How to find out how many people have unsubscribed on YouTube. Youtube channel statistics

More and more readers of our blog are interested in the possibility of making money on affiliate programs without having their own website. This question is very relevant, because... it interests many people who want to start working on the Internet.

We have already talked about where to find. Today we will talk about 6 proven methods of promotion, used by many Internet entrepreneurs, to make money on affiliate programs.

1. Social networks are the first step to first results

Social networks are visited by thousands of people every day, which makes it possible to promote various affiliate programs and regularly earn money from it. We will describe 4 proven methods used specifically in social networks.

1.1 Postings in open groups.

This is perhaps the most common way to promote your referral link without investment. The operating principle is very simple:

  • write several versions of selling and catchy text in advance;
  • insert your affiliate link into each of them;
  • Find groups on social networks where the wall or discussions are open to everyone;
  • insert your text with an affiliate link.
  • Beware of account blocking when working through, use fake pages for posting.

    There are plenty of open groups on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook and other social networks, so the scope of work is quite extensive. However, doing these steps manually can take up too much of your time. Automatic programs come to the rescue, performing all these actions for you. In our course on making money on social networks, we talked about many methods of automatic and manual promotion. Each of them is tested and will help you achieve the desired result.

    1.2 Sales through your group.

    Creating your own group will only take a couple of minutes. Your main task is to constantly attract new subscribers and provide them with useful information. When the number of living participants reaches at least 1000 people, you can already post your links and recommend affiliate products or services to everyone. Developing a group is much easier than developing a website, so you shouldn’t have any particular difficulties here.

    1.3 Direct sales.

    You will be surprised, but direct sales through correspondence without telephone or Skype communication can bring good results. One of our team members at the very beginning of his activity using this method earned 20-50 dollars a day! Agree that for a beginner this is a very good intermediate result.

    How do direct sales occur through correspondence on the Internet?

    You start or buy yourself a new page. The page must be FEMALE! As practice shows, beautiful girls get answered much more often. Potential clients pay attention to such pages and are more receptive to such requests, which makes it possible to make a sale faster and more profitably. Be sure to add as many photos as possible, join thematic communities and start looking for potential buyers in them.

    For example, if you sell the services of the Look Freedom team for website promotion or creation, then your target audience here is commercial groups. These are online stores selling clothes, shoes, accessories, household appliances, computers, etc. You simply contact the administrator and gently offer to use your services. This may seem too banal or simple to you, but many have managed to create a good business this way.

    An example from life.

    As an example, let’s tell a story about one freelancer. One of our friends, having barely learned the basics of website building, decided to try his hand at practice. For a very long time, he looked for an opportunity to prove himself on remote work sites, but could not find a suitable project. Later, he followed our advice and began looking for customers directly through social networks.

    The principle of operation was very simple. He created a page on behalf of an attractive girl and began browsing commercial groups. He did not immediately offer his services. First, I asked questions, found out on what platforms this company’s advertisements were placed, how delivery, payment, etc. took place. And when the conversation was at least partially related to the site, he wrote that he had a very good friend who could help with the development.

    Because he communicated on behalf of a beautiful and attractive girl, the administrators believed him and asked him to leave the programmer’s contact information. In response to this, he reset his real page and continued communication as a performer.

    The best part is that this method can be used to sell almost any product or service.

    There are many similar examples. The main thing is to understand that in 30 minutes spent on VKontakte you will not immediately receive mountains of gold. It is necessary to regularly devote time to this technique, and then the first results will not take long to appear.

    1.4 Advertising on social networks.

    Unlike the options described above, you will have to invest money here. The best decision in this situation would be to advertise your group, because... It’s more profitable to try to promote several affiliate programs at once than to spend your time and money on just one. Fill it with useful content, photos and videos and you can start creating an advertising campaign.

    There are two fastest ways to advance on social networks:

    • contextual advertising;
    • advertising in thematic public pages.

    This is a very effective way to attract targeted traffic, because... people constantly see your ad, which increases the chance of clicking on it. In the future, we will tell you about the main principles of such promotion, but for now let’s move on to the next point.

    Advertising in thematic groups is most often placed on the community wall. The customer pays for posting one or more posts for a certain period of time. This method is also very effective, but here you need to follow certain rules so that your advertising budget is not wasted:

    • check how active this group is. See how often news or new information is posted there, how often it is shared with friends or commented on. The more active the group is, the greater the chances of attracting quality traffic;
    • find out the number of “dead participants” through a special application. This will help identify the percentage of blocked or deleted users who do not take any part in the life of the community;
    • Find out prices in other thematic public pages and form an approximate size of the advertising budget for your topic. By analyzing the market, you can find not only a better offer, but also a more effective one.
    2. Postings on thematic forums and blogs.

    Let us immediately note that you should not take our advice as a call for SPAM. Careful and competent work on forums or thematic blogs will also allow you to attract your target audience. You shouldn’t immediately post your referral links or flashy text asking you to go to the site. Such methods have long been outdated, they irritate users and attract a lot of attention from moderators. Share your impressions of the product or service you are promoting, ask the opinions of other visitors, etc.

    How much time do you spend on forums? Your rating is your key to success. Users are much more willing to trust more established consultants than newcomers. Unobtrusive advertising will generate more trust and people will be drawn to you.

    3. Contextual advertising in Yandex and Google.

    Not the cheapest, but one of the most effective ways to attract targeted traffic directly from search engines. For each click, money will be withdrawn from your account, so it is worth considering some features when using this method:

    • affiliate site conversion. When choosing a product or service, be sure to find out about its conversion rate, i.e. What is his ratio of purchases to visits? How to calculate it and what will it mean? It's very simple. For example, 250 people followed your link in a day, but only 9 closed transactions. Then the conversion will be equal to 3.6%: (9 / 250) * 100% = 3.6%. Many affiliate program directories indicate website conversion, because... This is the most important indicator characterizing the effectiveness of its work. A good conversion rate of 10% is considered satisfactory, including when setting up contextual advertising. However, with various methods of promotion (for example, by sending mass letters), you can make good money at 3-7%. It is from this point that the calculation of the relevance of setting up contextual advertising and investing money in its budget is taken;
    • payback, i.e. How much does one transaction pay for the budget spent on it? For example, to make a sale your site must be visited 50 times. 1 transition (1 click) costs 10 cents. 50 clicks are $5, and the cost of an information product or service will cost $10-50. In this case, you can recoup your advertising budget several times;
    • correct setting. A well-tuned advertising campaign reduces the cost per click and helps increase the number of conversions.

    The budget here can also be based on the number of impressions, but this method is ineffective in promoting affiliate programs.

    If you don’t know how to set up contextual advertising, then contact a specialist from our team for help or you can try to do it yourself. The information on our website and a large number of lessons on the Internet will help you understand everything.

    The principle “wherever they pay more, I’ll go there” doesn’t work. If you are promised mountains of gold, this is at least a reason to think about it. The issue of choosing an affiliate program needs to be approached consciously, and for this you will need to understand how the world of affiliate programs works.

    Operating principle

    Affiliate programs are created by product manufacturers, service providers or intermediaries who help a business sell goods or services.

    The basic principle of operation: a partner helps a company sell their goods or services, and for this the company pays the partner a percentage of the transaction or a fixed amount.

    Let's look at a simple example of how work with affiliate programs works:

    • The partner places advertising materials on his website that generate a flow of traffic to the advertiser’s website;
    • Some people buy a product or service;
    • The advertiser pays the partner a reward for completed transactions.
    Types of affiliate programs

    The effectiveness of cooperation depends on the choice of an affiliate program. You need to determine what type of program is right for you. And this has to do not only with your desire to earn money, but also with what type of traffic you have, how suitable the product is for your audience, how you placed advertising materials and other factors.

    The remuneration payment format is one of the parameters to choose from, but not the only one. For 2020, the most popular payment formats are:

  • Payment for clicks (PPC - pay per click). The webmaster places pre-selected advertising materials on the site. When visitors click on them and go to the advertiser’s website, the webmaster receives a reward to his personal account.
  • Payment for impressions (PPV - pay per view). Website owners receive money for the number of impressions of advertising materials. Traditionally, every thousand impressions are paid (CPM - cost per mile). The number of clicks on the link does not matter and is not taken into account when determining the reward.
  • Payment per sale (PPS - pay per sale). After clicking on an affiliate link, the user is taken to the advertiser’s website. The webmaster receives a reward in the form of a percentage of the purchase amount. Often cooperation is offered by online stores.
  • Payment for actions (PPL - pay per lead). The reward is generated based on user actions on the advertiser’s website. There are affiliate programs that pay for registration, downloading files, watching videos, filling out a questionnaire, etc. On the Internet, this is often called payment for leads.
  • In all payment formats there are two sides - one side makes money by attracting people, and the other side makes money by selling a product or service. The choice of format is based on what is most beneficial for each party.


    When choosing the best affiliate networks, beginners get lost in a large number of incomprehensible terms. This reduces productivity and causes a lot of time to be spent figuring things out. For convenience, all concepts are formed into a single table.


    The procedure for buying and selling traffic in order to make money by attracting buyers
    Offer A company operating in an affiliate network, offering the webmaster conditions for earning money. In the classical sense - an advertiser
    Lead A useful action on the part of clients that brings benefits to webmasters
    Traffic The exact number of visitors for the allocated period of time
    Hold A set time during which the user who came from the webmaster must confirm the action
    CPA (Cost per action) Payment for completed actions. Sometimes the term CPA refers to the entire industry
    CPC (Cost per click) The cost of one click, which is translated by the advertiser within the contextual system
    CPS (Cost per sale) Sales price. The advertiser pays a percentage of the purchase of the user referred by the webmaster
    Conversion Rate

    The ratio of the positive result to the general indicators for the selected time range

    ROI (Return of investment) Webmaster's income or loss indicator

    Study these terms to avoid problems when working with affiliate programs on the RuNet.

    Traffic sources for affiliate programs

    The most important thing is that your traffic should be interested in the product or service. You can't sell a BMW to a kid who was looking for a place to watch a cartoon.

    It is important to differentiate traffic geographically. Ukrainian and Russian affiliate programs are often the same platform. However, it’s not just about the language, but about the products that are offered and the requirements for traffic sources.

    For example, citizens of Ukraine will not be interested in tours departing from Moscow. You will not be able to sell tickets to Moscow cinemas if the main audience of your project is in Kyiv, and vice versa.

    All traffic can be divided into two large groups:

    • Targeted traffic. For example, these are visitors who came to the site using a key request - “buy an air conditioner”, and the site sells air conditioners, and the visitor is interested in buying an air conditioner;
    • Untargeted traffic. For example, these are visitors who come to the site by chance and are not interested in a product or service.

    As a rule, targeted traffic works better in affiliate programs, since you need to sell products and services. In search of quality traffic, pay attention to the main sources:

    • Search engines;
    • Contextual advertising;
    • Banner advertising;
    • Teaser advertising;
    • Email marketing;
    • Article marketing;
    • Social media.

    We deliberately avoided Click-Under, iFrame, Toolbar and other “black traffic”. It is prohibited in many affiliate programs.

    Traffic from the Yandex.Direct and Google Ads advertising networks is an excellent source for those who do not have their own project. Despite the fact that this is white traffic and if you correctly set up a targeted advertising campaign, be careful, since contextual advertising is prohibited by some affiliate programs. Click-based affiliate programs are not suitable in this case, since in 99% of cases you will receive less per click than you spent on it in the advertising network.

    How much can you earn from affiliate programs in RuNet in 2020?

    It all depends on you - how much you can sell. Be prepared that at first you will even be in the red. For example, by purchasing advertising, you will spend money, and the first sales may not start in the first month.

    When collaborating with affiliate programs for the sale of goods, deductions range from 5 to 15%. Rarely in product affiliate programs are accrued up to 40%. High percentages are set by market newcomers to attract more interest in their products or by those who sell unclaimed products.

    The final earnings are formed from several components:

  • Amount of traffic. High website traffic increases the number of clicks on the link, increasing the likelihood of generating income.
  • Traffic quality. Users who come to the site must be interested in the advertised products. You should not advertise washing powders on a website about computer games.
  • Amount of deductions. There is a direct impact on earnings - the higher the commission, the more money received.
  • Product quality. Users will not click on an advertisement if they know that the product is of low quality.
  • By choosing the best affiliate programs through trial and error, you can find the ideal source of income. Testing may take months, but the results are worth it.

    How to earn your first money

    Selection of an affiliate program and registration is the first stage of earning money. As a rule, after registration, the webmaster is given access to the control panel, where tools and statistics are located. If this is not just an affiliate program, but an entire advertising network, then several programs are available to the user. In this case, you need to select the optimal offer from the list that suits the topic and conditions.

    Once you select a product, use the tools available. For example, place a banner on your website or leave an affiliate link in the comments on a social network.

    When talking about your product, use attractive slogans and unique messages to help you grab attention. To do this, the webmaster must study in detail what he offers. If you can’t try the service, then it’s worth studying other people’s experience of using it.

    You should not make intrusive advertising that will scare away users. Moreover, the best affiliate programs for making money prohibit aggressive advertising. In case of violation, your personal account is blocked without the possibility of withdrawing money. Therefore, studying the conditions is important not only for choosing an affiliate program, but also for successful work.

    Affiliate programs for tourism and travel

    Tourism and travel are something that is close to all people. On average, every person travels at least once a year, and this is a great reason to make money. You can earn money on air tickets, hotels, tours, insurance, car rental and other travel services.

    Let's look at a small example of how to make money on a travel affiliate program.

  • Select the product you are interested in: air tickets, hotels or other offers.
  • Download the manual "".
  • Place affiliate tools on your website: search forms, banners, links.
  • Generate sales and receive a percentage of each product or service sold.
  • Travel affiliate programs are a broad term; you can narrow the choice to specific categories, for example, affiliate programs for air tickets, or for tours, or for insurance, etc. Let's look at the most popular categories separately.

    Air ticket affiliate programs

    An affiliate program for selling air tickets will allow you to earn money by selling air tickets. Partners can be owners of travel websites, agencies, heads of tourism groups on social networks, bloggers and anyone who has tourism traffic.

    Affiliate Reward Payments Technologies
    Aviasales 1,3-1,8% API, WL, Mobile SDK
    Skyscanner 0.5-25 rubles for switching to BA WM, YaD, Paypal API, WL
    OneTwoTrip (Closed) 2% YandexMoney, WebMoney, Qiwi, BankCard API, WL

    Aviasales is the first metasearch engine for air tickets on the RuNet. Jetradar is the foreign version of Aviasales, and both affiliate programs are included in Travelpayouts. Partners have access to 20+ tools, 5 withdrawal methods, fast technical support and the ability to change advertising materials to suit themselves.

    Car rental affiliate programs

    You can make money by renting cars not only in Russia, but all over the world. The specificity of rental affiliate programs is that most of them accept traffic from all over the world, and most importantly, they have ways to convert it, since they offer rentals all over the world.

    Affiliate Reward Payments Rental locations
    Economybookings 60% of income WM, YaD, Paypal, ePayments, bank account 25 000
    AutoEurope 10% of booking 20 000
    MyRentacar 50% of income No data

    Affiliates differ in terms of booking cars, assortment of cars and the ability to select according to criteria, down to the color and type of radio used.

    The MyRentacar offer is tailored to 7 regions - all of Russia, including the resorts of Sochi and Crimea, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Georgia, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Greece.

    Hotel Affiliate Programs

    Hotels are one of the best products in travel. The average check is high, and you receive a high commission - 3-7% of the booking cost.

    Affiliate Reward Payments Tools
    Hotellook 4-5% WM, YaD, Paypal, ePayments, bank account API, WL, Mobile SDK + 10 tools 4% Links, banners, forms
    agoda 3-5% Paypal, bank account Links, banners, forms 4,92 Yandex.Money, WebMoney, bank account Links, banners, forms

    It is important to understand that a hotel website can both “sell” hotels and allow you to find the best price. These are different products for the user - in the first case, he sees the same price. In the second case, for example, in Hotellook, the user compares prices on dozens of sites with one click and finds the best offer.

    The value of the product for the user is one of the important elements that must be taken into account when choosing an affiliate program.

    Insurance Affiliate Programs

    You can make money on insurance for traveling abroad (TZR), as well as on compulsory motor liability insurance.

    It is important to know the specifics of your audience. Who are these - people who are traveling to Schengen and need insurance for a visa, parents with children, who are traveling to Asia or someone else? Each audience has its own product - get into it and you will see excellent conversion.

    Affiliate programs for selling bus tickets

    We already, but let’s refresh our memory:

    Affiliate Reward Payments Region
    GoEuro 3.4% or 0.26 euros per click WM, YaD, Paypal, ePayments, bank account Europe
    Autobus.Travel 55% of income CIS, Europe, Russia
    9.9% (no more than 600 rubles) CIS, Russia
    Busfor 7% CIS, Europe, Russia

    GoEuro is a service that is mainly aimed at Europe. The remaining 3 services are for the Russian market.

    Affiliate programs selling tours

    Please note that in Travelpayouts you can find offers for selling tours online, both departing from Moscow and from the regions. In addition, we have an offer with flights from Ukraine.

    Affiliate Reward Payments Departure
    Misto.Travel 50% of income WM, YaD, Paypal, ePayments, bank account From Ukraine
    Onlinetours 4,2% From Russia 3,8% From Russia 3,3% From Russia

    Misto.Travel is a service that is focused on Ukraine. The remaining 3 services offer tours departing from Moscow and other Russian cities.

    TemplateMonster Affiliate Program

    If the web design industry is your thing, welcome to the ranks of TemplateMonster's partners. Register in and expand the standard chain of sales participants.

    So, who will be interested and profitable to become a TemplateMonster partner?

    First of all, web masters, designers, hosting providers, don’t forget about bloggers, as well as online marketing consultants. For example, in 2016, TemplateMonster reimbursed its partners $1.5 million. Is your name on this list?

    What does TemplateMonster offer?

    Let's start with the fact that for more than 15 years, TemplateMonster has been creating high-quality website templates on completely different topics. To be more precise, the company’s collection includes more than 26,600 ready-made multilingual solutions, both for business websites and resources related to beauty and fashion, medicine, entertainment, eCommerce solutions for online stores, as well as blogs. As you understand, the number of ready-made solutions can impress even the most inveterate skeptic. Don't believe me? Check it out.

    By the way, since 2016 the company has become a marketplace, so it invites everyone to contribute to the replenishment of the company’s collection of templates. And yes, every day the collection is already being supplemented with the latest designs and solutions for various purposes.

    How to become a TemplateMonster partner

    So, to become a TemplateMonster affiliate, you need to register and once your account is active, your task is to select the products you like. In other words, it doesn’t matter who you are a blogger, a website designer or a hosting service provider, study the products, make your choice and start promoting it. Everything is as simple as one, two, three.

    • Step 1. Registration.
    • Step 2. Product selection.
    • Step 3. Product promotion.
    Advantages of the TemplateMonster affiliate program

    To understand the essence of the possible profit from the TemplateMonster partnership, it makes sense to remember that TemplateMonster offers more than 26,600 ready-made solutions with a price range from $70 to $200. All designs are available for different target audiences.

    Next, for calculation, you can take the average price for the product, which is $80-$90. So, your earnings as an affiliate will be 30% of every purchase made by each unique user through your affiliate link, which comes out to $27. For every next purchase made by the same user, you already receive a 10% commission from the check amount.

    It should be noted that such progressive conditions cannot be found in every affiliate program. Plus, program statistics convincingly show that 90% of all purchases through affiliate links are unique.

    Another feature of the program is the presence of a personal affiliate manager who will help you make decisions. If you are at a loss as to which product to promote or which promotion tool to choose, contact your affiliate manager for help.

    Tools for earning money

    Study information about the company, as well as its products, to understand what tools will suit you when promoting products. Thus, partners help the company promote their products and at the same time talk about its advantages.

    Each partner of the company has access to the section, which is located in their account. There, you can block this or that type of template, as well as buy a ready-made solution at a discount.

    So, the company offers such tools for promoting its own products as banners and logos, showcases (collections with thematic designs, for example, templates for business and service websites), landing pages, webAPI, widgets. For active bloggers, opinion leaders or owners of promoted resources, advertising placement of banners and showcases will be one of the intensive ways to make a profit.

    So, you can write review articles about the company’s products, create a separate section on your own resource for selling ready-made solutions, and also add advertising banners and logos.

    Reputable web studios, web developers and freelancers can easily place both ready-made page layouts and landing pages on their resources to attract a larger audience and increase sales. You can also use webAPI and widgets that can be configured as an internal profile to display prices, terms or conditions.

    Affiliate program Logaster

    The Logaster affiliate program is a great way to earn extra money for anyone involved in small business. Freelancers, startupers, entrepreneurs, bloggers - each of them can receive considerable passive income by recommending a useful and convenient logo creation service to their clients, partners, colleagues or subscribers.

    To participate in the Logaster affiliate program, you will need a minimum of actions:

    • Receive a unique affiliate link and affiliate tools;
    • Publish them on websites, forums, social networks and any other places;
    • Earn a commission for new Logaster users and withdraw it in a convenient way.

    Online designer Logaster helps you develop a unique professional logo for your company or personal brand. The designer does not require any design skills, and allows you to easily and quickly select the optimal logo for any specialization and area of ​​business. With its help, you can create not only a logo, but also a number of other branding elements: business cards, forms, favicons, patterns, screensavers, avatars, brand books and much more.

    How to become a partner?

    To join the Logaster affiliate program, you need to follow a simple sequence of actions consisting of the following steps:

    • Go through the quick registration procedure, which will take no more than a few minutes. If you encounter any difficulties during this process, our step-by-step guide will help you solve them.
    • After successful registration, go to your personal account, where a unique partner link and a set of affiliate materials (forms, pictures, videos, banners) will be waiting for you.
    • Distribute your link and materials wherever the target audience can see them: on your own websites, partner websites, social networks, applications, forums and other platforms.
    • Track the statistics of users who followed your links and the number of purchases they made, as well as the amount of your commission earnings in your personal account.
    Advantages of the Logaster affiliate program
    • High percentage of commissions. Partners receive a reward - 30% of the purchase amount of each Logaster client who came to us through their referral link.
    • Lots of affiliate content. In your personal account you will find an extensive set of marketing materials: a variety of banners, forms, pictures and videos. Among them you can easily find the optimal tools for promoting your affiliate link on any websites, social networks and other platforms.
    • Remuneration for sub-partner. If another Logaster partner registers using your link, you will receive 3% of the purchases of all clients he brings to us.

    • Bonus after registration. Each new partner receives a nice bonus from us in the amount of $5, which will be credited to your affiliate account immediately after registration.
    • Convenient payment system. You can withdraw your earned commission in various ways, choosing the most suitable one. Any amount starting from $15 is available for withdrawal.
    Dating affiliate programs

    Dating affiliate programs offer webmasters payment for attracting new users to dating sites. All sites can be divided into two large groups:

    • To search for husbands or wives;
    • To find partners for intimate relationships.

    According to statistics, the monthly audience in Russia in this area is 11 million people, which is a good argument - try your hand at this niche.

    Traffic sources can be teaser networks, websites, social networks and, in some cases, even spam. The latter, as a rule, is only allowed in venues that balance between white and black, and are themselves on the verge of falling into the “adult” category.

    Finance Affiliate Programs

    Finance is a broad concept, as is the concept of financial affiliates. There are credit products, insurance products, and even ICOs of cryptocurrencies. In this category you can make money on everything related to the world of finance. In this category you can find both outright financial pyramids and reliable banks.

    Affiliate Reward eCPC Hold Confirmation
    Ingosstrakh from 355 to 700 rubles RUB 29.64 14 days 100%
    CreditPlus 160 rubles RUB 1.82 30 days 16%
    Loan-Express 826 rubles RUB 2.15 10 days 36,6%
    eKapusta: Instant loans 720 rubles 16.95 RUR 5 days 30,2%
    BitFin24 (CPL) 6 dollars RUB 36.83 7 days 90,5%
    Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development 5500 rubles RUB 2.32 60 days 52%

    You can earn money for various actions, for example, a loan application, a confirmed loan, a valid application for a card, registering an account in the binary options system, etc.

    Real estate affiliate programs

    They don’t buy apartments over the Internet yet, at most they place advertisements. However, the “Real Estate” category also exists in the world of affiliate marketing. Here you will find information products and services in the field of real estate.

    Affiliate programs for online stores

    Affiliate programs for online stores are confidently among the TOP affiliate programs on the Runet. A huge number of products at different prices and various terms of cooperation guarantee that you will certainly choose a product to your liking. This category includes T-shirts, watches, food, accessories, adult products, furniture, clothing, etc.

    Affiliate Reward eCPC Hold Confirmation 10% RUB 2.31 30 days 77,2%
    Lamoda 10% RUB 5.33 30 days 61,1%
    Hobby Games from 3 to 8.5% from 3 to 30 days 82,7%
    Audiomania 5% RUB 3.96 60 days 85,4% 6,5% RUB 3.75 15 days 58,3%
    L'Etoile 280 rubles 2.25 RUR 30 days 53,4%

    Sometimes these same programs are called product affiliates. They will be a great addition to other products. For example, you can sell both an airline ticket and a Samsonite suitcase to one person.

    Affiliate programs for online games

    Such programs should only be used if you have the appropriate traffic. As a rule, products are niche and aimed at a specific category of people.

    Affiliate programs of banks

    They pay for issuing a credit or debit card, opening an account, or completing an application for a consumer loan. This is a separate type within financial affiliate programs.

    Well-known banks offer to attract clients to open bank cards. Sometimes they offer accruals in the amount of established percentages of the client’s turnover via credit or debit card. In some cases, you can also receive compensation for other services or products, for example, for deposits or investment life insurance.

    Affiliate loan programs

    From the entire list, CryptoCredex differs from the rest because it issues loans where cryptocurrency is accepted as collateral.

    Software affiliate programs

    Companies offer to sell programs, engines for websites, computer games and other similar products.

    One of the most difficult categories for making money in RuNet in 2020. Since the audience still prefers to download a pirated version instead of buying a licensed version. Therefore, with a large market, there are not many active buyers.

    Affiliate training programs

    This product can also be combined with others. For example, the person who bought a Moscow-London air ticket from you may want to learn English before the trip.

    Other affiliate programs
  • DVN – sale of video content. Partners receive up to 25% of the paid order. As volumes increase, additional accruals and bonuses are offered.
  • Gold-affiliate – sale of jewelry. Offered 10% of every customer order. According to statistics, the average order price is about 5 thousand rubles.
  • Eirgroup – cell phones with an offer of 10% of the product price. All-gsm offers from 10 to 30% of the order on the same topic. The exact calculation depends on the type of advertising materials used.
  • Adwad represents a CPA network for selling content for mobile phones. The exact working conditions are available only after registration, and are often set individually, based on the specific situation.
  • Leadia offers the sale of applications for legal advice. Accruals from 15 to 135 rubles per client application. As of 2020, this is one of the best legal affiliate programs in RuNet.
  • AliExpress offers customers 60 million products. Affiliate royalties up to 50%. Sales statistics are kept for ease of analysis. A high rate is available only on cheap goods; expensive ones, such as laptops or smartphones, will bring 3-6 percent.
  • Sabrinavi – clothes for women. Webmasters offer clients 5% discounts. His deductions will also be 5% of the order amount.
  • Aromat – cosmetics and perfumes with a rate of 3% of purchases. Payments via WebMoney or cash.
  • Astroworld is an unusual astrology affiliate. The commission is formed depending on the product purchased - paid services (65% commission), PC program (40% of the company’s income), application for astrologer services (15% of the order price).
  • Goodbody – products for medicine and sports. Webmasters can count on 10% of the ordered goods.
  • Fairy TalesPro – products for children. When selling a book, the commission is $20.
  • Fabylon – various products are sold here in dozens of categories. The payment reaches 20% of the final order.
  • Alpari is an affiliate program for attracting new clients to the Forex market. Payouts from 25 to 32% of the spread amount for each transaction.
  • Avtocod is a service for checking car history. Partners receive 70 rubles for each application.
  • Powerpartners – catalog of electrical goods. 15% commission on all orders placed. Payments via WebMoney twice a month.
  • Pult is an electronics store. Webmasters receive from 1 to 12% of the order volume.
  • Top Shop TV – teleshopping with payments depending on order volume. Rate from 5 to 20%.
  • Haxi is an association of 15 stores where the same conditions work - 20% of the order of visitors attracted by the webmaster.
  • Flamingo – sale of flowers with payments to partners of 10% of the order value. For the minimum withdrawal you need to collect 500 rubles.
  • “8088” is a service for receiving consulting services. In the field of medicine, the cost of an application is from 150 to 400 rubles. In the field of jurisprudence from 40 to 60 rubles.
  • SendPulse is a service for organizing mailing lists. The affiliate pays 25% from purchases of tariff plans and 10% from account top-ups in the service.
  • Telderi is a website sales and purchase service. Partners can receive up to 20% of the system's earnings.
  • Rookee and Seopult are link aggregators for automating the purchase of links. In the first case, the commission is 25% of the company's income. In the second case, 2.5% of the amount of money spent by clients.
  • Timeweb – webmasters expect payments from 10 to 40% when attracting clients to purchase hosting.
  • Savechange is an electronic money exchanger with payments from 20 to 50% of the company’s income.
  • All of Dragunkin on DVD - a training program in foreign languages. Price – 2700 rubles. Clients receive 20% of the course price.
  • The category of Ukrainian affiliate programs is represented by offers from Rediska (from 25 to 40% per order from a client) and Prikid (from 7 to 15% of the purchase volume).
  • Gigagame – selling audiobooks, movies or music. Deductions from 8 to 15% of the cost of the ordered goods.
  • Moviecash – provides the opportunity to earn money by downloading movies or selling discs. When sending SMS, the webmaster receives 70% of the cost. When selling discs 20 rubles. In 2020, SMS affiliates lost their former popularity.
  • Cpazilla is an entertainment theme with gaming services and dating sites. Payments from 20 to 30%. Banners and landing pages are used to attract customers.
  • Shopotam is a service for purchasing goods at auctions abroad. Payments of 25% of the amount of service earnings when ordering from clients.
  • – cheat sheets in the form of documents for schoolchildren and students. For referrals, payments are 40 and 15%.
  • Ilfumomoney – sale of electronic cigarettes and tobacco. Standard commission is 30% of the order. Increasing turnover will increase earnings up to 40%.
  • Luxcash – replica watches of world brands. The affiliate offers 20% of the customer’s order value.
  • Tamata is a program for webmasters who attract users interested in furniture products. The commission range is from 4 to 12% of the entire order.
  • “Butter King” – food products in different categories. The store pays 8% when attracting a client. The payment amount is taken from his order.
  • Metaprofit – online tests. From 82 to 90% of the company's income is paid.
  • Youtube - the legendary video hosting service also has its own affiliate program. You can earn money from views of your own videos. Or you can use your YouTube channel for monetization through other affiliate programs, for example, tourism ones. with channel owners who earn not only from the YouTube affiliate program, but also with Travelpayouts.
  • The best Runet affiliate is the one that suits you and brings a consistently high income. If you are just starting out, then don’t make the classic beginner mistake and don’t expect quick and big money.

    Earning money from affiliate programs in Russia is a job like any other. You have to work to make a profit, but with our review and rating the latter will be easier, because now you know what to choose from.

    Hello friends! In this post I will tell you where to find the best affiliate programs for making money on the Internet. There are different affiliate programs - CPA (I mainly use them), CPS, CPL, CPC... in general there are a lot of them, I had the opportunity to work in different programs and I selected the most proven, reliable and best affiliate programs... so in more detail:

    • CPA - payment for one or another action performed by the user on the site (registration, survey, navigating the site, filling out something)... for example, the user follows your affiliate link and registers somewhere - the money is yours... so various actions (all depends on the affiliate program itself and its conditions)
    • CPC-payment for clicks (for banners and other advertising, the main thing is that someone clicked, for example, on your website on an advertisement and that’s it - you get the money)
    • CPS payment for the sale of goods and services (percentage on sales) to you, which was made by users who came through your affiliate link! The main thing for you is to get them to buy something - and you get a percentage of sales

    In general, these are the main types of affiliate programs, and there are also single-level and multi-level ones:

    • Single-level ones are of this type, for example, you invited a person through an affiliate link and he bought something from the advertiser, you get a percentage of the sale accordingly, and that’s all, you will need to look for another person in order to earn interest for yourself again
    • Multi-level is if the person you invited via the link stayed, for example, in the affiliate program and started earning money there, then you will always receive a percentage of his work (this is two-level), there are also more levels, but the meaning is clear, others will invite people to you too, for example already from both of them there are percentages (but the further the levels are, the smaller the percentages).

    In general, for a more understandable view, I will divide all affiliate programs into 2 main categories, which are most often encountered - these are affiliate programs for any actions (payment for registration, downloading something, clicks, etc.), and affiliate programs that sell (you get a percentage of sales ) - that’s what I’ll do (I’ll take the initiative, so to speak)

    CPA affiliate program ADMITAD - this is where you can really make good money... I consider it one of the best on the Internet, I’ve been working with it for several years now... let’s say it’s a whole network of affiliate programs - here you can find affiliate programs on completely different topics and they pay for various actions ( somewhere there is registration, a person just registers and that’s it - you get a payment, or just a couple of clicks on the site - you get paid and so many other things..)!!! Registration here is normal, then you will need to add a site (that is, the place where you are from you will direct people to this affiliate program, it could be your group on a social network or your website or something else, look in the program there) usually all sites are accepted without moderation, only their (your) sites can be checked... after your site becomes to ACTIVE can choose any affiliate program from the PROGRAM CATALOG and start working...many affiliate programs immediately accept you without checking, and some will first look at your site and decide whether to work with you or not...There is nothing complicated'll figure it out if not I will even help you..just write about the problem through my FEEDBACK! Here are a couple more screenshots of the affiliate program:

    MIXMARKET - probably this is my most profitable and best affiliate program .. it is simply universal, there is a huge selection of different companies to work with (different categories, whatever there are) ... various payments (clicks, registrations, play games, etc.. etc.), I’ll say secretly, this is where I have earned the most so far in 2013-2014.. Here you can both work as a partner, that is, earn money, and advertisers can advertise anything of their own.. This affiliate program also works with Yandex advertising, which speaks very strongly about its excellent reputation, which I have already been convinced of for the second year!!! Payments, unlike the previous admitad, are not 300 rubles (minimum for withdrawal), but here there are only 50 rubles - payments once a month on the 5th-7th, here everything is like at a real real job ..everything is clear and is on these dates that they pay for the previous month!!!The support service is excellent - they will always help you and explain if you don’t understand anything. If you have your own website, then you can increase your earnings several times over on this affiliate program, because when you place advertisements for advertisers, believe me, they will pay you well for clicks on banners, ads, etc. (which you place on your website) on average 2.40 per click and you can also place Yandex advertising (this affiliate program works together with it)! The affiliate program also has a bonus system, the essence of which is this: the fact that you earn money, bonuses accumulate accordingly, which can then be spent on various services, for example, improving the design of your website or an article so that they write an excellent one for you... a lot of things , and all this is performed by professionals in their field, and not just one of the scammers! NOW A COUPLE OF SCREENS FOR VISUALIZATION:

    Everything is clear here... you choose the entrance as who you will be here.

    I'll explain a little more here...

    • MIX-UNI: it’s better to work here for those who don’t have their own websites, you just first add a platform (from which you will direct people to the advertiser’s website), it can be anything, for example a group in Odnoklassniki, on VKontakte or somewhere else (at Look at the info for each advertiser, it shows where you can send traffic (people) from... many don’t even care where, as long as they go. But you can also do it with your website here, they have a lot of advertising materials, with the help of which you will drive traffic ( links, banners, texts, etc.)
    • MIX PRODUCTS: it’s better to have your own website, because there are huge opportunities there... they can even make you an online store and selling pages on the site... there’s a lot of things to do! By the way, for those who don’t have a website yet, read where I explain where to even start making a website!!! PROGRAMS - here are all the companies with which you will work (there is a very large selection), choose what you like!!!

    - also an affiliate program for actions and so on..., similar to the previous 2, but here the minimum withdrawal amount is 30 rubles (you can withdraw once a week on Thursdays, having completed the request in advance). This affiliate program is more based on games, which is very excellent, since, to a large extent, it is in games that they pay for registration alone, and then just playing an online game (accordingly, whoever you brought is playing), you are also paid in addition - GREAT TIME TO HAVE, like that, but there are a lot of offers in any service sector ! Login here can be either as an advertiser or a webmaster (that is, who wants to make money). Now screenshots for clarity:

    Everything is clear here...then clicking on OFFICE, we will see this:

    Another point: when you work in an affiliate program... there are 3 tariffs - basic, advanced, super, at any tariff there are plenty of tasks, just the higher the tariff, the higher the payment (although there are a little more tasks to choose from), but that’s all it’s of little significance, then after a week, for example, you can write to support and they will automatically upgrade you from the basic tariff to an advanced one, here everything depends on your work experience and the quality of your sources (sites).

    And here is the last screen - here is an example of one advertiser... I also hope you will understand everything... if anything is unclear, PLEASE WRITE TO MY FEEDBACK! I WILL HELP IN ANY WAY I CAN! It is with these 3 (payment for actions) that I mainly work... I consider them the best affiliate programs and proven ones!!!

    INFO-DVD is another option for making money on an affiliate program... the name speaks for itself, it is based on the sale of various educational and educational video courses, but it is based on educational video courses, and you know!? - I am very pleased that I have been working here for almost 3 years year. What I especially like is that the video courses on DVD are made by really professional people, both for us bloggers and others (who, for example, make websites, make money on websites, SEO and all sorts of things on different topics) it’s all very useful and necessary, read the reviews on the Internet, this is one of the leading affiliate programs, which I have personally convinced myself a long time ago! They pay you 30% of the sale of a DVD, which is very good, for example, the disc was sold for 3000 rubles - you get 1000 rubles without a penny! One of the main points is that everything here is responsible and there is not even a hint of scam, people here are honest and the same are welcome to work, this is what I always look at first when it comes to working on the Internet! I don’t know about you, BUT I’M JUST PISSED UP BY ALL THESE SCAMS LIKE MLM AND ETC.....(just look at what’s going on on the Internet, and most importantly, they present this lie in such a way that there are no words from rage - I’d better keep silent further” swearing mentally). There are also a lot of free video tutorials that you can download - I totally recommend it!

    And finally, I’ll tell you about one super affiliate program - this is the affiliate program of Evgeniy Popov!

    Evgeniy Popov is the author of many video courses on creating websites, promoting them, and everything like that. To be honest, it was only from him that I learned how to make a website and everything related to website building and blogging, I used to look for a lot of information and video tutorials on the Internet, but I constantly came across everything that was wrong, now in many paid and free lessons - all the information is taught out of order, sometimes it’s just empty chatter or the ravings of a madman, how many nerves did I spend until I came across Popov’s lessons - here everything is really professionally done and everything is super clear for beginners, It’s not for nothing that he is considered number 1 on the Internet for teaching website building, especially for beginners (dummies).

    And when I learned how to make websites and blog, I without hesitation went to work in his affiliate program. This is just a class program - you get paid 30-45% of the sales of video courses, which are sold out with a bang (they are very popular on the Internet), they are huge choice, you can find some of them on my page, I of course have just started writing there... by the way, there is a huge catalog (it also contains free video courses), so don’t miss out, subscribe to my blog! Popov’s affiliate program has a huge selection advertising materials (there are ready-made rotators for banners, and receiving short links, as well as creating coupons - by which you can reduce the price of video courses yourself, you will get a little less, but the likelihood of selling faster is much faster, just huge fantasies for your creativity, so to speak... .)Join this affiliate program - specifically for product sales, I believe that this is the best affiliate program (at least one of the best)!!! Also watch the video course on WORDPRESS by E. Popova, I highly recommend it!!!


    Sincerely, JANIS ROKERSKY!


    Logic game: you need to surround the cat by clicking on the circles so that he does not run away from the field! If it doesn't work, the game will start again.

    Affiliate programs for making money: features of activity + 6 types of affiliate programs + 6 advantages of affiliate networks + 7 ways to earn income without a website + 5 best services.

    Almost all types of online earnings mainly come down to advertising and selling any goods or services. To increase sales volumes, an industry such as affiliate or affiliate marketing.

    The Internet has acquired a new method of spreading business, which involves using a web resource to redirect users to another site for trading purposes.

    Affiliate programs are considered an auxiliary tool of affiliate marketing. To take part in them, you must have special knowledge and skills. Despite the fact that this is not the easiest process, affiliate programs are used by almost every second webmaster to make money.

    Moreover, for the most part, they generate the bulk of their earnings from the best affiliate programs.

    There are successful affiliate marketing sites operating all over the world because the use of this business model on the Internet brings economic benefits to both parties. Both affiliate programs and the owners of web resources that connect to them receive their earnings.

    For some webmasters, affiliate programs serve as an initial step to their first earnings and open the door to other network marketing models. However, professional partners and owners of large websites have made affiliate programs their main source of profit.

    Earning money from affiliate programs: what is special about this activity?

    Under affiliate programs(PP) imply a form of commercial interaction or partnership between the manufacturer of products/services and clients, owners of web portals.

    VK often bans users who distribute links. To prevent this from happening, go to the website and log in using your account in If there isn't one, create one.

    Next, select “ Create profile".

    Enter the name in the “Display name” line, click on “Go to Blogger”.

    In the window that opens, click on the “Create blog” button.

    We write a title, select a blog topic and an empty address.

    From the menu, select the “Theme” tab.

    Then you need to click on the “Edit html” button.

    A window with the blog code will open. You are required to press the key combination Ctrl + F on the keyboard. In the upper right window, enter and press Enter.

    Now before insert the script location.replace("affiliate link"); . Save the topic. Then right-click on “View blog” - “Copy link address”.

    Yours will grow in direct proportion to the growth of your subscription base. As practice shows, developing a group is easier than promoting a website.

    No. 4. Mailing list.

    Since independently sending letters containing information about an affiliate program offer is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process, you need to turn to services that, for a fee, will do this work for you automatically.

    The most popular services are displayed in the table.

    How much can you earn from affiliate programs?

    Of course, there is no fixed profit level.

    The amount of earnings from affiliate programs is determined depending on various factors:

    How many affiliate programs do you have?

    Of course, no one limits you in the number of affiliate programs you can join. Moreover, it is necessary to connect several programs in order to find out from personal experience which ones are advisable to continue to cooperate with and which ones should be abandoned.

    Number of offers.

    Attractiveness of the offer.

    Traffic indicators.

    It is necessary to attract as many potential buyers or clients as possible, since they decide the outcome of your activities by taking the required actions and purchasing the product.

    The correct selection of an affiliate offer based on the topic of your web site.

    The offer must be selected according to the site’s specialization. If you advertise an affiliate link of a credit profile on an agricultural portal, you should not count on good earnings.


    The percentages set by the product owner for each attracted client form your earnings.

    Promotion costs.

    Text accompaniment (eyeliner).

    Best Affiliate Programs to Make Money: A Directory of Reliable Affiliate Marketing Networks

    Many affiliate programs encourage the formation of commercial relationships. Some of them have been operating on the Internet for quite a long time and have managed to earn trust. Others have recently appeared and do not pay wages to their clients.

    To avoid scammers, check the reputation of affiliate networks and study reviews.

    You can find the most reliable ones on such aggregators as:


    Our list also contains the best affiliate programs for making money.

    No. 1. Actionpay.

    Actionpay is a large network with various affiliate programs.

    It has over 26 million products, more than 1.7 thousand offers. There are 4.5 million conversions every month. In addition, the network has 1.2 thousand coupons and unique visits (30 million per day).

    Among the advantages of the Actionpay affiliate program for earning money are:

    • traffic control,
    • innovative technological solutions,
    • individual approach,
    • customer orientation,
    • providing statistics online,
    • having its own department to attract visitors.

    The clients of the network are: Alfa-Bank, Lamoda, AliExpress, Svyaznoy, etc. The company provides the opportunity to earn money for residents of Russia, Ukraine, the USA, India, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ireland, Brazil.

    Webmasters with a daily traffic of at least 150 people are allowed to participate in the partnership. The resource must not contain content that violates Russian legislation. Portals only on paid hosting are accepted.

    If you don’t have a website, you can use doorways, social networks, banners, contextual ads, and teasers. You can’t cheat - BAN. Earnings are credited to WebMoney with a minimum amount of 500 rubles.

    No. 2. Kredov.

    Kredov is a CPA platform with exclusive offers.

    This program provides income by paying:

    • provision of services,
    • confirmation of the application,
    • filling out the registration form,
    • sales of products,
    • issuing a loan.

    Earnings are paid every week.

    No. 3. TOP-SHOP.

    TOP-SHOP is a partner of the retail store “On the Divan”. Format – CPS. Earnings are paid for the sale of goods (appliances, electronics, interior items, etc.). The products are unique.

    According to the rules of participation, only citizens of the Russian Federation become partners. There are no attendance requirements. Commissions can range from 1 to 15% of the total purchase amount. To withdraw earnings you need to earn 1000 rubles.

    Payment is credited to your bank account or WebMoney within 7-10 days. Competitions are held among partners.

    No. 4. Adcash.

    Adcash is a huge area of ​​opportunity, which covers 19 countries, has a target audience of 200 million people, and produces 5.2 million conversions in 30 days.

    This affiliate program works according to the scheme of earning money for “impressions and clicks”. Every day the offer database is updated with a new batch of at least 1000 offers of various types.

    Thinking about using the Adcash Affiliate Program?

    This review will allow you to draw conclusions and make decisions:

    No. 5. Admitad.

    Admitad is an international network with 1.3 thousand affiliate programs.

    Affiliate offers for earning money are divided into categories:

    • online games,
    • internet services,
    • mobile offers,
    • tourism,
    • online stores,
    • information products, etc.

    Webmasters are provided with a wide range of working tools: auto banners, promotional codes, link tester, mobile application, etc. Webmasters who comply with the rules of partnership and the legislation of the Russian Federation have the right to participate in the network.

    Traffic arbitrage is allowed. The minimum wage for payment is 300 rubles. Payment transactions are made using electronic wallets and bank cards.

    If you want to improve your financial situation without wasting your time on clicks, low-paying tasks, or risky ways to make money, use the best affiliate programs to earn money.

    Good day! Our resource has already offered three other articles on the topic, but the amount of information in this area is too extensive. In this article we will try to systematize the information received earlier and most fully consider the list of affiliate programs. Below is a list of the best affiliate programs, which differ from each other, have different biases and topics.

    We hope that thanks to the review you will be able to find a good option for work that you will like. Before announcing the list, let us recall the key information on this topic. Affiliate programs for earning money are divided into 4 areas of activity:

    • Paying for clicking on a link (this method is also called earnings on clicks) was created in order to artificially attract visitors to the site for its promotion. This area is the least paid. You can get from 1 to 50 cents per click.
    • Receiving a percentage of sales. The most profitable and risky method. You can earn several thousand dollars in one transaction. The essence of the activity is that you receive a percentage of the purchase made through your affiliate link.
    • Display fee. The most attractive method for those who are interested in making a profit without prior investment. The payment here is also small, because... There is no risk of losing your own funds. You can read more about this type of income generation in the article “”.
    • Earning money for completing tasks. The point is that the client must perform a certain action on the partner’s website: register, fill out a form, subscribe to the newsletter, etc.
    List of affiliate programs 2019 – sells training courses. The project assumes the availability of both paid and free courses. What is important: for selling free courses you also receive a monetary reward. The cost of paid courses ranges from 1,500 to 10,000 rubles.

    Thus, cooperation with this project can be quite profitable, because he gives 30% of the amount of each course you sell. If your sales increase, your commission rate can increase up to 45%. Thus, in the best case scenario, you can get 4,500 rubles for one of the most expensive courses sold.

    Specializes in website promotion using crowdlinks. (crowd links are one of the methods of conducting a hidden advertising campaign, where they unobtrusively and casually advertise something). For any attracted client, the resource gives 50% of the profit.

    BetAdvert – it is necessary to attract people who are interested in sports and are ready to place bets. For each forecast made by a client, you receive 50% of its amount. The site has a simple referral program with a 5% rate. There is no minimum requirement for withdrawing funds; money comes upon the first request.

    7StarsPartners – the essence of the work is to attract a high-quality target audience. The site has several categories that require traffic, including: gaming audience, adult, entertainment, etc. For attracting just such thematic clients, you can receive up to 60% commission.

    Moedelo – awards rewards for registering clients in the service. However, what is needed here is not just low-quality traffic. The service will be convenient for businessmen who conduct their accounting online. For attracting (registering on the resource) one client, a reward of 300 rubles is given. By registering 15 people, your profit will be 4,500 rubles, which can be considered good money. is a resource specializing in training specialists in various fields. It is necessary to attract clients who want to use these services for a fee. The reward for each attracted participant is 20% commission. As for the service itself, its conditions are quite convenient: it implies home training and further specialized employment.

    AliExpress is one of the most famous trading platforms with many affiliate offers. For selling any product through your affiliate link, you will receive a bonus reward in the amount of 8.5% of the cost of the product offered. The list of affiliate programs could hardly do without this service due to the impressive results with the right approach. is a resource where you can order high-quality articles and any text copyright materials. If you are not a copywriter, you can make money from affiliate links. You receive 25% of the order amount of the referral copywriter you referred.

    Partner.apishops is a high-quality trading affiliate program that is included in the list of affiliate programs with increased efficiency. Here you receive a percentage from the sale of goods. The list of products that you can work with is very extensive and divided into categories for convenience.

    This resource is recommended for participants who are just starting to make money through affiliate cooperation. The project helps you get comfortable, gain experience and try yourself in this field, and in case of failure, not lose too much money.

    Sotmarket is an online store selling electronic equipment. Over 12 years of work, it has proven itself on the positive side, distinguished by quality, reliability and low prices. It also offers favorable partnership conditions.

    Cpaseti - here you need to attract exclusively affiliate traffic. That is, people interested in affiliate programs and generating income with their help. Rewards for referral links are 5%.

    LetyShops is currently the largest cashback service. Thanks to cashback, you can return part of the amount from your purchase in . LetyShops is connected to more than a thousand of the most famous online stores. Among them are AliExpress, LaModa, Svyaznoy, Eldorado, Booking, Ozon, etc.

    To receive your profit, you must provide a link to LetyShops, and your client must register there. After registration, the client must make purchases through this service. Your profit will be 15% of the client’s cashback.

    In the near future, we will definitely compile a separate list of affiliate programs aimed at profiting from cashback.

    EPN is the most profitable and convenient affiliate program for making money on AliExpress. From purchasing a product through your affiliate link, you receive 7-12% of income to your account, and the attracted client is assigned to you for a period of 30 days. Thus, even if the user does not make a purchase immediately, the money will still be credited to you.

    BinPartner – specializes in earning binary options. The affiliate program invites visitors to the Binomo website. The service, by the way, has an excellent reputation and reviews, so there is a high probability that attracted users will stay on this resource.

    Your earnings will come from the unsuccessful transactions of your clients. The income from such transactions will be approximately 40%. For example, if an attracted visitor bet $100 and lost, your reward will be $40.

    Admitad is one of the most serious CPA networks in Russia, which guarantees the most favorable conditions. There are more than a thousand affiliate programs on the service. The service is distinguished by a user-friendly interface, transparency and the availability of high-quality and necessary information for work.


    The provided list of affiliate programs provides you with the opportunity to take an objective look at the existing competition in this field of activity. You shouldn't make hasty decisions. It would be wise to review in more detail all the capabilities of the services provided above.