Wi-Fi radiation. The harm of Wi-Fi and how to protect yourself from Wi-Fi radiation

Modern people in large cities are so accustomed to newfangled gadgets and constant “contact” with the Internet that sometimes they don’t even think about the possible harm of “new products.” One of the “invisible” problems is the already familiar wi-fi signal, which already covers more than 70% of the territory of large cities. Today we will look into the possible harm from Wi-Fi to the human body.

Wifi is an electromagnetic signal, a wireless technology that ensures the interaction (transmission of information) of various devices via a radio signal channel with a certain frequency.

The question of whether Wi-Fi is harmful can be classified as a question, is there life on Mars? No one can say either one or the other with 100% certainty, since there is no accurate data on this. Everyone makes the decision for themselves personally. We’ll just try to figure out what the possible dangers of Wi-Fi are.

When talking about such a problem as the harm of Wi-Fi, the danger should be considered not in the signal itself, but in the degree of its power. If the purpose of the source is to transmit a signal over long distances, then its power should be much higher than that of a standard router that is installed in a small office or apartment.

A Wi-Fi signal, like any electromagnetic radiation, in any case does not bring any benefit to the human body, again, it all depends on its power. In other words, we can say that Wi-Fi is harmful “in large quantities.”

The child's body is most susceptible to any negative influence from the outside, including electromagnetic radiation. Experts who oppose the use of Wi-Fi among children argue their concerns by the fact that the child has a thinner cranial bone, as well as a not fully formed nervous system. In their opinion, the negative impact of wireless technologies can cause decreased motor skills, weakened attention and memory impairment in children.

Doctors are also not very loyal regarding the impact of Wi-Fi on men’s health, in particular, on the level of potency and sperm quality. It is believed that a powerful radio signal can affect cells, causing them to move closer together and increase intracellular temperature. There is no scientific evidence for this theory, but experts’ fears are not always unfounded.

Counterarguments or why Wi-Fi is harmless

In ordinary life, we encounter radio waves quite often, without even thinking about it. Televisions, radios, mobile phones are all devices that receive radio signals, so a router, laptop or other gadget equipped with a Wi-Fi module is far from the only source of such influence.

Scientific physical data is that the power of a Wi-Fi router is most often 63 milliwatts. For comparison, we can cite the fact that the power of a mobile phone at the time of a conversation is 1 watt, which is tens of times stronger than the power of Wi-Fi, especially since the router is located much further from our body than a mobile phone.

Official position of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization

Unlike the situation with mobile communications, there is currently no official conclusion from health authorities about the undeniable harm of Wi-Fi. At the same time, most doctors recommend that, if possible, you independently take measures to reduce the impact of electromagnetic radiation on the body, including the Wi-Fi signal.

As you know, the signal power decreases in proportion to the distance - the further a person is from the signal source, the less will be the degree of its impact on the body. In order to reduce harm from Wi-Fi, it is recommended not to install a Wi-Fi router directly near people’s locations.

David Backstein, surgeon-oncologist of the highest category: “I would not say that the technology that surrounds us somehow contributes to the occurrence of tumors”. He reinforces his words by the fact that the International Journal of Epidemiology summarized a dozen studies on the influence of gadgets on the occurrence of cancer and came to the conclusion that there is no connection between the use of those same mobile phones and the occurrence of cancer. True, the doctor of medical sciences is in no hurry to draw final conclusions: “Although, of course, in a global sense, we have been using smartphones, telephones, networks and everything like that not so long ago. And studying their effect on the body requires much more time.”

Tatiana Vasilyeva, radiation hygiene doctor:“It is impossible to say with certainty that phones cause irreversible harm to the body. Although several years ago quite serious studies appeared proving that electromagnetic waves lead to changes at the cellular level.". Referring to the British Ministry of Health, the candidate of medical sciences points out that there is still no confirmation of the influence of base stations and smartphones on the human body. Regarding the weakening of the immune system, Tatyana Vasilyeva confirmed the indirect effect: “The point is not so much the radiation, but the fact that a person simply spends less time on the street, moves less and is absorbed in communication using gadgets”.

As for Wi-Fi, the doctor referred to the relatively recent introduction of this technology, so it is still difficult to talk about the level of influence, since there are no serious studies on this topic. However, she noted: “The radiation there [from Wi-Fi] is less than from the same mobile phone”. For those users who are still concerned about the risk of influence, she advised turning off the router at night.

Nadezhda Koloskova, a therapist of the highest category, focuses on the influence of modern technologies on the body of children: “I would start, first of all, by instilling healthy habits in children. It seems to me that the point is not that networks are harmful to health, but the point is how much time a person spends next to them.”. She also does not exclude the possibility of negative effects of Wi-Fi on the body: “Electromagnetic fields do affect the central nervous system. I would say that although the risk has not been directly proven, it still cannot be completely excluded. But in our country, Wi-Fi is used both in schools and in shopping and entertainment centers. We need at least a few more decades to understand what they lead to.”.

As for mobile phones, Nadezhda Koloskova was more categorical, pointing out that they are harmful "long known". Supports her in thisOlga Smirnova, gynecologist-endocrinologist: “I am categorically against carrying mobile phones in trouser pockets”. Smirnova notes that the increase in infertility among both men and women has intensified recently for a reason. The doctor pointed to a Danish study in which researchers observed men talking on the phone for five or six hours whose sperm count and motility decreased. She points out: “Yes, the changes were not drastic, but we have been using the phone for more than one week.”.

Regarding wireless networks, the expert was more favorable, noting the low signal strength, she added: “At the same time, you don’t carry the router with you in your pocket”. However, she still recommended turning off wireless network devices when they are not in use and advised installing the equipment in those rooms where there are the least number of people.

Nikolay Lyubimenko, pediatrician: “It seems to me that Wi-Fi is not so harmful to our body. The same microwave, in my opinion, is much more harmful. The fact is that the power of the router is several times less than that of a microwave oven.”. He supports the opinion of his colleague, Nadezhda Koloskova, when it comes to the effect on the body of children: “I have heard versions that since a child’s body is just forming, waves of wireless networks can affect it”. The doctor indicated at that time that it would still not be possible to avoid technology, and there was no need to do this. Using a baby monitor or tablet to watch cartoons will do more good than harm if you use these achievements of modern science in doses.

The doctor notes that it is important not to go to extremes and you should not install a router in a nursery; otherwise, modern technologies can be used without fear.

All doctors agree that Wi-Fi, if it has any effect on human health, is insignificant. True, the lack of direct evidence of harm does not exclude the possibility of a negative impact that will manifest itself over a longer period of time than the few years that we are surrounded by wireless technologies. It is still worth listening to the recommendations of experts. You should take especially seriously the words about constantly spending time online, not only for children, but also for adults. Fresh air and outdoor games will help protect your health not only from modern technology, but also from the common cold.

Modern technologies have dramatically changed our lives - they have made us more mobile and, oddly enough, more dependent. Dependent on these four letters: Wi-Fi. How dangerous is the radiation from a Wi-Fi router, is it possible for children to use wireless Internet, and why are mobile phones dangerous? We’ll look into this below.

Wi-Fi is a wireless communication standard. It provides data transmission using a radio frequency signal in the range from 2.4 to 5 GHz. Today, Wi-Fi is used in almost all public places - parks, restaurants, shopping and entertainment complexes, and a Wi-Fi router that “distributes” the Internet at home or in the office makes working and communicating online comfortable and convenient. However, despite all the obvious advantages, wireless Internet is shrouded in hundreds of myths and speculations. Some argue that the radio waves emitted by the router provoke dangerous diseases, while others believe that this achievement of civilization is absolutely harmless. To figure out whose side the truth is on, we asked Kirill Petrov, a radiologist , Candidate of Medical Sciences,chief radiologist of the network of diagnostic centers"Medscan", comment on the most popular myths associated with Wi-Fi.

Kirill Petrov

Myth #1: Wi-Fi is a radio signal, and the radio waves that the router emits are dangerous.

In fact: Most of the wireless devices we are already familiar with operate in approximately the same microwave range. For example, 4G LTE mobile phones, like microwave ovens, operate in the 2.5-2.7 GHz frequency range. Thus, there is no reason to classify radio waves emitted by a Wi-Fi router into a separate class of electromagnetic radiation. By the way, the wavelength of the Wi-Fi signal practically corresponds to cosmic relic radiation, so if you are afraid of your router, then under no circumstances go outside without a foil raincoat.

Radio waves can affect the body only if you are in close proximity to a powerful industrial source for a long time (for example, you somehow miraculously ended up next to an aircraft radar and spent the night near it). The radiation power of household routers is incomparably lower, and they simply cannot have a destructive effect on the cells of the body. In addition, Wi-Fi radio waves are not directional in nature and are scattered in space evenly, weakening exponentially with distance (the distance has doubled - the intensity of radio frequency radiation has decreased fourfold).

Myth No. 2: any electronic device (Wi-Fi router included) can create an electromagnetic field, but it is harmful

In fact: At different times, scientists have conducted hundreds of studies to prove the harm of electromagnetic radiation from household devices (including mobile phones and Wi-Fi routers). However, all the results indicate the opposite - there is no proven harm to health. And mobile radio devices have become so firmly established in our lives that even if an increased risk of developing certain diseases were established (and let me remind you, it has not been established), modern society is no longer able to abandon them. We breathe the air of megacities, saturated with exhaust fumes, drink water that has undergone chemical treatment, and eat vegetables treated with pesticides and fertilizers. But despite this, life expectancy in developed countries has increased significantly over the past hundred years, which, in turn, indirectly proves: civilization with its inventions is not so dangerous to health.

The electromagnetic field is harmful to humans only at extremely high powers - during prolonged stay near a powerful industrial source, such as a power line or radar station. Thus, if prolonged irradiation occurs (eight hours a day for several years) with an intensity of more than 0.2 microtesla, then the risk of hematological and oncological diseases increases (at home, to achieve a similar “result” you need every night for several years of falling asleep and waking up hugging a router).

Myth No. 3: A Wi-Fi router emits dangerous radiation

In fact: The intensity of the radio emission from the router is a hundred thousand times less than that of the same microwave oven in your kitchen (and let me remind you, they operate in the same range), and it cannot in any way be considered dangerous to humans. If we talk about background radiation associated with the operation of device microcircuits, then it is no more dangerous than the background from charging or the power supply of a home radiotelephone.

A mobile phone, by the way, in principle, has no background radiation (unless, of course, we dropped it into a tank of radioactive waste). It has electromagnetic radiation, the harmful effects of which on the human body have not been proven. Some studies have noted changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain when exposed to the electromagnetic field of a mobile phone, but these changes are reversible and their negative cumulative (accumulating) effect has not been proven. In general, when talking on the phone, a person is more likely to harm himself due to loss of concentration during a conversation, for example, he can get hit by a car while crossing the street, or, if he is a driver, get into an accident.

Myth #4: Pregnant women should not use wireless Internet as it poses a risk to fetal development.

In fact: since rapidly and frequently dividing cells are most susceptible to external influences (this is due to the fact that the DNA molecule is most vulnerable precisely at the moment of cell division), pregnant women should minimize exposure to medications, ionizing radiation and other harmful factors. The shorter the gestation period, the more susceptible the fetus. However, it must be remembered that wireless communication devices do not produce ionizing radiation and their harmful effects on the fetus have not been confirmed by scientific research. It should also be noted that the fetus is quite well protected from external influences - it is surrounded by a layer of amniotic fluid, the walls of the uterus, pelvic bones, organs and walls of the abdominal cavity. All these structures contain a lot of water, which effectively attenuates radio waves.

Whether Wi-Fi is harmful to human health is of interest to many. Indeed, in the modern world, people cannot imagine their existence without the Internet.

In order to be able to use the World Wide Web anywhere, a wireless method of data transmission called Wi-Fi was invented.

Now you can connect to the Internet wherever it is more convenient. But is it really that useful?

About the Wi-Fi router

In order to distribute a communication signal, a special network device was created. It is called a router or router.

Wireless data transfer and computer connection occurs using radio waves. The principle of operation is similar to the operation of cell phones and radio stations.

The difference is that the Wi-Fi router operates at a higher frequency, which allows you to transmit and receive a large amount of information.

To use wireless communication, you need a router that has a built-in signal reception and transmission module. The same device must be present in the computer.

The router is connected to the Internet via a wire. When receiving information, the device converts it into radio waves, which it transmits to the receiving device (computer or laptop). The PC module receives the signal and makes it digital. The same thing happens in reverse. It is worth noting that the router can distribute a signal to several devices.

However, when transmitting a signal wirelessly, a certain magnetic field is generated, which means that there is a certain radiation to a person. Therefore, sooner or later, any person has a question about whether Wi-Fi is harmful?

Why wifi radiation is harmful to health

Any radiation in large quantities is harmful to human health. As for Wi-Fi, the opinions of many scientists are divided. Some argue that constant exposure to such a signal disrupts the functionality of the body. And others say that it is quite weak, so there is very little harm from it. And who is right in this dispute, and what harm does wi-fi actually cause?

The operating frequency of the router is 2.4 GHz. During its effect on the human body, molecules of water, fat and glucose begin to interact more closely, which leads to an increase in temperature. If such exposure lasts for a long time, then irreversible processes are triggered in the body.

In addition, it is worth noting that electromagnetic radiation is stronger, the larger the area of ​​its influence and the speed of information transmission. This, for example, happens when downloading a “heavy” file. In this case, the harm from the spread of the electromagnetic field is much greater.

Urban residents are affected by Wi-Fi waves almost constantly. After all, routers are currently installed in almost every home, in various establishments, and shopping centers. Many users do not turn off the device even at night, so the radiation continues around the clock.

Based on the results of some studies, doctors concluded that the wireless signal affects some body systems.

Organ systems:

  • Brain vessels. After conducting the study, it was found that with prolonged exposure to such a signal, vasospasm occurs, problems with memory and concentration appear. However, it should be noted that the experiment was conducted with school-age children, and their skull bones are thinner than those of an adult.
  • Many doctors talk about the dangers of Wi-Fi for a child. However, there are no scientifically proven facts. But parents should pay attention to their child if he spends a long time near the computer, replacing live communication with him. In this case, we can talk more about the dangers of radiation not so much from the router as from the PC.
  • Another study was conducted using male sperm. It was noted that in a test tube that stood near the computer for some time while downloading files, twenty-five percent of the sperm were dead. However, when we repeated the experiment, when the Internet was connected via a wire, the result was the same. Therefore, it is wrong to say that wi-fi is to blame. Rather, the culprit is general electromagnetic radiation.

As you can see, there is no exact data that Wi-Fi harms the body. However, it should be remembered that the radiation, although small, is still there. Therefore, certain precautions must be taken.

How to reduce radiation from a wifi router

What can be done to ensure that wireless Internet rays are safe for health? To do this, you must adhere to certain rules.


  • For home use, it is better to use wired Internet.
  • The Wi-Fi router must be located at least forty centimeters from the workplace. By the way, if the device is located with neighbors, then the radiation from it is minimal.
  • When working, do not place the laptop on your lap, and turn off the wireless Internet function on your phone if it is not in use.
  • At home, the router should be turned off at night and at times when the Internet is not in use.
  • It is better to install the router in a non-residential area, this way you can reduce the harm from radiation.

The most important thing is not to panic. After all, “smart guys” make great money from this by creating foil wallpaper and bedspreads with carbon threads that minimize the harm of wi-fi. If you use wireless Internet correctly, there will be no negative consequences.

Wi-Fi is harmful: is it dangerous?

Currently, a person is surrounded by radio waves from all sides. At the same time, people don’t even think about it. The apartments have a TV, or even more than one, a computer and a microwave oven.

And that's the minimum. But there are also radios and cell phones. But no one refuses these devices.

You should know that the power of a Wi-Fi router is 63 milliwatts, while that of a cell phone is one watt.

In addition, a mobile phone is located much closer to the human body than a router.

Wi-Fi radiation, of course, causes some harm, despite the lack of precise evidence. However, you just need to be careful. This is especially true for parents of small children; you should not allow them to stay indoors with a router for a long time. Yes, and an adult needs to monitor the time of use of such devices.

Video: how harm is caused by WiFi

Wireless internet routers or Wi-Fi modems use the same radio frequency as microwave ovens. Does this mean Wi-Fi is dangerous to your health?

There is a huge amount of information on this matter on the Internet. There are various reasons for this, the main one being that demand creates supply. And the demand, in turn, arises due to the deterioration of people’s well-being, for which they are trying in every possible way to find an explanation. The harm of Wi-Fi in some articles is confirmed by references to a bunch of studies, while in others it is argued and refuted with evidence.

Of course, Wi-Fi clearly has some effect on health, because even radiation from a monitor affects us. But the question is how significant is this effect on the body, and is it worth paying attention to it at all? Therefore, it is necessary to consider this issue from two sides, and not immediately put forward a separate self-confident opinion.

Arguments that Wi-Fi is unlikely to be harmful to health

  1. Wi-Fi signal strength is approximately 100,000 times less than that of a microwave oven.
  2. The intensity of a radio wave, according to the inverse square law, just like that of light, sound and the force of gravity, decreases by a factor of two with distance from the source to a factor of four. In other words, the signal level drops very quickly. Under normal conditions, Wi-Fi intensity is so low that it's not worth worrying about - it's just part of the "" that radio and television signals, electrical cables, electric motors in household appliances, and the universe as a whole also generate.
  3. Often, the wavelength of Wi-Fi signals (12 cm) is approximately the same as the cosmic background radiation (0.001 - 0.5 m) that affects us when we go outside. And this cosmic radiation influenced our ancestors in stone caves, so we are partially prepared for it.
  4. The electromagnetic spectrum includes waves from very long waves—radio frequencies—to very short waves—gamma radiation. At the same time, the light visible to us is somewhere in the middle. We know that types of ionizing radiation with wavelengths shorter than light are generally dangerous. Examples include ultraviolet (UV) rays, x-rays, and gamma rays. The ultraviolet part of sunlight is, of course, also dangerous, which is why sunscreens were invented.

Non-ionizing wavelengths, which are higher in frequency than light, are generally not dangerous. These include infrared rays and radio waves. With a frequency of 2.45 GHz, Wi-Fi travels in the microwave range, in which baby monitors and mobile phones also operate.

Of course, it is possible to do dangerous things with radiation. The sun's rays, with the help of curved mirrors, can set objects on fire; waves in a microwave oven, thanks to a magnetron and high power, boil water. You can even use a high-pressure stream of water to pierce steel, but this does not mean that a person will die from taking a bath or standing under a fountain.

  1. The mobile phone is near the brain during a conversation, while the Wi-Fi router may well be in another room. And according to some estimates, a person receives a larger dose of microwaves from one 20-minute phone call than from a year of exposure to Wi-Fi, the source of which is not directly near him.
  2. Twenty laptops and two routers are roughly equivalent to one mobile phone under standard usage conditions.
  3. The World Health Organization, which has studied this topic in depth, says: “In the field of biological effects and medical applications of non-ionizing radiation, approximately 25,000 papers have been published over the past 30 years. Despite some opinions that there is still some research to be done, scientific knowledge in this area is now more extensive than for most chemicals. Based on a recent in-depth review of the scientific literature, WHO concluded that evidence does not currently support the existence of any health effects from exposure to low-level electromagnetic fields. However, some gaps in knowledge about the biological effects exist and require further research."

Arguments that Wi-Fi may pose a potential health risk

  1. In the summer of 2011, the World Health Organization designated electromagnetic fields that come from Wi-Fi, cell phone networks, radio signals, microwave ovens, and cordless home phones as "possibly carcinogenic" agents, along with other things (such as coffee) for which there is evidence harms are not yet clearly confirmed.
  2. There was a case where a woman doctor noticed that her family members were experiencing sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, migraines, and general poor health, and it all started in the same week. These painful sensations continued further. After eliminating all other possible causes, she turned off the router and they felt better. Fortunately, they did not live in an area inundated with electromagnetic fields from wireless technology from nearby houses. Now, of course, the family uses a wired Internet connection, and the health problems have not returned.
  3. There are results from a number of studies (2009-2014) on the effects of microwaves with a frequency of 2.4 or 5 GHz (Wi-Fi) on animals and people, which confirm the negative impact on many body functions. According to their results:
  • observed the detrimental effects of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices on the testes of growing rats;
  • when using laptop computers connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, the motility of human sperm decreases and the fragmentation of sperm DNA increases;
  • wireless network modulation (2.45 GHz) caused toxic oxidation of melatonin in the mucous membrane of rats;
  • as well as a huge number of other results, including effects on the autonomic nervous system, heart rate, brain and spinal cord, effects on the kidneys during pregnancy in rats, etc. All this can be seen in more detail.
  1. It is impossible in most cases to be far from the source of Wi-Fi waves while using it. After all, even if the router is in a distant room, the device with which you use the Internet (laptop, tablet, smartphone) itself acts not only as a receiver, but also as a transmitter of electromagnetic waves. Therefore, for example, even a smartphone in your pants pocket with Wi-Fi always on creates an electromagnetic field near your genitals. And they are expected to be one of the first to be affected by Wi-Fi.
  2. Wi-Fi can have the strongest impact on the body in children. For example, a radio-controlled toy can cause no less harm, but its period of operation is insignificant compared to a Wi-Fi source operating in the house. It is believed that these adverse effects of wireless Internet may take many years to appear.
  3. They started installing Wi-Fi in schools in Israel, several years have passed since then. In 2011, a commission in Europe issued recommendations to ban Wi-Fi and WLAN in schools, as, in their opinion, it could harm the health of students. Some countries did just that. There are lawsuits going on in Israel in which parents are demanding this be done. And France has generally introduced a ban on any type of wireless connections in schools, incl. and mobile communications.
  4. There are results of studies conducted on plants, for example, on watercress by schoolgirls from Denmark. The seeds affected by Wi-Fi did not germinate. By the way, Denmark generally holds the record for such evidence of the harm of electrosmog.
  5. It is no longer schoolchildren, but scientists from the same Denmark who, through experiments, have proven the negative impact of Wi-Fi on the human brain and indoor plants. Although this is a dubious source. During their experiments, schoolchildren had to put a smartphone with Wi-Fi turned on under their pillow at night, after which the next day they experienced vascular spasms and poor concentration. But this sounds very subjective and not very convincing. In the second case, they noticed a clear disappearance of indoor flowers in the room where the wireless Internet router was located.


The direct official harm of Wi-Fi, as well as any other similar sources of radio waves (mobile networks, radio-controlled devices, Bluetooth headsets, home cordless phones, etc.) on humans has not yet been proven. Although a lot of research has been conducted on this matter, as a result of which, it seems, Wi-Fi was harmful, but also often its absence.

The main problem is the arbitrarily subjective results, in which, in the case of various negative consequences, the specific process of their manifestation was not justified. But also, everyone understands that usually there is no smoke without fire. Many people claim that they have experienced general malaise, which is possibly caused by the electromagnetic field emanating from a wireless Internet source. Although there were many more cases when health problems manifested themselves in those living near antennas providing mobile communications.

You should be especially careful with children, whose health is most likely to be affected by Wi-Fi. After all, children are more susceptible to radiation than adults. Also, some tips may help to minimize the possible harm from this modern technology.

Recommendations for reducing possible harm from Wi-Fi

  1. Use a Wi-Fi antenna located further away as a signal receiver and transmitter, rather than the device itself. This is primarily suitable for users of desktop PCs that are not initially equipped with a Wi-Fi module. But it is unlikely that laptop owners will connect such an antenna if almost all of these gadgets are equipped with an internal module for such a thing. But for tablet PCs and smartphones this method is not rational at all.
  2. Try to use cable Internet as much as possible without Wi-Fi. But tablets and smartphones are also left behind.
  3. If the Wi-Fi source is not yours, then in most cases it is either with your neighbors, or simply in another room, and the damage to Wi-Fi is minimal until you use it. For even more effective protection from its field, you can use foil or other reflective material. A Faraday cage operates on this principle. For the experiment, you can wrap your mobile phone in foil and if you can’t call it, then the experiment was successful. But there are also building insulating materials that contain aluminum to retain moisture and heat. They can also help achieve the Faraday cage effect.
  4. Turn off the Wi-Fi source in your home when not in use, rather than leaving it on overnight, as most people do. Also disable the function responsible for its operation in your phones, especially when carried in your pocket. And it is highly undesirable to place your mobile phone under your pillow or very close to you while sleeping, because even with wireless Internet reception turned off, this has an adverse effect.

Of course, few people will be willing to sacrifice their comfort in order to protect themselves from possible harm from Wi-Fi. But measures to protect children from this are worth taking. Especially, you should not allow a small child to stay all day in the room where the Wi-Fi router is located.