Recover your email password for a secret question. How to recover your mail ru password if your phone number is lost

Email is one of the most important elements that every Internet user needs. If we do not touch on work issues when email is used for correspondence, then it is worth noting the need to have a workbox when registering on social networks, forums, etc. In addition, this is one of the most popular tools for receiving notifications about promotions, discounts, new products and more.

Often, users lose access to their email. As a rule, there are two reasons for this: either the mailbox address has been forgotten, or the password has been forgotten. Below we will look at the account recovery process for three popular email services - Yandex.Mail, Gmail and

Account recovery in Yandex.Mail

To begin restoring your account in the Yandex mail service, go to the access recovery page using this link. You will need to indicate your existing login or email address, after which you must enter the characters shown in the picture and click the button "Next" .

In the next window, you will need to provide a second email address or mobile phone number (depending on what you specified during registration), and then click the button "Get code" .

You will be sent a special code to the specified source, which you must enter in the box, after which you will be able to change your password.

If you don’t remember your login or password to log into Yandex, then the task becomes somewhat more complicated. You will need to go to the access recovery page and indicate any of three points: the account number in the Yandex.Money service, the number of the Metrica counter installed on the site, or the number of the advertising campaign in Yandex.Direct.

Unfortunately, if you do not use any of the listed Yandex services, then it will be impossible to restore access to your email without knowing your login and mailbox.

Account recovery on

It is not only an email account, but also a means of authorization on your YouTube channel, Android system and other popular company services.

To begin restoring access to your account, follow this link and select the required item, depending on what account information you know (or don’t know). Next, follow the instructions of the service, give the correct answers to the questions and you will most likely be able to access your account.

Account recovery on

The popular email service in Russia also has the ability to restore an account.

Go to the password recovery page using this link and enter your mailbox to log into your service account. Then click the button "Restore" .

A special code will be sent to your phone number or second email address, which must be entered in the service column. If the code is entered correctly, you will be given the opportunity to change the password to log into your account, which means the recovery was successful.

If you don’t remember the name of your email address, then we can only sympathize, because... Even the support service will refuse your request to recover a forgotten email address.

Don't worry! If your profile contains an email or phone number, you can easily recover the password yourself. How to recover your password if you have a registered number, you can read here. You can find out how to reset your password if you have an email address in your profile here. If you still cannot recover your password or no data is registered in your profile, please contact the Support Service. Please note that recovery through Help Desk may take some time. Also, the Support Service may request additional data, while with self-recovery you will be in your profile in a minute. It’s a pity, but there are no other recovery methods yet, because it would be sad if the password or login could be easily obtained. Don't worry! If you really are the owner of the profile, then the Support Service will definitely help you. Soon everything will be OK!

Article updated...

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How to recover email

This article talks about how to make an email and how to recover email from Mail.Ru, Yandex or Google.

Actually, why could this happen?

You haven't checked your email for a long time.

The fact is that in order to free up space on servers, as well as email addresses, the Mail.Ru administration decided to delete mailboxes that have never been logged in over the past three months.

In this case, the account is automatically deleted from the servers. You can still restore it for some time. True, this restoration cannot be considered complete, since all your letters and settings will be erased.

Only Mail.Ru allows itself to do this, so if a similar situation may arise in your life, we advise you to move to another postal service.

Unfortunately, it is a very common and unpleasant problem. In such cases, it is possible to restore mail...

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How to restore Odnoklassniki without a phone number

Previously, there were different methods for restoring a page for Odnoklassniki (email, security question and answer, using a phone number). But at the moment, the Odnoklassniki administration decided that it was necessary to leave the most reliable recovery method - recovery using a mobile phone number to which a confirmation code is sent. It must be entered on the computer screen. But it happens that the phone is lost, in another country, or for some other reason that there is no access to the phone number indicated on the page. What to do in this case?

Restoring a page without the mobile phone number that was indicated on the page is now only possible by contacting Odnoklassniki support. There are no other methods. You can even ask Odnoklassniki support about this.

To make an effective appeal, immediately prepare the following information so that it...

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Open the special form to reset your password. This process will begin automatically if your account does not have a phone number or second email address associated with it that can be used to recover your password. The form you fill out will be reviewed by a Google employee (so you may not be able to access your account immediately). If you make a mistake while filling out the form, you can fill it out several more times.

Enter an email address that you have access to. This is where you will receive a response regarding your completed form, so make sure you can open this mailbox. If you don't have another email address, create one.

Please indicate the last time you were able to sign in to the Google account you are trying to regain access to. You don't need to specify an exact time, but the closer you are to Google's server data, the better.

Please indicate when...

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How to recover your Odnoklassniki password if you have forgotten or lost it? Agree, quite often you hear from friends and relatives the phrases “forgot the password for my page” or “forgot the password from.” And the site is no exception in this case.

We want to say right away that this instruction is suitable for those who really forgot their password. Those users of the Odnoklassniki social network who simply want to change their Odnoklassniki password can do this by reading our article at the link.

How to recover a forgotten password on Odnoklassniki

You can recover your Odnoklassniki password, as we already wrote in the article about restoring the Odnoklassniki page, in two ways - by indicating your email address or phone number. Accordingly, in the first case, you will receive an email with a password to your email address that you specified during recovery, and in the second, a temporary password will be sent via SMS to your mobile number...

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Today we decided to talk about how you can recover data from your mailbox on the Mail service. Many users know that the Mail postal service is one of the most popular sites in our country. The service appeared relatively long ago; at that time, even connecting to the Internet was made through ancient dial-up modems, and from this it can be revealed that only a small part of the population used the Internet. But today, the majority of users choose this particular mail service, since in reality it is quite simple to register on it, and the plus is that after registration the user gets the opportunity to use not only his mail, but also other services that are provided this is a major project. Another important advantage is that provides truly high-quality services for its users. There are many different reasons why you can...

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You will need

Personal computer; - registration on


A page on may be blocked by the site administration due to spam sent from your account to other users. If you are not a spammer or a hacker of your own profile, then, most likely, attackers have tried here, the main protection against which is to change the password and then resume access to the profile.

The page restoration procedure is simple and takes a few seconds. To start it, you need to click on the link “Forgot?” on the main page of the website in the mailbox next to the “Password” line. (it is located above the “Login” button) and follow the prompts of the wizard that opens in the next window.

Here you will be asked to provide your username. If, of course, you remember him. You can also get to the page for restoring access to e-mail and all site resources by typing the following in the address bar...

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Answer a secret question - enter the correct answer to the question, the code from the picture and click “Recover Password”. If the answer turns out to be correct, you will be prompted to enter a new password for this mailbox. If you don’t remember the answer to your security question, click “I don’t remember the answer” - you will be offered an alternative recovery method; Send a password recovery link to an additional e-mail address - select the e-mail address to which you want to send a password recovery link and click “Recover”. A link will be sent to the selected address, by clicking on which you can change the password for your mailbox. If you don't have...

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The portal offers its users many convenient services that greatly facilitate their virtual existence. One of these convenient functions is email, without which it is impossible to perform any actions on the Internet, be it registering on a website or online purchases. Therefore, sometimes it becomes necessary to restore your mail if it is unavailable or you have deactivated your account yourself.

Recovery after deletion

So, you deleted your mailbox, but then changed your mind and now want to have access to it again. What needs to be done for this?

The answer is simple: go to the website and enter your username and correct password in the account login field. This way, you will again gain access to your mailbox, but the information that was stored on it will not be restored.

What to do if you forgot your password?

To do this, you will need instructions on how to recover your mail password. Ways to do it...

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A page on may be blocked by the site administration due to spam sent from your account to other users. If you are not a spammer or a hacker of your own profile, then, most likely, attackers have tried their best here, the main protection against which is the further restoration of access to the profile.

The page restoration procedure is simple and takes a few seconds. To start it, you need to click on the link “Forgot?” on the main page of the website in the mailbox next to the “Password” line. (it is located above the “Login” button) and follow the prompts of the wizard that opens in the next window.

Here you will be asked to provide your username. If, of course, you remember him. You can also get to the page for restoring access to e-mail and all site resources by typing the following combination of characters in the address bar: Enter your login in the appropriate field and click “Next”.

To restore access, you can choose the option that is most convenient for you: enter the address of an additional email address, indicate the phone number used during registration, or answer a security question. Please note that the answer must be entered into the line as it was written earlier, respecting case and spaces. Please note that you will not be able to use this function if the box has been used within the last three days. In this case, you will have to choose another method, for example, using a telephone.

To do this, please provide the last four digits of your mobile number. Wait for an SMS message with a code. Enter it in the appropriate field and you can start changing your password. Enter the code from the picture and click “Continue”. If you can't make out the combination of letters and numbers, refresh the image and try again. Then click "Save".

If you cannot recover your password yourself, contact support by first filling out a special form. Please note: the more detailed your answers are, the more columns are filled in, the faster you can start using your email account. The list of required fields in the questionnaire includes the user's last name, first name, patronymic, age, date of birth, answer to the security question, information about the approximate date of registration, e-mail, password and date of last login, at least approximate.

Once you are able to log into the mail service, access to your page on will also be restored.

Everyone has email. Moreover, users often have several mailboxes on different web services at the same time. At the same time, many of them often forget the password they created during registration, and then there is a need to restore it.

In general, the process of restoring a code combination on different services is not much different. But, since there are still certain nuances, let’s consider this procedure using the example of the most common mailers.

Important: Despite the fact that the procedure discussed in this article is called “Password Recovery,” none of the web services (and this applies not only to email providers) allows you to recover your old password. Any of the available methods involves resetting the old code combination and replacing it with a new one.


Nowadays it is difficult to find a user who does not have a Google mailbox. Almost everyone uses the company's services, both on mobile devices with OS and on a computer, on the web - in a browser or on a website. Only if you have an email address with the address can you take advantage of all the functions and capabilities offered by the Good Corporation.

Speaking about recovering your Gmail password, it is worth noting a certain complexity and some duration of this seemingly mundane procedure. Google, compared to its competitors, requires too much information in order to restore access to the mailbox if the password is lost. But, using the detailed instructions on our website, you can easily restore your mail.


Google’s domestic competitor has distinguished itself by having a more delicate, loyal attitude towards its users. You can recover your password for this company’s email service in four different ways:

  • Receive SMS to the mobile phone number specified during registration;
  • Answer to the security question also asked during registration;
  • Specifying another (backup) mailbox;
  • Direct contact to Yandex.Mail support service.

As you can see, there is plenty to choose from, so even a beginner should not have problems solving this simple task. And yet, in order to avoid difficulties, we recommend that you read our material on this topic.

Microsoft Outlook

Outlook is not only an email service from Microsoft, but also a program of the same name that provides the ability to organize convenient and effective work with electronic correspondence. You can recover your password both in the client application and on the mailer’s website, which we will discuss below.

  1. Following the above link, click the button "Login"(if required). Enter your email address, then click "Next".
  2. In the next window, click on the link “Forgot your password?” located slightly below the input field.
  3. Choose one of the three suggested options that suits your situation:
    • I don't remember my password;
    • I remember the password, but I can't log in;
    • I think someone else is using my Microsoft account.
  4. Enter the email address from which you are trying to recover the code combination. Then enter the captcha and click "Next".
  5. To verify your identity, you will be asked to send an SMS with a code or receive a call to the phone number specified when registering with the service. If you do not have access to the specified number, select the last item - “I don’t have this data”(we will consider further). Having chosen the appropriate option, click "Next".
  6. Now you need to enter the last four digits of the number associated with your Microsoft account. Once done, press "Send code".
  7. In the next window, enter the digital code that will be sent to your phone in the form of SMS or will be dictated in a phone call, depending on which option you chose in step 5. Having specified the code, press "Next".
  8. Your Outlook email password will be reset. Come up with a new one and enter it twice in the fields shown in the screenshot. Having done this, click "Next".
  9. The code combination will be changed, and at the same time access to the mailbox will be restored. By pressing the button "Next", you will be able to log in to the web service by providing updated information.

Now let's consider the option of changing the Outlook email password in the case when you do not have access to the phone number that was linked to your Microsoft account directly during its registration.

  1. So, let's continue from point 5 of the above guide. Select an item “I don’t have this data”. If you have not linked a mobile number to your mailbox, instead of this window you will see what will be shown in the next paragraph.
  2. According to a logic understandable only to Microsoft representatives, a confirmation code will be sent to the mailbox for which you do not remember the password. Naturally, it is not possible to find out in our case. Let's act more logically than the savvy representatives of this company suggest - click on the link "This verification option is not available to me" located below the code entry field.
  3. Now you will need to specify any other email address available to you, at which Microsoft support representatives will contact you. Having specified it, click the button "Next".
  4. Check the mailbox entered in the previous step - the letter from Microsoft should contain a code that you will need to enter in the field indicated in the image below. Once done, press "Confirm".
  5. Unfortunately, this is not all. On the next page, to restore access to your account, you will need to enter the information specified during registration:
    • Last name and first name;
    • Date of birth;
    • The country and region where the account was created.
  6. Once at the next stage of recovery, enter the last Outlook email passwords that you remember (1). It is also highly advisable to note other Microsoft products that you may use (2). For example, by providing information from your Skype account, you will increase your chances of recovering your email password. Indicate in the last field (3) whether you have purchased any of the company's products, and if so, indicate what exactly. After this, click on the button "Next".
  7. All information you provide will be sent to Microsoft Support for review. Now all you have to do is wait for a letter to the mailbox specified in point 3, in which you will learn about the result of the recovery procedure.

It is worth noting that in the absence of access to the telephone number that was associated with the mailbox, as well as in cases where neither a number nor a backup email address was associated with the account, there are no guarantees for password recovery. So, in our case, it was not possible to restore access to mail without a mobile phone.

In cases where there is a need to restore authorization data from a mailbox linked to the Microsoft Outlook email client for PC, the algorithm of actions will be different. This can be done using a special application that works regardless of which service’s mail is linked to the program. You can familiarize yourself with this method in the following article: mail

Another domestic mailer also offers a fairly simple password recovery procedure. True, unlike Yandex mail, there are only two options for restoring the code combination. But in most cases, even this will be enough for every user.

Articles and Lifehacks

What should we do if we forgot the password to our email account? Our article will tell you how to recover mail password via phone. Let's start with the fact that we will definitely need access to the Internet. Otherwise, it’s no more difficult when information is accidentally deleted from it.

How can I recover my Mail password via my phone?

On the page we can find instructions for password recovery. Click on the link “Forgot your password?” and enter our login, and also indicate the domain from the drop-down list.

The specific recovery method depends on what information we provided when registering the e-mail. For example, we can answer a security question. If the answer is correct, we will be asked to enter a new password. If we don’t remember the answer, we should select the “I don’t remember the answer” option, and we will be offered an alternative method.

If we specified an additional email address when registering the main one, a link to reset your password can be sent to it. Enter your email and click the “Restore” button.

If we do not have access to an additional address, but there is a link to a mobile device, we can request a recovery code. Select a phone number and click “Receive code via SMS”. Enter the sent code in the appropriate box. After this, we will be able to create and enter a new password.

After recovery, we will also be asked to verify your personal data. This is necessary so that in the future we can just as easily recover the password if the need arises. Let us add that you will need to confirm all data on the page without exception.

Now let's talk about how to recover your mail password via phone using other methods. And they undoubtedly exist.

How to recover the password to the Mail box via phone if we have forgotten it?

So, you can solve the problem that has arisen online by answering the security question, requesting an SMS code, or using the additional email address we specified when registering the main mailbox.

There is another method that will help us restore access through a mobile device. We can fill out an online support form right on the website. To do this, go to the following address: and select from the list the problem that we encountered. This method is relevant if we were also unable to recover the password using any of the above methods. A response from the support service should be received within three days.