Terms construction stage construction phase part. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

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DECISION of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 09/24/93 185 (as amended on 09/04/95) ON APPROVAL OF INSTRUCTIONS ON THE PROCEDURE FOR COMPILATION OF STATISTICAL... Relevant in 2018

2. Definition of the concepts “construction”, “construction phase”, “start-up complex”, “construction object”

In reporting on capital construction, the concepts “construction”, “construction phase”, “start-up complex” and “construction site” are used.

2.1. A construction site is a set of buildings and structures (facilities), the construction, expansion and reconstruction of which is carried out, as a rule, according to a single design and estimate documentation, for which in the prescribed manner a separate construction title (or a document replacing it) is approved.

If the construction, expansion or reconstruction of an enterprise is carried out according to projects and estimates for individual objects, then the construction site is a set of production facilities under construction, expansion and reconstruction, regardless of whether they are located on one or several sites. Design and estimate indicators for such construction are determined by summing up indicators for objects and costs.

In cases where the design and estimate documentation for housing and communal construction and the construction of public education, cultural and healthcare facilities is developed separately, regardless of the design and estimate documentation for the construction of an enterprise, then the construction is:

a set of non-production facilities, the construction of which is provided for by the integrated development project;

individual buildings or structures (residential building, school, theater, etc.) in cases where separate technical documentation has been developed for the construction of such a building or structure.

When drawing up a report in Form N 8-ks, you should be guided by the concepts of “construction” and “objects not included in the construction” set out in the instructions on the procedure for drawing up this report.

2.2. The construction phase of an industrial enterprise is determined by the project (working project) - the part of the enterprise that ensures the production of products or the provision of services; it may consist of one or more launch complexes.

2.3. The launch complex is a set of objects (or their parts) for the main, auxiliary and service purposes, energy, transport and storage facilities, communications, utilities, security environment, amenities that ensure the production of products or the provision of services provided for by the project (detailed design) for this launch complex, and normal sanitary and living conditions for workers in accordance with current standards.

The composition and volume of the launch complex is determined by the design organization in agreement with the customer and the general contractor.

2.4. The object of construction is each separate building or structure (with all related equipment, tools and inventory, galleries, overpasses, internal engineering networks of water supply, sewerage, gas pipelines, heating pipelines, electricity supply, radio, utility and auxiliary outbuildings, landscaping and other works and costs), for the construction, reconstruction or expansion of which a separate project and estimate must be drawn up.

2.5. If at a construction site, according to the project (detailed design), only one main purpose object is being built, without the construction of auxiliary and auxiliary objects (for example, in industry - a workshop building for the main purpose, in transport - a railway station building, in housing and civil engineering - a residential building, theater, school, city bridge, etc.), then the concept of a construction object coincides with the concept of a construction site.

2.6. During the construction of enterprises, residential settlements, scientific towns, etc. external service and auxiliary structures (water supply networks, sewerage, heat supply, gasification, energy supply, access roads, etc.) are separate construction objects that are part of the construction site.

A building (building) that houses several workshops is considered one object.

2.7. Do not apply to construction sites or construction projects:

2.7.1. Costs for the purchase of equipment and machinery not included in construction estimates;

2.7.2. Costs of perennial plantings (including field protection);

2.7.3. Costs for the acquisition of working and productive livestock by agricultural and other enterprises and organizations, for capital planning of existing irrigated lands, for cultural and technical work on agricultural lands that do not require drainage, for terracing steep slopes;

2.7.4. Design costs for future construction;

2.7.5. Certain types of work and non-capital costs carried out at existing facilities (for example, safety work, fire safety measures inside workshops, etc. indoor work);

Construction phase

"...3.13. The construction phase is considered a part of construction consisting of a group of buildings, structures and devices, the commissioning of which ensures the production of products or the provision of services provided for by the project. The construction phase may consist of one or more launch complexes..."


Gosstroy of Russia dated 03/05/2004 N 15/1 (as amended on 06/01/2012) "On approval and implementation of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products in the territory Russian Federation"(together with "MDS 81-35.2004...")

Official terminology. Akademik.ru. 2012.

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    Construction phase- 3.11 Construction phase defined by the project (detailed design) part of the construction project, ensuring the production of products, provision of services or living conditions; it may consist of one or more launch complexes. Source:… … Dictionary-reference book of normative terms technical documentation

    first stage of construction- 1. A set of urban planning measures planned for implementation at the first stage of development settlement 2. The initial stage of construction of a facility, including a certain part of the total scope of work [Terminological dictionary for... ...

    construction phase (power units of thermal power plants, nuclear power plants)- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN stage of constructionconstruction stage ... Technical Translator's Guide

    CONSTRUCTION STAGE ONE- 1. a set of urban planning measures planned for implementation at the first stage of development of a settlement 2. the initial stage of construction of an object, including a certain part of the total volume of work (Bulgarian language; Български) pаrvi stage on… Construction dictionary

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    QUEUE- TURN, and, plural. and, to her, wives. 1. The order in following whom what n. Take turns (one after another, one at a time). First about. (first of all). In his o. (for my part, as well as others). To be in line (to be next). Put on o. (include in... ... Dictionary Ozhegova

    queue- noun, f., used. very often Morphology: (no) what? queues, why? queue, (see) what? queue, what? Wait, what about? about the queue; pl. What? queue, (no) what? queues, why? queues, (see) what? queues, what? in bursts, about what? about queues 1... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    queue- And; pl. genus. to her; and. 1. People standing next to each other, waiting for something. Stand in line. O. for tickets. Live o. (without pre-registration). O. at a cafe, bar. O. in a department store. O. at the cinema. // Place for whoever. among the people waiting... Encyclopedic Dictionary

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Lecture outline:

1. General provisions.

2. Construction duration standards.

3. Organization and scheduling of construction of residential complexes.

4. Technical and economic assessment of calendar plans.

5. Scheduling construction of industrial enterprises.


As part of the PIC, scheduling begins with the development of a construction schedule.

Construction schedule (CP) on the basis of a general organizational and technical scheme, establishes the order and timing of the construction of main and auxiliary buildings and structures, start-up complexes and preparatory period work with the distribution of capital investments and volumes of construction and installation work by construction stages and by the time of the project. As part of the PIC, work is planned in an enlarged form - for individual objects and stages of work.

The volume of work is characterized by the estimated cost of construction and installation work or capital investments (in the form of a fraction: capital investments in the numerator, volumes of construction and installation work in the denominator). For long-term construction, the volume of work is shown by year, and for a period of less than two years - by quarter.

Based on the data from the construction CP, schedules are drawn for the need for workers, material resources, main machines and transport. The volumes of construction and installation work and the need for structures, parts, semi-finished basic materials are determined according to data from standard projects, analogue projects or according to current reference books and calculation standards for drawing up PICs. The aggregated indicator in these standards is 1 million rubles. estimated cost of construction and installation works or physical indicators(per 100 m2 of area, 1000 m3 of volume, etc.). The need for workers is determined by the planned output in monetary terms. The required number of main mechanisms is established according to the same calculated standards or based on the calculated volumes of work and established production standards.

Initial data for the preparation of CPs developed as part of the PIC, there are: construction, estimate and other parts of the project (RP), including individual sections of the PIC. developed before drawing up the CP:

· Bill of quantities;

· Calculations of required resources;

· Organizational and technological diagrams for the construction of main buildings and structures and a description of methods for producing complex construction and installation work;

· Regulatory or directive (established) deadlines for the construction of an object, a complex of its parts;

· Documentation of surveys, including data characterizing the capabilities of contractors and the material and technical base of construction.

Schedule Design Principles

1. The planned duration of construction should not exceed the standard (Tpl< Тн).

2. The cost of labor, material and energy costs should be minimal.

3. Permanent objects that can be used during the construction process must be built during the preparatory period (first of all).

4. Decisions made on temporary construction must create conditions for highly productive labor.

5. Decisions made on the laying of utilities should contribute to effective use construction machines and small mechanization.

6. Taking into account the seasonality sector.

7. The construction of buildings and structures and their parts must be carried out using industrial methods using complete delivery of structures, materials and equipment. As well as ready-made blocks of high factory readiness.

8. The work must be carried out using the in-line method.

9. Work related to the development of the site and preparation of production must be completed before the start of the main period of work.

10. Organizational decisions on on-site preparation should be supported by rational technological schemes for combining work. Provide for completion of vertical grading before commencing all other work on site. Performing part of the work on laying roads and underground networks before the construction of the building begins. Completion of work on roads, landscaping and landscaping prior to commissioning of the facility.

The concept of construction, construction complex, construction queue, launch complex, etc.

Construction- is one or more construction projects located on the same construction site.

Stage of work- a technologically complete complex of construction and installation works, as a result of which a structurally separate part of a building or structure is created, highlighted as a separate item in the project or estimate.

Complex of installation and special works- this is a set of works of a separate type in the volume and composition provided for in the contract.

Construction complex of the Russian Federation is a set of contracting organizations, enterprises in the building materials industry, mechanization, and transport. Design and research organizations, leasing companies, educational institutions and organizations various forms property carrying out construction.

Turnkey delivery of the facility- these are ready-to-use production facilities or non-production fixed assets with all the necessary technological or other equipment.

Construction phase- this is a part of the enterprise that is put into operation within a special period established for it and ensures the standard volume of production of special products. The construction phase of industrial enterprises may consist of one or several launch complexes.

Launch complex- this is a group of buildings and structures as part of an enterprise under construction, which is separately planned for commissioning and ensures the commissioning of production capacities (for example, the design capacity of an enterprise under construction is 500 combines per year, 5 queues (different workshops) of 100 combines each can be distinguished , which, in turn, can be divided into launch complexes for the production of certain parts for combines).

Construction site- this is each separate building with equipment.

Schedule Topology

When developing a schedule, it is necessary to take into account organizational and technological charts (OTS) and organizational and technological models (OTM).

OTS is an organizational and technological document. Describing, with the help of graphic and textual material, the organization and technology for performing a set of works at all site facilities (general-site GTS). A site-wide OTS always accompanies specific sets of specific OTS.

OTM- This circuit diagram complex stream or object stream. The OTM of a complex stream describes the adopted structure of a complex stream, that is, the composition and number of object streams. Establishes rational spatiotemporal solutions for incorporating the object flow into the complex flow on the site. The GTM of the object flow and the GTM of the construction of a separate building describes the adopted structure of the object flow, that is, the composition and number of specialized flows, establishes rational spatio-temporal and technological conditions for the inclusion of each specialized flow in the object flow.


The duration of construction is regulated by the standards of construction duration and backlog in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures (SNIP 1.04.03-85*, edition 1991). The deadlines established by the norms for putting objects into operation, the distribution of capital investments and construction work are mandatory when developing a CP as part of the PIC. Providing the construction of facilities with capital investments, design estimates, material, technical and labor resources must be carried out in volumes and terms that guarantee compliance with these standards. In addition to the general duration of construction of new and expansion of existing enterprises, the standards establish the duration of construction of their individual phases, start-up complexes, workshops and production facilities.

Table 1

Duration and backlog standards in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures [SNiP 1.04.03.-85*]



Duration standards

construction, months

Construction progress standards by month,% of the estimated cost



Underground part

Above-ground part

Total area: 1500 m2

Large size

Large block

Volumetric block


Construction phase may consist of one or more complexes. The duration of the preparatory period, transfer of equipment for installation and installation of equipment in months from the start of construction is determined separately.

The construction period includes the time from the beginning of the preparatory period (which includes only on-site work) until the commissioning of the enterprise's facilities or the commissioning of non-production facilities.

In contrast to on-site duration of external preparatory work is standardized and planned in addition to the established standards for the duration of the construction of the facility.

In the column “Installation of equipment” the following is indicated: above the line is the duration of equipment installation, below the line is the serial month of the beginning and end of its implementation.

Table 2

Duration and backlog standards in the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures [SNiP 1.04.03-85*,

ed. 1991(extract)]



Duration standards

construction, months

Construction progress standards by quarter,% of the estimated cost



Transfer of equipment for installation

Equipment installation

Forge shop

Without a basement, equipped with overhead cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 30 tons.

Forging capacity, thousand tons/year (total workshop area, thousand m2)

The beginning and end of equipment installation work is documented in separate acts drawn up by the general contractor, subcontractors and the customer.

The construction period of industrial enterprises includes the time required for complex equipment, taking into account the time for commissioning and delivery of products. But the time required to fully develop the design capacity of the enterprise is not included in the construction duration standards.

The efficiency of capital investments depends on all components of the investment cycle: design, construction and development of designed capacity. Often the design time and especially the development of the design capacity significantly exceed the duration of the enterprise construction. Losses for the economy associated with lengthening the investment cycle are the same regardless of the stage at which they occur.

If the power (or other indicator) of an object differs from the norms given in the tables, then the duration of its construction is determined by interpolation or extrapolation. Extrapolation is permitted up to twice the maximum or half the minimum power specified in the regulations.

An effective means of reducing duration is to combine design and construction work, implemented through the creation of design and construction organizations.

Construction planning

Planning of the construction backlog is carried out in order to ensure the timely formation of the front of work and the rhythmic execution of work, as well as the timely commissioning of facilities.

Backlog in construction they call the amount of work that must be completed on transitional objects by the end of the planned year to ensure continuity of work and the rhythm of commissioning of a building or structure under construction. The backlog is standardized by SNiP1.03.04-85*. Reducing the backlog below the standard does not ensure the utilization of all departments. An excessive increase in the backlog leads to an increase in unfinished construction, which, in turn, leads to the “destruction” of funds. Compliance with the reserve helps to increase the efficiency of using capital investments (investment funds).


The schedule of work performed during the preparatory period (CPP) is the next stage of scheduling. The need to observe such a sequence is explained by the fact that the composition of the preparatory period and especially its volume depend on the sequence of construction of the complex and its stages, adopted in the KP. The SGP data is also taken into account, since it establishes the nomenclature of temporary construction objects and the scope of work. The methodology for developing this plan and the initial data are similar to those adopted for the construction design plan.

Construction stages. The immediate start of construction of the complex is preceded by organizational and technical preparation, the timing of which is not taken into account in the duration of construction of this residential area. The construction of the residential complex is planned in two periods: preparatory and main.

IN preparatory period perform off-site and on-site work (site development, engineering preparation, temporary structures, etc.)

Main period are also divided into two periods: the construction of the zero cycle (the underground part of buildings, communications, roads, central heating stations and transformer substations) and the construction of the above-ground part of buildings and landscaping of the territory.

Scope of work for the construction of a residential area.

Cutting plant soil carried out after clearing the site of demolished buildings and replanting trees. Cutting down bushes and uprooting stumps. The volume of this work is determined by the thickness of the plant layer, which for the middle zone is 20...25 cm. The soil is removed if it is not possible to place it within the site during construction before the start of landscaping work. Preservation of plant soil is one of the most important measures to protect the environment and a condition for high-quality landscaping during the final period of construction.

Vertical layout the volume and method of mechanized execution depends on the nature of the site. The design adopted the practice of preserving the natural state of the relief as much as possible. Typically, vertical planning comes down to a relatively small movement of soil within the site without moving it outside (method " zero balance"). Vertical planning in winter conditions is impractical, and with small cutting thickness it is impossible. Perhaps more work on cutting and leveling the soil should be transferred to the warm season.

Construction of temporary roads(as well as permanent ones used during the construction period) should be carried out taking into account the nature and condition of the soil. In conditions of cohesive dry draining or winter frozen soils, temporary roads do not need to be installed. Constructed roads are built before and during the zero cycle work and must be completed before work on the underground parts of the building.

The construction of permanent roads should begin after the completion of the underground parts of the building. At the same time, permanent roads are constructed only in those cases (and volumes) when they are used during the construction period or when the layout, parameters and design ensure their normal operation during the construction period and safety at the time of commissioning of objects. Otherwise, permanent roads should be constructed after the installation of buildings is completed and temporary roads are dismantled. At the same time, the undesirability of building intra-block roads in winter is taken into account. Roads are asphalted in the warm season after they have been partially repaired.

Laying underground networks must be carried out taking into account the order “from bottom to top”, i.e. starting from the greatest depth (sewerage, drainage), then less deep ones (water supply, heating mains, gas) and ending with shallow networks - 40...60 cm (electrical cables, telephone sewer, low-current cables). No mechanized earthworks are allowed above laid shallow communications work, and therefore they are performed after leveling the territory. Work on external lighting with the installation of supports and cable laying should be carried out in the next stream, after the construction of roads, and if they were built during the zero cycle, after road repairs, before landscaping the area.

Work on communications must be carried out in a continuous manner with a shift in the start of work by specialized teams, taking into account the above considerations. Zero-cycle work is considered completed after the completion of the underground part of the building and all communications that ensure subsequent work on the above-ground part of the buildings without further excavation.

Combination and interconnection of works. To make it possible to combine work over time, residential complexes are divided into several groups of buildings-sites, united common network intra-block communications with autonomous connection to one central heating substation and transformer substation. An autonomous group usually consists of houses with a total area of ​​25...30 thousand m2 of living space. This approach ensures the timely supply of electricity, water, heat supply necessary for finishing work and putting buildings into operation.

The choice of construction priority for sites is determined taking into account the possibility of constructing subsequent groups of buildings without using the populated area. It is advisable to organize such an organization where the site is taken as an occupation, where sequentially, replacing each other, work is carried out on cutting and leveling the soil, laying roads and communications, constructing underground parts of buildings and constructing above-ground parts.

When linking specialized flows in the construction of communications and roads, the need arises to determine the minimum indivisible front of work - a plot, the dimensions of which, according to the standards, are: underground pressure sewer and drainage pipelines - the interval between two wells; checkpoints and impassable channels– from the central heating point, chamber or underground part of the building to the subsequent building; roads and sidewalks - 40...50m.

Construction of underground and then above ground parts of buildings should be distributed among threads. Both loops are executed by one or more parallel threads. Non-residential buildings are separated into separate streams based on their design characteristics. These flows must be designed taking into account the order in which houses are put into operation. The end of the zero cycle for individual buildings and groups of buildings usually precedes the start of installation of the underground part by up to 3 months.

The number of parallel flows depends on the number of objects and the given construction period and is determined using flow formulas. It should only be recalled that when designing continuous construction of homogeneous buildings, the work rhythms of individual specialized flows (teams) must be equal or multiples of each other. The duration of the installation of buildings is usually assumed to be equal, and the duration of finishing work, etc., is taken to be multiples.

Landscaping begin after dismantling the tower crane and end with the completion of finishing work. Gardening is a seasonal job; Lawns are done in warm weather, and trees and shrubs are planted only during the planting season - in spring and autumn. Trees with a lump are planted at any time of the year.

Complex construction schedule


Full estimated cost

Output per worker (daily), rub.

Labor costs, person-days

Duration of work

Number of workers per day, people.

Cost of construction and installation work, thousand rubles.

When developing calendar plans for the construction of complexes (CPSC), labor costs are determined through the daily output of a worker (rub/person-day), and the duration of finishing work is taken according to standard schedules.

Taking into account the decisions laid down in the construction schedule, statements of volumes of major construction and installation works and work performed during the preparatory period are compiled.

Bill of quantities




Including by

separate large



tel-ny period

Distribution of work volumes based on construction results


To assess the CP, there is a system of technical and economic indicators, which, along with those common to all types of construction, include indicators that reflect the specifics of a particular building or structure, as well as local conditions. The basis for comparison is the standards, established tasks, a similar project, and when developing CP in several versions, comparing them with each other.

The main indicator for evaluation is the result of comparison construction duration according to the developed calendar plan with current standards. At the same time, not only the total duration is analyzed, but also its components: the timing of preparatory work, commissioning for installation, installation duration, etc. in housing construction, the durations of the zero cycle and the above-ground part are compared separately. When the construction duration is reduced, the amount of economic effect from early commissioning is calculated.

Economic effect for the contractor from reducing the time construction or the duration of construction and installation work (E) is formed by reducing the amount of semi-fixed costs as part of the cost of construction and installation work (CP) and is determined by the formula:


where: UP - semi-fixed costs; Tf - actual construction period; Tr - estimated construction period.

Conditionally fixed overhead costs include administrative and economic expenses associated with the maintenance of the management apparatus, wear and tear of temporary non-title structures and fixtures, etc. On average, the amount of conditionally fixed overhead costs is equal to 60% of the standard amount of overhead costs.

In the same way, calendar plan options of different durations are compared.

CP is also characterized indicators of total and specific labor intensity(in person-days per 1 m2 of usable or living space, per 1 m3 of buildings, per 1 m2 of road, etc.). the labor intensity indicator serves to determine the worker’s output.

Output is calculated either by dividing the cost of construction and installation work to be performed by the complexity of their implementation, and then the indicator has a monetary value (rub/person-day), or by dividing physical volumes work based on labor intensity, and then the output is obtained in physical terms (1 m2 of area, 1 m3 of structures, 1 m3 of buildings, etc. per 1 person-day or per 1 worker per year, etc.).

Labor intensity and output, being integral, generalizing indicators, quite objectively characterize the merits of the work production methods laid down in the plan as a whole.

Along with them, a number of other indicators can be used that characterize the plan in one particular aspect or another: the coefficient of uneven movement of workers; shift ratio (the ratio of the total number of shifts to the number of days of work according to schedule); the level of mechanization and complex mechanization, the level of mechanical equipment of labor and the level of mechanical equipment of construction.


A) drawing up enlarged network schedules for the construction of a complex of facilities

Complex enlarged network diagram as part of a project for organizing the construction of an industrial complex, it is used for reasonable planning of the duration of construction and distribution of investments and volumes of construction and installation work by year, quarter and month. Based on a comprehensive integrated network schedule (KUSG), the timing of receipt of technical documentation and supply of process equipment, construction parts, material designs and other resources is determined.

The peculiarity of a comprehensive network schedule is that it coordinates the relationships of the customer, contractor, financing and supplying authorities and enterprises, as well as design organizations, their specific, strictly calculated actions for timely and effective implementation complex program construction.

B) Schedule planning for the construction of a large industrial enterprise using the nodal method

The essence of the nodal method of organizing and managing the construction of industrial complexes is to divide the complex into structurally and technologically separate nodes, interconnected by a common technological scheme of factory production. As a result, conditions are created for commissioning and testing of unit units, regardless of the degree of readiness of other units.

Fundamental solutions of the nodal method are developed as part of the PIC in the form following documents: diagrams of breakdown into nodes, diagrams of technological interconnection of nodes and energy supply, diagrams of the sequence of input of nodes taking into account inter-node time restrictions, a complex enlarged node-by-node network diagram. The main document reflecting the features of construction using the nodal method is a comprehensive enlarged network schedule (KUPSG).

According to their purpose, nodes are divided into technological, construction and general site.

Technological unit- structurally isolated part technological line(installation), within which construction and installation work is carried out until the technical readiness necessary for commissioning, testing of units, mechanisms and devices. The main condition for determining the composition and boundaries of technological units is the possibility of conducting separate commissioning and testing of units.

Construction unit- a building (structure) for the main production purpose or a structurally separate part thereof, within which construction and installation work is carried out until it is technically ready to carry out mechanical installation work. The main condition for determining the composition and boundaries of a construction unit is the possibility of combining the installation of technological equipment and work on the construction of stable parts of the building.

General site node- a group of technically homogeneous buildings and structures for service and auxiliary purposes, engineering networks and communications, the readiness of which provides technological, energy and transport capabilities for construction and installation work and testing of technological equipment.

Subnode- part of the unit within which construction and installation work is ensured until the technical readiness necessary for carrying out commissioning work on the unit as a whole, testing of units, mechanisms and devices.

C) Scheduling using the integrated block method of organizing construction

Complete block method(KBM) is a system of technical and organizational events to reduce costs and increase labor productivity, reduce duration, reduce costs and improve the quality of construction through the aggregation of material and technical resources and the maximum transfer of work from the construction site to the sphere of industrial supplier enterprises, customer enterprises and prefabrication enterprises of the construction industry’s own base, providing complete supply of equipment, structures and materials in the form of block devices for various functional purposes.

Organization construction production The complete block method includes the production, delivery of sets of blocks for construction, their enlarged assembly and construction from them in accordance with the solutions provided for in the design and estimate documentation.

The construction organization project provides the necessary feasibility studies and resolves the issues of organizing the manufacture and delivery of blocks, while the production and factory testing of equipment blocks, as a rule, is carried out at the relevant equipment manufacturing enterprises, and construction, construction and technological blocks, utility network blocks and process pipelines - at prefabrication enterprises and bases of the construction industry of construction organizations. Delivery of blocks from manufacturing plants, assembly plants and bases to the place of their installation in the design position is carried out in technological sequence construction of the facility provided for by the design of the organization of construction and work.

Experience in constructing facilities using KBM allows us to divide all block devices into four main groups:

1. Aggregated equipment blocks– this group includes technological, electrical, monitoring and control units, plumbing systems, etc.

2. Construction and technological blocks make up pumping stations, blocks of mobile (inventory) buildings, water supply installations, etc.

3. Building blocks consist of a number of built-in rooms, power line supports, bridge supports in block design, etc.

4. Communication blocks contain blocks of spans, overpasses, galleries, bridge crossings, tunnels, rail tracks, as well as other supporting structures with communications installed on them.

Delivery of block devices to the construction site is carried out by rail, as well as by special means. Typically, the distance for transporting block devices by road is 70-600 km. Large lifting blocks in the form of completed objects are usually delivered by water.

Installation of block devices involves installing blocks in the designed position and connecting them together into a single technological line.

The construction of industrial enterprises using KBM, in contrast to traditional construction, imposes fundamentally new requirements for the engineering preparation of construction sites.

In various statistical forms, programs, and one-time construction surveys, individual construction sites, facilities, launch complexes, and construction queues are subject to observation. For example, on the basis of form N 8-ks “Report on the results and condition of industrial construction”, the total number of buildings and objects under construction, mothballed or suspended construction, etc. is determined. This section provides the basic concepts of “construction”, “construction phase”, “start-up complex” and “construction object”.

Construction is a set of buildings and structures (facilities), the construction, expansion and reconstruction of which is carried out, as a rule, according to a single design and estimate documentation, for which a separate construction title (or a document replacing it) is approved in the prescribed manner.

Construction site is considered a separate building or structure with all the equipment, extensions, and communications related to it, for the construction of which projects and estimates have been drawn up.

New construction consider the construction of buildings, structures, enterprises, etc., which are carried out on new construction sites according to the initially approved project, for example, new mines, power plants, factories, etc.

Expansion of existing enterprises is the construction of new workshops, structures, etc. at existing enterprises.

Reconstruction of existing enterprises partial or complete reconstruction of enterprises is considered.

TO technical re-equipment of existing enterprises include a set of measures to improve the technical and economic level of individual industries, workshops, sections, etc. based on the introduction of new equipment, mechanization and automation of production, modernization, replacement of old worn-out equipment with new, more productive and economical ones.

Maintaining the capacity of existing enterprises - These are measures to compensate for fixed assets retired due to complete wear and disrepair.

If the construction, expansion or reconstruction of an enterprise is carried out according to projects and estimates for individual objects, then the construction site is a set of production facilities under construction, expansion and reconstruction, regardless of whether they are located on one or several sites. Design and estimate indicators for such construction are determined by summing up indicators for objects and costs.

In cases where the design and estimate documentation for housing and communal construction and the construction of public education, cultural and healthcare facilities is developed separately, regardless of the design and estimate documentation for the construction of an enterprise, then the construction is:

    a set of non-production facilities, the construction of which is provided for by the integrated development project;

    individual buildings or structures (residential building, school, theater, etc.) in cases where separate technical documentation has been developed for the construction of such a building or structure.

Construction phase an industrial enterprise is a part of the enterprise defined by a project (working project) that ensures the production of products or the provision of services; it may consist of one or more launch complexes.

Launch complex is a set of objects (or parts thereof) of main, auxiliary and service purposes, energy, transport and storage facilities, communications, utilities, environmental protection, improvement, ensuring the production of products or the provision of services provided for by the project (detailed design) for a given launch complex , and normal sanitary and living conditions for workers, in accordance with current standards.

The composition and volume of the launch complex is determined by the design organization in agreement with the customer and the general contractor.

Construction site is each separate building or structure (with all related equipment, tools and inventory, galleries, overpasses, internal engineering networks of water supply, sewerage, gas pipelines, heating pipelines, electricity, radio, utility and auxiliary outbuildings, landscaping and other works and costs ), for the construction, reconstruction or expansion of which a separate project and estimate must be drawn up.

If at a construction site, according to the project (detailed design), only one main purpose object is being built, without the construction of auxiliary and auxiliary objects (for example, in industry - a workshop building for the main purpose, in transport - a railway station building, in housing and civil engineering - a residential building, theater, school, city bridge, etc.), then the concept of a construction object coincides with the concept of a construction site.

During the construction of enterprises, residential settlements, scientific towns, etc. external service and auxiliary structures (water supply networks, sewerage, heat supply, gasification, energy supply, access roads, etc.) are separate construction objects that are part of the construction site.

A building (building) that houses several workshops is considered one object.

Do not apply to construction sites or construction projects:

    costs for the purchase of equipment and machinery not included in construction estimates;

    costs of perennial plantings (including field protection);

    design costs for future construction;

    certain types of work and non-capital costs carried out at existing facilities (for example, safety work, fire safety measures inside workshops, etc., work indoors);

    costs of purchasing retail and pharmacy kiosks, tents, stalls, etc.

Absence for a long time regulatory documents uniform provisions for all ministries and departments-customers, contractors and design organizations on the procedure for development, composition, content, coordination and approval of launch complexes enterprises and structures has led to different interpretations by customers and contractors of the concept of launch complexes.

Often due to the allocation of capital investments by customers in amounts insufficient for completion of launch complexes in full or due to the failure of contractors to complete construction and installation work by the established deadlines, previously developed, agreed upon and approved launch complexes were reviewed and re-approved, and extremely necessary facilities, work and costs were excluded from their composition.

As a result, the practice of handing over and accepting into operation start-up complexes of enterprises and structures “according to temporary schemes” without complete completion has become widespread. necessary work, buildings, structures, without completing safety measures, labor protection, and also not provided with electricity, heat, water, raw materials, etc. It is quite clear that such launch complexes could not work normally and produce full-fledged products in accordance with approved projects. The consequence of the commissioning of start-up complexes “according to temporary schemes” was frequent disruptions in the rhythm of production, abnormal working conditions and industrial sanitation, and this led to violation of the established deadlines for the development of design capacities, changes in the product range, and failure to meet the main technical and economic indicators of the enterprises.

Brief concepts about the launch complex, its composition and approval procedure are set out in the notes to clause 1 General provisions“Standards for the duration of construction of enterprises, buildings and structures SN 44072”, which states that the start-up complex must include a set of objects (or parts thereof) for main production and auxiliary purposes, energy, transport and storage facilities, communications, utilities, wastewater treatment facilities and improvement, ensuring the production of products provided for by the project, and normal working conditions for service personnel in accordance with current standards. Composition and volume of the launch complex developed by the design organization and approved in agreement with the customer and general contractor in the prescribed manner. However, all this, naturally, could not make significant changes to existing practice. The situation with the launch complexes did not become clear even after the State Construction Committee of May 23, 1973 introduced amendments to clause 42 of the Temporary Instruction for the development of projects and estimates for industrial construction SN 202-69.

Practice more and more insistently demanded the creation of a unified regulation in capital construction on the procedure for development, composition, determination of estimated cost, coordination, approval, revision and re-approval of start-up complexes of enterprises and structures. This provision was approved by Gosstroy and Gosplan on August 26, 1974.

The start-up complex of an enterprise, structure or its phase includes a set of objects or parts of the main production, auxiliary and service purposes, energy, transport, storage facilities, communications, on-site communications, treatment facilities, landscaping, buildings and premises for domestic purposes, public catering, health centers providing production of products in the volume provided for by the project for this launch complex, normal sanitary and living conditions for workers, protection from pollution of water bodies and the environment.

The decision to allocate launch complexes during the construction of enterprises, structures or their queues is made in feasibility studies(feasibility study) of the feasibility and necessity of design and construction. Therefore, already in the assignment for the development of a technical working (technical) project in accordance with the duly approved feasibility study, the preparation of design and estimate documentation for launch complexes is required. In these cases, in certain parts of the technical working (technical) project, design materials for launch complexes are prepared, and statements indicating the cost of construction of facilities and work included in the launch complex are attached to the summary construction estimate.

All provisions of Instruction SN 202-76 for the development of projects and estimates for industrial construction apply to the design and estimate documentation of launch complexes, both in terms of its volume and composition, and the timing of issuance to the contractor.

The design and estimate documentation of the launch complexes, available in the technical working (technical) project of the enterprise, structure or corresponding construction phase, is reviewed, agreed upon and approved as part of this project. Changes can be made to it only with the consent of the design organization, customer and contractor within a time frame that ensures the timely development of plans for capital construction and commissioning of production facilities. In this case, data on actual and expected costs for the launch complex facilities under construction are transferred by the customer to the design organization simultaneously with the contract for the implementation of design work to clarify the specified design and estimate documentation.

Design and estimate documentation of the launch complex in mandatory must be agreed upon within a month by the project customer with the participation of the general design organization and the general contracting construction organization. In cases of disagreement, documents are submitted for consideration and decision-making within a month to the heads of ministries, customer departments and for approval - to the heads of ministries and contractor departments.

If specified documentation of the launch complex developed without changing the design solutions approved in the technical working (technical) project, and agreed with the contractor in the above order, then it is approved again by the head of the directorate of the enterprise under construction or the head of the customer enterprise, regardless of the estimated cost of the construction as a whole. In cases where in the design decisions of the launch complex, the composition of the main facilities and their capacity are changed, which causes a revision of the technical working (technical) project; the design and estimate documentation of such a launch complex must be re-approved by the authority that previously approved the construction project. At the same time, the design and estimate documentation of the entire construction project is re-approved.

Design decisions made in the technical documentation of the launch complex on the basis of working drawings are agreed upon with the authorities state supervision and interested organizations only when there are deviations from previously agreed upon design decisions. Design work related to the clarification of design and estimate documentation for launch complexes is carried out by design organizations under contracts with the project customer in the manner established for the development of working drawings of buildings and structures.

The design and estimate documentation of the launch complex, updated according to the working drawings of buildings, structures and estimates, taking into account the actual state of construction, must contain:

  1. a brief explanatory note with justification for the commissioned capacities, composition of production, buildings, structures, utility networks, communications, etc., included in this launch complex, the cost of construction of facilities;
  2. information on compliance with the requirements of current standards and rules for design and construction, requirements for the project of state supervisory authorities and organizations that issued technical conditions for connecting objects to networks, structures and public communications, etc.;
  3. copying from the general plan of the enterprise, structure with the objects indicated on it, included in the launch complex;
  4. copying from the situational plan for the location of an enterprise, structure with off-site communications and structures indicated on it (iron and highways, engineering networks and structures, etc.) included in the launch complex;
  5. copying from the consolidated plan of on-site utility networks with the networks and structures of the launch complex indicated on it;
  6. extracts from the consolidated statement of volumes of basic construction and installation work and the consolidated schedule of demand for building structures, products, semi-finished products and materials for construction with the volumes of construction and installation work highlighted in them and the need for structures, products and building materials for the objects of the launch complex, specified according to the working drawings of buildings and structures;
  7. a statement of the estimated cost of construction of facilities included in the launch complex, compiled on the basis of facility estimates and a certificate of actual and expected disbursement of funds;
  8. a consolidated list of custom specifications for equipment, compiled on the basis of custom specifications for working drawings of buildings and structures of the launch complex in the established form.

More than two years of experience in using a single methodological Regulations on the procedure for development, coordination and approval in projects of enterprises, structures of the composition of launch complexes contributed to an increase in the level of development of design and estimate documentation for launch complexes, more correct definition their composition and estimated cost (and, consequently, the necessary capital investments), the fastest development of introduced capacities and improving the quality of construction.

Using the method of design and construction of industrial enterprises by autonomous start-up complexes, which include groups of production units united by a single technological process, provides, as calculations show, a reduction in the development area by 10-15%, a reduction in costs for the construction of utilities, access roads and roads by 10-20% compared to design and construction in the usual manner.