Find out MTS Internet traffic at your place. Checking balance using service codes

Today, it is quite easy to find out the remaining traffic on MTS, without any unnecessary difficulties. To perform these actions, you just need to have some kind of mobile device from which you can access the Internet and go to the website in your personal account to check the remaining traffic.

When viewing the balance of Internet traffic, it is important to take into account the fact that the counting of traffic carried out on a mobile device or tablet does not coincide with that kept by the MTS operator. All this is explained by the fact that the MTS operator has a personal independent counter, whose algorithm for calculating used traffic is slightly different, so you will see a more accurate result if you check it using special options.

Methods for checking Internet traffic on MTS

The most popular way to find out information about the balance of MTS Internet traffic is to obtain information with the help of an operator, who needs to send a USSD command. By typing a similar command on your phone, you will receive an SMS in response - a message that will contain data on how much traffic you have already used. And also, if you have activated some other additional services, for example, free SMS messages, minutes, the same message will contain information on these services.

If you are using the MTS SMART tariff plan, then in order to get detailed information about how much Internet traffic was used, you will definitely need to dial the following combination *101*1#, and then press the call key. Within a few seconds you will be sent a message from the network operator, which will contain all the information about the amount of remaining traffic.

You can perform this operation many times, since no money is charged from your account for it. It should be noted that this command can only be used if the subscriber uses the Smart tariff.

If you use additional Internet packages that exist in the Smart line, to obtain information about the amount of Internet traffic that has already been used, you will need to dial the following command on your device *111*217#, press the call key. After a few seconds of waiting, detailed information about your personal Internet traffic on MTS will appear on your screen.

But to view the status of your Internet traffic on MTS when using additional Internet packages, you will need to dial the command *217#, and then you need to press the call key. Detailed information about the Internet traffic used on MTS will appear on the screen of your phone.

The *217# command is quite unique and multifunctional, since it allows you to check the balance of MTS Internet traffic, even if you simply have Internet options turned on. You can also use it on any other tariff plans to check the remaining Internet traffic on MTS. But if your number is served by one of the SMART line tariffs, then this command will not be able to help you.

How to check the remaining Internet traffic through my MTS personal account

The amount of Internet traffic used can be found through your MTS personal account. To do this, you need to go to the official MTS website and log in. To log in, you just need to enter your data. By logging into your personal account, in a separate section you can get detailed information about the traffic you used.

How can you check the remaining traffic on an MTS modem?

For modems, the MTS Connect - 4 tariff is used, which is popular due to the presence of additional Internet functions. Therefore, all its users have access to mobile Internet with a small subscription fee.

In order to familiarize yourself and get detailed information about the Internet traffic that remains, you need to use the command *217#, and then press the call key. But for the modem this command is carried out in a separate window. It happens that the window that is required to carry out the operation may not be there; in this case, you will need to find a key that will serve as a universal button for viewing the rest of the Internet traffic.

The result of your request in both cases will be an SMS message, which will describe in detail the status of the traffic, how much of it has been used and how much is left.

Also, detailed data on the balance of MTS Internet traffic on the modem can be obtained through your personal account on the website of the official MTS company. You just need to enter your data and find the section where the information you are interested in will be indicated.

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The number of mobile Internet users is increasing day by day. But now, unfortunately, almost all tariff plans and additional services include limited amounts of traffic, after which, after spending, access to the Internet remains, but the connection speed noticeably decreases. Therefore, it is important to control the balances of the provided limits.

How to control the remaining traffic?

There are different ways to check the remaining traffic on MegaFon, so each subscriber can choose the most appropriate one.

  • Through your personal account (Service Guide)
  • USSD request
  • Call to operator
  • Contact the office

Through your Personal Account (Service Guide)

To use this method, you must have access to the network. To see the remaining traffic volume in your personal account, you should:

  • Go to the operator’s website using the link;
  • Enter your mobile number and password in the fields that appear.

As for the number, everything is clear here - you need to enter the cell number on which you need to find out the remaining traffic limits. And the method for obtaining the password depends on which device you need to check the balance on. If you need to get information for a mobile phone, then in this case you should use the combination *105*00#, dial which to click on the call. Soon an SMS will be sent to your phone, the text of which will indicate the password. You will need to enter it in the second column on the site.

To obtain data about the remaining amount of Internet traffic on other devices, you need to go to the “Internet Account” section, located next to the password entry column.

The Personal Account contains various information about the current tariff, including the table “Current discounts and service packages”. By reviewing the contents of this table, you can find out how much traffic was received, how much was used, and how much was left.

Via USSD request

This method is suitable for checking the remaining traffic when there is no Internet. In this case, you need to use the combination *558#, dial which to click on the call. In response, an SMS with the requested data will be sent. The main condition is that the request should be sent from a mobile phone, for which you need to find out the amount of unused traffic.

For some MegaFon tariff packages there is a code *105*693# .

By sending SMS

To obtain data about unspent traffic limits, you can also resort to sending SMS to the number 000663. In the text you should write the word “OSTATOK” or “RESIDUE”. In this case, the subscriber will also receive an SMS, after reading which he will learn about the remaining volumes.

Currently it is not possible to use this method.

Call the operator

If necessary, you can always call the operator back with a request to see the remaining traffic volume. There are special numbers for this:

  • , which can be used in any situation;
  • 8 800 333-05-00 , which is better not to use in a roaming zone, since calls in this case will be charged the same as from abroad, that is, money will be debited from the balance.

Contact the office

If the subscriber decides to contact MegaFon branch consultants, then to obtain the necessary information you need to provide a passport or other identification document. It will be absolutely no difficulty for office employees to view the balances of unspent traffic limits, so the information of interest will be presented in a matter of minutes.

How to view traffic on a tablet or modem?

As for the modem device, sometimes there is a “Find out traffic” item in the program menu. If you click on it, an SMS with the necessary information will be sent in response. The menu also contains data on the volume provided and consumed, so you can always make simple calculations and find out how much traffic is left.

You can also receive data on unused traffic using SMS and USSD code. These methods are suitable for both the modem and the tablet.

Mobile Internet today has already become a ubiquitous phenomenon. About half of mobile operator users are active users of this service. For its subscribers, the Beeline provider provides separate packages and many different tariff plans with included traffic.

It’s no secret that the more actively a subscriber uses the Internet, the faster the traffic runs out. Therefore, it is always useful to know ways to obtain information about residual traffic.

Currently, you can find out the amount of traffic in several different ways. First of all, these are USSD commands. You can also use a special application, visit the subscriber’s personal account, or simply call the operator. When using a modem, information can be obtained directly from the device's service program.

Data on the status of your account and traffic can be obtained in the SIM menu.

How to find out the remaining traffic on Beeline via USSD request

In this case, there are several options. The choice of method depends on the tariff plan:

    For tariffs with a postpaid payment system:

    • Dial * 110 * 45 # and make a call. Information about expenses will be sent in the form of an SMS message.
    • Dial * 110 * 321 # and make a call. The service is activated "Financial report" and complete information on the subscriber account is provided (traffic, minutes, SMS).
    • Dial 06745 and make a call. Information about the remaining megabytes, minutes and SMS is displayed.

    For tariffs with a prepaid payment system:

    • Dial * 110 * 901 # and make a call. The service is activated "Balance on the screen" and detailed information is displayed. The service does not work on all mobile devices. To check, dial * 110 * 902 #.
    • Dial *102# and make a call. One-time balance determination. Can be used any time as needed.

    Beeline provides the opportunity to find out not only the remaining traffic, but also the balance on another number. For these purposes there is a service "Balance of loved ones". To enable the service, you must send a request that looks like this:

    • * 131 * 5 * XXX XXX XXXX #

    Where XXX XXX XXXX is the number whose balance you need to know. The number must be entered without the number “8”. Submitting a request is free. The cost of adding is 5 rubles. When you turn on the service, the operator will report the balance status.

    To allow another person to find out your balance, you must dial * 131 * 1 * subscriber number #.

    Find out the remaining traffic from the operator

    You can find out the remaining traffic and balance by calling one of the operator’s service numbers:

    • 0697 ;
    • 067404 ;
    • 0611 .

    The first number is used for prepaid tariffs, and the second for postpaid payment systems. Latest technical support number. When dialing the specified numbers, the autoinformer will provide the necessary information about the account status and the Megabyte balance.

    How to Find out the remaining traffic through your personal account

    One of the easiest ways to find out the remaining traffic is to visit the subscriber’s personal account. When entering your account, you must enter your username and password.

    If you do not have a personal Beeline account, then you should go through a simple registration. It is recommended to save your account information after registration in order to have permanent access to the service.

    Your personal account provides access not only to detailed information about the status of traffic and the account as a whole, but also allows you to add or disable services. You can access your personal account anywhere you have Internet access.

    In your personal account you can find out the most accurate and detailed data by day and hour.

    Find out through the “My Beeline” application

    You can get to your personal account through a special program “My Beeline”. The program can be downloaded to any mobile device with any operating system. The application can be found both on the official resource and on other services. To log into the application you will also need your account login and password.

    If a record has not been created previously, you can register and receive data directly in the application. After entering the user data, the application will display detailed information about the current traffic balance, minutes and other data.

    Find out the remaining traffic on a Beeline 3G/4G modem

    Regardless of the USB modem model, detailed information about the traffic status can be obtained in the device’s personal account. To do this you need to open the tab "Account Management", go to the “My Data” section and select “My Balance”.

    It is necessary to call the operator if any problems arise with the use of Beeline services or if there are questions that the subscriber is not able to solve on his own.

Using a mobile phone only as a phone is not relevant today. Modern phones have a wide range of functions, one of which is the ability to view web pages and use various instant messengers.

To do this, you need to create a mobile connection using the services of a telecom operator or simply connect to an available Wi-Fi network.

If the first option can be used anywhere and at any time, then the second option can only be used within the range of wireless data transmission technology.

Today, all well-known Russian mobile operators provide mobile Internet services. Using this service, you can order the required amount of traffic using your number, thus saving a lot of money, because the Internet is cheaper with prepayment.

And some tariff plans, for example the “Smart” line, have an already provided volume of megabytes for use by the subscriber. In order not to go beyond the provided volume, it is necessary to periodically check the remaining available megabytes of the Internet.

The easiest and surest way to independently find out your remaining available megabytes of traffic is to send a ussd request. It's very easy! Enter the following combination on the keyboard of your smartphone: * 111 * 217 # and press the green call key.

After completing the request, you will receive a response message that will indicate the tariff plan of this SIM card, whether the data transfer speed is limited or unlimited, how many Megabytes are left until the Internet access speed is limited, and the number of MB of traffic for a certain number of days.

If you ordered a package of megabytes, then you can check their balance with the following request: * 100 * 1 # and press the “call” key.

This method works on all modern phones that support instant messaging. On very old models, there may be problems with displaying text, but such phones do not support data transfer protocols, so this scenario is excluded.

If problems arise, you can always use alternative methods to check the remaining traffic.

how to find out the remaining traffic on MTS using SMS

You can find out the amount of available Internet traffic by typing an SMS message with the text “?” (but without quotes) to the short service number 5340. In response to the sent SMS you will receive information about the availability of available MB.

We check and clarify with the operator

You can always clarify any information on your account by simply calling the Call Center operator on the toll-free service number 0890. To connect to a “live” consultant, press the number 2 and then 0.

After this, you will have to wait a while until a free consultant becomes available. This process can take a certain amount of time from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on how busy the line is.

After which you will be connected to a qualified customer support center employee who will answer all your questions. After the end of the conversation, you will be asked to evaluate the quality of service by selecting one of the menu items.

Find out your traffic in your personal account

Well, the very last way is to use your Internet assistant. You can access it using a personal computer. To do this, launch your browser and enter the address of the official MTS website -

After successful authorization, go to the “Internet Assistant” tab, then to the “Account” item, then “Account Status”. A tab will open that will contain information about your number: expenses, payments and the balance of minutes, packages and other things.

The very last tab will display information about connected packages and the remaining MB for your number. As you can see, nothing complicated. This service is also absolutely free for all MTS subscribers.

  • Category: ,
  • June 13, 2015

How to check traffic on an MTS modem? If you have a similar question, you should look into it carefully. Today there are a number of methods, it is possible to choose the appropriate option.

Modem – the ability to use Internet services anywhere. If you have a laptop, then such a device will be very useful. What are the advantages of the modem:

  • It has compact dimensions and easily fits into your pocket.
  • Allows you to access the Internet in places where there is no access to a wireless network.
  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Easily connects to equipment via USB.
  • Does not require additional power, receives energy from the port.
  • Provides Internet access at high speed.
  • Copes well with its functions.
  • Can be used even at home, in the absence of broadband Internet.

Therefore, modems are becoming increasingly popular. They can be proprietary, branded by the operator and work only with its SIM cards. There are standard devices, they can be used on any network and there are no restrictions.

It is often necessary to find out the remaining traffic on MTS on a modem. The reasons for this are as follows:

  1. You need to control the balance of your package or tariff.
  2. Extend the speed in a timely manner.
  3. Avoid a sharp deterioration in connection quality due to an expired packet.

Basic methods

How to check how much traffic is left? There are a number of ways:

  • With the help of the team.
  • Log in to your personal account.
  • Call the operator.

Which method should I choose for further use? You should study the nuances of checking the remainder of the package using each method.

How to check the remaining traffic on an MTS modem via a computer

To view the balance of the package, the user can use a special command. The key advantage of this method is its exceptional simplicity. It is enough to enter a request and receive a response from the system.

Additionally, the operation takes a minimum of time. Therefore, more and more people are using this option to check the balance of the package. How to carry out the procedure:

  1. If you use the Connect-4 tariff, then you need to dial *217#.
  2. When using package options, you can use the request *111*217#.
  3. To enter a command via a computer, you need to open a special window in the modem menu.
  4. Use your keyboard to type in your request or copy and paste it.
  5. Send the command.
  6. Within a few seconds you will receive a message with the current balance.

Considering the simplicity of this method and the speed of obtaining information, it is used by many modem owners. Today, this method is one of the most popular among the operator’s subscribers.

How to see the remaining traffic on an MTS modem in your personal account

Personal account is a convenient online system. Operators are trying to reduce the load on the contact center. To do this, they provide users with tools to help them perform various operations and obtain important information.

Why is it worth using your personal account for verification?

  • It is easy to use.
  • It has a simple interface, you can quickly understand the controls.
  • You can not only check the remaining traffic for accessing the Internet, but also carry out various operations.
  • The personal account is informative and provides maximum data to users.

How to check the remaining traffic on an MTS modem? You will need to go to the operator’s website and go to the LC. A login form will appear. Enter the number and password, the system will transfer the user to the site.

The portal shows the balances of the packages. In your personal account you can get all the information you need and activate additional services.

Call the contact center

To obtain information, you can call the contact center. Need to:

  1. Enter the number 0890 and make a call.
  2. In the voice menu, select the option to transfer the call to a specialist.
  3. Wait for a response from the employee.
  4. After connecting, inform him about the reason for the call.
  5. The specialist will check the information and name the balance.

To contact the operator, you will need to remove the SIM card from the module and put it in the phone. Another way is to call from another number. But a specialist may request data to identify an individual.

The disadvantage of this method is that you often have to wait a long time for an answer.

During peak hours, the call processing period reaches 10-20 minutes. Therefore, it is easier to check the balance yourself.

How to extend the speed?

The main disadvantage of tariffs and options is the limited amount of traffic. The subscriber receives a certain volume at maximum speed. After the packet is used up, the parameter is reduced to 64 kbit/s. Using the Internet is becoming almost impossible on a PC.

MTS has a Turbo button service. If you run out of traffic, you can extend the speed for an additional fee. Main options for subscribers:

  • 5 GB for 400 rubles.
  • 20 GB for 750 rub.
  • Unlimited for 3 hours for 95 rubles.
  • For 6 hours – 150 rub.

How to connect the option? You can use a special command. The codes are listed on the operator’s website in the “Turbo button” section, select the appropriate option. The request is entered in a special window in the modem menu. Check your account balance to see if there is enough money for activation.

Another way is to use your personal account Need to:

  1. Go to the site.
  2. Log in.
  3. Go to the services section.
  4. Find the Turbo button.
  5. Select an option and activate on the website.