Choosing a good smartphone on the Android platform. IOS, Android, Windows Phone – which platform-based smartphone is better? (video)

1. What advantages and disadvantages do you see in currently popular operating systems from a technical point of view (memory allocation, application security)?

Maxim Tentykh, Redmadrobot
Sure, the devil is in the details, but over the past couple of years, popular mobile OSes have become increasingly similar to each other. For this reason, it is difficult to highlight significant advantages.

Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to continue to work to improve the security of the system and the capabilities it provides. Jailbreaks for iOS, which are released almost every day with the next platform update, and the relative ease of obtaining root access in Android still remain the main problems for both platform holders and application developers for them.

For Android, the main disadvantage remains the fragmentation of OS versions and devices, or rather the long process of introducing OS updates by vendors. In this regard, it is necessary to maintain outdated versions of the OS for a long time and often not use innovations right away.

With iOS, everything is much better in this regard, but due to the closed nature of the platform in general and development tools in particular, sometimes you have to “fight” with the IDE instead of writing code. And the development tools themselves are inferior to their Android counterparts.

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
The advantage of iOS is its well-developed ecosystem, which is extremely addictive. Android is just on the way to this. Android's advantage is the openness of the system and the ability to embed it even in a teapot. The main problem is the speed of OS updates on devices. With the latest update, Android's app security should finally be getting better.

Vadim Mityakin, Eleven Design Bureau
The limited model range gives Apple the opportunity to excellently optimize its operating system, including RAM management algorithms. Therefore, Apple only needs to equip its iPhones with just one gigabyte of RAM to get the same level of performance as Android with 3 gigabytes. On the other hand, Google is constantly improving its work with the Java Virtual Machine and with garbage collectors.

iOS was initially positioned as a secure operating system with an emphasis on protecting user data, although it was regularly compromised (backdoors, flaws, and errors were found). Android, however, only patched up its security holes in the latest versions.

Vladimir Barakovsky, Artics
The most obvious problem is the problem of malware on the Android platform. The iOS operating system is better protected in this regard: in order to catch a virus, an obvious user error is needed, and this is a human factor.

Denis Tsarev, Morizo
The main disadvantage of current operating systems is the fragmentation of platforms. Vendors are releasing more and more new devices, but are trying to maintain support for old ones and compatibility. This places great demands on developers who are forced to support not only a myriad of screen resolutions, but also several types of processor architectures, a “zoo” of devices, as well as 4–5 versions of the platform present on the market. The situation is reminiscent of the era of web development about 5 years ago, when support for IE6 was a mandatory requirement, and there were several browser engines on the market.

2. What trends could you note in the development of mobile operating systems in recent years? How will mobile development develop?

Maxim Tentykh, Redmadrobot
For the last year, Apple and Google have been fighting to speed up the operating system and applications and, as one of the consequences, for the life of the battery. This is great news for users, but creates some challenges for developers. However, given the trend of mobile development tools catching up with their “big brothers” and providing increasingly convenient tools, this temporary complexity can be called an evolutionary threshold rather than an obstacle.

Despite the development of cross-platform development tools, they will only be used by small companies that cannot afford to have teams of programmers for each platform. The reason is that everyone who has been involved in mobile development for a long time understands perfectly well that the fastest and highest quality code is obtained when it is written for the target platform.

In addition, every year mobile operating systems strive to penetrate more and more into the personal lives of users, to participate in it as much as possible, and work in this direction will only intensify.

Overall, mobile development will continue to mature. It is quite possible that this year in Android development can be called the year of testing.

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
Obvious trends are wearable devices, augmented and virtual reality. And mobile development will gradually develop towards more complexity, since the flow of traffic from desktop to mobile is very active.

Vladimir Barakovsky, Artics
There is a clear trend towards synchronization of mobile and desktop platforms. This is especially clearly seen in the interaction between iOS and OS X from Apple. The latter managed to build a single ecosystem in which laptops, tablets, smartphones and even watches coexist: you can start an action on one platform, continue it on another, and finish on a third. Google, realizing this, will also come to a similar point, although there are some difficulties due to the fragmentation of the market and the many players in it.

3. What are the prospects for the development of wear platforms?

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
Beautiful. There is only one problem - the battery. I'm looking forward to a revolution on this issue.

Vadim Mityakin, Eleven Design Bureau
It is absolutely certain that there are prospects and, most likely, wear platforms will take their place, it will just happen not in a revolutionary way, but in an evolutionary way. There are two tasks: we need an analogue of cheap devices, the same as simple Android phones, and truly useful user use cases.

Of course, I would like the wearable platform market to develop quickly, but, unfortunately, it will not happen.

Sergey Denisyuk,MobileUp
The prospects for health tracking are now obvious. Apple frameworks (ResearchKit, CareKit, Health Kit) can play a big role in the development of the medical industry.

Vladimir Barakovsky, Artics
Wearable electronics appeared relatively recently and are currently developing at a rapid pace. So far, it is represented on the market mainly by smart watches and fitness bracelets, but this also includes virtual and augmented reality helmets and another very promising area - smart fabric. Such clothing is capable of analyzing a person’s condition, for example, giving advice to athletes, monitoring workloads, and can even call an ambulance. There are a lot of scenarios, I’m sure the developers will come up with even more, but for now it all comes down to technology and readiness for the mass market, although the first swallows have already flown from the nest.

Denis Tsarev, Morizo
Wearable devices are the main trend of the future, but they are still at the very beginning of their journey. And many attempts to develop such devices still look funny, like those smart socks or a toilet that posts on Twitter every time it flushes.

4. What factors play a major role when choosing a mobile platform for which the application will be developed?

Maxim Tentykh, Redmadrobot
If we talk about b2b applications, the choice most often completely depends on the unified devices that are in stock or available in large quantities on the market, and, accordingly, what mobile OS is pre-installed on these devices.

If we are talking about b2c applications, then traditional indicators are included, the importance of which for each project may be unique: target audience, number of users, available resources, monetization method, expected payback period and possible platform limitations.

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
Target audience, cost of development and support, speed of updating applications in stores (for example, for A/B testing).

Vsevolod Ivanov,Touch Instinct
The audience of iOS device owners is more solvent, and the purchase conversion rate is higher. Android users don't like to pay, but they charge in quantity. You also need to take into account geography: in distant regions of Russia you shouldn’t count on an abundance of iOS phones. It makes sense to consider the Android version if the application needs to use a lot of sensors, run in the background, or collect information about users. There are fewer such features in iOS.

Vadim Mityakin, Eleven Design Bureau
First of all, the target audience and its preferences.

Sergey Denisyuk,MobileUp
There is almost no choice. There are only two main platforms, and you need to work on both. The exceptions are projects where there is a clear division: if the application is for the poor masses (for example, regional taxi drivers), then Android is chosen; if there is some kind of fashionable service, they start with iOS, Android - after.

Denis Tsarev, Morizo
The main factor will not be the choice of platform, but the choice of technologies that strive to be cross-platform.

5. Have cloud technologies influenced the development of mobile development and if so, how?

Maxim Tentykh, Redmadrobot
Yes, they did. Both in the form of new tools and third-party solutions that allow you to quickly solve technically complex business problems, and in the form of a new look at the applications that can be created and offered to the user. For example, storing music on devices is becoming less popular after the emergence of a large number of players in the music streaming market.

Alexander Shibaev, e-Legion
It’s not particularly noticeable yet, but the trend is gaining popularity, including cloud testing of applications, for which it is not physically necessary to have a huge fleet of devices (for example, Cloud Test Lab). This allows smaller developers to release better products. But cloud technologies are already influencing the backend for applications (both cloud hosting and SaaS solutions for integration with various systems).

Sergey Denisyuk,MobileUp
This has lowered the barrier to entry into developing client-server applications. But for those who use their own servers, this has not changed anything.

6. Recently, the Internet of Things has been gaining popularity. How do you assess its development? How does this affect mobile development technologies and the development of operating systems?

Sergey Denisyuk,MobileUp
This direction has great prospects, and now everything is just beginning. According to McKinsey, by 2025 the industry's contribution to the economy will be between $3.9 and $11.1 trillion. Now it is actively used in the transport industry, for the analysis of medical indicators, in industrial safety systems, etc. Applications are becoming the central interface for human interaction with IoT, and in parallel the areas of machine learning, DSP, and computer vision are being developed. Quite a lot of successful projects have already been created in IoT, and we are trying to contribute to this.

7. What factors may influence changes in positions in the mobile operating systems market?

Maxim Tentykh, Redmadrobot
It is difficult to name at least one mobile OS, no matter local or global, that was able to successfully compete with the two headliners. A wide variety of conclusions can be drawn, but most likely this indicates that the market is currently formed, and users need compelling advantages to choose other platforms that no one is yet able to offer.

In addition, the choice of a mobile OS should not be considered separately from the devices on which they are supplied - after all, in fact, the user chooses not only the mobile OS, but also the specific technical and other characteristics of the device. The main factors of choice are technical characteristics, price, design, UI of the mobile OS or additional shell provided by the vendor, device lifetime, integration capabilities with third-party services and devices.

Sergey Denisyuk,MobileUp
In my opinion, significant changes can be associated with the release and mass distribution of fundamentally new interfaces. For example, virtual reality may have its own new operating systems that will become leaders. Something like iOS appeared in 2008, then Android. They appeared and became popular in connection with the release of a fundamentally new class of devices.

Denis Tsarev, Morizo
The market for mobile systems has already formed. There are three eras of personal computers:
1. A large corporation sold large computers to large companies (IBM mainframes);
2. The average company sold computers to middle- and high-income families;
3. Small companies sell personal mobile devices to everyone. The entry threshold for the cheapest Android smartphones is from $40.

Therefore, the market will have a mass audience on Android and an audience with medium-high income on iOS. It is quite possible that we will soon see Windows 10 in the enterprise segment.

The smartphone market is developing and updating very quickly - models and technologies replace each other in a matter of months. In such a situation, it can sometimes be quite difficult for a simple buyer to navigate, especially if this is a person buying his first smartphone and not familiar enough with these devices. What to look for when buying a smartphone? Perhaps one of the most important things is the operating system on which the smartphone runs. Unlike personal computers, in which the OS is completely under the control of the user, the owner of a smartphone usually cannot reinstall his system or replace it with another one. When you buy a smartphone, you get the system provided by the manufacturer. The available software, functionality and user interface of the smartphone depend on it. The most popular mobile systems today are Android, iOS, BlackBerry OS, Windows Phone 7, Symbian and Bada. Let's look at each of these systems in more detail.


Today, this mobile operating system is the most popular in the world - more than 330 million devices based on this OS have been sold and it occupies a 59% share of the smartphone operating system market. This system is open, which means that its source code is in the public domain, and everyone has the right to freely use or modify this code. Thus, the system is attractive both for software developers and smartphone manufacturers, because working with it is much cheaper and easier than with many others. The development of the system began in 2003 with the founding of Android Inc. In 2005, this company was acquired by Google, and the first smartphone with this system on board was released in 2008. Today, the system is actively supported by both large companies led by Google and independent developers. The latest version of the system, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, boasts a significantly improved user interface and expanded functionality.

Overall, this platform is characterized by great flexibility and freedom provided to the user. There is a fairly strong integration of Google services, but there is always the opportunity to use alternative software. Programs can be downloaded both from the specialized Play Market store and from third-party sources, for example from a computer or other Internet sites. Today, more than 1,000,000 programs are available for this OS. It is also worth noting the fact that many smartphone manufacturers install their own proprietary shells on top of this operating system, which improve ergonomics and increase reliability, while slightly limiting the settings available to the user. In general, this OS can be recommended to users who want to achieve maximum functionality from their smartphone.


This system, which until recently was the leader in the smartphone market, has now taken on the role of catching up with Android. Today, the market share of this platform is 22.9%. The system itself was developed by Apple for the iPhone released in 2007. This OS has largely changed the understanding of the ergonomics of mobile operating systems, implementing MultiTouch technology for the first time, as well as optimizing the user interface for a large high-resolution touch screen. The system itself is completely closed - this means that the source code of the system remains inaccessible and can only be changed by the owner - Apple. The latest version of the system at the moment is iOS 6.

This system has a convenient, beautiful and fast user interface, but its customization options are very limited. In addition, even for such simple operations as exchanging files, synchronizing with a personal computer, or simply copying files to your phone, you must use special software from Apple. The company has done a lot to attract a large number of third-party developers to its platform, and as a result, a huge amount of software from third-party developers is available for this platform. In general, this OS can be recommended to those users who put convenience above all else - iOS demonstrates ideal performance with a high level of functionality.


This operating system occupied a leading position in the market 5 years ago, but today its share has decreased to 8.6% and continues to gradually fall. The development of this system began in the second half of the 90s, and the first communicator on it was released in 2001. For a long time, this system was virtually the only player in the communicator market, receiving widespread support from mobile device manufacturers. The greatest success with Symbian was achieved by Nokia, which in 2008 became the sole owner of this system. The latest version of the system was officially renamed Nokia Belle and released in 2011.

Nokia is preparing several major updates to this system, but due to the fact that many major smartphone manufacturers are gradually refusing to use it, the company has canceled the development of a new version of the system. But still, this system still occupies a large market share, especially for mid- and low-price devices. This operating system boasts great stability, convenience, good optimization and economical battery consumption. This OS can be recommended to anyone who needs a convenient and functional smartphone at an affordable price, characterized by a long battery life.


This is an innovative operating system developed by Samsung, which recently appeared on the market, but has already managed to occupy a share of 2.7%. Bada is distinguished by a high level of ergonomics and user-friendliness, however, due to the newness of the system, software from third-party developers is still quite small for it. However, Samsung has plans to intensively support this OS with the potential of making it an open system. This operating system can be recommended to anyone who is interested in new, non-standard solutions in the field of user interface and ease of use of a smartphone.

Windows Phone

The mobile platform from Microsoft called Windows Mobile remained the main competitor to Symbian for many years. However, this platform had high system requirements, an insufficiently user-friendly interface, and was generally oriented towards business use. Therefore, at the end of 2010, Microsoft released a new system with a completely redesigned user interface, aimed primarily at the consumer - Windows Phone 7. The user interface, based on the Metro design philosophy, specially developed by Microsoft for this operating system, is distinguished by ergonomics and a completely unique visual style.

This operating system is just gaining momentum in the market, but most major smartphone manufacturers have already announced their desire to support this platform. In addition, the latest update to Windows Phone 7.5 has significantly improved the functionality of the system, putting it on par with market leaders in this parameter - Android and iOS. In addition, traditionally, the Microsoft platform has the best integration of the company's software, including the Microsoft Office software package. This OS can be recommended to anyone who is interested in innovative user interface solutions and who wants the full range of powerful Office capabilities in their smartphone.


To summarize, I would like to say that each mobile operating system has its pros and cons, and its ideal areas of application. To better understand which system you need, you should clearly outline the range of tasks that a smartphone should solve, and then determine which of these platforms is best suited for solving these problems. Well, our online store, in turn, provides you with a wide selection of smartphones on any platform. You just need to make a choice and place an order - and you will receive the desired device at the best price and with the most favorable delivery conditions. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with your purchase made from us.

Modern mobile phones are much more than devices for making calls. In terms of their functions, they are more similar to a PC; it is not for nothing that such devices have the prefix “smart” (from English - “smart”). The ability to use more programs is provided by the operating system (OS) of smartphones. To choose the most suitable device for yourself, you need to consider what platform it runs on. Today we will highlight three of the most popular systems.

Android system

Android is an operating system from Google. It is distributed free of charge, and the requirements for the technical parameters of the mobile device are minimal. These characteristics have made this platform one of the most popular among major smartphone manufacturers. This OS is very easy to configure. Moreover, it is constantly evolving. There are a huge number of Android applications, they are created regularly. Downloading and installing them will not cause any difficulties. However, most of them are paid. There is one more nuance: applications developed for one version of Android may not work correctly in another. In this regard, in the conditions of constant updating of versions, some inconveniences may arise.

Most Android phones have a microSD card reader that allows you to quickly transfer files from your computer to your phone. Moreover, to transfer data from and to a mobile device, you do not need synchronization programs (unlike IOS and Windows Phone).

The system works in multitasking mode - this is both a plus and a minus at the same time. It is possible to switch from one active window to another, but if you forget to close something, the battery power will be used up very quickly.

The great advantage of this system is the ability to use flash drives to expand the memory of your device.

Android cannot boast of stable operation, and there is a high chance of “catching” viruses, since the system is open, and, therefore, more vulnerable.

Apple iOS

This OS is completely closed, so you need to pay for the products. This platform is distinguished by excellent quality of work and stability - this is its undoubted advantage. In addition, it is easy to learn. Another plus is safety. The Apple Store conducts a thorough check of all applications.

The disadvantages of the system include the fact that it is only available on Apple devices. Accordingly, the choice of smartphone in this case is significantly narrowed (compared to Android). There is no way to change anything in the system, transfer files from a computer, etc. That is, the user’s freedom in handling the device is very limited. When buying a phone, you need to immediately decide on the required amount of memory, since you will not be able to expand it.

This OS is developed by Microsoft. It is not as popular as the above, but many users believe that in the future WP will be able to compete with the leaders. The interface here is very convenient and unusual: instead of widgets there are so-called “live tiles”. They display information on the screen without opening the application itself (for example, calendar, weather, etc.). Often among the advantages they note the responsiveness of the system, the speed and smoothness of the interface.

A very useful feature that allows WP to be called a platform for business people is the ability to edit text documents, since the MS Office package is supported. A definite disadvantage is that there are many times fewer applications in WP than in iOS and Android, and not all are fully functional. Another drawback is the uniform volume level in the system: if you listen to music at full volume, then the incoming call will be at the same level.

We have listed only some aspects of the most common smartphone operating systems. But this information may be enough to understand which OS you are more inclined to use.

When choosing a new smartphone, the user inevitably has to take into account a lot of technical parameters: camera resolution, battery capacity, processor power, display type and resolution, and so on. But first of all, it is important to decide what operating system the smartphone will run under.

The decision in favor of one or another operating system depends on how well the new device will meet the user’s expectations in terms of performing various tasks, whether he will be able to install specific applications or will have to be content with analogues, and how the new gadget will interact with other mobile and stationary electronic devices.

And of course, the operating system largely determines the cost of the device.

In our article we will look at 3 main operating systems for smartphones, which by 2017 had become the most popular and in demand in the world:

  • Android;
  • Windows Phone.

Sales volumes

According to analysts from the NetMarketShare portal, the main players in the mobile operating system market in 2017 remain software products from Apple and Google. Windows Phone is losing a tenth of a percent in sales every month. According to some forecasts, by 2020, Microsoft's OS may completely leave the market due to the fact that not only users, but also mobile application developers are losing interest in it.

As can be seen from the graph, Android remains the sales leader, despite the fact that Apple’s operating system has shown strong growth over the past six months. However, it is possible that the balance of growth between Google and Apple will change in the coming weeks towards Android, given the emergence of a large number of interesting new products based on this OS, which were announced at the last MWC 2017 exhibition in Barcelona.

Now let's compare each OS separately and try to find out which operating system is better for a smartphone.


Apple products are a closed ecosystem. That is, one company is both a manufacturer of smartphones and tablets and a software supplier. Therefore, Yabloko can guarantee the highest quality and reliability of their devices, which, in turn, affects the price. Thus, the cost of the latest model from Apple IPhone 7 ranges from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand dollars.


  • Simple and well-thought-out software interface
  • Spectacular design
  • A closed environment for developing high-quality professional applications
  • No viruses
  • Constant updates


  • High cost of gadgets
  • Inability to customize the operating system for yourself
  • Small selection of applications compared to Google Play
  • Extremely limited choice of devices for the user
  • You have to synchronize with your PC and manage multimedia files through a separate program

There is an opinion that by choosing an iOS device, the user is buying not so much a device as an introduction to a fashion brand. However, the high price here is fully justified by the excellent quality.


The popularity of Google's operating system is explained by the fact that a huge number of devices are based on it, not only smartphones and tablets, but also watches, bicycles and even cars. Android is both unique and diverse - each user can very finely customize the original shell on their device.


  • Open source. Anyone who understands programming can write an application for Android and post it on Google Play
  • In this regard, more than 1.5 million programs for all occasions, available for both paid and free downloads
  • One personal account gives access to all Google services, many of which are very closely integrated with each other.
  • Convenient synchronization with other devices via wireless modules or USB cable without additional software
  • Convenient and intuitive controls
  • High performance and multitasking
  • Huge selection of manufacturers
  • Wide range of prices. An Android device, depending on the configuration, can cost either 2 thousand or 32 thousand rubles


  • High vulnerability to hacker attacks and viruses
  • Among the free applications there is a large amount of frankly low-quality software
  • A huge number of settings, which can sometimes be difficult for an untrained user to understand

An Android smartphone or tablet is ideal for both those who have just begun to master mobile technologies and confident users. Considering the combination of pros and cons of the OS, we can confidently say that Android is the best operating system for a smartphone.

Perhaps the main thing here is to monitor what and how you install and download, and not delve into complex settings without the appropriate skills.

Windows Phone

Microsoft, unlike its competitors, who sometimes spy on each other's technological solutions, is trying to go its own way. As a result, the Windows Phone operating system has a unique design and specific operation. And yet, gadgets running Windows Phone OS, to put it mildly, are not flying off the shelves.


  • Unified OS for mobile devices and PCs
  • Low system requirements
  • Windows Phone is annually recognized as the most secure OS in the world
  • Spectacular tiled interface
  • Quality applications


  • A small number of applications in the Marketplace brand store (about 300 thousand)
  • Incompatibility with popular applications. For example, there is no version of Instagram for Windows Phone. We have to use rather inconvenient analogues
  • Limited selection of gadget manufacturers
  • Lack of customization
  • Cumbersome system for transferring Windows Phone contacts to another OS
  • System errors
  • Inconvenient built-in Edge browser, which in this regard has become a direct successor to Internet Explorer

As a rule, smartphones running Windows Phone are recommended for businessmen who can process various types of documents in one Microsoft Office software environment. At the same time, it is quite difficult to choose a gadget for Windows Phone, for example, for a schoolchild.

As mentioned above, one of the main advantages of the Android OS is the pricing policy of smartphone manufacturers that use this “operating system”. For a reasonable price of up to $150, the user can find a gadget running the current version of the OS with reliable and powerful hardware.

One of the most prominent manufacturers of smartphones that perfectly combine modern technology, quality, reliability and affordability. If you prefer the accessibility and simplicity of the Android OS over other systems, and also choose a powerful and inexpensive smartphone for yourself, we recommend paying attention to the products of the British company Fly.

Why Fly

Since 2003, Fly has been producing mobile gadgets designed for the mass consumer. Any user can find the best smartphone for any needs and tasks, regardless of profession, age, social status and earnings. Businessman, student, schoolchild, athlete, builder, rescuer, traveler - everyone can find the perfect Fly for themselves.

Among the latest models, which combine the full range of Android capabilities with high-quality and reliable technical components, an impressive body design and a reasonable price, we can note the Fly Cirrus 9 and Fly Cirrus 12.

Fly Cirrus 9

The gadget is an LTE phablet with a large 5.5-inch screen on an IPS matrix and HD resolution. On such a screen it is incredibly convenient to work with a variety of Android applications, watch movies, read books and process documentation. A fast 4-core processor at 1.25 GHz is responsible for speed and multitasking.

The Fly Cirrus 9 is a great answer to those who complain that Android drains your battery in a matter of hours. Thanks to excellent optimization of the system, hardware and a capacious 2800 mAh battery, the smartphone will work stably for up to 10 hours of talk time and up to 280 hours of standby time. Add to this a high-quality 8 and 2 megapixel camera, a nice glossy design of the rear panel and we get an excellent smartphone with a pleasant price tag - only $100.

Fly Cirrus 12

The Fly Cirrus 12 LTE smartphone will be chosen by those who like to take great photos with a smartphone. The model inherited 13 and 5 megapixel cameras on a CMOS matrix from the early Fly Cirrus 7 model, which at one time was called a “camera phone” in many reviews. The 5-inch IPS screen will provide excellent tactile sensations thanks to 2.5D technology, which allows you to create screens with pleasantly rounded edges.

The stability, convenience and performance of the smartphone is ensured by the combination of the Android 6.0 operating system and a powerful 1.3 GHz quad-core processor. And 8 hours of talk time and 150 hours of standby time will be provided by a capacious 2600 mAh battery.

In the end

We have analyzed which smartphone operating systems are the most popular in the world. When choosing a smartphone for a specific OS, consider the combination of advantages and disadvantages of each system and proceed from your own needs. We also recommend that you read the overview of the main characteristics of smartphones, which will help you choose the most suitable model for yourself.

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Until relatively recently, in order to reach another subscriber, you had to be at home. Sometimes they were saved by devices standing on the street. And a little earlier we had to contact the girl who could be heard on the other end of the line as soon as we picked up the phone. Her main task was to connect to the right subscriber. Not very practical, you will agree. But in the 21st century we have absolutely no problems with communication. With the advent of mobile phones, no matter where we are, we are always available to people who know our number. And it seems that if a person does not have a mobile phone, then he is cut off from both life and progress.

Lots of possibilities in a small gadget

Today, such a device will not surprise anyone at all. After all, regular mobile devices have been replaced by smartphones - smart phones. Using such a device you can not only make calls or write SMS messages. These gadgets provide a lot of amazing features. You can listen to music, watch videos and even entire films, go online, visit social networks, use a navigator, alarm clock, calculator, flashlight and many other useful and interesting things. In the world of modern technology, almost every person has a smartphone. Most often, the capabilities of the device depend on the model or manufacturer. But the operating system plays a much larger role for the user. for smartphones allow us to unleash the full potential of the gadget. The quality of its use depends on them. In the article we will talk about those for smartphones and understand their main versions.

Types of operating systems

The operating system has another name - “firmware”. When talking about installing an operating system, they use the term “reflash”. But these words are used more often when talking about versions of operating systems, rather than their types.

There are three most popular, well-known and used operating systems for smartphones, namely Android OS, IOS and Windows. There are others, but they are quite rare and mostly on Chinese models of dubious origin. An experienced user can determine the quality of the product even at the first glance at the operating system.

The operating systems that we named compete with each other every now and then. Smartphone owners note that developers copy elements of the operating system from each other.

In addition to the three main competitors in the operating system development market, there are also those that are created for a specific company or gadget model. For example, Blackberry OS for Blackberry phones or Nokia.

Now let's talk in more detail about the three giants. So, the main operating systems for smartphones.

Windows Phone OS

This “OS” is simply recommended for people who want to try something new. Let’s say right away that there are much fewer smartphones based on this platform than on Android or iOS, but it can also please its owner. For example, in comparison with the same Android, the system works much faster and more productive, but if you compare it with iOS, the products are much cheaper. And users are already a little tired of the familiar interface of the last two systems.

Advantages of Windows

The second advantage of WP is applications in its own store. The fact is that Android has under its auspices the Google Play application store, IOS has the App Store, but the brainchild of Windows is the Windows Phone Store. The number of applications in the latter is relatively small, but because of this it is much easier to understand them. Owners of smartphones running Android have access to thousands of paid and free applications, and sometimes, when they need to find important software, they simply drown in the abyss of the applications offered. But with Windows Phone it’s much easier. And there are much more high-quality free applications, but their analogues in competitors’ stores are quite expensive.

Moreover, almost all the software is working and free of system errors. In this case, we see a clear example of when quantity does not mean quality. This operating system has a lot of “native” applications, and therefore sometimes there is no need to download any add-ons. Windows is a closed, independent and self-sufficient platform that will appeal to many users. They will also like the speed of the device based on this OS.

It's all about intelligent work with RAM. The system is programmed to unload little-used applications and actively run those that you use frequently. Therefore, everything loads very quickly and hardly slows down. Another beauty of this OS is the tiled interface. The interface of the other two operating systems has a similar structure, but Tile has a radically different approach to rational use of the screen.

Thus, Windows 8, designed for computers, is rightfully considered a failed operating system, and for the most part this is due to its impractical interface. Not all users are accustomed to clicking on tiles on the screen, and few, in general, understood this idea. But this system is perfect for phones. But which operating system is best for a smartphone? Let's understand further.

Smartphones with the Android operating system

The most famous OS for gadgets in the world. This operating system was initially destined for popularity. The fact is that Google owns all rights to Android and is also developing it. Perhaps everyone who has a smartphone is familiar with this operating system. is the undisputed leader in its category. Other smartphone operating systems can't even come close to Android's performance. So, according to recent research, about 75% of smartphones released over the past year have this “firmware” and even such a popular brand as IOS is content with its 15 percent.

Disadvantages of "Robot"

Among the shortcomings of the operating system, one can only note that everyone has long been bored with it, and even despite the fact that updates and new versions of the system are regularly released, its interface itself and the “little green men” on the screen are quite annoying. Plus, users too often complain about lags and system errors. It is not perfect at all, although the developers made sure that updates were released quite often, and accordingly, errors and errors were corrected.

This system is also highly susceptible to attack by various viruses. To avoid this, you have to download additional antivirus programs. The cause of this problem is most often applications ordered from unverified sources, and even Google’s brainchild, Google Play, does not always thoroughly check its products. Now all that remains to be discussed is the advantages of the system.

The best operating system for a smartphone

We can safely say that Android has eclipsed almost all mobile operating systems. A smartphone running this OS perfectly reveals its capabilities. The first thing you should do if you decide to install Android is to create your Google account. This is not difficult to do: you only need to have a Gmail email, specify a password and payment information. Another advantage of having your own account is that it is the same for all Google services, and if you want, for example, to synchronize your smartphone with other devices, it will not be difficult at all.

Google Play is a great app store where you can find everything you like. It breaks records for the number of high-quality and free applications than Android and has won the hearts of many users.

Versions of operating systems for smartphones based on Android proudly bear the names of sweets, and experienced users know where to find the “Easter eggs” hidden in each of these systems.


All owners of Apple products are familiar with this name and, despite all the shortcomings, are devoted to this operating system. The fact is that it is of excellent quality, hence the price of the gadgets. The system is not familiar with the concept of lags and does not know what “slow down” means. Yes, exceptions sometimes happen, but they are so rare that no one pays attention to them. The OS is very fast and understandable, which is what captivated iPhone owners. But now about the bad. If, for example, there are more than enough variations of models and manufacturers of phones for Android, then iOS is tailored strictly for “Apple products”, that is, no one has the rights to use this OS for other equipment.

For Yablochka users

It is quite obvious that the system has not gained momentum in popularity due to the high cost of Apple products. This “OS” is not tormented by viruses thanks to its unique Linux-based program code. All Apple devices synchronize perfectly with each other, however, working with other operating systems on iOS is difficult. It is also very difficult to install the operating system yourself. You can even reflash an Android smartphone at home, but with Apple it’s almost impossible to do this.

All smartphone operating systems have their advantages and disadvantages, but the choice is always yours.