Tempered glass or film on your phone - which is better? Tempered Glass Screen Protector for HTC ONE M7.

English-Russian translation PROTECTIVE SCREEN

More meanings of the word and translation of PROTECTIVE SCREEN from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is the translation of PROTECTIVE SCREEN from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for PROTECTIVE SCREEN in dictionaries.

  • PROTECTIVE SCREEN - protective shield
    English-Russian Dictionary of Physics
  • PROTECTIVE SCREEN - protective screen
  • PROTECTIVE SCREEN - protective screen
  • PROTECTIVE SCREEN - protective grille
    English-Russian construction dictionary
  • PROTECTIVE SCREEN - protective mesh
    English-Russian Automotive Dictionary - Russo
  • PROTECTIVE - adj protective; systema protective protective system
    Interlingua English vocab
  • PROTECTIVE - adjective see: protect
    Dictionary of English language- Merriam Webster
  • SCREEN - I. ˈskrēn noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English screne, from Middle French escren, escran, from Middle Dutch scherm screen, ...
  • PROTECTIVE - I. prəˈtektiv, -tēv also -əv adjective Etymology: protect + -ive 1.: protecting or intended to protect: affording or ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • PROTECTIVE - (a.) Affording protection; sheltering; defensive.
    Webster English Dictionary
  • SCREEN - - screenable, adj. - screener, n. - screenless, adj. - screenlike, adj. / skreen /, n. one. …
  • PROTECTIVE - - protectively, adv. - protectiveness, n. / preuh tek "tiv /, adj. 1. having the quality or function of protecting:…
    Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SCREEN - I. ˈskrēn noun Etymology: Middle English screne, from Anglo-French escren, from Middle Dutch scherm; akin to Old High German skirm ...
    Merriam-Webster "s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • SCREEN - add. · Noun an erection of white canvas or wood placed on the boundary opposite a batsman to enable him to ...
    Webster English vocab
  • SCREEN - n the flat surface ...
  • PROTECTIVE - / prəˈtektɪv; NAmE / adjective 1. [only before noun] providing or intended to provide protection: Workers should ...
    Oxford Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • SCREEN - I. screen 1 S2 W2 / skriːn / BrE AmE noun [Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French; Origin: escren, ...
  • PROTECTIVE - pro ‧ tec ‧ tive / prəˈtektɪv / BrE AmE adjective [Word Family: noun: protection, protector,…
    Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • PROTECTIVE - adj. & n. topdash.adj. 1 protecting; intended or intending to protect. 2 (of food) protecting against deficiency diseases. --n. something ...
    English basic colloquial vocabulary
  • SCREEN - n. & v. n. 1 a fixed or movable upright partition for separating, concealing, or sheltering from draughts or excessive ...
  • PROTECTIVE - adj. & n. topdash.adj. 1 protecting; intended or intending to protect. 2 (of food) protecting against deficiency diseases. n. something ...
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • PROTECTIVE - adj. & n. topdash.adj. 1.protecting; intended or intending to protect. 2 (of food) protecting against deficiency diseases. --n. something ...
    Oxford English vocab
  • SCREEN - (screens, screening, screened) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A screen ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • PROTECTIVE - 1. Protective means designed or intended to protect something or someone from harm. Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals…
    Collins COBUILD - Explanatory Dictionary of English for Language Learners
  • PROTECTIVE - adjective COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES protective clothing ▪ Laboratory technicians have to wear special protective clothing. protective custody (= custody ...
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • PROTECTIVE - Firefighters have to wear protective clothing to stop them getting burned. She is charming, stylish, sensuous and fiercely protective of (= ...
    Cambridge English vocab
  • PROTECTIVE - Synonyms and related words: careful, conservational, conservationist, conservative, conservatory, conserving, covering, custodial, defending, defensive, fostering, guardian, guarding, heedful, immunizing, ...
    Moby Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • SCREEN - I. noun 1 on a TV, computer, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ big, giant, huge, large ▪ small, ...
  • PROTECTIVE - adj. VERBS ▪ be, feel ▪ become ADVERB ▪ fiercely, highly, very ▪ Lionesses are fiercely ~…
    Oxford Collocations English Dictionary
  • PROTECTIVE - adj. 25B6; adjective protective clothing: PRESERVATIVE, protecting, safeguarding, shielding, defensive, safety, precautionary, preventive, preventative. he felt protective towards the ...
    Concise Oxford Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • SCREEN - n. 1 partition, (room) divider, paravent, wall In their one-room flat a bookcase serves as a screen to separate the…
  • PROTECTIVE - adj. defensive, jealous, vigilant, watchful, heedful, careful, possessive; preservative, shielding, sheltering, safeguarding She is fiercely protective of her independence and…
    Oxford Thesaurus English vocab
  • PROTECTIVE - adj. 1) protective; protective, protective, covering protective barrage ≈ barrage fire protective colouration ≈ protective, protective coloring protective coloring ≈…
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • SCREEN - screen.ogg _I 1. skri: n n 1. 1> screen, embroidered Japanese screen, folding screen - embroidered Japanese, folding fire screen ...
  • PROTECTIVE - protective.ogg prəʹtektıv a 1. protective, protective, protective protective armor clothing, dressing - protective armor clothing, bandage protective spectacles / glasses / -…
    English-Russian-English Dictionary of General Vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • SCREEN - 1) roar; sieve; sieve || sift; weed out; sort; divide on sieves (see also sieve) 2) (protective) screen || ...
    Comprehensive English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • SCREEN - 1) roar; sieve; sieve || sift; weed out; sort; to divide on sieves (see also sieve) 2) (protective) screen || shielding, shielding 3) ...
    Comprehensive English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • SCREEN - 1) rumble 2) rumble 3) curtain 4) screen 5) cover 6) protection 7) protect 8) mask 9) select 10) sift 11) show on the screen 12) sift 13) sieve 14) machine building. raster 15) polygraph. rasterize 16) ...
  • PROTECTIVE - 1) armored 2) protective 3) protective. - protective atmosphere - protective barrier - protective cable - protective capacitor - protective case - protective casing - protective coat - protective coloring -…
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • SCREEN - _I 1. skri: n n 1. 1> screen, embroidered Japanese screen, folding screen - embroidered Japanese, folding screen fire screen - ...
  • PROTECTIVE - a 1. protective, protective, protective protective armor clothing, dressing - protective armor clothing, bandage protective spectacles / glasses / - protective glasses ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • PROTECTIVE - adj. 1) protective; protective, protective, covering protective barrage - military. protective colouration fire - biol. protective, protective paint protective ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • PROTECTIVE - adj. 1) protective; protective, protective, covering protective barrage - military. protective colouration fire - biol. protective coloring protective coloring - biol. patronizing ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • SCREEN - 1) screen; shield; visor; screen || screen; 2) protect the display; display screen 3) menu (set of functions) 4) format ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Automation 2
  • SCREEN - 1) screen; shield; visor; screen || screen; 2) protect the display; display screen 3) menu (set of functions) 4) menu format 5) sieve; crash 6) head shield ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Automation
  • - 1) a sieve; mesh filter 2) screen, sieve 3) screen 4) anti-filtration screen (dams); barrage; mesh 5) screen 6) blinds 7) screen, grate (sewage treatment plant ... - _a. 1> protective; covering; protective covering (device) protective covering(device); protective barrage _military. barrage fire 2> _eq. protective, protective, protective; … Free online English dictionaries and words translations with transcription, electronic English-Russian vocabularies, encyclopedia, Russian-English handbooks and translation, thesaurus.

Smartphone and tablet screens need protection, even if you have a Motorola Defy with Gorilla Glass. Any screen is covered over time small scratches and scuffs. Therefore, I highly recommend gluing protective film on the screen, because the cost of a protective film is incomparably less than the cost of replacing glass. Although, of course, the owners of Motorola Defy are more fortunate, their screens withstand much more "mockery" of their owners.

The Internet is replete with recommendations on how to properly stick a protective film. As a rule, photographs of the process of correct gluing of the protective film are given. AND the necessary conditions for this. Such as clean hands, phone case, glass, no dust in the room where the protective film is glued to the phone screen.
And I found on YouTube a really cool video instruction on how to stick a film on a smartphone. After viewing which all questions will disappear by themselves.

The entire procedure took the author of the video three and a half minutes. And the music did not disappoint.
If the video from YouTube does not go, then you can download it via the direct link: Video instruction How to stick a protective film on the screen of a Samsung Galaxy smartphone

What you need to successfully stick a screen protector on your phone

A place with little dust, such as a bathroom. Paranoid and maniacs, before locking themselves in the bathroom, need to turn on the water and wait until the dust settles (humidity increases, respectively, dust particles settle).
A credit card, wet, lint-free wipes, and a dry, lint-free cloth will also come in handy (fans of the domestic manufacturer recommend a terry towel).

Wipe the surface of the phone with damp wipes (stains from a damp wipe may remain, as long as there are no stains). Next, we take on a terry towel. But I always use the fabric that comes with the screen protector.
Do not blow, breathe, or spit on the screen. Only wet wipes and a lint-free cloth (terry towel).
Do not use any cleaning or alcoholic substances.
After cleaning the screen, we take up the protective film and start the sticker process.
The protective film consists of three layers. Actually from the very protective film for the screen and "shirt", one additional layer on each side.
Typically, there are stickers attached to the film on two different sides. One of them marks the side facing the smartphone screen (it can be called Step1 and have a blue color), the second indicates the outer side of the protective film (it can be called Step2 which has a different color from the first side).
We apply the film in place and fix it with tape on one side, preferably long, so that the film has no chance to move during the gluing process. We get like a door. "Open" and "close" several times, make sure that the film is correctly placed on the screen.
Once again, wipe the phone screen with a dry, lint-free cloth (terry towel).
"Open the door" and pull the blue sticker Step1 - peel off the auxiliary layer of the protective film by a couple of centimeters.
"Close the door" and press the released film to the screen. We apply the card parallel to the plane of the screen and straighten the film by squeezing out air bubbles.
Slowly and gradually detach the auxiliary layer of the protective film from the side of the screen, and at the same time evenly press the plastic card onto the surface and level the film. Watching for air bubbles. They shouldn't be. The main thing is patience. And everything will work out. And who does not understand - watch the video again.
And lastly, do not forget to remove the second auxiliary layer of the "shirt" from the protective film from the outside. When I first glued the protective film on the Motorola Defy screen, unknowingly, a whole month passed with an auxiliary layer on the outside of the protective film. And then I wondered for a long time why it was so cloudy, and why the fingers glide so badly on the screen 🙂

What to do if it was not possible to beautifully stick the protective film on the screen

The film must be removed. But do not under any circumstances pry her. It is enough to stick a piece of scotch tape on the corner and pull on it.
Then the film must be washed, dried and the procedure for applying the protective film must be repeated again.

The choice of a protective attribute for your beloved smartphone depends on the operation of the gadget and the care of its owner. It is up to each user to take care of preventing mechanical stress, if desired. A protective glass or film can help with this.

Bulletproof glass or tempered safety glass what is it?

On the Internet, one of the most popular questions can often be found: "What is a screen protector for a phone?" The answer to this simple question is pretty simple:

Protector or, translated from English [ protector] - defender.

This term is especially popular with the "Man from the factory" or the manager from production. Typically, our manufacturing partners say “protectors” instead of the most long name- screen protectors. We hope you find these explanations useful.

Moving on to the question of what a protective glass is, we will briefly consider the very material from which it is made.

First of all, large workpieces are sent to production, which are subsequently cut on high-precision equipment for each size of the smartphone. To transfer the workpiece from the state of "ordinary" glass to "tempered", finished and processed samples protective glasses fired in high-temperature furnaces, in other words - hardened.

You can read in detail about the glass making process with photographs of the equipment in this article.

Varieties of protective glasses

IN this material we will share with you the experience that we have accumulated over long years work with protective glasses and films. First of all, the main division occurs according to the form of the coating: 2D or 3D glass. Otherwise: -4D or 5D is just marketing. Unscrupulous sellers or shops cannot find the most adequate way to increase the value of a product, other than to change its name to 4D and 5D "Safety glass". Sounds loud, right? We continue further.

For example, the photo shows "Cast" 3D protective glass with a rounded frame.

We figured out the shape of the protective glasses. Now let's move on to their varieties. There are quite a few species. For the most visual representation, we made a block diagram, which, in our opinion, represents most market all kinds of options and types of safety glasses in the world.

In case we missed a glass of a different kind, you can definitely add your commentary to our article.

By tradition, let's start with 3D glasses, which are presented in the block diagram below. They are divided into: 1. Cast (one whole protectors, for example, the most expensive of Gorilla Glass Glass and 2. Composite (from several materials, for example, based on silicone). Further crushing by types and types you can see on the image diagram. Remember the main thing is that composite glass consists of several layers and, as a rule, the first layer is silicone.

What made 3D glasses so popular? No special skills or knowledge is required to answer this question. It's pretty simple. 3D glasses are full coverage glasses. They protect the smartphone display from edge to edge, unlike 2.5D protectors. Visually, they do not spoil so much appearance smartphone and more practical to use. Statistics are based on feedback from many owners on the Internet: forums, blogs.

For example, a two-piece glass with a silicone frame looks like this:

About what real rounded glass means or how to choose best glass for iPhone you can read.

Now let's move on to considering 2D and 2.5D protective glasses, the classification of which is also shown in our block diagram below. The division is very simple: 1. Glasses with a tinted frame in the color of the smartphone body and 2. Protectors with a transparent structure. As a rule, further dividing the range of glasses for smartphones goes by coating thickness. Among most customer reviews, nano-glass can be difficult to stick to a gadget's display due to the need for accurate alignment.

Summing up a short summary of the choice of protective glasses, it is worth supplementing the information with the properties of such accessories. Typically, every tempered smartphone glass is coated with an oleophobic layer to repel grease and dirt.

How does safety glass work and its benefits?

As durable as the display of a modern smartphone is, we always advise buyers to think about additional protection. When the gadget falls, shockproof glass will take on part of the inertial force, as a result of which, the screen will have a great chance of maintaining integrity. And if you think about the cost of replacing the flagship display, you will immediately have no doubts about saving. Money... Glass, like film, is manufactured under specific model devices. Therefore, any user can purchase the required coverage.

    Clear glass does not affect the image character or display brightness. Does not distort the color rendition and the picture;

    Due to the low density, no changes are observed during the operation of the sensor.

    Tempered safety glass is highly durable. This property provides reliable protection display of a modern phone;

    The tread has a higher cost than the film;

What is the difference between film and glass on a phone?

A film is a thin piece of plastic made to measure certain model smartphone. To ensure safety from minor damage, you can purchase one.

There are several options:

    Glossy film - smooth and invisible finish. Easy to scratch, collects fingerprints. Gloss coated films are generally the most popular. They are also called "Regular".

    Matte - protects the display from glare and fingerprints. It is more slippery, so it is pleasant to drive on touch pad and harder to scratch. There is graininess in the image and color compression. The image shows a comparison of matte and glossy films that were pasted on the iPhone 5S. Left - gloss. On the right is a matte film.

    The mirror sticker reflects objects on the screen when the screen is off. Protects your device from scratches and abrasions. Gives your phone a beautiful look. Image quality suffers, partially distorts colors, and impairs visibility.

Bonding coverings

To apply the film with your own hands, you have to act carefully. First of all, you need to clean the display with a specialized screen cleaner. Then carefully place the film on top of the display and proceed with gluing from below using plastic card to remove created bubbles. We tried to record the most detailed video instruction, in which we told you about the main advantages and disadvantages when gluing a film on a smartphone display. The main thing - do not forget to use the special stickers that come with the kit. Also, specially for you, a separate instruction for gluing iPhone screen protector.

To stick the glass, you need to wipe the screen with a soft, clean cloth. Then get rid of the sticker and attach the glass to the screen. You need to hold the accessory by the edges so as not to stain the sticky inner turn. The last action we will carry out a dry clean napkin on the glass.

Which is better for a tablet or smartphone: film vs glass?

There is no definite answer. As with any other device, the choice and installation of a security element depends only on how you will use the gadget.

The film is powerless to deal with serious damage. It is not always possible to stick it correctly at home. But the difference in price compared to glass is serious. Glass has high density, is fixed with an oleophobic layer and has durable, reliable safety properties. Probably, it will last longer than the film, due to its high wear resistance. But the opinions about which is better, film or glass, differ from the owners. Definitely, a coating that takes some of the damage is very useful for every device. The difference between the two discussed accessories is in the degree of limiting damage to the screen. If you are afraid of serious damage, choose better glass, then, the thought of how to protect the smartphone screen from cracks will cease to bother you, because all that you could - you did. But deciding which accessory to purchase for the safety of the device is everyone's personal choice.

Also, we did not mention the nano tough film that Benks made in 2017 for iPhone models 7/7 Plus, as well as the flagship iPhone X. If you look at the video materials that are presented below, you will immediately understand that not all films that are made in China wear out a week or a month after gluing. The manufacturer also clearly demonstrates that by sticking such a film, the answer to the question "Glass protects better? And why?" becomes apparent.

Probably, the serial production of nano-films of this type in the future will completely abandon protective and tempered glasses, the thickness of which is several times greater than the thickness of the protective film.


    Despite the fact that we constantly cooperate with one company for the production and manufacture of protective glasses - Benks, the experience and materials presented in the article, which have been accumulated over several years of work in this field, as well as in cooperation with other manufacturers of protective glasses and films.

    We hope that after reading this article, you will understand why you need a protective glass for your smartphone or choose a protective film that will delight you for a long time.

    In the presented materials, we told you in detail about the main differences between protective glass and a thin, flexible - protective film.

Details Benks Created: 16 March 2016 Updated: 26 January 2018