Create and manage quick notes.

Notebooks, notes, notes... We are so used to using all the methods that, sometimes, we lack these tools in virtual reality. But there is a wonderful extension that will make you feel at ease and never forget that important thing that you would like to see again on any web page. Want to know how to add a note on any website?

Note Anywhere extension for Google Chrome

Download for Google Chrome, This whole service on creating stickers on web pages, and I'll tell you how you can use it. After installing the extension, a yellow extension icon will appear in the browser. Click on it to activate the extension while on any site. At this moment, a yellow sticker will appear on the page, the color of which you can change in the settings. In addition to color, you can change appearance stickers, lettering size and font.

Clicking on "Notes Summary"— a sticker appears containing all the links to the pages where you left notes. My notes are only on this site, so the sticker shows 3 links to my site. When you click on "Settings"— a panel for setting the font, color and text size appears. When you change settings, a small sticker appears that will record all the changes you make. Once you change the background color, the sticker will also change its color.

Now you can move the sticker to any place on the page that you consider important to you. You probably know that webmasters very often have to edit articles, but this cannot always be done right away. But you want to save an idea or task so as not to forget. Of course, to organize work you can always use a lot useful tools, the same Google Docs...But, you must agree that it is much more convenient to leave a note directly on desired page and look at a convenient time - the sticker will tell you exactly what needs to be done.

How do I do it?!

For example, I saw information in one video that was not reflected in the article about I immediately thought that it would be nice to add the missing information to the article that I wrote earlier. How to make sure that the reminder is always in front of your eyes? I decided to make two stickers: one directly in the article itself, and the second one to leave on the blog page so that I know which article needs an addition. This is what it looks like:

Note in the article

Note on home page blog

Now, looking at the site (for some it may be the main page of the site, in my case all the articles are on the blog), the annoying yellow A sticker will remind me every day of what needs to be done. Imagine how many important things we miss just because we forget what needs to be done and where? And if you schedule time on a sticky note, the note will turn into a planner of our to-dos. Great?!

Important! If you leave a note on a page and then close the browser, then opening the same page again at any time, the sticker will be in the place where you left it. Check it out for yourself.

And there are also useful articles, but they are long... And even if you bookmarked the source, after some time it is very difficult to remember and find the right fragment. Note Anywhere will help in this case too: leave the sticker in in the right place articles, and be sure that important part you will find the text without much difficulty.

The icon in the browser will tell you how many notes are on this page, and the date and time will tell you when the note was made.

Number of notes per page

Ideas for using stickers

There are so many ideas you can come up with to use. this extension!!! Write your ideas in the comments, friends!

  • On the main page of the site you can leave notes with the topic or title of a future article.
  • Have any of you forgotten to withdraw money from an affiliate program? The sticker will remind you!
  • On social networks (if you work as an admin or lead your own group), you can decorate the entire public page with stickers: as a rule, there are a great many things that need to be done.
  • Send a letter, message.
  • Etc. etc.
Pros and cons of the Note Anywhere extension
  1. The only negative that immediately catches your eye is the sticker’s inability to display link text. Therefore, you will have to look for the link either in two stages, as I wrote above, or look into the extension parameters and find the required link there.
  2. But the most useful property yellow sticker - constantly remind you of yourself. On the one hand, it’s a little annoying, but on the other hand, it prompts you in time. We are looking for a golden mean))

Leave your notes on social networks, on your websites, on the Internet, so as not to forget or lose something important and interesting, and in right moment remember what we were looking for on this site. And then, all our started or unstarted affairs will still be

When I was little, I wrote terrible notes: they were notebooks with dirty text and poor structure. Almost useless.

Then, when I discovered MOOC video courses, I continued to use the same antipatterns as in my school days, but not so ugly: with the help of VimWiki and later with Jupyter.

The records were still poorly structured. Look at this: I even have motivation It’s not enough to just open it and look at what’s inside:

The main idea is to project our memory in records(not the lecturer's memory) using program design principles.


Make it readable

We, the developers software, we take code quality very seriously. We don't like smelly code.

We communicate using code and investing extra time and energy in writing elegant code so that other developers can read it efficiently. Including ourselves: in the future we literally become different people.

I found the same approach convenient for personal notes: you can optimize search and reading of notes, using a little more effort to writing.

Rough draft

Write down the title and sources (books, articles, scientific works, video recordings, whatever you use) into a specific block of information. Start analyzing the first source. While you're analyzing, add some key details.


Now highlight keywords, break up long sentences, use more complex hierarchy bulleted lists, add subheadings. Use Occam's Razor: reduce the entry several times without losing the original meaning.

Continue to explore other sources and update relevant entries, add new information and update the old one.

When a recording becomes large, divide it into files or even structure it using folders.

How to choose a structure? Choose one that will to you convenient: imagine that you are looking for something in your notes. How exactly will you search? What is the shortest path to the record?

Add tips for your future

Tired of studying and want to start doing something? It's good to be pragmatic. Add assumptions you might want to explore in the future using a TODO comment.

Found a cool resource on a topic you've already put aside? Find the relevant entry, add the source and continue doing what you were doing.

And then you need to return to your creative state of consciousness and continue working. Just imagine how much energy this takes from you.

In Odnoklassniki you can not only chat with friends, read news and change your avatar. You have the opportunity to share thoughts, happy or sad events that will be seen by everyone who . Let's take a closer look at how to make a note in Odnoklassniki.

Creating a note on a social network

To create a note on your computer, you will need to do the following:

To see your note, click on the “Notes” section, which is located directly above the status window. These notes will appear in your feed and your friends will see them.

REFERENCE. At the time of writing the status, it is acceptable to change the background color of the window using small circles that will appear when you click on the “What are you thinking about?” field.

How to add a photo to notes

Odnoklassniki has the ability to create visual notes with photos. To do this you need:

  • Click on the icon that says “Photo”;

  • The window that opens will show files from the computer and connected media;
  • Select a photo and click on it. Required file will be highlighted (1);
  • Then click on the “Open” icon (2).

IMPORTANT! If you need to add multiple photos, hold down Ctrl key on your keyboard and select files. They will all be added to the note.

REFERENCE. A survey (1) and location coordinates (2) are also added. To attach a survey, click on the appropriate field. The number of people who voted in a poll will be shown in its statistics.

To attach a location, hover over “Specify Location.” Odnoklassniki will ask for permission to detect your location. Click on the allow icon, and then click on “Specify location” again. Select the option you need from the pop-up list. This is a one-time procedure - when creating future notes indicating the location, you will only select an option.

Creating a note from your phone

You can create a note in a browser, or you can download it to your phone official application"Classmates". After installation, launch the application and log in. To publish a note, you must do the following:

  • Open the application menu;

  • In the list, click on the “Notes” line;

  • A window will open with the ability to write text;
  • If required, add a song, video, photo to the note (1);
  • To display a note as a status, check the box next to the inscription (2);

  • Click on the arrow at the top right of the screen.

Interesting notes with photos or surveys regularly appear on your friends’ pages, but you can’t make one? In this guide we will tell you how to create a note in Odnoklassniki on a computer or in phone application. From detailed articles with screenshots, you will learn how to publish posts and attach photos, audio and video recordings to them.

Notes allow users to share various news with friends and random guests, talk about pleasant events, and convey their mood. Photographs and music attached to the recording contribute to this. Note in social network Odnoklassniki is similar to statuses from other social networks, to example Facebook or VK.

First, let's look at creating a post on a computer:

Audio recordings can be added from your list or global music search. As for photos, the system will prompt you to select pictures from your page or open the desired photo on your computer. If you want to add several pictures to a post, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard.

Create a note from your phone

If you are using the page from a browser on a smartphone or tablet, then the steps are similar to the instructions above. For convenience, you can go to full version(like on a computer). To do this, you need to pull out a menu with sections where “Friends” and “Photos” are located. Among the tabs there will be active link"Full version".

  1. Run mobile application and go to your profile.
  2. In the client, you need to put forward a deposit with various functions, including notes.
  3. Write a message and attach music or photos to the note. Photos can be uploaded from your phone or tablet.
  4. In order for an entry to be reflected in the status, you must check the box next to the corresponding inscription.
  5. Done, now the post is in your status, your friends will see it in their feed.

If necessary, you can get rid of the note. IN mobile version This is done using the button with the image of three dots, it is located in each note. Click on it and context menu select “Delete”. IN computer version website is even simpler: hover your mouse over a note and a gray cross will appear in the left corner of the entry - click on it. The system will ask if you really want to remove the post - click the “Yes” button. All objects in Odnoklassniki are deleted in this way.

Polls in notes

Enter into smartphone short entries very convenient:

  • Firstly, mobile phone always at hand.
  • Secondly, notes on pieces of paper get lost and need to be stored somewhere.
  • Thirdly, electronic notes can be edited and photographs and pictures can be added to them.
  • And the most important thing is that they can be managed: sorted, made lists with completion marks (for example, for going to the store - bought, marked and did not forget anything).

Such phone applications are often called “universal notepad”.

How to take notes on Huawei (Honor) smartphones?

To work with notes on HUAWEI smartphone(honor) there is an application "Notes". To launch it, you need to click on the “Notes” icon on the Work screen of your smartphone.

To create a new note in the Notes app:

1. To create a new note, you need to click on the icon "New note" at the bottom of the screen.

2. Type the text of the note on the keyboard.

You can add a picture from the gallery to the text of the note, add new photo, change the text format (font size, paragraph format, etc.), add tags (from English " tag» — “label”, “label”, “tag”; "mark")

For convenience, in order to further monitor the implementation of plan items, the text of notes can be formed in the form of lists of tasks. To do this, use the “Task” icon, which converts plain text into task items.

After creating a note, you must save the new note; to do this, click on the “checkmark” in the upper right corner of the screen.

3. Previously created notes can be adjusted, changes can be made, and new task items can be added.

And what’s very convenient is that you can make marks of completed plan items. To do this, opposite the building text, you need to click on the “circle” icon - in this case, the text seems to be crossed out, saying that the task has been completed and is irrelevant.

An example of creating one note from two tasks:

1. Create a new note by clicking on the icon "New note".

We type the text of the note on the keyboard (in our case, “Call Timur back at 15:00”).

2. To make changes in the note display settings, click on the icon "Note Format".

By moving the font size slider to the right, we increase the size of the letters.

3. To add a special label (tag) to our note, click on the icon "Add tags".

4. In the “Add tags” section, select a tag "Personal".

6. To convert the entered text into a list of tasks, click on the “Task” icon.

Now a “circle” icon has appeared opposite each line of the task.

7. In order to mark the completion of the first building, click on the “circle” icon in front of the first line of the plan. Now a task completion mark appears in the circle icon and the text is crossed out.

As a result, we have a note consisting of two tasks, the first of which has already been completed.
