Instructions for using the aimp player. Appearance and display

Good day, dear visitors website! Today we will go over the settings of such a famous program as AIMP. It may seem strange to you that such a topic as AIMP setting raises questions from someone, because the program is very simple and understandable.

But, as you know, we are all different, so situations are not ruled out when something understandable to one person causes bewilderment in another. In addition, it will not be superfluous for anyone to look at the settings of their AIMPa once again, suddenly something seems interesting and you want to try it out for yourself.

And now, in order not to pour water, let's go directly to setting up our AIMP. I will perform all manipulations with the AIMP v2.61, build 583 program on the standard "Euphoria" cover.

Actually, the settings themselves can be divided into 6 groups: "Playback", "Playlist", "Player", "Templates", "System" and "Interface". Let's start, oddly enough, from the very beginning. So:

1. Playback.

(click to enlarge)

This item AIMP settings responsible for the following options (you will see the options if you click on the item itself)

"Audio output device" - in this menu we are asked to choose the device with which we will play the sound (songs, audiobooks, tracks). By clicking on the drop-down list you will see the devices available for use. I have it standard system Windows sound(Windows default), sound from mine sound card(VIA), as well as SPDIF interface (depending on availability) this interface on the motherboard). That is, everyone will have their own devices, with the exception of the standard Windows devices- everyone will have it. You can play around with switching devices, maybe one of them will seem preferable to you. I'm using mine sound card VIA.

To the right of the device selection is the program mix selection menu ( Software Mixing) - it is desirable to enable this option and select 32 Bit () - this will give the sound some fullness and naturalness.

Buffer size. It is better to set this setting closer to the end of the slider - this will reduce the processor load and, possibly, solve the problem of sound "stuttering" when heavy boot computer. If your configuration is powerful, then you can not touch the setting at all.

Logarithmic volume control- try to turn it on, set the volume in the speakers to less high level and adjust the volume in the player itself. The purpose of the function is to change the sound reduction / increase mode from linear to logarithmic. In my opinion, this option performs a better change in the sound volume level.

"Sound effects"- the settings are purely user-friendly and, I think, understandable to everyone.

You need to focus on the button with the name " DSP Manager". Clicking on it will take you to the settings of this very DSP Manager.

- echo. This option gives the sound an echo tone;

- Reverb. Another echo. In essence, it is a repeatedly reflected echo. With some settings, it resembles the sound of a band in a large closed hall or studio. Quite an interesting effect;

- chorus. In spite of initial value of this word (chorus), the effect of the chorus is not particularly noticeable. Rather, some arbitrary volumetric distortion - try it yourself

- Flanger. An add-on that works with an audio return signal. To be honest, I can’t say where it will be needed when listening to audio, but you never know.

- Stereo Enhancer. In general, the very phrase "Stereo amplifier" speaks for itself. Thins and enhances the stereo effect. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise a headache is provided.

I advise you to put Auto volume leveling" and " Channel reverse". The settings increase the sound quality quite a lot.

- Replay gain. An incomprehensible setting for me, or my ears do not perceive it properly, but it brings some chaos to the sound, amplifying the return sounds in the dried composition.

- Balance. Responsible for mixing sound between speakers / headphones towards 1 out of 2, for example.

- Winamp DSP Plug-Ins- respectively, a plugin for Winampa and in this program we will not need it.

After you have configured the DSP manager options for yourself, click the cross at the top of the settings window, familiar button"OK" or "save" is not here.

In the AIMP "Playback" settings there is another tab called MIDI / MOD. I don't use it and most users won't need it. Those who need it do not need my explanations, because they know more than me about these settings.

With your permission, let's go to the following settings.

2. Playlist.

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"Interface"- the settings are all simple and clear. I advise you only to put in the field " Categorize"% ParentDir% value - this will make it possible to see in the playlist the names of the folders to which the tracks belong.

Personally, it is most convenient for me to use 2 additional items in this menu:

- Display information about selected files;

- Show Columns -> Time.

The remaining menu items "Interface" I turn off. Try it, maybe you will like my version.

"Playlist". AT this paragraph I have all the checkboxes checked except for the second one: Open bookmarks in new playlist "BookMarks".

"Preservation". Not using Do not save playlist "default". The rest is included.

These settings are aimed at improving the usability of the program, especially since they are all clearly written, so it's up to you to decide what and how to set up here. I just shared my tinctures, suddenly you will like it

The next tab of this group of settings:


Be sure to check the box Automatic Scan playlist when adding files"otherwise the newly added files will not play or will not participate in the random distribution of tracks.

"Skip to the next track automatically" - also set. If this is not necessary, then it is easier to enable looping from the main program window.

I do not use the remaining two options, because they are unintelligible. In addition, I did not notice a difference when turning on or off the option "Save the state of the player when navigating the playlist using the next / previous file buttons."

"When the playlist ends." I think you will agree that the most reasonable would be to repeat the playlist. But how many people, so many opinions, so it will seem more convenient for someone to make several playlists and play them in turn. Tick" Do not repeat sheet if it has 1 file"it's better to remove it, suddenly you really want to listen to your favorite song 10 times in a row, and because of the checkmark you will have to start it every time.

"Drag and Drop". Since the free translation of this phrase is "Drag - Throw", then this tab configures these actions. Please note, "drag and drop" here is taken into account with the mouse. Another tab is responsible for adding files through the player interface. Again, choose what suits you best empirically. It is more convenient for me to add files to the end of the sheet. I also recommend unchecking " Ask user", otherwise the window with the request will pop up every time you try to add a file / folder with the mouse to the playlist. " Sort by filename" - enough useful feature- turn on.

"When opening files".

- "Create a new playlist". This means that when adding files / folders through the player (button at the bottom "Add / Add"), the current playlist will be replaced with a new one with the name of the folder being added.

- "Add to Current Sheet". Requires no comment.

- "Add to empty playlist "default"". When adding a new folder, a new playlist will be created, but with the name "Default".

For me the most convenient way- first.

"When you open a file, immediately start playing it." A checked box will mean that when you click on any audio file on your computer, this file will be launched in AIMP and will start playing. If the checkbox is unchecked, then AIMP will start, but the file will not be played.

"When adding files, immediately start playing them." The enabled option will launch any track from the folder you just added to the playlist. Only works when added via the add player tool (not Drag and Drop).

3. Player.

It is worth mentioning, perhaps, the settings "When starting the program".

Be sure to uncheck the " Minimize program to tray". Otherwise, you can simply not notice how it started and "poke" on the shortcut further.

I also advise you to set the value to "Do nothing". Because a situation may arise when, when starting the player, it will scream halfway through the house at 6 o'clock in the morning or something like that. Therefore, it is better to just start it and turn on playback manually.

Also pay attention to the settings "Hotkeys". A very handy feature that increases the usability of the program many times over. Of course, it is not worth dwelling in detail. I will only note that local keys work when active window player in the foreground, and the global keys always work if AIMP is running, of course. Need to change keys double click against desired action and pressing the desired key to assign.

(click to enlarge)

4. Templates.

All these terrible "krakozyabry" are just abbreviations for the necessary variables to form a template for your playlist and a ticker. If you are interested - just look at the example and abbreviations - everything is easy, the main thing is not to be afraid.

5. System.

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It is in this group that the annoying AIMP logo is removed! Other useful parameters are also configured here, for example, I use " Show information about the current track on the taskbar" and " Allow scrolling information about the current file". Please note that enabling these options will increase the load on the processor, albeit slightly, but will increase.

Also in this tab, the integration of AIMP into the system is configured, as well as its autorun, which, by the way, is disabled for me.

Tab " Trey"will give you the opportunity to customize the behavior of the program while working in the tray. You can also enable / disable the floating window of the program, which, personally, annoys me. It is disabled by checking the box" Hide TrayControl". Plus, the appearance of the icon that will be displayed in the tray while AIMP is running is also selected there.

(click to enlarge)

On the tab " File associations" you can specify which files will be opened by default and associated with the AIMP program. Let me remind you that this player works with audio, and for high-quality video playback, you can install and configure the KMP player.

6. Interface.

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This setting is purely individual, so I'll just show you my AIMP interface settings, and everyone will decide for themselves what to use and what not. I will only note that most given settings in varying degrees affects the speed of the computer. For weak computers this effect will be quite noticeable, so it is better not to use, for example, transparency.

I also advise you not to download many covers for the program at the same time, because its subsequent failures and unjustified loads on the computer processor are possible.

Perhaps the article turned out to be somewhat lengthy, for which I apologize, but even so we did not consider all the settings in full.

That's all with the AIMP settings.

And I only wish you quality sound and favorite songs!

What is the best way to listen to music on a computer? For some users, a standard player is enough for this purpose. Windows Media Player, however, the capabilities of this audio player will seem too poor to others. If you belong to the second category, then you should pay attention to AIMP - a very interesting, versatile and high-quality audio player. AIMP is essentially a modified version of the Winamp player, and has a number of functional advantages. Take advantage of the network computer maintenance service.

AIMP Capabilities

The AIMP audio player has many features and capabilities, some of which are listed below.

  • Support for almost 40 music formats.
  • Simultaneous work with several playlists.
  • Built-in 18-band equalizer with a set of presets.
  • Sound effects and volume normalization.
  • Built-in audio converter.
  • Support for Internet radio streaming.
  • Built-in scheduler.
  • Ability to minimize the player to the system tray.
  • Skin support.

Download and installation

You can download the latest version of the AIMP player for free on the official website of the developer, at

During the installation of the program, the installer will offer to install Yandex elements, if you do not need them, do not forget to uncheck the boxes.

Interface and control

The player window consists of the player itself and the playlist, which, if desired, can be detached and moved to any comfortable spot desktop. In addition to the basic controls, the player window also contains buttons for functions such as "repeat segment", "repeat track" and others. The location of the player controls in different skins may be different. AT standard version AIMP player looks like this:

At the bottom of the playlist window there are buttons for managing the playlist, with which you can add and remove files from it, sort and search within the playlist.

Playback settings

In the settings of the AIMP player, you can adjust some settings that affect the sound quality and usability of the player. To enter the settings, click on the button with a wrench in the upper left corner of the program window.

The first step is to set up the list of AIMP hotkeys - this will greatly simplify the management of the player.

By default, the program minimizes to the system tray when minimized. If you do not like it, you can go to the corresponding section of the settings menu and disable this feature.

For those who like to customize everything “for themselves”, AIMP provides a sound effects manager, it allows you to configure various effects, equalizer and mix tracks. You can enter the sound effects manager through the main menu of the player.

Planner and alarm clock

The built-in scheduler, which, by the way, can also be accessed through the main menu, allows you to set a task to turn off the computer, stop playback, or exit the program in certain time or under some other specified condition.

An alarm can be set to play a specific track at (or after) a specified time.

audio converter

Thanks to the built-in audio converter, you can convert music files to other formats. This can be useful if you have tracks on your computer in formats that are not readable mobile device or take up too much space.

You can enter the audio converter through the section Utilities in the main menu of the player.

Listening to radio via AIMP

If you like to listen to the radio, you don't need to install special programs. The AIMP audio player has support for playing streaming radio broadcasts. All you need is a link to the radio station in .m3u format. Such a link can be found on a special site, for example, on

How to use the AIMP player, how to set up aimp3.

We will dedicate this post to such a player as AIMP. I myself have been using these players for a long time and during this time this AIMP player has become my favorite. Aimp is designed audio only. AIMP is not bad for a PC, and most importantly, it is free for the user.

In the Effects Manager section: You can change the tempo, bass, and there is also a voice removal filter. I personally did not use the filter, but for users who need tracks, this is exactly what you need. Of course, it will not be possible to say that it worked perfectly on all files, but it still works.

The player has a convenient and multilingual interface, you can also change it using skins. Skins can be selected on the official website.

In addition, you can set color scheme. AIMP also supports plugins with which you can expand the functions from one side or another.

Aimp playlist

The playlist in Aimp is multifunctional, you can hide and show this window by simply clicking on the corresponding button in the main window. Via " Playlist controls m" you can create a new one, save the current playlist, open an existing one.

  • Highly user-friendly interface, and great functionality.
  • Huge number of formats: MPC, MP1, MP2, MP3, MP+, AC3, AAC, OGG, APE, WavPack, MTM, FLAC, Speex, WMA, CDA, S3M, XM, WAV, MOD, IT, MO3, UMX.
  • Equalizer 18-band, sound effects Reverb, Chorus, Pitch, Flanger, Tempo, Echo, Speed.
  • It is possible to work with several playlists at once, it is very convenient: “we listen to one - we compose another”.
  • 32-bit sound processing, best quality.
  • PC Shutdown Scheduler: A pretty handy feature because you can easily go to bed listening to your favorite music and not have to worry about shutting down your PC. Set a timer on your PC to turn off or at the end of the list of played music.
  • Module support: it will be possible to add new utilities to the player, as well as connect Gen, DSP plugins from WinAmp, Input,
  • Create bookmarks.
  • Internet radio: "you can record"!
  • The interface is multilingual.
  • Hot keys: Customize the keys to your taste!
  • Support for multi-user mode: Do several users work on one PC? Not a problem, aimp3 settings are different for everyone.
  • File search.
  • Sound recording.

Surely you use special software products for each specific task, since specialized software will do much better. This principle also applies to playing audio files on a computer. In this article, we will understand why you need Aimp program and how to use it. Let's get started. Go!

The information will be especially useful for those who are just mastering the PC.

The Aimp utility is music player designed to make listening to music as pleasant and comfortable as possible. This player is rightfully considered the best among all free products of such kind. Later in the article you will find out why this is so and why you should start using it.

Checkboxes can be removed if desired.

You need to start, of course, with the installation. Downloading Aimp is easy. There are a lot of links on the Internet where you can download this player. The installation process is quite trivial and is not much different from other applications. Pay attention to choice different modes and functions, you should not just click "Next" without looking. If you do not want Yandex.Bar to get into your browser, uncheck the corresponding items. At the end, select the language(s) you are comfortable using. After that, the installation will begin, which will take place very quickly.

AT latest versions program users are offered a new look

Once in the main window of Aimp, the first thing you need to do is set up by personalizing all the parameters. To open the settings window, click on the wrench icon at the top.

You'll love the flexibility and subtlety of customization

Go from point to point in turn, changing the necessary parameters. To make all audio files automatically run in Aimp, go to the "File Association" section and tick all the boxes. Click the Apply and Apply buttons for the changes to take effect.

Several scenarios to choose from

Aimp has a very handy auto-shutdown feature that many will like. By turning it on, you can sleep peacefully with music, knowing that the PC will turn off on its own in given time. Among other things, this utility allows you to listen to the radio and even record the broadcast.

Also, if you don't like standard interface program, it can be changed. For this, there are so-called visualizations. They install very easily and quickly. First you need to download the archive with the theme files. Then copy all the files to the AIMP3\Plugins folder. Launch the player and then go to the visualization window. Select desired topic or plugin and enjoy the result.

Visualization called Analog Meter (Classic)

To update Aimp, open the settings menu and go to the "Updates" section. Next, click on the "Check" button, and then "Download update". Download setup file, using Yandex.Disk or any of the suggested downloaders. After the download is complete, run the file. Specify the path to the folder with the player, enable or disable additional settings, then click the Install button. In the window that opens, check the boxes for the formats that will be opened automatically by the program. Upon completion of the installation, you will receive an updated Aimp player.

Now you know what the Aimp program is, what features and functions it has, as well as how to customize it for yourself and update it. This is software much more comfortable than the standard Windows player, whose functionality is very limited. Write in the comments whether this article was useful for you and ask any questions you have on the topic discussed.

After the release of AIMP v3.0, I began to receive many letters in the mail about the fact that the program began to work more slowly and eat more than AIMP2. In this note, I would like to tell you why it happened, and what you can do with it if you wish.

Startup time and memory usage


First of all, plug-ins affect the amount of memory usage, than more of them connected, topics more memory consumes the program becomes less responsive.

There are currently two types of plug-ins in AIMP - loaded at startup, loaded as needed. To last look include visualization plugins - the plugin is loaded when the visualization is turned on, and unloaded when it is turned off.

Solution: Disable unnecessary and rarely used plugins (see Settings\Plugins).


In AIMP3, the skin engine was significantly changed, and, accordingly, the internal structure of the skins - thanks to this, it was possible to increase the speed of loading the skin, however, by this moment this is not very noticeable for the following reasons:

  • Most of skins was made for AIMP2, so when loading the player spends additional time on converting skins from the old format to the new one.
  • Some skins include additional fonts, which are integrated into the system at boot.

Solution: Use original skins for AIMP3, try to avoid skins with built-in fonts.


AIMP3 has a smart playlist downloader - it downloads the contents of playlists as needed, so you no longer need to worry about how many playlists you have open in the player - the number open playlists no longer affects player loading time.

System Integration Features

When launched, the program integrates into the taskbar - adds an icon to the notification area and expands the functionality of the button on the taskbar (available starting with Windows 7). Depending on the state of “health” and the workload of the OS, these two functions can take up to 10 seconds (!) to complete (in a normal situation, these functions are completed in a fraction of a second).

Solution: Disable these features.
As it was in v2 : AIMP2 also has this feature, however, in it, the extension of the functionality of the button on the taskbar is implemented by a separate plugin, which was disabled by default.

Playback file caching

Caching avoids frequent calls to hard drive as the entire file is played, instead the file is loaded into memory at the time of playback, and then the player plays it from memory. Depending on the size of the buffer, the file can be loaded into memory in whole or in part. The default buffer size is 5 MB (Valid for AIMP3.0 only).

Solution : Set buffer size to 0 (see Settings \ Playback).

CPU load

Animation and graphic effects

With the advent of support for translucent textures and their accompanying effects (background blur, animation, etc.), the skin engine began to require more CPU resources for rendering. Of course, on modern hardware, the difference is practically invisible, but on older systems the difference is significant - the load rises up to 100%.

I've seen tips on the internet to use skins from AIMP2 to get rid of translucency and thereby speed up rendering. In fact, such a solution will not work - the engine is the same and it works with all versions of skins in the same way - the skin engine converts old skins to a new format.

Solution 1: On the “Interface” tab in the program settings, there are options that allow you to disable most graphical gadgets.
Solution 2: Use skins with the fewest moving parts - no signal levels, visualization display, spectrum display, etc.
Solution 3: Disable the ticker animation (see Settings\Templates).


Playlist of modern AIMP versions displays great amount information, respectively, the more information is displayed, the more time it takes to draw it. The heaviest element is information about the track rating (it doesn't matter in what form it is displayed - in graphical or textual form).

Solution: Disable display unnecessary elements playlist (see Settings \ Playlist \ Display settings).

Sound engine settings and sound effects

Undoubtedly, along with graphic effects, sound effects play an important role in the use of processor resources.

I met the opinion that in order to achieve the best sound, you need to set the maximum available quality in the program settings. This is not true . The sound will not get better, of course, the player will try to build the signal up to desired format, but the original, originally recorded in this format, would give much best result. By overestimating the quality of the sound output, you increase the load on the processor. First, when the sampling rate input file does not match the output frequency, the resemler starts working. Secondly, the “higher” the output parameters, the more data passes through the sound engine.

Solution 1: Set the audio output options to match the format of most of your audio files.
Solution 2: Try not to use the equalizer, as well as other sound effects and filters.

Surgical intervention

AIMP is a modular structure - each function / set of functions similar in subject matter is implemented by separate module. Most of the modules are hardcoded in the kernel (AIMP3.dll), however, some modules are placed in separate libraries (DLLs) that are not plug-ins, but which can also be disabled. about them and will be discussed. Straightaway want to warn, what disabling these libraries you do at your own peril and risk.

Audio Converter

If you do not use an audio converter or any of the codecs, you can remove them.

  • AIMP3ac.exe is the main application of the converter.
  • Modules\aimp_libvorbis.dll - OGG encoder. It is used by both the converter and the player for recording radio.
  • Modules\libFLAC.dll - encoder in FLAC format. It is currently used only by the converter.
  • Modules\MACDll.dll – APE encoder. It is currently used only by the converter.
  • Modules\wavpackdll.dll – WavPack encoder. It is currently used only by the converter.
  • Modules\lame_enc.dll – MP3 encoder (installed separately). It is currently used only by the converter.

It is worth noting that of the above components, only one affects the player - the encoder to the OGG format.

Music library

Music library components are integrated into all AIMP components - this helps to ensure that the data in the database is up to date.

  • AIMP3lib.dll is a music library engine that collects statistics and controls the relevance of data in the database. Integrates into all other AIMP applications.
  • AIMP3lib.exe is a browser application for the music library database.

If you do not use the music library, grades and you are not interested in statistics, both of these components can be removed.

Auxiliary modules

I included only one auxiliary module - aimp_mediakeys.dll, this component implements support for multimedia keys for some types of keyboards. If without this file you do not experience problems with multimedia keys, you can safely delete it.

Note: Removed components will be restored after installing an update or reinstalling the program.

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22 thoughts on We optimize to the fullest

  1. Soolo

    Of all the methods listed, I usually used only disabling per-pixel translucency - it significantly reduces the load on WinXP.

  2. Xwansu

    Previously, I disabled various plugins in Winamp so that it loaded faster. And it helped. I haven't used them for a long time. AIMP has 13 input plugins, it would be nice to add them detailed description so that the user does not turn off something necessary. Or is it already in the manual? (I did not find)

    1. Dolmatov Alexey (Alex)

      each plugin under the name has a description in English

      1. Xwansu

        Ok, example. Let's take the first available Speex for the Bass library plugin. Why is it needed, what does it affect, do I need it ... What will happen if I turn it off? Of course, I can google all 13 pieces ...

        1. post author

          Input plugins are responsible for what formats the player can play. This plugin is responsible for the Speex format

          1. Xwansu

            Speex: A Free Codec For Free Speech"
            Those. I can safely turn it off, tk. I don't have Speex files on my PC at all? First time I hear about it 🙂

          2. post author

            Yes, of course =)

          3. Xwansu

            Now it remains to figure out what file formats the remaining plugins are responsible for. There are 13 plugins and 35 supported file extensions.

          4. post author

            see Settings\Plugins, Input tab.

    2. HX
      1. post author

        Read more carefully - 13 plugins =)

        1. HX

          OU! Sorry….

  3. HX