Beeline balance replenishment bonus. Beeline bonus program

All cellular companies have their own bonus deductions system. As a rule, bonus points are accrued when replenishing your own balance or when spending funds to activate auxiliary options. The cellular company Beeline also has its own bonus accrual system. She is referred to as "Happy Time". When a subscriber connects to this program and replenishes his account by any of the available methods, bonus points will be credited as a percentage of the funds transferred.

Accumulating Beeline bonuses, over time, the subscriber will be able to use them to pay for communication services or individual options provided by the operator. That is, they can both pay for certain auxiliary services, and purchase mobile devices or special equipment on them in Beeline salons.

As you understand, it is about collecting points and how to spend Beeline bonuses that we will consider in all details as part of today's review.

From what was said earlier, it is not difficult to guess that collecting bonus points is quite simple and easy - subscribers just need to constantly replenish their own balance. Accordingly, the more funds you spend on mobile services, the more points will be credited to your account.

Points are credited monthly to a separate account. It is assigned to the client when you activate the program with the bright name "Happy Time".

Note! You need to know that the maximum amount of deductions in points cannot exceed 15% of the total account replenishment for the past month.

What affects the size of the interest rate on deductions?

The amount of bonus accruals ranges from 5-15% in proportion to the period of customer service by the mobile operator Beeline:

  1. The customer service period is less than 6 months - the rate is 5%.
  2. Customer service period up to 12 months - the rate is 8%.
  3. Customer service period up to 2 years - the rate is 10%.
  4. Customer service period up to 3 years - the rate is 12%.
  5. The customer service period is more than 3 years - the rate is 15%.

Thus, when a subscriber has been using communication services from the Beeline cellular company for a long time, he will receive bonus points at the maximum rate. Newly connected users will have to be content with little.

The size of the interest rate on deductions to the bonus account, depending on the length of service of the subscriber.

According to the terms of the program, all accrued points are transferred to a special account of the company's subscriber. In the future, from this account, the client at any time can use Beeline bonuses to pay a monthly subscription fee, as well as to activate additional services or to extend their validity.

Subscriber registration in the bonus program

To register in the Happy Time bonus program, the consumer needs to make a free call from his cell phone to the service number 0767.

In addition, you can go the other way and use the sending of a special USSD request, which the operator has developed for this task. A simple combination of symbols and numbers * 767 # is dialed on the device, and then the call is sent. After these actions, the activation of the accumulation of bonuses will be performed.

The bonus program applies to all subscribers of the mobile operator Beeline, regardless of their tariff plan and type of payment system, that is, using both prepayment and postpaid.

Checking bonuses

Before using bonuses on Beeline, you need to check their number on a special account.

So how do you know? This can be done in two simple ways:

  • Use the "Personal Account", where the state of the monetary balance and the additional bonus account will be indicated on the user's personal page.
  • Using the USSD command. In this case, a combination of the following type * 767 # is dialed on the cellular keypad, and then it is necessary to send a call.

How do I spend my bonus points?

When accumulating bonuses under the Happy Time program, consumers need to decide what services the points spent will go to in the future.

An individual approach is needed here. For example, if you do not use any auxiliary options or services of the company, but only use the basic services - voice communication and sending messages (SMS or MMS) for communication within the network, and also sometimes go online from your device, then the accrued bonuses will automatically be used in return for money from the balance to pay for these particular services.

How can I spend bonus points to pay for auxiliary options?

Accrued bonuses can also be used to pay for additional services and options, such as:

  • Option with the name "100 SMS in international roaming" - the price per month is 295 points. How to activate? The client needs to make a call from his number to the service number 06740459. The call is free of charge.
  • An option called "My Planet" - 25 points must be paid for 30 days of use. To activate this offer, just call 06740458.
  • Option "My long-distance" - the price for 30 days is 55 bonus points. Connection is made by calling the number 06740455.
  • The option with the name "My country" - for 30 days of use, 25 points will be removed from the subscriber. To activate the option, you need to make a call to the number 06740457.

You can also pay with the accrued bonuses through the Internet access if you have the required number of bonus points, as well as an auxiliary option called "Extend the speed":

  • "Extend the speed of 1 GB" - the cost is 100 points. To activate this option, you need to make a call to the service number 06740465.
  • "Extend the speed of 3 GB" - the price for connection is 200 bonus points. Activation of this offer on the subscriber's number is carried out through a call to the number 06740466.

If you need to connect to the auxiliary options with further calculation using bonus points, you must call 0641686.

Note! Accrued bonuses under this program, you can pay for purchases in the salons of the mobile operator Beeline. But at the same time, no more than 10% of the price of the gadget or equipment required by the subscriber.

We transfer our bonuses to another Beeline consumer

The Beeline mobile company provided the opportunity to transfer the accrued Happy Time points to other users who also take part in this program. To transfer points, you need to use the USSD command * 767 #, and then enter the mobile number to which you want to transfer, indicating the number of bonuses transferred by the subscriber. Next, you need to confirm the operation.

When transferring the accumulated bonus points, it is necessary to take into account the limitations of the system:

  1. The minimum amount of bonuses transferred is 10 points.
  2. The maximum number of listed bonuses per day is 3000 points.
  3. The period of validity of bonuses for another consumer after the transfer is 30 days.

Here is such a useful program called "Happy Time" from the cellular company Beeline. Using it, you will significantly reduce the cost of communication services.

Many modern mobile operators are trying to provide their customers with as many opportunities as possible. This is not only access to the Internet or free SMS, but also various bonuses. For example, you can replenish the Beeline balance with bonuses and use them if necessary.

Is it possible to top up the Beeline balance with bonuses

Beeline provides its subscribers with points for replenishment of the account. These bonuses are accumulated on the account, so a person can use them at any time. For example, order additional services from a mobile operator. This can be a replenishment of the main balance. Rather, the subscriber can exchange them for minutes, which he can then easily spend on conversations.

There are other options for how you can use them. The main thing is that the user observes the terms of exchange. Plus, most of the extra minutes or megabytes have a limited expiration date. Most often it is 1 month. After this period, the provided minutes or traffic will be canceled.

How to check bonuses on Beeline for replenishing an account

In order to use the bonus program, the subscriber needs to activate it. It is very easy to become a member. You need to dial the combination * 777 # on the phone and press the "Call" button. Or call the number 0674777. The number of bonuses accrued to the user depends on several factors:

  • subscription experience;
  • monthly expenses of the client;
  • services connected to the number;
  • balance top-up amount.

To check your bonuses on Beeline for replenishing your personal account, you must use one of two commands. These are * 106 # and * 767 #. In general, checking the score is very simple. In order to stop charging them, you need to dial * 767 * 0 #. You can also go to your Personal Account on the official website of the operator and find out your balance. This is done as follows:

  1. First, the client should register on the official website of the operator. Then he will be able to use all the functions of the Personal Account. If registration is successful, then the user can use the login and password.
  2. Next, you need to open the section "My Beeline".
  3. Details of the number of bonuses are displayed along with other information about the tariff plan.

The subscriber does not need to use a computer or laptop for these purposes. It is enough to download and install a special application from the operator in the smartphone. And all actions can be performed from the phone using mobile Internet or Wi-Fi.

Help: the user's account cannot contain more than 10 thousand points. Therefore, it is important to monitor their quantity and use them on time.

How to use Beeline points for replenishment of the account

After the subscriber has been able to check how many bonuses are left on the account, he needs to use them. There are several options. So, the client has the right to spend them on the following additional services:

The advantage of using the bonus program from Beeline is that the received points can be transferred to other subscribers.

Bonus Beeline: how to spend on paying for communication

You can convert your points into real money and put them on your mobile phone account. But subscribers can exchange them for so-called minute packages. To spend them on communication, you need to choose a suitable number of minutes.

These are 15 minutes (costs 300 b.), 30 minutes (can be purchased for 500 b.) And 60 minutes (costs at least 900 b.). To order, you need to dial a special combination. Depending on the selected package of minutes, you need to send:

  • *777*1*15#;
  • *777*1*30#;
  • *777*1*60#.

The last digits are the number of minutes the customer wants in return. If the subscriber uses a postpaid system, then to order he needs to call 06747771.

If necessary, a Beeline subscriber can receive minutes for calls abroad, that is, for roaming. Payment is made using points accrued for using the services and replenishing the account. The user has access to the following packages:

  1. My planet. 30 days will cost only 25 bp. To order, you need to call 06740458.
  2. My intercity. A month will cost 55 bp. It is very easy to order the service. You just need to call the special number 06740455.
  3. My country. For this service, 25 bp will be charged from the user's account. (validity period - 1 month). The number 06740457 is used for activation.
  4. 100 SMS in roaming. These bonuses allow you to exchange free messages with interlocutors from all over the world. This service costs 295 bp. and is valid for only 1 month. Connected after the customer calls (number 06740459).

If the required amount is not enough, you can ask for it from another subscriber.

How to pay for purchases on the Internet with Beeline points

Unfortunately, subscribers cannot pay for purchases online in regular online stores for the bonuses provided. If necessary, you can use other bonus programs for this, for example, from Sberbank. For points from Beeline, you can purchase goods only in the company's online stores. But the list of products is rather limited, and you can pay only 10% of the price.

How to pay for Internet Beeline with bonuses

Most often, customers have problems with Internet traffic. The megabytes received according to the tariff run out quickly. In order to continue using the mobile Internet, it is necessary to exchange bonuses for traffic.

Beeline has such a procedure. To get additional 1 GB of traffic, the user needs to call 06740465. The cost will be only 100 points. In order to get 3 GB, you need to call 06740466. You will have to pay 200 points for this megabyte package.

How to transfer points to another subscriber

However, there are a number of limitations that should be taken into account. For example:

  1. The minimum number of bonuses that can be transferred is 10 points.
  2. The maximum limit for such transfers is 3000 points per day.
  3. Bonuses sent are valid for only 1 month. After that, they are canceled.

In order to top up someone else's phone, you need to dial the USSD-code * 767 # in the menu, and also indicate the recipient's number and the number of bonuses. The transfer is carried out using a confirmation code from an SMS. After the client receives the translation, he can immediately spend it on his needs. This can be, for example, additional minutes for making calls or megabytes.

Replenishment of the account with Beeline points is a common procedure for most subscribers. It is interesting that it is very easy to activate the service, and besides, you can use it for free. And even share the accumulated bonuses with other users, helping them out in difficult times. You can also get additional traffic or chat with friends living abroad.

Many subscribers receive notifications about the accumulation of points, but do not know how to spend Beeline points to replenish the account. In the meantime, using this service can significantly save money spent on communications and related products. How you can use points will be discussed later.

In addition, the operator has a "Top up and Win" promotion, which allows you to win cash prizes by answering questions from a paid quiz or by accumulating bonuses in exchange for replenishing your mobile phone account.
In order to connect this service, you need to pay for communication services at a time in the amount of 200 rubles or more (200 points are awarded for this), or from 300 rubles (300 points are awarded for this). Alternatively, you can activate the paid version of the service by sending an SMS "YES" to 5555, in which case the cost of participation will be 12 rubles per day. Both types of accumulation can be used.

In order to check the number of bonus points, you need to go to the participant's account on the operator's website. You must enter your phone number to display the current quantity and rating among the users of the quiz. You can also replenish the number of points by answering the quiz questions correctly.

How to spend bonus points

In addition, in Beeline stores, you can pay up to 10% of the purchase using the bonus balance. You can check the possibility of such a purchase either on the official website of the company, or directly at the point of sale. If necessary, you can top up the bonus balance of other subscribers by transferring bonuses to them.

Payment for auxiliary options

The use of bonuses can be controlled either through the subscriber's personal account on the official website (there you can also check the number of bonuses), or using USSD commands. The cost of additional options is as follows:

  • "My long-distance city" ─ 25 bonuses per month, to connect you need to call 6740457;
  • "My country" ─ 25 bonuses, number 06740457;
  • "My Planet" ─ 25 bonuses, number 06740458;
  • “100 SMS in international roaming” ─ 295 points, 06740459;
  • "Extend the speed of 1 GB" ─ 100 bonuses, 06740465;
  • "Extend the speed of 3 GB" ─ 200 points, 06740466.

Important! Please note that the low cost of the first three services is explained by the fact that the fee is charged only for the connection. All calls and messages are charged in accordance with the rates of the connected option. You can find out about them on the official website or at the operator's offices.

Transfer to another subscriber

To transfer bonuses to another subscriber, you must select a value from 10 to 3000. You cannot transfer a larger amount per day. In addition, if the subscriber's own bonuses are saved on the account for an unlimited amount of time, the transferred ones - only for 30 days. So it is necessary to decide in advance for what purpose they will be spent by the recipient.

Bonuses are transferred by dialing the command * 767 #. After that, you need to enter the subscriber's number in the format of 10 characters (without the first digit), and separated by a space - the number of bonuses for transfer within the specified limits.

You can transfer bonuses in the user's personal account by selecting the appropriate item in the menu and entering the necessary information. To transfer in any way, it is necessary to confirm by means of a reply SMS or by entering a code.

2. Enter your number and click on the "Next" button.

3. Enter the confirmation code received via SMS (4 digits).

4. And in the "Detailing" section you can see all your expenses.


Inform a specialist:

Additional Information.

The cost of the service for subscribers of the prepaid settlement system is 26.12 soms (including all taxes).

You can familiarize yourself with the terms of the service "" in more detail at the following link:


1. If your Internet sign comes out "E", then the Internet works in a 2G network, where the Internet speed will be much lower than in 3G or 4G.

3. Try to restart the phone.

4. It is possible that there is an overload in the base station, within the radius you are located. In this case, we advise you to wait for a while until the load on the base station drops.

The number that is in active mode or blocked is subject to restoration. If the number is in standby mode, restoration is possible only if there is a concluded Agreement on the provision of cellular services. In other cases, the number is not subject to "SIM-card recovery by call". When the number is restored, the connected services, balance and tariff plan are saved.

To restore your number, you need:
Purchase a SIM-card intended for the service "SIM-card recovery by call" at the outlet of the Official Agent of the Company.
The cost of a SIM card in dealer outlets is 40 soms.
Call the dedicated support line: 0610 - from Beeline number, call is free;
0775980610 - from numbers of other operators - the call is paid, from numbers of fixed lines - free
0612 - from a Beeline number, the cost of a call for the entire conversation is 10 soms (including all taxes).

Inform a specialist:

Surname, name, patronymic and passport data or number and code word.

Additional Information.
Within 10 days from the date of number restoration, you need to fill out a corresponding Application at the Beeline Sales and Service Office or with sales agents. Otherwise, your number may be disconnected. The application is made out only if you have identity documents with you.

When the number is restored, the connected services, options, balance and tariff plan are saved. Contact numbers are not saved.

0611 , as well as to the Online Consultant and provide your full name, passport data, (or code word).

For unregistered Beeline subscribers (only if the system requires entering the PUK code, you need to contact the OPiO with a SIM card, name the phone number and register the number, that is, conclude an Agreement).

If you have entered into an Agreement for the provision of cellular network services, you can find out the PIN / PUK of your SIM card by calling 0611 or by contacting the Online Consultant.

To obtain information, you must give a phone number and a code word or full name, passport data.

Information on PIN / PUK codes is not provided to subscribers who have not entered into the Agreement.

The service provides an opportunity to block the number if it is lost, or at the request of the client.

During the blocking period:

The minimum blocking period is 1 day. The maximum blocking period until the end of the active mode.

Self-blocking of the number is possible on the website:

To block a number, you can also contact customer support at 0611 , you will need to provide a number, code word or passport data.

The existing balance is preserved (until the standby mode), the collection of subscription fees (for TP and other additional services) is suspended, it is possible to make calls to CPC 0611, 0610 and emergency services, it is impossible to replenish and check the balance, if there are active packages on the number, the service Pause does not suspend the life of the packages / extra balance.

Do you want to receive bonuses just for using mobile services? Beeline provides an opportunity to communicate with other subscribers, while bonus points are accumulated on the balance. Bonuses from Beeline are the opportunity to receive additional useful services or gifts for the usual use of cellular communications.

Participants of the bonus program from Beeline are awarded bonuses in proportion to their expenses for cellular communications. If you communicate a lot on the phone and often use the Internet, then you will receive more points than other subscribers and you will have a chance to receive a more significant gift from Beeline. You always have the opportunity to spend bonuses at your discretion.

If you want to start receiving bonuses, then you need to do the following:

  1. First, you need to type the command *767# ... After that, the operator will send you a notification that you have become a member of the bonus program. Connection to the program is free of charge.
  2. You can confirm your participation in the program by calling 0674777 .
  3. Top up your balance as you spend on mobile communications.
  4. The accumulation of points will occur in proportion to the amount of replenishment of the account, as well as the time that you are a Beeline client.
  5. For those customers who have long been using the services of the Beeline operator, the number of bonuses accrued can be 15% of a one-time account replenishment.

Bonus account management

You can control the number of bonuses through USSD requests or in your Personal Account. If you need to check the number of bonus points, then you need to use the command *106# ... The phone display will show information about the number of points and connected bonus services.

If you have joined the Happy Time program, then the balance is checked by the team *767# ... You can also transfer points to another Beeline subscriber using this command.

How are bonuses from Beeline accrued?

After you enable the function of accumulating bonuses, they will be credited to your account by default for sending messages, making calls and using the Internet. The operator's website has all the official procedure, respectively, with which bonuses are accrued. First of all, the subscriber's expenses are calculated per month. Further, the summation of all services and options that are connected to the number is carried out. After these operations, bonuses are accrued from the total amount spent.

How can I spend points?

Subscribers can use bonuses in several ways

Beeline also provides its subscribers with the opportunity to choose one of the prizes:

  1. A package of minutes for communication in the Beeline cellular network.
  2. Additional traffic for Internet access.
  3. SMS messages to operator numbers.
  4. Replacing your number with any one you like.

Additional Information

  1. The promotional offer to pay for the equipment is valid only if the bonuses are used in the official service centers of the company.
  2. At least 10 points per day, and maximum 3 thousand.
  3. Bonuses are valid only within 30 calendar days from the date of their accumulation. There can be no more than 10 thousand points on the account.

"Happy time"

Depending on the amount that you spend on replenishing your mobile account, you can spend the accumulated points together with the "Happy Time" service:

  1. If you became a subscriber of the Beeline cellular network less than six months ago, then you will be credited with a bonus of 5% of the top-up amount.
  2. If you use Beeline from half a year to a year, then you can get 8%.
  3. In the case when the subscriber uses the services of a mobile operator from one to two years, then he will be credited with 10%.
  4. Subscribers who have been connected to Beeline for 2-3 years will receive 12%.
  5. When using Beeline mobile services for more than 3 years, the subscriber will be reimbursed 15%.

You can activate or deactivate the service by calling 0767 .