Viking botovod pro full version. Excellent program for VKontakte

Proper management of VKontakte groups will provide significant audience coverage and will gather only interested visitors.

When you publish information about your company, millions of users in your target audience will know about it. Just don't do it obsessively, otherwise collapse is inevitable. Competent and witty answers from your company’s specialists will be much more useful.

This is how Viking Botovod appeared, produced by (famous for the program).

What is Viking Botovod?

Viking Botovod is designed for promoting accounts, groups, meetings and public pages on VKontakte. The peculiarity of the program is the natural so-called white promotion, taking into account all the latest changes on VKontakte.

Let's take a look at what Viking Botovod can do?

Viking Botovod knows how

  1. Make high-quality, unobtrusive advertising through thematic pages.
  2. Maintain all types of VKontakte pages (maintain groups, meetings, public pages, personal profiles).
  3. Generate stable and targeted traffic by placing an external link.
  4. Select and constantly increase the audience according to a schedule (an hour by default, but you can specify a different interval) and specified criteria.
  5. Automatically post text and even pictures in .jpg format on the wall, which all group members will see in their news. The image is annotated and a natural conversation is created. With constant filling, attendance increases several times.
  6. Duplicate articles from your blog on social networks.
  7. Chat with a lot of people.
  8. Recognize captcha.

Quite a lot. With a product like this, promotion is inevitable.

If you have seriously decided to promote your projects and ideas through social networks, then this is for you, or you are simply bored and have nothing to do...
Viking Botovod is a specialized software tool for the so-called “white” promotion of pages and groups on the VKontakte social network. The version posted in this news was previously cracked and is available as a PRO version. You can read about all the advantages of the pro version below. Everyone will find their own use for this product.

1. "Chatterbox"
The program's artificial intelligence supports conversations with users. When testing with real people from a social network, the length of the conversation reached ~550 messages in each direction and the information was not recognized by the user. Info may also sometimes mention a link to your site in conversation. This function ensures maximum naturalness, and watching the process is fun and exciting.
2. "Exchanger"
With its help, you can increase “likes”, friends, subscribers who have joined a group/meeting/app/public page. More detailed information can be found in the manual.
3. Placing "I like"(likes) on given URLs
4. “RSS subscription”
The program can be connected to the RSS feed of a website, blog or forum, and updates are automatically posted on personal pages, groups, meetings, and public pages.
5. Built-in scheduler
The program is configured once, filled with content and automatically promotes your materials.
6. Adding as a friend to your account.
By criteria
By possible friends
From the group
From friends of another account
By list id
When using the “by possible friends” function, the number of people who agreed to the offer to be added as friends reaches 50 percent.
7. Automatic posting on the account. Posting information on the wall according to a schedule.
Information on the user’s wall is automatically displayed in the news of his friends and increases page traffic significantly.
8. Automatic posting on the wall groups, public page, meetings.
Information posted on behalf of a group/meeting/public page appears in the news for all participants, which greatly increases traffic to the resource.
9. Built-in browser.
Easily view and manage multiple pages directly from the program interface.
10. Captcha.
Integration with to recognize small annoying pictures.
11. Account anti-ban system
In the account anti-ban system v1.0, an artificial filter was created based on “stop words”. And if “stop words” are present in the name or description of a group, then such a group is initially considered “suspicious” and is excluded from the exchange for 5 days. After 5 days, the group is checked again for the presence of “safe words”.
In the account anti-ban system v2.0, we exclude groups from the exchange for 5 days if any account participating in the exchange was blocked for joining this group.

Name: Viking Botovod Pro 3.5.9
Tablet: Cured
Version: 3.5.9
Year of issue: 2014
Format: zip
Size: 18.5Mb
Language: Russian
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/Windows 8

Viking Botovod is a computer program that is used to promote pages on VKontakte.

Important information

The software is distributed in several versions - paid and free versions. Of course, the functionality of the free version is limited, but we still recommend trying it out first to understand whether you should buy the Pro version, or perhaps the Free version will be enough.


Viking Botobod allows you to promote not only users’ personal pages, but also various thematic public pages and communities. Typically, promotion of VK pages involves the user adding thousands of friends to his friend list and hundreds of likes for reposts on his wall. Using Botovod will allow you to promote your page in other ways.

The program supports the function of automatic posting on the wall, as well as mass mailing of messages in automatic mode. Do you want to unobtrusively advertise your new public page to your friends, but there are thousands of people on your list? Use this function and all of them will be notified about this important event for you in an instant.

Well, if you don’t have time to post news during the day, we recommend using auto-posting. Prepare the material in advance, polish it and choose the time or periods in time when you should add news to the group. Don’t forget to also activate auto-posting on your profile to increase the number of people interested in offering services in a certain area or simply in your creativity.

Key Features

  • the ability to put likes on specified page addresses;
  • allows you to increase friends, likes, views, number of subscribers, and so on;
  • performs auto-posting in the group and on the user’s wall;
  • adds friends according to the ID list, according to “possible” or subscribers of a certain group;
  • includes a bot for talking with users;
  • Not all functionality is available in the free (Lite) version;
  • there is an anti-ban system for accounts, as well as support for captcha solving services;
  • has a very simple intuitive interface.

Viking Botovod is a powerful program for maintaining groups and promoting VKontakte. In the last article we looked at several popular online services for promoting a VKontakte group, getting hearts, etc. However, in addition to Internet resources, there are special programs that also deal with getting subscribers, likes, polls, etc. etc. This article will discuss, in my opinion, the best program for boosting Vkontakte - Viking Botovod.

At the top is the name of the program and its version.

Also at the top we see four buttons of the image + text type:

  1. Add a page - adding accounts, public pages, communities, everything you will work with. Once added, then we create tasks
  2. Add task - adding tasks for the corresponding community or account, etc.
  3. Delete completed - delete completed tasks
  4. Edit settings - additional. settings, program launch when Windows starts, etc.

There are also 4 buttons on the right:

  1. Tasks - view scheduled and completed tasks
  2. Wall - view the wall of a community or account (like in a browser)
  3. Exchange - increase likes, subscribers, polls, video views.
  4. Chatterbox - autoresponder function, can be customized

More detailed instructions on navigation and operation of Viking Botovod can be found on the Viking Studio website. Now we will look at the capabilities of the program.

Features of the Viking Botovod program

1) Exchanger. Exchange of likes, subscribers to a group, application, public page, increase video views. It works on the principle of exchange - you like - they like you, etc.

2)Chatterbox function. The program's unique built-in intelligence that supports conversation with users. Can be customized to suit your needs. What word to answer what, at what interval, etc. Now your account can live a full life and respond to messages without your help.

3) Browser window. A very convenient option. Now you don’t need to launch multiple browsers from multiple accounts, communities, or log in and out as a new user every time. Once you have added all your communities and accounts to the program, you can switch between them. This is a full-fledged browser window for all your VKontakte accounts and communities. You can also write from each account, post news in communities, as in a regular browser, but the efficiency and speed of work increases significantly, especially if you manage several groups and accounts.

4)Autoposting in the group and in the account. Autoposting is offered by many services, some are paid, some are free. But what are the undoubted advantages of Botovod’s auto-posting? Firstly, it is possible to publish the same post at different times, with a specified interval. Secondly, the possibility of publishing old posts. The post you published appears on your screen as a completed task. You can forget about it, and then after some time come back to it and publish it again. Thirdly, simultaneous loading of a large number of posts, say posts of pictures or several posts with text. Fourthly, there is no need to upload pictures of posts and wait until they are uploaded to a third-party site. You simply provide the link to the image on your computer.

5) Rss subscription. Now news from your website or blog are automatically posted on your VKontakte page or group.

6) Adding as a friend to your account based on a huge number of criteria. You can add friends from a specific group, or friends of a specific user, as well as possible friends.

7) Account anti-ban system. The program does not dramatically increase likes or subscribers, as many services do. Botovod adapts to contact filters and creates the appearance of real joining groups, friends.

8) Possibility of connecting paid add-ons anti-captcha. With this add-on, you speed up the program, increase likes, polls, and subscribers faster.

Pro version or Lite?

Viking Studio offers two versions of Viking Botovod - Lite version and Pro version.

Lite is a demo version, it is greatly stripped down, there is only an exchanger and a built-in browser. By speed of promotion

Lite is much inferior to the Pro version. Lite version - free, Pro version - paid - 2240 rub./month.

Price comparison with Viking Botovod:

Pro version - promotional price RUB 2,240/month. Is this a lot or a little for such a program? It all depends on what and how often you will use it. Let’s take any online service for getting subscribers into a community. On average, 1 live subscriber costs an average of 1-2 rubles. That is, 1000 subscribers - 1000-2000 rubles. Yes, yes, that's right! Those who write lower prices, “I’ll bring 1000 subscribers for 200 rubles.” You can be sure that 40% of dogs are removed immediately, and 30% within 1 week. How many subscribers will Botovod bring in a month? It’s quite possible to bring 50-100 people per day from one account. And if you do this from several accounts, + invitations to a group of friends, sending messages to friends, etc. As a result, you will get much more subscribers than you would order on some online service. And Botovod will bring them smoothly, reducing the risk of a ban, and your statistics will look much better than through online services, when 1000 unique users come on one day, and on other days 50 people come to your group. In addition, with the Pro version of Viking Botovod you get a bunch of convenient and useful features. I think Botovod is worth the money and is a great value proposition in the social media marketing market.

Viking Botovod competitors

In fact, there are none. Previously, Viking had several significant competitors, such as FvCheat, VkDuty, VkObmen. I have used all of these programs. At the moment, only VkDuty remains among the competitors, and for some time the program and the company’s website did not work, restoration work was underway. As a result, VkDuty lost, in my opinion, the most popular function - getting subscribers into the community.

I think there is no point in comparing these two programs with each other. Viking Botovod is a powerful program with a bunch of useful functions: promotion from several accounts, automation for communities, etc., however, the cost of the Pro version of Botovod is 2,240 rubles/month (price valid as of April 2015). VkDuty - recruits everything except subscribers to the group, and in fact, its functionality is complete, but the cost of the Pro version is only 749 rubles/month. But I wouldn't go after the price.

In terms of speed of promotion, Viking Botovod is ahead of VkDuty, and the probability of a ban in VkDuty is higher. Now, probably, many people are thinking that I will buy 2 Pro versions of VkDuty together with one Viking Botovod and I will be in the black. You won't! I tried it again from personal experience.


I can say the following: Viking Botovod is an ideal program for promoting Vkontatka, which currently has no competitors and is unlikely to have any. Viking Botovod has stood the test of time (since 2010) and is still in greatest demand.

If you are an administrator of a community or several communities, if you are promoting your product or services, then Viking Botovod is simply irreplaceable for you. You will save a lot of time and effort on manual work and constant clicking, and the money invested will quickly pay off.

ViKing Inviter+ is a program for mass invitation of friends to groups, applications and meetings. This tool will also help you recruit friends based on the criteria you define. There is a free version.

ViKing Inviter+ is similar in functionality to Viking Botovod, but is more focused on mass work. With its help, we can almost completely automate the promotion process, which will allow us to do more things in the same period of time.

ViKing Inviter+ helps you invite people as friends, send invitations to groups in such a way that you will not be banned for using automatic promotion methods. This is a great tool for those who are seriously involved in promoting groups.

Key features of ViKing Inviter+:

  • Possibility of inviting friends.
  • Working with accounts.
  • Adding administrators.
  • Ability to cancel old invitations.
  • Built-in task scheduler.
  • Convenient group manager.
  • High speed.
  • Convenient detailed statistics.
  • Complete diagnostics of the invitation process.
  • Chat for all program users.
  • Entering captcha via

What's new in latest versions:

  • Updating the program for the new VK design.
  • Work with captcha has been restored.
  • A number of bugs have been fixed.
  • Improved stability.

Attention: after downloading, unpack the resulting archive into a folder and run the Inviter.exe file. Archive password: inviter