Why doesn't the play market download or update applications? Applications cannot be downloaded from Play Market without WI-FI


Let's continue to deal with the problems that arise when using the main application of all owners of gadgets on Android OS, with problems in the Google Play Market. In the first and second parts we touched on the most common mistakes, but not all. As befits such a popular application, which has extensive functionality, the list of errors or simply glitches that cause a large number of ordinary users to suffer is no less extensive. As an announcement, we will briefly describe the topics that will be covered in this part of the guide: Play Market does not search for and show all applications or only “My Apps”, does not accept credit cards, does not download via 3G and does not display application icons.

Play Market does not show all games and does not find the ones you need

This problem has become especially relevant when it comes to popular and cool toys like Pokemon GO augmented reality toys. After the announcement of its release in the summer of 2016, millions of potential fans rushed to the Play Market? To download it and enjoy hunting Pokemon, but that was not the case. The game simply wasn’t there; when I searched, the Play Market didn’t show it, but gave me a selection of all kinds of guides for the game. As it turned out, the whole point is that the game was officially released only for certain countries. And since the Google account has a clear link to geographic coordinates, this game was simply not shown to users from other countries. In general, the reason that Play Market does not search and show all applications is because they are not available in your country or for your device. How to solve? Quite simple. Use the direct link to the applications. You'll probably find it on some website. And if it’s a little more complicated, you can use one of the applications that supports VPN and create an account for the desired country, and then go to the Play Market.

Play Market does not accept credit card

When you try to pay with a card, Play Market displays messages like:
  • Your credit card is not accepted
  • There was an error processing the transaction. Call support
  • The transaction cannot now be completed. Try again or contact us
There can be many reasons. From the banal, We advise you to check the real card details ten times, as well as its balance. In 90% of cases the solution to the problem is there. Here are some simple solutions. You can try changing the payment method when you make a payment again that caused an error. Then you can delete and add payment methods on the site again. You will need to log in using the same account details from which you are making the payment. The next option is to force stop the Play Market application itself on the gadget, clear the cache and delete data. Well, the last resort is to contact Google itself by following this link.

Play Market does not download via 3G

This The problem usually occurs among owners of gadgets with the MIUI shell installed., for example Xiaomi or Meizu.

Click to enlarge

It can be solved by calling the top menu, during loading, tapping on the pause button and in the menu that opens, check the box to allow downloading large files via 3G. Read more in the first and second forums.

Play Market does not display application icons
The symptom is just a list of applications with empty white squares instead of icons. It could all be to blame Slow internet or high ping.

Despite the prevalence of third-party resources with programs for Android, the main source of applications for this operating system remains the built-in Play Market. While providing convenient access to a centralized database of proven software, the Play Market cannot, however, boast of 100% reliability and stability. There are many examples of the Android Store not working correctly. Thus, users often complain that applications from the Play Store are not installed or are not downloaded at all.

There may be plenty of reasons for this: settings failure, bugs in the Store itself, problems with the Internet connection, the presence of viruses, difficulties in unifying the platform for different processors, and much more. Due to the many potential causes, it can be difficult to determine the source of the problem; you often have to act at what is called the random method, trying one thing or another. Now let’s imagine that you have exactly this situation, and you cannot immediately determine why applications are not downloaded from the Play Market. In this case, you need to start your search with the simplest thing.

To eliminate the consequences of temporary failures and malfunctions, reboot your device. This may seem very obvious to some, but this is the method that often allows you to restore the normal operation of applications, including the Google Store.

Lost system settings

If rebooting does not help, step by step check that all system settings and Internet connection settings are correct. Firstly, make sure that the date and time are set correctly on your phone, secondly, you must be connected to your Google account, and thirdly, the Internet connection must be stable.

If the download does not start or after a while the message “Timeout has expired” appears, it is highly likely that the problem lies with the Internet connection. If Play Market does not download applications via the mobile Internet, check whether there are restrictions on mobile traffic. This can be done in the “Data Transfer” or “Traffic Control” sections.

Using modified versions of the Play Market

If possible, avoid using modified or hacked versions of the Play Market; they may often not work correctly. If you are using such a program, uninstall it and update it to the latest version.

Accumulation of conflicting temporary files

Another and very common cause of such problems with the Google store is the accumulation of temporary data in its folders and cache. Go to the application management section, find Google Play there, stop it and clean it by pressing the “Clear cache” and “Erase data” buttons. We do the same for the Google Play Services and Google Service Framework applications.

As an additional measure, it is recommended to go to the section Accounts - Synchronization and uncheck all the checkboxes there. After this, the smartphone must be rebooted, re-checked in the synchronization section and rebooted again.

Thanks to these simple manipulations, you can eliminate most of the problems that arise in the Play Market.

Bugs with Google Play updates

It is possible that the Play Market does not download applications due to the presence of some bugs in its update. Try rolling back to the previous version of the Store, to do this again, go to the application management section, find Google Play there and click the “Uninstall updates” button.

Additionally, you can try uninstalling updates to the Google Play Services and Google Service Framework applications.

Problems with Google Account

The Play Market is closely linked to the user's Google account, so it wouldn't hurt to rule out problems on this side as well. Try it first. To do this, go to settings, open the “Accounts” applet, highlight the Google entry, bring up the menu for it and select the “Delete account” option.

Reboot your device and log in again. Alternatively, you can create a new Google account and sign in with it. If the smartphone does not download applications from the Play Market even after that, the cause of the problem must be looked for on the device.

Low memory

Applications may not be downloaded or installed if there is little physical memory left on the device. Make sure there is enough free space on your phone, otherwise delete or move some data to the memory card. To remove temporary files, you can use a program like CCleaner or Clean Master. If the amount of space freed up with their help is small, move some of the applications to an external card. To do this, go to the application management section, switch to the “SD card” tab, tick the desired applications and click the “Move to SD card” button.

After transferring to the card, widgets of some programs may stop working. It is also undesirable to transfer system applications to external media.

Regional and age restrictions

Games and applications may also not be downloaded from the Play Market due to regional restrictions. In this case, the user usually receives the message “The application is not available in your country.” It is not difficult to bypass this blocking. There are two options. The first option involves using a VPN service, the second involves downloading the installation APK file of an application or game from a specialized resource www.apkmirror.com(APKMirror). You can also use the service apps.evozi.com, which allows you to “straighten” links to Google Play applications.

Unknown error code 24

A user may encounter this error when trying to reinstall an application that was previously uninstalled. The cause of the failure is the program files remaining in the system folders. The error is resolved as follows. You need to go to the system folder /data/data/ and delete from it a directory or database file containing the name of the application to be installed. Root rights are required to perform this operation.

Download queue

It is also worth noting another common malfunction in the Store - applications are not downloaded from the Play Market, and the Store writes “Waiting for downloading”. In general, this is normal if the user is currently downloading and installing multiple applications. A message may also appear when, for some reason, an application is temporarily unavailable in the Play Store. It's a different matter when the message does not disappear for a long time, which usually indicates a download order error. In most cases, the problem can be resolved by simply clearing the download queue. Launch the Play Market, go to the “My applications and games” section, find stuck downloads there and delete them. If the error continues, clear the Play Store cache and temporary data by first stopping the Store.

Many of the errors have a code that can be used to determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action. For example, an error with code 403 most often indicates a conflict between two accounts on the same device; errors 194, 492, 413, 495, 498, 504 indicate the presence of “extra” files in the cache and Play Market directories, as well as Google Services programs Play" and "Google Service Framework". These errors can be resolved by clearing the cache and application data. But fixing error code 491 needs to start by deleting your Google account.

And finally, a radical method is to reset the device to factory settings. Like flashing, this is an extreme option and it makes sense to resort to it only when other methods have not brought the desired result.

With the proliferation of smartphones running Android OS, a large number of problems appear that users periodically have to face. One of these common troubles is all sorts of difficulties with the operation of programs in the Google Play service. They may not download or install; errors appear when trying to update already downloaded software. All this, even in isolated cases, irritates users, and if repeated constantly, it can create situations where the phone simply cannot be used normally.

If you are faced with this kind of trouble, then do not despair - in most cases, all of them are easily fixable and do not pose a serious problem.

If applications do not download

The very first thing that can cause inconvenience in using a smartphone is that if you want to download programs from the Market, it refuses to do so. Here are the possible main reasons and their solutions:

  • Problems with internet connection. Don’t rush to blame the device or operating system; comical cases often arise when the phone is connected to an inactive Wi-Fi point, mobile Internet with a very poor signal, or the gadget user simply forgot to enable any type of Internet connection on the device;
  • Internal The device's memory is full. It often happens that smartphones with a small amount of memory quickly become filled with all sorts of files and there is simply nowhere to install new applications. You need to check how much space is available and, if necessary, free it from unnecessary programs;
  • Incorrectly installed date and time on the smartphone. Some gadget models may show outdated date and time data after a reboot or a long shutdown. This creates a conflict between the device and the online service and the latter refuses to work normally.

These are the main problems that interfere with the normal operation of many Internet applications, in particular Google Play.

Updates don't work

Usually, the reasons for refusal to download, install and update programs are the same, they just appear at different stages of using the software. If problems arise with already installed applications in the form of incorrect operation or lack of updates, then the following recommendations can help:

  • Most often the main problem lies in incorrect operation servicesGoogle Play. They are installed on each Android gadget as a separate application and periodically ask for updates. If the problems in question occur, then you need to try deleting the old data of this application and updating it again. This is done simply: you need to go to the phone section " settings", find the application item and select Google Play services. Next, in the settings, select “ Uninstall updates" After this, you should go to the Play Market and update this program again;
  • Problems with accountGoogle. Fixed by registering a new account. It’s very simple: settings, accounts and then add a new Google account;
  • Another rather banal reason for most malfunctions of this kind is the device needs a reboot. Surprisingly, after this simple action, most problems disappear on their own.

These are the main causes of problems with installing and updating applications from the Play Market and options for solving them. It's simple, you just need to spend a little time and attention.

PlayMarket is considered a fairly reliable and stable program, but in some cases it can also fail in ways that are not entirely understandable to the average user. Moreover, restarting the application does not help - the user again returns to the screen with an error message or to the download status bar frozen in one place. If the PlayMarket installed on your device does not download applications, you should, which will not require much time and effort.

A simple solution

If the program that provides access to online storage does not download applications, you should start by restarting the device. In some cases, the reason is a lack of free RAM, which can be cleared in this way. If this does not help, try also connecting to another free Wi-Fi access point, or clearing the settings of the current one and joining it again. This will help you ensure unhindered access that may be blocked as a result of incorrectly entered settings or the presence of certain blockages.

In addition, check the clock and date - in some cases, Google online services do not want to work with a device that has these parameters set incorrectly. If GooglePlay does not download applications, then you should just use one of the online time servers. By the way, this problem is quite common - about a third of users encounter it.

If you download using and the device does not download applications, then it is worth checking that the settings are set correctly. For those who do not have extensive data in this area, it is better to immediately call the technical support service of your mobile operator and ask them to send the required parameters in a message - they will be applied automatically. In some cases, the solution may be hidden in the “flight mode” installed on the device. This problem is especially relevant for tablets, whose owners very rarely check communication settings.

If it doesn't help...

If the Play Store does not download applications, despite all the measures you have taken, it is worth trying by removing from it all information related to the Google software store. Going to settings, open the “Applications” section, and in it - the “All” tab. Now you will need to find two programs: PlayMarket and Google Services Framework. In both cases, you must use the “Erase data” menu item. In addition, in the case of PlayMarket, you also need to additionally click the “Clear cache” button. Also pay attention to the internal memory of the device, clearing it and ensuring space for downloading.

If Google Play does not load applications even after these steps, try rolling back to the previous version of the program. This will help eliminate possible errors related to its incompatibility with your device. Alternatively, you can try completely uninstalling PlayMarket and then installing it again, selecting the previous version. As a rule, this method helps even when all other actions were ineffective. Finally, you are left with the “last argument” - after which all applications are guaranteed to restore their functionality.

Recently I encountered a problem that I urgently needed to update the application, but there was no available WI-FI network nearby. I decided to update using the mobile network, unchecked the box in the market, but the download still did not start, instead the play market wrote “Waiting for WI-FI network” and the process stopped. There is of course no option in the Play Store settings related to the cause of this problem.

Video. Applications from Play Market without WI-FI cannot be downloaded on Xiaomi with MIUI 7

Video. Applications cannot be downloaded from Play Market without WI-FI on Xiaomi with MIUI 8

Why Xiaomi refuses to download applications and games using the mobile network

In fact, everything turned out to be very simple and clear, and the play market turned out to be not to blame for the current problem. My Xiaomi operating system, MIUI, has a feature called a built-in bootloader. He is responsible for downloads, updates, their speed, size - well, in general, for everything related to downloading data to a smartphone. In this case, all applications automatically pick up its settings. For example, if the downloader only downloads via WI-FI, then no matter how much you want, you won’t be able to download anything without it. This is exactly what happened, the Play Market simply could not update the application, since the file size when downloading was larger than the maximum allowed in the bootloader settings.

To be able to download and update applications not only via WI-FI, but also via a mobile network, follow the instructions below.

Instructions for setting up the Xiaomi bootloader (MIUI)

First, go to “Tools” - Tools on the smartphone’s desktop. Here we select the “Downloads” icon - Downloads.

A window opens in front of us where we can view downloaded applications, games, pictures and everything like that. We are interested in settings, so we click on the button with three dots in the upper right corner.

Menu items pop up, one of which is called “Settings”. This is exactly what we need, so we click on it.

Now we are looking for the phrase “Download size limit” - a limitation of the mobile Internet. By default there is usually 1MB. We are not happy with this because we want to install apps with a large size. Let's tap on this point.

We select from the required options the one that suits us and click “Ok”.
That's all, now you can safely download and update applications using the mobile Internet.

Note: if you do not have unlimited Internet on your smartphone or you use up the allocated traffic very quickly, then it is best to choose small sizes for downloaded files, as this can hit your wallet.