Can you see on Facebook who has visited you? Hide your online status from annoying friends

Polina Todorova

If you want to properly set up notifications, hide some people, and generally use Facebook like a real pro, use these tips.

Saw something interesting in your feed, but don’t have time to read it? Save the news for later

All links, videos, photos, places and other content that you have bookmarked can be viewed in the " Saved» in your Facebook profile. IN mobile application Facebook this section can be found in the “Advanced” tab.

Turn your profile photo into an animated GIF

In the Facebook mobile app, select your profile photo and click Make New Profile Video to upload a short looping video of yourself. The result will be something between a GIF and a live photo from Harry Potter.

A small lightning bolt icon next to a story indicates that it is an Instant Articles story. These articles tend to load faster and have fewer ads.

Facebook Instant Articles are a native element of this social network, which means it is loaded directly into the application. Many digital publications use this format. According to Facebook, these articles will load tens of times faster.

You'll know you're reading an Instant Article by the small lightning bolt icon in the bottom left corner of the news thumbnail.

Disable automatic playback of videos in your news feed

If you don't want all your videos to play automatically while you're browsing your news feed, turn off autoplay.

In the right tab of the Facebook mobile app, you will find the Settings section. Select "Account Settings" and the "Videos and Photos" section. You can make videos play automatically only when your device is connected to the Internet directly or via Wi-Fi, only via Wi-Fi, or disable autoplay altogether.

Unfollow people you don't want to unfriend but want to remove their news from your feed

If you want to get rid of someone's news in your feed, but you don't have the courage to unfriend them, simply unfollow them.

Go to to the right person in your profile, click on “You are subscribed” and select “Cancel subscription to updates”.

Look at what you were doing on this day on Facebook a few years ago.

The On This Day feature allows you to see what you were doing on the social network on this day several years ago. You could say it's your personal Facebook time capsule.

All activity displayed on the “On This Day” page is visible only to you. You will find it at this link: You can hide some people in your past history so your exes won't show up in your memories.

Your Activity Log stores all the posts you've shared, liked, or commented on.

The event log records all your activities on the social network. It can be easily viewed on the website and mobile application.

Select people and pages whose updates you don't want to miss in your feed

If you have people or favorite pages whose news you want to see first in your feed, set them to appear in the Facebook mobile app.

Select "Settings" in the "Advanced" tab and click "Display Priority".

Tag people and pages that interest you. Now their news will be displayed first in your feed, marked with a blue star.

Please indicate the correct pronunciation of your name.

Are you tired of your name being pronounced incorrectly? Then show Facebook how to pronounce it.

When editing your profile, go to the “Information about you” section. There you can also indicate your nickname or maiden name.

Understand the difference between a "friend" and a "follower"

On Facebook you can become a friend or follower of someone.

The status of friends indicates that you have confirmed your connection with each other and probably know each other. If you are someone’s subscriber, it means the person has not confirmed your friend request.

Your subscribers see only those posts that you post on general access. At any time, you can prevent anyone from following your account in the " Filters and tools for public publishing ».

Hide the post from specific people

You can share your posts with friends, friends of friends and any visitor to your page

To choose who will see your publication, select the appropriate setting item in the drop-down menu on the right top corner post. In the mobile application, click on “Privacy Settings” and select one of the options. On the Facebook website, you will need to click on the icon in the form of a globe or user icons next to the time the post was published.

If you want the post to be visible to everyone except some people, select "User Settings" and set them in the "Do not show" section.

You can easily see what your profile looks like to other users and to individual friends from whom you have hidden some information.

To do this, go to your profile, click on the three dots icon and select “View as...”.

Hide your friends list from everyone

If for some reason you don't want others to see your friends list, you can hide it.

Go to your friends list and, by clicking on the pen icon, select “Manage”. There, select “Edit privacy settings.” You can customize who can see your list of friends, followers, and people you follow.

Make sure your marital status changes don't show up in your friends' feeds

Sometimes changing your marital status on Facebook can backfire if it's seen on your friends' feeds. You can set your marital status so that changes are visible only to you, and your friends won't know about them.

Just go to your profile edit page, go to the “Family and Relationships” section and select “Only Me” in your privacy settings.

Hide individual albums and events from your timeline

If you don't want everyone to see some of your albums but don't want to delete them, hide them so that only you can see them. The same goes for certain events in your life, such as changes in marital status, job changes and other things.

Just look for the little gray icon next to the album or post. An icon in the form of two people means that the post is available only to your friends, a globe icon means a post that is visible to everyone, and a padlock means that it is available only to you.

Block people so they can't contact you

If someone is bothering you with messages, or you want to block access to your page for some person, go to their profile and click on the icon in the form of three dots. Select “Block” from the menu that appears.

In your security settings, you can enable notifications about login attempts to your Facebook account.

There you can set up alerts so that you receive an email or Facebook notification every time you try to log in. If you enable Login Verification, you will have to enter additional code from SMS.

Get rid of tons of notifications

Choose what types of notifications you want to receive.

Moreover, you can set up notifications differently on the website and in the mobile app. Go to the "Notifications" section and do this.

Turn off all notifications for posts you commented on

Surely you have had the experience of commenting on some post and then greatly regretting it because you started receiving a lot of notifications about new comments.

You can unsubscribe from notifications of any activity associated with any post. This feature will definitely save you the next time your friends decide to start a political debate in the comments.

Once you receive a notification about a new comment, click on the cross to the right of it and select "Mute".

The function also works in the opposite direction. You can enable notifications for any activity on a post by clicking on the arrow to the right of it and selecting “Enable notifications for this post” from the drop-down menu.

Turn off birthday reminders

If you're tired of Facebook constantly reminding you of your friends' birthdays, turn off this feature.

In your account settings, go to the "

Hello, dear readers. Let me welcome you to another article. The first and most popular social Facebook network contains a lot useful functions, which facilitate communication and communication between users.

But the site's creators believe that some things should remain hidden. It's about about “guests” – users who viewed your profile. Such Facebook information does not provide, there are no plans to add guests in the future either, since some things must remain private. In this article I will talk about indirect ways that will help you find out who visited my Facebook page.

The article contains the following instructions:

1. Identify close friends who view your profile most often.

2. Search for guests using the “You May Know Them” function.

3. Use Facebook search.

4. Find people who visit your page using browser code.

How can I find out who visited my Facebook page?

IMPORTANT! It is impossible to determine exactly who visits your page and how often they do this. The lists you will receive using my instructions are conditional on important factors: Who do you chat with most often via private messages, who publishes your posts, etc. You should not download applications that offer you to enable the “guests” function - this is a scam that can harm your data, operating system and even your computer.

Who is your closest friend?

It is impossible to determine who regularly visits your page. But you can find out who you interact with most often on a social network. This applies not only to your friends with whom you regularly correspond, but also to users viewing your profile, photos, etc. Your task is to determine who Facebook has listed as your best friends. If you see a person there with whom you have not corresponded or communicated extremely rarely, it means that he is interested in your updates. And now to the instructions.

Open your Facebook page. Now you need to get quick access to profile. To do this, click on your name, which is located in the upper left corner. Now go to the page with your friends - click on the “Friends” tab.

At first glance, the list may look random, but the social network is already known to use special algorithms to show the most important friends. So, here is the list. There may be not only friends here, but people who most often share updates, comment on your posts, share updates and view your page.

Now we need to see who is in first place. These are the users whom Facebook has classified as “closest contacts.” As you can see, this is the simplest method, but not all users know how this algorithm works. Below I will talk about more complex instructions, which will provide more accurate information. And if you don’t have enough information about your closest friends, then move on.

We identify guests by browser code

So, how can I find out who visited my Facebook page using the browser code?

I repeat: there are no miracle programs that allow you to simply find out who visited your Facebook profile. Any application that offers such a function is a scam that can not only damage the operation operating system on a computer, but also harm personal data. When downloading any programs on your computer, the antivirus must be turned on - this simple rule can save information.

And now to the process itself. You must launch a browser to log into Facebook. There is an important requirement - it must have the function of viewing the source code of the page. For example, you can take “ Google Chrome"or its analogues (Yandex Browser).

IMPORTANT! This operation cannot be performed via special application Facebook or using mobile browsers.

So we went to desired browser and opened their own page on the social network. To see the source code of your page, you should click on your name in the upper left corner (located by the image that appears on your avatar). Click right click mouse on free space page, in the context menu you need to select the item called “Show home page" There is also a keyboard shortcut to perform this action: “Ctrl+U”. If you are performing this action on an Apple computer, then you need to press the combination “Cmd + U”. Going to the source code page in other browsers is done using the “View” menu (Opera, Firefox).

The next step is searching desired web pages in the source cat. To do this, enter the following command into the search bar: “InitialChatFriendsList”. You can now view the list of profiles that are in your friends list. You will see numbers, each of which corresponds to a specific profile. Take any link and copy it without the last number. After this, the person’s page will open. Now you know who owns the profile with the number “1” or “2”. Accordingly, number “1” will be the person who views your page most often.

We check guests using the “You may know them” button

This is another indirect way by which you can find out who visited your page. Go to your profile. On the right side of the screen, you need to click on the menu called “You May Know Them.” Here you can see people who have recently visited your Facebook profile. The disadvantage of this method is that there are no statistics. That is, you will not know on what day the user was interested in your page, how many times he did this, etc.

It is worth paying attention to the button called “View all”. By clicking on it, you will see a list of potential guests who visited your page. Again, you won't get reliable information here. You can only figure out who is visiting your profile by checking this menu daily. For example, yesterday you clicked on the button, and there were no visits, but today new names appeared in the window. In these simple ways you will know how to find out who visited my Facebook page.

Closing your profile from strangers

Have you studied different ways in this article and perhaps wanted to isolate their page from strangers. Facebook gives you this opportunity, and it’s quite easy to do. To do this you need to do the following:

On Facebook there is a button “View activity log”, next to it you will see three dots - click on them with the left mouse button.

After this it will appear context menu– here you need to click on the link called “Chronicle Settings”.

After this, Facebook will take us to the settings menu, where there are many tabs. You can study their purpose in free time, and now you need to go to the section called “Confidentiality”.

Here we need to set privacy parameters. The first point is “Who can see my materials?” To strangers didn’t go to your posts, just put “Friends”, then only people from your friend list will have access to your posts.

Next, you should understand the “Who can contact me?” setting. Quite often, advertising profiles are added to Facebook, which only distract from work. To isolate yourself from them, you can set a simple filter in this section.

The last section is “Who can find me?” Here you can hide or open data with which they can find your Facebook profile. For example, you can take email address. When registering the page, you indicated your e-mail. If another person enters this address into the search bar, they will be shown your page. You can turn this feature off. This also applies to phone numbers.

Finding guests by letter

There is another simple way to determine who visited my Facebook page. Plus this method is that the list will include even those users who are not on your friend list. To see potential guests, you need to type any letter in the search bar. After this, the social network will automatically display a list of users whose first and last names contain the letter you entered.

At first glance, it may seem that these are completely random profiles. But in fact, the first name on the list will refer to the person who is lately I went to your profile. This list may also include users whose profiles you have studied yourself. You will probably remember this, so you can easily identify the guests on this list.

If you need to create a list of visitors, you will have to go through each letter of the alphabet. These people come to your page, view your photos, videos and various entries. If you do this trick for 5-7 days, then you will be able to identify all the “guests” - these profiles will be repeated in search bar every day. The disadvantage of this method is that this work will take too much time. But if this is important to you, then you can set aside half an hour every day, then you will definitely recognize the “invisible people” who regularly view your Facebook profile. It is worth saying that the same scheme works in VK. I also invite you to watch the video “How to find out who visited my Facebook page?”

So, concluding today’s material “How to find out who visited my Facebook page,” as you can see, if you use a trick, you can identify visitors to your page even on a social network that does not provide such a function. There are similar methods for the social network VKontakte, but this is a topic for another article. You can find out all the details from this article:

However, it is worth saying that so far there is only one social network that has the “Guests” function - Odnoklassniki. I can only wish you to follow my instructions, and you will be able to find guests on your favorite social networks.

Who called from unknown number and snorted into the phone? Who is "Lena of Mordor" who appeared in the phone book after Saturday's party? Enter 10 last digits phone number in the search bar on Facebook, and most likely you will find out the answers. By default, the ability to find a person by phone number enabled for all users.

If you don't want this trick to happen to you, change your privacy settings.

2. Disable the “Viewed” status in messages

This feature ruins relationships and lives! Of course, who likes it when personally selected people are openly ignored? funny pictures and important news.

If you are not one of those who can calmly leave messages from acquaintances unanswered, use a browser extension. It disables the “Viewed/Unviewed” message status on the desktop version of Facebook. For the Chrome browser this is Facebook Unseen. For Firefox and Explorer - Chat Undetected. But there is also a negative point: with these extensions you won’t be able to see the read status either.

3. Hide your online status from annoying friends

If you are completely tired of a friend, then turn off the chat with him. Click on the gear in the right column with the list of friends and select “Advanced settings”.

Messages from the disabled chat will be stored in the “Inbox” folder, but, unlike the previous point, you will not be able to read them unnoticed.

4. Look in your news feed only for posts from friends and communities you are subscribed to

Facebook wants to drag everyone into its quagmire as deeply as possible. This is why it shows users posts liked and commented on by friends. But there is a way to leave only posts from friends and communities you follow in your feed.

Install the friends feed extension in Chrome. With it, extraneous posts will either be hidden or covered with a gray veil - choose in the settings.

5. Read hidden messages

Who knows, maybe your life is not as boring as it seems. Perhaps you were called to the job of your dreams, secret admirers confessed their love, and their admirers threatened to kill you. But you didn't know anything about it, because Facebook posts messages from outside users V hidden folder and does not notify you about them in any way. Click on the “Other” tab (for many people it has recently been called “Correspondence Request”) next to the main messages and see everything that was hidden!

6. Hide your friends list from prying eyes

Let's not even speculate why you might be shy about your Facebook acquaintances. Just go to personal page in the “Friends” tab, click on the pencil and indicate who can see the circle of your Facebook friends.

7. Disable video autoplay

In one fell swoop, you can bring a little peace of mind to your feed and save money. mobile traffic. To do this, disable automatic video playback. IN native app On Facebook, go to your account settings > “Video and Photos” > “Autoplay” > select the desired setting.

8. Share GIFs on Facebook

Do you love GIFs as much as ? If the answer is positive, we will tell you how to share them on Facebook. Insert a link to the GIF into the status field (yes, you won’t be able to upload it directly from your computer). After it is loaded, the link can be deleted. Publish.

9. Change your relationship status without unnecessary drama

Between internal decision ending the relationship and announcing this to the other party may take a long time. And I want to start looking for new romantic adventures on Facebook right away. By default, a notification about a change in your personal life appears in all friends' feeds. So don't forget to select the "Only Me" setting under "Information" > "Family and Relationships."

10. Bookmark interesting posts to read them later

Thousands of posts appear on your Facebook feed every day, it’s impossible to read everything, even if you completely abandon the idea of ​​working. Fortunately, the social network has a built-in bookmarking service. To save a post for later, click the arrow in the upper right corner.

This article will look at ways to view visitors to a page on the social network Facebook.


IN modern world There are a huge variety of social networks, but Russian-speaking users are closest to VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.” However, the first social network of this kind was Facebook. And many Russian-speaking users began to master this social network. It allows you to join groups, view news and videos, listen to music, find new people, communicate with them and much, much more. And of course, there are a huge number of other people there, so many are interested in who visited their page and how to see guests on Facebook. There are several options.

How to see guests on Facebook

When the developers created this social network, they did not foresee similar function. No separate tab or pages where you could see statistics on visits to your page on Facebook. This was done in order to maintain anonymity, because everyone has the right to privacy. Thus, you can guess for a long time who viewed your page, but no official ways There is no way to see guests on Facebook. However, this can still be achieved indirectly.

Ways to view guests on Facebook

There are several ways to view who has visited your page on the social network Facebook. However, they are all indirect and do not allow one to obtain accurate statistical data, but, on the other hand, this is still at least something.

The first way to view guests on Facebook is quite simple. Simply refresh the page as often as possible and you will see which friends have visited it.

The second method, in principle, is also not particularly complicated. Simply click on the “Find Friends” button and you will be presented with a list of “You May Know Them.” Using this list you can find friends who visited your page. However, you will not be able to obtain any exact data (when and what time you visited, who visited, how many times you visited), but this is at least some information.

You can also go this way. Click on the “View all” button and you will see a list of all guests. Again, you will not get accurate information. Of course, you can log in every day and see whether anyone has visited your page or not. That is, for example, today you clicked on the button and see that there are no visits, and tomorrow you will go and a notification will appear saying that someone has visited your page.

If you are seriously interested in the question of whether you can see guests on Facebook, then there is another way. To do this, you can use your friends list. Yes, yes, that's right, regular list friends. The list of your best friends is created for a reason, but based on special algorithms. Facebook tracks who you chatted with most often, who you sent videos and pictures to, whose page you visited and who visited your page. Based on these criteria, Facebook ranks your friends in order of how often you interact with them. Accordingly, in order to understand who visited your page, you need to go to the list of your best friends and carefully study it. If you find a person there with whom you communicate little, but at the same time he is quite high on the list of friends, this means that he visits your page quite often and is interested in your life. This is such a simple, but at the same time effective way.

Third party programs and applications

In this publication on our website we will tell you how to see guests on facebook, if this is, of course, at all possible. Facebook, as the most popular social network in the world, is very sensitive to privacy in its various forms. While on a social network like Odnoklassniki you can easily see guests who have visited your page, Facebook categorically rejects this possibility. And here you don’t need to look for any hidden reasons and motives. You wouldn’t be particularly pleased when anyone or a page saw your activity. If you want to show your interests or preferences, then you will already tell about it to all those whom you consider necessary to tell.

On at the moment, in Face you cannot see your guests in any way. And it seems that they will not be seen in the future. After all, as mentioned above, Facebook declares itself as a network that cares most about the privacy of its users. If suddenly Facebook didn’t give a damn about this principle, then, believe me, it definitely wouldn’t help. After all, why is FB so popular in the world? Such high popularity is due, first of all, to the company’s security policy, and only then to the functionality, ergonomics of the site or something else. You can’t look at the guests on Facebook, but here you can. To do this, you just need to click on the chat in the lower right corner of the screen, where the time will be located on the right next to each of your friends. These numbers will indicate how long ago the person visited Face. That's all that can be found out about how often and for how long a person is in the most popular social. networks of our planet.

Despite all of the above, many users are looking for an answer to the question of Is it possible to see guests on Facebook? using some scripts, codes, third-party programs, etc.? Almost everyone asks this question sooner or later. active users FB. The answer will be categorical - NO, it is impossible.

Do not believe various dubious businesses that will tell you that they know a 100 percent, working, proven way to see who was on your Facebook page and when. They may even ask you for money for giving you this or that program for guests to watch. Don't trust anyone. If you use third party programs, then you run a very high risk of catching a virus or being hacked.

If, after everything you’ve read, you still don’t believe us and spend a lot of time searching for a miracle application, entering the following queries into Google: “”, then you may only stumble upon some additional software, which makes some link in your contact information. These are so-called trap or decoy applications. The principle of their work is quite simple. Having installed such an application, you wait until someone looks at your contact information and clicks on the link. In this case you will see who it was. But you shouldn’t hope that everyone who visits your page will click on this link. Moreover, no one may click on it at all. Despite the huge amount on Face about similar applications, they do not provide any useful and complete information about visitors. But if you created this or that page on Facebook, where you wanted to unite people with similar interests, then here you, as an administrator, will have complete information about the guests of your page.

To do this, simply go to the created page and you will see top menu an item called “Statistics” (highlighted in red in the picture above). By clicking on this menu item, you can view all the statistics of your page according to various criteria.