Correct username or password. The caption: "Wrong username or password" is complete crap

Even in the process of logging into the admin panel of the router, you may encounter a number of problems, for example, one of which is an incorrect router password. Let's figure out why this situation can happen and how you can fix it yourself. It will also be useful for you to read this article:

To access the admin panel of the router, you will need to enter a standard username and password, usually this ( admin admin), which is indicated on all routers. But it happens that when you open a browser window and try to enter the admin panel of the router, the wrong password is written to you. This can happen for a number of reasons.

Admin Admin does not work when trying to enter the router settings

Indicate in the window admin admin and writes " wrong name user or password". Now let's figure out what could be the reason:

  1. Your router was set up by you or a computer specialist who changed the password so it doesn't work.
  2. This could be a router malfunction.
  3. Specify incorrect standard data that is registered on the router.


  1. We clarify which specific information must be specified for your router. For this we are looking for all necessary information on the router itself.
  2. Try to remember, maybe you wrote down the password somewhere, or try to remember it.
  3. Well, the most reliable way is to press the button Reset- and reset all settings to factory settings.

Find the button on your router Reset- this button is recessed into the body of the router, press it with something sharp and wait 10 seconds. The router will reboot, then try to enter the admin panel by typing the standard admin credentials.

Standard for entering the admin panel of routers of different companies

On devices TP-LINK enter the admin admin.
- Here, too, fill in all the fields as in TP-LINK.

On devices Zyxel: address ( Login - admin. And the password is 1234. On ZyXEL Keenetic Start information is not specified. And by default, the settings of the router are not protected. The router itself will prompt you to set up a password.

Routers Linksys: address - User Name and Password- admin. They do not indicate this information on the device, most likely, they want users to configure using the disk.

Asus: address - Nothing new here either, fill in the standard data.

Possible problems leading to such errors:

  • The client entered his credentials incorrectly (login, password);
  • The Client has no money in the account, or the Client is blocked or not selected tariff plan;
  • The client's credentials could be stolen, and the attacker is authorized under them.
  • The Client is using active equipment (router), which is currently connected to the Internet, while the Client is trying to connect to the VPN server from the computer.
  • There is a download on the VPN server (The client was online, at some point everything stopped working, and when trying to reconnect, an error 691 is issued)
  • Billing related problems (server shutdown).
  • A tariff plan of another city has been established (the Client lives in Kaluga, and he has a Moscow tariff plan).

If the Client's status is offline:

In most cases, the problem is related to wrong input the Client's username or password and is solved by re-dialing the username and password. If the Client really enters everything correctly, it is necessary to re-create the connection. If the Client is not sure about the correctness of the entered password, then you can check in Personal Cabinet(LC), for which we recommend the Client to try to enter the LC. If the Client says that he has logged in successfully, it is necessary to ask whether he entered a username and password. It happens that the Client automatically logs into the LC when the browser is opened. If the attempt failed, and the Client received a message about an incorrect login or password, then create a request with the "Forgot password" type and give the Client a temporary password with which the Client enters the statistics server and sets himself permanent password... Information about successful or unsuccessful password change will appear as a comment in the created request.

If clicking on the icon VPN connection occurs immediately, i.e. the window for entering the login and password does not appear, you must click on the VPN icon in the "Network Connections" folder right click mouse, select Properties - Options tab - check the box "Request a name, password, certificate, etc.". If you cannot check the box, you must uncheck the box "Automatically use login and password from Windows:" in the "Security" tab.

Icon VPN connections most often called "beeline", you can find it as follows:

On Windows XP:

1. Start - Settings - Network Connections

2. Start - Control Panel - Network Connections

3. My Computer - Control Panel - Network Connections

4. My computer - network environment(left) - Show network connections (left)

5. Start - All Programs - Accessories - Communication - Network Connections

In Windows 2000:

1. Start - Settings - Network and remote access

2. Start - Control Panel - Network and Remote Access

V Windows Vista:

Start - Control Panel - Network Control Center - Control network connections(on the left side of the window)

On Windows 7:

Start - Panel Management - Network and Internet Center network management and general Access- Change adapter parameters (on the left side of the window)

If the Client's status is online:

Check what is written in the Framed IP column. To do this, move the cursor over the inscription ONLINE in a state on the line.

If Framed IP: ----- (no IP address), then we inform the Client that the previous session ended incorrectly and after 15 minutes, the session will end correctly and everything will work (this may happen due to incorrect actions of the Client when disconnecting from the Internet, restarting our VPN servers).

If Framed IP: (yes) - Check if the Client is using any active equipment(since the VPN connection can be established by the router itself). Check the item "Port change history", if there is Recent Entries about changing the address of the switch and port, then we check the Client's data (name, address), if everything is correct, we also make a comment about the possible theft of the password. We also clarify whether the Client did not give his username and password to his friends, familiar neighbors, because in some cases, there is no password theft as such, and the Client simply forgot that he gave his username and password to someone. If the fact of theft is confirmed, then we inform the Client about the need to change the password, or if the Client cannot do it on his own, then we do it through the Help Desk and a temporary password according to the instructions.

If theft is present: we transfer the call to TP2, where the engineers check the theft and, if necessary, reset the session. Detailed solution the problem is indicated in the Diagnostics.

Flowchart for handling customer requests for error 691

Exists best practice security, when the input forms instead of the inscription "incorrect password" should show the inscription "incorrect Username or password ". This so-called "best practice" sucks.

For example, Stripe and GitHub's follow this practice.

The idea is that if an attacker knows the username, they can focus on that account using SQL injection, brute-force, phishing, etc.

But here's the problem.

Damn, now you know my username ... I think I screwed up. Not to mention, you could just go here

All a hacker has to do is register to find out if the username is valid or not. Why bother with login form obfuscation then? Only the dumbest, laziest hacker will stop the message "username or password is incorrect". You don't get any security, but your users lose clarity.

Stripe has a reCAPTCHA field to prevent primitive scripts from attacking their login form. However, it has been hacked several times (,) and it will probably never be perfect. Even if the reCAPTCHA was perfect, a hacker could manually check the usernames while trying to register and then automate the attack on the login page.

To prevent attackers from knowing if Account or not, your login form should only accept an email address and not show in the data interface whether the registration was successful or not. Instead, the user will receive email with the message that it is registered. The only way that an attacker could know if the account exists - this is access to e-mail target object.

The message "wrong username or password" is bullshit.

To set up a router or modem, you need to go to its settings. It's not difficult, you can follow the instructions:, or. Even in the process of entering the settings, you can encounter many problems. One of these popular problems is when the admin password does not fit, or the name user admin when trying to enter the settings at, or

In the articles, links to which I gave above, I wrote that in the settings of each router, or modem, you can go to the IP address, or You can see the address on the bottom of your router. There should be a sticker on which it is indicated.

To access the web-based interface of the router, you need to specify a username and password. Typically, the default password is admin and the username is admin. But not all manufacturers. And when we specify the admin password on the login page (or other data for your manufacturer) and the same username, then we may not get into the settings. The page will just reload and that's it. Or, we will see a message that the password is incorrect. Well, we will not get access to the settings of the router. If you have any other problem logging into the router settings page, then see this article.

The admin password does not match when entering the router settings

You specify admin and admin, but do not enter the settings. "Invalid password" or "Invalid username" error. Now let's try to fix everything.

Basically, there are three reasons:

  • You, or the wizard who set up the router for you changed the password from admin to something else. Maybe he changed his username too. So they don't fit.
  • Some kind of router malfunction.
  • Enter the wrong password / login, which is used by default.


  • First of all, we clarify what data needs to be specified specifically on your router. To do this, we are looking for information on the device itself. Or, see the manufacturer information in this article.
  • Try to go to the settings from a different browser. In the comments, they shared information, which, for example, through Chrome password admin did not fit, but in Internet browser Explorer everything worked and the settings opened.
  • Next, try to remember, maybe you wrote down the password somewhere. Perhaps you still remember him :)
  • Well, the most reliable solution is to reset the router settings. According to the idea, after this procedure, the settings will be available by standard password and login.

It is not difficult to reset the parameters to factory defaults. Find the button on the body of your router RESET... It can be sunk into the body, in which case, you need to press on it with something sharp.

Also, RESET can be on one button with WPS.

Necessary click on the RESET button and hold for 10 seconds maybe longer. The router should reboot. After that, try to go to the control panel. If something does not work out, then on our website there are instructions for resetting the settings for all popular routers.

Standard username and password for different routers

Let's find out what kind of password and login is used by default on your router. As I wrote above, this information can be found on the device itself.

On routers Tp-Link: address - (maybe Login and password are admin and admin.

On D-Link: address - The username and password are admin and admin. Or, we simply do not fill in the password field.

Devices Zyxel: address (or Login - admin. And the password is 1234. On ZyXEL Keenetic Start this information is not specified. By default, the settings are not protected. The router itself will ask you to set a password.

Routers Linksys: address - Username and password are admin. For some reason, they do not indicate this information on the device itself. Probably because they want Linksys routers to configure using special program included on the disc.

Asus: address - User Name - admin, Password - also admin.

On Tenda: address - Login - admin. Password - leave the field blank.

If you follow the instructions, the settings page should open.