Designation of wood saws. How to choose the discs for circular saw

Everyone who has a circular saw in the farm knows that from time to time the saw of the saw requires sharpening or replacement if the disk attacks completely wear out. In the article, consider all the main points that need to be taken into account when buying a circle, the characteristics of the saw disks.

Different diameters

Outer diameter of the circle

There are very small discs, from 150mm - such a low-power circular, respectively, with a small depth of cut, and the saw itself looks quite miniature.
There are saws and with a large circle of 160, 180, 185, 200mm. If you can wear a small circle to a large saw, then the big disc will not work on a small saw, it will touch the protection.

Inner diameter (seat hole)

A very important point when buying, which should be paid attention to. There are several sizes of the inner opening: 16, 20, 22, 30,32mm. If you don't know exactly, then, as a rule, this indicator is specified on the saw mark, and if it is erased, you can measure the hole, the roulette is measured very problematic, especially to see the difference of two millimeters (if 30mm or 32mm landing).
There are drives at once under two diameters of the opening, such have a ring-adapter in the kit.

Under two diameters

For example: the main size is under 30mm, there is still a ring that is inserted inside and obtain a diameter of 20mm.

Number of teeth on a saw

There are discs with a small amount of teeth (for example, 24 teeth are 200mm disk), such better fit for fast sawing material, such a disk is better to set when it is necessary to quickly cut off a bunch of boards and no particular accuracy required.
Circles with a lot of teeth are better suited for a neat cut, the cut turns smoother not "torn", but the time leaves a little more on the cut. Very good, so will cut Phaneur, DVP, chipboard. It is better in the farm to have different disks, both small and more teeth.

The slots on the saw blades are used for cooling, since when cutting strong friction and, accordingly, overheating disk.
Disk marking: Usually there are three parameters. For example: 190 * 24 * 30. This means the outer diameter of 190mm, 24 is the seating hole, 30 is the number of teeth.

Firms manufacturers

Mostly all the discs, like most tools, are produced in China. From inexpensive: "Stayer", "Ermak", "Attack". Than teeth more, the more expensive disk. Approximate price at the end of 2012:
The disk of a small diameter of 150mm costs about 150 rubles, 200mm - 220-400 rubles.

You can rarely meet the masters who would not be associated with sawing wood. Circular, disk saw, trimming, Cellorez is present in garages and homemade workshops almost everywhere, and this means that when you need sawing wheels on wood, it only depends only on time. Between themselves, all canvases differ in manufacturing material, shape, sizes, teeth, and other important parameters, which largely depends on the quality of cutting.

Silent discs

Today manufacturers offer a fairly large assortment of wood processing equipment. When it is purchased, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of the cutting fabric, because it depends on it, with which it will be possible to work with the material.

Wood saw discs for the grinder and disk saws differ in their technical indicators. The teeth of them are tilted in the direction of movement, and what they are more on the details, the more accurate and more accurately will be cut.

For a hand-held electric saw for saws, the Fiberboard will need a knife with frequent teeth (about 100 pcs.). For wood cutting, having many bitch, select reinforced discs, which have 24 cutting edges.

Marking of saw knives consists of 2 digits. The first means their diameter, and the second characterizes the diameter of the planting rod. Discs having a smaller indicator than is provided for by a saw, it is impossible to install on the equipment, since there is a space between the detail and the cover, which can happen to accidentally get a hand.

How to choose the disc

By purchasing saw blades on a tree, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • under what types of work, they will be used, which wood will be carried out.
  • a series of disk where the shape and sizes of teeth are taken into account whether there are special plates;
  • the design of the pool canvas (shape of the tooth, bias, the presence of plates, their shape, location, disk thickness);
  • the outer diameter needs to be selected with the frequency of rotation;
  • the diameter of the planting opening, which depends on the type of tool;
  • teeth parameters (thickness, form, quantity, etc.).

Disc characteristics

When the disk saw and saw blades are selected, you should immediately decide which materials will be processed and to execute what operation the tool is needed. Today there is a wide range of models. All of them are intended for certain works, because their choice should be paid to special attention.

The dependence of the diameter of the disks from the speed of rotation of the equipment

Wood saws Dimensions may have different.

  • the diameter of the disk up to 80 mm is used at a rotational speed of 23,800 rpm;
  • up to 100 mm - at a rotational speed of 19,100 rpm;
  • up to 120 mm - at 15,900 rpm;
  • 250 mm - at a rotation frequency of 7,600 rpm;
  • the diameter of the disk 300 mm is used at 6,300 rpm.

It should be remembered that the larger the diameter of the canvas, there will be less than the frequency of rotation of the saw. This must be taken into account when choosing equipment.

The dependence of the velocity of cutting from the material

In this respect, there is the following pattern:

  • for soft wood, it is recommended to use a speed of 50-90 m / s;
  • cutting solid rocks occurs at a speed of 50-80 m / s;
  • cutting exotic tree species - by 50-85 m / s;
  • for MDF panels, the speed is 30-60 m / s;
  • for laminate panels - 40-60 m / s;
  • for simple carpentry work and chipboard - 60-80 m / s.

When choosing a tool, it should be borne in mind that the saw blades on the tree sizes and shape of the teeth have different and can be used at several operating speeds.

It should be remembered that all tool manufacturers indicate the required parameters, so it is easily necessary to determine which equipment you need to choose to perform planned works. In addition to revolutions, speeds, thicknesses and other indicators, it should be noted that the disk saws can not only be manual, therefore, first of all, it should be determined for which tool is a specific disk.

Why is it very important to choose the keyboard correctly?

In the question of how to choose a saw blade for a clean cut, you need to consider parameters such as shape and size of teeth. Manufacturers offer several models:

  1. Carbide having special attacks that provide cross-saw. Products can be used for massive wood. Apply a saw blade for a clean cut case with transverse stripped wood fibers, chipboard, solid and soft wood species. Tooth of such models of trapezoidal shape and made of solid metals. Carbide drives with cutting knives in the thickness provide greater speed of work. They are used for machine tools with automatic feed.
  2. Special saw discs on a tree with variable tooth, cutting knives, thick reduced for the propyl. Used only for longitudinal propyl, allow you to make a neat and thin cut. It is impossible to use such web when working with a poplar. Tooth shape variable, 10 ° slope, shape straight. Such discs are used for single or two-level multiple machines, used for soft and solid wood, in which humidity is up to 15%.
  3. Disk with variable teeth, which can be used for radial, pendulum cutting. Used for manual tools. Provides high-quality transverse solid massive or solid, dried or wet wood. The tooth has a negative outer angle, which is 15 ° slope. Such a saw blade of a tree whose price is from 114 rubles. - The most optimal option for construction work on the site.

You can rarely meet the masters who would not be associated with sawing wood. Circular, disk saw, trimming, Cellorez is present in garages and homemade workshops almost everywhere, and this means that when you need sawing wheels on wood, it only depends only on time. Between themselves, all canvases differ in manufacturing material, shape, sizes, teeth, and other important parameters, which largely depends on the quality of cutting.

Silent discs

Today manufacturers offer a fairly large assortment of wood processing equipment. When it is purchased, it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of the cutting fabric, because it depends on it, with which it will be possible to work with the material.

Wood saw discs for the grinder and disk saws differ in their technical indicators. The teeth of them are tilted in the direction of movement, and what they are more on the details, the more accurate and more accurately will be cut.

For a hand-held electric saw for saws, the Fiberboard will need a knife with frequent teeth (about 100 pcs.). For wood cutting, having many bitch, select reinforced discs, which have 24 cutting edges.

Marking of saw knives consists of 2 digits. The first means their diameter, and the second characterizes the diameter of the planting rod. Discs having a smaller indicator than is provided for by a saw, it is impossible to install on the equipment, since there is a space between the detail and the cover, which can happen to accidentally get a hand.

How to choose the disc

By purchasing saw blades on a tree, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • under what types of work, they will be used, which wood will be carried out.
  • a series of disk where the shape and sizes of teeth are taken into account whether there are special plates;
  • the design of the pool canvas (shape of the tooth, bias, the presence of plates, their shape, location, disk thickness);
  • the outer diameter needs to be selected with the frequency of rotation;
  • the diameter of the planting opening, which depends on the type of tool;
  • teeth parameters (thickness, form, quantity, etc.).

Disc characteristics

When the disk saw and saw blades are selected, you should immediately decide which materials will be processed and to execute what operation the tool is needed. Today there is a wide range of models. All of them are intended for certain works, because their choice should be paid to special attention.

The dependence of the diameter of the disks from the speed of rotation of the equipment

Wood saws Dimensions may have different.

  • the diameter of the disk up to 80 mm is used at a rotational speed of 23,800 rpm;
  • up to 100 mm - at a rotational speed of 19,100 rpm;
  • up to 120 mm - at 15,900 rpm;
  • 250 mm - at a rotation frequency of 7,600 rpm;
  • the diameter of the disk 300 mm is used at 6,300 rpm.

It should be remembered that the larger the diameter of the canvas, there will be less than the frequency of rotation of the saw. This must be taken into account when choosing equipment.

The dependence of the velocity of cutting from the material

In this respect, there is the following pattern:

  • for soft wood, it is recommended to use a speed of 50-90 m / s;
  • cutting solid rocks occurs at a speed of 50-80 m / s;
  • cutting exotic tree species - by 50-85 m / s;
  • for MDF panels, the speed is 30-60 m / s;
  • for laminate panels - 40-60 m / s;
  • for simple carpentry work and chipboard - 60-80 m / s.

When choosing a tool, it should be borne in mind that the saw blades on the tree sizes and shape of the teeth have different and can be used at several operating speeds.

It should be remembered that all tool manufacturers indicate the required parameters, so it is easily necessary to determine which equipment you need to choose to perform planned works. In addition to revolutions, speeds, thicknesses and other indicators, it should be noted that the disk saws can not only be manual, therefore, first of all, it should be determined for which tool is a specific disk.

Why is it very important to choose the keyboard correctly?

In the question of how to choose a saw blade for a clean cut, you need to consider parameters such as shape and size of teeth. Manufacturers offer several models:

  1. Carbide having special attacks that provide cross-saw. Products can be used for massive wood. Apply a saw blade for a clean cut case with transverse stripped wood fibers, chipboard, solid and soft wood species. Tooth of such models of trapezoidal shape and made of solid metals. Carbide drives with cutting knives in the thickness provide greater speed of work. They are used for machine tools with automatic feed.
  2. Special saw discs on a tree with variable tooth, cutting knives, thick reduced for the propyl. Used only for longitudinal propyl, allow you to make a neat and thin cut. It is impossible to use such web when working with a poplar. Tooth shape variable, 10 ° slope, shape straight. Such discs are used for single or two-level multiple machines, used for soft and solid wood, in which humidity is up to 15%.
  3. Disk with variable teeth, which can be used for radial, pendulum cutting. Used for manual tools. Provides high-quality transverse solid massive or solid, dried or wet wood. The tooth has a negative outer angle, which is 15 ° slope. Such a saw blade of a tree whose price is from 114 rubles. - The most optimal option for construction work on the site.

The need for sawing various materials may occur in everyday life, in the country area, during construction work. The use of a circulation saw will significantly simplify and speeds up this procedure. The most important structural element of the sawing unit is discs used both in manual models and in stationary devices.

Disc destinations

Circular saw discs are indispensable in the process of pipelocking. Processing can be subjected to:

  • wood;
  • products of tree origin, such as Faner, chipboard, laminate, etc.;
  • polymeric products, plexiglas, polystyrene;
  • stone of natural origin;
  • metal soft structure - aluminum, copper items;
  • objects based on iron alloys, such as pipe products, professional flooring.

What discs exist

The main factor determining the choice of this inventory is the correct selection of the required types of discs.


They are made of metal solid species. So, the most commonly used high carbon or fast-cutting steel. For finishing processing of soft and solid wood, it is advisable to use sharp teeth resembling hacksaw. They are used in the processing in the longitudinal direction and across.

There are modifications with a bent-type teeth. Their outer form differs roundness. They are used when cutting up soft wood.

The monolithic canvas is equipped with a large number of teeth and allow several flow cycles. The cost is not too high. However, the teeth are quickly stupid, and therefore regular sharpening and divorce is required.


The main material for the manufacture is the steel tool type. Such such discs are intensified. It contains two components - cobalt and tungsten carbides. The popularity of inventory is due to a variety of factors:

  • the possibility of processing a variety of materials;
  • reliability and increased strength;
  • a long period between sharpening;
  • lack of need for divorce teeth;
  • high quality cut;
  • fast cutting;
  • a wide range of.

However, these are expensive models of discs that create problems when solving the issue, how to sharpen the disc for circular. Since additional equipment is required.

Selection of discs for circular saw

If you needed working on cutting material, it should be understood that the choice of the appropriate inventory should be determined by the base-dimensioner of the base unit.

The characteristics of the material being processed are important. Universal assignments do not exist. Therefore, the question should be addressed in advance which disk to choose.

Outside diameter

This selection parameter is directly dependent on the sizes of the saw itself. If you take a disk with a large diameter, it cannot be installed on a tool with a small casing diameter. Operations with disks excessively small sizes is also fraught with consequences.

The outer size does not affect the processing speed, but determines the depth of the saw. In the manual instrument, cutting components with a diameter of 130-250 mm are used.

With a large immersion of the web into the surface of the material, the load on the engine increases. It is recommended that the teeth do not protrude above the processing plane more than 10-20 mm.

Landing diameter

Planting the disk on the instrument should be durable. The diameter of the nest under the pin varies in the range of 16 mm, 20 mm, 22 mm, 30 mm, 32 mm. Some products exist lateral excavations for narrow pins. This ensures enhanced fixation.

Number of teeth

On the saw blades there may be a different number of teeth. Therefore, they are classified for several types:

  • with increased presence of cutters - from 80 to 90 pcs.;
  • the presence of average number - from 40 to 80 pcs.;
  • with a small volume - 10-40 pcs.

The speed parameter and purity of the cutting depends on this parameter. If you take analogue with a small number of teeth, the speed will be higher, but the processing quality is lowered. Circular wood disk, in which it is constructively there is an average number of incisors, is considered universal.

Tilt of rubber

This parameter is associated with how much the disk radius deviates from the plane of the edge of the cut. If the deviation in the back of the cutter, then the slope is negative. With the opposite is positive. The second option is effective with the longitudinal method of cutting.

Tilt can be:

  • standard, with an angle of 5-15 degrees;
  • positive - 15-20 degrees;
  • negative - from 0 ° to -5 °.

Configuration of rubber

Determined by the type of material being processed, which can be seen in the photo of the circular discs. Distinguish the cutters:

Flat - for rapid cuts of any wood material in the longitudinal direction.

Replaced with an alternating slope. It is used for smooth cutting wood, plywood, chipboard in the longitudinal or transverse direction.

Combined - universal option for different types of propyl.

A trapezoid flat species is a sequence of flat cutters with sharpening in the form of a trapezoid for a high teeth and with a flat sharpening at the bottom. Wood or products from it, polymers and non-ferrous metals of a soft structure are processed.

A replacement with an increased inclination - provides first transverse processing, applicable in working with a fragile material, which quickly splits.


This factor determines the width of the propyl performed. In standard form, it is 3.2 mm. The load on the tool depends on the thickness. The thinner the disc, the stronger the circular is overheated. The large thickness is conjugate with increased consumption of material.

By choosing discs for a saw, you should take into account the specifics of the operating conditions of the instrument and the nature of the work. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the circularity itself - the power, permissible number of revolutions, the size of the planting and the magnitude of the protective casing.

Photo of discs for circular saw

  1. Types of cutters
  2. The size
  3. Number of teeth
  4. Shape and tilt of teeth
  5. License thickness
  6. Best manufacturers

Wood saw saws are actively used as in production and in everyday life. They are indispensable where it is necessary to carry out the most accurate cutting of materials in a short time. Of course, to perform work with this type of tools, the saw circle will be required, and it is necessary to approach its choice with full responsibility. First of all, the correctness of the choice affects the quality of cutting and, which is equally important, increases the safety level of the workflow. In order not to make a mistake with the acquisition of an important consumable element for the disk saw and be confident in the prosperous outcome of its application, you need to get acquainted with the types and technical characteristics of the cutting circles, which we offer to do right now.

Features of cutters and criteria for their choice

Cutting discs for circular saws are available in a wide range, so in the trading network there is no shortage of such an important cutting element. If necessary, you can easily choose exactly the model of the cutter, which will be compatible with the main tool and is suitable for a certain nature of the work. Many inexperienced masters are trying to find a universal circle that at the same time all possible ways could process various material using different-type saws, but unfortunately there are no such samples.Even if you can somehow adapt an inappropriate element for your purposes, the process is unlikely to be safe, and some problems will arise with the quality of cutting. For example, the tracing saw should be equipped with a round with a negative corner of teeth, which will provide a pure cross section. If you install such a cutter on the machine for the longitudinal sawming of the wood, it will increase the vibration of the equipment and will push off the workpiece, which threatens the injury to the operator.

Types of cutters

Cutters, like any working tool, have a number of specifications that indicate their dimensions, purpose and material manufacturing material. So, in the first place it is worth noting that all saw blades for circular saws are made to divide into two groups:

  • monolithic;
  • carbide.

In the first case, we are dealing with products made of solid metal, which uses high-speed or high carbon steel. The longitudinal and transverse sawing of soft and solid wood provides for the use of discs with sharp teeth by analogy with the hacksaw. Wide cutting segments of the curved configuration are formed on disk saws specifically designed for handling soft wood. Monolithic canvas, usually containing a lot of teeth, can be sharpened again several times, as they quickly disappear and occasionally require sharp.

Carbide saw blades for various woodwork produce from hardened steel, on which, according to the technology, it is customary to attach inserts from tungsten carbide and cobalt. Washing discs with carbide attacks are deservedly popular with buyers, as they have a whole number of advantages over the products without Nakak:

  • suitable for cutting all sorts of building materials;
  • there is no need to perform a divorce of teeth;
  • characterized by high strength;
  • show reliable operation;
  • long do not stupid;
  • form clean cut;
  • function at high speed;
  • presented by a wide range, which allows the selection of the required type for all sorts of tasks.

If we talk about disadvantages of such cutters, then this is a high price of carbide drives and the complexity of their re-sharpening. So, to correct the cutting element will require special machines and an experienced master.

The size

The overall dimensions of the saw saw on the tree are determined by the outer diameter and the size of the planting opening. The outer size of the cutter must be approached by a similar circular casing parameter, and otherwise the large circle is simply not fit under a small protective element. From the sawing disks of small diameter when installing on overall circular machines, it is better to refuse, as this can lead to undesirable consequences. Also, the depth of the cut and, accordingly, the thickness of the processed workpiece depends on the external cutter diameter. It is worth remembering that the load on the motor Motor increases in proportion to the immersion of the disc into the sawnaterial.

The inner diameter of the sawbound circle should allow the cutter to sit tightly on the landing pin, which will ensure its durable and reliable mount. Manufacturers of work equipment produce cutting elements with different inner diameters. As a rule, the standard parameters of the inner part of the saw disk are equal to 16, 20, 22, 30, 32 and 50 mm. There are also samples with the diameter of the planting opening 25.4 and 50 mm, and the second option is provided for a cutter with a diameter of 250 mm. On some models, additional recesses are provided for improving the fixing of circles on narrow pins.

For manual saws, a circle is usually acquired, the outer diameter of which varies within 130-250 mm. Here there are often cutters on a tree of 165x20 mm, 165x30 mm, 190x30 mm, 210x30 mm, 200x32 mm or 250x30 mm. Stationary machines set cutters with an outer diameter of 250 to 500 mm. In this segment, discs are particularly popular with a fairly large diameter (400x50 mm). The tracing saw, as a rule, is supplied with discs from 200 to 305 mm, and a mini saw (rotorizers) are equipped with elements, a diameter of 85 mm. For mini saws, the circles of 85 x20 mm or 85 x10x1.6 mm, 85 x10x1.0 mm are most often acquired. If we talk about trimming, then cutters of 305 x30 mm and 305 x32 mm are extremely popular here. In any case, circular saws are accompanied by the instructions where the recommended cutter size is indicated, so using the saw discs for a tree saw, you can be guided by these data.

Number of teeth

By the number of cutting segments, the saw blades on a tree can be divided into three categories:

  1. 10-40 pcs. - small amount.
  2. 40-80 pcs. - Average number.
  3. 80-90 pcs. - a large number of.

This parameter is selected taking into account the nature of the work performed. So, for cross-saw wood, it is better to purchase cutters with a maximum number of teeth. The longitudinal sawing will be better if it is done to the disk with an average number of cutting segments.

Shape and tilt of teeth

The most direct impact on the quality of the cut is the configuration of the incisors, and their form must be selected under a certain material that is treated. The most popular is a saw blade with variable teeth, which copes with cutting both soft and solid wood, and also features an optimal value for money.

The tilt of the tooth is determined by the direction of deviation of the cutting edge relative to the canvas. The negative angle of inclination indicates the deviation of the tooth to the back of the cutter, positive - in the opposite direction. The standard slope is 5-15 °, positive - 15-20 °, negative - 0 - -5 °.

With a positive inclination of the cutters, the disk seems to capture the sawn timber and runs on it in the process of sawing, which contributes to the acceleration of material processing. In the case of a negative slope, we are talking about a slow cut, but the cut or groove will be more neat. The circular saw with zero slope is designed for cutting metals. As for the shape of the cutters, there may be many options here, and it is from the configuration that what work will be performed.

A removable tooth has an alternately bevelled edge into the left and right side. This type of cutter is suitable for longitudinal and transverse saws of wood and products from it. Unfortunately, such discs are quickly wearing and are difficult to sharpen. More wear-resistant are samples with flat trapezoid teeth, so they are used for cutting dense metals. For cutting laminate and similar materials, a saw blade with two types of teeth are acquired: concave and triangular. If you need a fast longitudinal and transverse tree cutting, the choice is usually stopped in circles with combined teeth (two bevelled and one flat). If you are planning to carry out longitudinal frozen wood, where contact with nails or concrete can occur, buy a disc with flat teeth containing a chamfer that will improve the quality of work.

License thickness

First of all, the disk thickness generates the width of the cut, and the standard one is considered to be a parameter of 3.2 mm. For dense materials, the masters acquire standard or thicker circles. A thin wood saw blade is suitable for working with delicate wood. For aluminum products and laminated material, samples are recommended 3.2 mm thick or higher. By the way, subtle copies leave less waste, but they are less hardy and faster, so they have to be replaced more often. Thick cutters have a long operational period, but they are not so neat.

Design and disc marking

Good discs on sawing machines or circular saws are made according to the laser cutting method, they are balanced on computer installations and grind along the latest technology. If, when examining a disc, irregularities and roughness are noticeable, then it is better to give up from such a purchase. The thing is that such samples are susceptible to excess heating, and their cutters are quickly blinking. On the side of the circle, compensation cooling cuts should be applied, at the end of which a special groove is formed. Such additional elements reduce the noise level, reduce the vibration and eliminate the disc from overheating.

The corporal saw corporate disc is always marked with no paint, but a laser, and even after the intensive use of the applied characters do not be abrase, because information from the manufacturer may be needed not only at the time of purchase, as well as the maintenance. Typically, the labeling is the following information.:

  • circle thickness;
  • the diameter of the outer and inner edge;
  • the number of cutters;
  • the value of revolutions;
  • teeth shape diagram;
  • serial number.

Having considered the characteristics of the circular disks, we managed to conclude that, acquiring the cutting element, in addition to the main parameters, it is necessary to take into account which type of cutting will be carried out (longitudinal or ending), which materials will be processed, and at what type of equipment a saw circle will be installed ( Fantasy saw, machine, mini circular).

Best manufacturers

All manufacturers of circular saws produce components to them, including sawing circles. Below is a short rated brands and circles models that are most popular among the masters.

  • Bosch Construct Wood 190x30 (from 650 p.) - Designed for fast and high-quality wood cutting in difficult conditions. Not afraid of contact with nails and concrete.
  • Makita 190x30 (from 1000 p.) - Mounted on rechargeable disk saws, is distinguished by a long service life and the excellent quality of the cutting of the tree.
  • Werk 190x30 (from 200 p.) - with a carbide attack perfectly copes with a sharp tree of various hardness, plywood, chipboard, etc.
  • Metabo Power Cut 250x30 (from 3000 p.) - Performs coarse and average longitudinal cuts and can be used on ending saws, as well as low power circular.
  • Haisser 250x30 (from 700 p.) - with a carbide attack and variable tooth is suitable for installation on professional equipment and can work without a break for a long time.
  • DEWALT DT4287 250X30 (from 4500 r.) - With trapezoidal teeth, shows high reliability when working with complex materials. For reliable fixation, the circle is equipped with a honked clamping hole.