Query console 1s 8.3 thin client.

And quickly obtain information. In this article, I will try to describe how to use the Query Console and provide a link to download the Query Console.

Let's take a closer look at this tool.

Download 1C query console

First of all, to start working with the query console, you need to download it from somewhere. Processing is usually divided into two types - controlled forms and conventional (or sometimes called 8.1 and 8.2/8.3).

I tried to combine these two types in one processing - the required form opens in the desired operating mode ( in managed mode the console only works in thick mode).

You can download the 1C 8.3 (8.2) query console for managed and regular forms using the link: .

Description of the 1C query console

If you are interested in how queries are written in the 1C system, I recommend that you read the article and.

Let's start looking at the query console with a description of the main processing panel:

In the query console header, you can see the execution time of the last query with millisecond accuracy, this allows you to compare different designs in terms of performance.

The first group of buttons in the command bar is responsible for saving current queries to an external file. This is very convenient; you can always return to writing a complex request. Or, for example, store a list of typical examples of certain designs.

On the left, in the “Request” field, you can create new requests and save them in a tree structure. The second group of buttons is responsible for managing the list of requests. Using it you can create, copy, delete, move a request.

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  • Execute request— simple execution and obtaining results;
  • Execute package— allows you to view all intermediate requests in
  • Viewing temporary tables— allows you to see the results returned by temporary queries in the table.

Request parameters:

Allows you to set the current parameters for the request.

In the query parameters window, the following is interesting:

  • Button Get from request automatically finds all parameters in the request for the convenience of the developer.
  • Flag Common parameters for all requests— when installed, its processing does not clear the parameters when moving from request to request in the general list of requests.

Set a parameter with a list of values It’s very simple, just when choosing a parameter value, click on the clear value button (cross), the system will prompt you to select the data type, where you need to select “Value List”:

Also in the top panel there is a button for calling up the query console settings:

Where you can specify query autosave parameters and query execution parameters.

The request text is entered into the console request field. This can be done by simply typing a query test or by calling a special tool - the query designer.

Called from the context menu (right mouse button) when you click on the input field:

This menu also has such useful functions as clearing or adding hyphens (“|”) to the request, or getting the request code in this convenient form:

Request = New Request; Request. Text = " |SELECT | Currencies.Link |FROM| Directory.Currencies AS Currencies"


RequestResult = Request. Run() ;

The lower field of the query console displays the query result field, which is why this processing was created:

Also, the query console, in addition to the list, can display data in the form of a tree for queries containing totals.

One of the most powerful tools of 1C Enterprise 8, without a doubt, is the Query Builder. The constructor is a visual tool for working with queries in the 1C language. But the constructor has one big drawback - it does not show the result of executing queries. This disadvantage is especially felt by novice developers of application solutions on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 and 8.2 platform. In addition, even experienced 1C programmers are often faced with a situation where it is necessary to do a “one-time” analysis of information base data in various sections, but they don’t want to write a full-fledged report for the sake of such a “one-time conclusion”.!

For all these and many other cases, we are pleased to offer you external processing:

Query console with the ability to process results for 1C 8.3 and 1C 8.2
Main features of the Query Console for 1C 8.3 and 1C 8.2
Universal processing, runs on any configuration of 1C platforms: Enterprise 8.1 – 8.3;
- runs in 1C:Enterprise mode;
- the query can be written manually, or you can call the Query Builder;
- shows the result of the request;

- you can specify report parameters directly in the Query Console;

External processing The Query Console repeats the familiar interface and most of the functionality of the standard toolkit for composing queries of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 and 8.2 system. It also allows you to retrieve the results of queries, batch queries, and temporary tables.

The query console is executed in both client-server and file-server operating modes of the system, both under thick and thin clients! The Query Console integrates a standard Query Builder, which can be called via the context menu in the query text field.

IMPORTANT! The query designer in the thin client does not work; this item in the designer opening menu is not available. In the thick client, the Query Builder is available!

In the thin client, we can only write requests by hand; all other functions work without changes.

The query console is very convenient to use when you need to debug some complex data or quickly obtain a sample of certain data.

You can find many different consoles on the Internet. For regular and managed forms, these are usually completely different consoles. Using this you can download the universal query console 1C 8.3 and 8.2, which will work in both cases. Just keep in mind that the console on the managed interface will only open in the thick client.

Working with the Query Console

In the 1C program, the query console opens in the same way as any external processing: menu “File” - “Open”, or using the hotkey combination “Ctrl + O”. If used frequently, it can be added to external processing of the infobase itself.

The left side of the request console displays the list of your requests. This allows you to store not just one request, but several at once. The query tree has a hierarchical structure, which is very convenient for grouping them.

By clicking on the “Add” button, you can add a new request, giving it a name yourself. Also, the built-in functionality allows you to create queries with copying, move up or down the list and much more.

The request text itself is displayed on the right side of the processing form. It can be written manually or using a query builder. The query builder only works in the thick client.

To the right of the designer button is the “Insert Query Statements” button. It will immediately add an empty query structure with condition, grouping, order and totals.

To the right are very useful buttons that will help if you use this request when developing solutions in 1C.

The button allows you to convert your written request into text. In our case it will look like the figure below.

You can save the requests themselves to a file or load them from it. This is very convenient for future use.

Before directly executing the request, you must set its input parameters (if any), then click on the “Run request” button. It is also possible to execute requests not as a whole, but separately as a package.

The viewing mode determines how the query result will be displayed: as a list, hierarchical list, or tree.

The execution result will be displayed at the very bottom of the request console. It also displays the number of rows received and the execution time. You can move query result rows if necessary.

Very often, users ask to select some data and save it in Excel. You may need this too. To complete the task, you just need to select “Display list” in the “More” menu. The program will prompt you to mark the required columns.

In addition to specifying a list of columns for output, you can also specify specific rows here. This is implemented by highlighting the rows in the query itself. Next, in the column selection form, just set the flag in the “Selected Only” setting.

In our example, we displayed all the query result data. You can save them to an external file by copying them from the opened spreadsheet document, or using the hotkey combination “Ctrl+O”. There are many options for saving formats; we chose “*. xlsx".

As you can see, working in the query console is very convenient and useful, so we strongly recommend downloading it and using it in practice.

Query console 1c- a convenient tool for building and debugging queries in 1C enterprise mode. Using the Query Console You can run a query to the 1C database and see the result of the query directly on the screen in 1C Enterprise. In this article we will look at two consoles, one for 1c 8.2 (regular forms), and the second can work in both regular and managed forms 1c 8.3.

Download the 1c query console

In order to start working with processing, you first need download 1c query console, below we will provide download links, but for now let’s note the fact that the 1c query console can be classified and assigned to one of the following types:

  1. For regular forms (1s 8.2)
  2. For managed forms (1s 8.3)
  3. Mixed (works on both 1s 8.2 and 1s 8.3)

In our article we will look at two consoles, the first works only on 1s 8.2 (regular forms), and the second works on 1s 8.3 (managed forms). They are slightly different from each other, we will talk about the differences further, but for now we note that in managed applications the console will work properly only in the “Thick Client” launch mode.

Download the 1c query console for the regular 1c 8.2 application

Below is a screenshot of the processing. You can download the 1c query console for the regular 1c 8.2 application

Download 1c query console for managed application 1c 8.3

And this is the second console, you can also see its screenshot on the screen below, using the link you can download the 1c query console for the managed application 1c 8.3

Description of the operating principles and main functionality of the 1c query console for a regular 1c 8.2 application

This 1s 8.2 query console for a regular application easy to use and does not require any special knowledge from the user. In the screenshot you can see a test field for writing a request; you can write a request in it either manually or using the constructor. Under number 1 in the figure you see the “Parameters” button; by clicking on it we will see a form for substituting parameters into the request, we will return to it later. Under number 2 you see the work area and the action panel with the request itself, here we can add requests, delete them, and also save them to a separate file on disk. Under the number 3 in query consoles 1s 8.2 there is a setting for displaying the result, it can be displayed in the form of a table or hierarchically in the form of a tree, the second option is used when we need to see the hierarchy as a result of the query. Point 4 shows us whether there are temporary tables in the request, if there are, then we can debug them and see the execution result that is placed in the temporary table.

Now let's look at some specific points in 1c query consoles.

Above you see a window in which parameters are entered into the request. By clicking on the "From request" button, we will receive the parameters that are specified in the request; now all we have to do is set the required values ​​and close the form. By the way, if you are editing a request and your previously added parameters on the form are no longer used, they will be highlighted in gray. If there are a lot of such parameters, you can remove them from the window using the "Delete unused" button.

If you have temporary tables in your query, then you can debug them in separate subqueries and see the result of executing this subquery. If in the main window of the 1c query console we see that there are temporary tables, then click on the “Temporary tables” button (point 4 on the main console window). After clicking, the window that we saw above will appear, it shows all the temporary tables of the query, click “Debug” and see the following window.

Brief description of the functionality of the 1c query console for the managed application 1c 8.3

We got acquainted with the main functions query consoles 1s 8.2, now it's time to consider query console 1s 8.3. We will not consider this processing in as much detail as the previous one, but will briefly go over the main parameters and settings.