How to delete a Twitter account permanently. Deleting a Twitter account

Good evening, dear visitors of our site! Not long ago we looked at how registration on Twitter takes place. Today is the time to find out how to delete a page on Twitter? Looking ahead, I will say that there is nothing complicated in this and, as always, we will break everything down in detail.

Step-by-step removal from Twitter.

So, of course, you need to log in to your Twitter account. Next you need to enter your profile settings. You can do this simply by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the window, and select “Settings” from the drop-down menu:

In the new window that opens, you need to scroll down, where you will find the “Delete my account” button:

The next page has the symbolic title “So, we say goodbye?” Before deleting a Twitter page, I recommend reading what is written here:

By the way, if you are leaving because something doesn’t suit you in the service, you can write about it by clicking the “Tell us” button. Or you can immediately click on the “Delete account” button.

If you still decide to explain the reason why you are deleting your profile, after clicking the “Tell us” button, you can fill out a form in which you can describe the reason for deletion:

Now you will see the following message:

It should be noted that you can restore your Twitter account within 30 days. To do this, you just need to log into your profile.

This video will make you smile:

That's all for today! Now you know how to delete a Twitter page. And it's not difficult at all! I believe that you should not have any problems with this question, but if you still have questions, write in the comments!

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Twitter is a social network that you can either love unquestioningly or completely misunderstand. Its essence and practicality remains a mystery to many. After all, it’s most convenient to publish photos on Instagram, and communicate with friends on VK, Facebook and Odnoklassniki. And how is it even possible to fit any thoughts into the notorious 140 characters (already 280, comrades!)? However, regular Twitter users are convinced that the service has its advantages. And if you do not agree with this, but have already created a profile, then we are sure that you are interested in one question - how to delete a Twitter account. We dedicate this article to solving this problem. Read!

Deactivation or removal?

Like most social networks, Twitter has a two-step account deletion process. Speaking in the language of social networks, we are talking about deactivating and deleting a profile. What's the difference? Deactivation is a temporary disconnection of the user with the possibility of restoring his account. Deletion is the final erasure of all user data within the service.

In some social networks, such as Facebook, deactivation and deletion are initially separated - these are two separate functions. On Twitter, both actions are combined. That is, by using the delete button, you get 30 days of deactivation. If during this period you decide not to restore your account, then it will be automatically deleted along with all the data available on it.

Deleting from Twitter via computer

Well, something went wrong in your work with Twitter, and you decided to rid yourself of the extra profile. How to do this? Let's start with instructions for users working in the service from a computer:
1. Log into your Twitter account by entering your username and password.

2.Click on your avatar in the site header.

3.Select Settings and privacy.

4.Once in the Account tab, scroll down the page to the end.

5.Click on Deactivate my account.

6. Read the important information on deleting your account under the inscription Is this Goodbye (So, we say goodbye).

7.Click Deactivate @*****.

Next, the system will most likely ask you to enter a password. Enter it - and you're done! Now we just have to wait. If you want to permanently leave Twitter, you need to wait 30 days. Well, if during this time you change your mind about leaving the social network, you can quickly and “painlessly” restore your account. This will save all your followers, tweets and other information.

Deleting from Twitter via smartphone

Well, naturally, we cannot ignore mobile devices. As you know, official Twitter applications have been released for smartphones, which are not inferior in functionality to the web version of the social network. The question is, is it possible to delete your account on the mobile version?

Unfortunately (although perhaps fortunately), the developers did not provide such a function. You can change your personal and contact information through the application, log out of your account, or switch to another one. However, account deactivation is not available in applications. And this has its own logic, because Twitter is a “small life.” And if suddenly your mobile phone accidentally or not accidentally ends up in the hands of third parties, there is a possibility that these third parties will simply delete your account without your knowledge. Unpleasant, don't you agree?

So you have to come to terms with the fact that you won’t be able to close your Twitter account from your phone via the official app. Exactly the same as through the mobile version of the site, which can be accessed using a browser installed on a smartphone. You still have to use a computer. By the way, if you think that it is enough to delete Twitter from your phone to close your profile, then you are very mistaken. You simply clear your mobile device of the application, but the account itself will remain on the social network servers along with all the information.

What else you need to know about deleting from Twitter

A little higher – specifically in the instructions for deactivating accounts – we wrote about the block of useful information that the service places immediately before deletion. And so that you don’t have to read all this in a hurry, we suggest you familiarize yourself with this important information now.

  • Fact one: deactivation lasts 30 days. This has already been discussed several times in the article, so remember: after 30 days, the service will completely and irrevocably delete your account.
  • Fact two: you don’t need to close your existing account in order to change the URL of your Twitter page or username. You can do this at any time in the Profile Settings, either from a computer or from a smartphone.
  • Fact three - the username and e-mail can be reused only after the old account is completely deleted. That is, for 30 days, the email address and username will be reserved, and you will not be able to create a new profile with them. So you will either have to wait 30 days, use new data, or change the data before deleting your Twitter profile.
  • Fact four - immediately after deactivation, your profile may still be visible for some time. The fact is that the service takes some time to close your page from other users.
  • Fact five: your Twitter information may be shown in search engines even after it has been deleted. This is because Twitter does not control the internal workings of search engines. So the account may well appear in the search results of Google, Yandex and other search engines.

So now you know that deleting your Twitter account is very easy. This can only be done through a computer - neither from an iPhone, nor from an Android phone, nor from any other mobile device. And if you suddenly change your mind about deleting from the social network, you can restore access to your account within 30 days. And we’ll tell you how to do this later. A little later)

According to statistics from the Yandex search engine, in 2011 the number of microblogs in Russian created on Twitter exceeded 5 million 600 thousand. What can we say about the present day, when it is 2015?

But, nevertheless, despite the cosmic popularity of the social network Twitter, there are still those who want to delete their account in its virtual space. Is this good or bad? Of course, it's up to them to decide; strictly speaking, it’s everyone’s personal business. And then, the desire to delete a once dear and beloved account comes to mind, and if you want, even to the soul and heart for various reasons. I'm tired of communicating on the Internet, I want to create a new profile on Twitter, or even hide from someone altogether... In general, anything can happen...

So, be that as it may, you need to know how to properly delete a Twitter account, without unnecessary research and loss of precious nerve cells. Actually, this article is devoted to solving this issue.

Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to remove a personal page from Twitter.

Account deactivation procedure

1. Log into your Twitter account.

2. Click on the avatar thumbnail. It is located at the top of the page, on the right, next to the “Tweet” button.

3. In the menu that opens, select “Settings”. You will be redirected to the options page.

4. Make sure the Account tab is open.

5. Scroll down the settings web page. And then click “Disable Account”.

6. In the window “So we say goodbye?” Read the terms of deletion and other useful information on alternative profile settings. Next:

  • if you want to tell the management of the social network why you decided to leave, then follow the link “Tell us” (located in the first line, under the title);
  • If you need to quickly delete an account, click “Delete account...”.

7. In the additional window, enter the password for the page and click the delete button again.

8. A page with the message “... recording disabled” will open in the browser. Your profile will no longer be available to other users. However, for a total of 30 days, his data is stored on the social network server. And only upon completion of the specified period they disappear forever.

Advice! Want to create a new account right away? On the same page, click the link in the last line “Click here”.

How to recover your Twitter account?

If you suddenly get bored with your microblog, and a month has not yet passed since the account was deleted, your profile can be easily restored. Log in to Twitter using your username. And immediately the page will open in the browser, and in the same form as before.

How to delete a Twitter account- This is the question many users of one of the largest social networks for exchanging short messages ask themselves. Every registered owner of a Twitter profile does not even suspect that he has become one of more than 200,000,000 people united by one public network. Here you can find profiles of world famous personalities: politicians, film actors, TV presenters, pop singers, sports stars and others. If you want to become popular in this social network, use the services of our service and order boost of readers on Twitter and boost of retweets (see the top menu of the site). Every day, more than 55,000,000 new messages are generated on this social network, which ensures high dynamics of growth in traffic and duration of stay on the service. But, a certain percentage of users, after using the Twitter service for a short time, are thinking about how to delete their Twitter account. The main reasons for these decisions are:

  • inconsistency of the site functionality with user requests;
  • fear of leakage of confidential information;
  • high percentage of spam and intrusive advertising messages.

Today, you can delete a profile on Twitter quite quickly and easily; all you need is a login, password and a couple of minutes of free time.

How to delete a Twitter account from your computer

For users who don't know yet, how to delete Twitter from computer, this article provides detailed illustrated instructions. The procedure for this is as follows:

  1. Enter your password and login on the official page of the Twitter social network, which will provide access to all account settings.
  2. In the upper right corner of the page with the service interface, find your avatar, click on it, select settings.
  3. The settings menu contains all the basic information about the user, the settings of his page and access to it by other users.
  4. At the very bottom of the page there is a button called “Deactivate my account,” which is a link to the page for final erasing data about your Twitter account.
  5. On the page for permanently deleting an account with the inscription “So we say goodbye?” information has been posted with basic information about the timing and consequences of these actions.
  6. At the very bottom of the page there is a button with the following content: “Delete account” and “Cancel”. To delete all entries, personal information and settings, click “Delete account”.
  7. After this, the system will prompt you to enter your login and password again, which is an effective protection against intruders.
  8. After this, we can assume that the Twitter account has been completely deleted.

Please note that all deleted pages can be fully restored within thirty days. Restoration will require authorization, so do not rush to part with your username and password. The profile content will be displayed on the site for several more days, which is due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the social network. Information from your account that has been indexed by the Yandex and Google search engines will be available in search results until the next re-indexing of the service. In addition, the login and email address that are assigned to a deleted Twitter account cannot be used to create a new profile. For this reason, most users who want to start activities on Twitter from a new page, change its email address and username in the settings before deleting the account. Newly registered users are also often interested in the question , you can do this using our service.

How to delete a Twitter account from your phone

Currently, the pace of development of mobile technologies is much faster than computer technologies. For this reason, more and more people are choosing to access their Twitter accounts via mobile phones or tablets. Thanks to this, you can access your messages and profile settings almost anywhere you have access to the Internet. The Twitter profile interface for mobile devices is specially adapted for the convenience of users who have a device with a touch screen. The small size of data combined with wide functionality makes using mobile devices to access social network accounts one of the most convenient ways.

The Twitter application is one way to conveniently access multiple profiles with the ability to use the functionality of the full version. With it, you can communicate, view news and updates, share photos, find interesting posts and subscribe to pages. A simple and easy-to-use interface will allow even inexperienced users to understand without any problems. If you are interested in the question

Twitter is a popular social network in which users communicate through short messages. But many people quickly get bored with communication on social networks and lose interest in short texts. If you have not visited your Twitter page for a long time and do not want to communicate through this social network, delete it, because confidential information may become available to hackers.

Quickly delete a Twitter page

First, go to your profile. Click the “Login” tab on the official page of the social network and enter your username and password. Study the page interface carefully - you will not see a “delete” button anywhere. But this tab exists! Next, your actions are as follows:

  • go to the "Settings" section. The button for this section is located in the upper right corner;
  • you will be taken to your personal account settings page. This is where the information provided by the user during registration is located;
  • Scroll down the settings page. You will see the “Delete Account” tab;
  • click on the above button. First, a warning will appear that the account will be deleted. Confirm deletion;
  • A window appears asking you to enter your username and password. This is necessary to confirm that it is you who want to delete the account, and not attackers. Enter your information and confirm that you want to delete your Twitter page. That's it, you are no longer a user of this social network!

After deleting an account, recordings from it may continue to be broadcast for some time. This is normal.

Deleting a Twitter Page Using Help Materials

Have you not figured out how to use the resource correctly? Please review the information provided in the Help Desk carefully. Find the “Help” menu - this is the second inscription on the left side on your personal page. Click the tab and the help center will appear. A long-term account may provide you with some benefit and change your mind about deleting it. The help center has answers to all your questions.

In the “Search” field, enter the desired question and get the answer. If you want to delete your account, enter the appropriate question. The center will tell you in detail how to do this. The entry is placed in an automatic queue for deletion. But you won’t be able to delete your account from mobile devices using this method.

Deleting a Twitter page using special services

In order to disappear from Twitter forever, use special services - or They are presented in English. Use an electronic translator to work with services. Read the instructions for deleting your account and do everything as you are asked. This method allows you to delete the page forever and no information will remain on it.

What to do if your Twitter page is deleted for no reason?

You deleted your Twitter account and have regretted it more than once. A deleted account is restored within thirty days from the date of its deletion. The page can be restored to its previous form. Just log into your account using your previous username and password. But do this within the above time, after 30 days the entry is permanently deleted and there is no return.

If you want to change your username or email address, do not delete your account. Do this through settings. All subscribers and subscriptions on the page will remain.

Use any of the above methods to delete your personal Twitter page. But when using the first two methods, the page will be deleted after some time. The third method will allow you to immediately get rid of the annoying account.