Computer temperature monitoring program. Download AIDA program

The video card temperature gadgets category for Windows 7 and 8 includes gadgets for the computer desktop that inform you about the degree of heating of the video card. Some of the gadgets in this category are equipped with additional functions, such as loading a video card and other indicators of the operation of PC elements.

Does the computer regularly freeze, the video in games or videos is late and slow, and the device periodically reboots without asking the user’s consent? Maybe, we're talking about about overheating of the video card, which is fraught with serious troubles for the electronic device and tangible financial expenses for the user. The video card temperature gadget, which can be found and downloaded on our website of modern free mini-programs, will help you find out exactly whether this is so. It is capable of monitoring and displaying temperature indicators on the monitor screen in real time. This will allow you to notice critical overheating in time and reduce the load on the video card by disabling some processes.

We offer a wide range of system mini-applications, which are controllers for the operation of various components of a computer device, including video cards. Many of them are equipped additional options and are not limited to just showing the current temperature: with their help you can find out, for example, the model name, performance, load level and clock speed of your video card.

In addition, multifunctional widgets can include such important and necessary functions like, controller hard drive, cooler rotation speed monitor, bus width demonstrator, load level data RAM, information about the level of filling of the basket, battery charge and others.

The catalog contains applications in both English and Russian that display the temperature of the video card in Celsius or Fahrenheit - each user will be able to choose the most familiar and convenient option for him.

The most popular and popular type of utility of this type is the processor and video card temperature gadget, since using similar applications You can simultaneously keep under control the temperature indicators of two devices that are most susceptible to heating and, as a result, failure. At the same time, they do not affect the speed and stability of work processes on the computer, nor the quality of the Internet connection, and take up minimal disk space (the heaviest mini-program weighs less than 1MB).

Where and how to download the video card temperature gadget for Windows 7

Our website invites everyone who needs and cares about constant monitoring of video card heating to take a look at the corresponding section of our catalog. Here we have collected for you the best existing mini-applications for Windows. Each CPU and GPU temperature gadget is provided with detailed and clear description its capabilities, colorful photos of the interface, and even demo videos are attached to many positions, clearly revealing the capabilities of the utilities.

There is no need to register on our website and pay for downloading - all programs are offered to visitors for free. At the same time, we do not limit the period of use of gadgets and do not install maximum quantity downloads per visit. You can select, download and install on your computer device several utilities at once, use each of them for some time and, based on the testing results, choose the most convenient one.

Any video card temperature gadget for Windows 7 from our catalog is a compact, easy to download and install, easy to use and manage program with a pleasant appearance, optimally suited for your desktop thanks to its universal interface and the ability to change covers at your own discretion. By downloading it, you get not only unconditional practical benefits, but also aesthetic pleasure, which always appears when looking at a stylish and cute gadget.

Since you have already looked at our website, take the time to go through its other pages: you will definitely find something useful and necessary for yourself. After all, we have collected in the catalog gadgets of a wide variety of directions and purposes, from functional ones that optimize the operation of the computer, such as, for example, similar ones, to those that play a purely entertainment role - games, music and video applications, and others.

We never rest on our laurels; we constantly try to find new interesting mini-applications for Windows and include them in our catalog. Visit us from time to time - we will definitely be able to please you with an unusual new product. Choose and download the processor and video card temperature gadget you like, use it for your pleasure and come back for an update that you might like even more!

Good day everyone, dear friends, acquaintances, readers, admirers and other individuals. Today we’ll talk about such a thing as computer temperature and its components.

Users often forget that they tend to heat up, overheat and, as a result, malfunction and break (oh how I wrapped it up :)). This usually occurs due to weak or legacy systems cooling or because of banal dust in them.

But in 85% of cases, the whole point is that, as I said at the beginning, users do not know how to find out the temperature of the processor, memory, video card and other computer components, as well as what they should be, and do not clean (they don’t know how and why, or are simply lazy) dust from coolers (fans located on , and in ), or simply have standard boxed cooling devices that were supplied to them in the store by malicious sellers, and these are not effective enough to solve the tasks for high-quality cooling.

In addition, summer has come again, which means that the air temperature has risen significantly. And this is felt not only by people, but also by our computers, which are already hot, and here the sun is hot outside the window. When we are hot, what happens to us? That's right, in best case scenario we just feel bad and uncomfortable, we stop thinking normally, and in the worst case, we get sunstroke.

The same thing can happen with a computer, because during hot periods it is more difficult for coolers to hold acceptable temperature and, as a result, your iron friend may begin to act up and risk getting sunstroke in the form of a reboot or shutdown (or even burn out). Naturally, the question arises - how to identify the first signs of overheating and what to do if they are detected? About this and we'll talk in this article.

Simply put, I will tell you about:

  • How to find out the temperature various components on the computer
  • How to tell if they are overheating or not
  • What could be the consequences of overheating?
  • How to avoid overheating and those same consequences
  • What determines and what benefits can be derived from the temperature of various components
  • What to do if something overheats

Are you ready? Then let's go.

Signs of a computer overheating. We find and analyze

Characteristic signs of overheating are malfunctions, namely:

  • Spontaneous exit from applications to the desktop
  • Performance losses (stutters and lags)
  • Banding or other artifacts (noise) on the screen
  • Refusal to boot, namely with requests to check the operation of the cooling systems

But in general it is better not to bring the system to characteristic features overheating, and monitor the temperature of all components in advance during idle time (just on the desktop) and under load (while playing or running a resource-consuming application) to see if there is overheating and take action in time.

Finding out the temperature of computer components

There are countless programs for taking temperature readings. Another thing is that some of them take readings from thermal sensors (special things that measure temperature) on computer components not accurately enough, others simply do not support some/many components of your computer, and still others outright lie and mislead the user.

Some individuals use a frightening method - touch the processor/video card/anything else and if the piece of hardware is hot, then you can start to panic. But I would not recommend engaging in such nonsense, since it is completely inaccurate (unless you have finely sensitive thermal sensors built into your skin that can determine the temperature down to a degree :)), and in general you can get burned, get an electric shock or something else no less terrible.

Method one: a simple and quick way to find out the temperature

Instantly, simply and without unnecessary hassles, you can measure the temperatures of various computer components using the program HWMonitor.

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It does not require installation, unnecessary movements and other horrors of life. You can take it, article on use.

Method two: the method is more accurate, but takes a long time, i.e. under load = during operation

Temperatures when idle (when the computer is hardly used is one thing). But under load and in a state of stress - this is different. Therefore, to take temperature readings, we will use a time-tested program - a heavyweight called (formerly Everest).

First, a little about the program itself. AIDA- this is perhaps the only program that can tell you everything about your computer, starting from what processor you have, operating system and ending with whether you have open at the moment frame system unit, how many millions of transistors are in your video card and what kind of slippers are currently on your feet (of course it’s a joke about the slippers;)). I'll talk about this truly great program in detail, but for now let's get back to what we wanted to use it for - to determine the temperature of system components.

You can download the program from anywhere, but according to my tradition, I give you . No installation required, you just need to run from the unpacked folder aida64.exe.

In the opened large and scary program(by the way, it’s in Russian) you need to go to the tab " Computer- Sensor". There you will see all the temperatures of your computer components.

Let's move on to direct use.

How to use AIDA64 for our purposes

Now we can observe the temperatures:

  • CPU - Processor
  • - Processor cores (this is the main thing in it)
  • GPU - Graphics Processing Unit (video card)
  • GPU memory - GPU memory (video card memory)
  • Motherboard - the temperature on the computer, namely the temperature of its chipset (the main thing in it)

What are these temperatures, what can be learned from them and why are they needed at all?

Temperature plays a critical role in the performance and health of your computer. When a certain mark is exceeded (each component has its own) different problems such as, for example, slowdowns, programs shutting down, restarting the computer, incorrect display graphics and so on until some components completely fail.

In order to avoid all this and save your computer, you need to at least periodically monitor the above temperatures, especially on hot summer days.

What temperatures should you be wary of?

Let's take a closer look at the temperatures to avoid.

  • For temperatures.
    I used to consider the ceiling where problems begin (for example, slowdowns) 60 (or more) degrees. Temperature in 65-80 degrees I think is quite critical, because the so-called throttling begins (namely, the mode of skipping cycles, i.e. the processor deliberately begins to work several times weaker, skipping cycles in order to reduce its temperature), emergency reboot/self-shutdown of the computer, etc. Simply put, it is important to ensure that the processor temperature does not exceed the bar in 55 degrees, or better yet in 45-50 . I consider normal temperatures 35-40 degrees at idle and 45-55 at 100% long hours of workload. Many people well versed in this will argue, but to this day I believe that the lower the temperature, the higher the performance, namely a processor with a temperature of 30 degrees will cope with its task faster than a processor with a temperature of 50 , of course, provided that both processors are of the same power.
  • For temperatures.
    Ideally, the chipset temperature should not exceed 35 degrees. Temperatures are tolerable in practice 40 -45 , for some board models up to 55 . In general, I have almost never encountered overheating of chipsets on motherboards, so there is nothing particularly to be afraid of.
  • For temperatures.
    It all depends on how powerful it is, what kind of model it is, what type of cooling is installed on it and for what purposes it is generally intended (for example: for games, for work, or for a media center). For modern video cards temperatures in 65-75 degrees under full load for many hours is normal. For relatively old models this can be critical. Therefore, when the first signs of overheating appear (read below about what they are), you should pay close attention to the temperature conditions and.
  • Temperatures inside.
    Not many people know, but the air temperature in the case plays a very important role important role, since the temperatures of all system components depend on it, since coolers blow air over everything. Unfortunately, it is not possible to measure the exact case temperature, but it is highly recommended to install several blow-in coolers in the case.
  • .
    Normal temperature For hard drives- that's all that's below 35-45 degrees, but ideally keep it several times lower, namely in the area 30 .

What overheats, when and why it is dangerous

I described above general parameters, which can be used to determine that the computer is overheating. Below I will tell you how to calculate what exactly in it has, so to speak, a different temperature:

  • It is most likely that the processor overheats if you are “thrown out” of games and programs to the desktop. Simply put, the application closes itself.
  • It is most likely that the processor is overheating if the computer is rebooted for no reason.
  • Probability 30 on 70 that the motherboard is overheating or if the computer turns off for no reason.
  • It is most likely that the video card (or its memory) is overheating if you see so-called artifacts in games and 3D applications (image distortion, incorrect colors, falling textures, all sorts of extraneous sticks/squares, etc.)
  • The appearance may indicate overheating any components. Most often this is the processor. Then everything else.

Of course, this is just a possibility and not at all a fact that overheating is necessarily to blame for these symptoms. In each case, everything must be checked, analyzed and identified.

Is it possible to diagnose load temperatures and overheating in advance?

The most cunning ones will ask, is it possible to check in advance the temperature of all components under 100% load in temperature monitoring mode. Of course you can. That's why I chose AIDA for measuring temperatures.

We launch the program, select there " Service - System stability test", where in the window that appears, check all the items and click " Start". After which, in fact, we observe the temperatures in the corresponding window.

Under the window with temperatures you can observe the processor load by the program, as well as the same mode throttling(skipping cycles due to overheating) that I was talking about. As soon as you see that throttling has begun, feel free to stop the test, because this means that the processor is overheating. In all other cases, the program itself will notify you about the failure of any of the components and stop the test.

If you are unsure of the results and want to subject the system to a more precise stress load

There is an even more severe test option that will help you immediately identify whether you have the failures described below and above related to temperatures, as well as check the most extreme options, that is, there is also the option to check your computer using the OOCT program.

Our detailed article on this topic is available. If someone is interested and wants to, then you can (I would even say that in difficult cases it’s worth it) take a look.

What to do if your computer is overheated?

If you are already faced with the problem of overheating, then there are not many solutions, but still.. Actually, here they are:

If you decide to change the cooling system, but do not know which one to change to, then, traditionally, you can always ask me about it and I will try to advise you, because there are a number of subtleties that are important not to miss. Although, however, you can read the article "" or in general articles on the topic of cooling systems.

That's all for now.


Are you hot yourself? Don’t let your computer overheat either;) Moreover, summer is hot these days. And, by the way, read articles on the topic of “temperature”.

If you have any questions, ask in the comments or on our forum. We will try to help, advise and all that stuff.

PS: Temperatures shown are for desktops, not laptops, so your experience may vary slightly.

It's no secret that any device powered by electrical energy, generates heat, whether it is a phone, TV or PC. In modern personal computers, some components become very hot. high values, sometimes even higher than the boiling point of water.

Obviously, what higher temperature, at which the device operates, the shorter its service life, since it has to withstand additional loads when overheated.

Cooling systems and overheating

Modern computers are equipped with cooling systems, the main task of which is to remove excess heat from PC components.

A wide variety of cooling systems (CO) are used. Airborne COs with forced ventilation, consisting of radiators and fans, have become widespread. Liquid and freon units are also used. Overclockers (overclocking enthusiasts) – when overclocking processors, they even use open evaporation to achieve low temperatures.

Despite the presence of such systems, very often the motherboard and PC hardware components, be it desktop computer or laptop, operate at very high temperatures. The central processor is especially susceptible to this. This can happen for several reasons:

  1. Failure of the cooling system. Fan failure, loss of properties of thermal paste (thermal paste) from long service life and so on.
  2. The accumulation of household dust on the elements of the cooling system prevents the passage of hot air and the outflow of heat.
  3. Long-term work with critical loads.

For safety reasons, when the PC nodes overheat, the central processor stops Windows operation. High temperatures often lead to failure of computer components. Therefore it is very important to control temperature regime work in order to detect overheating in time and eliminate its causes.

There is quite a lot for this large number software tools that display on the screen the temperature values ​​of computer components, fan rotation speed, operating voltage food and much more useful information. In this article we will look at the most popular of them.


The tool was developed by a company whose laboratory owns programs such as CPU-Z and PC-Wizard. The product is distinguished by its lightness and completeness of displayed information, including temperature, voltage, clock frequency and much more in a very easy-to-read form.

As we can see, the program displays not only the current value for each position, but also the minimum and maximum since launch.

HWMonitor is constantly updated to support the latest equipment. There are no additional functions, such as adjusting the fan speed, setting warning signals, except for saving current parameters V text file, but to simply display all relevant values better program can't be found.

IMPORTANT: HWMonitor uses a minimum of system resources compared to similar programs.

There are both installers for 32 and 64-bit Windows, and portable versions for these systems. The utility exists in paid and free versions. Feature set free version quite enough to control the basic parameters of the computer.


Speedfan is a time-tested utility that has its own army of fans. The program is deservedly considered one of the best tools for monitoring the temperature of almost any PC node, fan speed.

In addition, Speedfan allows you to control the rotation speed of coolers, increasing it for better cooling or reducing to reduce the noise from their operation. Limit values ​​can be set for temperatures, upon reaching which the program will warn the user. In addition, the program reads SMART data of the hard drive.

The data read by the program can also be displayed graphically:

IMPORTANT: sometimes the program produces data that can throw the user into panic. For example, the temperature of a node at 100° or the rotation speed of a cooler at 500,000 rpm. Don't be alarmed, these numbers are not true. There is simply no sensor responsible for these readings.

Open Hardware Monitor

We said above that it is difficult to find a program that more conveniently and more fully displays all necessary information about the temperature and operating features of PC nodes than HWMonitor. But still, there was a tool that, apparently, surpasses it. This Open Hardware Monitor. In addition to temperatures, fan speeds, and voltages, it can also display detailed CPU and GPU frequencies, the load they're running under, memory and hard drive information, and more.

If we add to this the ability to provide visually selected data in the form of graphs and a gadget on the desktop, then we will understand all the advantages of this tool.

Each value can also be renamed or hidden, and some data have an Options button for adjusting things like offset and so on. Open Hardware Monitor is portable program, and to gain access to all features, the program must be run as an administrator.


HWiNFO64, unlike previous programs, is a tool of wider, one might even say professional, application. It is designed to fully diagnose your computer and obtain complete information about hardware components. This application is free and can be downloaded from the official website as follows: installation file, and in the form of a portable portable version that does not require installation.

When we first launch, we will see two windows. The first of these is full information about the following components:

  1. central processor;
  2. motherboard;
  3. hard drive;
  4. RAM;
  5. graphics processor;
  6. operating system;

In this window we see detailed information about the architecture of the main components of the computer, their characteristics, etc. But this is not the only thing that HWiNFO64 offers us.

The main window shows us information about all components and also allows us to access additional functions of the application:

By selecting any component on the left, on the right we will get complete information about it technical information. This way we can find out, for example, exact model each component to update its drivers. Also at the top of the window we will have access to additional function“Sensors”, which will allow us to control the operation of equipment on the screen.

As we can see, HWiNFO64 is a tool, functional and easy to use, thanks to which we can always get all the information about hardware our computer.


Speccy is free tool For Windows monitoring, developed by Piriform, the creators of such famous applications like , Recuva and Defraggler.

The program provides detailed information about your processor (name, family, cache, frequency of each core, etc.), RAM in each slot (manufacturer, type, size, frequency and even production date, batch number), motherboard, graphic and sound card, monitor, hard drive, optical drive and the installed operating system.

For example, in information about graphics devices we can get information about installed driver video cards. By going to the manufacturer's website and checking the new versions of drivers, we can decide whether to update them.

Exists paid version Speccy programs Professional with more advanced features, which can be purchased on the manufacturer's website.


This product is a paid product with a 30-day subscription. trial version. The tool provides ample opportunities for monitoring and maintaining your personal computer. With it you can view detailed information about all computer components, such as operating system, motherboard, multimedia, network, perform various tests regarding system stability, memory, processor, etc.

The program can be downloaded from the official AIDA website. Available in four different versions: Extreme, Engineer, Network Audit and Business.

The Extreme version contains all the features you need to ordinary users, that’s why we chose it to get acquainted with the main capabilities of the tool. In addition, it does not require a business license and has very reasonable price ($39.95).

The main interface of the program is very simple and extremely easy to use. It consists of a menu bar (which includes six buttons: File, View, Report, Favorites, Tools, and Help) and a Toolbar and Commands.

The main window is divided into two parts. On the left side are the main categories - computer, motherboard, operating system, etc., and on the right side you can fully view detailed information about each component of the computer.

AIDA64 Extreme – powerful program for diagnostics and testing personal computers. The product offers a wide range of tools for monitoring and managing all computer components. The user is offered a wide range of different tests for CPU, GPU, RAM, HDD and SSD.

AIDA64 Extreme contains more than 150 tools that allow you to monitor temperature, voltage, fan speed, etc. Using the program, you can get detailed information about the hardware (CPU, motherboard, video card, etc.) and software(operating system, drivers, etc.).

A personal computer is a complex and expensive piece of equipment that requires timely and quality service. Dust, long-term operation without cleaning the cooling system and replacing thermal paste, the computer components work in unfavorable conditions at temperatures significantly exceeding valid values. This leads to rapid wear and failure of the central processor, video card, memory, motherboard and other components.

In this article, we told you about several software tools that will allow you to always be aware of the status of your PC components, which in turn will allow you to make timely decisions about their maintenance. We hope that this information will help you choose the most suitable program for you, and with its help you will significantly extend the life of your computer.

Also on the site:

Programs for monitoring processor and video card temperatures updated: January 28, 2018 by: admin

SpeedFan is a utility that dynamically takes temperature readings from sensors built into the video card, motherboard, disks and other equipment, maintaining acceptable temperature conditions by maintaining a certain amount revolutions per minute of coolers (RPM) in a PC cooling system. To get powerful tool diagnostics of problems and monitoring of performance, heat dissipation and noise, we recommend SpeedFan utilities download the Russian version for free using a link from the website without registration and SMS. SpeedFan can interact with all common temperature monitoring chips for PC components and smart coolers.

For many users, a real find will be a program for monitoring the overheating of computer components (CPU, GPU, HDD, MB chipset, power supply and other components) located inside the PC case. If the computer's degrees Celsius rises for unknown reasons, we recommend downloading Russian SpeedFan for free for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10. The program for adjusting fan speed automatically or according to user-specified parameters controls the heating of the video card, processor, hard drive, motherboard chipset, power supply and other components by setting a certain value of rotation speed of coolers of cooling systems.

Interface and advantages of the SpeedFan utility

The SpeedFan interface in Russian, despite the large amount of information, is simple and understandable. When English is set by default, switching from English to Russian is not difficult. This is done through the Configure button, in the Language checkbox of the Options tab. Such simple elements interface, as indicators, help to instantly understand the situation when it threatens to get out of control.

Download SpeedFan for free in order to monitor temperature changes on your computer, it's worth getting convenient tool displaying the values ​​of temperature sensors and fan speed. All parameters can be easily converted into a chart or graph. Constant monitoring of heating and cooling system performance allows you to control performance on the one hand, and noise emanating from the system unit on the other.

Seize the opportunity today latest version Download SpeedFan programs for Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP to get the following benefits:

  • dynamic change in cooler speed,
  • correction of bus frequencies on compatible motherboards,
  • support for S.M.A.R.T technology with consideration of HDD errors,
  • maintaining data statistics and logging,
  • displaying graphs and diagrams of the dynamics of voltages, temperatures and cooler speeds.

Functionality of SpeedFan

Despite his small size, SpeedFan program is endowed with powerful functionality and can cope with the most problematic situations related to overheating inside the case of a computer, laptop or netbook. The program automatically, within the programmed parameters, increases the airflow when the component heats up or reduces the fan speed at a lighter load to reduce noise.

The following information is used to monitor and control performance:

  • processor temperature (CPU),
  • CPU cooler RPM,
  • heating of the graphics processor (GPU),
  • speed of rotation of the heat dissipation unit of the graphics processor (GPU),
  • warming up the hard drive (HDD),
  • rpm of fans of the hard disk drive (HDD) cooling system,
  • overheating of microcircuits on the motherboard (MB),
  • performance of the cooling unit on the motherboard (MB),
  • information on voltage and temperature of the power supply unit (PSU),
  • number of revolutions per minute of fans in the power supply (PSU),
  • readings of other sensors and cooling systems.

In addition to current data in real time, it is possible to construct corresponding charts and graphs over time.

Use cases for SpeedFan

If the question arises of how to increase the speed of a processor cooler or make a laptop fan spin faster, a control program will help SpeedFan coolers The Russian version can be downloaded for free without leaving the site without registration. With this small cooler management utility, CPU temperature control, graphics card and the hard drive will become accessible even inexperienced user. You can use SpeedFan both at the user level and at the expert level. The program is successfully used in finding the causes of breakdowns, to increase productivity and reduce noise, and helps prevent overheating and equipment failure. Advanced capabilities for professionals are indispensable for load testing, testing computer components and testing non-standard configurations. Monitoring the temperature in real time and controlling the speed of rotation of all coolers inside the system unit is extremely necessary when overclocking. It is difficult to find such a simple and convenient tool for checking the stability of a computer as SpeedFan, which monitors in real time the readings of sensors and rotation speed in the computer.

It is enough to download SpeedFan for free in Russian for Windows 10, 8.1, 7, Vista, XP, install the utility on your computer and the application will take control of all components of the computer, naturally, within the limits of what is permitted. The program for controlling SpeedFan coolers can work both in default mode and with advanced settings. The user can program a change in state or certain events, for example, such as entering a range, overheating, or decreasing relative to a given temperature range or speed. When a certain event occurs, SpeedFan starts application program, outputs text message, signals or sends to email notice.

There are very often questions on the Internet: why the computer reboots on its own, causing the device to freeze and turn off immediately, what to do if the monitor does not work stably.

The first thing you think about is the presence of viruses, but in most cases the problem is overheating of the processor or video card. In this article we will look at practical and easy to use software for displaying temperature indicators.

Why do you need to know the temperature of hardware parts?

The temperature of the processor or video card in operating condition is constantly changing. Overheating may cause your computer or laptop to suddenly shut down, resulting in data loss. Therefore, if you want to avoid critical temperatures and to prevent damage to equipment, it is necessary to use special software. With their help, you can monitor the temperature indicators of the heating of the processor, video card, and hard drive at the time of their operation.

Basic Tools

You can check the temperature by going into the BIOS. To do this you need to reboot operating system, while turning on the computer, press the “F2” or “Delete” key, depending on the device version. After entering the BIOS, you need to find the “H/W Monitor” section and select it. After which, the temperature indicators of the hardware components will be displayed.

The main disadvantage is that there is no way to see the temperature while the computer is running and its load. Therefore, next we will look at the most useful software products.


"HWMonitor" is a program for monitoring the temperature of the processor and video card. It also allows you to find out the fan speed and voltage data. This program can be downloaded from the official website.

  1. After launching the application, all main devices will be displayed: processor, hard drive, integrated and discrete video card, laptop battery.
  2. Having opened all processor items, the current maximum and minimum values temperatures collected during PC operation. The following items relate to the processor: voltage, temperature, load level, as well as its frequency.
  3. About the hard drive, only its temperature is indicated.
  4. Next come integrated and discrete video cards. The program shows the temperature and frequency for the integrated one; in the discrete mode, load is displayed instead of frequency.
  5. The battery item is indicated only for a laptop; the voltage consumption, power and battery wear levels are displayed here.

AIDA 64 Extreme Edition

"AIDA 64 Extreme Edition"is an extensive complex of diagnostics and testing of computer hardware components. The program has many features:

  • real-time monitoring of hardware parts and system components computer;
  • computer hardware testing;
  • diagnostics of components for problems and errors;
  • analysis of systems and application programs;
  • Monitoring temperature, voltage and fans.

It should be said that the program is paid. Its trial version is limited to 30 days of use - this is the main disadvantage.
This utility can be downloaded from the official website, let’s look at where to find computer temperature indicators:

  1. After installing the program, run it double click to the label.
  2. In the window that opens, double-click on the “Computer” item and select “Sensors” from the list that opens.
  3. Will open detailed information about all components of the computer equipped with a temperature sensor, including the main ones: “CPU” ( CPU) and “GPU” (Video card).

MSI AfterBurner

MSI AfterBurner is a multifunctional utility that is aimed at monitoring video card performance. It is often used by gamers to overclock the graphics card and monitor the following indicators:

  • increase clock frequency memory;
  • cooler rotation adjustment;
  • FPS monitoring (a number indicating how many times per second GPU updates the image);
  • promotion notice critical values temperature.

Download this program You can go to the developers' website using this link. Let's look at the main parameters of the program:

What to do if the temperature is elevated?

The normal temperature during operation of the processor is considered to be up to 60 degrees, for a video card - up to 80 degrees.

If you find a problem with devices overheating, then consider the primary solutions:

  1. First, turn off your computer or quit the program that is causing it to overheat.
  2. It is necessary to ensure good blowing of the coolers and completely clean the computer from dust.
  3. Temperature reduction environment. Often high temperature room affects the temperature of the computer hardware. To get out of this situation, you can use an air conditioner or fan.
  4. Installation more powerful system cooling. Installing additional coolers for the processor and video card will solve the problem. You can also use stands for a device with a cooling system.

But the safest and the right advice will take the computer to a service center for a full diagnosis and further repair or cleaning. This is where the review of products ends, if you know more convenient and high-quality software solutions, write in the comments.