Find my Skype which was. Find Skype on your computer - install and configure the program

Displayed as a characteristic shortcut on the desktop in the form of a blue petal with the letter S. When this application is open, the panel Windows tasks it is displayed with the same petal. It can also be found among the taskbar icons as a green petal. However, sometimes it happens that a shortcut disappears somewhere from the desktop. In this case you can find Skype in My Computer to restore the lost shortcut through which the user launches Skype.

Hosting Skype files

Files Skype applications usually scattered around different places computer. Some of them are located in the directory AppData, the other part is in the folder ProgramData. The main files are written during installation in the directories specified by the user. However, by default they are written to the folder Program Files.

It must be said that there may be more than one Program Files directory on the PC. It depends on the bit size operating system. Thus, a 32-bit operating environment creates only one such folder. If the bit depth operating environment 64 bit, then it creates two such folders: one with the usual name for installing 64-bit applications, and the second with a prefix (x86), where applications for 32-bit systems are installed.

Skype files end up in the directory Program Files (x86) when installing the program on a 64-bit system. When installing Skype on a 32-bit system, the program files end up in Program Files. To find Skype files on your computer, you can use the search bar that Windows offers in Explorer.

Looking for Skype files

Let's look for files related to the Skype program that are located on your computer. To do this, you will need to open the My Computer snap-in.

It is necessary to understand that this kind of search will allow you to find not only part of the Skype files, but also many other files that are related to the name we entered in the search line.

After creating an account, newbies are faced with a problem: their contact list is empty. There is no one to call or write to.

How to find someone on Skype? What do you need to know about this? What information should I enter and, most importantly, where?

Search by login

You will quickly find the people you need on Skype if you know their exact nicknames in the system.

“What should I write if they ask me for my Skype?” – a question that often arises among novice users. What they require from you is a login, by which you can be easily found in the system.

IN top panel Click on the “Contacts” block. Next, point the arrow at the first item and click on “Search in the Skype directory.”

You can immediately start typing the person’s login in the search bar.

How to search by name, place of residence and phone number?

How to find contacts if there is no information about logins? The easiest option is to ask the person by calling him on the phone or contacting him in some other way, for example, through social networks.

You can also search by first and last name. The downside is that there will be so many users with the same real names that the chances of finding out which contact is correct are zero. The list that opens will be very long. How to reduce it?

  • Immediately enter the country and city along with real names.
  • Write your phone number.

However, the user has the right not to indicate this information or hide it in the profile, so even in the reduced list this person may not appear. Moreover, not all owners accounts They put up photographs, but often they are just pictures.

Adding a contact

The contact found in the list must still be added to the list of yours. To do this, open your profile by clicking on the item on the left side of the window and click on the blue “Add to contact list” button.

An additional small window will open with the text of the request. It is standard for everyone, but it can be changed. Click on “Submit” and wait for your friend to confirm the addition request. If he is online, the answer may come immediately. If not, you may have to wait a long time.

Advanced Search

IN previous versions The program had an advanced user search available. Now this option has disappeared as such from the functionality. You can only search for people through the search bar above the contacts on the left side of the window.

At the user's request, a window could open in which various additional parameters were entered:

  • Country of Residence,
  • age,
  • phone number,
  • email address, etc.

For those who don't want to put up with the lack of advanced search, there are options for other programs that allow you to link contacts from social networks and Skype, look for friends with similar interests in groups or countries. As an example, the VKSkypes utility.

Importing contacts

Until recently, the program had the option “Import contacts” in the same “Contacts” block in the top panel. WITH recent updates the button has disappeared.

New versions of the utility are associated with free postal service from Microsoft, called Outlook. Now the default contacts for this email are in Skype system. The user only chooses whether to display them in the list or not.

How to add a contact that was previously blocked?

If you have ever blocked a person, they will be removed from your contacts list. How can I get it back?

  1. Go to the “Tools” block and open “Settings”.
  2. Go to the “Security” tab, and in it – “Blocked users”. A list of users will appear. To unlock, click on the item with the desired profile and click “Unblock this user”.

Finding friends on Skype is often difficult without certain logins, so it’s better to ask the person in advance what fictitious name he is registered under.

Skype is one of the most convenient, simple and cheap ways to communicate via the Internet. Millions of people around the world can communicate with their family and friends using this program. Enough a common question users of this program is to search for a person by first and last name. In this article you will learn how to find a person on Skype by first and last name.

Search for a contact by first and last name

To begin with, open Skype program or an icon in the system tray. Further in the upper left corner, where there is a magnifying glass icon and it says “ Search"You left-click once and begin entering the first and last name of the person you are looking for.

How to search on Skype by first and last name

After that, as the first and last name is typed, you press the “Enter” button on the keyboard or the “ Search in Skype» below the input field.

After this, you will see the entire list of people who are registered on Skype around the world with the first and last name you entered.

Search results

Please note that the country and city are displayed under each contact found. This will help you find the right person from the issued list, since there may be a lot of people with the same first and last name.

After you have found the right person, click on him with the left mouse button and in the window on the right click “ Add to contact list«.

Adding a contact as a friend on Skype

The search for a person on Skype ends by clicking on the “Send” button. Now all you have to do is wait for the person you are adding to confirm your friendship on Skype.

What to do if a person is not on Skype by first and last name?

This situation is very common. After all, not everything Skype users When registering, indicate your real data. They may indicate the wrong last name or not indicate it at all.

The solution to this problem is to search by Skype login. This is what you enter before your password when logging into Skype. And one person can only have one. You just need to ask the username of the person you want to find and add as a friend on Skype.

As with searching by last name, your login will need to be entered into the search bar with a magnifying glass icon.

Where can I see my username on Skype?

Skype login is written in top line Skype windows, as well as when entering a password in the authorization window.

Displaying your login in the Skype program window

Now you know how to find a person on Skype by first and last name, and also what to do if this does not work.

Skype - very useful program to communicate with people via the Internet. It is not difficult to find the right person, because a convenient search functionality is available. But if you have only recently mastered the program, or don’t understand where to find user search in the new interface, we will help you in this article.

Note! It is important to say that there can be many versions of Skype. But we will only consider the versions for the computer and mobile phone. In any case, the program interface on all devices is approximately the same.

How to find a friend in classic Skype

After this, the friend request will be sent, all you have to do is wait for confirmation, or immediately call and write to this person.

How to find a friend in the updated version of Skype

Note! IN updated version Skype on Windows 8/10, the procedure will be the same, but you need to send short message, so that your interlocutor appears in the contact list. You can also call, then he will definitely not disappear from your friends list.

Where can I find search data?

The right person, you need user data. In this chapter we will tell you how to find them if this is your first time encountering the Skype program interface.

How to find a username

The simplest thing. Username is your first and last name that you provide when registering. It's not difficult to find. It is enough to turn your gaze to the top left side screen.

Skype user ID

It usually matches your login, the name you enter in the first field before your password when you log in.

How to find email in Skype profile

In the new version:

IN classic version:

On the phone on Android based, unfortunately, the email name cannot be found.

It didn't work out and you're having problems?

Try to clarify the data with your friend, send him a link to our article so that he can find all the missing data. Or dictate yours.

Can't find the search bar?

Yes, it is barely noticeable. On phones and tablets it is usually located at the top.

Search results not showing up?

You may have been given incorrect information. Or your search string is configured incorrectly.

That's all. Now you can easily find any user on Skype and talk and communicate anywhere globe where the Internet is available.

Video - How to find a person on Skype

Beginner users (or even experienced PC owners) may encounter something unusual at first glance. Skype interface. How can I find a person here, even if he gave his nickname? We explain in detail different ways a little lower.

How to find a person on Skype - add a new contact

  • To add a new person to your friends list, communicate with him via voice, video, or text messages, go to the “Contacts” menu, which is located in the second tab from the top, immediately after the “Skype” item.
  • Inside “Contacts”, hover the mouse cursor over the first sub-item of the list “Add contact”, in the pop-up menu click “Search in the directory”. This action moves the blinking cursor to the search bar, where you will need to enter the information about the person that you know (name, city, phone, email or nickname in the service itself).
  • Depending on the accuracy of the query, the search result can be extensive or precise. Choose the desired user from the resulting list with results, click on his nickname, in a new window (in the middle), click on the big blue button “Add to contact list”.
  • In the small window entitled “Request subscriber details”, you should leave an indication of who you are (so that the person can quickly identify you and add you to their friends list), or leave a standard greeting.
  • Click “Submit” and wait for the user to enter the program and see the request.
  • To speed up adding as a friend, you can notify a friend about your desire through another service, by email or on social networks. Until the greeting recipient accepts your request, their account will always be “Offline” (even if the person is online). This precaution guarantees users greater security and privacy.

Some nuances in handling the program will help you find the right people Work faster and more efficiently with Skype. As mentioned above, the program can produce many results for your request, with same names and place of residence. If you can't decide which of them is the person you are looking for, just click right click using the most suitable nickname and select “Personal data” in the menu.

Easy to find here additional information, which will allow you to find out whether the person you need is in front of you, or whether you should look further. Don't forget to fill out your Skype profile to make it easier for your friends to find you.

The program also allows you to add friend requests automatically. To install this feature, go to “Options” (gear sign) and select “Add automatically.”

How to find a person by phone number on Skype

It is extremely convenient to communicate with users whose phone number you know. Thanks to it, you can be in touch even when the person is not logging into Skype. To find a person on Skype by phone and create a contact for him, go to the “Contacts” menu, then select the “Create contact with phone number” command. Here, dial the number, save it and you’re done – it’s now easy to contact a friend from anywhere in the world.

An interesting fact is that even if a person does not have Skype, he can be invited to chat through this program. To do this, go to “Contacts” -> “All” and select “Invite friends to Skype”.