How to set up a navigator in a car. How is the map displayed in the Navitel navigator? Mandatory Navitel settings for New Navitel

If you have never used a car navigator, then you may think that, like any other device, it requires some special skills, just like It is not. Installing and setting up the autonavigator is very simple, and the instruction is always supplied with the device, if not in paper, then in electronic form.

How to install a car GPS navigator (autonavigator)

In the box with the navigator there is always a bracket and a stand. The stand is a frame where the body of the navigator is inserted to fix it on the bracket. The bracket is needed to firmly mount the navigator on the windshield or front panel of the car. There are other places to place navigators, but these are the most common. The main thing is not to install the navigator in places where it will block the driver’s view and interfere with control vehicle. Also, do not mount the product where the airbags are located.

The navigator is not always sold with a fully charged battery, so before you start using it, you need to charge the battery. Depending on the model, you can charge the navigator either through the computer's USB port or from the 220V network through the appropriate Charger, but most often charging occurs through a car charger, which is included with any navigator. Other charging methods may not be as effective.

Connecting the car GPS-navigator to the car's on-board network is done only after the car has already been started, otherwise the device may be damaged.

How to set up a car GPS navigator (autonavigator)

Most often, difficulties with the navigator arise when laying a route. In most cases, this is due to the fact that users do not study the instructions for setting up the navigation program, because the route can be plotted according to different algorithms(avoiding traffic jams, on main roads, optimally, fastest, etc.). And how to use the navigator without understanding the instructions?

So, for example, in the program "Navitel Navigator" you can set the method of laying a route by time ( fast track) or by distance (shortcut). At the same time, a short path will not necessarily be fast, as it might seem. You can also set options such as avoiding toll and dirt roads and minimizing U-turns. Therefore, in order not to be surprised at how your navigator paved the way to the specified point, first study the instructions and set the navigator to suitable way building a route.

Instructions for setting up Navitel

By the way, Garmin navigators tend to avoid left turns when building a route. This is a feature of this brand. Therefore, if you do not like left turns, then you should take a closer look at one of Garmin navigators at the time of buying.

Another complaint from users is that the navigator warns late about the upcoming maneuver. This is also a configurable setting navigation program. For example, in the Navitel Navigator program, the time interval for which you need to warn about a maneuver is set in the navigation program settings menu, but in the City Guide program, a warning is given 500 meters before the turn. This can be a decisive argument when choosing a navigator.

The Navitel navigator is a convenient software that searches the map for the shortest routes. It has a “voice prompt” function, which allows the driver not to be distracted while driving a car on the navigator screen. Principle of operation this device Simple enough to learn how to use it is not difficult.

Navigator "Navitel" has full screen mode, useful tooltips, supports 2D mode, pseudo 3D. It implements scaling and fast scrolling of maps, it is possible to choose the orientation of the map: in the direction of the route, movement, north. This program performs the following tasks:
  • location determination with display on the map;
  • automatic and manual routing;
  • calculation of travel information, its display on the map;
  • search for objects;
  • route recording, display as a track.
To lay a route, you need to open the navigator. On the Novitel screen, the message “To update traffic jams, you need to connect to the Internet, allow it?” will appear. From the proposed answer options, you need to choose the appropriate one: “allow”, “always allow”, “prohibit”. If the answer to the question was positive, the program will become available for work, the maps will be loaded. Now you should find (turn on) the satellites by clicking on the icon " satellite dish" Green colour. If the color of the icon is yellow, you need to wait, it means that no satellites have been found yet. After clicking, a menu will open offering the following actions: “turn off GPS”, “settings”, “satellites”, “cancel”. You need to select "satellites" and wait a few seconds until the program contacts the satellite. For normal operation Novitel will have to find at least 4 satellites. On the street, in the car, this usually happens without problems, but indoors, the program may not see the satellites. When satellites are found, you should return to home page by pressing the back key.

When satellites are found, the program will automatically determine your location and you can plot a route. To do this, select the “menu” at the bottom right, after which the program will offer options:
  • nearest on the map;
  • by the address;
  • waypoints;
  • favorites;
  • story;
  • by coordinates;
  • Navitel sms.

You should select the menu item "by address", after which the system will determine your current location. Now you should specify the address where you need to get: select the country, city, street, house number and click the "go" button at the top left of the screen. The program will immediately lay the shortest route by marking the final destination with a flag.

If you need to correct the route (for example, stop by a city along the way), then you just need to move the map to the place where you want to stop. Having zoomed in on the map, you need to indicate the desired city with your finger (stylus) and save the selected point (by the way, you can give it a name). Then press the "find" button, "waypoints", find and select the desired city. In the menu that appears, click the "show on map" button, after which a map with the selected city will appear on the screen. Now you need to press the "drop in" button at the top of the screen, after which the program will automatically suggest a route based on the desired city. After the adjustment, it is important to save the route by pressing the "export" button.

Having dealt with elementary functions, you can create and own settings. You need to enter the "menu", "settings". There are 6 settings in total, of which three can be distinguished as the most popular:
  • map rotation: you can pin the map with the north up or set the mode of its rotation in the direction of travel;
  • navigation: here you can select the type of transport, the route (straight, on the road; short or fast), set a warning about the maneuver, the degree of sensitivity of leaving the route;
  • additional settings: in the "device" tab, you can adjust the sound, clock, power.

The Navitel navigator can be used by drivers of vehicles, cyclists, even pedestrians. This device makes it much easier to find the shortest route to the desired point, and working with it is not at all difficult.

Modern gadgets have become widespread in the automotive industry. Most drivers cannot imagine their life without electronic assistants that allow them to organize comfortable, and partly cultural, components.

Main components of the shell

Solving a difficult task how to set up navigator navitel, you should familiarize yourself with the main windows, of which there are several in the program:

  1. Map.
  2. Sensors.
  3. Satellites.
  4. Weather.
  5. Main menu.

The main menu key, located in the lower left corner of the display, shows the following main items:

  1. Find.
  2. Route.
  3. My Navitel.
  4. Settings.

Practicality in the foreground: how to set up a Navitel navigator as comfortable as possible for perception

On the main window "Map" manipulations are carried out over the trajectory of the route. It is also possible to carry out a quick adjustment under own needs. Clicking in the left upper corner on the “Compass” icon, the user is given the opportunity to edit the most basic settings:

  1. Map rotation method. It is offered in two variations: in the direction of travel or in static mode. The latter means broadcasting the map always to "North". It is recommended to set the first mode to simplify the process of orientation in an unfamiliar place.
  2. View. Available in two projections: 2D and 3D. The volumetric picture is much easier to perceive. In addition, the structure of buildings in 3D mode corresponds to the real ones.
  3. Map highlighting option. There are three modes: day, night and automatic. The latter makes adjustments based on the time zone readings.

"Sensors" is the second most used page. By clicking on one of the nine fields representing the window, you can call up current settings. With the help of simple manipulations, the most necessary indications of the trip are configured, which include:

  1. Speed.
  2. Maximum speed.
  3. Travel time, stop, total.
  4. Odometer.
  5. The duration of the current path.
  6. Average speed in the area.

Before you configure the necessary parameters of the Navitel navigator, you should take care of good level signal. The corresponding window, which can be called up using the icon on the main panel, will help stabilize communication with the satellite. For reliable data transfer, select devices highlighted in green.

Item "Settings": understand in order

The above methods allow you to quickly adjust, right before the red traffic light. Another important section of the main menu for the driver is “Settings”.

The "Map" subclass provides the following features:

  • Automatic scaling. Allows you to set the range of change of the approximation value or a fixed value. It is most convenient to use a regulated interval.
  • Visual effects. Smoothing geometric objects and smooth scaling make the picture pleasing to the human eye. The zoom level limit at which 3D objects begin to appear should be set closer to the end of the range (approximately 80%).
  • Map tilt. The most harmonious picture is perceived when the indicator level is closer to 60%.
  • Auto return. The amount of time is determined, after which the return to the main window - "Map" is carried out.

An equally important subsection is "Navigation". This item allows you to perform the following manipulations:

  • Select the type of transport on which the electronic assistant is installed. This optimizes the speed of the device.
  • Plan your route according to your needs. The position "On the roads" is most often used.
  • Choose a path that excludes dirt roads, toll roads and U-turns.
  • Warn about the maneuver after the required time.
  • Adjust the sensitivity of leaving the established route.
  • Parameterize the "Pull" function, which snaps to the closest road.

additional services

Knowing how to set up the appearance of additional icons on the display of the Navitel navigator, you can significantly improve the perception of the information being broadcast. In the "POI filtering" section, you can adjust the zoom level at which icons of various infrastructure buildings and their accompanying inscriptions are visible.

Highly useful feature is the "Probki" service. By switching the parameter for taking into account "cramped" road conditions to the "On" position, it is possible to exclude the possibility of traffic jams on the projected route. In addition, you should enable the ability to broadcast the current traffic congestion on the main map.

Applications “Navitel. SMS" and "Navitel-Friends" will help to communicate between friends and exchange coordinates in a "deaf" traffic jam directly through the navigator. For quick access With top panel main window, you must first activate the services through the item in the settings "Online services".

A large number of nuances in the program settings can mislead an inexperienced "user". However, the setup process described above can clarify the setup sequence for the most necessary functions.

The navigation system "Navitel" is the main competitor of such programs as "CityGuide" and Sygic. "Navitel Navigator" - has long been familiar Russian users system, since it was originally installed in most navigation devices supplied to shops. In addition, Navitel is available for most mobile phones. operating systems. In a short time, the program changed the version number from 5 to 7, and a little later the eighth version was released, the functionality of which has grown significantly. Support for the old map format has disappeared, which has put many users in a stupor. They simply could not at first understand how to use the Navitel navigator correctly. After all, I had to update the maps to latest format Yes, you need to get used to the new buttons and functions.

But do not despair, because it is enough to study the menu and system functions a little before traveling in order to understand how to use the Navitel navigator after updating to the new version.

Changes in the latest version of the navigator

In the eighth version of Navitel, a long-awaited event took place: support for OpenGL was finally implemented. This is necessary in order for the map to be drawn much faster. This is especially noticeable in 3D mode, when the approximate height of buildings is displayed. In general, working with Navitel Navigator has become much more pleasant.

Also, "Navitel" has become much more logical to lay routes, especially if there are traffic jams on the way. Previously, users complained that due to traffic jams, routes were laid illogically, but this has been fixed in the latest versions. In general, in order to understand how to use the Navitel navigator, you should understand the updated functionality.

License and prices

Navitel's licensing policy has become much stricter than before: the program can be activated only once and only between devices on the same operating system.

But in terms of pricing policy, there have been significant changes: now maps for use in the navigator can be taken "for a while". This greatly simplifies the use of the Navitel navigator, since you do not have to spend a lot of money on a map that you may need only once.

The developers themselves call it a subscription. Its essence is that by paying an amount within ten dollars, it will be possible to use one or more cards for a certain period. Unfortunately, this mechanism cannot be used for Russian, Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian cards.

Card prices have also become much more humane. For example, a Russian card began to cost $45. If you do not need a map of the whole country, then for 750 rubles you can buy a map of only one federal agency. Cards of other states cost in the range of 20-45 dollars.

Subsequently, the maps are updated free of charge. In addition, the developers do not charge any fee for the "Traffic" service. But so far it only works on the territory Russian Federation. Of course, with the growth of the dollar, the prices of the cards were adjusted, but it is interesting that the prices in the Navitel store and in Google Play somewhat different (1500 versus 1350 rubles, respectively). This was at the moment when the exchange rate reached 45 rubles per dollar, but now prices should rise even more.

System requirements

In general, developers write on the official website only a list of supported operating systems and screen resolutions. Android device must have a version of at least 1.6, but at the same time the list screen resolutions generally somewhat strange. Users have already noted that problems with the Navitel navigator occur on the Archos device, as well as Highscreen Ice.


This article will not talk about all the functions of the program, but in order to understand how to work with Navitel Navigator, you should know about the main ones. The program displays all the necessary parameters: signal level, battery charge. "Navitel" can be used both in vertical and horizontal orientation. For more Have a nice work at night provided night mode. AT latest version"Navitel" was implemented very convenient search by address and coordinates. Unfortunately still missing universal search. Routes can be saved and loaded, after laying a new one - it can be checked in test mode. For more convenient operation There are modes for pedestrians, as well as for cars and trucks.

If the device has Internet access, then you can use the "Friends" service to see them on the map. The maps show the weather.


It is worth noting that if the screen resolution of the device is not supported, then many objects on the map may not be displayed correctly: their sizes will be incorrect for the most convenient work.

In general, the Navitel Navigator interface is quite nice, but the key objects on the map are displayed very small. The device has small size screen. For example, roads are just thin lines that cross the entire map. Looking at the screen, just holding the device in your hands, is still comfortable, but after fixing it on the windshield, problems with reading information may begin.

As mentioned above, the program can work both in landscape and in portrait orientation screen. However, changing the orientation does not add anything to the program's interface.

The eighth version of the navigator received a 3D mode, when the approximate height of buildings is displayed on the map. To be more precise, the navigator works all the time in 3D mode, and when the user switches to 2D, the map simply deviates from the horizon as much as possible. And so it seems that it is flat.

Map display issues

This decision led to the fact that the map intersects great amount lines that do not disappear even after zooming in. Of course, many lines disappear, but to see what you need among the many plexuses, you will need to look carefully. Initially, some cannot understand how to use the Navitel navigator, because it is not entirely clear which line is responsible for which function. It’s good that the route laid out on the map is displayed with a thick line.

Unfortunately, the height of buildings is not displayed correctly everywhere. In most cases, there will be small buildings on the map, the height of which is unlikely to exceed one or two floors.

The program menu is very concise. But there were some drawbacks, because on screens with a resolution of more than 800x480, fonts and icons do not look very nice. And you can't scale them.

Another disadvantage is that when the device has found satellites, and the map needs to be scrolled, the program will tend to focus on your location.


In general, the program is designed with dignity and it’s easy to understand how to use the Navitel navigator, everyone can, just a little practice is enough. Pleased also free updates software and maps, the ability to transfer them to the device's memory card. Routes began to be laid much faster and more adequately, and the detailing of the maps has increased significantly. However, routes are still not laid perfectly, so before the next turn, it is best to look at the navigator screen. Of the minuses: at first it is a little difficult to deal with the lines on the cards, a few small icons and buttons.

Despite some shortcomings, the program began to work much better than before. Perhaps many will like any navigation solution from competitors, but they have not yet found such a wide distribution as Navitel Navigator.

Install Navitel. Go to Menu - Settings - OnLine Services.
Choose Update SPEEDCAM - Off. Close Navitel.

Package installation:
1. Download the design (skin), voice package, speedcam. We extract from the archives.

Important! If you have an Android 4.4 or higher device and you are copying files to an external microSD card, then the NavitelContent folder is located in the following path Android\data\com.navitel\files\NavitelContent and all files need to be copied to it. To the root of the map \NavitelContent DO NOT copy!
2. Copy the downloaded New_Navitel_*.ns2 skin to the /NavitelContent/Skins/ folder.
3. Copy to the folder /NavitelContent/Voices/ downloaded voice package. The whole folder. For example: 0419~New_Tanya.
4. Delete all speedcam files from the /NavitelContent/SpeedCams/ folder and copy the downloaded Speedcam_For_New_Navitel_*.txt file into it.
5. Copy your maps to the NaviTelContent/Maps folder.
6. Run the program and go to Settings.

Mandatory Navitel settings for New Navitel. Highlighted in red in the screenshots.

1. Go to Menu - Settings - Interface. Choose skin New_Navitel_*.ns2.
2. Go to Menu - Settings - Regional settings. Choose a voice package for New Navitel. For example: New_Tanya.
3. Go to Menu - Settings - Warnings. We exhibit:
Sound notification - On

4. Check in Menu - Settings - OnLine Services.
Update SPEEDCAM - Off.

My personal settings Navitel. Highlighted in green in the screenshots.

1. Menu - Settings - Map.
The scales used are 20m-300m.
POI names are displayed at scales of 20 meters and below, so during a stop, Navitel will display a map at a scale of 20 meters, and POIs will be with names.
Speedcam points on the map are displayed only at scales up to 300m. And if while driving with high speed, for example, along the highway, Navitel display the map at a scale of 500m, 800m, etc., then your speedcam points will disappear from the map. Therefore, in my settings there is a limit of up to 300m. and Speedcam points are always visible.
The preferred scale is 50m.
Show 3D models from - 80m.
Buildings in 3D are displayed on a scale up to 120m inclusive. Therefore, if you set the display of buildings to 80 meters, then at the next scale of 120m the buildings will be flat and it becomes clearly visible that the next time you change the scale to 200m, there will be no buildings on the map. And second, there is no hodgepodge of 3D buildings on the 120m map.
Map tilt.
It is set so that the horizon or roofs of houses are as close to the top edge of the screen as possible.

2. Menu - Settings - Navigation.
Pull: No further than 20 m.
So that your location does not jump around the map in the absence of a road.
Rerouting for: 50 m.

3. Menu - Settings - Interface.
Skin: New_Navitel_*.ns2
Always selected Day skin.

4. Menu - Settings - POI filtering.
Everything is enabled by default.

5. Menu - Settings - Online services.
Only Update SPEEDCAM - Off.

6. Menu - Settings - Warnings.
Speed ​​limit:
Sound notification - On
Voice notification- When exceeding 20 km/h.
Visual notification - Notify always.
Since speeding violations in Russia only start when the speed limit is exceeded by 20 km/h, the Voice notification "When exceeding by 20 km/h" value is selected, but you can always see the speed on the current section of the road on the screen, since visual display"Always" is selected.
Sound notification - On
Voice notification - Notify always.
Visual notification - Notify always.
These are required settings.
Show lanes - Off
Under no circumstances should you trust these signs. The accuracy of these signs is 50/50. And also, if they are active, they remove the warning points from the screen.
Selecting SPEEDCAM types: Speed ​​bump - Off, others - On
There are a lot of warnings of these points, they only distract.

7. Menu - Settings - Regional settings.
Voice: any for New Navitel.
Coordinates: ddd.ddddd°
The format is the same as in the speedcam.txt file, also this format is used on various sites.

8. Menu - Settings - System.
Background mode - Do not turn off when there is a route.
If you use Navitel on your phone, then during a call, GPS is turned off and route guidance stops. After you finish the conversation, it takes some time to re-determine the coordinates, and during this time you can drive the desired turn. To prevent this from happening during route guidance, the value "Do not turn off when there is a route" is set.
Do not prompt for exit confirmation - On.

All other settings are set by default.