When connecting to open Wi-Fi, the Internet does not work, or why you cannot connect to a free (unsecured) Wi-Fi network. Why doesn't Wi-Fi connect on Android?

The phone does not connect to the WiFi access point - this is an error that occurs quite often these days. The fact is that smartphones with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter have already become a part of people’s lives, and almost everyone already has such a device. Smartphones have become so widespread due to their undeniable qualities. After all, they allow you to use the Internet and solve problems no worse than a computer, but at the same time they are mobile and compact.

Unfortunately, although in most cases connecting to a WiFi network occurs without problems by pressing just one button, sometimes various errors still occur that not every user can solve on their own. That is why in this article we will look at why the phone does not connect to the home WiFi network, as well as how to fix this error.

Reasons why your phone does not connect to the WiFi network

In fact, there are many such reasons. Moreover, there may be problems that require an individual approach. This is explained by the fact that the domestic market has a huge amount of wireless equipment that has individual characteristics and unique solutions. Therefore, it is impossible to sort out absolutely all the errors, just as it is impossible to find a universal solution, a panacea.

We will look at the problems that occur most often and also look at how to solve them. Their list includes the following:

  • Incorrectly entered.
  • Incorrect Wi-Fi router settings.
  • The router malfunctions (freezes).
  • Failure of the Android platform (rare, but still occurs).

So let's look at all these errors in more detail.

Why the smartphone does not see the Wi-Fi network: Video

Incorrectly entered security password

Very often, the phone does not connect to a wireless home WiFi connection due to an incorrectly entered key. Try entering it again, but this time check the box next to “Display characters” (or “Show password”). Pay close attention to where capital characters are used, and also pay attention to the language in which the key is entered.

At the bottom of the screen, click “Advanced settings”. Now in the window called “WiFi” we find the “Security Settings” section. The first line “Network Authentication” is the type of data encryption. The second line “PSK encryption key” is the password for our network. This is what you need to enter when connecting your phone.

Checking your router settings

An error in connecting your phone to a WiFi wireless network often occurs due to incorrect router settings. The fact is that modern Wi-Fi routers support DHCP technology. This means that all data about the router connection is automatically sent to the phone. This is exactly what smartphones and tablets are aimed at. If you disable this function, the phone will not be able to obtain an IP address and, accordingly, connect to the network.

The solution to the problem is to enable this feature if it is disabled. To do this, you should return to the router settings and open advanced settings. Now we are interested in the window called “Network”. In it we go to the “LAN” section. These are the local network settings.

This is where you can enable or disable DHCP. It is worth noting that to enable the function in the “Mode” line you should set “Allow”. Below is a range of IP addresses, you can also change it. After enabling the DHCP feature, apply the settings and save the changes. It is also recommended to reboot the router. After this, try connecting your phone again.

How to connect to a WiFi router in Windows 8: Video

WiFi router malfunctions

Another reason why the phone sees the WiFi network, but does not connect to it, is that the device is simply frozen. In this case, for example, a laptop can work normally and access the Internet. The fact is that when talking about freezing, one should understand failures and stoppages of some functions. For example, due to overload or power failure, DHCP may stop working. In this case, devices that were connected to the access point before have already received an IP address and can work normally. Other functions of the Wi-Fi router may also stop working.

The solution to this problem is to simply reboot the device. And you don’t even need to go into the settings to do this. It is enough to unplug the router's power supply from the outlet for 7-10 minutes. After that, turn it on and wait for it to load. Try connecting again from your phone. Such freezes can occur not only on budget router models. The only difference is the frequency of such errors.

If you have completed all the above steps, but the Wi-Fi network connection error on your phone remains, then it is quite possible that the failure occurred in the smartphone itself. The fact is that mobile devices use regular wireless adapters, which can also freeze or work with errors. But, unlike a computer, there are no advanced settings on the Android platform. On such platforms, all parameters are entered initially, and there is no way to change them. This means that this problem can be solved in the same way as in the previous case - just reboot the device.

For two years he worked as the head of a service center specializing in connecting subscribers to the Internet and computer assistance.

Today we cannot imagine life without the Internet. Social networks, mail, services for work, not to mention entertainment - all this is available to us at any time, anywhere. The best part is that all these benefits are free. With the Internet, we can develop, learn, have fun and learn something interesting easily and simply, especially if we always have it at hand. Such mobility can only be provided by accessing the network from a tablet computer or phone.

Methods for connecting the Internet to a tablet (smartphone)

There are two ways to connect an Internet connection to your gadget. The first is mobile wireless access using a SIM card. The second is connecting using a WiFi router. Each method has a number of its own disadvantages and advantages.

Thus, a wireless connection through mobile operators is more flexible and portable, since it allows you to access the Internet from gadgets anywhere. The role here is played only by the signal level which, in general, throughout the country is quite acceptable for a stable connection. In this regard, the WiFi network loses, since its action extends only to a maximum of a few tens of meters around the router. True, even despite the close distance to the router, there are situations when interruptions occur and the user does not know why the phone does not connect to WiFi. The chances of this happening with a regular mobile network are much lower.

On the other hand, connecting through a mobile service provider is carried out within a small data package (for example, 5 gigabytes of traffic is available). If you connect unlimited 3G or LTE communication plans, it will cost quite a lot. As for connecting using a WiFi router, it has the same features as stationary network access. It is this type of connection that we will talk about in the article.

Benefits of WiFi connection

So, as already mentioned, the Internet in WiFi access format is unlimited in terms of the amount of data that can be transferred. This is explained by the fact that the router essentially distributes stationary Internet, which in our country is already provided mainly without restrictions. In addition to the lack of a limit, another important indicator of this transmission format is the connection speed. Compared to mobile Internet, in the case of a WiFi router it is ten times faster (up to 100 Mbps), which makes it possible to download movies in the best quality and have fun playing online games on your tablet without delays.

How to connect to the created WiFi network?

So, setting up WiFi is an important, but one-time procedure, and if you successfully complete it, you can use the Internet connection for a long time without interruptions. If you are wondering why your phone won't connect to WiFi, then you have done the wrong setup. That is why in this article we will address this issue.

So, first you need to understand how the connection in this format works in general. Stationary Internet, which is transmitted using wires connected to the router, is distributed via WiFi, thereby becoming accessible to your tablet and phone. In fact, the router creates a network in which the Internet is distributed “from the wire”. To access a network, you need to know its name and, of course, if security is installed, you also need to know the access key (in other words, a password). This is very important, because if your phone or tablet does not connect to Wi-Fi, this most likely means that this data was entered incorrectly.

So, speaking about WiFi connection, it should be characterized as two-level. The first is connecting the router to the cable, both at the hardware and software levels. If your Internet provider also installs protection at the level of computer access to the network, then it should also be included in Roughly speaking, if you connect using the login and password from the provider, then these parameters must be provided in the router settings. You can do this by running the installation wizard, which is available in most modern routers. Errors that occur at this stage will look like this: there is a Wi-Fi connection, but your tablet or phone does not connect to the Internet.

The second level of connection is the connection to the network, which occurs at the router level. This is where your Internet access point is protected from third-party devices. To connect to a network, you should ideally know its name and, as noted above, the access key. Of course, a situation may arise that the smartphone does not connect to your home WiFi, even despite entering the correct password. In this case, you can do differently.

Most routers have a special button that removes for a certain time. It is designed so that your devices can be connected without asking for a password.

How to set up WiFi?

Setting up a wireless home connection is a simple procedure, but for many it may not work the first time for several reasons. Firstly, the user does not always understand where to start and what the sequence of actions is in general. Secondly, a person does not always know what type of connection his provider has. Third, not everyone can find the data issued by their service provider.

So, we’ll try to briefly describe the setup process so that you don’t have situations where you don’t know why your phone doesn’t connect to the WiFi router. First, you need to connect the landline Internet cord and the router itself, then connect the device to the network and wait until the basic system lights, indicating the signal, light up. Next, you need to connect the computer and router with the same cord. The connection diagram is most often shown when launching the installation disk that is included in the kit. If there is no disk, don’t worry, the whole procedure can be done manually. You need to go to the router address (enter the numbers in the browser), where you will see the device. To log in, use the login and password admin. Select the item responsible for activating the settings wizard - this way the program will allow you to enter the necessary data step by step. This is information such as connection type, connection data, network security, its type. After which the router will reboot and, in theory, will begin to function.

phone and laptop?

If, after setting up, you were unable to access the Internet using your gadget, this indicates the presence of some kind of error. It may consist of incorrect actions at one of the two levels discussed above. So, the answers to the question “why the phone doesn’t connect via Wi-Fi” can be two options: an incorrect connection to the Internet of the router itself, or the inability to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

It’s not difficult to find out the real reason - try logging into the router’s control panel by entering the above address in your browser. If the settings menu opens, the problem is “at the first level,” that is, in the connection of the router to the network itself. If the page loads but nothing happens, this means that you cannot log into the network and you have errors with the key.

Solving the password problem

Connecting to the router, if it is working, is quite easy. To do this, you need to perform one of two actions - either press the unlock button and try to connect directly, or try to find out the password, because if you entered it incorrectly, your smartphone may not connect to your home WiFi. You can see which key is installed on the network in the router settings. To do this, just go to the address in the “Wireless Protection” menu (at least that’s what this item is called in the TP-Link router). You can log in from your computer and then see the password and enter it on your smartphone or tablet.

If the network key turns out to be correct, but you still don't know why your phone won't connect to WiFi, it might be a problem with establishing a connection to the network. To do this, you need to move on to the next paragraph of our article. There we will describe in more detail what should be done in such cases. Remember that only general recommendations will be given here, while the decision on what to do in your situation is up to you.

Connection errors

If there is a Wi-Fi connection, but does not connect to the Internet, then the whole problem is in the connection between the router and the service provider. You can check the status of this connection, again, in the network control panel. There should be a connection mode indicator. From this you can understand what is wrong and why the phone does not connect to WiFi.

If the status indicated there does not mean anything to you (for example, there are cases when an error message is simply indicated), we recommend contacting your provider and asking for help setting up the network. As a rule, they already have developed templates that are used to explain to the client the algorithm for setting up actions.

Nothing helps

There are situations when nothing recommended above helps set up the Internet, and still some errors arise that prevent you from accessing the network. There are only 2 reasons that can lead to this - either software failures in the router itself, or the inability to connect on the part of the provider, dictated by some restrictions or errors. All you can do is call a specialist from the company that provides you with Internet services so that he can set everything up for you.

The phone does not connect to the WiFi access point - this is an error that occurs quite often these days. The fact is that smartphones with a built-in Wi-Fi adapter have already become a part of people’s lives, and almost everyone already has such a device. Smartphones have become so widespread due to their undeniable qualities. After all, they allow you to use the Internet and solve problems no worse than a computer, but at the same time they are mobile and compact.

Unfortunately, although in most cases connecting to a WiFi network occurs without problems by pressing just one button, sometimes various errors still occur that not every user can solve on their own. That is why in this article we will look at why the phone does not connect to the home WiFi network, as well as how to fix this error.

In fact, there are many such reasons. Moreover, there may be problems that require an individual approach. This is explained by the fact that the domestic market has a huge amount of wireless equipment that has individual characteristics and unique solutions. Therefore, it is impossible to sort out absolutely all the errors, just as it is impossible to find a universal solution, a panacea.

We will look at the problems that occur most often and also look at how to solve them. Their list includes the following:

  • Incorrectly entered.
  • Incorrect Wi-Fi router settings.
  • The router malfunctions (freezes).
  • Failure of the Android platform (rare, but still occurs).

So let's look at all these errors in more detail.

Why the smartphone does not see the Wi-Fi network: Video

Incorrectly entered security password

Very often, the phone does not connect to a wireless home WiFi connection due to an incorrectly entered key. Try entering it again, but this time check the box next to “Display characters” (or “Show password”). Pay close attention to where capital characters are used, and also pay attention to the language in which the key is entered.

What to do if Wi-Fi is connected but the Internet does not work on Android: Video

Modern life is quite difficult to imagine without phones and the Internet. Therefore, modern smartphones provide the ability to work with the Internet. At the same time, most people use Internet access using WiFi. This is due to the fact that it is much more convenient, and a large amount of money is not spent.

Reasons for lack of Wi-Fi on your phone

It can often happen that the phone connects to Wi-Fi but does not connect to the Internet, this may be due to various reasons, let’s look at them in more detail:

  • The first thing you might think about when connecting to the network is whether the Internet itself is paid for. But this rarely happens;
  • therefore, the problem is quite solvable;
  • It may be that the Internet is connected, but it is written: without access to the network. This happens quite often;
  • The phone does not connect to Wi-Fi, it says obtaining an IP address. It turns out that you connect to the Internet, the connection is shown, but at the same time the connection itself does not occur;
  • authentication error. This is also a fairly common reason why the Internet will never connect;
  • error type: “Saved, WPAWPA2 protection.”

This may not be all the problems that may occur when connecting to the Internet from mobile devices. But at the same time, they are the most common. Many people, not knowing what to do, immediately try to call the operator and find out why they do not have Internet, although, in many ways, the problem may not be on their part.

Video: How to connect the Internet to your phone?

Cause Solutions

It is logical to assume that it is necessary to solve these problems, therefore, we will tell you how this can be done.

Therefore, in addition to the usual tips in terms of rebooting the router, there are a number of really useful and more

Restarting the router

Many people wonder why I can't connect to the Internet and what can be done to solve it. There is one procedure that every person can do, and that is restarting the router. This can help with many problems where your phone won't connect to your home Wi-Fi because it can help you set up your router again.

Rebooting can be done in several ways:

These are the main ways in which you can reboot. This is really quite simple, but I would like to note that the first method is the highest quality, and at the same time gentle on the device itself.

Removing the old connection

Also, one of the solutions to Wi-Fi connection problems may be to delete the connection strictly. At the same time, you get the opportunity to reconnect to Wi-Fi and enter a password, this will give you the opportunity to reconnect to all parameters, and possibly solve the problem with connecting your phone to the network.

The problem is solved mainly because when you delete the old connection, all Wi-Fi settings are deleted, allowing you to reconnect with new settings.

All this suggests that you will be able to work with the network. But this does not mean that you can solve any problem in this way. This is just one of all options.

Video: How to remove unnecessary network connections

Changing the channel in the router

You should change the channel in the router when you start having constant problems with your Internet connection. Because it may happen that two routers operate on the same channel, and then this is precisely why such interference occurs. If you have often had similar connection problems, then this is exactly what needs to be done.

Also, there is a possibility that for the same reason there may be such a problem: Wi-Fi works within only one room, and then it catches, but the Internet does not load sites. This may just be due to interference that occurs from other devices. Therefore, it’s worth changing the channel, especially since nothing bad will definitely come from it.

Connection password

Probably everyone understands what a connection password is and why it is needed. It is with the help of it that you can connect to Wi-Fi of any network. Using the Internet also depends on the correctness of this password.

Many people advise changing the password if necessary to solve connection problems, because this may be the problem.

Checking MAC and IP addresses

An IP address is what is assigned to a device after connecting to the Internet. It is necessary to check the MAC and IP address, because this may be the main problem of the lack of Internet in the device.

Checking the IP address is not that difficult to do; just go to the network settings. The correctness of this address gives you the opportunity to work with the Internet without problems or interference.

Encryption/Security Type

One of the reasons for the lack of Internet or the inability to connect to it is the wrong type of encryption, which plays a rather large role for devices. There are devices that work and support only one type of Internet connection, and sometimes connecting to the Internet is impossible precisely because the parameters do not match.

If such a problem occurs, then simply check the encryption type and change it if necessary. Then you can reconnect Wi-Fi and check its operation. Basically, the type of encryption is the last step in troubleshooting connection problems.

Why doesn't my phone connect to Wi-Fi - authentication error

Connecting your phone to the Internet via Wi-Fi always happens without any problems, but there are times when you need to take additional steps in order for the connection to happen. The most common cause is an authentication error. As in all cases, it is advised to go through many steps that can help solve the problem.

It is quite difficult to solve such a problem since you do not have access to the router settings. But you can simply check the password, and that's the only thing you can do. An incorrectly entered password also leads to authentication problems. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you just need to be careful.

Error Saved, WPA protection

Also, most people ask questions like: Why doesn't my phone see the network? This problem is quite logical. The first thing that could be, of course, is a problem in the router, or an error Saved, WPA protection, this problem is completely solvable. It occurs quite often, and mainly due to the fact that there was some failure in the router settings. And in such cases, the phone sees Wi-Fi but does not connect.

As a result, we can say that no matter what problem you have, the first thing you should do is reboot the router. Because it is quite safe, does not require a lot of time, and besides, anyone can do it. Then you can begin other actions, which will be more complex, but at the same time, you can cope with them.

Before you begin to find out why Wi-Fi or the Internet does not work, you should know (especially for those who have just purchased a Wi-Fi router) that it is not enough to just connect the provider cable to the router, you also need to configure it (set up the Internet and Wi-Fi network ). All of the methods described below are valid if Wi-Fi and the Internet were working for you before, and then suddenly stopped or you cannot connect a new device to Wi-Fi. For convenience, I divided the article into two parts, the first is devoted to the inability to connect to a wireless network, the second part will answer your questions if you are connected to a Wi-Fi network, but there is no Internet.

Cannot connect to Wi-Fi network.

Reboot the router.

The first thing you need to do if you have problems connecting to a Wi-Fi network is to restart the router. To do this, simply disconnect the power supply from the router and connect it again after a few seconds. After 1-2 minutes. The device will boot, then try connecting to the wireless network again. To avoid such situations in the future, I recommend updating the router firmware (perhaps the manufacturer knows about the problem and fixed it in the new firmware).

Enabling the Wi-Fi module on the laptop.

Check if Wi-Fi is turned on on your laptop, I won’t worry, I described all the ways to turn on Wi-Fi in the article How to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop .

Change the wireless network mode.

If you are trying to connect a device (laptop, smartphone) that is more than 5-7 years old, you must take into account that it may not support the modern Wi-Fi mode - n. Therefore, you need to switch the router to an operating mode that is supported by the device or enable mixed mode b/g/n. More details about Wi-Fi operating modes are described. In order to switch the wireless network mode, you need to go to the router’s web interface, go to the Wi-Fi settings and select the appropriate mode.

Removing a duplicate network SSID.

One of the possible problems of not being able to connect to Wi-Fi is a duplicate Wi-Fi network name (SSID). Suppose you come to your friends, their Wi-Fi network is called “Home”, you successfully connected to it. Time passed and you came across the same network name with other friends or at home. The laptop (this also applies to tablets and smartphones) tries to connect to the network using the previously saved password, but it fails because a new password is used for this name. To solve this problem, you need to remove the matching network from the list of saved Wi-Fi networks.

To do this, right-click on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center."

After this, you will see a list of saved wireless networks. If you see that the network you are trying to connect to is in this list, you need to remove it from this list. Select the network and click the "Delete" button. After this, you will need to enter a password to connect to the wireless network.

No Internet via Wi-Fi.

Internet payment check.

The simplest thing that can happen when the Internet is not working is that it’s time to pay for it or the provider is working on it. To clarify the situation, call your provider and find out if you have a debt for the Internet and whether work is being done on the line.

Static IP address.

One of the problems with the Internet not working may be that the registered static address does not have the network settings that are necessary. In this case, I recommend using automatic network settings retrieval. To do this, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center. One way to do this is to right-click on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center".

Another way is to use hotkeys + , enter the command ncpa.cpl and press Enter.

It doesn’t matter which method you used, the result will be the same - the Network Connections window will appear on the monitor. Next, you need to double-click on the wireless connection. In the status window that opens, select “Properties” in the properties window “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)”

Problem with the router.

The Internet may not work due to a router failure; the simplest thing you can do is reboot it. There are situations when the router resets the Internet settings, in this case you need to connect to it via the web interface and re-enter the Internet settings, in order to experience fewer problems with the router in the future, I recommend updating its firmware.


In this article, I described all the ways I know to solve problems with Wi-Fi and the Internet. If these methods do not help you, you can describe the problem in detail in the comments and I, together with the readers of this site, will try to help you.

Articles and Lifehacks

There is an opinion that very soon Wi-Fi may replace the most affordable mobile communication. The only problem with the development of these events in this direction was the impossibility of roaming on a global scale. After all, Wi-Fi still has some limitations in its range. Today and in this state it is very widespread. For example, Wi-Fi networks are effectively used in corporate and local networks. Wi-Fi first appeared in 2000 and became widely used only in 2005. The first Wi-Fi-enabled phones appeared from developers such as Zyxel, Samsung, UT Starcomm and Hitachi. Afterwards, other manufacturers began supplying their own similar devices. Today this communication standard is one of the cheapest, and many communication providers provide these services for free. However, you can't always take advantage of Wi-Fi, so what if? phone doesn't connect to wifi?

If your phone doesn't connect to Wi-Fi

The communication device can see the network, but the phone does not connect to wifi. How to fix this situation? Typically, a mobile phone may not connect to your home Wi-Fi router. Although in public places the problem of gaining access does not exist. The phone can easily see and connect to Wi-Fi. Sometimes the device not only sees, but can connect, but no data transfer occurs. Here the problem lies not in the phone, but in the router—more precisely, in the settings. The problem can be solved on your own, just like, usually most Wi-Fi routers are built according to a universal scheme and the principles for solving problems through settings are almost the same. First you need to go to the device settings. This is done through any Internet browser. Directly in the address bar you will need to type the IP router - these are the designations: and The corresponding IP of the router can be found out in this way: press Start - Run (Win + R), a command line appears, where the CMD command is typed, and in the “MS-DOS” window you need to type “Ipconfig / all” - press Enter. By looking for the “Main Gateway” designation, you can find out the device’s IP. It is then typed into the address bar of the browser. We find the DHCP section and check the Enabled section; in the two sections Default Gateway and Primary DNS you need to write IP.

The phone is not connected to Wi-Fi - solve the problem yourself

If the above instructions are completed correctly, the phone should both see and connect to the Wi-Fi function. This method helps to protect data exchange, i.e. set a password for the connection to which only trusted users can connect. Solving such minor problems on your own helps novice users to progress more successfully. This will also help save us some hassle.

Wi-Fi Internet is a great thing, especially when you are within range of a free signal source. For example, we went to a cafe to have dinner and treat the girl to a cup of coffee. There was a tablet computer or Android smartphone in my pocket.

You can take a selfie with a beauty or listen to music. Log in to your favorite Odnoklassniki or VKontakte. But, bad luck, you turn on the tablet, but Android does not connect to WiFi. At the same time, you know for sure that there is a source of free Internet here.

Another case. You purchased a router, registered a connection to an Internet provider, paid a subscription fee, came home, are in a hurry to quickly enjoy all the delights of wireless home Internet, but the network stubbornly refuses to show up on your computer.

Problems and possible solutions

If your Android sees the network, but you still cannot connect to the Internet, make sure that you entered the access password correctly. Numbers and letters are not visible behind the stars. So an error is quite likely. Try entering your password again and be more careful.

Another common reason why Android does not connect to WiFi is that the type of security configured in the router is not supported by your tablet or smartphone. Pick up the User Guide, go to the router settings and change the protection method to the same as that of your device.

Is there Wi-Fi? It would be a good idea to check your Internet connection on a desktop computer or other mobile device. If the connection on other devices is detected without problems and works normally, try rebooting the router. Turn off and turn on the electrical power again, the equipment will reboot automatically.

Android detects the network, but the connection to the Internet still does not occur, despite the fact that the password was entered correctly. The likely reason is that your version of Android does not support the signal transmission standard installed on the router. Again, pick up the router User Manual and try to change the Wi-Fi standard settings according to the one the device is running on.

Special software

In the Google Play store you can download for free an application called Wi-Fi Fixer, which can automatically solve many Internet problems for devices on the Android platform.

  • The program runs in the background and does not take up many hardware resources.
  • Fixer shows the status of the Internet connection and the presence of access points.
  • The application can boost a weak signal or, conversely, reduce a signal that is too strong.
  • The Wi-Fi Fixer application allows you to reduce problems with wireless Internet to a minimum.

After downloading and installing the program, restart your device and launch the application if it has not already turned on automatically. Now try connecting to the wireless network. No manual settings are required for Wi-Fi Fixer to work.

Check your Android firmware

If your device was flashed in a special order, it is likely that this is the whole obstacle. Custom flashing may interfere with some functions. To connect to the network, reset the settings to factory settings. Don't forget to save all important documents to an external memory card or cloud storage first.

Resetting to factory settings is a useful procedure and should be done every few months. As soon as a tablet or smartphone starts to slow down or glitch, it means that too much garbage has accumulated in the system and even special applications cannot cope with cleaning it.

Checking and setting up a Wi-Fi router

You can use a personal computer to enter settings. Find out the gateway and network address, go to the website. After that, enter the password and login, which can usually be found on the bottom of the Wi-Fi router.

  1. First, switch the WiFi channel selection to automatic.
  2. Now change the standard Wi-Fi signal transmission mode to G or MIX.
  3. Look at the number of connections allowed - it’s quite possible that another Android device turned out to be deprived. Establish an unlimited number of connections.
  4. Try changing different types of protection. It is likely that on Android the type of protection does not match and you need to find a match.

Pay special attention to connecting the DHCP server. If the server is disabled, then the network will not work not only on Android, but also on your other computers. This function is responsible for generating IP addresses.

Check to see if your router has a Mac filter enabled. If enabled, you need to make sure that the Android tablet or smartphone is not blacklisted or just whitelisted. To find out the Android address on a Mac, you need to find information about tablets or smartphones in the settings.

If your device is on the black list, you need to either completely disable filtering by Mac addresses, or remove your device from the black list and add it to the white list.

Change the firmware

If none of the above helps solve your connection problem, you may need to change the firmware on either your smartphone, tablet, or router. In this case, you need a specialist or contact a service company.