Clean master application how to use. Clean Master - a wizard to clean your Android device

In fact, I have long noticed the tendency of people to get freebies, and a lot at once. But the usefulness of this is a lot - few people are interested. Android smartphones have the same story with memory. Ask: "Which phone is faster? Where is 400 or 700 MB free?" 80% of people will answer the one with 700 MB, and 80% of the time they will be wrong. And if it is possible to delete 1.5 GB of “unused data” without visible harm to the system, should it be deleted? The correct answer is no.

In the first part, I will pay special attention to the theory - this will allow me to better understand my conclusions about the operation of the application, which we will consider in the second part.

Part 1

The fundamental difference between Android memory management and Windows is the following: all available memory in Android devices must be occupied - empty memory is equivalent to idle memory. This is how to transport a bag of cement with a 40-ton truck.

In a window system, an application that occupies a certain amount of memory in 90% of cases runs and loads the system, and when the RAM is full, a yellow triangle will appear with a notification about the low amount of memory, and we must close something. It's simple.

On our smartphones everything is much more complicated. Firstly, data placed in RAM, as a rule, does not consume resources - they do not load the processor, do not eat up the battery - they simply hang in faster memory, relative to ROM, to speed up their launch (if you see in “Running” a Browser that you have not launched, do not be alarmed, the system itself has placed inactive parts of the program in memory in advance and, when you decide to launch it, you will need to load only a small active part (activity)).

Secondly, each Android application consists of unique modules (we won’t go into the jungle of services and activities), and each block can be used by different applications. So, for example, the reminder library is used by a widget on the desktop, a calendar, an alarm clock and a notification line - due to this, memory consumption is optimized, and now imagine that you are finishing the calendar and deleting this library from memory.

And thirdly, the system already has a built-in and quite effective taskkiller - it’s called OOM Killer. At the same time, it frees up memory much more efficiently than others - applications are deleted depending on the need for memory and their rating: immediately cached inactive ones, then background inactive ones, etc., applications are ranked by frequency of use, freed up space, etc.

I will separately mention the block of program parts that are responsible for the interaction of applications (Broadcast Receivers), for example, responding to an incoming call or connecting headphones. And there is also the so-called. services that are responsible for the background execution of programs: alarm clock, music, etc. And their completion leads to disruption of the system.

Thus, Android, under ideal conditions, tries to load the RAM as much as possible with different parts of programs for their further rapid launch. Unloading applications from memory does not lead to anything good - the system will sooner or later return the unloaded parts or replace them with new applications, but only this will require an increase in the load on the processor, memory and battery. Let me draw your attention to the fact that occupied memory does not in any way lead to faster battery discharge - the processor is primarily responsible for the discharge (in addition to the screen and communication modules), and the processor load is precisely caused by clearing the memory.

Something like that. Now let's move directly to the application.

Part 2

Let's start the review with unnecessary harmless functions, then consider harmful functions, gradually move on to those that have catastrophic consequences, and end with useful ones.

Unnecessary harmless functions

  • Antivirus

There are practically no viruses on Android devices in principle - the organization of the system simply does not allow something to happen without the user’s knowledge. Another thing is that many unpleasant applications are disguised as useful ones - this is how I had to deal with a phishing program when I downloaded and installed an ABBYY dictionary application from a clearly inadequate site. Already when installing this application, the permissions included a request for SMS and calls, which in principle should not be there. I installed it anyway and was not very surprised by the incoming message from Sberbank denying the operation - the program tried to access my account (which does not exist in principle) through the bank’s SMS portal. The program installer, by the way, is on the phone - and not a single “antivirus” found it.

As for Clean Master, let's see what we found after scanning:

TowelRoot - what a delight, Clean Master requires root access, but he considers the program with which it is obtained to be a Trojan.

Broadanywhere - this method, firstly, is used to obtain root access, and secondly, yes, it can be used by dubious applications, for example, which I talked about. Moreover, this semi-bug was eliminated back in September 2014.

But this technique is called “substitution of truth” - the antivirus publishes news about a “photo leak”, the user believes that the antivirus could have prevented it - in fact this is not so, the vulnerability and the problem was not in the phone, but on the application server .

The safety report for October (it looks like it’s April) is generally extremely strange:

Verdict - install applications from PlayMarket and a trusted forum - there is only one (4pda), and read the permissions. If you agree to the action, the antivirus will not save you, especially if it does not have root access. If you want to install an antivirus, install free Avast - in any case, there is no real effect, resource consumption increases, the placebo effect works - a feeling of protection appears.

  • Application Manager

Firstly, the applications tab from standard Settings is duplicated.

Secondly, the presence of a memory card is incorrectly detected:

Despite the fact that Android 4.4 generally prohibits third-party access to the memory card, and for me it is forced open.

Fourthly, there are no system applications here, despite root access.

Verdict. An application element created simply for appearance and advertising. If you want to manage applications really efficiently, use Titanium Backup.

  • CM Now

(If I were Google, I would sue). The problem is that 39 applications work secretly (how, huh? I mean in the background...), acceleration, garbage cleaning, etc. are actually nothing more than advertising slogans that carry no meaning - I’ll tell you why later. At the same time, the service itself constantly monitors events and generates this notification:

The verdict is a pointless waste of resources.

  • My cloud

2 gigabytes of space after registration. Nothing. Each Android user gets 15 GB of Google Drive storage. You also need to use the cloud - I have 1024 free GB there with a convenient client.

Verdict is an absolutely unnecessary option on a suspicious server.

  • Application lock

Regular startup blocking with a PIN code or graphic key. I already wrote in one of the reviews - the presence of obvious protection always raises suspicions and in 90% of cases only attracts unnecessary attention in vain. Are you hiding photos? The person you are hiding from takes the phone, sees the password and wonders: what is there behind the password? He begins to cheat himself, and even if he doesn’t see what’s there, the result for you is not very good: at best it’s an insult, at worst - you’ll show what’s behind the password.

Verdict - unnecessary attention-grabbing. If you want startup privacy, use hidden blockers, for example, Lockdown Pro.

  • Photo backup

I categorically do not recommend uploading your data to unrated cloud storages. In addition, the mentioned Google Drive has a function for automatically backing up photos to the cloud. There is such an option in the Mail.Ru Cloud.

The verdict is nothing.

Functions are harmful

  • Acceleration

Here we are asked to unload 291 MB of program blocks from fast memory for unknown needs. In addition to the fact that we force the processor to work on unloading, it still has to burden itself with work, again loading these programs back into memory. If you set the automatic cleaning mode, the race will continue until the battery is completely depleted. The screenshots show the memory situation: before cleaning, immediately after cleaning, 1 minute after cleaning:

As we can see, the system instantly tries to make up for what was lost, and, again, our resources are wasted on this.

If you want to know what Clean Master is, you've come to the right place. The program has long been in the top lists of the Play Market and is recognized as one of the best in its category. Hundreds of millions of users have already downloaded the application to their Android device and taken advantage of its wide functionality. And today, with the help of Clean Master, it is also possible to clean your computer. We invite you to get to know the legendary program better.

About the Clean Master program for computer

Clean Master is a simple program that was designed to clean up debris from devices running the Android operating system, and is now available for download to your computer. You've probably noticed that your computer may freeze from time to time. This often happens due to programs running in the background that use up a lot of RAM. Not everyone can solve these problems manually. And Clean Master will handle this in a matter of minutes. The program will allow you to clear the cache, delete temporary files, old versions of applications and free up additional space on your hard drive. Users who have downloaded the utility to their computer note its effectiveness and ease of management.

Working in Clean Master for computer

Once you download the program, you won't have to spend a lot of time figuring out how to use Clean Master. The program is in English, but all the icons are intuitive. When you launch the program, it will immediately show you the garbage on your computer. The program is perfect for average users who do not want to spend a lot of time understanding the settings in order to delete unnecessary files from their computer. You can clean your device of debris in one click by clicking the “Clean Now” button.

The program will help you increase the speed of your computer by removing unused applications. Clean Master will find them, ignoring the folders and partitions you specify, and then show detailed information about them. In the settings, you can set the parameters at your discretion, for example, scan files when you start the computer or set a reminder period after which Clean Master will scan the PC automatically. The program also allows you to delete each file separately or do it in one fell swoop by clicking on “Clean Now”.

If you are still in thought and searching for the ideal “cleaner”, try Clean Master. Simple graphically, easy to learn and powerful in its capabilities, the program will not leave you indifferent.
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The Clean Master application on Android will help rid mobile devices of old files, applications, images and other information that a person does not even use. Any user who has an outdated smartphone or is used to storing a lot of data will be able to benefit from this program.

What is Clean Master

The Clean Master application for Android is one of the most popular means of cleaning mobile devices, and on some phone models it even comes pre-installed. The program has an impressive rating of 4.5. It has already been downloaded by more than 30,000,000 users, and the vast majority of them rate the application highly.

The problem is that not all users know how to properly use the program to their advantage. Clean Master is a massive but confusing application that will take some time to master. Regardless of whether the program is newly installed or has been languishing in the background for a long time, the user needs to understand the information below.

The Cleaner app is available for free on the Google Play Store and is compatible with most Android mobile devices. First you need to download, install and run the program. The initial scan will look for what it considers junk: cache files, residual data from apps like Twitter, etc. The program will make a list of all the files that it would like to delete and show how much space this will free up. Just click on the big “Clear garbage” button to make all this information disappear. The application frees up space on your mobile device and improves its performance.

This was the easiest feature of the program to learn, but there is a button in the top right corner that says "Advanced". After clicking on it, a wide selection of additional options will appear that need to be explored. Cleaner functions may also appear in other sections of the operating system under different headings.

Program functions

Numerous sections make Clean Master a nightmare for the user interface, as they are filled with advertisements for other programs and sponsored content. You will definitely encounter ads after launching the application, but you only need to pay attention to the top of this long spam page, where you can see 4 icons: “Junk Files”, “Phone Boost”, “Antivirus” and “App Manager”. There you can also see a brief overview of the available RAM and disk space.

In order for the Cleaner to perform the same check as when it was first launched, you must click “Junk files”. If you select Boost your phone, you'll see a list of running programs and recommendations on whether you can close them to improve your phone's performance. There is a tool available to check the temperature of the mobile device's processor, which automatically closes applications that cause overheating.

The antivirus scans your device for possible security threats. He also advises setting up an access code for programs containing personal data using CM AppLock, and suggests downloading the CM Security application (this program was also developed by the Cheetah Mobile studio, which created Clean Master).

The CM AppLock feature increases security by allowing you to hide some applications from prying eyes. It adds an unlock code that will appear when you try to open a specific program. The feature provides security for email, personal messages, social networks and web browsers. It can be activated manually for any program installed on a mobile device.

Once AppLock is set up, it can't be turned off completely, but the list of apps it locks can be easily changed by tapping the padlock icon in the top right corner of the screen. Here you will also find the option to activate the front camera to capture anyone who tries to enter the unlock code.

This software is designed to remove old and unnecessary files from your computer. Unnecessary memory includes cache memory and those files remaining after uninstalling a program. Having them on your computer slows down the system. Clean Master also prevents malicious files from entering your computer.

Clean Master is able to fix a problem that is familiar to all PC users - the system freezes during startup. This freezing is due to the work of background processes that take up a lot of RAM. Not every user can solve this problem manually, but the program will definitely help.

The Clean Master program is popular among users of the Windows xp, Windows 7 and Windows 8 platforms, because... it can increase hard drive space. Of course, the main thing in this program is the ability to stop processes that slow down the PC and clear RAM

How to use Clean Master?

The program keeps file statistics, improves PC performance and correctly distributes memory between processes running on the PC.
Another advantage is maintaining confidentiality while browsing the Internet, because all personal data is deleted, as well as history and cache.
Work order.

I myself used to dote on Clean Master. However, time passed, and with it the imposition of an antivirus, a floating widget, a list of recommended applications and advertising became unbearable. And I uninstalled Clean Master. But, as you might expect, a quick search on Google Play yielded a number of interesting solutions.

Power Clean

In my selections I constantly include applications that are simply pleasing to the eye. No, don’t think that Power Clean is good only for its appearance. The cleaner regularly removes garbage, frees up memory and, if necessary, erases personal data from the phone, like all utilities in this category. But, for my taste, Power Clean is extremely simple and well stylized, although I can’t say that it is much more beautiful than the others.

Avira Android Optimizer

Antivirus manufacturers are not afraid of new directions and release their own applications for optimizing Android. Avira is one of them. Why am I mentioning this particular cleaner and not the extremely popular Cleaner from AVG? The solution from Avira appeared about a month ago, and it’s always interesting to watch young people hungry for victory. For now, Avira Android Optimizer is a fairly simple utility that has no settings at all. Perhaps this is a deliberate desire to simplify the user’s task as much as possible (as is common among antivirus programs), or perhaps it is a temporary phenomenon. The start, it seemed to me, was worthy of attention.


The famous cleaner for Windows reached Android in 2014. I have been following this application since the release of the first public beta version and I can note that CCleaner has improved a lot over the years. First of all, garbage scanning has accelerated and is now within the general normal range. Secondly, there are a couple of minor improvements and a slightly updated design. It's safe to say that CCleaner is a good option for your smartphone. The software matches the famous name of the developer.

By the way, Clean Master did not remain in debt and “in revenge” wrote a program for Windows. Lifehacker tells you about this confrontation.

The Cleaner

I don’t presume to say why The Cleaner is so popular, but, quite possibly, because of its dissimilarity from competitors and support for design themes. It is clear that its creators did a great job on the appearance of the application and made it possible to dress it in a “skin” that would match the user’s color preferences. Otherwise, The Cleaner practically does not stand out in any way and copes with its main task.