High quality 3d printer. Differences in daily work

1. To choose a 3D printer that is right for you, you first need to decide what you will print. This will determine which model of 3D printer is best for you for these purposes.

  • It is important to understand that a desktop 3D printer is not a mass production machine, it is a tool for creating models, prototypes, designs or printing small batches of small parts. A 3D printer cannot completely replace an injection molding machine, silicone molding or CNC milling machine, but it can become an indispensable tool for creating a high-quality prototype or demonstration model in a short time. A 3D printer is a great hobby that can even make you money.

2. If you already know what you will be printing, you need to determine which plastic is best suited for printing the models you need.

The situation is more difficult for those who do not know what exactly will be printed or for those who want to experiment with different materials and models. But more on that below.

  • In most modern models of 3D printers, features such as Wi-Fi, Ethernet, a color touchscreen display, a webcam for remote control of the printing process, partial or fully automatic platform calibration, and others are already available. These features can be very useful, but it is important to understand that their presence or absence does not directly affect print quality. Quality primarily depends on the design of the printer in general and the extruder in particular, as well as many other mechanical and electronic components.

3. At the moment, all plastics can be conditionally divided into 2 groups. These are ABS plastics, which include, in addition to ABS itself, Nylon, PC, HIPS, PC-ABS and others. And PLA plastics, which, in addition to PLA itself, include PVA, PET, PETG, Wood, Flex, TPE, TPU and others. The plastic you plan to print with can be decisive for choosing a printer. these two groups of plastics have different properties and, above all, different printing nuances.

  • For printing with ABS plastic, a completely closed working chamber and a heated table are extremely important, as, for example, in the FlashForge Dreamer or UP BOX + 3D printer model. In these printers, you have the ability not only to set the temperature of the platform, but also to maintain a high temperature in the entire working chamber, up to 90℃. Under such conditions, the risk of delamination of the model during the printing process is reduced and the quality of the finished model will be higher.
  • For printing with PLA plastics, the presence of a heated pad is not required. But at the same time, good airflow of the model during printing is very important. Printing with PLA is in many cases much easier for a beginner. An example of such printers is the MakerBot Replicator + or the budget Chinese models Wanhao Duplicator i3.

  • An important characteristic of a 3D printer is the presence or absence of a heated table. Almost all 3D printer manufacturers claim that their products print with all types of materials, but in practice this is not at all the case. If the printer does not have a heated bed, then printing any ABS plastics on it will be very difficult or almost impossible. Especially if you need to print large models.

Also, when choosing plastic for your tasks, you need to pay attention to the post-processing of models, different materials have different properties not only during printing, but already in the form of finished products, for example, ABS plastic can be easily sanded or glossed in an acetone bath, and PLA is good suitable for priming and subsequent painting.

ABS product after acetone bath

If you want to print with different types of materials, then you need a versatile 3D printer that can handle any task. Such models also exist, such as Raise3D N1 Dual or FlashForge Creator Pro. The printer comes with a fully closed chamber, which is very important for printing with ABS plastic, but with a few easy movements, you can transform it into a fully open state, great for PLA plastic.

Printing with special plastic is a double experiment. For most 3D printers, manufacturers do not provide information about the possibility of printing with one or another type of experimental plastic. Pay attention to the melting point of the plastic you are going to print with. It is also important to understand at what speed you need to print, taking into account the flow rate of this type of plastic.

4. It is worth paying attention to parameters such as the size of the working chamber and the minimum layer thickness.

  • The larger the working chamber, the higher the price, so it is worth deciding whether you need a large chamber or a medium or small chamber for your needs. You also need to understand that printing large models will take a very long time, in some cases up to two days. It may be better to print the model in parts and glue it together from the medium-sized printed parts.

Printing a large model in parts. Gluing and post-processing.

Printing a large product entirely.

To obtain models of the best quality, it is necessary to use the smallest layer thickness, but at the same time the print speed on the smallest layer of 50 or 20 microns can be very low and even a small model can be printed up to 10 hours, while the quality of the model will not drastically differ from the model printed with a layer of 100 microns.

5. An important component in modern 3D printers is the presence of a second extruder. This allows you to print with two colors, or you can use a second extruder to print support with soluble materials.

Two color printing

Soluble Support Printing

Having a second extruder can help with some models, but it's important to understand that printing with two extruders is a more complicated process and you can run into a lot of difficulties in the process. When choosing a printer, try to focus on the tasks that are right in front of you. If experiments are your path, do not hesitate to choose a printer model with two extruders. This gives many additional possibilities for creating complex models.

  • A 3D printer is still largely an experimental product, and it is not for nothing that the world leader in the production of 3D printers - MakerBot called its printer Experimental 3D Printer. In many cases, the result that you will be able to get on the printer that you purchase will depend on you, namely on whether you can learn how to properly use the tool that you have in your hands.

For many buyers, the most important factor when choosing a 3D printer model is price. Even the most inexpensive 3D printer in the right hands can turn into a great tool, and the most sophisticated 3D printer can become a useless piece of metal in the wrong hands.

We wish you to make the right choice and become part of the amazing Color World of 3D printing.

A 3D printer is a device that allows you to produce various physical objects in layers, based on its 3D model. Despite the fact that such devices have recently become widespread, in fact, the first such devices began to appear as early as the 80s of the last century. Of course, it was far from the best 3D printer, but it already had interesting inclinations. In the process of development, it has stepped far ahead, as a result of which a huge number of new devices have appeared, each of which is distinguished by a mass of its advantages and features.

SLS (manufacturer sPro)

Technology of laser selective sintering. Small particles of material are sintered by the action of a high power laser. In this case, powders of plastic, various metals, glass, nylon or ceramics can be used as a material. This structure is characterized by extremely high accuracy and the absence of the need to use any supporting structures, but its implementation is quite expensive. It provides for the mandatory use of heat treatment of the product immediately after printing.

SLM (sPro manufacturer)

Technology of laser selective melting. It is quite similar to the previous type of devices, however, here only a variety of powdered metals can be used as a material, and at the same time, the lasers themselves are even more powerful. This is a better 3D printer compared to the previous one for the reason that it does not require heat treatment of the completed product.

EBM (manufactured by Arcam)

Technology of electron-beam melting. Using a sufficiently powerful electron beam, the product is deposited layer by layer of metal powder in a vacuum. Again, a better 3D printer than SLS because it doesn't require post-print heat treatment.

LOM (manufacturer Solido, MCor)

The technology of layer-by-layer gluing of specialized film materials, such as laminated paper or polymer film, in order to subsequently form a full-fledged model with a laser beam.

SLA (FormLabs Form manufacturer)

Another name for this technology is stereolithography. By curing the liquid photopolymer, which is under the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the desired areas, the formation of the product is ensured. The technology is characterized by sufficiently high accuracy, but at the same time it necessitates the use of supporting technologies. Among other things, one cannot but say that in this case expensive photopolymers are used, and finished products are notable for their low accuracy.

FDM (manufacturers: MarketBot, CubeX)

Modeling is carried out exclusively by fusion technology. With the help of a dispensing head, drops of thermoplastic, which is in a heated state, are carefully squeezed onto the surface of the cooled platform. Due to the fairly rapid solidification and sticking together, such drops form layers of the object being formed, that is, here, too, printing is carried out in layers.

Reviews: We took one for ourselves for 20,000 rubles. In principle, they took it for fun, so he copes with his duties 100%. You download drawings on the Internet, program, wait, you get the result - everything is simple.

Which to choose?

It is immediately worth noting the fact that household 3D printers are FDM, and only they are available to the average user. The point here is not even in the features of this technology, but in the fact that the device itself can be purchased at a price of 20,000 rubles, while the cost of other equipment starts from several million, while they themselves are supplied exclusively on request.

That is why, if you are looking for consumer 3D printers, you must understand how to choose the best device among the options with FDM technology.

What is it for you?

The main thing before buying this device is to decide on what, in general, in principle, you need this device. For example, if you just want to have fun, then in this case, a standard copy at a minimal cost is quite suitable for you. If you need to figure out which 3D printer is best for production or a specific business that is directly related to this printing, you should choose the most reliable model. One has only to imagine what can happen if the printer breaks down completely during the printing of the next order, and at the same time you cannot fix it in a short time.

Thus, if working on this device is a direct income for you, then you should responsibly choose which of the 3D printers is better, better and more reliable, otherwise you better pay attention to the cheapest models in order to at least to understand how such equipment works.

Where are they produced?

When choosing a printer, be sure to pay attention to the country of manufacture. The market is currently divided into three segments:

  • west;
  • Chinese;
  • domestic.

Each of the above segments has its own characteristics, so it is impossible to immediately compare the best 3D printers of each type when reviewing.

Western models are imported to Russia and the CIS countries in small batches, while the manufacturers do not have any official representatives in our countries. In particular, this eventually results in such problems as the rather high cost of equipment, the lack of direct access to spare parts, as well as normal service and support. Thus, if even minor problems appear during the operation of your printer, there may be very serious problems in order to bring it back to working condition later. But a review of the best home 3D printers showed that in fact such devices are quite reliable and do not break during their work.

Again, the same situation exists with Chinese printers, but in this case there is also an extremely low quality of this equipment. In particular, it is worth noting the quality of the main units and components, which is very far behind in comparison with the solutions offered by Western companies.

Of course, it cannot be said that only imported printers are relevant. It is likely that you will be able to find the best 3D printers in the world among our manufacturers. To do this, you can use the characteristics presented below.

Speed ​​and accuracy

Accuracy refers to the height of the layer during printing, that is, the lower the height, the greater the accuracy (currently the highest accuracy of printers is 50 µm), and the rotation speed is represented in cm 3 /hour.

These parameters interact with each other in the most direct way. If there is a high accuracy, it is significantly reduced and vice versa. For example, if a particular product is printed at the above 50 µm precision, the build time will be approximately twice as long as it would take to produce that product at 125 µm precision. In the vast majority of cases, manufacturers initially indicate what their device provides for the ultimate accuracy and speed.

You need to pay attention to the range of these characteristics in order for you to understand how diverse models can be produced. For example, to print a large layout, you may need a fairly high speed, and at the same time a thick layer of application, while for printing gears, you will already need to switch to a low speed in order to increase accuracy. It is worth noting that the ideal option for the home is printers with an accuracy of 150 microns, which are not very suitable for printing various industrial objects or modern businesses.

Units and materials

When choosing the best 3D printer for your conditions, you should definitely pay attention to the compatibility of various components and materials. It often happens that manufacturers claim extremely high printing accuracy (for comparison, each pixel in the iPhone is more than 50 microns), while the printer body is actually assembled from standard plywood, which does not allow for a rigid construction and corresponding accuracy. It is rather difficult to track these parameters via the Internet, except for certain photographs, as well as reviews of the devices themselves. The best option is to contact the seller directly and ask him all relevant questions.

Plastic types

Be sure to figure out which plastic for a 3D printer is better to use in a particular case. The most common in our time can be called PLA and ABS. Some printers can use both types of such plastic, while other devices provide only one of them. However, in fact, in addition to the above, other variants of threads can also be used, which differ in a wide variety of physico-chemical characteristics, such as glow in the dark, flexibility, solubility in water, increased strength, and many others.

The ability to print with a certain plastic is determined by whether or not a platform heater is present in the device, what the operating temperature range of the extruder is provided for, and what design of the printing chamber is used. If you are not initially sure that the printer you have chosen supports a certain type of plastic, you need to clarify the indicated parameters as much as possible, and also compare them with those that are recommended for each specific plastic.

It is likely that you may not need some plastics at all in the process of working, but you will never know this in advance. It is for this reason that if you prefer to experiment or do not know for sure which devices and what you will print from, you should choose a 3D printer that will have the maximum possible number of supported plastic filaments. Even if you end up not needing such a versatile device for your main work, who knows where else such a versatile device can come in handy, because there are a variety of critical situations.

Every year more and more fans of voluminous, original objects, non-standard souvenirs and mini-prototypes of desired cars, reproductions are fond of modeling. For this reason 3D A lot of families want to buy a printer for home use. How to choose this technique, what parameters and characteristics to pay attention to in order to enjoy modeling and be proud when demonstrating the structures you have created?

First: decide for what purpose you need a 3D printer?

As a rule, the main task that is assigned to home 3D printing tools is the creation of small souvenirs, beautiful toys or hand-drawn details, components of individual buildings. For such purposes, 3D printers with a small number of functions that take up little space and at the same time remain harmless to others are best suited. Ideally meets these criteria Prism Mini– versatile and compact 3D a printer that is suitable for every family.

By the way, about security. For the home, it is recommended to purchase equipment with a one-piece metal case that closes tightly when printing. Such 3D The printer does not transmit harmful radiation, does not heat up, and does not produce harmful odors. Children can work with it too. Picaso 3D Designer This is a safe model that is suitable for any family.

Choose a 3D printer based on the working material!

Another, no less important characteristic of household appliances is the working material. Many try 3d buy a printer cheaper, not paying attention to what it is able to recreate three-dimensional structures from. In the process of work, when the material runs out, it can be difficult to find it and the operation of the equipment stops for a while. But there are also models that cope with flexible plastic, PLA, nylon, ABS. In particular, this is the printer Ultimaker 2 Extended, which works with various types of "consumables".

A variety of working materials for such equipment is also important from the point of view of the accuracy of design reproduction. Some types of plastic will not make ultra-precise 3D object. But for those who care about elasticity, first of all, and not the rigidity and impeccability of the lines of the product, they should take a closer look at nylon materials and 3D printers that support this type of printing.

About printing accuracy: let's talk about microns!

The accuracy mentioned above is defined in 3D-micron printers. The lower this indicator, the thinner the print layer will be, the more detailed and accurate the finished product looks. For home use, equipment with an operating parameter of 200 microns is suitable, for example, this is UP Mini.

And if you start developing design projects or the thinnest structures from an engineering point of view at home, take a closer look at the model Printbox One, which prints layers as small as 50 microns.

If you still doubt how to choose 3D printer for home, remember one more feature - the more accurately the sample is printed, the more time it will take to make it. So, for impatient people, it is worth buying a high-speed 3D equipment, which designs models at a speed of 50-60 cm 3 per hour.

Don't forget management!

Choosing which 3D printer it is better to buy for home use, it is recommended to focus on such a parameter as control. Models that are difficult to operate, as a rule, imply connection to a computer, to special software. Therefore, in addition to the control buttons, you will also have to study the software, because printing will be carried out only from the proposed formats 3d models. Semi-professional equipment such as WitboxSingleextruder easy to learn, it is supplied with instructions in Russian. In addition, manufacturers offer user support, so it will be easy for people of all ages to master the skills of managing it.

3D printer- a peripheral device for printing three-dimensional figures from a digital 3D model. Printing is performed by layer-by-layer formation of a volumetric physical object.

Applications for 3D printing:

  • production of small items for household needs;
  • small-scale production;
  • creation of training models and manuals;
  • creation of design layouts and prototypes of future products;
  • construction of facilities;
  • production of medical implants;
  • creating clothes and shoes, jewelry, contemporary art and much more.

The 3D printer consists of the following components:

  • frame;
  • extruder - print head;
  • extruder drive;
  • printing platform - the surface on which the object is printed;
  • control module;
  • power unit.

Important: When choosing a 3D printer, pay attention to the system requirements for your computer (CPU frequency, RAM, video card with a certain amount of memory). Otherwise, the PC may not work correctly with the 3D printer programs.

Also consider the compatibility of the 3D printer with the OS version of your computer - Windows, macOS, Linux.

  • Use the 3D printer in a well ventilated area. It is desirable to stay as little as possible near the working device.
  • Buy supplies from reputable suppliers. Poor quality material is hazardous to health.
  • Strictly follow the safety regulations when using the 3D printer.

3D scanner

3D scanner- a peripheral device for creating a digital 3D model by analyzing a physical object. A 3D scanner does the opposite of 3D printing on a printer. Such devices use laser or optical scanning. The first is suitable for processing static objects, the second is designed for scanning moving objects.

Contact- are in direct contact with a three-dimensional object when scanning.


  • high detail;
  • independence from lighting;
  • the ability to scan the prismatic part of a physical object.


  • slow scanning process;
  • the likelihood of damage to fragile objects.

Contactless- scan an object without physical contact with it. They are passive and active.


  • profitability;
  • support for outdoor use.

The disadvantage is the dependence on lighting.

Scan Accuracy

10-30 µm- high-precision instruments that give the most accurate 3D models. Scope of application - scanning of small objects with high detail (jewelry, device parts).

30-100 µm- general-purpose devices designed to solve most problems. Scope of application - scanning of medium-sized objects (household items, clothes, shoes).

Below 100 µm- devices that are suitable for creating 3D models that do not require high accuracy. Scope of application - scanning of large objects (architecture, landscape, communications, large transport).

3D pen

3D pen- a tool for drawing a three-dimensional figure. It is used to create jewelry, bracelets, cases, coasters, models.

"Hot"- a miniature version of the FDM printer. Material - plastic (ABS and PLA).


  • an extensive range;
  • convenient management;
  • relatively low price;
  • a large number of free stencils for drawing;
  • high strength of the resulting products;
  • a large selection of 3D plastic in different colors.


  • risk of burns when touching a hot nozzle or a newly created object (temperature - up to 230 ° C);
  • dependency on network or device with USB port.

"Cold"- a smaller version of the SLA printer. Material - liquid photopolymer.


  • inability to get burned;
  • autonomy (thanks to the battery);
  • effective design and convenient operation;
  • variety of photopolymers.


  • high price;
  • fragility of finished figures;
  • big sizes.

When choosing a 3D pen, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • 2 buttons - for comfortable adjustment of feed rate and temperature;
  • LCD display - displays information about the operation of the device and a list of options;
  • ergonomic shape of the case - for convenient operation of the 3D-handle;
  • plastic thread diameter - most of the "hot" pens work with a plastic diameter of 1.75 mm. There are models using a 2.85 mm thread.


Household / amateur (desktop)- relatively cheap and compact models. In terms of speed and accuracy of printing, they are significantly inferior to other classes of 3D printers. They are used to create small items and are not designed for mass production of parts and products.

Household models allow you to make parts, accessories and household items, create unusual souvenirs, children's toys, "author's" interior items, stationery and much more. You can print dishes, baskets, flower pots, combs, pipes, rulers, stencils, fasteners (bolts, washers, dowels), pet feeders and drinkers.

Professional- differ from consumer 3D printers in higher printing speed and accuracy. They allow to produce large objects and are used in small-scale production, education, design. Such devices are more expensive and take up more space than household counterparts. However, there are professional 3D printers that are suitable for home use.

Professional models are designed to create highly detailed objects (including mechanisms and jewelry). Using a professional 3D printer, you can print high-quality souvenir products.

Industrial- unlike professional models, they are designed for serial high-precision production of complex objects of any size. They are characterized by high parameters of printing speed and accuracy, wide functionality. These models have a very high price and large dimensions. Used in enterprises.


open case- relatively cheap and compact device. Allows you to follow the formation of the object and provides easy access to the extruder, which is dangerous for children and pets. Such a printer reduces print quality, since it does not protect the product from splashes, drafts, temperature changes that can deform it. A 3D printer is the best choice for the home.

Devices with an open body are suitable for printing products from PLA and PET.

Important: A 3D printer with an open case does not protect against harmful plastic fumes. Therefore, be sure to ventilate the room.

Closed housing - a structure consisting of a door, walls and a cover (cap).


  • high quality of the printed product, since the model is protected from external influences (important when making models from ABS);
  • no unpleasant and toxic odor (especially when working with ABS);
  • protection against accidental contact with a hot extruder (important if there are children and pets);
  • low noise level from the fan.


  • high price;
  • large dimensions of the 3D printer.

Devices with a closed case are more often used in industry.

Print technology

FDM(PJP, FFF, layer-by-layer fusing) - the formation of a three-dimensional object from a plastic or metal thread. Household printers are equipped with one extruder, and industrial printers - 2 or more. Devices with this technology are most common.


  • relatively low cost of the printer and consumables;
  • compactness and small weight of the printer;
  • good print quality;
  • possibility of color printing;
  • a relatively wide range of materials (plastic, tin, various alloys and even chocolate).


  • low print speed;
  • difficulties with fixing an object on the desktop;
  • the tendency of the product to shrink (reducing the size of the object after cooling);
  • many manufactured models require finishing;
  • the impossibility of creating large objects;
  • a large amount of waste.

SLA(laser stereolithography) - a three-dimensional figure is formed from a liquid photopolymer, which hardens under the influence of a laser.


  • high printing accuracy;
  • production of complex models with a large number of small details;
  • the ability to obtain large and heavy products (150x75x55 cm, up to 150 kg);
  • small amount of waste;
  • ease of finishing (polishing), which in many cases is not required.


  • high cost of the printer and consumables;
  • low print speed
  • significant weight and dimensions;
  • low strength of the created objects;
  • limited range of materials;
  • no color printing available.

SLS(selective laser sintering) - the formation of a three-dimensional object from a powder material that melts under the influence of a laser.


  • wide range of materials (plastic, metal, casting wax, ceramics, glass);
  • the ability to obtain complex objects;
  • suitability for small-scale production;
  • minimal finishing;
  • faster print speed than SLA printers;
  • unlike other technologies, it does not need supporting structures when printing products of complex configuration (the powder itself plays the role of support).


  • you need a sealed chamber and a powerful laser;
  • smaller size of the resulting objects than the SLA technology (up to 55x55x75 cm);
  • the received products need finishing processing;
  • lower print accuracy compared to devices based on SLA technology;
  • unsuitability for work at home.

There are other 3D printing technologies: MJM (multi-jet modeling), LOM (layer-by-layer gluing of films), 3DP. Although they allow you to make multi-color objects, they have limitations on the materials used.

In addition, the resulting products often need to be finished and have low strength (LOM, 3DP). For these reasons, 3D printers with such technologies are not widely used.

Print Material (FDM)

ABS(acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) - has high impact resistance, resistance to moisture, oils, acids and alkalis. Easily processed and painted. ABS also provides high speed printing. At the same time, such material does not tolerate UV rays, gives significant heat shrinkage and is not compatible with food.

ABS is the most common material for 3D printing. Printing temperature - 210-270 °C. Temperature range of use of finished objects - from -40 to +90 °C.

ABS is suitable for the manufacture of such products:

  • parts designed for medium loads;
  • decorative items;
  • models and models of low accuracy;
  • parts for cars, instrument cases;
  • containers, stands.

ABS+- An improved version of ABS. Such plastic is stronger, less susceptible to heat shrinkage and has a lower printing temperature. The result is better quality products.

PLA(polyactide) - an environmentally friendly material, gives maximum printing accuracy and low heat shrinkage. Compared to ABS, PLA is less durable, less processable, more sensitive to moisture and more expensive. PLA is easier to print than ABS. This is a good choice for a beginner.

Printing temperature - 180-190 °С. Temperature range of use of finished objects - from -40 to +50 °C.

PLA is suitable for the manufacture of such products:

  • Kids toys;
  • accurate layouts and models;
  • medical products;
  • food packaging and disposable tableware;
  • decorative items that do not need additional processing.

Technical Plastics- are used to create products with certain performance characteristics. These include PET, PC, PBT and other materials. Engineering plastics are used less often than ABS and PLA.

PET(polyester) - elastic, resistant to mechanical stress, heat-resistant. At the same time, PET is inferior in print accuracy to ABS and PLA. Well suited for creating objects with an optimal balance of toughness and strength. The temperature range for using finished objects is from -40 to +120 °С.

PC(polycarbonate) - stronger, harder and more accurate in printing, but less viscous. It is used for the production of products designed for heavy loads. The temperature range for using finished objects is from -40 to +120 °С.

PBT(polybutylene terephthalate) - resistant to prolonged static loads and thermal aging, has good elasticity. Temperature range of use of finished objects - from -50 to +160 °С.

Decorative plastics- designed for the production of decorative and arts and crafts products. In appearance, weight, tactile sensations, they resemble wood, bronze and other materials.

Decorative plastics include Laywood, BronzeFill and others. Laywood imitates wood, BronzeFill - bronze. The performance properties of these plastics are similar to those of PLA. The temperature range for the use of finished objects is -40 to +50 °С.

Auxiliary materials- are used to create supporting structures required when printing objects of complex configuration. After printing is complete, the support is removed. These include PVA (polyvinyl acetate), which dissolves well in water, and HIPS (polystyrene) - this material is dissolved in Limonene (an organic solvent). Both materials are easily removed mechanically.

Print Resolution

This indicator determines the accuracy of printing, which affects the quality of the manufactured model.

Horizontal (XY)- the minimum possible movement that the printer's extruder makes along the layer on the X and Y axes. In devices with FDM printing technology, this characteristic depends on the positioning accuracy of the print head. It is measured in micrometers (µm).

The lower the horizontal resolution, the higher the detail of the finished object. For budget devices, this parameter is 30-50 microns, more advanced models can boast an accuracy of 20 and even 12 microns.

Vertical (Z-axis)- the minimum height (thickness) of the layer that the printer creates per pass. In 3D printers with FDM printing technology, this parameter depends on the diameter of the nozzle. The lower the vertical resolution, the smoother the surface of the printed product. In inexpensive models, this parameter does not exceed 200-300 microns, higher-class equipment produces up to 20 microns. The optimal parameter is 100 microns.

Print speed

This value indicates the speed of movement of the extruder, squeezing out the plastic thread. The print speed of FDM printers that print with plastic filament is measured in millimeters per second (mm/s). The higher this parameter, the faster the product will be formed. As the speed of printing increases, the cost of the printer increases.

Modern devices can print at speeds of 10 to 150 mm/s and more. For domestic needs, a speed of 20 mm / s is sufficient.

Important: print speed is determined by the type of material and the complexity of the product, as well as the number of extruders. Speed ​​is contrary to print accuracy: the higher the speed, the lower the accuracy and vice versa.

Print area

This indicator determines the maximum possible size of the printed object. The printable area depends on the size of the print platform. The larger the platform, the higher the maximum dimensions of the model. At the same time, the price and size of a 3D printer is increasing.

The printable area is measured in centimeters(cm) in three planes (XYZ). For example, 13x13x13 cm is the optimal value for the manufacture of most products.

The small print area limits the ability to create large objects. In this case, it is worth printing the object in parts, and then gluing it together. True, such a figure will be less durable than a solid product.

Nozzle diameter

The nozzle delivers heated plastic and ensures the print of the product. The smaller the nozzle diameter, the higher the accuracy of reproduction of small details of the figure. At the same time, the duration of printing increases and a number of side effects occur (clogging of the nozzle, getting a "spread" product).

Most 3D printers are equipped with a nozzle with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 mm. For 3D pens, this parameter is usually 0.6 mm or higher.

Number of print heads

Most often, 3D printers are equipped with a single print head. Some models have 2 and - less often - 3 heads, which significantly expand the capabilities of the device.

The second extruder allows you to print two products at the same time, as well as make two-color models or form a model and supporting structures from different materials (for economy). In addition, the second extruder will come in handy if the first one fails.

Number of print colors

1 (monocolor)- the standard option that is found in most 3D printers (they have one extruder). Mono-color printing is relatively inexpensive. The best option when the color scheme of the object does not matter.

2-3 (multicolor)- such printing allows you to create a multi-color object, which affects the cost of the printer and consumables. For two- or three-color printing, you need a 3D printer with a dual or triple extruder.

Types of multi-color printing:

  • gradient- gives a smooth transition from one color to another;
  • layered color- provides a sharp transition from one color to another;
  • spot color- applies color to a certain part of the product;
  • full color- puts on the object an image of a photographic level.

Print Data Source

Print data (digital 3D models) is transferred to the 3D printer from a PC, external drives, or stored in the internal memory of the printer itself.

These interfaces are used to connect to a computer.

  • USB- Wired connection for high speed file transfer. Found in the vast majority of printers.
  • WiFi- wireless connection. Allows you to choose the location of the 3D printer, which does not always fit on the table. Minus - it takes more time to transfer data.

Ethernet and Wi-Fi interfaces are used to connect to the local network.

External drives - eliminate the need to connect a 3D printer to a PC. These include:

  • memory card- connects via SD slot;
  • USB flash drive- connects via USB port.

Inner memory- makes the 3D printer independent of the PC and external drives. Stores the print job and allows you to work with the printer when the PC is turned off or the USB cable is disconnected.


Off the grid- the classic version, which is most common. Mains powered 3D printers, most 3D scanners, and many hot 3D pens. For the latter, such a solution is more of a disadvantage than an advantage, since it hinders the user's movements due to the limited length of the cable.

Via USB- typical for 3D pens and some 3D scanners. Handles with these methods of power supply are also limited by the length of the cord, as are models that operate from the mains.

Battery- used in "cold" 3D pens. Provides complete freedom of movement when working with the handle.


Print Speed ​​Adjustment- Allows you to change the print speed. Thus, you can get the finished object faster by sacrificing its detail.

Temperature control- allows you to change the temperature depending on the characteristics of the material.

Auto power off- self-shutdown of the device during prolonged inactivity. This feature saves energy.


Display- displays information about the operation of the 3D printer (heating temperature of the printing platform and nozzle, continuous printing time of the extruder, etc.). Makes it easier to work with the device.

Heating of the printing platform- needed when working with ABS, PC, HIPS and other materials that give significant heat shrinkage. If you print without heating the platform, the finished product will decrease in size and deform. In addition, the object may delaminate. The temperature of the print platform must be 100-110 °C to make the model in ABS. This option is not required for printing from PLA.

Removable glass platform- gives a flat printing plane and allows you to easily remove the finished product.

Automatic platform calibration- automatic adjustment of the height and level of the printing platform for a specific task. Simplifies the operation of the 3D printer and ensures uniform object formation.

Putty knife- used to remove the finished product from the printing platform.

Brush- used for finishing the finished object.

Tweezers- serve to clean the nozzle of the 3D printer and finish the resulting figure.

hex keys- are used to maintain the printer. Many printers require assembly - in this case, hex keys will also come in handy.

Also, many 3D printers provide the ability to remotely control printing. And to monitor the operation of the device has a webcam.

Today, it is no secret to anyone what a 3D printer is. Almost everyone has heard of such devices, many have seen or encountered them, some even have such a device at home. However, not everyone knows how to choose a 3D printer that will fully meet certain requirements.

Before proceeding with the selection of the most suitable device, it is worth deciding for what purposes it will be used, as well as what you expect from it. This will allow you to choose a printer with the best value for money.

1. How to choose a 3D printer

It is worth noting that, regardless of the type and model, all 3D printers are selected according to general indicators. But in order to understand which 3D printer to choose for a given situation, each factor influencing the choice should be analyzed in detail. This will allow you to understand what is worth looking at first and what does not matter at all.

Of course, each company praises its products, while trying to emphasize its advantages and hide its shortcomings. Therefore, you should not rely solely on the descriptions for devices provided by the manufacturer. Comparison of 3D printers allows you to clearly and clearly see all the strengths and weaknesses of a particular model. Such comparisons can easily be found on the Internet.

1.1. Country of manufacture (brand)

The country in which the 3D printer is made is one of the most important factors for selection. It's no secret that the assembly quality of the device, as well as its further performance, directly depends on this. Today, there are three segments on the Russian market of 3D printers:

  • Western devices (USA and European countries);
  • Chinese cars;
  • Russian production.

Each segment has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, American and European models are usually imported to Russia in small batches. In addition, Western manufacturing companies do not have official representatives in the Russian Federation. All this leads to a rather strong overpricing, a lack of spare parts, as well as a lack of proper service and support. This, in turn, can result in a serious headache, even with the slightest malfunction of the device.

The same can be said about Chinese models of 3D printers. However, to all the existing problems with European devices, the poor build quality is also added. Chinese manufacturers are significantly behind their European counterparts in the quality of the main components, spare parts and components. However, Chinese 3D printers still have a lower cost than European ones. It is also worth noting that in rare cases, Chinese printers of sufficiently high quality may come across. But it's more like a lottery - very low chances of you getting lucky.

The quality of Russian 3D printers is something between Western and Chinese devices. That is, they are inferior to Western models, but have a higher quality than Chinese devices. At the same time, quality service is provided and all the necessary components are always available. In addition, the cost of domestic products is more affordable than the price of European counterparts. But which 3D printer to choose - Russian, Western or Chinese, is up to you.

1.2. Accuracy, quality and speed of printing

Accuracy, quality and speed of printing is one of the most important selection criteria that you need to look at first of all, regardless of the country of manufacture and type of device.

As a rule, when talking about the accuracy of printing on a 3D printer, it means the height of the layer that is superimposed in the process. This directly affects the quality and accuracy of the final product, and the thinner the layer, the higher the accuracy of the printer, and the higher the quality of the final products. The most accurate modern 3D printer is capable of applying a layer with a thickness of 50 microns.

Speaking of speed, one should understand the growth rate of the created object - cm3 / hour. Printer accuracy and speed are two related parameters. So, the higher the accuracy, the lower the speed, and vice versa - the lower the accuracy, the higher the print speed. As a rule, manufacturers indicate the maximum accuracy and speed of the device. But how do these indicators affect the choice of device? Nothing complicated - the wider the range, the better the ratio between speed and accuracy of printing. In other words, the wider the range, the more accurate and complex patterns you can produce, at higher speeds.

Here, the choice of a 3D printer also depends on the operating conditions. For example, for the manufacture of large and simple models, high accuracy is not required. For the manufacture of such objects, printing speed is more important. However, if you need to print, for example, gears for any mechanisms, then printing accuracy comes to the fore, while the speed drops significantly. Unfortunately, universal 3D printers that combine high speed and printing accuracy at the same time do not yet exist. However, you can choose a 3D printer that will closely match your requirements.

2. How to choose a 3D Printer: Video

2.1. 3D printer features

3D printing technology is actively developing. Every year there are new models of 3D printers that have more features. For example, already today there are devices that can print in three colors, which allows you to create multi-colored models. Of course, this criterion is not as important as all the previous ones, but in some cases this may affect the choice.

There are also 3D printers that do not have to be connected to a PC. They work offline, and all the necessary data is transferred via a portable memory drive (flash drive). There are also printers with a built-in Wi-Fi module, which allows you to connect the device to a PC wirelessly, via an Internet connection or a direct Wi-Fi connection.

So, now you know the basic rules by which you can choose the 3D printer that best suits your requirements. Of course, there are other parameters besides this, but they are not so important. The choice is an individual process, and here it is necessary to take into account all the requirements of the buyer and the features of further operation.