OS family windows evolution development prospects. Current trends in OS development

· Tendency towards OS integration (not only at the graphical level

shells, but also at the level of the common core); family development

OS based on common code modules

Significantly improved reliability, safety and

OS fault tolerance; OS development using managed code

or its analogues

· Continued trend towards open source OS projects

(new ideas needed – great opportunity for

young programmers)

· Development of virtualization: It is necessary to ensure

the ability to execute or emulate any

application in any modern OS environment

· Further convergence in OS capabilities for

desktop and mobile OS

· Further integration of OS and networks

· Transfer of OS and basic tools to environments for

cloud computing

· OS remains an actively developing area,

one of the most interesting in the field of system


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Operating system concept. Purpose. Main characteristics and classification

The concept of an operating system, the purpose of the main characteristics and classification.. architecture ms dos system kernel loading the system and additional drivers.. model of process states in unix svr..

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The evolution of operating systems. Ways of development of modern operating systems
First period (1945 -1955) The first tube computing devices. At that time, the same group of people participated in design, operation, and programming.

Process management concept
In a multitasking (multiprocess) system, a process can be in one of three main states: EXECUTION - the active state of the process, during which the process has all the functions

The concept of flow. Threads at the user level and at the kernel level. Combined approaches
Each process has an address space and a single thread of executable commands. In multi-user systems, each time you access the same service, you have to create new

Operating system layer model
OSI model 1. physical layer 2. data link layer 3. network layer 4. transport layer 5. session layer 6. presentation layer

Monolithic core
The monolithic kernel provides a rich set of hardware abstractions. All parts of a monolithic kernel operate in the same address space. This is an operating system scheme in which all components

The microkernel provides only basic process control functions and a minimal set of abstractions for working with hardware. Most of the work is carried out using special

Process concept. Creation and completion. 3-state model
Reasons for creating processes Reasons for ending processes

The concept of flow. Thread states
A thread is a unit of execution. It is an entity within a process that is subject to scheduling. This is a separate command counter. A thread displays one of possibly many subtasks of a process. Flow can nah

The concept of flow. Characteristics of streams. Multithreading as a property of the operating system
A thread is a unit of execution. It is an entity within a process that is subject to scheduling. This is a separate command counter. A thread displays one of possibly many subtasks of a process. Multithreading

Process concept
A process is an action system that implements a specific function in a computing system. This is the logical unit of operation of the OS. The OS performs tasks related to processes, such as management, pl

Types of addresses and address spaces
To identify variables and commands at different stages of the program life cycle, different names are used: Symbolic names are assigned by the user when writing a program for an algorithm

Logical organization
In fact, the main memory in a computer system is always organized as a linear (one-dimensional) address space consisting of a sequence of bytes or words. The WTO is organized similarly.

Features of the client-server architecture for the OS (system with a microkernel) and for the environment
To a certain extent, it can be called a return to the “host computer + terminals” model, since the core of such a system is the database server, which is an application that implements

The concept of virtual memory as a function of operating systems. Organization and operating principles
Virtual memory is a set of software and hardware that allows users to write programs whose size exceeds the available RAM; for this purpose virtual memory

The basic idea of ​​organizing I/O software is to split it into several levels, with the lower levels providing shielding of hardware features from the upper ones, and so on.

Memory protection
Memory protection is a way to manage access rights to individual memory regions. Used by most multitasking operating systems. The main purpose of memory protection is

Hi all! Currently, the most popular mobile operating systems are Android, iOS and Windows Phone. However, over time, everything can change.

“Synergy” is the name of the first Russian universal software platform, which is being developed by specialists from the Russian Federal Nuclear Center. It is expected that OSs (operating systems) will be created on its basis for various classes of devices - tablets, smartphones and even multimedia systems. The development of this platform remains a project for now - it was only announced that it will be based on Linux.

However, those who were involved in the naming of this system correctly guessed the future direction of the OS development. They will develop in breadth, covering an increasing number of classes of devices, allowing them to interact more effectively with each other, as well as increasing user comfort.

The long-awaited Windows 10 will be just such an operating system, which Microsoft representatives will talk about in more detail on January 21. Its main feature is a unified development environment in which it will be possible to create applications for game consoles, TVs, phones, tablets and full-fledged PCs.

Thanks to this, developers will no longer be constrained by the need to adapt their programs for different platforms - this will save a significant amount of time and reduce the number of errors in applications.

The latter will also be facilitated by the new Windows Insider project, which is already operating in test mode. With its help, everyone will be able to report errors found in the new generation operating system and related programs. Thanks to this project, 1,300 bugs have already been fixed in the trial version of Windows 10.

In addition, Microsoft will create a one-stop shop that will allow you to save money by purchasing one program for your entire family electronics complex.

The past year was also remembered for the release of a mobile operating system, which has significant differences from the fourth generation of the platform. Google representatives are hinting that this will be their first system that will go beyond smartphones and tablets. It is assumed that mobile and stationary entertainment complexes, as well as other high-tech electronics, will run on Android. In the meantime, developers have to rack their brains over bug fixes, and not Napoleonic plans - many users claim that Lollipop has come out frankly crude and the release of version 5.1 is not far off.

Owners of Apple gadgets can also dream about the future - but, as usual, they will receive the most unexpected news. In particular, Apple does not yet plan to expand the list of devices for which new versions of iOS will be intended, but is preparing an update of its functionality.

Work will continue on the quality of monitoring the owner’s health. It is planned to introduce fitness advisors and “electronic doctors” that indicate the symptoms of a certain disease. The development of the concept will also be quite interesting. In addition, many are looking forward to the further expansion of the Apple Pay service, which will make owners of iOS devices truly privileged, providing them with maximum convenience for making payments.

The most significant, and at the same time invisible, new items await us in the field of security. The past year brought news of the presence of vulnerabilities and outright flaws in many operating systems and software systems. Therefore, many IT companies have announced a total update of their products taking into account such findings.

a number of very interesting and common lines of OS development that are not reflected in detail in the course. These are primarily operating systems of large companies:
  • IBM– in the 1960s – 1970s. gg. developed OS IBM 360/370; then – OS for personal computers OS/2; Currently, the most modern OS of this company are z/OS And z/VM;
  • Apple– since the early 1980s. develops the OS family MacOS, characterized by an improved graphical user interface (see section MacOS);
  • Oracle/Sun– since the beginning of the 1980s. Sun is developing an OS Solaris, development of UNIX (see section Solaris);
  • Hewlett-Packard– develops its own UNIX dialect – the HP/UX system (see section HP-UX);
  • Novell– one of the leading companies in the field of network technologies; develops a family of network operating systems: NetWare; currently - Open Enterprise Server(a network OS that includes all the networking capabilities of NetWare and the capabilities of the common Linux dialect - openSUSE).

This is not a complete list of commercial and research operating systems, which includes hundreds of items.

Solaris is an operating system developed by Oracle / Sun

Current trends in OS development

Based on the experience of using many modern operating systems, the following main trends in their development can be identified.

Graphic shells. Any modern OS has a graphical user interface, and (for obvious reasons of intense competition between development companies) graphical shells for all operating systems are approximately the same in capabilities. Sometimes it is difficult for the user to figure out which OS he is working in, although for end users (non-programmers), apparently, such unification is convenient.

Support for new network and Web technologies. Networks and the Internet are actively developing. New standards and protocols are emerging - IPv6, HTML 5 (for cloud computing), etc. Modern operating systems are developing towards supporting all new network technologies.

Increased attention to safety and security mechanisms. Largely thanks to the Trustworthy Computing initiative, launched by Microsoft in 2002 (it is discussed in detail in previous lectures), and also due to the ever-increasing cybercrime, all modern operating systems pay increased attention to security: when viewing web pages, browsers check them for the absence of phishing; downloads and installations of programs from the network are performed only with the explicit consent of the user, etc.

Support for multi-threading and multi-core processors. Due to the widespread use of multi-core processors, all modern operating systems have software libraries that support this hardware capability. It is thanks to the multi-core architecture that parallel execution of threads becomes really possible.

Support for distributed and parallel computing. Modern operating systems include high-level libraries that allow you to develop parallel algorithms problem solving - for example, supporting OpenMP and MPI parallelism standards.

Virtualization of resources and hardware. Modern operating systems include virtualization tools that allow you to run applications for other platforms in isolated virtual machines, into which other operating systems can be installed.

Development of file systems in order to protect information and significantly increase file size (for multimedia). Modern requirements for processing multimedia information lead to the fact that old file systems (for example, FAT) are insufficient for storing multimedia files. For example, the maximum file size in the FAT system - 4 gigabytes - can easily be exceeded when transferring 10-15 minutes of digital video tape to a computer. Therefore, new file systems are being developed that can store very large files, for example, the ZFS system in the Solaris OS. Another requirement is to ensure confidentiality of information, which leads to the need to implement encryption capabilities in file systems (which is implemented, for example, in the ZFS file system).

Cloud computing support– a completely new trend in OS development, which began with the “cloud” OS Windows Azure from Microsoft (see “OS for cloud computing. Windows Azure”).

New OS family Windows

Here is a brief overview of the capabilities of the new operating systems of the Windows family, which are not reflected in detail in the course.

Windows Vista has the following new features: new GUI style (Windows Aero); built-in tools. NET Framework 3.0, which provides execution managed code. NET ; unified system information search WinFS; funds security management applications (in particular, launching installation applications only with the explicit consent of the user); subsystems Windows Presentation Foundation(support for modern advanced GUI), Windows Communication Foundation(support for modern communication technologies using services); Windows Workflow Foundation(also called CardSpace) - support user authentication, planning and organization of work.

Windows Server 2008– the most modern server OS of the Windows family. It provides: support for the new version of the Internet protocol IPv6; improved network support; parallel programming support; new powerful command processor Windows PowerShell; virtualization and application emulation tools using technology Hyper-V.

Windows 7- the newest OS at the moment (2010) of the Windows series. It provides support for a new type of user interface - multi-touch; Internet traffic caching tools ( Branch cache); a unique set of desktop backgrounds for each country; improved device driver support; more flexible security and firewall settings; development of the Aero GUI interface, first implemented in Windows Vista.

New trends in OS development

Midori project. Midori- a Microsoft Research project that began in the early 2000s. called Singularity. Midori research OS implemented on managed code which is the basis of the platform. NET and providing full control of types, security, etc., which significantly increases the reliability and code security. However, before Midori, OS developers preferred less reliable, but more efficient ways to implement OS in C and C++, so, in our opinion, Midori is a very bold experiment. The Midori OS uses managed code to implement, among other things, the OS kernel and device drivers. Midori provides effective parallelization support, which is especially important with modern trends in the development of hardware platforms. To improve the security of application execution, Midori provides application protection based on the execution of each application in its own "sandbox" One of the main features of Midori is that it is Internet-centric OS. In the future, it is possible that Microsoft's OS development will transition from the Windows platform to the new Midori platform.

Graphical OS shells

As already noted, every modern OS has a graphical shell. Graphical OS shells provide the following main features.

Convenient graphical user interface.

Ability to perform any system settings using the GUI. According to our personal experience, the graphical shells of the Linux OS should be especially noted in this regard.

Supporting new trends in interface development– multi-touch, Tablet PC, etc.

Unification of graphical shells for different operating systems. Different operating systems use graphical shells CDE, KDE, GNOME. Perhaps in the near future their list will expand.

Note that the shells for different operating systems are practically indistinguishable (they all have, for example, a Start button, a My Documents folder, etc.), which is convenient for end users, as it simplifies the study of the working environment.

A computer is a device that can already be found in almost every home. The versatility of the device allows you to make it into both a toy and a work tool. But few people think that the basis for the operation of any computer is the operating system, which connects all its devices together and allows them to be controlled. It has long been the case that the main operating system for computers was the Windows operating system from Microsoft.

Since it was this company that met the users and made a system with a graphical interface, despite competitors from IBM - PS/2 and APPLE - MAC OS and others. This made it possible to control the computer using the mouse, which is much more convenient than learning the commands that had to be entered before into the MS-DOS command line. Along with Microsoft, Apple also developed its own operating system, which was somewhat similar to Microsoft but was installed only on Macintosh computers, which were many times smaller than those that supported Windows. At that time, these were the two companies with the most famous operating systems. Relatively exotic for that time, Unix and Linux operating systems, which currently represent great competition to their predecessors, due to their freeness, but at the same time complexity of management. Nowadays, most computers currently have the Windows system installed, which everyone is so accustomed to, but the Linux platform, with its non-commercial distribution, has begun to slowly drive out the old-timers from the market. To understand why this happens, let's look at the pros and cons of these systems. Let's take Windows first.

The advantages include: beautiful graphics, powerful support, a lot of software is being developed for this platform. On the downside: a license costs a lot of money, almost all software is also licensed and also costs a tidy sum, it is subject to attack by viruses (which in turn forces you to buy anti-virus programs that hang on the system as unnecessary ballast and take away useful computer resources).

Now let's see what Apple offers us, namely MacOS. Pros: beautiful graphical environment, reliable in operation, not subject to virus attacks. Cons: it can only be installed on Macontosh computers, the software is limited in the amount of software that is also developed specifically for this platform, all the software, like the OS itself, costs a lot of money.

And finally the Linux OS. Cons: difficult to integrate with programs developed for Windows, difficult to manage and configure. Pros: distributed free of charge, a lot of free software has been written that is not inferior to other similar programs, is not subject to virus attacks, uses minimal computer resources, system openness.

To summarize, I would like to say that no matter what operating system you use, the most important thing is that it is an OS that you find easy to use, understandable, beautiful, and, first of all, that you like. Although, recently, users are beginning to show interest in the Linux OS, which is changing market trends, since free software always becomes more popular than paid software. Despite the difficulty of switching from one system to another, Linux OS is starting to compete with Windows OS, while Apple remains in its constant position as a beautiful and expensive OS. And some cunning citizens, when choosing an operating system, most often resort to saving money and buy computers without an OS or with Linux OS, which significantly reduces the cost of the purchase. Of course, after the purchase, some install Windows OS - but 95% of installed systems are pirated. In the current situation, after some time, Linux OS may take the position of leader among commercial solutions, but this will not happen soon, or maybe everything will change completely and something new and more interesting will appear.

But, one way or another, Microsoft Windows remains the most popular operating system, as shown by small statistics calculated from visitor visits to my website for the period from September 21, 2012. – March 19, 2013