Here by entrance. What will the Belarusian open data portal look like?

The Belarusian portal TUT.BY is an information and service Internet portal for everyone who lives in Belarus or is interested in the events of the country from abroad. Coverage - 62% of all Internet users in Belarus

Every day the portal publishes more than 200 news about Belarusian and foreign events, prepares its own materials, analytical reviews, posts video reports, and conducts online broadcasts. The editors carefully ensure that the information is relevant, interesting, professionally created, multi-genre, and unbiased.

In addition to news, TUT.BY offers its audience specialized sections and convenient services designed to satisfy daily needs: from weather forecasts and event posters to exchange rates. Specialized sections of TUT.BY are among the top 3 most popular resources on their subjects.

The portal carefully monitors the convenience and safety of using the services provided, gives everyone the opportunity to find and receive information based on interests, helps users form their attitude towards events, and promotes communication between users.

The history of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY began in 2000. Initially, TUT.BY offered users free mail, archived news, weather, exchange rates, fuel prices and a guest book, forums and visit counters. Later, online advertising sales services began to be provided. Gradually, the portal was replenished with new sections, projects and services.

For more than 17 years, TUT.BY has grown from a startup into a successful group of companies with different areas of business and a team of more than 350 professionals.

The company invests in several young promising IT companies, constantly supports socially significant initiatives and charitable projects, and is interested in startups.

Target Audience

The target audience of the TUT.BY portal is all users of the Belarusian segment of the Internet (the population of the country, as well as those who are interested in the life and events of Belarus). In the broadest sense, if a person is on the Internet, we consider him our target audience. At the moment, this is 5+ million Belarusian users who access the Internet at least once every 3 months.


Our goal is to be the first mass media in Belarus in every sense of the word. This means exercising freedom of speech in the country and remaining an objective (without political or any other biased overtones) information and educational portal, offering a modern view, publishing various opinions and views, as well as providing effective and convenient local Internet services for users and clients .


The mission of the TUT.BY portal is to give each user the opportunity to receive objective information on interests, broaden their horizons and live life to the fullest.


Companies, like people, cannot exist without values. We only have three of them, but they permeate all our activities and serve as a measure of the actions of all employees. These values ​​are the guideline for forming relationships both within our company and in relationships with clients, partners, contractors, government agencies, etc.


In our understanding, this is independence, i.e. freedom of choice, decision-making and execution of specific actions. Therefore, freedom certainly implies personal responsibility for one’s opinions and choices, and for the results of one’s decisions and actions. The Company encourages personal responsibility and initiative, believing that this is the best way to improve the quality of life of employees and society as a whole.

The right to make mistakes

We are convinced that the baggage of mistakes accompanies us on the path of accumulating experience that will help us cope with the next mistakes. But if an error is repeated evidence of incompetence, then this contradicts our understanding of this concept.


We build the entire work process on trust. It is important for us that our clients trust us, so we are careful about publications, obligations and agreements. We trust our employees, in exchange expecting effective work and achievement of set goals.

Corporate Social Responsibility

In its activities, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY uses the principles of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility.

In 2014, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY joined the UN Global Compact voluntary initiative. In our daily work, we adhere to the ten principles of the Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor relations, environmental protection and the fight against corruption.

The sustainable development report of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY (2014−2015) is available at the link, for 2016 Report.

However, even earlier, from the moment the company was founded, we sought to influence the formation of the business environment and serve as a positive example of social responsibility of business for Belarusian society.

The attention of the portal’s journalists to social problems helps unite people who are not indifferent to the problem throughout Belarus, draws the attention of employees of the relevant department and contributes to their solution.

Every day, the Belarusian portal TUT.BY raises pressing public issues on the agenda. We participate in various associations and support socially significant events on a national scale in order to improve the market, society, environment, etc. The startup movement is also a priority for us.

The Belarusian portal TUT.BY itself establishes and organizes socially significant initiatives, for example, in 2006, the popular annual industry international training conference “Business Internet” appeared.

In 2007, the project appeared, dedicated to seriously ill children and adults who need help. It contains requests from parents and relatives for help in raising funds for the treatment of patients.

In 2010, the TUT.BY Art Gallery opened its doors, where public exhibitions and creative evenings are held.

The company also works closely with universities, providing internships for students.

Every month TUT.BY hosts vocational guidance excursions for students and schoolchildren, as well as children from orphanages and children's villages.

Key people

Yuri Zisser

Chairman of the general meeting of participants of TUT BY MEDIA LLC (TUT.BY)

Founder of the Belarusian portal TUT.BY, professional programmer, system analyst, mentor, philanthropist. Author of books, textbooks and hundreds of articles in Belarusian and Russian periodicals. Supports start-ups, social entrepreneurship and music projects. Born in 1960. Graduated from the Northwestern Polytechnic Institute, St. Petersburg, with a degree in Electronic Computers with a specialization in the field of biomedical cybernetics. He worked at a number of industrial enterprises and in science. Co-owner of TUT BY MEDIA LLC (TUT.BY), Reliable Programs LLC (, and a number of other Internet companies of various specializations. Worked as an associate professor at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. Back in 2002, at the Fifth Belarusian Internet Forum, he was elected Person of the Year on the Belarusian Internet. In 2012 he received the title “Mentor of the Year”. The author of the book “Online Marketing”, together with his co-authors, published a textbook on IT entrepreneurship for universities. In 2017, he received the “Leader of Advocacy 2016” award from the Assembly of Business Circles for many years of effective promotion of civilized and transparent methods of dialogue between business and the state. Received the title of “Patron of the Year in the field of culture” in 2016 and 2017.

Hobbies: traveling, playing the organ.

Lyudmila Chekina
General Director of TUT BY MEDIA LLC (TUT.BY)

She came to work at Reliable Programs LLC in 2008 as a legal adviser. In January 2011, she became the company's Deputy General Director for Legal Affairs. From December 2012 to February 2017, she worked as the general director of the Reliable Programs Unitary Enterprise, and from March 1, 2017, as the general director of TUT BY MEDIA LLC. In 2016, she completed the Executive MBA course at the IPM Business School. In his free time, he does yoga and loves to read.

Alla Lapatko
Chief engineer TUT.BY

She graduated from the Minsk State Higher Radio Engineering College with a degree in mathematician and programmer, and from Gomel State University with a degree in mathematics. She has been working at the Reliable Programs Unitary Enterprise since 1995. She headed the banking technology development department. From 2006 - chief engineer of TUT.BY, from 2009 to 2017 - director of RELSOFT LLC. Manages the development of portal software. Hobbies: work, literature.

Marina Zolotova

Chief editor of TUT.BY

She graduated from the Faculty of Philology of BSU, and graduate school from the Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences. Determines and defends editorial policy. In his free time from work, he watches news on TV or listens to the radio (and if there is no news, then he listens to Balkan music). Knows Bulgarian and loves this country. Married, has a daughter and son.

Ksenia Ivanova

Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs and Development TUT BY MEDIA LLC (TUT.BY)

In 2006, she graduated from BSUIR with a degree in Information Systems and Technologies in Economics, and studied in the Business MaximuM program in the Mini-MBA format in the consulting group “Here and Now.” In advertising since 2006. Since January 2010, commercial director of TUT.BY. Coordinates the work of all commercial divisions of the portal, develops advertising tools, participates in the development of the main product and projects of TUT.BY, including partner ones. Negotiates skillfully and charges with energy.

Kirill Voloshin

Co-founder of TUT BY MEDIA LLC (TUT.BY)

Received an economic education at the Institute of Modern Knowledge. Author of a number of publications, reports and tales on Internet marketing. Columnist for the Computer News newspaper with many years of experience; published in the publications “Computerra On-line”, “Hard&Soft”, “Computer Newspaper”, etc. Associate Professor at BSU, teacher of courses at the Institute of Public Relations and the Academy of Postgraduate Education. Hobbies: humor in all forms, alpine skiing, hustle/wcs, not very weightlifting, extreme driving. From 2000 to 2012 led the operational work of TUT.BY. In 2004, at the VI Belarusian Internet Forum, he was named Person of the Year on the Belarusian Internet. Business angel, received the title “Mentor of the Year 2019” at Entrepreneurship Week. Co-owner of a number of Internet companies. She is trying to raise her daughter and son.

How the company is structured and where to look for the right person

TUT.BY values

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there will be an opportunity to learn first-hand everything about the level of readiness of the national open data portal. So far it is known that it should start working at the beginning of 2019. For now, we can only make assumptions about what kind of data will be collected there, to whom it will be relevant and how accurate.

The fact that Belarus is very late in creating its official open data portal can have its advantages. All over the world, enormous experience has been accumulated regarding the collection, processing and use of this information. Recently, the European Commission even released a lengthy document with recommendations for open data portals, which, in essence, is a guide to their creation.

At the same time, dozens of cities in Europe, Asia, and America have been creating stunning interactive maps for many years with thousands of parameters - from the degree of air pollution by region to indicators of separate waste collection. Based on open data, profitable startups, useful applications and online services for residents of megacities, plans for the development of neighborhoods and entire regions are created.

“Before the last forum on Internet governance in Belarus, there was not a single precedent when the public sector, business and NGOs came together and talked about what we all want to see as open data,” comments Alina Rodachinskaya from the Open Data community. Belarus". She will be the moderator of the thematic section at IGF. — This was the first public event on the topic, and it went very well because we had all sides represented. This year we are looking forward to even closer cooperation.”

Less than half of national portals know who their users are

This conclusion is contained in the recommendations of the European Commission already mentioned above. In Belarus, there is a chance not to step on this rake and create data sets (data sets for publication) in relation to what kind of information is in demand.

“This was precisely one of the main results of the discussion at last year’s IGF - to find out what data is of interest to Belarusian users, business and the academic community in the first place. In other words, to establish a connection between the open data supplier represented by the state and consumers. After all, collecting, unifying, verifying and anonymizing data is a very costly process, continues Alina Rodachinskaya. — We conducted this research with a focus on the business audience, since they are what are called early adopters in the development of IT products. That is, people who can be the first to start using the product and have an understanding that they need it. Together with the panel discussion participants, we developed a questionnaire, which we sent out through all the channels available to us. The results were transferred to the developers of the portal concept and to the Ministry of Information.”

Results of an online study of demand for open data in Belarus (2017). Conducted by the Open Data community. Belarus" together with the company Light Well Organization , developer of the concept and technical specifications for state open data portal .

Now the second stage of development of the portal is underway, which includes not only the creation of a site with catalogs and categories, but also the organization of the work of information providers. After all, they will now be required to provide information in a format that meets the requirements of the state Internet resource and fits the international definition of open data - i.e. must be detailed, detailed, machine-readable, free and unrestricted for use.

Work is also underway on relevant legislation, since in current regulations there is simply no definition of what open data is. The question remains open both with the preparation of government employees to fill the portal, and with educational programs in the field of data science. As part of the discussion at the IGF, it is planned to offer programs for exchanging experience with colleagues from neighboring countries.

“We really hope that there will be a demand for this from the state,” shares Alina. — I would like the portal to be launched without negative feedback. We as a community would love to help with this. Therefore, representatives of the Ministry of Communications, businesses that use open data, as well as the head of the representative office of an international financial corporation were invited to take part in the discussion within the IGF. We also invite everyone who is interested in this topic to take part in the section.”

Countless Possibilities of Counted Data

When the open data portal appeared in the United States in 2009, it had only 47 data sets. There are now more than 200,000, and this number is growing rapidly. The main drivers of growth are the relevance, accuracy and ease of use of data. As well-prepared “sets” appear, they feed the general volume of information, like oxygen fanning a flame, interacting with each other and forming new data sets. Moreover, the more data is collected from different sources, the cleaner it is.

Without straying too far from the topic of flames, a stunning example of the use of open data came from New York firefighters. Their Firecast tool continuously aggregates more than 7,500 fire risk factors from 17 different sources. The result is that every day the city fire department receives an extract from the 15 most vulnerable objects in each district, and the accuracy of fire inspections has increased by 20%. But the developers see the main goal as saving hundreds of lives of ordinary citizens and firefighters in the long term.

There are countless less complex, but no less interesting examples: on the Amsterdam open data portal, for example, you can study the complete geography of the bombing of the city during the Second World War. Those wishing to buy or rent an apartment in Berlin can evaluate online the noise level of not only any building in the city, but even see the difference depending on the facade. But is Belarus ready for such openness?

We prefer not to know about environmental pollution

This paradoxical conclusion was reached by researchers from a Belarusian startup that produces dosimeters for the degree of air pollution. True, this applies primarily to those who already live in less environmentally friendly areas.

The government has also expressed concerns about the use of open data in environmental matters. People with good incomes stop moving to areas with a bad reputation, and the area “sags” even more. On the one hand, people have a choice, on the other hand, how will this information affect people who do not have the opportunity to move?

The experience of other countries speaks rather in favor of open data. Open data is at the heart of a unique development project in London's most deprived area. And the portal of the city of Cincinnati, which is one of the most voluminous and systematic in the world and allows you to see dozens of factors influencing the life of areas, even includes data on all cases of heroin overdose. Yes, also in connection with the city map. By the way, this data was used to improve the work of ambulance stations.

« We'll all have a lot of work to do."

“Next year we will definitely have an open data portal. And then everyone, including the state, business, society, journalists, and the academic community, will have a lot of work,” sums up Alina Rodachinskaya. — The appearance of the portal is not the final, but rather the starting point. The advantage is that we can look at global experience, trends, documents such as the Open Data Charter, where best practices are collected. For example, a year ago the Charter proclaimed open by default as the main principle. That is, everything that is not a state, personal or commercial secret must be open. But now the Charter says that publication should be on demand, that is, one must understand the needs in order to discover what is needed first.”

The organizers of the Belarus IGF invite everyone to take part in the discussion, which will largely determine the level of open data, education and public awareness in the field of data, as well as the development of the Internet in general in the coming years. Participation in the forum is free, but required

Dmitry Smirnov,

For several weeks now gradual transfer of the contents of mailboxes and all correspondence of TUT.BY users to the Yandex.Mail service. Let us remind you that it is caused by Google closing all its email services located outside the domain on the Google Apps Partner Edition service.

We have already answered the most frequently asked questions from users (we recommend that you read them again), however, as the transfer progresses, new points arise that require additional clarification.

Deleting cookies

If, when logging in to the page, a Yandex form opens asking you to enter your login and password again, we recommend that you close the page, delete cookies (via your browser settings) and try again to open your mailbox from the http page: // Below we provide links on how to do this in the most popular browsers:
  • Deleting cookies in the Google Chrome, Chromium browser and browsers based on it (Yandex.Browser, Amigo, etc.) - link;
  • Deleting cookies in Mozilla Firefox - link;
  • Deleting cookies in Internet Explorer - link;
  • Deleting cookies in Opera - link.
In addition, if you previously used the same browser to log into your mail, you can try logging into your mailbox using a different one that does not store old cookies.

Updating settings for email programs and mobile devices

If you previously used a mail collector program or set up authorization on a mobile device, then after transferring the mailbox you need to change the settings:
  • mobile devices (In the "Username" field, please enter your mailbox address in the format [email protected]).

If you did not manage to save your Google account data before the transfer

For those who, after transferring the mailbox, need temporary access to the old Google account to save files from Google Drive, contacts, etc., you need to:
  1. Log in from to an account like USERNAME.moved with the same password;
  2. Use instructions from Google for data transfer (link);
  3. The easiest way to save contacts is through export, and upload them to Yandex through import. The easiest way to save data from Google Drive is to use the Google Takeout service.
If these methods did not help you and you did not find the answer to your question in, then we recommend that you send a detailed description of the problem to [email protected] (if the current mailbox does not open, you can create/use a backup mailbox). Specialists will definitely help you.