Web pages are not loading. Impact of viruses and malware

The browser helps us surf the Internet, browse pages and find necessary information. Through it, any search query is carried out, any operation that is performed on the network. Unfortunately, even the most modern of these programs is not immune to malfunctions. Often, due to careless user actions, the normal operation of the browser is disrupted. For example, if you set incorrect settings, it may happen that the browser does not open pages or does it so slowly that you don’t have any patience. It should also be said that operational problems can occur not only due to the fault of the person who works at the computer. There are actually a great many reasons. Below are just a few of them. Those that occur most often.

Viruses, malware

So why doesn't the browser open pages? The first thing that comes to mind is that your computer has picked up some virus on the Internet. It is known that many malicious programs are aimed specifically at the operation of browsers and the Internet connection in general. The acquired virus may be a Trojan program that got onto the computer as an alleged useful file. Then the user will not even notice at what point the problems started. This also includes rootkits and various “worms”.

Solution: check your computer for viruses. Here you can use full scan the antivirus that you have installed, or special search utilities Trojan programs(AVZ and others). If there are doubts about the effectiveness of the installed antivirus software, it's better to change it. Once found, reboot the computer.

Other software

Another reason why no browser ends up opening pages may be due to the installation of additional background programs. Especially those whose work is based on transmitting and receiving information from the Internet. Of course, among such utilities there are necessary and useful ones. For example, a download wizard or various torrents. It is important to be able to really distinguish necessary software from useless and potentially dangerous. Among the latter is the SkyMonk program and third party utilities for update operating system like Bonjour. By the way, the native OS Update Center also interferes normal operation browser.

Solution: disable Windows, do not use under any circumstances third party programs, which are persistently offered for download, especially if you don’t know why you need them at all. It is better to remove SkyMonk immediately.

Memory full, extra entries

All browsers have a special type of memory that stores the most popular search queries. Accessing it requires less time, so the overall page loading speed increases. Such a memory computer slang called “cookies” or cache. When it is full, problems arise, one of which may be that the browser does not open pages. The cause of problems is often a system disk that is filled to capacity. Usually there is a special limitation on them that not everyone pays attention to. However, it is better if the same thing is present on drive C minimum quantity free space which he asks for. It is also recommended to regularly check the registry and clean it of old entries that remain after Special utilities to optimize it will help in this matter, simplifying the task to just a few mouse clicks.

Solution: clear cookies. You can use the program CCleaner cleaning or do everything manually. Most browsers do this in a very similar way, with minor differences. In Mozilla, just go to Tools, then to Settings, where in the Privacy section there will be a “Clear recent history” button. This is cache memory. It is also recommended to free up the required space on system disk and For the latter, the Vit Registry Fix or Registry life programs are suitable, although the CCleaner mentioned above will cope with the task.

Paranoid antivirus

Most antiviruses have several operating modes for ease of use. They are different to varying degrees protecting your computer from external threats, and there are very meticulous options. If you select this mode, the program will carefully check each incoming connection. This, in turn, can be another reason why the browser does not open pages. This includes other security programs such as firewalls and OS firewalls. You need to carefully select their operating mode, because... it may not so much protect the computer from real threats as act to the detriment of the user's interests.

Solution: disable the firewall by replacing it good firewall(by the way, many browsers already have built-in protection). Make antivirus settings less strict or disable firewall and Internet services. If this doesn't help, be sure to put everything back in its place.

Of course, the connection protocol is incorrectly specified, slow internet and outdated equipment will also play a role. But this is already clear to everyone, so it makes no sense to describe these problems in detail. The only thing that can be advised if all of the above does not help is to check network settings connections. To do this you need to open properties network interface and see if the corresponding items are checked. Particular attention should be paid to “Internet Protocol TCP/IP”, “Scheduler” QoS packets" and "Client for Microsoft Networks".

Network users often encounter this problem when, when working on a PC, some sites do not open in the browser.(Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and others). Maybe this site worked and opened earlier, but now, unknown reason, stopped. Or you visit the site for the first time, but you can’t open it. Why does this happen and what needs to be done in such cases?

Causes and solutions to the problem:

1. The proxy server settings are not set correctly.

In order to find the window you need, you need to go to the menu " Start» find icon « Control Panel" and go to it. Then select “” in the menu, then follow the sub-item “ Connections" and click on the option " Network setup».

If you are using a proxy server, please specify correct parameters. If PC for home use, usually this option disabled (there should be no check mark next to the item " Use a proxy server for local connections»).

2. Sites do not open due to blocking in the hosts file.

It is also a common reason when viruses in hosts files introduce some website addresses without your knowledge, which are then automatically blocked. To find this file you need to run next steps: via the option " Start» in the window that appears, enter the combination %systemroot%\System32\drivers\etc and confirm the action by clicking “ OK" Then a window will open in front of you where you need to select the item hosts, which opens using notepad (left-click on the file, a list of programs through which you can open the document will open, select “ Notebook»).

If you find the entry below in the hosts file " localhost"something like website addresses (for example, like the VKontakte site in the picture above) - delete them. Save all the settings and now you can close the file. The problem with the hosts files should be resolved. If the sites still do not open, we recommend the following actions: click Start, drive in " cmd" and then in a new command line " route –f". Now restart your computer and try to launch the site again, it should work.

3. Websites do not open due to a virus.

Manually searching for viruses is a thankless and time-consuming task. IN in this case we recommend that you install new antivirus(downloaded from the official website), then reinstall the browser itself (the old one could have been badly damaged by viruses) and the entire system with a new antivirus, and also clean it.

4. An antivirus or firewall is blocking the browser.

You need to disable the firewall: in start, type “ Firewall", select " Windows Firewall", and click on the option in the left corner of the window " Enable and disable Windows Firewall ", turn off the firewall.

In this article we will look at a rather ambiguous problem: there is a connection on the network, but in the browser it is impossible to go to some web resource. It’s true, sometimes a situation may arise in which the notification area will clearly indicate that the user has access to the Internet, i.e. There is no red cross or yellow on the connection icon exclamation mark, but the browser persistently tries to prove the opposite to it, producing various errors and notifications of problems.

Reading these lines, you have probably encountered this problem yourself. strange problem. Luckily, there are a number of methods you can use to try to eliminate this problem. It is also worth noting that this problem can occur on absolutely all versions of the operating system Windows systems, connection types and browsers, so no one will be left behind. So, let's see what you can do if network access is observed, but the browser refuses to work.

Well, as we said at the very beginning of the article, the problem is extremely ambiguous - and behind it there may be huge amount reasons. However, we recommend that you simply follow a series of several solutions that will probably be able to get you out of this not very clear situation. Let's see what you can do...

Change the network connection DNS server address

The very first thing to do is try using a different DNS server to see if the problem is with yours provided by your ISP. The thing is that sometimes the provider’s DNS server may experience some problems during its operation, as a result of which the connection to the network technically remains, but it becomes impossible to switch to any web resource. As a rule, providers solve such problems extremely quickly, however, you can check this probability simply by using the services of Google's public DNS servers.

How to do this? You just need to change the DNS server address for your network connection and you're good to go. This is done simply (the steps are carried out using the Windows 10 OS as an example, but you can use them for other versions of the system):

  • click right click mouse over the network connection icon in the notification area and select “Open Network and Internet Settings”;
  • then click on the option “Configure adapter parameters”;
  • Find your network connection (adapter) in the new window and double-click on it with the left mouse button to go to properties;
  • then click on the “Properties” button;
  • select “IP version 4” or “IP version 6” (depending on the type of your network connection) and click the “Properties” button;
  • check the box “Use the following DNS server addresses”;
  • enter your address for main and for an alternative DNS server;
  • save changes.

After changing your network connection settings, try logging into your browser and going to some web resource. As a rule, this problem still arises due to the provider’s DNS server being temporarily down, which, as you already know, can be easily bypassed.

Well, did you manage to fix the problem? If not, then let's move on. And then we have another solution that concerns DNS.

Clear the DNS cache on your computer

You may have lost the ability to browse the web through your browser due to a DNS cache that has accumulated on your system. This happens sometimes - and this problem is solved using a simple command entered in the system console.

So, to reset the DNS resolver cache, you need to do the following:

  • press the key combination Windows+X;
  • open the console and enter the command into it ipconfig/flushdns and press Enter;
  • wait until the command completes and close the console.

Open your browser and try to visit a website. If the result is zero, then try restarting the computer after executing the command, and then check the browser again. It didn’t help - we move on.

Disabling the proxy server in connection settings

Another reason why you might have difficulty navigating to various resources on the network is activated function on using a proxy server for local connections. You may have activated this feature yourself, or perhaps some application on your system did it. One way or another, you need to check if it is enabled. To do this, do the following:

  • click Windows+S;
  • enter “Control Panel” into the search engine and select the found system element;
  • open the “Browser Options” section in the panel;
  • go to the “Connections” tab and click on the “Network Settings” button;
  • if next to the option “Use a proxy server for local connections(does not apply to dial-up or VPN connections)” is checked, then uncheck it and save the changes;
  • restart your computer.

If for some reason you actually had this function activated, then after disabling it, open your browser and check if you can go to some page on the Internet.

Reset your network connection settings

Who knows, maybe something was changed in your network connection settings, after which you can no longer use it normally to access the Internet. Fortunately, you can easily reset these settings using a few commands. To apply them you need to do the following:

  • press the key combination Windows+X;
  • select “Command Prompt (Administrator)”;
  • Having opened the console, enter the following set of commands into it:
    • ipconfig /flushdns
    • ipconfig /registerdns
    • ipconfig /renew
    • ipconfig /release
  • Once you've finished entering commands, restart your computer.

Open your browser again and check if everything is in place. As a rule, by this point many users are able to fix the problem. However, if it didn’t work out for you, then we still have for you last tip: use some kind of antivirus and scan the system for viruses. Yes, if you still haven’t been able to use your network connection normally, then most likely there is some kind of virus involved that has entered the system.

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

In this article we will try to figure out why and why the browser stops loading pages and accessing different sites. Despite the fact that the Internet continues to work normally, judging by the connection status on the notification panel. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether you have a PC or a laptop. It has Windows 10, Windows 8, or Windows 7 installed on it. And it doesn’t even matter how you connect to the Internet: via cable directly, or via a Wi-Fi router.

If there is some kind of red cross or yellow exclamation mark next to the icon, then the browser does not load the pages due to lack of Internet connection. And this problem needs to be solved. First of all, reboot the computer and router (if you have a connection through it). You may also find these articles useful:

When the Internet connected and working, then the icon should be like this:

Usually, when there is Internet but sites do not load, then programs such as Skype do not lose the Internet connection. Pay attention to this. And if your Internet works (connection status as in the screenshot above), but does not access sites through different browsers, then try to apply the recommendations that I will write about later in this article. And one more thing:

  • If you are connected via a router, check whether sites load on other devices. If not, then reboot your router. You can also connect the Internet directly to your computer and try to access a website. Perhaps this problem was caused by the provider.
  • If the problem is only on one computer, then it is important to remember when and after what it appeared. For example, after installing some program.
  • Restart your computer and run diagnostics Windows networks. You need to right-click on the connection icon and select “Diagnostics problems”. You can write about the results in the comments.
  • Try going to different pages. Perhaps the problem is in one specific site. Also try different browsers.

The problem is clear, let's move on to solutions.

If the browser does not load pages, the first step is to change the DNS

This is the most popular and most working solution this problem. Almost always, it is because of problems with DNS that sites do not load when the Internet is working. And in such cases, I recommend registering DNS from Google. This is not at all difficult to do.

Need to go to network connections. Do it in a way that is convenient for you. You can press a keyboard shortcut Win+R, enter the command ncpa.cpl and click Ok.

Right-click on the connection through which you are connected to the Internet and select "Properties".

In the new window, highlight “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and click on the “Properties” button.

As in the screenshot below.

Everything should work right away. If not, then try restarting your computer.

More information on this topic in the article:.

ipconfig/flushdns – flush DNS cache

Run command line as administrator and run the command ipconfig/flushdns. DNS cache will be reset and the problem may be resolved.

It should look something like this:

After this, it is advisable to reboot.

How proxy settings can affect how pages load in your browser

If there is some program, perhaps even malicious, or we ourselves change the proxy server settings, then this may cause this problem. You need to check that there are no unnecessary settings in the proxy server settings.

In Control Panel, find and open "Educator Properties". If you have Windows 10 installed, then this item will be called “Browser Options”. You can type this phrase in the search, it will be faster.

On the "Connections" tab, click on the "Network Settings" button. Check that the settings are like mine in the screenshot below.

If everything is fine there, then move on to the next solution.

Resetting network settings

In Windows 7, Windows 8 (and even in Windows 10), you can reset network settings using separate commands, which must be executed one by one in the command line running as administrator.

ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /registerdns

ipconfig /release

We execute the commands one by one.

Don't forget to restart your computer.

Avast installed?

If you have installed on your computer Avast antivirus, then there is a high probability that the browser cannot load sites precisely because of it. There are reviews in the comments that reinstalling the antivirus solves this problem.

Try uninstalling Avast first. If the Internet works, you can install it back.

Nothing helped, are there any other options?

Check your computer for viruses. There are many good ones that are free antivirus utilities. If you have an antivirus installed, then run a computer scan.

You can also try temporarily disabling your antivirus. Maybe he changed some network settings, and the pages in the browser stopped opening.

Think, maybe the problem appeared after installing or uninstalling some program. Or change some parameters. This way you can find out at least an approximate cause of these problems.

If I remember anything else, or learn something new about this problem, I will definitely update the article. You also share your experience in the comments, write about working solutions. You can leave your questions.

There are several reasons why the browser does not open web pages of sites; you can read the solutions in the article. Modern users We often encounter a situation where Internet-related applications function, but some social networks, individual web pages, or even all pages in the browser do not open.
In some cases, these sites may open, but for a very long time, with freezing and long loading of both images and other content on it.

1. Registry

First of all, let's move on to checking the registry. This is done through windows folder, but it’s faster and easier to configure and check through the command line:
- Win+R brings up the command line;
- Enter the regedit command;
- Confirm the command entry.

The next window is the registry editor we need. On the left side there are sections where you need to find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE item. Then they are selected one by one various components, we need to find the Windows component.
On the right side there is a list of settings, pay attention to the setting " Applnit_DLLs" If there is nothing in it, it is empty, then everything is fine. If any path is indicated there, then erase all the contents and confirm the changes.

Also in the registry, look in another section: HKEY_CURRENT_USER, where you should do exactly the same as with the previous section. When the operation is completed, restart your computer and try to enter the required page. Most often this helps.

2. HOST file

If Skype works, but browsers do not accept a single page, then most likely the problem is hosts file. Although hosts often impose restrictions specifically on social networks, there are exceptions.
Path to HOSTS: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc, the file has no extension. By default it next text:

The last line is necessarily localhosts. If there is other text afterwards, then this is all code added by programs or other utilities that needs to be deleted, then restart the computer and try to log into the network.


It happens that the problem is in DNS - this is not uncommon. All the user needs to do in this case is to go to the command line and ping a specific site that should, but does not work.
To check, they usually ping search engine: google, yandex.

If the answer is the same as in the photo above, then google.com was not detected. And the problem is precisely in the DNS. You can fix it by replacing the Google server address with all eights.
If it helps, now go to the Internet connection properties and insert these eights as full ones DNS servers. If the cause of the denial of service was DNS, then after configuration the ability to interact with a specific resource will resume.

4. Viruses

The reason for the inability to connect to a certain site from a browser when applications are running may be ordinary malicious programs, popularly known as viruses.

Viruses usually act purposefully specific application: Chrome, Yandex, Opera, and it often happens that antivirus programs They don’t see them in the system.

To find and neutralize such viruses, there are special programs– Antimalware. Most often, these programs are free for a certain period of time, but usually they are only needed for emergency situations and hardly anyone will use it for more than 1 day.

Some viruses have the ability to partially block networks, creating a situation where it is impossible to connect to a specific address.
Usually some major social network type: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, less often Facebook.

To prevent such incidents from happening, you should install reliable and proven protection on your PC. Popular antivirus programs are suitable for such protection. Basically, most of them are paid, but you shouldn’t skimp on protection.

5. Firewall and antiviruses

It happens that websites are blocked by the firewall itself or by an antivirus. To continue interacting with a certain resource without any problems, set your antivirus settings so that there is no ban on a certain resource.

6. Static routes

Sometimes entries in the routing table can be tampered with. If there are a lot of them, then it will take a long time to remove the excess. And in this case it is best to use route command, with a special key for it –f.

- Call the command line, in which we write route-f.
This command will clear the list of routes and allow you to interact with all sites through your browser.

7. TCP IP parameters

It also happens that you may need TCP reset IP parameters. This is done, again, through the command line, where the following commands are entered: netsh winsock reset, as well as nets in ip reset.

Reboot the computer and try to connect to the network.