How to get rid of information garbage. Are you also tired of information garbage?

In the age of enormous information flow It is quite difficult for a person to cope with the influx of information, so it is extremely important to learn to choose only what is really important and develop a sense of proportion.

All this goes into huge amount forces, so following the prompts, you can highlight the most relevant at the moment.

This exact comparison of the human brain with an empty attic is put by A. K. Doyle into the mouth of the famous detective Sherlock Holmes:

"It seems to me that human brain is like a small empty attic that you can furnish however you want. A fool will drag any junk he can get his hands on there, and there will be no place to put useful, necessary things, or best case scenario You can’t even get to them among all this rubble. And a smart person carefully selects what he places in his brain attic. He will take only the tools that he needs for his work, but there will be a lot of them, and he will arrange everything in an exemplary order. It’s in vain that people think that this small room has elastic walls and can be stretched as much as they want. I assure you, the time will come when, acquiring something new, you will forget something from the past.”

1. Minimize news consumption

News is the most “littered” type of information. How to get rid of it information garbage? You just have to evaluate the news soberly: they quickly lose relevance. 99% of what you read in the news today will become completely unimportant in a couple of years, and in a hundred years these events will not be remembered at all. They are too overloaded with unnecessary details. Reading the headlines is enough.

2. History or news?

Instead of news, it would be much more useful to consume another type of information, free from unnecessary rubbish: history. The story discards precisely those 99% of the insignificant details that make up the daily news; In addition, the story does not take events out of context, which means it allows us to present a holistic picture of events.

3. Unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions

Naturally, in order to prevent your personal information crisis, you need to reduce the flow of information. The best way to do this is by using extra subscriptions. Ask yourself, how often do you read a particular blog? Does reading it bring any benefit, or does it just take time, leading away from what is really needed?

4. Quotes and excerpts

Quotes and excerpts are a type of information that has high intellectual density. They always give a lot of food for thought. We can say that this is information in its purest form.

5. Read no more than you need to.

This is the main key to effective reading. Why clog your brain? unnecessary information, leaving less and less space for useful things? The most important thing for effective reading is to set a clear goal before you start searching for information. A clear goal helps highlight what is important.

6. Hunt for ideas

Another way effective search information - the pursuit of worthwhile ideas, those that can truly improve your life. All other thoughts simply take up space “in the attic”, crowding out what is truly valuable.

7. Check email no more than twice a day

Email is a veritable “garbage chute” of information on the Internet ( information garbage). Constantly looking at your inbox greatly distracts you from your main work, so it’s better to set certain time periods for yourself during which you are not distracted by email.

8. Don’t skimp on unnecessary information.

Sometimes not wanting to “let go” of useless but funny thoughts, you don’t notice how they take you further and further from the desired topic. In the end, you discover that you have wasted a lot of time on things that are completely unnecessary for you, missing out on something important. Without any pity, leave unnecessary links when looking for something useful - they will definitely lead you far astray.

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The world famous portal Lifehack presented 8 ways to help you get rid of information junk.

In the age of a huge information flow, it is quite difficult for a person to cope with the influx of information, so it is extremely important to learn to choose only what is really important. All this takes a huge amount of effort, so following the prompts, you can highlight the most relevant ones.

1. Minimize news consumption

News is the most “littered” type of information. How to get rid of this information garbage? You just have to evaluate the news soberly: they quickly lose relevance. 99% of what you read in the news today will become completely unimportant in a couple of years, and in a hundred years these events will not be remembered at all. They are too overloaded with unnecessary details. Reading the headlines is enough to keep abreast of events.

2. History or news?

Instead of news, it would be much more useful to consume another type of information, free from unnecessary rubbish: history. The story discards precisely those 99% of the insignificant details that make up the daily news. In addition, the story does not take events out of context, which means it allows us to present a holistic picture of events.

3. Refuse unnecessary subscriptions

Naturally, in order to prevent your personal information crisis, you need to reduce the flow of information. The best way to do this is through extra subscriptions. Ask yourself, how often do you read this or that blog? Does reading it bring any benefit, or does it just take time, leading away from what is really needed?

4. Quotes and theses

Quotes are a type of information that has high intellectual density. They always give a lot of food for thought. We can say that this is information in its purest form.

5. Read no more than necessary

This is the main key to effective reading. Why clog your brain with unnecessary information, leaving less and less space for useful information? The most important thing for effective reading is to set a clear goal before you begin searching for information. A clear goal helps highlight what is important.

6. Hunting for ideas

Another way to effectively search for information is to pursue worthwhile ideas, those that can truly improve your life. All other thoughts like “that would be nice” or “interesting how this is” simply take up space “in the attic”, crowding out what is truly valuable and important.

7. Check email no more than twice a day

E-mail is a real “garbage chute” of information on the Internet (information garbage). Constantly looking at your inbox greatly distracts you from your main task, so it’s better to set certain time periods for yourself during which you are not distracted by email.

8. Don't waste unnecessary information

Sometimes not wanting to “let go” of useless but funny thoughts, you do not notice how they lead you further and further from the desired topic. In the end, you find that you have wasted a lot of time on completely unnecessary things, probably missing something important to you. Skip unnecessary links without any mercy, looking for something useful. Such links will definitely take you far astray.

The world-famous portal Lifehack presented 8 ways to help you get rid of information garbage. In the age of a huge information flow, it is quite difficult for a person to cope with the influx of information, so it is extremely important to learn to choose only what is really important. All this takes a huge amount of effort, so following the prompts, you can highlight the most relevant ones. 1. Minimize news consumption News is the most “littered” type of information. How to get rid of this information garbage? You just have to evaluate the news soberly: they quickly lose relevance. 99% of what you read in the news today becomes completely unimportant in a couple of years, and after a hundred years about these events...

8 ways to protect yourself from information garbage

Hello friends. The Internet age allows us to receive a huge amount of information every day, and in some cases this can be not so much useful as harmful to personal effectiveness.

The reasons are very simple - except useful information we consume large number information “garbage”, and in order to filter out something truly valuable, sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort.

The famous detective Sherlock Holmes in one of the works of A.K. Doyle makes this apt comparison: “... it seems to me that the human brain is like a small empty attic that you can furnish as you like.

A fool will drag in there all the junk he can get his hands on, and there will be nowhere to put useful, necessary things, or at best, you won’t even be able to get to them among all this rubbish.

And a smart person carefully selects what he places in his brain attic. He will take only the tools that he needs for his work, but there will be a lot of them, and he will arrange everything in an exemplary order.

It’s in vain that people think that this small room has elastic walls and they can be stretched as much as they want. I assure you, the time will come when, acquiring something new, you will forget something from the past."

Well, let’s try to “furnish” our “attic” correctly.

So, first moment- minimize news reading. News is the most “littered” type of information. You just have to evaluate them soberly: they quickly lose their relevance. 99% of what you read in the news today will be absolutely unimportant in a couple of years, and in a hundred years these events will not be remembered at all. The news is too overloaded with unnecessary details. IN in this case reading the headlines is enough.

Second point- instead of news, it would be much more useful to study history. The story discards exactly those 99% of the insignificant details that make up the daily news, in addition, the story does not take events out of context, which means it allows us to present a holistic picture of events.

Third point- refuse unnecessary subscriptions. And the best way to do this is through extra subscriptions. Ask yourself, how often do you read a particular blog? Does reading it bring any benefit, or does it just take time, thereby taking you away from what is really needed?

Fourth point- read quotes famous people. Quotes always provide a lot of food for thought. We can say that this is information in its purest form.

Fifth point- read no more than necessary. This is the main key to effective reading. What's the point of littering your brain with unnecessary information, leaving less and less space for useful information? The most important thing for effective reading is to set yourself a clear and precise goal before you begin searching for information. Setting a goal helps highlight the main thing.

Sixth point- pursue worthwhile ideas, those that can truly improve your life. All other thoughts simply take up space, so to speak, “in the attic,” thereby crowding out what is truly valuable.

Seventh point- check your email no more than twice a day. Email is the Internet's garbage disposal for information. Constantly looking at your inbox greatly distracts you from your main work, so it is better to set certain periods of time for yourself during which you will not be distracted by email.

Well, the last one, eighth moment- Don’t waste unnecessary information. Sometimes not wanting to “let go” of useless but funny thoughts, you do not notice how they take you further and further from the desired topic. And in the end, you discover that you spent a lot of time on things that are completely unnecessary for yourself, thereby missing out on something important.

Therefore, without any pity, leave unnecessary sites if you are looking for something useful, because such sites will definitely lead you far astray.

I really hope that using these tips you will be able to rid your head of information junk.

You can get a mind map for this material

“... it seems to me that the human brain is like a small empty attic that you can furnish as you want. A fool will drag in there all the junk he can get his hands on, and there will be nowhere to put useful, necessary things, or at best, you won’t even be able to get to them among all this rubbish.

And a smart person carefully selects what he places in his brain attic. He will take only the tools that he needs for his work, but there will be a lot of them, and he will arrange everything in an exemplary order.

It’s in vain that people think that this small room has elastic walls and they can be stretched as much as they want. I assure you, the time will come when, acquiring something new, you will forget something from the past.”

The Internet age allows us to receive an endless amount of information every day, and in some cases this can be not so much useful as harmful to personal effectiveness. The reasons are very simple - in addition to useful information, we consume an incredible amount information "garbage", and in order to highlight something truly valuable, sometimes it takes a lot of time and effort. This clouds your head and reduces your performance.

Properly “furnish” your “attic” and get rid of information garbage Let's try with these tips:

1. Minimize news consumption

News is the most “littered” type of information. How to get rid of it information garbage? You just have to evaluate the news soberly: they quickly lose relevance. 99% of what you read in the news today will become completely unimportant in a couple of years, and in a hundred years these events will not be remembered at all. They are too overloaded with unnecessary details. Reading the headlines is enough.

2. History or news?

Instead of news, it would be much more useful to consume another type of information, free from unnecessary rubbish: history. The story discards precisely those 99% of the insignificant details that make up the daily news; In addition, the story does not take events out of context, which means it allows us to present a holistic picture of events.

3. Unsubscribe from unnecessary subscriptions

Naturally, in order to prevent your personal information crisis, you need to reduce the flow of information. The best way to do this is by using extra subscriptions. Ask yourself, how often do you read a particular blog? Does reading it bring any benefit, or does it just take time, leading away from what is really needed?


Quotes are a type of information that has high intellectual density. They always give a lot of food for thought. We can say that this is information in its purest form.

5. Read no more than you need to.

This is the main key to effective reading. Why clog your brain with unnecessary information, leaving less and less space for useful information? The most important thing for effective reading is to set a clear goal before you begin searching for information. A clear goal helps highlight what is important.

6. Hunt for ideas

Another way to effectively search for information is to pursue worthwhile ideas, those that can truly improve your life. All other thoughts simply take up space in the attic, crowding out what is truly valuable.

7. Check email no more than twice a day

Email is a veritable “garbage chute” of information on the Internet ( information garbage). Constantly looking at your inbox greatly distracts you from your main work, so it’s better to set certain time periods for yourself during which you are not distracted by email.

8. Don’t skimp on unnecessary information.

Sometimes not wanting to “let go” of useless but funny thoughts, you don’t notice how they take you further and further from the desired topic. In the end, you discover that you have wasted a lot of time on things that are completely unnecessary for you, missing out on something important. Without any pity, leave unnecessary links when looking for something useful - they will definitely lead you far astray.

Translation of the articleEight Tips to Find Your Information Oasis


Finally, I feel like a free person! I go to my mail, and I’m not overjoyed - in the morning there are 40-60 letters in total. These are like this beautiful numbers, compared to what it was! And it was - you won’t believe it, I had to rake more every day. At some point I realized that if I don’t sit at the computer all day and periodically disassemble incoming mail, then this heap of letters will grow exponentially and tomorrow I will definitely be worse than today.

Do you have the same story? Are you also tired of information garbage that just chains you to your computer? Moreover, information garbage makes us dependent and obligated to carry out someone else's tasks.

What is information junk?

Please understand me correctly, information garbage, in in this context, I call that information that is not relevant for solving problems. It’s easy to get bogged down on the Internet if you don’t set rules for yourself and follow them. Otherwise, we will be pushed further and further away from our intended goals. Which is completely wrong.

So let's get started. Let's start with action. For any step, as you know, action is necessary. Even to think.

How to get rid of information garbage?

Step 1. We think. We think about what is of primary and secondary importance for us. For example, for me, my top priorities are: creating my own online store and promoting and promoting the site. Among the secondary, but no less important, are promotion on social networks, creation subscription page, creation of a second website. You can’t imagine, friends, what a difficult step this is - to narrow down everything important and necessary to just 5 positions.

Step 2. We write it down on paper. For example, in a diary.

Step 3. We analyze all mail received via mailing lists to our mailbox and group them by designated positions.

Step 4. We think again. By the way, many of us have a lot of ideas floating around in our heads. different ideas that have a chance of being implemented in the near future. Therefore, highlight mailings that correspond to these ideas and find a place for them in the mail under a title, for example, “For future ideas.”

Step 5. We ruthlessly unsubscribe from all mailings that do not meet certain goals. Don't drift, friends. It's like cutting off a long braid: it's scary, but you know that if you want, you can still grow it. And don’t feel awkward at this moment in relation to the respected authors of the newsletters - they are all very wonderful, both they and their letters and materials, but I assure you, no one will ever be offended by you. Everyone understands that this is a natural process, nothing lasts forever, not even the number of mailing list subscribers.

Step 6. Take a breath and enjoy the moment. Starting tomorrow, the picture in your mail will only make you happy. Nothing superfluous (even very interesting), and everything is to the point. Now you can happily check your email once or twice a day without stress.

Information garbage present not only in the mail, don’t you agree? Your friends on social networks constantly invite you to new groups, comment on posts, to webinars and advertise in the groups you are a member of, affiliate links. Do the same thing in the same sequence that you did in your mail on your social media accounts. Point general cleaning and do only what you consider important and necessary for yourself at this stage time.

Remember when I wrote an article? For busy people is an indispensable service. The only pity is that there you can see news from friends from only two social networks: Facebook and Twitter. But even viewing only two social media, you can take a look at the three-column posts of your friends and quickly cope with viewing the news than doing it one by one in each of them.

And now - the most important thing! Time can be a good incentive for ridding yourself of information junk. Don’t be surprised, not even by the time, but by its absence. When a situation arises that there are only 3-4 hours a day left to work on the Internet, and even then in a tired state after a working day, some internal resources are urgently activated that help develop limiters.

And if you now have a lot of free time to wander aimlessly on the Internet and not get anything done, create an artificial lack of time for yourself, occupy yourself with something else in order to be able to sort everything out, and at the same time save yourself from that , which is not so important today, the so-called information garbage.

Friends, have you read an article about what it is? information garbage, and how to get rid of it, forget about everything about it and subscribe to my newsletter :)) I assure you that my newsletter has nothing to do with information garbage! And where else will you find such useful, and most importantly, effective advice?

Only in the Tips Box for effective person and only for you - the most effective solutions to increase personal effectiveness. Subscribe, you won't go wrong. You now know that you can unsubscribe from any mailing list in one minute. I hope that you won’t have to do this when it comes to the Tip Box. In any case, for my part I will try very hard to prevent this from happening. I will always be glad to see you!

It's up to you, dear readers. Take action!