How to make a poll in VK on a page or in a group. We indicate the name of the survey and provide explanations for respondents

The result of the study directly depends on how your questionnaire is compiled. Thus, a questionnaire that is incomprehensible to respondents and has an incorrectly structured logic will reduce the number of completions and will not bring the desired result. How to create a questionnaire that meets all the requirements? In this article we will talk about how to compose a questionnaire correctly so that respondents not only find it interesting, but are also able to collect information on the basis of which useful conclusions can be drawn.

Rules for compiling a survey questionnaire

  • Decide on tasks upcoming research. It is their solution that should be addressed by the questions consistently asked in your questionnaire.

Example: if your goal is to find out the attitude of customers towards cell phones Samsung, ask questions about the interface, technical specifications models, consumer properties, etc. in this case you should not be interested in what time it is more convenient for your customer to come to the N salon to make a purchase. You have a clear goal - to find out the attitude towards the brand and you must follow it throughout the entire questionnaire.

Avoid spelling mistakes. A competent questionnaire always speaks of the seriousness of the company, arouses trust and respect.

  • Greet respondents in the introduction to the questionnaire, briefly describe the purpose of the survey, if necessary instruct How to fill out your form. When you complete the survey, be sure to thank the interviewee for their time.
  • Write smart, short, and understandable survey questions. Let's keep it short and clear options answers to them.

Avoid ambiguity in questions - you may be misunderstood and this will distort the results.

Try to offer everything possible options answer to the question and, if necessary, the “other” field for a free answer.

When creating a questionnaire, do not make spelling mistakes. A competent questionnaire always speaks of the seriousness of the company, arouses trust and respect.

Example: Wrong question – “Do you prefer Samsung phones other brands because of their user-friendly interface or wide range of applications? Correct question– “Assess the consumer properties of Samsung phones (model N) on a 5-point scale.”

  • Use a minimum of special terms. Your questionnaire should be understandable to the maximum number of survey participants. You need to understand that these people are not experts in your field. If you use terms when compiling a questionnaire, explain them. It's better to avoid it altogether. The more accessible the questionnaire is for the respondent to understand, the more willing he is to answer it.
  • Don't do more than 3 questions on one page. This is simply convenient for perception and encourages the survey participant to further fill out the questionnaire.

The total number of questions in the questionnaire can be very different - it all depends on the objectives and depth of the research being conducted. However, if you create a questionnaire that turns out to be too large, do not forget to reward respondents for their time - give branded souvenirs, bonus cards, just pay them to participate in your study. Believe me, this will increase loyalty to your company.

  • Be sure to follow logic when compiling the questionnaire. The correct logic will not cause bewilderment and the desire to quit filling out your questionnaire halfway.

When you’re putting together a questionnaire, it’s easy to get confused with the logic. Be careful when asking branching questions. Note that the branch is directed to the page, so the question for which the branch is asked must be only one on the page.

  • Follow the order of questions. The same questions placed in different sequences can give various information and even distort the results of the study. Therefore, sociologists and psychologists, when answering the question of how to compose a questionnaire correctly, advise composing questions from simple to complex.
  • Be sure to leave fields for respondents to express their opinions: “Your wishes to improve the work of the store”, “What do you think...”, “Express your opinion about...”.
  • Be careful in your expressions and polite. Nothing in the questionnaire should offend, embarrass or cause hostility.
  • Test the survey. After completing the questionnaire, review it again and remove all extra words, “clogging” questions. Make sure your wording is clear. Let your acquaintances, colleagues, and friends fill out the form. If they find inaccuracies or broken logic in it, adjust the questionnaire according to the recommendations.

As you can see, creating a questionnaire is not easy. But creating the correct questionnaire will not pose any particular difficulties for you, especially if you have practice.

Hello everyone!

Today is Friday again, the weekend is coming soon. Everyone wants to get away from thoughts about work and relax a little before new everyday life. That's why today's lesson is about this simple topic— how to create a survey in Google Forms.

In general, online surveys are necessary for an entrepreneur, especially if he works with something massive, like me, for example. Are you reading my blog? You gain certain knowledge from it. But how can I write about what interests you? How can I understand who you are? How can I even recognize you? Right! Only by conducting a survey among your readers.

Surveys help you get to know your audience better, help you understand what they need, that’s the beauty of it. More more than a year ago I conducted a survey among my subscribers and then I realized who reads me and what is most interesting to you: as a rule, these are small or medium-sized business owners, novice Internet marketers who want to learn better contextual advertising and how to analyze it. This year the audience has become a little more serious and people are already interested not only in the Kyrgyz Republic, but also end-to-end analytics, which is very, very difficult to build.

Naturally, I try to touch on all these topics to a greater extent than any others. Therefore, there have been no lessons on , for a long time.

Oh well. Let's move on to our topic today. So, the easiest way to create a survey online is to use Google Forms, which is what we will do now. By the way, it's completely free. All you need is to be registered with Google.

Create a survey in Google Forms

So, follow this link. You will be greeted by an already familiar interface - and much more in this eco-system looks exactly the same.
Click on blank slate and a form for creating a survey will appear in front of you. Here you can add questions of different forms: one from a list, multiple choice (several from a list), in the form of a scale, in the form of a grid and several others:

The question itself fits into the field where the default is “Question without title”, and the answer options are below. You can also make a question mandatory by simply switching the toggle switch in the lower right corner of the editor.

A new question is added by clicking on the plus sign in the right column:

Here you can add a video, picture, text.

Once you have created your survey form, you need to send it out to your audience. This is done by clicking the “Send” button on the right top corner:

Here we have several options:

  1. By email. You can send to a specific person electronic survey mailbox, but I think few people will be interested in this;
  2. Post a link. You can place a link to the survey page on your website at social network. Where is it convenient and where is your audience located;
  3. Place a frame on the page. It's even more convenient. You can place a frame with a survey on a website page and your visitors will be able to complete the survey without going to another page.

Social networks have a feature that helps you easily conduct various types of surveys. This article tells you how to create a vote in a VKontakte conversation, in a group, or just on your page. The algorithm is simple and only takes a few steps. With it, any vote will be placed in the place you need.

Why are such topics created? Some users value their opinion on specific issue. Others just need attention. And still others want the assessment of the majority.

The social network VKontakte, along with others, are modernizing their services. And you can create a survey in a few clicks. To do this, go to personal page in VK and in the line “What’s new with you” place the cursor. An entry field will open. Below this line there will be icons with a choice of actions: add video, audio, photo and the “more” tab. We will need exactly last point. Clicking on it will open a pop-up window and a list of other options:

  • Document;
  • Note;
  • Map;
  • Graffiti;
  • Product;
  • Survey;
  • Timer.

If you want to remove any option, click on the cross at the end of the line. Video and audio, as well as photographs and drawings are added to the voting. Below you can check the box “ Anonymous voting" - this is necessary so that participating users are not displayed.

Many more people will take the test if their choice remains a secret.

Then click “send”. Soz this survey will appear on your page.

To ensure that users see it in the first rows, pin the post. When creating a survey in a group, the algorithm remains the same. Follow the above instructions. But in conversations there is no such function.

The VKontakte administration does not consider it necessary to create this functionality. Because everything you need can be found out without a survey. You can also always copy the voting code and add it to your correspondence. Your interlocutors will follow the link and be able to answer your questions.

The ability to create polls is one of the many great features of the VKontakte social network. With its help, you can survey your friends or group subscribers on any topic that worries you. If you don’t yet know how such things are done, then this article will certainly be useful to you.

If you often add to your wall in VK various entries or repost, I recommend reading the article, then your survey will always be located at the top of the page.

How to create a poll on the wall of your VKontakte page

There is nothing complicated here. We need a field to create posts on our wall. Place the mouse cursor on it and click on the “Attach” link in the lower right corner. Select “Other” from the drop-down list.

We have more than full list, from which we select the “Survey” item:

In the window that opens, enter the subject and answer options. There are no special restrictions on the number of options. If you check the box next to the “Anonymous voting” item, then the people who will take part in your survey will remain unknown.

After all fields are filled in, click on the “Submit” button:

As a result, a poll will be created on your wall. I noticed some flaw in this matter. In addition to the title of the topic, we also duplicate the same text as an entry. It doesn't look very nice. We have the opportunity to correct this “dirty thing.” Move the mouse to the upper right corner and click on the “pencil”, which symbolizes the “Edit” button.

Delete or change the duplicated phrase and click on the “Save” button.

How to create a poll in a VK group

On the group wall

This is done in exactly the same way as on the page wall. In the same way, you place the cursor on the add entry field and attach a survey there. Once again it makes no sense to duplicate the procedure:

Add to the group discussion

In addition to the fact that we can add polls to the group wall, VKontakte has the ability to insert them into new discussions or into existing ones.

Inserting into a new discussion

To do this, click on the “Add discussion” button

In the window that opens in the lower right corner, click on the “Attach” button and select “Poll” from the drop-down menu

We have additional fields, in which we can enter the topic and answer options:

Insert into existing discussion

Click on discussion. In the “View Topic” tab in the upper right corner, click on the “Edit” button and select “Attach a poll.”

Creation in the VKontakte mobile application for Android

Click on the “New Post” link on the wall:

Then we fill in the name and answer options, and also indicate or not indicate the anonymity of the survey.

And that's all for today. Survey your followers and friends.

You can create some kind of survey on each VKontakte wall, and all your subscribers will be able to willingly participate in it. This method can increase activity in a group or public.

It may very well be that a person has only recently started his own group and now wants to create a survey on some topic. It seems at first glance that there will be no problems here. In fact, to create a poll, you only need to use a couple of buttons, after which the discussion will be published.

In this article we will tell you how to properly design and post a survey in a group. This topic will be especially relevant for those who have opened their group for the first time and are not yet fully familiar with all the built-in functionality.

How to create a poll in a VKontakte group?

There are only 2 main ways to publish a survey in a group. By the way, please note that you can add a survey both in your group and on someone else’s page in the community where you are a subscriber. So, you can create a poll or vote in the community either at own page VKontakte, then pin it to the menu, or you can create a poll in discussions, and only then add it to the group’s main page.

Let's take a closer look at each of the proposed methods. First, to start creating a survey, you need to go to own group. Or go to a group that you are a subscriber to.

How to create a survey correctly

Every VKontakte user has an idea of ​​how to correctly post on a wall using the “Write a message” button. To create a poll in a VKontakte group, you need to click the “Attach” button in the right corner. Then you will need to select a “survey” from the list provided. A window will appear in front of you where you will need to fill out the survey object of interest. And below, variations of answers will be offered, as in the test task.

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To prevent users from knowing who chose which answer, you can check the “anonymous online voting” box. It is also possible to attach a photo to the vote. To do this, in the right corner of the post you need to select the “pin” item, and then select the desired photo from the list that opens. When all steps are completed, select the “Create survey” option.

After some time, a new online voting will appear on the community wall. Now all community members will be able to answer your question. But there are also disadvantages here.

As new posts appear on the wall, your survey may disappear from the top positions. To prevent this from happening, you simply need to pin it in the menu. After that, all group members will be able to see it in first place among all other posts on the wall. The poll will remain in first place until it is deleted by a community administrator.

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To pin a survey to your wall, you need to click on its name, after which a new window will appear. Next, you need to click on the “pin” button under the entry. Now this survey will be visible to everyone at the very top of the group.

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And if the administrator has his own website, then such a vote can be placed right there. To do this, you need to select the “get code” option, and in the window that appears you will need to copy the HTML code, which you need to paste into your own website.

How to add a poll to group discussions

According to many admins, questionnaires should be added specifically to the discussion point. Here we will look at how to do this correctly.

The downside is that this poll will only be in discussions.

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If the author wants his survey to immediately catch the eye, then it must be added to the main page. To carry out this action, you need to select the “main” sub-item in the questionnaire settings. The survey will now appear on home page. Also, subscribers and page visitors have the opportunity to repost your survey to their page.

If interesting and relevant polls are added to the group, this will make the group much brighter and more attractive.

There is no need to create new surveys every day. As a rule, they need to be created about once a week. This will give all subscribers the opportunity to answer questions. It will be very good if this survey causes controversy and comments. Then the survey will truly be of social benefit.