How to create a business page on Facebook. Facebook Image Sizes

Hello, dear readers! Welcome to second lesson free course ""!

So, we move on to creating a page to promote your company, brand, organization or project on Facebook.

If you are not very familiar with Facebook, then I recommend that you do not skip the lessons and follow all the instructions step by step. There are some page elements (for example, short link, page title, etc.), which are difficult or impossible to change in case of an error. For this reason, it will be better if you consistently follow my recommendations so as not to mess things up and do everything right the first time.

If you do not yet have a personal Facebook profile, register

If you already have a personal Facebook profile, that’s very good! You can immediately start creating a new page.

If suddenly you are not yet registered on social media. network, then I recommend that you start with registration. Note not a personal profile with the page name, but a profile with your real name. Facebook is now actively blocking anyone who uses personal profiles for other purposes or who fictitious names like Vera Veronica. Be careful and don’t joke with Facebook, because if you lose your profile, the page will go with it (if it only has one administrator).

Registration of a Facebook page without reference to a personal profile. Is it worth doing?

Facebook has the ability to create pages without a personal profile, but I DO NOT RECOMMEND this option, since such pages have fewer functions, and Facebook is more strict about them.

For example, you will not be able to fully interact with other users ( personal profiles), searching on Facebook will not be as convenient, you will not be able to share posts from your page and you will not be able to invite friends. Moreover, if you decide to create your own Facebook profile (or if you already have one), then you will need to constantly switch - log in and out of Facebook. This is very inconvenient! It will be better if you manage the page as a manager from the very beginning, i.e. using your personal profile.


2. Enter your details and register a profile

Note: Facebook loves only real names , so use your real name, not Vika Vikusya, etc. Sooner or later, Facebook will determine that this is not your real name and may block the profile, so be careful. At any time, Facebook may ask you to verify your name using official document(passports, driver's license). If you cannot prove that your real name is Vladimir Putin, then you are in trouble! If you are blocked as the manager of a business page, then you may lose the entire page, since you will no longer have access to it. For this reason, I advise you to take Facebook’s rules seriously and act as it requires.

Let's start creating a Facebook page

In order to create new page on Facebook, follow the instructions in the video. Link to create a new page.

In the previous article, we discussed the issue of automating your Facebook page.

But as it turned out, not everyone has their own page and not everyone knows how to set it up correctly. And the desire and interest in this topic is enormous.

Why is this topic so popular today? Because thanks to its viral element, the power of your Facebook page is enormous. It's like a snowball that is only gaining momentum.
Now you will find out how to create your own blog on facebook, and we will quickly, easily and independently set up your page. And this will be the mechanism by which you can manage your page to increase your traffic, and with the help of this page increase the subscriber base of your subscription list.
So what kind of resource is our page and what are its main tasks?
This is an interactive website that is used by huge amount people and whose content is filled in by these participants themselves. This is automated social platform allowing a group of people united by common interests to communicate.
Main tasks the pages are:
1. collect large number followers.
2. Visitors to your page should want
Share information with your friends
Invite them to your page.
You can do this using:
Quality content
Using applications on the page
Page features:
Create your own menu
Call by name
Embed video and audio
Insert graphics
Insert a subscription form
Additional menu
Using Tabs
I like insert button
Insert comment system
So, create your Facebook page and click the link:
A window will open:
Discover Facebook pages.
You will see a list of categories. You will need to choose the category that suits you; YOU will not be able to change the category later. Next, you need to fill out the fields with the address in the category that you have chosen. Attention, this is where you give the name of your page.

Next, check the box and click start chatting. That's it, your page is created.
The first thing you will see is three tabs
Start a conversation
Next you will be asked to configure your page.
Here you can:
add your photo
Invite friends
Notify your fans
Update status
Promote a page from your website
Settings for your phone.
When you set up, 6 points. This tab will not exist, it will disappear.
Next, we set up the brain center of our page, namely this. Click on

“Edit page” and on the left, the settings category is where we set up our page.
1. “Manage permissions.” Here you can configure
accessibility of your page. There is no need to check the box and the page will be available to everyone.
Restriction by country, you can choose which country you do not want to have visitors from. It's better to leave the field blank.
Age restrictions. You can limit the age of visitors
Wall tabs. There are two categories: “All publications” and “Only publications by page”. Here, if you want to publish everything, select “All publications”. And if only you then select “Only publications by pages”.
Very, very important point this is the “Main tab” there are three categories “wall”, “Information”, “photos”. You will need to create and configure another category this is your greeting and choose that the entry point is the greeting created by you, this may be what you want to promote.
Next, “Publishing options”, leave a checkmark only in the first box.
“Black list of words and phrases” write those words and phrases that you do not want to be on your wall.
“Black list of inappropriate language”, select either yes or no.
“Delete page” if you click, the page will not exist.
Well, let's save the changes.
2. " General information“I recommend filling out all fields as efficiently as possible. Pay special attention to the “Site” item; write all your links to the site, blog, and even your profile on Facebook and Twitter. This is important for your progress.
3. “Profile photo” I think everything is clear here
4. “Marketing” is a way to promote your business on Facebook. I recommend that you familiarize yourself especially with the item “Advertising on Facebook” - great advertising and much cheaper than in search engines. The effect is colossal. Here, create a business card for your page and place it on your website. There, just take the code and paste it onto your blog. There are three options for business cards, you can even make a business card from those pages that you like on Facebook.
5. “Manage administrators” here you can add the person with whom you want to maintain your page
6. “Application” These are the tabs that appear at the top of the home page. There are a lot of tabs there, study them and be sure to use them. Immediately set the “notes” tab in these notes and, roughly speaking, that’s all, this is your blog inside your Facebook page. You can write here as on your blog, and you can also set up import. Here I described how to do this. Or just click on the tab and when it opens, in the lower left corner click “change import settings” and enter your website address. And also the “Forum” tab, I think everything is clear here too.
7. Mobile version everything is simple there.
8. Research You can find out everything about the traffic to your page. View all statistics.
9. “Help” see how Facebook can help.
That's all the basic settings. Then I will tell you in more detail about several more useful settings.
Sincerely yours Natalia Butenko.

Step one. Registration

Most likely, you already have your own profile on the social network. If you are a beginner, then before you create a page on Facebook, you will have to register. The fields are standard, so you should not have any difficulties filling them out. The main rule is to write reliable information.

Having remembered (or even written down) your password, feel free to click the “Register” button. The system will inform you to confirm your desire to register on Facebook. To do this, to the address you specified email a letter will arrive with link. All you have to do is walk along it and follow further instructions.

The system will prompt you to take 4 steps:

  1. Find friends on Facebook with whom you communicate on other social networks;
  2. fill out personal information, incl. number of the school and university you attended;
  3. select from a list of pages that might interest you;
  4. put an avatar.

This is all optional, so you can simply use the “Skip this step” button and go straight to creating a community page.

Step two. Create a page

The hardest thing is to find the one the treasured button“Create” (here is a direct link to it - It is hidden under the mysterious word “More”, clicking on which you will get a list additional functions. Select “Create a page” and get ready for the most important part of the process.

On the page that appears, you will see six categories from which you have to choose the appropriate one. It could be official page company, brand or famous person. However, the community page is considered the most popular. This is exactly what we will create in our training. One click on the picture in the lower right corner - and a blank line appears in front of you, in which you need to enter the name of the future community. Let's call it " Brief excursion across the expanses of Facebook."

Important: It will no longer be possible to change the name in the future, so choose the final version right away!

Be sure to check the “magic” box (you have read the Terms of Use Facebook pages? :)) and launch the page using the “Get Started” button.

Step three. Creative

Now comes the fun part - filling new page. Your goal is to attract maximum quantity visitors, so it should be informative, entertaining and beautiful.

When filling out the “Page Description” field, try to immediately captivate visitors and reveal the main idea of ​​the community as much as possible. Choose a memorable avatar that will be easy to find among the photos of other pages. Next, you are asked to choose a payment method in case you ever decide to engage in paid promotion of your community. Facebook provides three options:

We are not interested in this proposal yet, so we skip this point and immediately find ourselves on the community page, where we are warned that all posts will be published under the name “A short excursion through the expanses of Facebook.” At the same time, it is possible to post on your own behalf.

A good helper Tips will pop up from time to time telling you about sections of the page. Everything else is a figment of your imagination, which can be embodied in the form of interesting posts, bright photos, exciting videos, etc.

So, in just 15 minutes you were able to create a Facebook page, which you now have to actively promote and constantly update interesting material. It remains to wish you creative success and massive user recognition. Good luck!

In order to switch from a personal to a company profile (or business account) on Instagram, you need make a Facebook page(unless, of course, you have one, but usually you don’t). You need to create a company page, and not just your personal one. This can be done quite easily both from a computer and from a phone in the FB application. Let's look at these options.

How to make a company page on Facebook for an Instagram business profile from a computer

In order to make a page on Facebook, you need to be registered in this social network. If you are still not registered on Facebook, be sure to do so, since the connection between Facebook and Instagram also has a very positive effect on your Instagram account (for example, when promoting in mass following and mass liking services).

In general, we assume that you have registration. Let's go to Facebook. You are interested in the barely noticeable menu on the right top corner. Click on it and select “create page” from the drop-down list.

Please indicate your type of activity. Usually bloggers select the item “performer, music group or public figure”, and then “Blogger”.

In this case, in addition to the “Contact” button, your profile will also have a gray inscription “Blogger”. By the way, this is exactly what you are asking now.

Enter a name (in principle, any name will do, just without @), click “start”.

Ready! You don’t even have to fill out information on your FB page if you don’t intend to develop it. Now you can directly from your personal.

How to create a company page in the Facebook application from your phone

Usually Facebook app is already on all phones, but if you don't have it, you can easily download it from the app store like any other. In the FB application we are interested in the most last tab Menu. Select it and scroll down a little, click “Create page”.

Come up with a name.

Select a category. By the way, right now you are asking that gray signature in your future Instagram business profile. If you now click on " Personal blog", your Instagram account will display the inscription “Personal blog”.

Or use the drop-down menu and find the category that suits your type of activity.

All that remains is to indicate your website, if you have one, and your page is ready. You can go to the application.

But don't know where to start? In this article, we will try to capture all the relevant aspects that should help you achieve your goal.

Sample created in Canva editor


Be sure to visit "Settings", which is located on the cover of your page.

The Settings section is very important because this is where you can specify various parameters your page, set age restrictions, set a filter for obscene language in comments, enable or disable reviews, set up notifications that you will receive if someone interacts with your page, and much more. It’s very easy to understand the settings because Facebook independently describes what each item is responsible for and what you will get by using this or that option.

There you can add moderators, authors, basically anyone, and assign a special level of access to your business page.

How to link Instagram account to Facebook?

There's really nothing complicated here. All you need to do is go to the same “Settings” and select the item - “Advertising on Instagram”. IN open window Click “Add”, enter your Instagram username and password and that’s it. (See screenshot):

If you have created an account on Instagram for your brand, company, etc., and not your personal one, then we advise you to switch to business Instagram account, with which you can start promoting on Instagram, for example, your website, articles with active links through which your subscribers can go to your resource.

To do this you need to do the following:

1. Go to “Settings” (these are the three dots at the top right).

2. Scroll to the section "Account" and find there "Switch to company profile". Yours may be a little different, like “Create Company Profile”, since we have already created it. Follow the instructions and in 30 seconds you will have a business account on Instagram.

Pros of a business account.

We already mentioned a little higher that you can grow a real audience for your account using paid promotion, with the subsequent transition of the user, for example, to your website. As you know, Instagram does not have active links, hashtags only. This type account and will give you the opportunity to go to your resource directly from Instagram.

Of course you can use various services to increase subscribers, but they will not always be active and interested. IN in this case, meaning the promotion that Instagram itself offers, you will be able to gain an audience that will really be interested in what you do.