What does it mean: domain, domain name, domain zone, DNS and which one is better for a novice webmaster to choose? Domain - what is it and why is it needed.

In this article we will take a closer look at the question of what a domain is and why it is needed. Let's touch on the issues of domain zones and domain name levels. We will cover the procedure for registering and purchasing domains. We will provide instructions for checking before purchasing and registering. We'll tell you how you can make money by buying and reselling these domain names.

(detailed video instructions)

What is a domain in simple words

A domain is a unique name for a website on the Internet. Truly unique, one and only in the whole world. In simple words - the address of a website on the Internet. These are like coordinates of any point on the globe. For example, I was recently in Portugal and visited the westernmost point of Europe - Cape Roca. The coordinates of this point will be 38 0 47` north latitude and 9 0 30` west longitude. If you type 38 0 47`N 9 0 30`W into the Yandex search engine, Cape Roca will be shown on the map.

Portugal - Cape Roca

Likewise, the site’s domain name is the one and only, and by typing it anywhere in the world, you go directly to a resource located on that domain.

All Internet resources have their own IP address on the global network, it looks like this - “”. If you enter these numbers into the address bar of your browser, the main page of ruinterdiz.ru (the blog you are on) will open.

An Internet address in the form of numbers is not convenient, it is difficult to remember, it is not readable, so human-readable domain names were invented. See for yourself: ruinterdiz.ru is much easier to remember than the numbers, and such an entry looks more attractive.

Due to uniqueness, readability and recognition, the number of regular users increases, and accordingly the number of regular visitors to the Internet project increases and behavioral factors improve.

In view of this, the address of your future website must be approached very seriously and creatively. Whatever you name the site, it will float across the Internet.

That's actually what kind of beast this domain is.

Domain name zones

A mandatory component of a domain name is the zone in which the site address is located. For general development: the site name is machine read from right to left.

Domain zones in the world are divided by country. That is, each country has its own zone. So, for example, in Russia it will be ru, in France - fr, in Portugal it is assigned pt, in Italy - it, in Kazakhstan - kz, etc. You cannot buy a domain zone, unlike a name, but you can choose it from those offered .

In addition to dividing by country, there are also zones.com - commercial, .biz - for business, .org, .info and many others. The cost of zones is different, for example, zones.com and .biz will be much more expensive than zones.ru. If your project does not comply with all Russian laws and is located in zone.ru, then it may be closed. And you will have to either fix the problem, or move the site to another zone, or resign yourself and forget about your site. In fact, there have been a lot of laws on running Internet projects lately.

So, for example, many popular online movie resources closed down and moved to other zones. Russian legislation also affected many popular torrent trackers. Be careful with the domain zone so as not to get into trouble.

Changing the zone subsequently means a complete change of the site address, which entails a decline in positions and traffic, and not a smart move to complete departure from the search results.

There are also zones such as .gov - government structure, .edu - educational. To register in these zones, you will need the appropriate package of documents. Confirming the status of a government or educational institution.

About 10 years ago, national zones and domain names appeared. That is, the site address can be registered not in Latin, but in the national language..Russian Federation. The use of national zones with domain names written in the language of a particular country does not affect promotion, but has a lot of disadvantages.

So, for example, it will be difficult for a European to navigate in zone.rf. The link is automatically recoded into English characters, this is not visible to humans, only a machine reads it. If you copy such a link from the address bar of your browser and paste it somewhere, you will get complete gobbledygook like http://xn--90ahhbc1atdqh.xn--p1ai/ because of this, this zone is not popular and is used extremely rarely.

As mentioned above, the machine reads the website address from right to left. Let's look at what a website address consists of. Example:


  • .ru - Domain zone, it is not sold or bought, it is provided by the registrar when purchasing a name. Part of the first level domain name.
  • .ruinterbiz - The domain name itself. It is what is registered and purchased, is the site address and is unique. This second level domain.
  • .forum - Third level domain. It is a subdomain. It is not paid for in any way, it is attached to the main second-level domain through special settings that are beyond the scope of this article. May contain a completely different site.
  • edu - Fourth level domain. The same as the third level.

For general development, it must be said that there is also a root zone (empty area), this is a dot (.) after the domain zone, an empty record.. But it is always omitted, only the machine sees it.

Domain name registration

You can select and register a domain name in Argentina, the USA, or Europe. There are accredited domain name registrars in every country. Let's just talk about the main technical point. If your project is aimed, for example, at a European audience, then it is better to register somewhere in Europe, using the zone.com, .org, etc. If it is for Russian visitors, then register in Russia. This is due to technical indicators. For example, our project, registered in St. Petersburg, will open much faster in central Russia than in Vladivostok or America. Plays the role of the location of the data center from the opening location. St. Petersburg gives good indicators for Russia and Europe. And site loading speed is one of the important ranking factors.

There are actually not that many registrars, but they all provide services through hosting providers and data centers. We have been using Majordomo hosting and servers for over 10 years. There were no problems, so we can recommend it to you and use their example to show you how to choose a domain name.

Video instructions for registration, setup and management

Your promo code is TZS52983(just copy and paste when registering)


It is best to select a website address through the selected hosting provider. This is due to DNS settings. If you, for example, register a domain on RegRu, and take the host from Majordomo, then you will have to reconfigure the DNS servers and records. By checking the name directly with Majordomo and registering the domain through them, this problem will disappear.

The principle of choosing a name for a site, as well as installing your project on hosting, is described in detail in the article “”. Here we will dispel the myth that the domain name somehow affects the promotion and ranking of the site.

This is not true! More precisely, many people misunderstand this point. The presence of a key in the Latin alphabet in the full page address has a small signal on ranking..html The presence of a key after a slash has a small effect on promotion, before the slash, no.

You can take a domain either by last name or by first name. For example, vovkinblog.ru and promote it.

Let's consider selecting a domain name through the hosting provider Majordomo. To do this, go to the official Majordomo domain name selection website and enter the desired name, select a zone and check.

Selection of a domain name on the Majordomo platform

If the domain is free, then you can register and pay. Payment is made once and the name is provided for one year. Upon expiration, the domain is renewed. The first payment for a year is always cheaper, subsequent renewals are two or three times more expensive. Due to inflation and the rising dollar, the extension is also increasing. For example, renewal in 2012 cost 199 rubles, and in 2017 it was already 599 rubles.

Result of domain name selection


Documents will be required for registration. If you are registering for an individual, you need a scan of your passport. If for legal, then a package of documents for legal. face. We recommend preparing the necessary copies of documents in advance.

The host can be paid monthly, or you can purchase an annual subscription. If you pay for hosting for a year, it turns out to be much cheaper. But don’t rush to pay and register a domain name right away; it needs to be checked. Why and how, read on.


Our free lessons describe in detail the procedure for launching your online project, from a blog to an online store. By subscribing to our blog at the end of the article, you will receive complete step-by-step instructions from the lessons. Full description of the lessons here.

How to check a domain before registering

The success of resource promotion largely depends on the history of the domain name. So, for example, if a low-quality resource was located on the domain (of which there are many on the Internet), then nothing good will come from such an address, even if the name is beautiful and memorable. The fact is that search engines store the history of a site in their databases for quite a long time. If, for example, you grab the domain vovkinblog.ru, and previously it had a worthless resource, links to indecent sites were placed, unwanted letters were sent en masse to purchased and downloaded databases, then nothing good will come of it. Therefore, it is necessary to check the domain name before registering.

You can check the history of a domain name, namely what kind of sites were on it, through archiv.org. A project on the Internet that stores almost all sites on earth that are not closed in robots.txt by its robot. Here is an example of checking the domain vovkinblog.ru

Checking domain history

Enter the domain of interest and press enter, it will be transferred to the calendar of saved copies, then click on the blue circle.

Archived copy of the previous site
Archived search results
Domain name verification results

From the information received it is clear that the domain is basically clean and there are no negative elements observed. We can conclude that the domain was taken, but things didn’t go any further, the lease of the name and possibly the host ended, the site was never filled with anything. Perhaps a beautiful and sonorous name was taken for the purpose of resale, that is, making money on domain names. This will be discussed further. Conclusion, you can take and use this domain name.

The screenshot below shows an example of an archived Yandex page from 2005.

Yandex domain check and archived copy from 2005

In addition to the domain name, you also need to check the IP address. This is done through special services. You can check for mass, unauthorized mailings and presence in blacklists in this service https://www.dnsbl.info/ If the IP is listed in blacklists, then you can try to clear it by following step-by-step instructions or specify question to the host provider.

checking ip for purity

The fact is that on regular web hosting there are several thousand sites on one IP. And if there are sites that are blacklisted from this IP address, then your domain will be listed there. The Majordomo provider monitors IP addresses and does not provide black IP addresses.

Earning money from buying and reselling domain names

There is a fairly profitable business on the Internet selling domain names. It consists in registering some beautiful name, for example, kojgalantereya.ru. Next, links from trusted sites are placed on the domain and within two to three updates the TIC is increased to 30 to 50 points. Afterwards it is sold through special exchanges such as telderi.

Also, corporate promoted sites on the network are often closed due to bankruptcy and closure of the company, and domains are released. Such domains are called Drops. These names often have high TIC and PR indicators. There are whole schemes for catching such Drop domains. That is, I caught such a domain, registered it for myself for 150 rubles and put it up for sale for 3 - 4 thousand hazel grouse.

We do not recommend purchasing such domains! Since the indicators were increased by purchasing links to certain pages. But if you buy a domain without all the pages, the structure will be different. Almost all the links will disappear and all the bellies will disappear in 2 - 3 months. You'll just lose money and time.


Selecting a domain name is a very responsible and creative process. This is your ship in the ocean of the Internet network. Whatever you call it, so you will float. When selecting, it is necessary to take into account a number of points, namely the domain name should be:

— Easy to read;

- Memorable;

— Have the opportunity for further branding promotion;

- Be sure to contain a good story;

— Have a clean IP address, since this is the same as a domain;

That’s actually all we wanted to tell you about domain names and why they are needed, in simple words.

Good luck with your Internet projects.

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On the Internet you have often come across the word “domain” in various versions - domain, domain zone, domain name, etc. Today we will deal with these concepts, but I want to immediately warn you that the question is largely theoretical in nature and no matter how hard I tried to present it more simply... However, you be the judge.

So, today the following questions will be considered:

  1. What's happened domain(domain name)?
  2. What is a domain zone?
  3. What is a second level domain name?
  4. What are level 3,4,5… domains? What are subdomains (subdomains)?
  5. How do a website and a domain relate?
  6. Which domains are more profitable to have: 2nd or 3rd level?
  7. Which domain zone should a novice webmaster choose?
  8. What is DNS
  9. Brief conclusions: everything is the same (items 1-8), but much shorter and simpler

1.What is a domain (domain name)? Why are they needed?

You're about to make your own website, great! But it must have some kind of name - by analogy with a book: You don’t say in the library - “Give me a book.” They will immediately ask you “which one?” The same is true with websites. Every site should have a name so that other people can find it. Your website is a domain, and its name is a domain name.

When you and I said that a site is a collection of files united by one address, we meant that they (the files) are united by a domain name. In other words, a domain name is the address of your website.

For example, my website is also a domain, its domain name is novichkoff. And that’s it, no - ru, org, net after the dot, just - novichkoff, just this one word. But after all, many people from different countries might want to create sites with that name (novichkoff), and in order to somehow place all these sites correctly on the Internet and subsequently differentiate among themselves, they created so-called domain zones.

2. What is a domain zone?

A domain zone is also a domain that unites domain names of a certain level. Not clear? Let's figure it out now.

All domain names are in a certain hierarchy - some are included in others and are parent (senior) in relation to lower-level domains. To make it clearer, I will give the following example: a mother is a mother in relation to her daughter, and she is also a daughter in relation to her grandmother.

The highest level of domain zones is called root, it has no name and is simply designated by a dot (.).. – and the dot after the word ru is an indication of the root domain.

Such an address (with a dot at the end) will be called absolute, in contrast to a relative one - without a dot at the end. The fact is that in everyday life they usually don’t put a full stop, it is implied, since all the domains - absolutely everything - are included in this root domain.

First of all, the root domain includes top level domains. The structure of top-level domains is quite complex - there are general domains and national ones. Common top-level domains include, for example, gov – government domains, edu – domains of educational institutions, com – commercial sites, etc. , i.e. here the sites are divided according to their professional affiliation or focus. In addition, general domains include various top-level service domains, which we will not discuss today.

National top-level domains include domains distributed geographically - ru, fr, de (Russian, French, German), etc., regardless of their profession. accessories. National top-level domains can also be written in the language of this nationality (people), for example, zone of the Russian Federation.

Russia includes three domain zones (geographical) - ru, su and RF. The largest of them is the ru zone: it ranks 10th among all zones (approximately 3.5 million domains) and 5th among purely national domain zones - after DE, UK, CN, NL.

Since January 2012 any Internet user can create his own top-level domain, for example, I can create a top-level domain vaulin, then the addresses of the sites that will be located there will sound like this - novichkoff.vaulin. But this pleasure is very expensive and is intended for transnational corporations. Or megacities. For example, Moscow has applied for the creation of such a domain zone.

We will talk about which domain zone to choose below.

3.What is a second level domain name?

Each domain zone of the 1st (or highest) level includes many smaller domains, which, in fact, are our sites. The domains that make up this zone are called 2nd level domains..e. the domain name of the site is indicated, and then the domain zone is written, in our example - ru. They are always separated by dots.

4.What are level 3, 4, 5 domains? What are subdomains (subdomains)?

Domains that are part of a 2nd level domain are called 3rd level domains (sites). They are often called subdomains or subdomains (the second is rare), although from a theoretical point of view this is incorrect: the domain zone.ru is a subdomain in relation to the root domain, a 2nd level site is a subdomain in relation to zone.ru, etc.

In everyday life, it turns out that when they say subdomain, they mean the subdomain of the 2nd level site. We will also adhere to this practice.

In theory, a 3rd level domain can also have its own subdomains, they will already belong to 4th level domains, etc. There can be a total of 128 domain levels. And all of them will be written according to the same rule: first a domain of a lower level, then a higher one, then an even higher one, etc., and at the end - an indication of the domain zone .

To make it clearer, I’ll give a practical example: I have training sites on which I practice certain techniques, test plugins, etc. One of them is called test331.site. Now it is clear to you that this is a 3rd level subdomain (test331) of my main site (novichkoff), which belongs to the ru domain zone.

Before finishing this part of our conversation, I will note that 2nd level domain names, as a rule, are paid; they are usually purchased for a period of one year with the right to renew. Subdomains (3rd level domains) are usually free, you can create as many of them as you like - only your hosting provider can limit this (due to the load on the servers or for other reasons).

5.What is the relationship between a website and a domain?

Website and domain are not entirely equivalent concepts. Most often, yes, they are understood as one and the same thing: one site corresponds to one domain name (one address). But this doesn't always happen. One website can occupy several domains and, conversely, one domain can consist of several websites. This vague phrase needs to be clarified.

There are very large sites, they are called portals. Such sites can provide a large amount of information (on various topics) and many services. For example, Yandex is one site, but which occupies many domains (by areas of activity - Yandex.Search, Yandex.Images, Yandex.Webmaster, Yandex.Mail, Yandex.Weather, etc.). Then the Mail domain will be mail.yandex.ru, the Weather domain will be pogoda.yandex.ru, etc.

We see that Yandex itself occupies one 2nd level domain - yandex.ru and many subdomains (3rd level domains).

Sometimes site owners allocate their own sites into separate domains, but in other languages, for example, Google created a separate domain specifically for Russia - Google.ru, located even in a different domain zone (ru). It turns out that although from a logical point of view Google.com and Google.ru are the same site, from a technical point of view they are different sites.

Quite often, several or even many sites are united under one domain. This happens, for example, when creating websites on free hosting. Free hosting is actually a 2nd level domain, and the sites that are located on it are actually its subdomains, i.e. they are 3rd level domains.

6. Which domains are more profitable to have: 2nd or 3rd level?

Disputes about this will never subside, but I am far from thinking of acting as an arbiter in them. Supporters of free websites (and these are usually 3rd level domains) have two arguments:

  • As a rule, it is free
  • Indexed no worse than 2nd level sites.

There are also two arguments from supporters of second-level sites:

  • I am the rightful owner of the domain and no one will ever take it away from me,
  • The opportunity to earn money on second-level sites is many times greater than on subdomains.

Sometimes the following argument is added: the second level is more solid. But this is only in the eyes of supporters of 2nd level sites, and then: why is Yandex.Search less reputable than, for example, novichkoff?

All these arguments are fair; it’s up to you to decide which camp you join. I'll give my opinion. I am a supporter of autonomy, I don’t like to depend on anyone. Therefore, I always create only 2nd level sites, except for auxiliary ones: among them there are 3rd level sites.

If you are a convinced opponent of making money on a website, then a 3rd level domain is quite suitable for you (it will still be cheaper), but if you don’t mind making extra money, then choose the 2nd level: money for a year of payment for a domain name novichkoff is easily earned on this site in 1 (one) day.

7.Which domain zone should a novice webmaster choose?

There are also many opinions on this issue, although the polarity is not as sharp as the previous issue.

Some believe that the tightening of the screws, which has been observed recently in the RuNet, is forcing webmasters to look for other zones, more democratic ones, for example, com. By nuts, I mean the trend when more and more different documents are required from the webmaster, for example, now when registering a domain it is now required to provide a scan of a passport, etc. This didn't happen before.

We will look at this issue from a different point of view: search engine promotion of the site. The main search engine of the Runet, Yandex, directly says that its priority is the ru domain zone and Russian-language sites in general. Since the majority of ordinary RuNet users use Yandex, they should be more focused on it.

For example, approximately 56% of visitors come to my blog (according to LI today) from Yandex and 36% from Google. Although my data cannot be a reference (my readers are webmasters, including beginners, who use Google more - it has more relevant, i.e. corresponding to the MEANING of the query, results), they still approximately accurately reflect the state of affairs - search Yandex's share is larger today.

And one more important argument in favor of the ru domain zone: registering domain names in it is somewhat cheaper (and sometimes significantly) than, for example, in the com zone.

Based on these two considerations, I advise novice webmasters to register their first site in the ru zone, and then you yourself will know everything and be able to decide for yourself whether to remain in the ru zone or move to some other one.

8.What is DNS

Again, you and I will have to plunge into theory. But this question is worth understanding, at least superficially. Moreover, we are talking about the principles of functioning of the Internet.

So, what happens when you type an address in the address bar of your browser? That's right, your browser sends this request to the nearest server, and that server... But really, where is your request sent next and how does the search for the desired site occur?

Your server, through which you access the Internet, sends your request to a special server called a DNS server. For what? Then, to translate the address you typed into another form that is more understandable for Internet servers. You write the site address in letters, and the DNS server translates them into numbers - into the IP address of the site you need (it can also do the reverse translation - from numbers to letters).

Therefore, DNS servers serve to translate a domain name into an IP address. In general, the term DNS comes from the English expression Domain Name System - domain name system.

It is important to understand that a domain name is not identical to an IP address: there can be several websites on one IP address - this is called virtual hosting.

Let's continue. The DNS server begins to query other DNS servers (and there are a lot of them - a whole hierarchy) where such and such an IP address is located and either finds it, or the answer is returned to you that the site was not found. And then everything is simple: having found the server that owns this IP address, you can easily find your site and the requested page of this site.

Therefore, you cannot do without DNS servers on the Internet.

What does all this mean for webmasters in practice? Here's what. You register a domain name with some domain name registrar and your domain name is immediately assigned the IP address of that registrar. The registrar's servers notify the required DNS servers that a new domain name has appeared and that its IP address is such and such.

Next, you buy space on virtual hosting from a hosting company, but its servers have different IP addresses. You are (usually in a letter) given these addresses, which you must inform your registrar to make changes (or you change them yourself, it depends on the registrar).

When IP addresses change, your registrar notifies other DNS servers so that they know where to look for your site. It is clear that this takes some time; you will have to wait several hours. Otherwise, even you, knowing the domain name of your site, will not be able to get there.

The same is true when moving a site from one hosting company to another: You will have to rewrite the NS addresses with the registrar.

9. Brief conclusions: everything is the same, but much shorter and simpler

  • For everyday life, we can think of a domain as a website.
  • A domain name is the address of a website.
  • A domain zone is the segment of the Internet where the website is located. It's better for us to choose the ru zone.
  • It is also better to choose a 2nd level domain - in fact, the highest rank among ordinary domains (sites).
  • Searching for any site in any domain zone is carried out using special DNS servers.

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Many users are faced with questions about what domain names are.

They become especially relevant when users decide to create their own website.

Then different terms and definitions appear that you need to navigate in order to understand the complete structure of the Internet space and the location of the created site in it.

Getting straight to the point, we can say that a domain is the name of a website. It hides its IP address, which allows you to simply enter the name “primer.ru”, and not the address of such a site – “”.

This is quite convenient, but if you go into details, many questions arise that will be covered later in the article.

What does a domain name mean?

As already noted, a domain is the name of the site. The user is provided with a set of Latin letters with which he can name his resource.

It is this name up to the first dot that will indicate the address of its portal.

However, there are also difficulties associated with the fact that such names are already taken, then you have to change the values ​​and select something that has not yet been reserved on a specific hosting or domain.

Pay attention! Domain and domain name are synonyms and have the same lexical meaning, regardless of which one is used.

A domain name is tied to a specific address on the network. It looks like When you switch to another server, the redirection remains.

This means that the technology makes it possible to use one site name, even if it is constantly transferred to different domains.

It is to preserve the unique name of the site that domain name technology was developed.

It allows you to assign a portal name to a specific person and transfer it to different servers without losing the root IP address.

How the domain works

To understand the concept of a domain structure, it is necessary to consider it from the very beginning using an example.

In order to make his website address unique, the developer must designate it.

To do this, he creates a name that is not used on the network. Let it be called “primer”.

After this, you need to attach or link a domain zone to the site name.

It will show in which territory the designated developer’s site is located.

In its finished form it will be called “primer.ru”.

It turns out that upon registration, the “primer” site received a domain name of the “.ru” category.

There are 2 main rules when recording a domain name:

  • Zones that are included in the full site address are listed to the left in the hierarchy.
  • To separate domain levels, only dots are always placed between them.

If the site address “net.blog.primer.ru” is used, it will be considered as follows:

  • net– fourth level domain;
  • blog– third-level domain, which includes the fourth-level domain net;
  • primer– second-level domain, which includes 3rd and 4th level domains;
  • ru– a first-level domain that includes all the levels described above.

The first level in the hierarchy always comes last after the dot separator.

Table of first-level domains intended for public use

Considering domain levels, it should be noted that they are international.

However, depending on their location, there are laws, established restrictions or rules in force in a specific territory of the state.

First-level domains are the highest in this chain of addresses.

There are geographically defined addresses, which refer to the country where these domains are used.

An example of such top-level domain zones could be:

  • ru – Russian Federation.
  • br – Brazil.
  • cn – China.

In addition to geographically defined domain names, first-level domains, which have an international public purpose, are of particular polarity.

The table will show all available addresses:

Domain name Its public purpose
com commerce
net Network and network settings
org Non-profit organizations
info Information portals
biz Business
name Private portals that use the owners' names as identification
aero Aviation and services provided by it
arpa Internet infrastructure
edu Educational system (mainly USA)
int International companies
gov Government
mil Military structures
coop Service organizations and cooperatives
museum Museums and people involved in them
mobi For mobile devices
pro Specialists from various industries
tel Automatic contact page generators
travel Travel, tourism, resorts
xxx Adult film industry

What are the domain levels?

When analyzing the hierarchy of domains, you should clarify their specific purpose.

From the previous section it is clear that first-level domains have either a specific public purpose or a geographic location. It is from them that the name begins to be built.

Everything that comes after them increases the number of subdomains, thereby increasing the number of domain levels.

This was clearly discussed above using the example of the full address “net.blog.primer.ru”, where reading from right to left will increase the hierarchy of the marked zone.

Experts identify 3 main zones:

  • Root.
  • Second level.
  • First level.

Each row may include an additional number of domain names. At the same time, they will compose and divide according to the rules through a dot.

Pay attention! Domains can have 3-4 levels. They are subdomains and are not part of the global network.


It is also defined as zero. Its purpose is to separate other domain levels.

In other words, all address entries must end with a dot at the end.

It turns out that systems were previously used when introducing domain levels of the following type “primer.ru.”

Now the last zero domain is omitted, and address records today have acquired the following form: “primer.ru”, where the dot at the end after the first-level domain is no longer placed.

It is also worth noting that national domains that have recently appeared in relation to the entire domain system can be used.

They use the designation not in Latin, but in the language of a specific country.

In Russia you can now register the website address “primer.rf”" The use of national alphabets also makes it possible to simplify the circulation of domains and specific assigned addresses to them. However, all national websites also have an unreadable address that is hidden behind what is written in the official language.

Second level

This is the space left for you to specify your own name for your site. This is what second-level domains are.

It turns out that the portal creator registers the address on the network, and not just the name. It is worth noting that prices for such portals upon registration differ.

If you register a domain in the “.ru” zone, it will be much cheaper than the same one, but in the “.com” zone.

Basically, to register such a name on the Internet, there are special companies that deal with the registration of names of website addresses.

The price depends on the choice of which first-level site the required resource will be located on.

There are also rental systems that make it possible to use a second-level domain name on a monthly basis. However, in case of non-payment of rent, the site will be disconnected from the network and immediately disappear from the search engine.

First level

The name of each site begins at this level. This can be confusing as the site is usually read from left to right.

However, to be precise in the mandatory address design rule, the first-level domain (with the exception of the root-level domain, which is not taken into account and is zero) always comes first, and then in descending order.

In each country, such addresses have a main “highest” level and abbreviate the name of their country.

This is interesting! First level domain name "su", was originally assigned to the Soviet Union. It contains a large amount of information, from the late 80s to the mid-2000s.

Other levels

It is also worth noting that there may be others after the second-level domain. They should be highlighted separately. However, they are not of global significance.

And they exist inside second-level domains. Usually they are not registered or formalized.

Users who own a website, having purchased a second-level domain “primer” in the form of a name, can independently select third- and fourth-level names.

They themselves allocate at their address the subspaces necessary to select another address from the already registered one.

In other words, 3-4 level domains exist at the expense of a second level domain and are its subtypes, which the site owner himself can select independently.

Such sublevel numbers cannot exist without an officially registered name, a portal, which is a second-level domain.

Purchasing and registering a domain name

The situation with purchasing a domain name has a number of features. This primarily concerns jurisdiction and legislation.

There was a well-known situation with the creators of torrent sites, which were initially present on the first-level domain name “.ru”.

However, after the tightening of Russian legislation regarding copyright, the resource began to be blocked. Therefore, in order to avoid blocking, the developers had to transfer their resource to the “.org” domain, which has an international level.

Each country has official second-level domain name registrars. They have permission and a license giving them the right to carry out such activities.

It is from them that you need to purchase and register the site name.

In addition, the official registrars have representatives in the form of partner companies, who also handle the registration of domain names as an official registrar.

If a partner or representative has violated the terms of the agreement, you must immediately contact the official registrar.

Prices for services will vary. Typically, representatives offer to register a second-level domain name with a monthly payment.

Official registrars establish rules for registration with payment for a domain name immediately for 1 year.

Pay attention! If payment is overdue, it will be impossible to access the site. Depending on the registrar, a contractually established period for resumption of payments is given. If it is missed, the domain name will become free and can be registered by another person.

Checking the second level domain for occupancy

There are now more than half a billion second-level domains on the network.

With the development of Internet technologies and the transfer of business to the virtual space, domain names as names for websites began to have a high price.

Large corporations are willing to pay millions of dollars for a beautiful name for their website.

Many enterprising developers began registering websites with beautiful addresses more than 10 years ago. And a few years ago, such investments began to pay off.

Now the price for a second-level domain with a beautiful name costs tens of thousands of dollars, and renting such a number usually does not exceed $100-1,500 per year.

Therefore, when creating a website, it is worth paying attention to its name, as the address of a second-level domain, because this name can already be acquired by a thoughtful investor, for its further resale at several times the price.

View information about the current user of a specific domain name

To check if a domain is occupied, just contact the official registrars. They provide all the necessary information on a specific resource.

There is a search bar on the official page of such institutions.

By entering the name of a second-level domain there, you can check its occupancy in various zones. It is worth noting that all registrars have a common database.

Therefore, you can turn to any of them for help in your search, regardless of geographic location.

After the domain of interest has been officially purchased and an agreement has been concluded with the registrar for the right to use it for a specified period of time, you will need to configure it and link different hosting services.

For this purpose, there is a special administrative panel that allows you to edit the domain and connect various services to it.

It is through such a panel that users can select 3rd and 4th level domains from the received address.

View history and purchase released names

According to established international rules, registrars provide information about second-level domain owners free of charge and openly.

That is, anyone who wants to go to the official website of the registrar in "Whois" section, maybe, by indicating the address of a specific site, get all the information about the person who registered it.

However, services are now also provided to hide such registration information about the owner of the resource.

Various official services offer this service both for a fee and for free. It is also possible to change the data to fictitious ones.

According to the rules for registering a second-level domain, when concluding an agreement with the official registrar, you must indicate your personal and contact information.

The website address is tied specifically to the specific individual or legal entity with whom the contract is concluded.

Many owners of popular online resources advise using the services of hiding information or replacing it.

This is due to the fact that there are those on the network who want to take possession of information or money. Personal user data makes it much easier to hack the service.


Based on the materials in the article, we can conclude that the domain is one of the most important components of the address of any website on the Internet.

Without assigned names, it will be impossible to go to the resource using a browser. Many developers pay great attention to the issue of domain selection.

This is explained by the fact that a lot depends on the name of the portal, as well as on its location.

If it is unreadable and not concise, and is located, in little-known areas of the first level the number of visitors to the resource will be minimal.

Greetings, dear readers! In this article I will try to tell you in simple words what a domain is and why it is needed. And also, for those who are planning to launch their own website on the Internet, I will give a few additional instructions that you must know.

Domain(more precisely called “ fully qualified domain name” is the address of the Internet space (site) on which it is located and where it can be found on the global Internet.

If you now go to blog home page and look at the browser line, you will see the following.

This address is called the full domain name of the site. This address may look different in the browser you are using.

  • . Many modern browsers hide it.

Prefixes http, https And www do not relate to domains in any way.

A domain name can be compared to the address of any house in the world. Knowing the address, you can find the right house.

In principle, the average user doesn’t need to know more. I hope I answered your question.

Now let's take it to a more advanced technical level.

The definition is not for dummies

I'll start with an analogy. Each place on our globe has its own coordinates at which it is located. For example, a couple of days ago we passed through Volgograd and visited the famous place Mamayev Kurgan with the highest monument in Russia and Europe “The Motherland Calls!”, which is located at coordinates 48°44′32″N, 44°32′14″E48 .742286, 44.537112.

Naturally, we did not look for this place by its coordinates, but by its name.

The same thing happens on the global Internet, each place (space) where website data is stored has its own IP address (unique network address). Thus, you can get to the site not only by domain, but also by its IP address.

For example, if you enter the following IP address in the address bar of your browser, the Yandex home page will open. But sometimes several sites can be stored at one such address, and so that the user can get to the resource he needs, unique domain names are used in a convenient human form.

It's like apartments in a building at the same address.

Domain name structure

All domain names consist of areas - domains (from English domain is translated as region, territory).

Each name includes a top (first) level domain; it is customary to define a zone by it. In my case it is “ru”. Next comes my unique second-level domain “iklife”..site.

It turns out that no one except me can locate their website in this domain zone; it belongs only to me.

Again, by analogy, they have a similar structure: country, region, city, street, etc.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. This blog has detailed information. After or while reading this publication, I advise you to read that article so that a complete picture emerges. I also advise you to read my publications on the topic of what and means.

Today we have a question on our agenda - what is domain or domain name(in fact, these are synonyms). Well, it's actually simple. This is the name for the site, which is assigned to it instead of the difficult-to-remember IP address of the server on which this site is hosted (see). Enter this name in the address bar of your browser and the site will open.

But the difficulties arise precisely in the details. What are they, how does it all work, what domain zones are, how to understand what level domain and which of them can be registered, where this can be done and which zone to choose. There are a lot of questions and I will try to answer them all in this “small note”.

What is a domain?

As I mentioned above, domain is the name for the site..162.192.0. And besides, imagine the situation. You have placed your website on a hosting server (see what this is above) and received an IP address. But, moving to another hosting, the IP will change, which will cause a disaster. But in the case of domain names, this will not happen. Why?

The fact is that there are thousands of DNS (domain name system) servers on the Internet, which will state that the domain site is accessible at the IP address If I move to another hosting, I’ll go to the domain name registrar panel (where I bought it), change something, and it will be written in all DNS servers on the Internet that the site needs to be searched at a different IP address. Convenient right?

Convenient, but probably not yet clear. The main thing you need to understand is a name for a site is a very important thing and it is for life (as a rule, although you can transfer the site to another domain if you wish, this is not easy). Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. True, not only the name is important, but also the level of the domain, as well as the zone to which it belongs. Is it unclear again? Well, let's take things in order.

How a domain name works

Let's start with the basics. The domain record (site name) must include all levels of nesting of the domain (all zones in which it belongs) so that it is unique and does not cause confusion.

There are two main domain name registration rules:

  1. The zones that a given domain belongs to are listed from right to left.
  2. Dots are used as separators.

It might look like this, for example:


We get a fourth-level domain net, which is part of the third-level domain zone “blog”, which is part of the second-level zone “ktonanovenkogo” belonging to the first-level zone.ru. Nonsense, right? (my wife, who checks errors in the article, will be happy to confirm this).

What domain levels are distinguished?

  1. Root domain(level zero) is considered to be an empty entry, denoted simply by a dot (.). In theory, the full record of a domain name should always end with a period, but in most cases it is omitted (as if meaning) and instead of the record: site.

    They use the already firmly established relative notation of domains (without a dot at the end):

  2. Next comes the first level - this is usually regional(national) domains (.ru, .su, .ua, .us, .de, .fr, etc.) or thematic(.com, .edu, .org, .net, etc.). But there are also first-level domain names that include national alphabets(for example, .рф).
  3. Second level- these are already the same domains that you and I we buy(we register with special registrars). Prices for them vary not only depending on whether they belong to a particular first-level domain (for example, xxxxxxx.ru is usually cheaper to buy than xxxxxxx.com), but also depending on the registrar (or its reseller - retailer).
  4. Third, fourth, etc. — you no longer need to buy them (as a rule) and can be created independently (without registering anywhere) based on the purchased second-level domain. For example, I can create a name like this for a new site - forum..forum..

Let me explain all this again by example:

  1. . (dot) - zero (root) level domain
  2. ru - first level, also called top level domain or zone
  3. website - second level domain name
  4. blog.site - third level domain
  5. net.blog.site - fourth level

Top (first) level domains

Apart from the zero level (root domain), because this is emptiness, then the base is the so-called zones or top-level domains(the name of any site begins with them, although it seems that it ends with them - but not the point). They cannot be bought by an ordinary person, but it is from these zones that we will choose when purchasing a second-level domain (a name for our website).

So what are they?

  1. First (highest) level domains, assigned to countries, which are usually called among very smart people by the abbreviation Cctld, meaning country code top-level domain. Russia has two of them:
    1. su is a remnant left over from the Soviet Union and now represents the space of resources in Russian
    2. ru - originally assigned to Russia
  2. Domains with national alphabets, which are usually abbreviated Idn (internationalized domain name). In Russia it is zone.rf. In fact, their names are still written in English characters (recoding occurs), but this is, as it were, hidden from view. However, if you enter the address in your browser: http://ktonanovenkogo.rf/

    and after going to this site, copy its address from the address bar, you will get completely indigestible nonsense:

    Http://xn--80aedhwdrbcedeb8b2k.xn--p1ai/ It turns out that he looks so unpleasant. And it is in this form that it will have to be added to various services (such as ), and not in the form of ktonanovenkogo.rf. This needs to be taken into account. Yes, other problems are possible, although not obvious at first.

  3. Upper generic domains, usually called Gtld, which means generic top-level domain, are registered (sold) regardless of the country in which the webmaster lives. The most used of them:
    1. .com - for commercial projects
    2. .org - for non-profit websites of various organizations
    3. .net - for Internet-related projects
    4. .edu - for educational institutions and projects
    5. .biz - only commercial organizations
    6. .info - for all information projects
    7. .name - for personal sites
    8. .gov - for US government agencies

How and where you can register (buy) a domain in top-level zones

As a rule, you can’t get second-level domain names just like that (and it’s better not to try, because the name for the site is too important to risk registering it with someone unknown). They cost money. Moreover payment is made annually, and then the domain lease needs to be renewed.

Let me draw your attention once again - buy second level domain names, and everything above - you can create on their basis yourself. This is usually done in the panel of your hoster in the subdomains section - these are third-level and higher-level domains, such as blog..blog.site.

There are not so many such companies (prominent examples include RegRu And WebNames), but they may have a whole network of resellers (partners) who will select and sell domains on their behalf. If you are not satisfied with the current reseller in some way or you have any tension with him, then by contacting the registrar, you can choose another reseller or go directly under the wing of the registrar.

At all without restrictions You can buy domains in the public zones .com, .net, .org, .info, .biz and .name. In the .edu, .gov and .mil zones, this opportunity is provided only for institutions, as well as state educational and military institutions. There are also a number of specialized first-level domains, for example, .travel, .jobs, .aero, .asia.

Second level domain names in these public areas can be purchased from any registrar(not only national), which, in fact, is what some resources use, which may have conflicts with copyright holders. The same torrent was forced to move to the public zone org, because its resource was blocked in the national domain zone ru.

Second level domains - employment verification and Whois

There are already about half a billion domain names registered on the Internet in various zones, so choosing a good (short, simple, sonorous) name in the right zone is now very easy. not an easy task(just like it's difficult). A third of the registered names are not used at all, because they were purchased for resale (successful domains can be expensive on the secondary market - sometimes many millions of dollars).

Domain name occupancy check

Therefore, the first thing you should do when selecting a suitable domain for your website is . This can be done at different registrars (the result will be the same, since they use a common database).

Below are currently releasing domains(click on price for detailed view):

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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