What is a tariff plan? Tariff plans "Beeline"

Offers the use of one or more telematic communication services

Used in the document:

Rules for the provision of telematic communication services

2. The set of price conditions under which the telecom operator offers to use one or more services telephone communication

Used in the document:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2005 No. 310 3. A set of price conditions under which a telecom operator offers to use one or more data communication services

Used in the document:

Rules for the provision of communication services for data transmission

Telecommunications dictionary. 2013 .

See what “Tariff plan” is in other dictionaries:

    Tariff plan- Tariff plan standard form commercial offer, which indicates a list of possible services and the procedure for determining their cost. It definitely has a certain way accounting for quantitative and quality characteristics services,... ...Wikipedia

    tariff plan- 121 tariff plan: A set of price conditions under which a telecom operator offers to use one or more communication services. Source: GOST R 53801 2010: Federal communications. Terms and definitions original document... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Tariff plan for mobile services- tariff plan is a set of price conditions under which a telecom operator offers to use one or more mobile services;... Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2005 N 328 (as amended on October 6, 2011) On approval... ... Official terminology

    Data communication tariff plan- tariff plan is a set of price conditions under which a telecom operator offers to use one or more communication services for data transfer;... Source: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 23, 2006 N 32 (as amended on February 16, 2008) About... ... Official terminology

    Local phone plan- 1.3. The term tariff plan should be understood as a set of price conditions under which a telecom operator offers to use one or more telephone services<*>... Source: Order of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation dated September 5, 2006 N 189 p/1 (ed.... ... Official terminology

    Phone plan- tariff plan is a set of price conditions under which a telecom operator offers to use one or more telephone services;...

Beeline is one of the brands of the international communications company VimpelCom. Famous joint stock company provides its services in such industries as the Internet (both mobile and landline), cellular communications, and various digital services.

VimpelCom Corporation positions itself as a progressive company that is constantly increasing its potential. Characteristic difference brands of a communications firm are high speeds. Moreover, the last statement applies not only to the services provided, but also to the work in general. VimpelCom tries to identify not only competitors, but also customers, as if anticipating their desires and constantly presenting technological innovations.

Beeline is the face of VimpelCom in Russia and CIS countries. The creators made the brand as bright and memorable as possible. on interesting ideas What is important to a company is people, their emotions, openness and creativity. This article will look at how Beeline cellular communications and the tariffs of this operator differ from other offers.

Beeline tariff packages: general characteristics

Some customers, looking for a more economical or convenient package, are wondering how to change the tariff on Beeline. And really, what should you give your preference to? All Beeline tariffs are quite profitable, but it is better to choose the best option that will match the requirements of a particular client.

Service packages are suitable for business people who actively make calls or use the Internet: the operator guarantees high-quality signal transmission that will ensure communication anywhere. At the same time, which is very important, the connection is unlimited. The advantage of the brand is also that you can easily choose enough favorable rates(Many people choose Beeline precisely because of this), while for the same package of services another operator will demand a tidy sum.

The company is actively distributing the opportunity to make cheap calls throughout the country, and not just within the region. The advantages of Beeline also include a fixed payment amount for a certain range of services. This means that you do not need to pay separately for cellular communications, Internet and SMS messages.

For those customers who do not use a smartphone as actively as young people or businessmen, there will also be a suitable tariff that will provide the lowest amount of costs while having all the necessary capabilities. Thus, pensioners will not have to pay for services that older people do not use.

The company's tariff packages are suitable not only for telephones. Programs that are designed exclusively for the mobile Internet are in high demand among owners of tablets, modems and routers. However, before asking the question: “How to change the tariff on Beeline?”, you should decide on a new package plan.

Range of company services: not only mobile communications

Among other operators, Beeline distinguishes itself with a wide range of services. Thus, the company offers the following options to customers who are interested not only in cellular communications:

  • provision of fixed Internet;
  • home and mobile television;
  • city ​​(landline) telephone.

Tariff group "Everyone" from Beeline

The "All" package group includes the most favorable Beeline tariffs. The meaning of the presented tariffs is that for a fixed amount ( monthly payment) the client receives a certain set of services. This tariff group includes the following packages:

  1. "All for three hundred." To switch to the tariff, you must have at least 100 rubles in your account, and the monthly payment is 300 monetary units. For this price, Beeline will provide two gigabytes mobile internet and 100 SMS messages. 300 minutes will be allocated for calls to the client.
  2. "Everything for five hundred." The fee for switching to this package is also 100 rubles, and the cost of the services directly per day is 16 rubles. 66 kopecks Thus, the total amount for one calendar month will be 500 rubles. The client can use five gigabytes of the Internet and 300 SMS messages; Beeline allocates 550 minutes for calls within this tariff.
  3. "Everything for eight hundred." The daily subscription fee in the “All for Eight Hundred” package is 26 rubles and 66 kopecks; for a month, accordingly, you will have to top up your account by 800 rubles. Within thirty days from the moment of replenishment (connection of the tariff), Beeline will provide seven gigabytes of Internet, 500 SMS messages and 1000 minutes for calls.
  4. "All for one thousand two hundred." The cost of one day of using the package is 40 rubles, for a month - 1200 rubles. The client in the “All for one thousand two hundred” tariff will have access to ten gigabytes of the Internet and 1000 SMS messages, 2000 minutes are allocated for calls.
  5. "Everything for one thousand eight hundred." The cost of switching to this package will be 100 rubles, and the daily subscription fee will be 60 rubles. For a month, the client is provided with fifteen gigabytes of Internet, 3,000 SMS messages and 3,000 minutes for mobile calls.

The difference between the tariff group and other Beeline packages is that the prepaid list of services includes cellular communications and messages within Russia (except for the “All for Three Hundred” tariff, where the SMS limit is limited to the Moscow region). Calls to numbers of any operators in Moscow will also be included in traffic.

Tariff "#everything is possible": unlimited internet

Almost all Beeline tariffs provide high-quality mobile Internet, but for those who consider chatting on the phone and SMS messages to be a thing of the last century, actively using exclusively (or predominantly) the World Wide Web, the “#EVERYTHING is possible” tariff was developed.

Cost of switching to this tariff The new plan from another Beeline package will be one hundred rubles, and the monthly subscription fee will be 600 rubles. Yes, first you should top up your account in an amount sufficient to pay for the transition itself and the first month’s payment. In the future, a certain amount (twenty rubles) will be charged daily.

The main service that the “#EVERYTHING” package includes is unlimited access to the Internet at all speeds (2G, 3G or 4G). The monthly limit of calls and messages to numbers of all operators is 250 minutes and SMS, and cellular communications within Beeline have no restrictions.

A similar solution within the boundaries of the package is a separate tariff “#possibleALL.Tablet” with a free transition. For a monthly subscription fee of six hundred rubles, the operator will provide unlimited Internet.

Tariff "Everything. Postpayment"

As part of the "Everything. Postpaid" tariff plan, the operator provides a certain amount minutes, calls and gigabytes, and the client pays for the amount spent after the fact. Thus, a person always remains in touch, and an important call will not be interrupted at the most inopportune moment just because the money in the account has run out.

When a customer spends fifty, eighty, or ninety-five percent of his data, he receives an SMS reminder, so it’s quite difficult to inadvertently miss the need to pay. The debt is paid within twenty days after the end of the service. For customers who replenish their balance on time, the operator provides discounts and increases the available limit of calls, messages and mobile Internet.

The "Everything. Postpaid" tariff plan includes four forms that differ in cost and service limit:

  • the cost of ten gigabytes of Internet, 650 minutes and 300 SMS messages will be 1,450 rubles for the client;
  • for ten gigabytes of Internet, 1,100 minutes and 500 SMS messages you will need to pay 1,750 rubles;
  • the debt to the operator for twenty gigabytes of Internet, 2200 minutes and 100 SMS messages will be 2350 rubles;
  • for thirty gigabytes of Internet, 5,000 minutes and 3,000 SMS messages, you will need to deposit 3,550 rubles into your account.

Tariff "Zero doubts": for conversations

First of all, those who are interested in Beeline tariffs without the Internet should take a closer look at the “Zero Doubts” package. Given the tariff is suitable to those clients who cannot imagine their life without hours of telephone communication.

The cost of switching to this tariff plan is 150 rubles. During the first minute of conversation, the operator withdraws from the account an amount equal to 1 ruble and 30 kopecks. Starting from the second minute, cellular communications become absolutely free and unlimited. When using more than one megabyte of Internet, the Highway Beeline tariff will be automatically activated. It includes one gigabyte of Internet at maximum speed.

Tariff "Per second"

This package is the most minimalist. The main service provided is cellular communication. The cost of calls is five kopecks per second. The Highway Beeline tariff will be connected in the same way as in the previous case. The subscription fee for it will be seven rubles per day. The amount of switching to the "Per Second" package is 150 rubles.

Tariff "Mobile pensioner"

Almost all Beeline tariffs are replete with a variety of services provided, which cannot be boasted by " Mobile pensioner". However, it would seem that limited set opportunities and advantage of this package, because, accordingly, payment of the bill will be minimal.

What else do pensioners need if not high-quality cellular communications? Beeline also offers interesting tariffs to this category of citizens. "Mobile Pensioner" is distinguished by a low cost of calls to any five numbers within the area (1 ruble 25 kopecks) and a twenty percent discount on any calls within the Moscow region (3 rubles 16 kopecks). All incoming calls (both from mobile and landline) are free. Switching to this tariff costs 300 rubles and is carried out only if you have a passport and pension certificate.

"WELCOME" tariff: for travelers

For tourists, not all Beeline tariffs are profitable, but for this case the company has prepared optimal package. The advantage of "WELCOME" is a one-time payment. The tariff plan is attractive for customers who like to travel because it provides a large limit on calls throughout Russia and to other countries.

The subscription fee for the "WELCOME" tariff is 500 rubles per week. For this amount, the operator will provide 100 minutes for calls throughout Russia, as well as to England, Germany, Israel, India, Spain, Italy, Canada, China, Malaysia, the United States of America, South Korea and Japan. Mobile Internet traffic includes two gigabytes within the country, and the message limit is fifty SMS.

Comprehensive package "All in one"

Beeline's unlimited tariffs are not limited to cellular communications, SMS messages and mobile Internet. A breakthrough among communications companies was the combination of several services - cellular communication, home internet and television.

What will Beeline please its customers this time? Tariff "Everything for a ruble" is one of interesting offers. Among several variations of the package plan, the most popular among Russians is the package for 1,200 rubles, within which the client receives ten gigabytes of mobile Internet, 2,000 minutes and 1,000 SMS messages. For an additional payment of one ruble, you can also connect additional services, which include landline internet with a speed of 100 Mbit/s, 25 mobile channels and 127 home television channels.

This offer is the best option for the family. And although Beeline’s Moscow tariffs are distinguished by the greatest versatility of services, it is this comprehensive package that has gained well-deserved popularity in the capital.

Tariff offer "Signal"

Beeline tariffs without the Internet are not very common. Moreover, the company presented a package where the basis is access to the World Wide Web. But "Signal" is completely different from the others unlimited tariffs"Beeline" - with its help it is possible to regulate the operation of household devices. These are alarm systems, heating boilers, meters, video surveillance devices and navigators. One megabyte of transmitted or received data will cost two rubles. The subscription fee is only one ruble.

The interest rate on a newly received Tinkoff card is as unpredictable as the next thing a magician takes out of his magic chest. Since the bank assigns different interest rates to different clients, this has led to an abundance of tariff plans. What tariff plan Tinkoff will put in your letter with a card (there are more than a dozen of them) is a sealed secret, and you will only find out after you open this envelope (delivered to you by mail or courier).

A tariff plan (TP) is a document in which the bank specifies all tariff rates for your card (interest, commissions, fines, etc.) and supplements them with comments. The Tinkoff tariff plan is a mandatory (integral) part of the agreement for the Platinum card or another bank card and is designated as follows: TP 7.1 or TP 6.6.

How are the tariff plans different?

TPs on the Tinkoff card have slight differences, but sometimes these same differences can lead to significant financial expenses. Therefore, we should always strive (and there is such an opportunity) to switch to more profitable TPs with reduced interest rates. To do this, just use the card and do not violate the terms of the agreement (do not allow any delays in all payments, including the mandatory minimum) and the bank will automatically change your payment plan - this is very pleasant.

Tariff plans Tinkoff are different:

Loan interest rates:

  • for purchase transactions: from 24.9% to 45.9% per annum
  • for cash receipt transactions cash, fees, commissions and other transactions: from 32.9% to 45.9% per annum

Please note the range of current rates.

Annual main/additional service fee credit card: usually 590 rubles per year (the amount is withdrawn IMMEDIATELY after), but on some TPs (for example, TP 7.1) the first year of service is FREE.

Thus, the main difference is the interest rates on the loan, and they differ significantly. All other TP parameters are the same and you can see them in the picture below.

This is a snapshot of the tariff for a card issued via the Internet (this is what all TPs look like). You can download it from this link.

How does Tinkoff assign an individual TP to a client?

What does the bank pay attention to when calculating the interest rate? The bank evaluates the borrower’s solvency based on such main factors as your status (positive or negative), salary (size and “whiteness”), employment (where, how much and by whom you work), availability of movable and immovable property, availability of existing loans, and so on. In reality, there may be many more evaluative factors that we are not even aware of.

All these factors are taken into account by the banking program, which makes a decision:

  1. Which credit limit assign you a card;
  2. Which tariff plan should you assign?

Usually strange things happen with the limit. Don’t be surprised that you may be assigned a “ridiculously” small limit, and it’s up to you to decide whether to activate the card or use it as a tea coaster (you can show off it to your neighbors, because its design is really not bad - the coat of arms alone is worth it !)

How do you know what your plan is?

Any Tinkoff credit card holder needs to periodically check their TP, it may have changed for you (if you are a bona fide client).

You can find out your current TP in several ways only after you receive and activate your card. This information is available in Tinkoff Internet Banking and free of charge. telephone line Customer Service Center (CSC) 8 800-555-10-10.

Unfortunately, you will not be able to influence the interest rate (and, accordingly, the tariff plan) in any way at . The only thing left to you is the decision to cooperate with the bank (it begins with the activation of the card product). But in any case, you have the opportunity to change your TP to a more profitable one and increase the limit on the card - follow the terms of banking services and Tinkoff Bank will meet you, because Everyone wants loyal customers.

MTS - mobile operator, which provides a variety of pricing plans. They all differ from each other: some are needed for comfortable use World Wide Web, others are suitable for cheap communication. Which one to choose? In this review we will look at MTS tariffs for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.

This is the smallest tariff in the “Smart” line. It is suitable for those who use little world wide web and calls.

For Smart Mini You need to pay 400 rubles monthly. Switching to it is free if you have not changed your tariff plan for more than 30 days. The subscription fee is charged immediately.

Let's look at what the tariff offers:

  • 1 GB. If the package is over, then 500 MB are automatically provided, the price of which is 95 rubles.
  • Free calls to MTS numbers located in Moscow and the Moscow region.
  • 350 minutes for making calls. If the package runs out, the price is 2 rubles per minute.
  • 300 SMS to all numbers home region.

Valid throughout the entire Russian Federation.

It is important to know that MMS are not included in the tariff plan. They are paid separately - 9.90 rubles per piece.

Calls to numbers of other operators located outside of Moscow and the Moscow region cost 14 rubles per minute.

If you constantly exceed the limits, you will greatly overpay for communication services. In this case, you should choose a different tariff plan.


This tariff plan can be called optimal. It contains a normal amount of data and minutes, making it suitable for everyone.

Subscription fee - 500 rubles per month. Smart includes the following options:

  • 5 GB. If they run out, it happens automatic renewal for 500 MB for 95 rubles.
  • Calls to MTS numbers Russian Federation- free. First, the main traffic package is consumed.
  • 550 minutes for calls to other operators. They are also valid for subscribers located outside of Moscow and the Moscow region.
  • 550 SMS. Valid for home region networks.

If the user travels outside his home region, he is charged 15 rubles daily. This can be avoided by turning off your phone or not using communication services at all.

MMS are paid separately - 9.90 rubles per piece.

Smart Unlimited

Attention! In January 2018, the tariff was replaced by “ “. The information below is no longer relevant but is retained for reference purposes.

This good tariff, if you are used to using a lot of traffic. The only negative is the small number of minutes.

Subscription fee - 550 rubles. Let's look at what's included:

  • 10 GB Internet. If they run out, 1 GB is provided for 150 rubles.
  • Free to use social networks. Traffic is not charged.
  • 350 SMS to subscribers located in Moscow and the Moscow region.
  • Free calls to MTS numbers in Russia.
  • 350 minutes for calls to all networks of the Russian Federation.
  • "Security package". Helps get rid of unwanted subscriptions, provides cloud storage(50 GB) and controls expenses outside the country.

The remaining packages are transferred to the next month, but only 1 time.

Smart Zabugorishche

The tariff plan is suitable for travelers or those who actively use all communication services.

Subscription fee - 250 rubles per week. Let's look at what's included:

  • 7 GB. Additional package 1 GB - 150 rubles. Traffic is updated every week.
  • Free calls to all MTS Russia numbers.
  • 350 minutes for making calls to Russian numbers. Updated weekly.
  • Free access to popular social networks.
  • 350 SMS.

But, as the name suggests, the tariff plan is also valid outside our country. The prices differ there:

  • Daily subscription fee - 290 or 390 rubles.
  • If you are in a so-called unpopular country, then after 10 minutes incoming calls become paid - 25 rubles per minute.

Traffic packages operate under the same conditions as in Russia.

Remember not to call numbers local operators the country in which you are staying. Prices may vary greatly.

Smart Top

The “largest” tariff plan from the “Smart” line. It contains huge amount minutes, traffic and SMS. Suitable for people who are not used to limiting themselves in anything.

The subscription fee is 1950 rubles. Smart Top includes the following:

  • 20 GB. Can be extended - 1 GB for 150 rubles.
  • Calls to MTS numbers in the Russian Federation are free.
  • 3000 minutes for calls with other operators providing their services in the Russian Federation.
  • 3000 SMS. Valid only for subscribers who are located in Moscow or the Moscow region.

Attached to the tariff free access to "MTS Music" - special application, which contains more than 20 million tracks from different artists. Traffic is not charged.

If you have not used up your service packages, they will be transferred to the next period.

MMS are not included and are paid separately.

This tariff is not allowed for modems. The connection will stop working.


This tariff plan is similar to the previous one. The main difference is the huge number additional minutes and SMS.

Monthly subscription fee - 2900 rubles. Let's look at what's included:

  • 20 GB. You can renew - 1 GB for 150 rubles.
  • Calls to MTS numbers in the Russian Federation are completely free. The option comes into effect when the main package of minutes ends.
  • 5000 minutes. Works on all networks of the Russian Federation.
  • 5000 messages. Unlike the previous tariff, you can send SMS throughout Russia to any operators.
  • "MTS Music". Allows you to listen to music for free in the corresponding application. Traffic is not charged.

If the user has not used up all the services provided, they can be used next month.

Super MTS

If all your close people use MTS, connect this tariff. This way you will save a lot on communication.

There are no traffic packets here. Let's consider the tariff:

  • There is no subscription fee.
  • The main advantage of the tariff plan is “Free calls to MTS”. The cost of the service is 350 kopecks per day. The user is given 100 minutes to call all MTS numbers. They are updated every day.
  • If you do not activate the above service, then calls to MTS within your home region cost 160 kopecks per minute. Outside - 5 rubles.
  • For calls within Russia to other networks - 8 rubles per minute.

The tariff plan can be used by children. Services that block objectionable content. The child will not be able to spend money on SMS short numbers. Price - 100 rubles monthly.

Go to " Super MTS» is completely free if you have not changed your tariff in the last 30 days. Otherwise, the cost of the transition is 150 rubles.

You can learn more about Super MTS at the link http://site/mts/tarify-mts/super-mts.


The tariff is suitable for people who are not used to talking for a long time. As the name suggests, it has a per-second payment system.

Let's consider the prices of services:

  • No subscription fee. You can switch to the tariff for free.
  • 5 kopecks per second - the price of calls to all numbers in Moscow and the Moscow region.
  • If you call outside your home region, you will have to pay 5 (MTS) and 14 rubles (other networks) per minute.
  • Outgoing messages - 200 and 380 kopecks.

"Second-by-second" can be used by children. The cost of this service is 100 rubles per month.

You can find out more about the “Per-second” tariff at.

Other operators in Moscow

Your country

If you often make calls to phones in the CIS and Asia, then this tariff plan will help you save.

Let's look at the prices of basic services:

  • 250 kopecks per minute - calls to MTS and other operators located in your home region.
  • 5 rubles per minute - to all other numbers in the Russian Federation.

Find out more about the “Your Country” tariff (http://site/mts/tarify-mts/tarifnyj-plan-tvoya-strana). He has favorable conditions for calls to neighboring countries.

Where can I connect?

All tariffs listed above can be activated in Aprelevka, Balashikha, Bronnitsy, Volokolamsk, Voskresensk, Vysokovsk, Golitsyn, Dedovsk, Dzerzhinsk, Dmitrov, Dolgoprudny, Domodedovo, Drezna, Dubna, Yegoryevsk, Zhukovsky, Zaraysk, Zvenigorod, Ivanteevka, Istra, Kashira , Klin, Kolomna, Korolev, Krasnoarmeysk, Krasnogorsk, Krasnozavodsk, Krasnoznamensk, Kubinka, Lobnya, Losino-Petrovsk, Lyubertsy, Mozhaisk, Moscow, Mytishchi, Naro-Fominsk, Noginsk, Odintsovo, Pavlovsky Posad, Podolsk, Pushkin, Pushchin, Reutov, Sergiev Posad, Serpukhov, Solnechnogorsk, Stupino, Taldom, Khimki, Khotkov, Chernogolovka, Chekhov, Elektrogorsk, Elektrostal, Elektrougli and Yakhroma.

Bottom line

MTS provides tariff plans for different categories of people. Everyone will choose what suits them.