Tasks for Instagram. How to view survey results

With the advent new feature Instagram stories are polls, the question arises, how to make a poll on Instagram. Of course, not all users are familiar with full set opportunities on Instagram and separately, with stickers, hashtags and polls in Instagram stories. You can make a survey on Instagram in a few clicks and you will now see for yourself, the main thing is to understand where they are located.

Poll on Instagram- opportunity to create interactive widget, inside stories(stories) instagram, with a yes or no answer. Statistics are available to the author of the survey, which shows both the number of views of the story and the number of users who voted and took part in the survey. The active widget - survey, has a time limit. It is available only at the time of publication stories stories, this is a day (24 hours). After which the history, along with the survey, is automatically deleted.

  • Let's start creating a story on Instagram, this is tap (touch touch ) in your account, according to the main photo, with a plus icon.
  • Select a photo, video and go to the history editing section.
  • In the top layout of icons, select stickers, this is a smiley icon with a curved edge (see the picture below).

Select a poll for Instagram

  • After selecting the stickers icon, a panel with all stickers, including interactive ones, will appear at the bottom. This is where it is located new look interactive buttons, poll on Instagram (see left picture).
  • When you touch the active poll shortcut over the photo, an active poll will appear with two buttons, yes and no.
  • Above the buttons there will be text, ask your question, where you can put the kouros and using mobile keyboard enter your text.
  • We wrote how to create a survey?
  • We publish our story and now a survey will be added to it, with a question that you will ask users and your subscribers on Instagram.
  • The size and location of the active survey can be changed, and statistics will be available for it (see below).

Is it possible to change the size of a poll on Instagram?

  • When adding active field survey, its size can be changed. To do this, you need to pinch it with two fingers and, depending on the purpose, stretch it ( increase) or narrow ( decrease).
  • The survey can also be moved around the screen. Place it in the place you need. To do this, just touch with a delay on the active survey field and hold your finger. Then, without removing your finger from the survey icon, move it.

Analytics or the number of voters in an Instagram poll

  • Created for survey separate page, analysts.
  • Here you can see the number of yes and no responses to the survey.
  • Accounts of voted users.
  • The total number of views of the post and the accounts of the users who viewed it.
  • Delete entry.
  • Download it. Edit.

How to create your own buttons in an Instagram poll

  • By clicking on the button, yes or no, you can place the cursor there. And replace the word yes and no with your own text. Maximum quantity, the letters are unclear, we have from 12 to 13 without spaces. But the number may vary, possibly depending on the length of the adjacent text, in the survey.

Unlike VKontakte and Facebook, you cannot add voting to an Instagram post. Instagram posts are generally very simple in form. But now you can add the survey to Instagram stories! This option appeared in October 2017 and caused a storm of joyful emotions among users.

Let's figure out how to add a poll to your story and why you should do it at all.

How to make a poll in Instagram story

If you don’t know what stories are, be sure to. There you will find detailed description this section, with an analysis of its functionality.

In order to add a poll to your stories, you need to go to the stories section (camera icon).

Then create new story, using an old photo or taking a new one. And on this story, go to the stickers section. You should see a survey sticker there.

If you don't have such a sticker, make sure you have installed latest version Instagram. If the application version is new, but there is still no sticker with the survey, try switching the camera to the front and back, and then go to the stickers section again. If polls don’t appear again, well, you’ll have to come to terms with it and continue to live somehow without polls.

When you create a survey, you can write any text for it. But the color and size of this text cannot be changed yet. If the survey text fades into the background and becomes unreadable, we have 2 options:

  • Use a contrasting marker to draw on the place where you want to place the survey sticker;

  • through normal mode adding text (Aa) add the text you need, make it colored and place it on top of the survey text.

You can also write the text of the question using Aa mode, and then add a poll sticker with only answer options.

The answer options in the survey can also be changed. Besides "yes" and "no", you can use any other words or even emojis.

You can take part in your own survey. By clicking on the answer you will see percentage participants' responses.

You can also see the survey results in the story statistics (bottom left). The number of people who voted for each answer and who chose which option will be displayed here.

You can upload a story with a survey from your computer using the deferred posting service. SMMplanner .

Why do you need voting on Instagram stories?

Polls and voting (is there a fundamental difference between these concepts?) are an excellent opportunity to find out the public’s opinion on any issue. If you run your Instagram account exclusively for yourself, you don’t want to consider yourself a blogger, you don’t sell anything, and you only have 1 person as a subscriber (and that’s your second account), then surveys are probably of no use to you. But if you are a blogger, a store, or just like to communicate online, then be sure to try Instagram voting! And here's why.

First of all, it's cool!

People love polls. It's funny. You can feel the importance of your opinion. To feel that you are counted. I’m not a psychologist, but there’s probably a scientific explanation for this, otherwise there wouldn’t be all these likes, dislikes and thumbs up and down. People love to vote and love to see the results of their vote. This probably gives a feeling of belonging to a certain group of like-minded people.

Another way to get feedback

I am often asked: “When is it better to publish posts: in the morning or in the evening?”, “Is it worth writing posts about....?”, “Will the section include....?” I'll be honest: I have no idea. The only one who knows the answers to these questions is your audience, you need to ask them. You can publish a large and detailed post asking for answers in the comments, or you can simply make a poll in stories.

In such a survey, you can ask subscribers to vote for when it is more convenient for them to read posts: in the morning or in the evening. You can ask if they will read the posts on weekends. You can offer to choose from two topics for future posts or from two titles for a section.

Of course, this survey will not be seen by 100% of your audience. And not 100% of those who saw it will vote. But you will still get some general picture. Besides, there is nothing stopping you from repeating this question again.

Opportunity to make stories more interesting

Stories are also content. And this content should also have some meaning. A rare subscriber will be interested in just photos of the sunset, without sound on the video, without a caption on the photo. Sometimes, perhaps, yes. Especially if the sunset is beautiful. But on on an ongoing basis“silent” stories will quickly get boring for everyone. And, to be honest, few of us know how to take truly beautiful photographs.

Voting allows you to turn a simple photo into interesting content. In this case, you can add absolutely any survey. You can even make a vote without any text at all, with two emojis. A little freakiness never hurt anyone.

A way to get silent people to talk

People on Instagram don’t immediately make contact, they don’t immediately start writing comments and responding to stories in direct messages. Voting in stories – easy way to get at least some reaction from the silent ones. Taking part in a survey is a very simple action, but it takes the subscriber one step closer to a full-fledged dialogue.

Opportunity to get the haters out

Wise people say: “Don’t ask a question to which you are not ready to hear the answer.” In the context of Instagram, this means that you don’t need to ask: “Do you like the way I look?”, “Do you love me?”, “How do you like my new haircut?” Someone will definitely write: “Your haircut is terrible and in general you’re not very good overall.” And it seems like you won’t be offended - I asked myself.

Who writes such honest answers?

  • Harmful people. They may not think so, but they respond out of spite.
  • Zhduny. Those who have long been waiting for the opportunity to tell you everything.
  • Haters. Which are ready at any time unclear situation saying not the nicest things.

In the statistics you can see who gave the “wrong” answer. And you can ban these users or hide your stories from them.

This kind of audience sifting is not fun for everyone. You can ban someone who missed an answer or voted without reading. But everyone has fun as they want.

In my opinion, it’s not worthwhile to partake in polls in stories; moderation is needed in everything. But adding voting periodically is a good idea.

How others are already using polls in stories

If you don't have any poll ideas yet, check out how other bloggers are using this feature. Below you will find some examples.

@pollyandbooks asks subscribers which style of her photos they prefer: flatley or room interior.

My survey, in which I’m trying to figure out how many of my readers, of those who watch stories, missed this post in their feed.


@krystal_bick wonders when her followers view Instagram: in the morning or in the evening.

Well, for clarity, here’s a video instruction on how to add a poll to stories:

I hope you are inspired and are already going to publish your first survey in stories. I tried to describe this function in as much detail as possible, but if you have any questions, write them in the comments.

UPD appeared in May 2018 new format polls in stories - with a scale. Here's how it works:

Greetings, dear readers! 🙋🏻

Video Splitter - Story Split

Drool - Instagram Story Maker

SEEZER Full Size Instagram Collage Story Maker

An alternative application for iOS with similar functionality is TwentyFour.

Story Splitter

An alternative premium application is Continual for Instagram. Expensive app, but in addition to necessary functions, allows you to publish videos in a story in a horizontal format.

Storeo for Instagram

Alternative, but paid application- Resize for Story. Its main difference is a more beautiful blur, as well as the ability to edit up to 10 photos at once.

RepostToStories for Instagram

RepostToStories for Instagram - in full free application, which allows you to repost regular photos and video posts in history. Publications can be either yours or someone else’s.

Main functionality of the application:

Well, that's all for me! If you liked this article, share it with your friends and acquaintances - we will be very pleased! 😀

If suddenly you know others useful applications for Android and iOS, leave a comment and I will definitely add them to the article.

Beautiful stories and good mood to you!


Maintaining advertising campaigns in official Instagram advertising and split testing are a single whole in conversion analytics and budget optimization. Split tests allow you to understand which combinations of targeting with ads work, and which ones waste your investment in the red. Ads Manager and Power Editor now have their own functionality with split test statistics. Now you don’t need to worry about how to divide your audience and get reliable results.

Until recently, split testing was difficult, although it was previously possible to create the same ad groups for different audiences. However, it was not possible to prevent a situation where an ad could be shown to the same user twice. It was also difficult to know whether ads were being shown equally. The updated functionality solves these problems.

How the split testing function works on Facebook and Instagram

Everything has changed, and now the split testing algorithm divides the audience in a random order so that there are no situations where ads are shown to the same user. In this case, the audience can be divided equally or in the ratio you specify. You can test up to 3 ad groups, but in most cases advertisers limit themselves to only two.

Now the split testing function is available for campaigns whose goal is to increase conversions, installations mobile applications and lead generation.

The test is based on a variable, and within one campaign there can only be one. Currently, Facebook has only 2 variables: “Delivery Optimization” and “Audience”. In the first case, you test which optimization strategy gives best effect(for example, by conversions or by clicks). In the second case, you test which audience the ad set you created works best for.

When testing the Delivery Optimization variable, you can create variations that are based on the following settings:

  • optimization of ad delivery (conversions, impressions, daily reach, link clicks);
  • conversion window (1 or 7 days);
  • type of betting (manual or automatic).

Please note that there is a minimum budget for split testing. For example, if you choose uniform distribution budget between variations of the variable and the currency - rubles, then FB will require at least 16,000 rubles for the test. With a weighted budget allocation, this figure will be 80,000 rubles if you choose the “90% versus 10%” option. How more difference between these two figures, the higher the minimum split test price.

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PRO Target in Telegram

Procedure for creating a split test

First, you need to select a variable for testing (in other words, what will be the purpose of your test - comparing audiences or budget write-off methods). There are two of them for now, but we plan to add another option for experimenting with placement.

When you select Delivery Optimization, you'll be prompted to set up Ad Groups 1 and 2, but you can add a third group using the Test Another Ad Group button.

You will need to compare campaign optimization types with each other, specifying bids per click and other parameters.

Next they go standard settings Audiences: You can specify interests, demographics, create custom audiences, etc. If you already have a saved audience and want to use it, go to the “Use Saved Audience” tab:

If you select the “Audience” variable, then you need to create at least 2 saved audiences in your account and only then select them for the test. You can select up to 3 audiences.

Then you need to decide on a budget and set a testing time period. If you choose a weighted split test, the minimum possible amount for it will increase.

The next step is to create one ad that will be used for all ad groups in one split test.

What problems can be solved using split testing?

Audience test.

In the new Facebook tool, you can create up to 3 audiences, one for each ad group. The advantage is that split test audiences do not overlap with each other, which means that ad impressions to users are not duplicated. Due to such purity of coverage, the most accurate testing result is achieved. Here are some examples of how you can compare audiences:

  • Different Custom Audiences (Facebook Engagement vs. Website Audiences).
  • Various similar audiences (created based on registered users of the online store or based on a list of customers).
  • Different interest groups.

In fact, there are many ideas and options for audience split testing. But for this you need to understand all the possibilities and subtleties.

Delivery optimization test.

It is impossible to say in advance what will work better in each specific case - automatic bids or manual placement, whether it is worth buying advertising for impressions or for clicks, which optimization option to choose - conversions or clicks, etc. The latter often remains a mystery until a split test is carried out .

  • It is especially important to test optimization of clicks versus conversions, if your pixel has collected very little data on it yet. However, it's equally important to test your Daily Reach or even Impressions strategy if you plan to show your ad to a highly targeted audience.
  • Automatic or manual bidding? You can only understand what will work more effectively for you by conducting a test. Moreover, you can test in the manager interface which bets bring best result. It happens that when the bid is increased, the advertising budget is reduced due to increased conversions, but you will only find out if this is so by the results of your own split testing.
  • The next option is conversion window testing. It seems logical that you need to choose the “1 day” option for advertising in cases where potential clients after advertising, they make a purchase in 1 day, and the “7 days” option is suitable when making a decision to order a product or service requires more long term. But you can never know for sure, so test.

We have also prepared for you detailed guide about how you can save your budget on the cost of a click and impression when setting up targeted advertising:

Thus, split testing is a way to understand who your target audience is, how they are converted into clients and what strategy to choose to promote your business using official advertising on Instagram. Have you already tested the new functionality? Share your results in the comments!

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PRO Target in Telegram
This article was published in a series of training materials on setting up targeted advertising on Instagram and Facebook. More information on the intricacies of creating targeting can be found in our free webinar:

IN lately world wide web Instagram is actively improving the application, adding new features, one of which is a poll in stories.

How to make a poll on Instagram

Let's start with the fact that Instagram polls are in stories and only in stories (in 15-second stories), i.e. creating polls in a post is not provided.
It is worth noting that the story “hangs” only for 24 hours, after which it is deleted. After automatic deletion It is impossible to view information about stories.
Considering that you can be answered/asked a question on stories, look at “ ” more often, because all messages sent to you come there.

About the request on Instagram in Stories

The question “how to create a poll on Instagram” can be answered quickly, because the algorithm itself is very simple.

  1. You must have the application on your phone " " If not, then install it via Google Play or Apple Store. The application itself is completely free;
  2. Log in to your account;
  3. When you open the feed, there will be a camera icon in the very top left corner. Click on it;
  4. Upload some photo by clicking on the “gallery” icon/take a short video by holding down the shutter button;
  5. Once the photo has uploaded, click on square icon with . You will be presented with a list of stickers and asked to write a hashtag. There you will also find a “survey”.
  6. After clicking, you will be able to write the question itself and two answer options (the creators did not provide the function more options, so you will have to be content with only two). By clicking on the text, you can change it.
  7. Then click on the arrow located on the right top corner, add those who can watch yours, and then click “done.” So we answered the question “how to vote on Instagram.
  1. Go to the application. You must log in/register if you have not done so already;
  2. While looking through stories, you will come across polls. They are not marked in any way, so the stories in the survey need to be viewed in full;
  3. The survey will have two answer options. Select the one you want and click on it. Here you can see the results of the survey on Instagram, because... after clicking on the options you will see the percentage of people who voted;
  4. Ready!

But how can you see who voted in a poll on Instagram?
This feature is only for the poll creator, meaning another account will not be able to view who voted in the poll.
If you want to see who voted in your poll, then follow these rules:

  • Open ;
  • Swipe your finger from bottom to top of the screen, as if “pushing forward” statistics;
  • You will be presented with . To view more, click on one of them and you will be presented with the entire list of voters.

How to view a poll on Instagram

At the very top are your stories and those of other bloggers. By clicking on avatars in circles (when adding a new story, an additional colored stroke). The survey is not marked in stories in any way.

Why is there no poll on Instagram?

“No poll on Instagram” – common problem many app users when they can’t find surveys. Probably the reason is outdated version programs.

To solve it, just go to Google Play/App Storeand update the application.

If polls still haven’t appeared on Instagram, then contact the application support service. To do this you need:

  • Go to your page by clicking on the “person” symbol;
  • Click on the three dots that are in the upper right corner;
  • Scroll down and find “report a problem”;
  • Select, describe the problem and click on the checkmark in the upper right corner;
  • Your application will be reviewed in the near future and solutions to the problem will be proposed.

What poll to do on Instagram

Unfortunately, the creators of the Instagram application decided not to have more than two answer options in surveys, so users have to ask specific questions for accurate answers.
However, despite this, surveys help make difficult choices.
, for example, you will like a survey with a choice of two dresses.
Men will be able to choose the color of their tie.
Stories also inform you about the release of new posts, which is very useful for those who run their own blog.

Video instructions for creating a poll in stories

This video clearly demonstrates how to add a poll to your story.

How to cancel a poll on Instagram

If you change your mind about conducting a survey on Instagram while creating the survey itself, then simply click “back” and go to the main page.

If you have already downloaded the survey, then:

  1. Click on your own avatar in the line;
  2. Find the one you want to remove;
  3. Click on the three dots that are in the lower right corner;
  4. A list of actions will appear, including “ ”. Click and then confirm the deletion.
  5. Ready! Your story with the survey has been deleted!

Instagram poll ideas

What kind of poll can you do on Instagram? Any! The main thing is that it complies with the rules and regulations of the network itself, that is, it does not contain provocative materials and does not offend anyone’s feelings.
As mentioned earlier, surveys help you choose something. Here are some ideas:

  • Which photo should I choose? 1 or 2
  • What to wear/wear? Dress or / suit
  • Should I go to the store today or spend the evening watching TV? Yes or no
  • Have you read the new post? Yes/already on my way
  • What do you like more? Day/night
  • Have you removed the tree? Not really
  • Are you looking forward to February 23rd/March 8th? Yes/Yes
  • What to give? Hairdryer/socks
  • Have you seen the new fountain in the park? No no
  • Do you miss summer? Yes/I don’t like heat

Etc. Use your imagination!

Is the most powerful platform to develop your own business/hobby. The appearance of stories also contributes to the dissemination and promotion of your hobby, so use all the functions and new features of the program wisely, because they have a beneficial effect on and increase your income.
It is recommended to use Stories as often as possible, because the user, seeing your avatar in the Stories line, will remember you and go to your page to see “something new.” Use everything to your advantage, it’s not in vain that the developers tried!