A program for beautiful graphs and charts. Programs for plotting function graphs

Wenn eine Flussdiagramm-Software ihr Geld wert sein soll, dürfen folgende Standardfunktionen nicht fehlen: Vorlagenlayouts, Shapes, automatische Formatierungen und Cloudkompatibilität. Noch rentabler wird die Software mit erweiterten Optionen wie der Einbindung externer Datenquellen in Diagramme. Mithilfe von Datenverknüpfungen sind Flussdiagramme immer auf dem neuesten Stand, sobald Sie Daten in der zugrunde liegenden oder in der SQL-Datenbank ändern. Das spart viel Zeit, besonders wenn Flussdiagramme vom ganzen Team genutzt werden. So lassen sich wichtige Statusänderungen – unabhängig von Ort und Endgerät – schnell und einfach kommunizieren. Vor allem bei der Budget- und Urlaubsplanung sind Datenverknüpfungen ein sehr nützliches Instrument.

Es wird deshalb nicht überraschen, dass Datenverknüpfungen ein wesentliches Qualitätsmerkmal professioneller sind. Die Technologie ist da, nur die Anwender müssen die Grenzen ihrer Vorstellungskraft sprengen. Hier sind einige Beispiele, die Ihrer Kreativität auf die Sprünge helfen.

Ressourcen zuweisen

Wer in einem Team dafür zuständig ist, Arbeitszeiten und Ressourcen zuzuweisen und zu managen, hat oft alle Hände voll zu tun. Die verfügbaren Arbeitszeiten der Beteiligten müssen immer abrufbar sein, was leider nicht immer der Fall ist. Und falls doch, sickern die Informationen nur Stück für Stück durch – und das auch noch in verschiedenen Formaten und oft unzusammenhängend. Die beste Lösung ist die Visualisierung dieser Informationen an einem zentralen Ort. Die Datenverknüpfung ist ein wichtiger Schritt in diese Richtung.

Die Schritte im Überblick:

  1. Erstellen Sie ein Standarddiagramm, in dem jedes Mitglied Ihres Projektteams durch ein Symbol oder Bild dargestellt ist.
  2. Verknüpfen Sie das Diagramm mit einer gemeinsamen Tabellenkalkulation, in der alle Beteiligten ihre geschätzte verfügbare Arbeitszeit festhalten.
  3. Überlegen Sie, wie Sie die Verfügbarkeit der einzelnen Projektmitglieder visuell darstellen – zum Beispiel durch verschiedene Farben, Shapes usw.
  4. Weisen Sie schnell und einfach Aufgaben zu – ein Blick genügt, um die Verfügbarkeit zu erkennen.

Arbeitsbereiche reservieren

Die Arbeitswelt befindet sich im Wandel. Getrennte Arbeitsbereiche, Büros und ein eigener Schreibtisch waren gestern. Heute geht der Trend zu flexiblen Teamarbeitsbereichen, Laptops und dem mobilen Büro. Die Mitarbeiter großer Unternehmen – die über mehrere Etagen oder Gebäude verteilt sind – müssen deshalb immer genau wissen, welche Arbeitsbereiche gerade frei oder belegt sind. Auch hier bieten sich Datenverknüpfungen an.

Die Schritte im Überblick:

  1. Erstellen Sie ein Diagramm (oder mehrere), um den Grundriss des Unternehmens abzubilden.
  2. Verknüpfen Sie das Diagramm mit einer gemeinsamen Tabellenkalkulation, in der ein Raum oder ein Arbeitsbereich für eine bestimmte Uhrzeit reserviert werden kann.
  3. Überlegen Sie, wie Sie eine Reservierung visuell darstellen wollen.
  4. Stellen Sie das Diagramm unternehmensweit bereit, damit jeder weiß, wann welcher Arbeitsbereich verfügbar ist.

Projektstatus überwachen

Mithilfe von Flussdiagramm-Software lassen sich nicht nur wichtige Unternehmensprozesse, sondern auch einzelne Projektphasen ganz einfach visualisieren. Auf diese Weise behalten Sie den Projektstatus immer im Blick. Wenn alle Beteiligten sehen, was bereits geschafft wurde und welche Aufgabe als Nächstes ansteht, lassen sich Verzögerungen meist vermeiden. Auch dies ist ein Paradebeispiel für Datenverknüpfungen.

Die Schritte im Überblick:

  1. Erstellen Sie ein Diagramm, in dem jede Projektphase und die Aufgaben der Beteiligten durch ein Symbol oder ein Bild dargestellt sind.
  2. Verknüpfen Sie das Diagramm mit einer gemeinsamen Tabellenkalkulation, in der alle Beteiligten erledigte Aufgaben abhaken können.
  3. Überlegen Sie, wie Sie eine abgeschlossene Aufgabe visuell darstellen wollen.
  4. Teilen Sie das Diagramm mit dem ganzen Projektteam, damit jeder weiß, was noch zu tun ist. Dank visueller Kommunikation gewinnen Personen mit unterschiedlichem Erfahrungshintergrund schnelle Einblicke in komplexe Informationen. Die richtige Flussdiagramm-Software hilft Ihnen, Irrtümer und Missverständnisse zu vermeiden. Wie kann Ihr Unternehmen von Flussdiagramm-Software profitieren?

Graph – an application for building mathematical graphs, which are based on a function. The program is made with open source code. Any are supported here existing functions, and for convenience, they are divided into categories. You can create any graph, be it sine, cosine, algorithm, etc. The graph itself is also customizable; you can set the thickness of its lines and their color, or specify the indentation with which the data will be displayed. Graph allows you to display function conditions, such as equality or vice versa.

You can save the graph in any graphic format. Moreover, you will be able to export the coordinate system and the graph itself to a file, which other programs, for example, can then work with. The graph builder can also display their values ​​by recalculating the data, insert comments, create custom functions, set animations, and much more.

Advantages of Graph:

  • simplicity - you can understand the program in a matter of minutes;
  • simple functions, parametric and polar, are supported;
  • the ability to construct any auxiliary lines;
  • You can add any inscription near the graph;
  • it is possible to copy the result as a picture;
  • the ability to build a graph using points or tabular data;
  • There is a print to file function.

Let's finish

The first impression of a charting program is deceiving, and contrary to the belief that it is difficult to understand, you will be able to figure it out quickly in the fall. After just two minutes of investigation, we managed to build a simple linear graph. Moreover, all possible data output methods are supported here. This is both a simple printout and transmission of the result. third party programs. The coordinate system itself is also very flexible.

The application will be useful not only for students who learn all the tricks of mathematics, but also for their teachers. In addition, you do not need to register for the program. Using the button below, you can download the latest version of the program for free via a direct link.

Any freelancer has encountered a situation where he needed to quickly solve a problem, but he did not have the necessary tools. Today, with access to the Internet, many of the tasks can be solved directly in the browser - there are many services on the network for adjusting images, working with audio and video files, text, tables, and so on. In addition, there is often a need to illustrate the created content with graphs and diagrams. The graphs are very informative and allow you to display the relationship between various types data, it is difficult to do without them when creating presentations or reviews and they must be used if possible. FreelanceToday presents 10 tools for creating graphs and charts.

Most of the tools presented are quite simple, so mastering them will be very easy.

Chart Maker is a simple and intuitive tool for creating charts. With Chart Maker, the user can create five types of charts: line, pie, bar, Venn and scatter charts. When finished, you can specify the exact size of the diagram in pixels and either save it on your computer’s hard drive or publish it on the Internet - the service generates a link to the image.

The ChartGo tool allows you to create colorful and informative charts. You can work with different types of charts, including histograms, line graphs, pie charts and area graphs. Using the settings, you can adjust the color and size of the image, change the font style (italics and bold), and also mention the source of information. Using the service, you can create your own investment and stock charts, Forex charts, and also illustrate any data related to finance.

One of the features of ChartGo is the ability to edit a saved graph or chart. The image is stored on the ChartGo server and can be modified. The server generates a link to the chart, so when the original image changes, the chart published on the website or blog page also changes.

The diagram is in a great way for visual presentation of information. Using free online tool Charts can be created in the most different graphs and charts: line, pie, radar, pyramid, area charts and many others. It is possible to work with color and font type. You can also choose the appearance of the diagram: 2D or 3D. The finished graph can be saved in PNG, JPG, PDF and CSV formats. A link to the chart is also provided. The diagram can be posted on a website or blog, or shared on social media. Facebook networks, Twitter and Google+.

A very easy to use chart generator created by John Winstanley. The mention of Google in the name of the tool is explained simply - the generator uses Google API. Using the service, you can create accurate, vivid and informative graphs and charts. The finished result can be saved on your computer or published on the Internet. The service also generates an HTML image tag. The user has relatively few tools at his disposal, but everything is there required types charts and graphs. You can create charts with multiple data sets, grouped histograms (vertical and horizontal), and choose a 2D or 3D appearance.

Line graphs are indispensable when you need to display certain types of data or demonstrate current trends. Line Graph Maker is a very easy to use tool for creating line graphs. You can also create simple pie charts and histograms using the service.

The RAW tool is powerful platform to create colorful graphs and diagrams. The tool allows you to display information 16 in various ways. The creators of the service did a good job on the functionality; the platform can be used in serious research, since Raw is an intermediate option between professional spreadsheet editors and vector graphic editors. Any person working with confidential information, will be glad to know that Raw processes data only through the browser and does not store it on its servers. The platform does not allow you to create simple line graphs and histograms; the creators of the service suggest using other available tools for this. But if you need to create an alluvial diagram, a circular dendrogram, or something else complex and unusual, then you can use Raw.

amCharts is designed to create modern and stylish chart templates that can be used in presentations, conferences, and to illustrate content. There are several initial diagrams, the platform interface can be completely configured in a couple of minutes. The main advantage of the service is the ability to create interactive charts and diagrams, however, this will require the user to have at least basic knowledge of HTML, since he will have to work with the generated HTML code that interacts with JavaScript libraries.

If you need an easy-to-use tool for creating charts, then you should pay attention to the Plotvar online service. The tool is ideal for illustrating financial analysis, presentations, forum posts or social networks. You can create line graphs, histograms, and pie charts. It is also possible to create dynamic charts. A “live” chart will allow you to present information in dynamics, which will be appreciated by those users who work with constantly changing data.

Infogram is known as one of the leading infographic creation apps. But it also has tools for creating charts and graphs, with more than 30 variations. Infogram is a premium tool, it is paid, so you should create charts in it only if absolutely necessary. As a last resort, you can sign up for a 30-day trial period. The service has very broad functionality; the capabilities of the platform allow Infogram to compete even with such professional graphic editors, like Photoshop.

You can create almost any graph or chart in the Google Charts online service. The tool also supports interactive dynamic charts. All graphics are created using HTML5/SVG, so no additional plugins for correct display no information required. There is no simpler and convenient tool, if you want to create an interactive and scalable chart.

Almost any mathematical function can be visualized as a graph. In order to help users who have encountered certain difficulties in building them, a huge number of different programs have been developed. The most common and useful of them will be discussed below.

3D Grapher is one of the programs for plotting function graphs. Unfortunately, its capabilities do not include the creation of two-dimensional graphs; it is designed only for visualizing mathematical functions in the form of three-dimensional images.

In general, this software provides a very high-quality result, and also provides the opportunity to track changes in the function over time.

AceIT Grapher

Another program in this category that cannot be ignored is AceIT Grapher. Like 3D Grapher, it provides for the creation of three-dimensional graphs, however, in addition, it is not without the ability to display the appearance of functions on a plane.

It is very nice to have a tool for automated research of a function, which allows you to avoid long calculations on paper.

Advanced Graphics

If you are looking for really high quality function graphing software, then you should look into Advanced Graphics. This tool, in general, has a similar set of capabilities to AceIT Grapher, but there are some differences. It is important to have a translation into Russian.

It is worth paying attention to the extremely useful tools for calculating derivatives and antiderivative functions, as well as displaying them on a graph.


This representative of the category under consideration is a little more difficult to handle. With this program, you can perform all the same functions with the functions as in the case of the previous two, but this may require certain preparations.

The main disadvantage this tool can confidently be called extremely high price for full version, which makes it not the best option, because there are other solutions to the problems that arise when plotting mathematical functions, for example, Advanced Grapher.

Efofex FX Draw

Efofex FX Draw is another function graphing program. Pleasant visual design coupled with a wide range of capabilities that are not inferior to its main competitors, allow this product to take its rightful place in its segment.

A pleasant difference from competitors is the ability to plot statistical and probabilistic functions.

Falco Graph Builder

One of the tools for constructing function graphs is Falco Graph Builder. In terms of its capabilities, it is inferior to most similar programs if only because it provides the ability to build only two-dimensional graphs of mathematical functions.

Despite this, if you do not need to create large graphs, then this representative can become excellent choice, at least because it is completely free.

FBK Grapher

Program created Russian developers from FBKStudio Software, FBK Grapher is also a worthy representative of this category of software. Possessing all the necessary tools for visualizing mathematical expressions, this software, in general, is not inferior to foreign analogues.

The only thing that FBK Grapher can be reproached for is that the design of three-dimensional graphs is not the most pleasant and understandable.


Here, as in 3D Grapher, it is possible to create only three-dimensional graphs, however, the results of this program are very specific and not very rich in details, because they do not have any symbols.

Considering this fact, we can say that Functor is suitable only when you only need to get a superficial understanding of appearance mathematical function.


Creating graphs of mathematical functions is not the main task of the program, because it is designed to perform mathematical operations in a broader sense. Among these are the construction of various geometric shapes and interaction with them. Despite this, this software copes, in general, with creating function graphs no worse than specialized programs.

Another plus in favor of GeoGebra is that it is completely free and is constantly supported by its developers.


This software is the most different from its competitors in the category under review. The main difference between this program and its analogues is that all actions with functions in it are performed using the command line.

If you do decide to pay attention to Gnuplot, then you need to know that it is quite difficult to understand how it works and is recommended for users who are familiar with programming at least at a basic level.

The programs presented above will help you understand the construction of a graph of a particular mathematical function of almost any complexity. Almost all of them work on a similar principle, but some have a wider range of features, making them the best options to choose from.

Once upon a time, at work, I often needed to prepare diagrams for various occasions. Excel Features often it was not enough and I had to resort to more sophisticated methods. Therefore, in this article I decided to remember my youth and talk about six useful programs for creating diagrams.


Dia is a free editor for creating graphs of varying complexity.

This program will serve as a cool alternative for Microsoft Visio. Simple and clear interface, hundreds of shapes, support for databases and custom shapes in XML or SVG. And thanks to the open source code, the program is available on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Powerful program for quick creation quality diagrams.

Available as manual creation, and import of external data. The program's built-in algorithms quickly process an array of data and automatically visualize it. The program is available on Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac.

Another open source diagramming program.

Pencil Project is focused on creating charts visually (that is, not from a dataset). A built-in collection of forms and templates will help you quickly choose required format diagrams. The program also has a large community of enthusiasts who are always ready to help with creating charts or answer questions about the program.

An alternative to the Microsoft office suite. Which means everything is here.

Indeed, if you are used to making graphics in Visio or Excel, then the first thing you should try is an alternative in the form of LibreOffice Draw. Here you will find all the same familiar tools and functions, just in a slightly different package.

Suitable for those who want cheap and cheerful.

A minimalistic interface to the point of disgrace, the only purpose of which is to create a diagram. Despite its apparent simplicity, there are many functions here. Supports import and export of data, automatic calculation of formulas and much more.
There is a portable version, but it only supports Windows systems.

Not like everyone else and not for everyone. Here's a simple (duh) and intuitive way to create charts. clear language programming.

But once you understand the language, you can create diagrams of any complexity.