The principle of operation of a validator in transport. Using an HTML validator and practical tips

The HTML standard clearly defines the basic structure of a Web document. The HTML language is a subset of the document description language SGML (Structured Generalized Markup Language), thus, an html document is a text document consisting of html codes and the main text of the document. To view this document, you need a WEB browser - a special program for interpreting and correctly displaying the page on the screen.

What is the HTML standard?

* HTML was originally developed by Tim Berners-Lee and popularized by the Mosaic browser developed by NCSA. During the 90s. it literally blossomed due to the rapid development of the Web. There was a time when web developers were forced to use the HTML 2.0 standard (developed under the auspices of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to streamline conventions in late 1994), which only supported text formatting and embedding simple graphics.
* In 1995, some proposals for an extended HTML 3.0 standard were published and became unofficial HTML guidelines that were implemented in various browsers.
* In May 1996, the standard version 3.2 appeared. The organization responsible for the standard is the WWW Consortium (W3C - world wide web consortium); it is an association of representatives of industry and science.
* On December 18, 1997, the first release of the W3C specification for HTML 4.0 was released. The second issue (April 24, 1998) contained some editorial changes.
* On December 24, 1999, the HTML 4.01 standard was released - some errors were corrected in the previous standard - 4.0
* The presence of a standard presupposes the need for a special program (VALIDATOR itself), which checks for violations of the specifications according to which the document was compiled in an HTML document, if these violations actually exist there.

What is a Validator?
Validator: a conforming SGML parser that can find and report a reportable markup error if (and only if) one exists.
Validator: An SGML compliance parser that finds and reports a reportable markup error if (and only if) one exists.

ISO 8896, paragraph 15.4.

Thus, an HTML system is a validating HTML system if
1) it is a validating SGML parser according to ISO 8879, clause 15.4;
2) it is capable of processing any HTML-compliant document;
3) it finds and reports an error in the HTML if it exists;
4) it doesn't report an error in HTML if it doesn't exist.

ISO/IEC 15445:2000/DCOR 1:2001(E), paragraph 2.2.

It should be remembered that an html document is not a self-sufficient phenomenon, and in itself does not look like anything. The site takes on a visible form only in a specific browser. As practice shows, different browsers display a specific page in different ways (the display of pages depends on the operation of the correction algorithms built into the browser, and these algorithms are very different in different browsers), and, as a rule, all these methods are correct. In fact, this is one of the important advantages of the network - say, a person with poor eyesight can enlarge his font or use a reading browser, and for this he does not need to prepare a separate, special version of the site.

The two most common browsers for Windows render pages roughly the same, differing only in details such as margins and padding. Browsers for Macintosh or *Nix usually differ from these two in more global ways. The obvious benefit of having a standard is that it is much easier to control a single specification than many browsers.
“...For people with visual impairments, HTML offers a promising opportunity to give them equal access to the general public while using the basic Windows graphical user interface. The HTML tabular model includes attributes to label each cell to support high-quality text for the speech interface. These same attributes can be used to support automated import and export of table data into databases or spreadsheets..."

Many developers (mostly novice web designers) may disagree with the need for code to comply with the specification: “The validator leaves behind boring sites, kills creativity.” This opinion arises from simple laziness. Correct HTML text fully allows for dynamics, multimedia objects, the use of scripts, etc.; It’s just that all these effects can be done competently, or they can be done illiterately. We must also remember that in any creative field one must first learn the rules, and only then be able to surpass them. In addition, even experienced developers are not immune to mistakes; we can all make typos or forget to close a tag. The validator is able to track such errors and explicitly indicate the location with incorrect formatting.

Here are specific examples of errors that are detected by the validator:

ISO 8896, paragraph 15.4.

- wrong
(Error: start tag was here).

ISO 8896, paragraph 15.4.

- Right.

text inserted

- wrong
(Error: element "P" not allowed here; possible cause is an inline element containing a block-level element)

Text inserted

- Right.

If you find yourself needing to check your code against the specification, here are some tips:

Where can I get a validator?

A validator in web page form is offered at It is based on Clark's SP.

There is also a validator at It is also based on SP, although slightly modified. The authors declare that it is more strict in its evaluation and declares potentially dangerous, although valid places (for example, an unclosed tag with an optional closure). Validator sources are offered

A free validator available for all platforms can be downloaded from J. Clark’s website ( Along with the parser/validator, a stream normalizer is included in the delivery.

The W3C distributes validator source code at, but it is not actually a validator. This is just an adaptation of the Clarke validator to the web interface, executed in Perl. The description of this adaptation clearly states that you should have a Clarke validator on the machine. More links:

Can the tool from HomeSite – Validate Document – ​​be called a validator?

The developers of Allaire HomeSite announce that “...the verification program is released by them under the name “validator” purely for commercial reasons...”, and they will not release a real validator.

The program that comes with HomeSite violates the definition of a validator: it finds and shows errors that were not made, and does not find errors that were made.
Here is an example of her incorrect actions:
Reaction: no reaction.
In fact, there is an error here: the ALT of the second IMG is not set.

Reaction: error.
In fact, this tag is possible within XHTML.

The desire for perfection is the first sign of professionalism, and there is no need to focus on popular, but far from perfect html code portals. Perhaps the managers of such sites, having analyzed the statistics of visits, found out that 99% of visiting users will see everything as the designer intended... Perhaps the site authors deliberately exclude users with disabilities from among their visitors... however, you should remember such concepts as like humanism and the requirements of the law. With the advent of an official standard, violations of the specification risk being sued for making the site unavailable to those who cannot use a “regular” browser. Although in the regions of the former CIS countries the legislation is quite limited in this regard, in the enlightened world the issue is resolved better. Accessibility is gradually gaining the force of law. The validator does not guarantee accessibility (because it is not a substitute for common sense), but it does help ensure that all users are adequately supported.

Successful websites and impeccable code to you, dear developers!

I want to devote today’s article to site validation (that is, HTML). First, let's define what this term means! Site validation is checking for syntax errors, checking tag nesting and other criteria. As a rule, validators (services for checking sites for errors in document structure) check HTML code for compliance with a certain standard, which is indicated at the very beginning of any HTML page in the first line. If you didn't know what it was for, now you will know! 🙂 But why, exactly, is this validation needed and what does it affect?

“What is site validation?”

As I said above, validation is the compliance of HTML code with certain rules and standards. XHTML was replaced by , which made life much easier for developers. The thing is that in the XHTML version the syntax was very strict. If in HTML5 you can write a wrap tag
both without a slash and in this form
, then only the last option will be correct in XHTML. HTML5 is not so strict, and besides, many useful tags have appeared, but that’s not about that now :)

“What does site validation affect?”

Now let's answer the second question.

Site validation allows you to monitor the correct display of the site in different browsers. For example, if you do not close the tag or make a typo somewhere in the code, then the same page may be displayed differently in different browsers. Also (CSS) may not appear as you expected. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor this closely.

Also, I couldn’t help but say that validation affects search engines: search engines give preference to sites with valid HTML code. Keep this in mind!

Well, have I convinced you that website validation is really necessary? Then we're done with theory and let's move on to practice!

Validation Check Methods

I wrote detailed instructions about each of the methods in the form of text, and also, if someone is too lazy to read and delve into it, I made a video 😉.

1 way. Service

The essence of the first method is to use a service to check the validity of the site. How to check the validity of a site using the service

Follow the link above, select the Firefox browser version and click on the “Download” button. Then select the required operating system and install it as a regular add-on. (those who don’t understand, watch the video :)

2. Plugin for Google Chrome browser -

Here you need to click on the “Free” button and then click “Add” in the pop-up window.

The usual installation of the add-on also takes place here.

4. Plugin for Safari browser -


  1. Unpack the archive with the plugin.
  2. Copy the file "Safari Validator.webplugin" to the folder where the browser is installed, then /Library/Internet Plug-Ins (create a folder if it is missing)
  3. Double click on the Safari Validator.safariextz file.
  4. Restart Safari browser.

I tell you how to install the plugin in Firefox and how to use it in the second video:


That's the whole article. I hope the video materials, as well as the text information that I presented here, will help you improve your site and make it even more “attractive” to search engines 🙂, because we all strive for this. If you have questions or difficulties at any stage, write in the comments, we’ll figure it out together! Anyone who has read to the end of the article and done everything I wrote about has already improved their website and the result will not be long in coming. 🙂

Let's talk about code review tools. A special tool that is created for this purpose is called a format validator. HTML will be used as an example. A validator for this markup language is quite suitable for explaining the principle and giving an example.

Why is it needed?

It happens that when you write program code, everything seems to work correctly, but it doesn’t hurt to check. So, let's say we created an HTML page. When we think about a validator, it means that we are interested in how well it is made from the point of view of the accepted standard (the better, the more correct it will work on more computers).

Setting up conditions

The severity with which the page will be checked is specified in the tag. If it is not specified, it will be examined most thoroughly, and in the report the validator will indicate all errors and deviations from the standards. Also keep in mind that the verification will be carried out according to HTML5 rules. To indicate a different version or mitigate the search for deviations, use this tag. By the way, in addition to the HTML version, there is also a CSS validator. It will allow you to check the construction of the cascading style sheet and its compliance with the latest standard. If you are already interested in this topic, it is better not to neglect this chance.

Directions for checking the DOCTYPE tag

Currently there are the following types of checks:

  1. Strict according to the latest standard.
  2. Transitional.
  3. Strict.
  4. With frames.

By the way, it is advisable to always specify DOCTYPE. After all, if this is not done, different browsers with different settings will display the layout of the page differently. And the required file will be displayed very ugly. It should be noted that this only affects the visual component, while performance is not affected.

Let's say a word about mistakes

Even when checking a small document, a code validator can find many programmer mistakes. Is it necessary to eliminate them all? No. Most technical errors are not critical; the most they can do is slow down the site a little. Although, if this parameter is valuable to you, you cannot ignore them. It should also be noted that some errors may appear already at the time of compilation by the PHP interpreter.

Other elements

The fact that the HTML validator checks the code is certainly good. Are there any special features regarding RSS feeds and CSS cascading tables? Yes, there are validators for them too. Remember: they only check that the code complies with standards. And they don’t care what’s written there. Therefore, if you are primarily interested in the quality of the page and site, you need to check them too.

Online check

In order not to disperse their efforts across various programs, many developers have chosen an online validator. What is it and how does it help? Such services are usually already configured to check all three components (RSS feeds, CSS and HTML). Their versatility is worthy of praise. But it is better to check the correctness of HTML composition separately again. If we talk about the advantages of online services, it should be noted that there is no need to copy the entire code. Just enter the site address, and within a moment errors will be displayed. There are also browser extensions that can also partially or fully check whether the opened page complies with accepted standards.

What is included in validation?

This process is divided into several parts:

  1. Search in progress
  2. The nesting of tags is checked. They always close in the reverse order of how they came off. And if something is wrong, you will be notified.
  3. Checking for compliance with the specified Document Type Definition. The automation scans and determines whether everything (tags, attributes) is written correctly, relative to the version of the markup language that is declared.
  4. Check for foreign elements. A search is carried out for what is actually in the code, but is missing in the Document Type Definition.

It is necessary to understand that these are all logical checks. In this case, it is not important how the validator is implemented. What does this mean in practice? If at least one check fails, the code will not be considered valid. At the end, every serious program will provide recommendations on what needs to be fixed (and may even tell you how to do it).

Arguments for holding

The main reason why a markup validator is needed is to ensure cross-browser compatibility for a site or its individual page. The fact is that each program that helps you browse Internet pages has its own parser. Therefore, the only way to be sure that the code will function correctly in all browsers is to run it through a validator. What else does this give?

The fact is that each browser has its own mechanism for correlating errors in the program code. Therefore, perhaps he will be able to correct the situation with an invalid program, or he may make everything worse. These were arguments for, but there are also against.

So, it is worth noting that the markup validator is very strict. And browsers can fix some errors on their own. Therefore, if the first priority is the task of proper operation, the appearance can be partially ignored.

Reviews using validator

What does this mean in practice? Compared to what is used in real applications, the validator is extremely demanding. Of course, he may show some errors that interfere with normal work, but you still shouldn’t try to please him completely. It is also often pointed out that checking for foreign elements does not always go smoothly. But these also include custom attributes that are not recognized by standards, but are used by developers to facilitate production processes.

If you have doubts about the aesthetic appearance of the page, then they are in vain here. So, if you specify a Doctype, the browser parser will be switched to a certain mode. But this will not lead to the fact that it will be loaded, and the code will be checked for compliance with it. Therefore, browser parsers are already configured in advance for the fact that there will be a certain lack of code validity. The same is true with user attributes: they are successfully recognized and processed. An example is ARIA technology. It works with attributes that complement the semantic meaning of the code, which is why the validator curses. What is this: good or bad? On the one hand, the code works and provides special features. On the other hand, there is a deviation from standards. But in the case of ARIA this is completely justified.


In the end, I would like to say that everyone independently chooses whether to use a validator or not. Within the framework of the article, the features and nuances of this step were described, and the decision remains with the reader.

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Micro-markup validator is software that checks the markup of web pages in any formats and in all existing programming languages.

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Everyone loves to travel, especially to hypermarkets. So you, without breaking generally accepted trends, go shopping. You need to find juices, water, cookies, bread, socks, diapers and other things. But the store is too big, and it may take more than one hour to walk around it and find what you need. Another option is to contact a hypermarket employee, but there are a lot of purchases, so this method is not always applicable. It is much more convenient to navigate by signs that are located between the rows and accurately indicate the placement of products in the department.

In order to select relevant and useful information, search bots also use certain algorithms for selecting information for users.

What markup is considered correct?

The correct semantic one is considered to be one that is well received by search engines such as Google, Yandex, Bing and Yahoo. We have all encountered more than once that these services index information in completely different ways, so most often we pay attention to thoughtful, catchy and clear snippets.

Therefore, before implementing micro markup on the site, you need to determine the type of your data. For example, in a product card for an online store, you need to mark the price of the product, its name, description, image, reviews, rating. This way, the search bot will be able to understand what exactly is on the page without any problems and make it more relevant.

There are several services to check the correctness of micro markup:

  • Google background check tool;
  • micro markup validator from Yandex;

If your page has been validated on one service, then due to differences in search algorithms, it may not be passed on another. In order for search robots to correctly index your markup, understand its structure and settings.

Why do you need a markup validator?

is a semantic markup standard designed specifically for structuring information on a page for processing programs. In our case, microformats allow the search robot to point out the semantic meaning of individual page fragments and are used to convey information about the organization, products, reviews, and recipes.

Any page on the Internet consists of HTML tags that tell the browser how this or that information will be displayed, and micro-markup sets search engines a certain framework within which to search. Therefore, it allows you to achieve better page relevance for search robots and users. And most importantly, semantic markup allows you to improve the appearance of the site in search results (snippet).

Snippet without markup:

Snippet with markup:

The validator checks the correctness of the entire process and identifies errors made when working with the code. After all, if it is not properly checked, this may negatively affect the indexing of the resource and, even more so, your income. Therefore, it is a must-have tool for any programmer or webmaster.

Pages without errors in the code are the dream of any website owner, since the results of high-quality work will clearly be reflected in your positions in search results. This will not affect a site with 30+ positions. However, when the search engine shows 15th place, and not 3rd as we would like, this means serious shortcomings that entail material costs.

Most often, users who start using such software do not clearly understand how the site's micro-markup affects rankings. Yandex responds that it acts only indirectly, while the site becomes more attractive to the user, its audience becomes larger, as a result of which its position will increase. He clarifies that you should not expect results in the coming days, since they will appear only within one to two months.

How does a markup validator work?

To check the page, you need to enter the URL of the document you are checking or paste the required code in the form below.

In the “Check Results” column, the program will display the identified defects and their location.

There are two cases when an error message is displayed:

  • if the validator cannot recognize the markup;
  • if the markup does not comply with the standard and cannot be recognized correctly.

The message that "page not found" means that the page does not exist. Perhaps the page is unavailable to the search engine due to a service error, or due to security restrictions.

This will provide a list of required fields that are not taken into account in the work sent for review.

Google tool

Google, in collaboration with Yahoo! and Bing for the first time in 2011 tested their invention - a micro markup validator, which Yandex later joined. As a result, the whole world began to use the validator. The validator is constantly being improved and its functionality is expanding.

How to check:

1. Using a URL. Suitable for owners of active websites. Copy the link and paste it into the field provided for it.
2. Using an HTML fragment. This option is suitable for those who are just creating a website and storing it somewhere on a local server. The steps are the same - copy the code and paste it to check.

Google supported markup formats:

  • microdata;
  • microformats;

Supported types of markup information:

  • reviews;
  • goods;
  • companies;
  • organizations;
  • events;
  • music.

Yandex tool

Over the past four years, programmers have increasingly begun to use semantic micro-markup - about 15% of RuNet pages are marked up. Therefore, the need for validators has increased. And Yandex does not stand aside from new developments in this industry. It, unlike Google, is developing more rapidly and creating new universal tools.

Supported formats:

  • microformats;
  • Schema;
  • HTML;
  • Open Graph.

Data types supported by the Yandex validator:

  • goods;
  • prices;
  • addresses;
  • organizations;
  • articles;
  • music;
  • test drives;
  • drawings;
  • video clips;
  • recipes;
  • movies.

The microdata validator allows you to check the correctness of data structuring. It simplifies the work of optimizers and helps to correctly mark up content on the site. This makes the information about the page beautiful in search results and attracts visitors to the resource.

The developers of the “smart travel” system (automated fare payment and control system or ASOCP) in public passenger transport claim: the opportunities that we see today are just the tip of the iceberg. The system's shortcomings will soon be corrected, and according to plans, the system will be released from test mode to working mode by August.

Before our eyes, the reliability of the validator was tested.

Attention! You have JavaScript disabled, your browser does not support HTML5, or you have an older version of Adobe Flash Player installed.

Open/download video (2.49 MB)

At first he was thrown in a corridor with a tiled floor, so that he first hit the ceiling. Then they threw me into the stairwell twice, about three or four meters away. Then they beat him with a hammer. Only after this test did marks in the form of abrasions appear on the body. But this did not affect the functioning of the device in any way.

The editors warn that attempting to repeat such an experience in a vehicle will cost you a lot.

The director of the IBA technical department and the project manager for the software part spoke about the electronic fare payment project IT.TUT.BY.

How long has it taken for electronic fare payment systems to be developed? What experience does the company have in similar projects?

We have been directly involved in the electronic fare payment project for more than three years. Other types of systems for selling tickets (for example, through banking devices) have been developed previously. Thus, IBA has been involved in transport fare payment systems for more than five years. In general, the company has been working towards creating self-service systems for more than 10 years.

Even when bank cards were practically not widespread in Belarus, we created automated payment systems. There was a lot of skepticism then: “Won’t it break?”, “How can I pay here?”... but 10 years have passed, and now bank payment and reference terminals are de facto standard, and there is no doubt about their convenience. I am sure that the automated fare payment system will soon become a familiar and integral part of our lives.

How long has the project's roadmap been written down, and what other services will appear?

There is a plan to use the existing network of bank terminals to replenish cards instead of kiosks. Another possibility is to purchase cards not at kiosks, but in self-service mode. Kiosks and cash desks are restricted; unlike terminals, they do not operate 24x7. Passengers complain that it is often not possible to buy a ticket - this can be fixed. Prototypes of such devices have already been developed.

Prototype of a terminal for issuing and replenishing contactless cards

Last year, the IBA company held a seminar on payment and control systems for transport fares, the so-called smart travel, they discussed problems not only in Minsk, but also in the regions, and considered the advantages and capabilities of the system. Regional centers show greater interest in automated fare payment systems, but there is also interest in such systems among small cities and enterprises involved in intercity transportation.

So in the future, automated payment and travel control systems can be integrated on the basis of a single card. There is similar experience in Russia and other countries. Validators and smart cards already support this feature. Several applications can be stored in the card memory for different purposes. A universal travel card, it seems to me, will definitely appear, it’s just a matter of time.

A question from the realm of science fiction: if it is possible to combine a travel pass for all types of transport throughout the country into one card, then perhaps it is possible to add payment options and even an electronic passport to the same card? Will we see this in 5-10-20 years?

This fantasy is not far from reality. When we started designing the “smart travel” system, we understood the promise of this technology and developed a virtually universal iCard platform that allows you to record almost any data on the card.

I can show you my wallet, there are many different cards, both bank and discount cards... Now there is a tendency to combine information on one medium. In Belarus, an internal identification card, an “electronic passport”, is currently being designed. The same “pupil card” may soon be combined with a travel card.

Many Belarusian banks have received a license to issue and service banking smart cards, which work both in the usual way and contactless. You can also add other applications there. It is technically possible to write down an “electronic travel pass”.

Modern means make it possible to implement this even now. The question is how reliable, convenient, expedient it will be, how things will stand with privacy and legislation... I won’t say in how many years we will see a “single card” and whether it will really be “single”, but technically it is already feasible.

Will NFC technology ever be used to allow payments from your phone?

NFC technology is now gaining momentum in the world, we understand its promise. The next stage of “smart payment” could be payment using a mobile device by simply “tapping” it to the terminal. Validators that are installed already support NFC at the hardware level; this feature is simply not “enabled” in software. We, as a software company, will be ready to take part in NFC developments.

Now there is interest in NFC in Belarus, but devices supporting this technology have not yet become widespread, although I think that the situation will change in the near future. When there is greater interest, when such services are offered more widely and this kind of fare payment is approved by the Minsktrans, it will not be difficult to “turn on” NFC. I hope this happens in the near future; NFC is already becoming a standard for smartphone manufacturers.

But for now Mifare cards and RFID technology are used. What do these words mean?

RFID is a broad concept that refers to any method of transmitting radio signals between a special chip, an RFID tag and a signal reader. For the “functioning” of the tag, no power or “batteries” are needed, and the reader consumes relatively little energy.

Mifare is one of the world's most popular technologies for contactless fare payment systems. The disadvantages of the old version of Mifare Classic were studied, and a new version was recently introduced - Mifare Plus, which we use. The Plus version is protected from copying and counterfeiting; data is encrypted with complex algorithms. The developers of the standard, with whom we work closely, say that IBA Group was one of the first companies in the world to implement a system with the maximum level of security of Mifare Plus technology.

Why is a printout on a coupon and an RFID validator for travel cards now used in parallel? Is it possible to refuse coupons or print them directly at the terminal?

Organizing payment for a one-time trip is a problem for any transport system. At the time of project development, about 40% of trips are one-time trips. Therefore, having a separate payment method for one-time trips is a must.

When choosing a method to pay for a one-time trip, many technologies were considered. However, the cost of any RFID carrier exceeded the cost of a single trip, so it was not possible to find an alternative to a paper ticket.

In Moscow, disposable RFID cards are issued in the metro; their cost is comparable to one trip - in our country, such an option would cost more than the fare itself. We looked at various technologies, but it was not economically feasible to introduce a contactless tool for one-off trips.

There are systems for selling tickets directly in the cabin in different countries, but for Belarus, any method of accepting payment for a one-time trip that we considered (bills, bank cards...) significantly increased the cost of the project and complicated communication channels. And terminals for selling single tickets would take up a lot of space in the cabin. The electronic composter protrudes just a few centimeters forward from the handrail, and the sales terminal would take up the space of one or two passengers. And it would be difficult to use it during rush hour. Perhaps this can only be applied on suburban and intercity routes.

Therefore, for now, paper coupons and electronic composters are used in combination with contactless cards. In the future, there will be terminals for selling tickets and topping up smart cards at bus stops. Just as you can now buy a ticket for a commuter bus at the terminals of some banks, just as you can buy a ticket for an electric train at a train station at the terminal, so it will be possible to pay for ground transport. And not only with a bank card, but also with cash.

In the meantime, the driver’s tickets will not disappear anywhere. But their number will decrease, because... An electronic ticket for one trip (analogous to a coupon) can be written on a contactless card, which is obviously more convenient.

Photo: Snezhana Inanets, from the TUT.BY archive

That is, more people will want to buy travel cards instead of one-time coupons? What needs to be done for this?

As already mentioned, the issued smart cards support up to six types of electronic travel cards that are stored in memory at the same time. This provides the passenger with the opportunity to manage their travel passes within one card. This could be travel for a month, a certain number of trips, or travel over a certain distance, including a specific number of zones. Tariffs for the day and even for the hour can be developed and recorded on the card.

Conductors regularly hear "I won't buy a ticket, I only have one stop" or "why does one stop cost as much as traveling through the whole city". This can also be solved with a special tariff, zonal or per kilometer payment.

Technically, these tariffs and payment methods are implemented and supported by the smart travel system. But for now the system is being implemented in accordance with existing rules and regulations.

Yes, that's right. Cards will allow you to choose a subscription plan and calculate your costs more correctly. But it is incorrect to compare the Mifare card we use with a SIM card. It's more like a wallet, since tariffs are stored directly on the card. There is no need to wait for anything; as soon as the passenger has topped up the card, he can pay for the trip.

But even flexible fares will not eliminate questions about “I only have one stop.” Was the option of something like a turnstile at the entrance considered, as is sometimes done abroad?

All options were considered and the optimal one was chosen. The system is built on trust and control. Additionally, to protect against “relatively honest” passengers who stand with a ticket and wait for the controller, the entire system in the vehicle, including composters and validators, will be blocked during the control. The driver can also block it. That is, driving with a ticket in your pocket and punching it only at the sight of the inspector will not work.

Recently, passengers noticed what appeared to be a mid-day system update: validators were rebooting and initially displaying system information. Was it really a “flash on the fly”?

The system that is currently being implemented is quite large-scale. Hundreds of vehicles with more than one or two “smart” elements. At this scale, it is impossible to manually reprogram each device. If a one-time mass update is required, it can be updated remotely on all devices on the network at once.

Both tariffs and support for NFC or touch buttons can come to every car within one day - as soon as the vehicle connects to the network, the firmware will be uploaded to it via mobile communication channels. By the way, the firmware “weighs” quite a bit, it’s not tens of megabytes, it’s not Windows or Linux. Per month per vehicle, taking into account the daily transfer of navigation and payment data, as well as several large updates, no more than 60 MB is required.

Yes, users could see diagnostics or firmware updates. We have just started implementing the system, it is working in test mode, and we are monitoring and promptly eliminating shortcomings.

Dissatisfaction was also expressed due to messages in only one language...

The system already supports Russian, Belarusian and English languages.

Transport instructions state that not only the travel time must be printed, but also the vehicle number. The number is currently not indicated. Can this be fixed?

The reason for the lack of a vehicle number is that the system is in the adjustment stage. In the near future, all data will be printed on coupons.

We asked about the hardware and technical implementation of “smart travel” Sergei Syaglo, director of ODO "Protok Lux", an enterprise included in the IBA Group, project manager for hardware.

What do validators and electronic composters consist of? How much of these developments are Belarusian?

The system consists not only of a validator and a composter, it also includes an on-board computer and a navigation terminal, and a special card reader for controllers. This system is integrated with the current dispatch control system of Minsktrans, with the prospect of connecting other systems. It is technically possible to interact with electronic displays at stops (these already exist in Minsk), fuel control systems, and passenger flow accounting (for example, you can increase the number of cars on a route if it is busy at a specific time).

The electronic composter contains a compact matrix printer from R&G, specially designed for the harsh operating conditions of public transport. The decision in their favor was made due to their vast experience and the economic infeasibility of their own development. Software development, as well as integration work with ASOKP, was carried out in Belarus.

The validator and all the other equipment are entirely Belarusian developments, design, casting, boards, assembly... This is not the first revision of the device, they worked on it for two years, taking into account the peculiarities of Minsk transport, climate, and saturation during rush hour. Foreign analogues, by the way, are usually larger in size.

The main parameters that users are concerned about are resistance to breakage and difficulty in operation compared to mechanical composters and paper travel cards...

We have taken the issue of vandal resistance seriously. A metal case would interfere with signal transmission and would quickly get scratched. To make it, we used modern polymers; they are quite impact-resistant, they are difficult to “twist” from the handrail, and scratches are not so noticeable. This is not an adaptation of some technology, this is a new development taking into account specific requirements, world experience and systems already implemented in Belarus, as well as economic feasibility and a “background for the future,” which is important.

Speed ​​of work is a priority. Now paying by card takes 0.2-0.3 seconds. An electronic composter is no slower than a mechanical one. Maximum ease of use is also important - a minimum of actions. On the validators, next to the display, there are two touch buttons that have not yet been used; they may be useful in the future for checking the balance or transactions with tariffs.