Some tips on how to remember what you forgot. If you forgot your VKontakte login


To restore your login email you will need the help of friends and acquaintances. While using the email box, you could exchange messages and files with them. All you need to do is find one of the messages you sent to them and extract the login from it. You can also analyze your social media post history. If you have a message search, enter your email domain in the search bar, for example, Once you know your email login, proceed to the next step.

Go to your email site. Next to the login and password entry field there will be a button to restore access to the mailbox. When restoring access to a mailbox located on the website, this is the “Forgotten?” button. Click on it, after which you will be redirected to the password recovery page.

Enter your login and select the domain on which your mailbox. On next page you will be prompted to enter a response to security question specified for registration. If you remember this answer, enter it in the appropriate field, after which you will be prompted for a new one. Otherwise, contact service technical support by clicking on the appropriate link.

Complete the password recovery form, paying special attention to all fields marked with a red asterisk. In addition, be sure to fill out the field additional information, as well as the address of a working mailbox to which you can write. You will be contacted later. To recover your password, provide all requested information, carefully following any instructions you receive.

After recovering your email account password, log in to your email using the login and password you received as a result previous actions.

Video on the topic


  • how to change login on mail
  • What to do if I forgot my password or my account

Social networks are taking up more and more space in our everyday life. We come to our favorite resource every day and log into our account automatically. And suddenly some kind of failure occurs, you try to log into the site and discover that the settings are messed up and your login you forgot. It's unpleasant, but fortunately, you can restore it in two ways.

You will need

  • You will need internet access.


Please note

Useful advice

If you have changed your login from your email address to some other one, either write it down, or it should be associative for you and easy to remember.


Often, many sites on the Internet offer their visitors to register. And then in the process you will be able to log in under your login and password. The situation is similar with email or online games. However, if you do not use your login, it is either lost or forgotten. In such cases, you have to use the recovery system.

You will need


For example, if you have lost your Rambler mail login, then you need to do the following. Reach out to people you've messaged before. They definitely have your past correspondence saved. They should contain headings that indicate your login. This way you can quickly recover your data. Such actions can be done on any website, not only on Ramblere. You can view your browser. Many of them save data such as password and login. In Mozille this can be done quite quickly. Go to the "Tools" section. There, select “Settings”. Go to the “Protection” option, and then select “Saved Passwords”. By default, the browser saves all passwords and logins. Find the one you need.

If data has been lost from any social network or other site, do the following. Go to your email and look for the registration form that they usually send. It will contain your login information to the site. In addition, you can use . He will always help. Refer to it from the page. Write a letter asking for the recovery of lost data. If you have forgotten your login, try your address instead. Sometimes this move helps. Using email you will restore your login.

If you have forgotten your login information to the site, use the recovery form. There is a “Forgot?” button for this. Some offer assistance to their users. Find information to contact the administration. Call and ask for help. They will help you. Data such as login and password for entering the game may also be lost. To restore your account, you need to fill out the form provided. In it you indicate your postal address and other information that is required. You will receive a message containing a recovery form. Fill out and submit all requested data again. In this way you will recover your data and be able to enter the game.

Nowadays, a lot of information is concentrated in email. It happens that you forget password from the mailbox. But there are several ways to restore it.


Recover the forgotten password, indicating additional address email. This is the e-mail you use when you register your mailbox. After which a message is sent to the specified Internet address, which confirms that such an e-mail will be auxiliary for restoring the main one email box. If you forgot password mail, then after the request, a letter with recovery recommendations will be sent to the address specified as an additional one.

Give the answer to the security question. This traditional way to recover your email password. You indicate the answer to your secret question when registering your email. It can be standard - from the proposed list - or your own. For example, " Maiden name mother" or "Your beloved". After all password, consisting of simple dialing characters are easy to crack, so the questions should be unusual and easy to remember.

Use your mobile number if you have lost your email password. Often postal services They ask you to enter your mobile phone number, which you indicated during registration. Usually the last four digits are requested. Your request will receive a message with a code that gives access to the password recovery system.

Contact the site administration if you do not remember the answer to your security question, have not registered an additional email address, or have not indicated the number mobile phone upon registration. Remember, you must prove to them in your letter that you have the unique right to use your email. There is a lot of information required. For example, the date of the last time you used your mailbox and the information that was provided during registration. Try to use all the suggested options.


  • forgot my email password

Tip 5: How to recover your password if you forgot the answer to a question

If you cannot access your mailbox for any reason, and when you try to restore password can't remember answer on question- don’t worry. It is enough to write a letter to the technical support service, confirm your identity and prove that you are the owner of this e-mail.

You will need

  • - Internet;
  • - copy of passport (if necessary).


Enter in address bar your internet browser ( Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or, for example, Safari) domain on which the mailbox is located. Next to the form for entering your email address or login, find the link: “Forgot”, “Remember” password"or "I don't have access to my account", enter your username and click "Next". After this, the system will request the information specified during registration, namely answer to secret question. Type any combination of letters or numbers and click “Next”.

Information will appear in the window indicating that the entered data is not valid. answer match those indicated in the profile. After which you will most likely be asked to enter information about yourself: an additional email address and/or mobile number. In case of correct answer Yes, you will have access to change your password. Otherwise (for example, you changed or did not specify a second mailbox), to restore access, write a letter to Users Support by filling out the request form. The answer will come within 3-5 days.

If the information you sent is not enough, write another letter. Include more than detailed information, which will help confirm your rights to this mailbox. These could be the names of the folders you created, addresses saved in the address book, the approximate date of registration, IP addresses from which access was most often made, etc.). If you provided your correct information during registration, send a scanned copy of your passport or other document confirming your identity.

Useful advice

Try to remember as much information related to your mail as possible. If possible, check by phone or in person the addresses of your friends and colleagues whom you included in address book. Remember on what days you sent them letters. If you use Mozilla browser Firefox, then you can find your email password quite easily, just go to: “Tools” - “Settings” - “Protection” - “Saved Passwords” - “Display passwords and find the one you need.”

  • - money to pay for services.
  • Instructions

    Domain Registration Authorities typically set recovery periods during which domains that are deleted due to non-payment can be returned. At the end of this period, the domain enters the deferral stage, where it cannot be restored. To find out what period your domain is in, log into the control panel at the address specified in the contract and on the Domain Registration Center website. Upon completion of the removal procedure from the registry and the end of the deferment period, the domain can be re-registered by any person. Please note that the procedure for restoring your domain is expensive and lengthy – up to 5 business days or more.

    If you are registered as a domain administrator, please pay to restore and renew your domain registration. Also send a recovery request via email with your domain name. In response to it you the link will come for authorization, which is valid for 24 hours. By clicking on it, you confirm your consent to restore the domain and pay for the relevant services. You will be informed about the restoration and renewal of the domain by e-mail, the address of which you indicated in the contract. For recovery details, see the instructions on your domain registrar's website.

    In all other cases, to restore the domain, personally visit the office of the registrar with your passport. At the office, write an application for domain restoration and pay for this service according to the registrar’s tariffs. If for some reason you cannot visit the office in person, send a notarized letter. Notarization is required to verify your identity. In the letter also include notarized copies of the pages of your passport, an application for domain restoration in free form and a receipt for payment for the restoration and renewal of registration service.

    Video on the topic

    A situation in which you have to search for a long time for something that was put in an unknown place is quite common and common. Just a couple of minutes ago you were absolutely sure that you put this thing in a strictly defined place, but it wasn’t there. Circumstances in which you are in a hurry and lost item simply necessary in at the moment time. What to do in this case and how to remember where you put the thing?

    To find the things you need, psychologists offer several simple ways.

    1. Returnable. If you just held the necessary item in your hands, but now you can’t remember where it is, use useful advice: return to the place where you saw the desired item in last time and repeat once again all the actions that you performed before taking the desired item. Thanks to exactly the same sequence of execution, you will probably immediately remember where you put or wanted to put the much-needed item.

      For example, you cannot find the TV remote control. The last time you picked it up was when you were sitting in a chair and watching your favorite TV series... Until someone rang your doorbell. Thus, your remote control will most likely be in the hallway.

    2. Logical. Let's say you need a specific nail. And it’s comfortable to hold, and you pulled it out of the old chair very easily. Let's think logically - where could you put it? A nail is a small thing, which means it can easily get lost. To prevent the carnation from falling and rolling away in an unknown direction, where can you put it? In a desk drawer? In a small box? Look where it would be best for him to be.
    3. Repeating. Imagine that you have the necessary thing in your hands. Right now you are holding it, feeling its shape and weight. Where would you put it if you had it now, at this very moment? Now go and see if you did the same thing before?
    4. Lifter. If the item is small, your home is being renovated, your children have made a mess, or your previous searches were unsuccessful, try searching in a new way. Think and remember the places where you usually put the desired item. Do you remember? Now look around to see if in these places there are newspapers, sheets of paper, scarves or other things that may cover or block your search object. Perhaps the thing you need is in its place, just covered with something else.
    5. Oblivious. Despite its name, this method of finding lost items is very effective. Often, when we are looking for a certain thing, we reproduce it in detail in memory. Sometimes even too detailed. The fact is that when we want to find an object too much, we visually outline it, and our brain, because of such detail, thinks that the object has already been found. This is the reason for the well-known phenomenon in which the object of search lies simply before our eyes, but we do not notice it and search further. Therefore, put off your search for a couple of minutes, take a walk, and do something else, even if it’s just a momentary thing. Most likely, when you return to your search, you will immediately discover the lost item.
    6. Ancient. Our ancestors also noticed that finding forgotten things is a difficult task. This is how the ancient sign arose. If you cannot find the necessary thing, take the scissors and open them, and then put them in this form on the table. They say that after something like this everything is found instantly. Do you know why? Our brain is distracted from searching and switches to scissors. And here the fifth, forgetting method comes into force.
    Using these methods, you can easily remember where you put it. necessary thing and you will find it easily.

    You want to restore access to the page, you indicate your phone number, but VKontakte also asks for your last name to make sure that it is the owner and not someone who has taken possession of his number. And you forgot the last name you indicated.

    VKontakte asks people to indicate their real first and last names. When you register, the site asks: “What is your name? What is your last name? - and this is not a joke. You indicated a fictitious, not real, fake last name, and maybe your first name too. That is, a pseudonym. Of course, at that moment no one grabbed your hand, checked your passport, or said: “Ay-ay-ay, you can’t do that!” You didn't get any error. The site believed you - maybe that’s your real name.

    Now you can’t remember your last name and you can’t find your fake page. You see, you created a problem for yourself. So you will have to solve it. If the last name were real, you would have restored access by now. In your case, you first need to either remember the last name, or recognize it, or somehow find the page.

    How to find out a last name, find a page?

    1. Remember who you corresponded with through that page. Contact this person and ask them to find messages from you.
    2. Another option - if you added someone as a friend, were a subscriber from that page (or you were added as a friend), first find that friend on VK, and then scroll through his list of friends. Or, on the contrary, ask him to find you on his friends list and tell him your last name.
    3. You can do it yourself find your comments somewhere on VK, made from that page. Remember if you participated in any groups. Perhaps you can find some discussions in them where you wrote from a page with a now forgotten last name.
    4. Try searching for your page by name and city (set your age and other parameters to find it faster).

    Is it possible to find out the last name through the support service if there is a number?

    No, you can't, and here's why. Firstly, the rules of the VKontakte site require users to indicate their real first and last names (that is, according to their passport), but it turns out that you have violated them. Look, here's a quote:

    5.3. When registering on the Site, the User is obliged to provide the Site Administration with the necessary reliable and up-to-date information to form personal page User, including a unique login and password for access to the Site for each User, as well as last name and first name.

    Secondly, if support provided a last name by mobile number, then by numbers from any ad site it would be possible to find the people on VKontakte who submitted these ads. This is unacceptable.

    Thirdly, if you lost your phone, the person who found it could easily find out your last name, hack your page, and then change your number. It's unlikely that you would be happy about this. Rather, I would even be indignant: “How is it that I restored my SIM card, but I no longer have the page? Why then is there a need for name verification at all?”

    Therefore, no, look for the last name or remember it yourself.

    How can I find out my last name if I am an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

    The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prohibits subordinates from indicating their real names in social networks. If you are a law enforcement officer and forgot the last name you indicated, and now you cannot restore your page, these are not VKontakte problems, but your personal ones, unfortunately. You can tell management how hard it is to remember the left name and ask them to cancel the order. You just read all the tips on how to remember your last name and first name, there are no other tips.

    Losing your login and password for your VKontakte page is a common problem. Without them, you will not be able to re-enter your profile if you have completely left it (see).

    Now I'll show you how it works standard tool recovery of login and password. We will also look at useful tips, which can be used for these purposes.

    So, what should you do if you forgot your login and password in contact?.


    Let's repeat it again.

    VK login is the username used to log into the site (see). This could be your phone (see), or email address (see).

    Password is a unique combination of letters, numbers or special characters.

    What to do if you forgot your password in contact

    Let's consider a situation where you cannot remember the password for your page.

    We go to the main page:

    • Login
    • Email
    • Telephone

    This is necessary in order to identify our page. After this, click the “Next” button.

    If the data provided is correct, then VK will find our page and show it to us, indicating our full name and avatar. If everything is correct, press the button "Yes, this is the right page".

    After this, a message will be sent to the phone number linked to the page. special code. You will need to enter it into the form and click the button "Change password".

    After this you will need to come up with New Password(see), and enter it into the form.

    How to recover a password in a contact without a phone

    If for some reason you cannot use the access restoration function via your phone, then you should proceed as follows.

    Let's go back a little to the form for entering a code from an SMS message. Here we click the link from the bottom menu - “Click here”.

    On the next page you need to fill out the form in as much detail as possible. Enter all your data so that the Vkontakte administration can accurately determine that you are the owner of the specified page.

    After you fill out the form, click the button "Send request". Now you need to wait for a response from the support service (see).

    If you forgot your VKontakte login

    First, I recommend that you try standard data. We have determined that this can only be a phone or email address. Surely there are not many of them at your disposal. If you still can’t remember, do the following.

    We find our page and copy its id (see). The easiest way to do this is to ask any friend to visit your page, having first found it in your friends list.

    And paste the id copied in the previous step. After this, click “Next”.

    We'll go back to the familiar questionnaire. We fill in the known data as much as possible and submit a request to restore access.

    How else to recover your password and login in contact

    There are no secret methods at the moment. If you are unable to remember your credentials, the surest way is to submit a request to support. Do this using the example described above.

    Please note - the more data you provide in the form, the higher the likelihood that your access will be restored.


    Don't forget to write down your username and password when registering on any site. This also applies to VK. This way, you will never lose your login information, and you will not have the need to recover your VKontakte login and password.

    Forgotten password - quite common problem among modern users Internet. Helps solve it!

    Forgotten password is a fairly common problem among modern Internet users. The reason for this is painfully banal - you haven’t used your account for a long time and your brain has moved unnecessary information somewhere in the back of my mind. If we draw an analogy with a computer, then the secret combination is somewhere in hidden folder your memory and you just need to find it. How to do this? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

    Logical chain: why is mnemonics so important?

    So, if you have forgotten your password, then your first action is to calm down. He did not disappear irretrievably (according to at least, a system that completely erases a person’s memory has not yet been invented). That is why you can always restore all the information that you forgot, simply by giving a certain key to your brain. Usually this is an association or logical chain based on which you made the combination. That’s why the first thing you need to do if you can’t remember the required sequence is to search for a key phrase.

    Usually, when creating a secret combination, users try to draw some kind of analogy between it and something important to themselves. Often this is personal information: date of birth or wedding, first name, last name, patronymic or patronymic of parents, husband, children. By the way, it is not recommended to do this, since good hacker will calculate such a password in no time.

    So, in order to remember the old secret code, write down all your personal data, as well as significant dates, on a piece of paper and try to make combinations from them. However, this method has one significant drawback- even if you manage to remember an approximate set of letters and numbers, your torment will not end there. To restore the required code, this will not be enough - you will also need to guess the layout and figure out which letters are capital and which are urgent.

    All these tips will not help at all in solving the question: “How can you remember? graphic code?. This is a kind of key with which the owner can protect his phone or tablet. If you forgot it, then you will have 5 attempts, after which the gadget will be blocked. However, there are two reasonable ways out of this situation: remember your account information or return to factory settings. In the first case, you must enter the email address you used via your smartphone and the secret alphanumeric combination from the mailbox. This will mean that you have fully confirmed your identity and can change the treasured key. The second method should be saved for last, since an emergency reboot of the system will completely delete all data from the phone (including the fact that it was blocked graphic key). However, in doing so, you may irrevocably lose telephone numbers, personal photos and videos that were stored in the device’s memory. To prevent this from happening, always do backups data.

    How to remember the password for your Instagram account?

    Social media account passwords are among the TOP most forgotten ones. The thing is that many users open their favorite social network on the same gadget. To make the process go as quickly as possible, they simply enter the code into the device’s memory. This, of course, cannot be done, because it is unknown in whose hands your device may end up. In addition, after spending several months in this mode, you may not be able to access your favorite social network from another device. This time is enough for the combination of numbers and letters to be completely forgotten.

    You can solve this problem using email, Facebook or phone number. If you can’t remember the password for Instagram, VK or Odnoklassniki, then select the password change function and a message with a new password will be sent to your Gmail (or other mailbox). This step will also help if you have forgotten the secret combination for your Microsoft account. This is practically the only way to restore it without visiting a service center.

    But to recover the password for a Sberbank card, these actions will not be enough - for this you should call the bank, go to the bank branch, and worry about the safety of the data. Also, to save funds on your card, you should not write down your password anywhere - it could become available to a fraudster. That is why the birth dates of loved ones are most often used for passwords. If you have forgotten your password and do not want to go to the nearest branch, try entering the data that is most important to you. However, remember that you will only have 5 attempts to check all versions. After this, the ATM will simply confiscate your card.

    How to remember the password for VK, mail and other Internet accounts?

    Each active Internet user sometimes has more than a dozen different accounts on social networks, several email addresses, registered on different domains, and also a certain amount personal accounts in online stores, banking and government institutions. Registration in any of them requires a login and password. If email address or phone number is most often used as the first one, then secret code must be purely individual. If you have one combination for all occasions, get ready for the fact that your personal data will become easy prey for any more or less savvy hacker. Abundance electronic passwords plus the code from the phone - and a continuous mess of numbers and letters forms in your head. This has already led to the fact that every second user forgets most of all this information. The most logical and the right decision This problem could be caused by a note made in a diary or a folder with passwords on the desktop (which are safely hidden among other information). But this bright thought usually comes to mind already when the desired combination does not want to be remembered, and the information is needed here and now.

    How to remember the password for Apple products?

    If you have forgotten your user account password Apple records, then you can restore it using a two-step or two-phase check.

    If you forget your iPhone password, you just need to enter the recovery code and receive confirmation from trusted device. But if you have forgotten your iCloud password and you do not have access to the gadget, then the situation becomes more complicated. However, it can be solved if you have a recovery code. But if the specified device is lost, as well as the necessary recovery combination, it is no longer possible to do anything with the password. You simply have no choice - you either remember the treasured numbers, or you are left without an account at all (which, in principle, is not very good). In this case, Android users benefit. With this operating system Passwords can always be reset by completely rebooting the system.

    Recall required password- the matter is not at all easy and requires some effort. Many people in a hopeless situation (when the treasured code is desperately needed) spend hours trying to remember the combination, hire professional hackers or go to see a hypnotherapist. To prevent this from happening to you, always write down your passwords, remembering to hide them well from prying eyes.

    How to remember your Yandex email password?

    Recovering a secret combination of numbers and letters on Yandex is quite simple - answer the key question. Upon registration, each new user leaves a secret message for the future in case he ever forgets required code. When you enter an incorrect combination into the system several times, you will be prompted for a passphrase. The answer is in best case scenario will be your password; at worst, it will tell you in which direction to look. For example, if you chose the name of your favorite teacher as a leading question, then it is quite natural that it will be encrypted in the password. But it’s not worth pointing out card data as a leading question. This way, hackers will also gain access to your bank account.

    A similar system of secret questions is used to remember the password for a Google account. In case you still couldn’t remember the treasured combination, order a new password, which the system will automatically send to the phone number you have chosen.

    How to remember your Wi-Fi password?

    Wi-Fi password is a combination that your smartphone or tablet remembers automatically. We practically don’t remember about him until we have new gadget, which should be connected to the Internet network. Remembering the wifi password can be very difficult, because every owner of an Internet signal distribution point tries to protect it as reliably as possible. And this is not surprising, because Wi-Fi with weak protection quickly becomes the prey of enterprising neighbors.

    What to do when the router password is completely forgotten? If, after fruitless attempts, you were unable to find the desired combination, then try entering the factory login and password. If even after this you are unable to connect your device, reset the settings on the router. It will return to factory settings and then the password specified on the device will definitely work.