on the batterystats.bin file.
  4. Select “Delete” and confirm the operation by swiping.

Many people wonder why the phone turns off by itself. Reply to this question is not as simple as it seems. After all, there are many reasons for such behavior. Do not immediately panic if you are faced with this problem. Try to figure out for yourself what it is real reasons this phenomenon. It is recommended to act by the method of elimination. But what points are worth taking a closer look at? Why does my phone turn off by itself?


Very often, our current problem appears due to the device’s battery draining. Detecting this phenomenon is not so easy. After all, few people will independently check whether the battery fits well mobile phone. Especially if there were no problems with this before.

To exclude this option, remove back panel your mobile phone, then press the battery firmly against the phone. All that remains is to check whether the device will turn off. Yes? Then the reason is clearly something else. No? Now you have found the source of the problem.


Why does my phone turn off by itself? Next reason This behavior is nothing more than a battery problem. Its malfunction almost always leads to mobile device It starts to turn off and on on its own. Don't be surprised by this.

What to do in this case? Think about how long you've had your phone. Have you followed the recommendations for caring for your device's battery? Did you always start charging after full discharge"problematic" component? If not, then the reason most likely lies in the battery.

To eliminate this problem, simply replace the faulty component. Usually after purchase new battery The phone stops turning off spontaneously.

Battery charge

The reasons don't end there. Why does my phone turn off by itself? Check the battery charge. Not the most common case, but one that occurs in practice. Exactly low charge phone battery causes the device to turn off.

This situation is quickly resolved. All you need to do is charge your phone and then turn it on. You will notice how the problem disappears by itself. From now on, just keep an eye on your battery charge. Then you won’t have any surprises with your phone. In any case, you will be prepared to disconnect the device.


Unless the reasons for such behavior lie in something more serious. Why does my phone turn itself off and on? Under such circumstances, the source of the problem is not always the device’s battery and its malfunction. Everything is much more serious.

The point is that if you notice how the phone turns off and then turns on on its own, it’s time to check the device for viruses. They cause most gadget malfunctions. It is impossible to predict exactly how a phone will react to a particular virus.

To prevent infection, it is recommended to use special antivirus programs for mobile devices. Or take the gadget to service center. There they will help you not only check your phone, but also “cure” it if necessary.


The list of possible reasons for our current problem does not end here. Why does my Nokia or any other phone turn off? If all of the above options do not suit you, then you can think about installed programs and applications. Utilities often cause problems with your phone.

There are several options here. The first is that you have little space left on your mobile. In this case, you just need to make room. Remove some of the most unnecessary programs or games - and the problem will disappear by itself.

Third - availability malware. To correct the situation, you will have to find and eliminate the problematic utility. After this, you won’t have to wonder why the phone turns itself off and on (Samsung, Nokia or some other). After all, the problem will disappear. Its reappearance is possible when the gadget is again cluttered with programs.

System failure

Why does my phone turn off when charging and more? The last common variant of this behavior is failures in the device’s operating system. They happen simply from time to time, from viruses, and from the number of installed programs and applications. But most often, problems in the operating system are the result of incorrect firmware.

In order not to have to figure out how to correct the situation for a long time, you simply need to reflash the gadget. It is not recommended to do this yourself. It is better to take the phone to a service center.

Usually after reflashing all problems are eliminated. If even after this nothing helps, it’s time to change your phone. After all, sometimes the reason lies in equipment malfunction. In such a situation, only a complete replacement of the gadget will help. Now it’s clear why the phone turns off by itself. To correct this problem It's not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to know where to start. By the way, you should think about firmware only after eliminating all of the above reasons.

It would seem that a phone with a 100% battery charge should last no less than half a day, or even a whole day of hard work. But alas, no one is immune from problems with their gadget and after a while, many users are at a loss as to why the phone turns off when fully charged, considering that they practically do not use it.

This happens to everyone modern devices, including devices controlled operating system android. It is extremely problematic to immediately understand why the android behaves this way when it is fully charged. In some cases, even when charging is connected, the phone turns off. Let's figure out why this happens and how to deal with it.

  • Let us immediately mention that these may be system or hardware problems that can make themselves known suddenly or through certain time. Most often, the reason is physical damage, which includes: falls, blows, strong pressure.
  • Next comes the problem battery. This includes contamination of the stamps, damage due to a strong impact, or complete wear after several hundred charge-discharge cycles. Sometimes, this is enough to take measures to dispose of it and purchase new components.
  • The charger needs to be checked. Due to an inadequate supply of electricity, it can cause irreparable damage to the battery and gadget. And under the most dire circumstances, disable motherboard devices.
  • The firmware may have been damaged due to a system glitch. This happens due to installing applications from an unprotected source or getting into internal memory viruses.
  • If a fully charged phone turns off or reboots on its own, this may mean that one of the internal modules is faulty. It will not be possible to detect this by external signs; you will have to resort to full diagnostics and subsequent replacement of the faulty part.
  • Additionally, check the charging socket. Small debris or dirt could get there, causing bad contact With charger. Things are much worse if the smartphone fell and damaged the connector.

Not a single problem can be solved without moisture getting inside the device. This happens both through direct contact with liquid (falling into a bathtub, toilet, puddle, beer), or when changing temperature regime, when it comes from a cold street, it enters a warm apartment, which causes condensation to appear, which contributes to the oxidation of contacts and disruption of the power controller.

Separately, you should check the lock button, which is responsible for turning the gadget on and off. Quite often it turns out to be faulty and entails constant shutdowns and reboots of the device without the knowledge of the owner. It can be solved by completely replacing the mechanical module.

Solving the problem

One of the worst options is to disconnect the microcircuit on system board devices. This includes the memory card slot, power controller, or processor. In this case, the system will continue to work, but with periodic failures.

This happens after a strong blow. The damaged microcircuit needs to be resoldered, however, in order not to accidentally make a mistake and leave the phone inoperative, you need to carry out diagnostics, which is impossible without specialized equipment.

Replace battery

Having discovered that the battery is the cause of all the troubles, you should immediately replace the battery. The easiest way to do this is if it is of a removable type. Otherwise, the phone will have to be disassembled, which, without some skill, can lead to new breakdowns.


Confirming that there is a malfunction software, the gadget will need to be reflashed. Again, despite the instructions available on the Internet, an unprepared person will only make things worse, turning his favorite gadget into a “lifeless brick.” Contact a specialized service center for help.

Reset all settings

Well possible solution at system failure There will be a hard reset. Despite the simplicity of the operation, it restores damaged areas and allows you to return the device to previous state. Before you do, don't forget to do backups information. Postpone important contacts, photos and music in cloud storage or personal computer. This function is by no means a panacea for all problems, and it helps quite rarely.


So, faced with the fact that your mobile device turns off even when fully charged batteries should prompt you to go to a service center. This applies to everyone who does not have specialized tools at home and has never repaired smartphones.

Only specialists will be able to conduct a full diagnosis and identify the cause of the malfunction that prevents your gadget from functioning fully.
