Draw lines and paragraphs are transferred automatically. Automatic hyphenation in Word

Greetings to blog readers! Is it true that now everyone, starting from school, knows what the MS Word program is? Most users use it for typing and formatting texts. But not everyone knows that the program developers have provided it with another useful functionality - word wrapping in Word. What it is, who needs it and why - I’ll tell you in this article.

What is word wrap in MS Word and why is this function needed?

The word wrap function in Word represents a uniform spacing between words. This option is used to make the text visually beautiful and save space on Word when printing. Hyphenation avoids large spaces between words. They are especially noticeable when the “Align to width” option is selected.

Hyphens can be placed manually or automatically, and there are also “soft” hyphens and non-breaking hyphens. Word allows you to determine the acceptable distance between words without word hyphenation.

How to set automatic word hyphenation in Word

According to the factory settings of the program, the word wrap function is disabled. If a word does not fit in the entire line, then it simply “goes” to the next line, and the words in the previous one are evenly stretched in the line.

To set up automatic word wrapping, go through the following steps step by step (I show using MS Word 2013 as an example):

1). In MS Word, in the main menu, select the option “Page Layout” → “Hyphenation” → “Auto”.

2). The text placed in the Word file will be automatically aligned and words will be hyphenated. This applies to both already typed text and newly typed sentences.

How to manually wrap words in Word: instructions for MS Word 2013

If you need to set word wrap in a certain part of the text, then it is better to do it manually. Let's see how:

1). In MS Word, in the main menu, select the option “Page Layout” → “Hyphenation” → “Manual”.

2). A window will appear on the screen with the word proposed for transfer and the version of hyphen placement. If you agree, then click the “YES” button, otherwise - “NO”. The program distributes the words evenly across the lines and gives you a choice: confirm or reject the hyphenation suggestion.

There are times when it is necessary to evenly distribute text in a certain fragment of a file. Then you must first select a “piece” of text and only then carry out the steps to enable the “Manual” function. After placing hyphens in the selected text segment, the program will offer to check the entire file. If you do not need this procedure, then click the “NO” button.

Attention! This method of transfer is possible in MS Word versions 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016. In Word 2003, the transfer is carried out according to a different scheme

How to do word wrapping in Word: instructions for MS Word 2003

MS Word 2003 is considered a somewhat outdated version of the program. However, it is still installed on some computers. This is especially true for school PCs and stationary devices in government and commercial institutions.

You can enable word wrapping in Word 2003 as follows:

1). In the menu, select “Tools” → “Language” → “Hyphenation” → select manual or automatic hyphenation if necessary. Click OK.

How to set word hyphenation options in Word

MS Word has the ability to set certain word wrapping parameters. To do this, you need to go to the tabs: “Page Layout” → “Hyphenation” → “Hyphenation Options”.

Here you can independently set the following parameters:

  • Automatic hyphenation (allow or disable by checking the box).
  • Hyphenations in words made from capital letters (disable or enable the “tick” option).
  • Set the width of the word wrap zone.
  • Specify the maximum number of consecutive transfers.

How to remove word wrap in Word 2010

It happens that I copy text from the Internet that already has hyphens and hyphens, and I notice that they do not match the page layout of the Word file. All that remains is to remove these transfers manually, but such a procedure will take a lot of time. You can go the other way and remove word hyphenation in Word automatically.

To do this, follow the following instructions:

  • First you need to determine the type of transfer (automatic or manual). To do this, highlight the hyphen in any hyphenated word. If the sign is highlighted, then the transfer is manual; if not, it is automatic.

Automatic word hyphenation can be canceled as follows:

  • Go to the tabs “Page Layout” → “Hyphenation” → “None”.

Manual word wrapping is eliminated according to the following scheme:

  • Go to the tabs “Home” → “Editing” → “Replace”.

Although the Word Office processor does a very good job of aligning text to the edges, to the center, or to justify, some users still find the right edge of text looks uneven or uneven letter density appears across lines. To make your text document look more aesthetically pleasing, you can use the hyphenation function.

Some people think that the main thing is not “beauty”, but the content of the document made. However, in reality it turns out that the first thing inspectors pay attention to is the design of the work. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to how the text looks externally.

If in ordinary text, placed across the entire width of the page, the uneven spacing between characters and words in different lines is not very noticeable, then in narrow columns of tables such text does not look very presentable. Therefore, you can often see how hyphens are inserted into tables to indicate word hyphenation.

Arranging hyphens in this way is tedious. In addition, these words will be highlighted as misspelled words - with a red wavy line, and even with a simple change in the font size, these “hyphens” will move from the end of the lines and extra hyphens will remain in the words. Therefore, it is better to use a special tool for hyphenation. The ability to automatically hyphenate words is available in all versions of Word Office.

To hyphenate automatically, you need to go to the “Page Layout” tab, where in the “Page Options” group find the “hyphenation” button. When you click on it with the mouse, a list appears in which you need to select the “auto” item. After this, hyphens will be automatically added to the text of the document. If you subsequently make changes to the content of the text or change the font, the hyphens will also be automatically changed.

Hyphens inserted automatically are deleted by simply clicking the “No” button in the hyphenation tool.

Hyphenations in parts of the text

In manual mode, the program offers you to choose the most correct placement of hyphens in the words of the selected text fragment. It is better to use manual hyphenation for part of the document. That is, to insert hyphens in part of the document, you first need to select this fragment, and then click hyphenation manually. After completing this process, the program will request verification of the remaining part of the document, and if hyphens are needed only in the selected part, then further verification should be abandoned. you can choose where to place the transfer

Deleting manual transfers is carried out slightly differently than automatic ones. To do this, you need to find and click on the “Replace” button in the main tab of the menu ribbon. Expand the replacement window by clicking on the “More” button and look for the “Special” drop-down list there.

In this list, you need to click on the soft transfer item and, leaving the “Replace with” field blank, start the replacement process.

Transfer options

The hyphenation feature has configurable parameters. Where you can specify whether to insert hyphens in words containing capital letters. Capital letters (capital letters) are usually used to highlight headings, the use of hyphens in which spoils the appearance of the document.

Setting the width of the transfer zone also helps improve the presentability of the text. As this zone increases, the number of hyphens in the text will decrease, but when the size of this zone decreases, the right edge of the text will look smoother.

Thus, using a special tool for hyphenating words helps make the document text more compact and attractive due to the even distribution of letters and symbols in the lines.

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://excelwords.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/2015-12-05-00-41-55-Screenshot-screen.png" alt="2015-12-05 00-41-55 Screenshot" width="298" height="162"> !} In all existing versions of the Microsoft Word editor, by default, a word that does not fit on the entire line moves to the next one. Meanwhile, hyphenation allows you to improve the layout of the text, avoiding gaping voids, and make the document more accurate. In addition, the additional compactness of the text affects the printer paper consumption.

At the same time, finding such an important and useful function while wandering through the menu can be quite difficult. In addition, in versions of Microsoft Office from different years, the interface of the graphic editor changes time after time beyond recognition, which makes finding the usual functionality not an easy task. Let's consider the hyphenation algorithm for versions of Word 2003, 2007, 2010.

Settings for Word 2003

Service –> Language –> Hyphenation (hereinafter – RP)

In order to transfer words into syllables in already typed text, you need to select its entirety or the necessary fragment. Then select the “Service” menu, the “Language” item and the “RP” command. We find ourselves in the settings window. Here you need to place a marker opposite the “Automatic RP” command. Below you can set the necessary parameters for the automatic function. For example, the absence of a marker next to the command “Hyphenations in words made from CAPITAL LETTERS” will eliminate the breakdown of abbreviations and names written in capital letters. The appearance of the text can be further improved by adjusting the parameters “Width of hyphenation zone” (this is the maximum allowable distance between the right margin and the last character on the line) and “Max. number of consecutive hyphens” (the ability to control the number of hyphenated words on the page). After the parameters have been changed or defaults selected, you must click “OK” to start automatic hyphenation.

The ability to manually select hyphenated words according to the 2003 version is hidden in the same window behind the “Force” button. By selecting this command, in the dialogue window that opens, you yourself will decide how to divide a particular word into syllables.

Sometimes it happens that part of the text needs to be saved from auto-hyphenation. You can do it like this. Select the desired fragment and select “Paragraph” from the “Format” menu, and in the window that opens, select the “Page Position” tab. Check the box next to “Prohibit automatic word hyphenation.” The command will only be applied to words in the selected fragment.

Word 2007 and 2010

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="http://excelwords.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/2015-12-05-00-44-18-Screenshot-screen.png" alt="2015-12-05 00-44-18 Screenshot" width="355" height="194" srcset="" data-srcset="http://excelwords.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/2015-12-05-00-44-18-Скриншот-экрана..png 300w" sizes="(max-width: 355px) 100vw, 355px"> !} Page layout → Hyphenation->No, Auto, Manual, In Word versions 2007 and 2010, the RP function is located in the “Page Layout” tab. The editor makes it possible to hyphenate using the auto mode (“Auto” item) or perform the operation yourself (“Manual”), independently determining which part of the word remains on the line and which moves to the next one. Words are divided into syllables in a dialog box.

The “RP Parameters” command makes it possible to enable automatic mode settings at your discretion. This can be done using the same parameters that are deciphered above for Word 2003.

If you are interested in this issue, let's start looking into it. Hyphenation in Word 2007 and Word 2010 is a simple topic, so we will do it quickly.

In MS Word's default settings, if a word does not fit on a given line, it is automatically moved to the next one. As a result, there is a lot of empty space left at the end of the line, and if the text is justified, large spaces may appear in the text. By following the link, you can read an article on how to remove them.

Word hyphenation in Word can either be disabled altogether, or you can configure automatic or manual hyphenation.

You can manually hyphenate only previously typed text.


Let's first hyphenate the text manually. To do this, open the desired document, then go to the tab "Page Layout" and click on the button "Hyphenation". Select "Manual" from the menu.

A dialog box will open. In it, the word in the text that needs to be transferred will be divided into syllables. Place the cursor in the place you want to transfer and click “Yes”.

Automatic transfers

It's even easier. At the same time, Word itself decides how to arrange them in the document. To do this from the menu "Hyphenation" select "Auto".

Removing the transfer

If you have strict requirements for document formatting, then you may need to remove word hyphenation in Word. To do this from the menu "Hyphenation" select "No".

Let's assume that you have hyphenated words in each line of one paragraph. According to the text, it may not look very nice, or it may not suit you.

In this case, in the menu "Hyphenation" choose "Hyphenation Options". The following window will appear. In the field "Max. number of consecutive transfers" set the desired value and click OK.

Sometimes it happens that at the end of a line there is a word that is written with a hyphen. In this case, Word automatically moves the part of the word after the hyphen to another line. To avoid this, insert a non-breaking hyphen using the key combination Ctrl+Shift+Hyphen.

We'll leave it at that. Now you know how to do manual and automatic word wrapping in Word.

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If you are interested in how to make transfers in Word, let's figure it out together. In fact, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to strictly follow the algorithm of actions, only in this case everything will work out for you, and the work process will not cause any trouble. So, first things first.

Transfers in Word can be done in two ways. Firstly, automatically, secondly, manually. We will talk about each of them in our article. However, when creating hyphens, you should not forget that manual hyphenation can only be applied to text that has already been typed. But when setting up automatic word hyphenation in the Word text editor, hyphenation will be applied as the text is printed.

How can I change the hyphenation option in Word? To do this, the user needs to go to the “Page Layout” tab on the toolbar, then in the “Page Options” section, click on the item called “Hyphenation”, and then select the required option.

How to make hyphens in Word: manual method

To begin with, we invite you to consider how you can arrange transfers in a Word document using the manual method. To do this, open the document and follow the algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to the “Page Layout” section on the toolbar.
  2. Next, click on “Hyphenation”.
  3. Select the “Manual” option.

If everything is done correctly, a window will open in front of the user, where the word that requires hyphenation will be divided into syllables. The user needs to place the cursor exactly in the place where the transfer is required. After all the steps, click the “Yes” button.

How to make hyphens in Word: automatic setting

Setting up automatic hyphens in a Word document is even easier. Even a novice user can cope with this task. When setting automatic hyphens, the editor himself decides how and where to place them in the text.

To enable automatic setting, the user must go to the menu, go to the “Hyphenation” item and select “Auto”. If the user needs to remove word hyphenation in Word, then the “No” option must be selected.

If we assume that many lines of text have hyphenated words, and this looks ugly, then in this case, in the “Hyphenation” section, the user must select the “Hyphenation Options” section. After this, a window should appear on the screen where in the “Max. number of consecutive transfers" you must specify the required value. Finish the work by clicking OK.

If in your text a word written with a hyphen ends up at the end of the line, then the Word editor will automatically move the part of the word after the hyphen to the next line. How can this be avoided? The user just needs to put a continuous hyphen in the document by pressing a combination of three keys: “Ctrl”, “Shift” and “Hyphen”.

Auto-hyphenation of words in Word for Mac

How to make transfers in Word used on Mac computers? To begin, in the “Service” item on the toolbar, select the “Hyphenation” section. Then check the box next to the item that says automatic hyphenation. Next, in the “Width of word hyphenation zone” section, we indicate how much space should be left between the final word and the right border of the sheet. But in the line where it says about max. number of consecutive hyphens, you need to indicate the exact number of lines where word hyphens can be placed.

Manual transfers in Word for Mac

To set manual transfers in a Word document You must first make sure that a word, paragraph or other part is not highlighted in the text. Then go to the menu item called “Service”, select the item that says about hyphenation. The last step is to click “Manual”.

If the user requires manual hyphenation in some part of the document, the algorithm of actions will be slightly different. To begin with, the user must select the part of the text where hyphenation is necessary. Next, in the “Service” section, we make a choice in favor of the item called “Hyphenation”. Click on the “Manual” option. After that, in the “Option” item, indicate the desired transfer location.

All the options described above on how to make hyphens in Word are quite simple and are suitable even for a novice user of the Word text program. All the methods described are effective, and, most importantly, they allow the user to work more extensively with Word documents. Go for it, and you will definitely succeed!