Beautiful names of VKontakte groups: examples, tips. Ideas for group names on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki

There are communities of interests. Being the owner or administrator of such a virtual club is not only interesting, but also profitable. This makes it possible to make new acquaintances, more people, promote your goods and services, or earn money by advertising other people's products. But not everyone knows that in order for a community to be a great success among site users, you need to come up with an original name for the group.

Simple magic of words

If the community has a narrowly focused topic, it is advisable to somehow indicate this in the name. You can use metaphors, for example, calling the charitable foundation “Big Heart”, and the organization of environmentalists - “Green Leaf”. If the group is dedicated to a specific brand, there is no point in coming up with something complicated. For a cafe, just its name and notes like “delicious food” will be enough. If you are going to promote an establishment in a specific city, the name for the group may also include the location of the real object.

How to stand out from the list of competitors?

Many social network users find new interesting communities on the pages of friends. But the problem is that one person can be a member of hundreds of groups, and it is not so easy to find an interesting name among them. Solving this problem and becoming more visible is not at all difficult. It is enough to write the chosen name for the group in Odnoklassniki in capital letters and surround it with any symbols. These can be standard “dogs”, or question marks, or site emoticons.

The names for VKontakte groups also look unusual: they are short, consisting of several letters. The easiest way is to write an abbreviation, but you can distort it a little, leaving two or three first letters of each word. In this way, you can write down an ordinary word, hiding a hidden meaning in it. If you wish, you can keep the letters of different heights (leave the capitals of each word large), but keep in mind that the fashion of writing with a “fence” has passed, and many users find this annoying.

Why do you need a creative and memorable name for a group?

There is a fashion to name communities, describing the common habits of the population of our country. What do you think, for example, of the following name for the group: “The Gum Chewing Club”? Stupid - you say? Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of people are members of such communities. And all so that an interesting inscription notifying about the habit appears in the list on the page. Collections of thematic pictures and music also collect a large number of likes in such virtual clubs. Of course, such a community is not suitable for posting serious information, but you can earn good money from advertising posted in it.

Accordingly, when coming up with a name for a group, you shouldn’t be afraid to use your imagination. Keep in mind that you can always rename a community, as well as change its direction. It is likely that after such a modernization many participants will leave it, but you can always invite those who are interested in the new topic and name. In addition, the annoying group can be sold or given full control to one of the previously appointed administrators.

The VKontakte website has become not just the most popular place for communication between people from all over the planet, but also a good platform for promoting yourself or your business. Here they buy, sell, exchange experiences and learn. The creation of communities and their promotion should not be underestimated when it comes to promoting your brand. The only problem is that in connection with the question of how to promote a group on Contact, not only legal methods of promotion have appeared, but also “black ones”. This article will help you intelligently develop your business without resorting to obviously unsuccessful methods.

Promotion of groups in “Kontakte”

We immediately declare that any proposals to instantly fill the group with people and promises that it will become wildly popular refer to fraud, which the VKontakte website pursues, punishing for this. If you are promised that within 24 hours the community will be replenished by 1000 people for a modest fee, then know that, most likely, it will be filled through a special program with “bots” - accounts of non-existent individuals.

How to name a group in “Contact”

In fact, successful promotion of a community begins with its name and type of activity. There are 2 categories of communities based on the type of activity:

  1. Community redirecting to the company website.
  2. Community within the network.

More details

The first option is suitable when the group is filled with a large number of people who follow links to pages with the company’s products or services. The second option for communities brings together people with common interests close to the topic that you intend to promote. Here there is a discussion and exchange of information about issues related to the “product”. Accordingly, the name of the community should reflect the topic and be ranked among popular keywords according to search engines.

Examples of how to name a group in Contact

Here you can use the Yandex.Direct “Word Selection” service, the search engine of the VKontakte site itself, or your imagination. There is such a simple algorithm for promoting communities on this site: write the presumed name of your group in the VKontakte community search engine and see what it returns according to your request. If there are no such groups, or there are very few people in them, then this means that the keyword that you chose for the name of your community is unpopular among users.

How to name a group on Contact: a tricky move

Continue testing group names in the VKontakte search engine and see how many users are in them. The most popular queries are “girls”, “cars”, “business”, “photography”, “cinema”. For initial promotion of the group, it is advised to attribute one of these popular words at the beginning of your name. You may get not “Massage in Ufa”, but “Only for girls! Massage in Ufa. Beauty salon “Martian”.

Secrets of promoting the community on VKontakte

After deciding what to name the group in Contact, start promoting it. You, of course, can fill the community with bot profiles through the program, but they will only create the appearance of popularity and will not be able to bring you profit. Fill the community with real people every day, invite new friends to your page, communicate personally with participants, create interesting topics for discussion so that the community is “alive.” This is what is valued by the search engines of the VKontakte website, and they themselves will begin to put you on the first line in the search for the “My Groups” section.

How to make a group popular

To gain popularity, you need help and patience, as well as copywriting skills (writing advertising texts) and knowledge of SEO techniques. However, if you have a good team of like-minded people, then after just a month of work you will feel an excellent result. The main thing is daily actions, increasing the level of knowledge and quality of service to your clients. Success comes to those who are persistent, remember this, friends!

It would seem that what’s wrong with coming up with a bright and memorable name for your group on VKontakte. A little imagination, a little patience, and the right name will come to mind, ensuring impressive success for the public. But that was not the case. Finding a good name can take a long time, and some users spend whole days and nights doing this task, surrounded by various reference books and dictionaries. When you start doing this seriously, it turns out that everything is not at all simple, and in addition to creativity, you also need to know a little about SEO (search engine optimization) and SMM (social media marketing), and be well aware of what the name of the group means for the group itself. In this material, I will tell you how to come up with a name for a group on VK, introduce the reader to the most necessary tips on this issue, and also share possible names for a group on VKontakte in English.

So, if you are interested in what you can name a VKontakte group, then I recommend paying attention to the following:

Please note that the most competitive and visited group will be the one that has a direct occurrence of the key query in its name. Therefore, do not change or modify the keyword in the name of the group, this can directly affect its attendance.

  • Study competing publics. The name of your group on a social network should not repeat the names of existing publics, especially those that are already promoted and highly popular, otherwise your group will simply get lost against their background. Be original and creative, look for something of your own that will allow you to create beautiful names for VKontakte groups;
  • Do not use a group name that is too long, and even with complex terminology. This usually results in visitors avoiding your group;
  • Use sites that collect statistics on key queries(for example, Wordstat), this will allow you to track the most popular queries and take them into account when creating a group name.

Examples of names for a VKontakte group

If you are interested in the original names of VKontakte groups, then pay attention to the names of popular publics, evaluate their features, and, based on this, come up with something of your own.

In particular, names such as:

  • Decent films
  • Laugh until you cry
  • Statuses for which they give a class
  • Women's secret
  • Music +…
  • Culinary masterpieces
  • Secrets of success
  • Choose your status
  • Notes of a Millionaire
  • P.O.H - just very good
  • Always say Yes!
  • Einstein's riddle
  • Thoughts from...
  • 5 smart thoughts
  • 5 useful tips
  • Let's make some happiness
  • Modern girl
  • Clear jokes
  • Killer humor and others.

At the same time, do not forget to check your options with existing group names; perhaps this name has already been invented before you.

In order for your VKontakte group to flourish, it is not enough to come up with a bright and memorable name for it. It is necessary to regularly fill it with fresh content, to delight users with interesting and fresh materials, otherwise the frequency of visits to your public will fall over time.

To increase group attendance, you should consider using special software tools (Botovod level), they have proven their practicality and effectiveness in this area.

Names for a group on VKontakte in English

If you want to come up with a name for a group on VKontakte in English, then when creating such a name you should use the same principles that I described just above for groups in Russian. Study the names of English-speaking VKontakte groups, be original, use keywords in the group name and do not forget about the query statistics. At the same time, since English-speaking (and related to the English language and culture) groups are also quite common on VK (statistics showed about 38 thousand different groups related to the English language in one way or another), you will have to make efforts to ensure that your name is bright and original.

Alternatively, you can think of interesting abbreviations, for example:

Make your English like is professional- makingnglishpro

English speaking society – engsociety

Study English in Skype – studyengskype and others.

You can also use banal, easily understandable English phrases, or their analogues. For example:

English is fun

Just English

English for life

English EveryDay

Daily English


When coming up with a name for a group on VKontakte, first of all, pay attention to the tips I listed for creating a name for your group. Be sure to take into account the specifics of SEO, and do not forget that a unique and bright name for the group is not the only component of the success of your project. More important is the constant novelty of materials, their quality and relevance, as well as the desire of the group creator to devote all his strength to the development of his public. “Patience and work will grind everything down.”

Social networks have long crossed the line beyond which they were just a virtual platform for communication. Now you can earn real money on these Internet resources. One of the relevant tools in this case is some kind of community, group on Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte.

However, to attract as many subscribers as possible, it is worth making some effort. First of all, you need to think about how to name the group on VK in order to interest the maximum number of social network users.

General terms

The principle of working with a group and a public page is almost the same, so this method is suitable for a public page too. A catchy name will make you pay attention to the page and look at it. This is where the principle of viral marketing comes into play.

The name for the group will make it possible for visitors to understand what exactly the information will be about and whether it will bring real benefit.

It is generally accepted that those communities that make it to the TOP are based on key search phrases. Correctly chosen words will ensure decent results in the search engine, because often visitors use Yandex or Google even to search for a group or community on social networks. At the same time you need to have individuality so as not to get lost in the same type of “glued together” search phrases.

Title and description

Each VKontakte page contains data that any search engine is guided to a certain extent. For this, special title and description tools are used. They are seen by all visitors to Yandex or its foreign analogues.

The title of the current page will be marked in dark blue above the Internet address. Below is a description of what should be on the page you are looking for (description). Often, optimizers involved in community promotion use the name of the group as a title, so it is so important to include at least some of the key queries in it.

When creating a VKontakte group, you should carefully choose the name, because it is of great importance. This is what can help attract people to the community or scare them away.

When thinking about what to name a group, you should definitely take into account its topic, but don’t forget about keywords that will help attract people through search engines.

The theme of the group is the basis of the name

The first thing you need to start from is the topic of the community. It should be immediately clear to the user what exactly can be found in this community. The name should be short and clear, and it is not advisable to call the group a set of keywords.

This option, of course, will inform the topic of the public, but will not attract people’s attention. It is advisable to come up with an interesting and beautiful way to use a keyword by which people can find the community through search engines.

Originality is the key to success

In order to attract the attention of social network users, it is necessary to name the public in an original and beautiful way.

You can take a beautiful quote as a basis, but rewrite it in other words, and if the topic of the community allows, you can use humor.

Brevity is the sister of talent

What public names help bring them to the TOP? Of course, they are short, you can verify this by looking at popular communities in VKontakte.

Therefore, if the goal is to make the community popular, as well as bring it to the TOP of searches in VKontakte, you should try to name it briefly. The best option is to come up with one to three words that should reflect the essence of the community.

Simplicity and clarity

You can often find public pages on VKontakte that, although original, have stupid and incomprehensible names.

It is important to remember that the name must be written in Russian, because not every user knows foreign languages, and accordingly he will not be able to immediately understand what the community is about.

The only exceptions may be public pages directly related to the topic of foreign languages.

It is also worth considering the target audience, because people’s interests depend mostly on age and gender. If a funny name with obscene language attracts the attention of teenagers, an adult is unlikely to be interested in it.

Where to get the idea?

Not everyone can immediately take an original, beautiful, and suitable name out of their head, and therefore you can use some methods. To begin with, it’s worth remembering literature and films, this is where you can find a beautiful literary expression, or an original, funny quote that fits the theme of the group.

You can also use an application such as a name generator. Using it, you can choose a name from several suitable words, and this will take very little time.

The generator will select various phrases from which you can choose the most suitable one. To do this, you need to set up a filter and enter keywords.

Naming a VKontakte group is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To make a successful choice, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Based on the topic and target audience.
  1. Use keywords.
  2. Be creative and original.
  3. Don't use more than four words.

These rules will help you come up with a suitable and memorable name for the VKontakte public page that will attract users.