Download the hamachi app. Advantages and disadvantages

Hamachi is a small utility for Windows, MacOS and Linux that allows you to set up a virtual local network between two or more computers via the Internet. In this case, the devices can be installed at a considerable distance from each other. You can download Hamachi for free from our website.


  • A secure connection established over a secure channel via VPN.
  • In addition to computers, you can connect MFPs, web cameras or other equipment to the local network.
  • Communication between network participants in a comfortable chat.
  • Encryption is carried out using the AES-256 algorithm.

Advantages and disadvantages

Programs running over local networks perceive the connection via Hamachi as a full-fledged physical local network and retain all of its capabilities.

Data transfer in a virtual network is carried out using the p2p protocol, while the network itself is organized based on the UDP protocol.

The Hamachi utility has two versions: paid and free. The second version operates only in unmanaged mode and has a limit on the number of devices that can connect to the network - up to five. In addition, the networks themselves are created only with a mesh topology, and are not configurable. However, you can connect to all existing networks with a variety of structure types.

The paid version of Hamachi allows you to connect an unlimited number of equipment to the network, provides the user with many additional functions for working with a remote desktop, and also allows you to stream audio and video.

Typically, Hamachi is used for multiplayer games over a local network. It is used in cases where game servers are disabled. In this case, the computer of one of the gamers becomes the server, and the rest of the participants connect to it. At the same time, the player whose device acts as a server does not have an external IP address, but this does not interfere with setting up a local network.

The latest version of the utility was released in 2017. The program has been translated into a number of languages, including Russian. You can download Hamachi in Russian for free from our resource.

System requirements

  • OS: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10
  • Architecture: 32 bit or 64 bit (x86 or x64).
  • Processor clocked at 1200 MHz or faster.
  • RAM: 256 MB or more.
  • Free hard disk space from 15 MB.

Is it worth installing

The Hamachi utility allows you to install and configure a virtual local network via the Internet between two or more devices that are located at a considerable distance from each other. The program is actively used for multiplayer games, remote control of computers, and file sharing from various devices.

Hamachi has a user-friendly interface and ease of use, making it easy for even an inexperienced user to understand. The program has two versions - free and paid, which have a much greater number of functionality, and also allow you to connect an unlimited number of devices to the network.

Hamachi can be downloaded for free from the official link below.

Hamachi software is designed to create a VPN. Using this program, you can create your own protected network from computers using an Internet connection. The characteristics of this network will be similar to those of a physical local network. Hamachi facilitates the creation of a local network over an Internet connection. You can download Hamachi for minecraft or for any other computer network game. Often this program is used to connect servers with client computers and gray IP. Packet interception will be difficult if you use this method. The period of concealment of the source will last two hundred eighty-five days. At the same time, the data you transfer will be completely protected, and the exchange itself can be carried out in a “peer-to-peer” style. Virtual secure networks through the Hamachi program are based on the UDP protocol. Such networks are connected to each other using a third node, which facilitates faster detection of each other. Information will be transferred directly between the nodes in question. Nodes that interact with each other at a certain moment are located behind a firewall or behind a NAT.

Gamers use Hamachi software to play old games via VPN on the Internet if the official server is closed or if the game is only available on a pirated copy. You can, for example, download hamachi for minecraft and enjoy the classics of the computer gaming genre. This method is used to avoid game security, which often requires a unique license key to continue the game. The first version of the program is still extremely popular, since the second version did not suit everyone due to frequent failures, unstable operation and the use of a repeater to establish a connection instead of a regular direct tunnel. However, now such troubles when using the second version of Hamachi arise very rarely and largely depend on the user’s Internet connection provider.

To play Minecraft using Hamachi you need, first of all, download Hamachi for minecraft and install the program itself. Then you need to start the Minecraft game server and wait until the world generation finishes. Next, we launch the program that we previously installed, create a new network after clicking the “Network” menu item. Then you need to enter your online ID along with your password. This creates a new network. The characteristics described below should be reviewed to determine the installation status.

  • If a username turns yellow and then starts to darken, it means you've lost contact with them.
  • If the username is accompanied by a blue arrow pointing down, it means that a direct connection could not be established this time, the bandwidth is degraded and the user is waiting a long time for a response.
  • If a yellow dot appears next to the username, you were unable to connect directly.
  • If a light circle forms around a green dot, it means you are exchanging information with the user.
  • The connection with the user can be considered established if a star or green dot appears next to the nickname.

After creating a new network, go to the section with the minecraftserver file and open the file using Notepad. Online-mode needs to be replaced with false, and on the line with server-ip we leave our own IP address. The remaining parameters must correspond to individual settings. Finally, save everything and start the server. After a certain period of waiting, we go to the Hamachi network and join. The next step is to enter the server IP. Please note that the world name must exactly match the server-properties value found in the world-name line. Otherwise, a new world will simply be generated.

Hamachi is an effective and convenient tool for creating a private network between multiple computers. In fact, the PCs will be connected via the Internet, but the utility will create an imitation of the connection via a regular network cable. At the end of this article, you can download this program via torrent or directly from the site. But first, let's look at some features of Hamachi.


The main features of Hamachi include the following:

  • Creation of encrypted VPN networks. The AES-256 algorithm is used for encryption.
  • Work in the background. In this case, you will not notice any load on the computer. Productivity will remain at the same level.
  • The ability to combine all peripheral devices into one single network. For example, you can connect a printer, fax, camera, scanner, and so on in this way. There are no restrictions. The equipment will not see the difference between a real and virtual connection.
  • Organization of access using a centralized gateway.
  • Ability to administer and manage VPN networks.

Most of the functions appear thanks to the standard capabilities of the Windows operating system. The fact is that the OS will not understand that the user is connecting to your resources via the Internet. And will provide him with all the necessary access rights, as if he were on the same local network with you.

That is, you will be able to copy and view any files and folders that will be open for public use. You can just as easily connect to a printer and print out some information, although you may be in another city or even country.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of this utility. Let's look at the benefits first.


  • The ability to restrict access to individual users or even entire groups.
  • Guarantee of security and protection of information transmitted over the Internet.
  • FTP server creation function.
  • The ability to play games with an unlimited number of users as if over a regular local network. At the same time, you will not notice any lags or large delays. Of course, everything will depend on the quality of the Internet connection.
  • Creating a regular chat for communicating or transferring small files.

The Hamachi program does not have any obvious disadvantages. The only thing that many users pay attention to is certain difficulties in setting up the connection. But if you watch the video at the end of the article, it will be much easier for you to understand this complex matter.

How to use

Using this utility is quite simple. The operating principle is as follows:

  • Install the program.
  • You launch it.
  • Turn on the client.
  • After this, you will be prompted to assign a name for your PC. This will only need to be done the first time.
  • Then click on the “Create a new network” or “Connect to an existing network” button. We will consider the first option.
  • In this case, you must specify the network ID (name) and password to restrict access.
  • Immediately after this, Windows will detect a new connection and prompt you to specify the type of network location: home or public. Let's choose the latter.
  • This completes the program settings.

Of course, if you want to not only communicate on this network, but also exchange files, then you will need to open access to the necessary resources using the operating system.


If you were unable to set up a secure network using this utility, then try watching a video with a detailed description of this process. Perhaps after this you will succeed.

Program version: . Distributed by: For free. Size: 10 MB.
Operating system: Windows. Downloads: 1026 772 .
Last update: 2017-10-26 .

Many children, teenagers and adults play computer games today. Everyone chooses the genre that seems most interesting to him - strategy, shooting, racing and many others. However, the most interesting thing is to play not with the computer, but with friends located both in the next house and on the other side of the earth.

Unfortunately, not all games can be played with friends. While some provide corporate playthroughs or simply the ability to play with other users via the Internet, other games do not have such a function. True, many popular games allow you to play with friends via a local network. But what if your friend lives hundreds of kilometers away? Of course, it will not be possible to extend a local network over such a distance.

Hamachi download free

Download Hamachi for free! Download and install the latest version of the program to create a group network on your computer.

This is where the excellent, highly specialized Hamachi program comes to the rescue.

You can download Hamachi from our website. By running this program on several computers simultaneously, you can achieve amazing results. By creating a server on one of the computers and connecting to it from other computers via the Internet, you can play games that only have the function of playing over a local network! That is, the list of games that you can play with your friends is expanding significantly. Now you, being at a great distance from each other, can play many popular games and have even more fun.

Hamachi for playing Minecraft

Of course, the currently popular game Minecraft is among the programs that can be run using Hamachi. This will certainly please many fans of the game who live around the globe and want to play it exclusively with their friends, without the participation of outsiders. Now you can create your own world, where friends can always come, but which enemies or simply unwanted people will never visit.

The program code gives Hamachi the ability to build a LAN (local area network) over an Internet connection. In this case, all data passing through the program is transmitted exclusively in peer-to-peer mode, that is, from user to user. The information does not go to any servers, and even more so, cannot be intercepted and used to cause any harm to the users’ computer. There is no possibility of viruses or other malware entering through the connection created by the Hamachi program (provided, of course, that none of the connected computers are infected with viruses).

But many users will be even more pleased by the fact that working with the program is surprisingly easy. Many experienced gamers have been actively using this application for many years to play good games with their friends. If you don’t yet know how to play Minecraft or some other games through Hamachi, then you can learn everything in a matter of minutes.

Hamachi Settings

Of course, first of all you need download Hamachi. The size of the installation file is not at all large - about five megabytes, so it will be downloaded in a matter of seconds. Once the program is downloaded, it needs to be installed and launched. Afterwards, one of the users (preferably with the most powerful computer - it will become a server) must select the “Create a new network” option, and the rest (players) must select the “Connect to an existing network” option. After starting the program in server mode, the user will see his IP address. This is what you will need to communicate (via social networks, ICQ or SKYPE) to other users. Now they just have to enter the IP address in the appropriate line and join the server.

That's all. Now the computers are connected to a virtual local network, which any game will perceive as real. Of course, nothing else can stop you and your friends from spending hours and days on end playing your favorite games, communicating and just having a lot of fun from the gaming process itself! This is exactly why the wonderful Hamachi program was created.

P.S.: In addition to the minecraft game, you can play other equally popular games through the hamachi program. Here is a small list of games supported by the program: Counter-Strike (CS 1.6, CSS), Heroes of Might & Magic, Battlefield, WarCraft, Diablo 2, Dungeon Siege, Unreal Tournament, Quake, GTA, Terraria, Age of Empires, Worms, Pro Evolution Soccer, Total War and many others.

LogMeIn Hamachi download free

Download Hamachi for free. Hamachi is free software for creating your own, secure network.

LogMeIn Hamachi is a popular program today, the task of which is to build your own VPN network (Virtual Private Network). Are you interested in the Russian version? Spend just a few minutes and the program is on your computer!

We guarantee fast and secure downloads - no SMS and, of course, no viruses. You can right now by clicking on the link below to download the latest version of Hamachi without registration. But first, we will briefly talk about the features of this software.

Features of Hamachi

  • Hamachi creates its own secure network of computers: the latter are connected via the Internet like connecting to one physical local network.
  • The latest version creates a local area network (LAN) - a private, secure network on top of the Internet. As a rule, this is resorted to by connecting servers with gray IP addresses and client computers. This makes it more difficult to decrypt client traffic.
  • If applications run over a local network, they can also run over Hamachi networks. Moreover, it is safe to work - peer-to-peer exchange provides high-quality protection.
  • Creating your own VPN does not require any other equipment.
  • Tunneling encrypted data - security across private and public networks.
  • The SSL protocol combined with the convenience of VPN networks and their possible connection with the IP-sec protocol.
  • LogMeIn Hamachi for Windows 7 or 8 - easy web interface management from any location and from any device. Login and password are all you need.
  • Online game. Hamachi is used by gamers who need general access.

Hamachi - convenient and safe

The latest version was released in Russian with all the bugs fixed and improvements. For example, Windows 8 users can enable bridge mode, LogMeIn Guardian is integrated into the program, etc.

You should also take into account the fact that the speed of the network does not exceed the speed of the Internet.

We invite you to download Hamachi for free. Set up your own centrally managed VPN system!