How to determine VKontakte id. Share information with friends on VKontakte using a special button

After registering on VKontakte, each user receives unique number- id. We will use it for many operations - searching for a person, viewing his photos and videos (see), and much more.

How do we find out the id specific user on VK?

In the first option - a digital value. In the second - the user's nickname, which he set up for his page.

How to find out page id on VK

We go to the page to the right person. When it is open, pay attention to address bar browser. There will be a slash after the link “”. And after it the user id, in the version in which he configured it.

In this version everything is simple. It is enough to copy the numbers after “id”. This will be the desired value.

It’s a little more complicated if a person has set up a nickname - a letter name for a link to his page. You can see an example below.

Of course you can copy the nickname. But for most operations it is not suitable. You need to know exactly the numeric id.

To get it, let's go to a little trick. Click on the user's main photo (see). When it opens for viewing, again pay attention to the address bar. This time we will see the following there.


Here we are interested in the numbers after the text “z=photo...”. The id will be indicated instead of the ellipsis given user in VK. In our example it is "226111938".

How to change VKontakte id

To do this, go to the “My Settings” section. Here we are looking for an item “Your page address”.

Here in the field "Page address", enter the nickname you want to use.

To change the id, click the “Occupy address” button.


Please note that when the id changes, the original digital address your page remains unchanged. And it will be available on both of them. The same method is used to find out your id on VK. It may be useful to you.


The easiest way

Now we will find out your VKontakte ID and show it to you. It's easy.

You will need to give permission so that we can get the ID number. It's safe. You can trust our site; it has existed since 2010. We have almost two million users.

Read more. Other ways to find out your ID

ID (id)- This serial number your VKontakte page. You can find it in the page settings - go to “My Settings” and look at “Your Page Address”. The “Page Number” is also indicated there - if to the letters id add these numbers, then this will also be your ID.

Another way is to open your VK page and look for the link in the address bar of your browser. For example, a link (page address) might look like this:

Here id126494354- this is ID.

If you previously came up with “ beautiful address» page, then the link could be something like this:

If you want to find out the ID of your other page (old), there is a simple way: ask someone with whom you corresponded through that page to find messages from you and click on your avatar or name to open the page. A link to the page will appear in the address bar, for example:

Here id126494354- this is the ID of your page.

Or you can find your old comments somewhere on VKontakte - in the same way, by clicking on your name or avatar, you will find out the address of the page and its ID.

How to find out a friend's ID? How to find out someone else's ID?

Go to this person's page and you will see his ID in the address that the browser shows. If the address is not visible on your phone, you can click on the address bar at the top, select the entire address and paste it somewhere (for example, into a new note). We have already figured out that an ID is part of the address of a person’s page on VK. For example, if the address of someone else's page is like this:

It's here id126494354- this is someone else’s ID. By the way, we know how to find a person by VKontakte ID.

How to find out the link to a VK page? + ID

For example, if a person’s ID is id126494354, then the link to his page will be like this:

The initial part " https://", indicating the access protocol, does not have to be typed. The browser will understand this too. That is, to open a page with this ID, you can simply type in the address bar of your browser:

Clue: when you go to your VK page (or any person’s page) through a browser, at the top of the address bar there will be a link to the page, you can just look at it and find out.

Try Login!

The start page of the site helps not only to find out the ID, but also provides cool opportunities for VKontakte and other sites - for example, you can see which of your friends are online now, whether you have new messages, comments, likes. At the same time, you remain invisible. There is also convenient search, including searching for people and places on the map.

Today the social network VKontakte has huge amount participants. Each of them has its own so-called identification number - user id. Every person who registers on VKontakte receives this id on the network. This number is needed to personalize client data. Despite this, thanks modern capabilities this social network It provides not only free communication with all your acquaintances and the establishment of new connections, but also secret viewing of pages and albums that are protected by privacy settings. It is not necessary to know the exact identification number in order to cross the privacy barrier.

So what is a user id and how do you find it? Three main methods

On at the moment There are several ways to determine the id of any VKontakte user. About them we'll talk lower to more in detail and with illustrative screenshots.

The method works, but not always

Firstly, the first simplest and most familiar way to understand what an id is and how to find it out is to open the user’s own page on the Internet. This action ensures the appearance of an individual link for each social network participant, which contains identification number. For example,"id1234567. The numbers after the letters "id" are the very combination that is needed to view the page the right person, which is hidden.

How to open a picture?

Secondly, in order to understand what a network user id is and recognize it, you need to know about one nuance of the VKontakte social network. This moment prevents the required numerical value from appearing, because instead of the identification number there is immediately a letter value. This can be found quite often. You need to right-click on the vk participant’s avatar, and then select the value that will correspond to your browser, for example:

. “Image properties…” - Opera;

. "Properties" - Internet Explorer;

. "Image Information" - Mozilla Firefox;

. “Open image in new tab” - Google Chrome.

In any case, after clicking the right mouse button and selecting the required value, the same address of the avatar of a particular user appears. For example,"u1234567"/a_a13102c7.jpg. The digital value that is located after the letter “u” is the desired identification number. Now the question “what is id” will not torment you, and you can find it, even if it is hidden. But there is also a 100% method for determining this value, which is described below.

The most effective method

Thirdly, the most accessible and reliable way to find out the id of a VKontakte member is the following. You need to open the page you need to search. After that, click on “Send message”. Then, an identification number will immediately appear on the left side of the browser bar. Along with this, by clicking on the “Send message” function, the action will open in the window. After this, you will be able to see the following expression in the address bar:

You can find out the ID of any user

Over time, certain methods become outdated, but others take their place, no less effective methods how to find out the id of any registered member of the VKontakte social network. Similar interesting secrets will constantly pop up around this site, but you should not be fooled by suspicious free programs- they can cause harm personal computer. Remember this.

Users often find themselves faced with the question of how to find out the ID of a page in VK, and with the advent of short addresses the situation has only become more complicated. This combination of numbers is required when recovering a password, organizing a gift draw, and besides, some applications do not want to work without it. and why it is needed, we discussed in detail in another article, so we will not dwell on this issue here.

However, don’t get lost - the developers have left a few simple loopholes that will make it easy to find the one you need. digital combination.

#1 In the address bar

When faced with the question of how to find out “My ID” (page number, account) of VK, the first step is to check the address bar. You should first open the page of the person whose number is required.

The problem is that often the faceless numbers in the address bar are replaced with short name, so this method does not always work. Since you can find out the digital ID in VK, if you can’t find the word there in a similar way, you will have to look for workarounds. Therefore, if you decide, take all these points into account.

#2 Through settings

This is one of the most simple solutions how to find out your ID (ID) in VK (VKontakte) via phone - mobile application or mobile browser. However, it is also convenient to use on a computer, but we must take into account that in this way you can only obtain information about the account through which you are logged into the social network.

In order to find out the ID, you will need:

  • On top panel Click on your name on the right.
  • Select “Settings” from the drop-down list.

  • Find "Page address". If a word (a short name created by the user) is displayed after the domain name, then you should click “Change”.
  • After this, the inscription “Number” will appear under the column, and next to it a combination of numbers.

  • If you do not need to change the short name, then after copying the necessary information, click “Cancel”.

However, there are other ways to find out the page ID in VK, if instead of numbers there are letters (nickname) - they are suitable for both your account and a third-party account.

By the way. We are sitting here with you and discussing how to find information about the number personal profile. Do you know that knowing this combination of letters and numbers, you can?

#3 Using an avatar

Even if the user has changed the account address, changing the numbers to a nickname, the avatar address still remains tied to the identification number; this feature can be used. To do this you will need:

  1. Open required account and click on the avatar to expand the image to full screen.
  2. Check the address bar: after the text “photo” there is a series of numbers before the underscore - they will be the required ID combination.

In this way, you can use other data from the user page:

  • any pictures from albums (you need to look for the digital combination after the text “album” before the underscore);
  • videos (after the text “videos” before the question mark);
  • posts on the wall (after “wall” before the underscore);
  • audio recordings (after “audios”);

Another way to see another person’s VK ID is to press the button "Write a message" or open already existing dialogue. It is not necessary to send a text, just check the address bar: after the text “sel=” there is necessary information.

Some accounts are completely closed to unauthorized users, so before you can determine the user ID in VK, you will have to log in or register.

#4 Opening the page code

You can also find out the digital identifier by looking at the page code; for this you will need:

  • Open the user account whose number you want to find out.
  • Click right click mouse anywhere on the page and find "View code".
  • The digital identifier will appear many times; the search function will help speed up the search process. You need to press Ctrl+F and enter, for example, page_avatar in the search window - the necessary numbers will be next to the text.

This is not the easiest option for finding out a person’s ID in VK: you have to search for where the necessary information is located manually. Additional complexity arises if the search is carried out using a third-party account: the code contains both the account number under which you are logged in and the number of the account that is currently open in the browser.

#5 By phone number

There is currently no separate way to find out the VK user ID of someone else’s page by phone number. But you can try to find a user on a social network by mobile number, and then use one of the proposed methods: through the address bar, the address of an avatar (post, photo, video) or using the page code.

How to quickly find out an ID is a special question that arises among many network users. An individual ID is a special identification and strictly individual number page belonging to a user on the VKontakte network. It is given immediately after completion official registration on the website. Below we will tell you how to find out the VK page ID of yours and the friends you are looking for.

The need to determine ID arises from the fact that many users, instead of ordinary numbers, decide to make a number in the form interesting nickname or your name. When using them, users very often forget their previous ID. Before you answer, how to quickly find out for yourself this number, you need to know that personal number The ID is given not only to users, but to public pages, various posts and photos. You cannot change the ID, only replace its main components.

To find out your VKontakte ID yourself and very quickly, you will need to go to your personal page.

Then you need to pay close attention to the main address bar in the browser you are using.

After the “/” sign in the line, the ID number follows, which is what you needed to find out. There are more complex methods, they are worth studying if the developers at VKontakte accept certain changes.

How to find out the page ID in VK if there are letters instead of numbers?

Here you need to find the tab with the main settings and activate it. Having gone through the points to the end, you need to find the line “Page number” or its address. WITH right side A numeric code will appear, which is the personal ID assigned during registration.

Important! Once the ID number has become known, it is worth saving it by writing down the numbers in a notepad. A saved ID is very convenient.

It will be much easier for a person to find a user by this number; he will not have to spend a lot of time searching for a user by name and city.

How to find out the IDs of friends in contact?

If necessary, you can determine not only your ID and your friends. Except operational method viewing the number in the address bar, other methods can be used. This is especially true if the user has changed the digital number to a name or personal unique nickname, that is, if there are letters instead of numbers. Here are a few popular ways getting an ID number:

  1. You need to open the account you are looking for in a regular browser, examine the address bar, that is, the digital data coming after indicators such as
  2. It is permissible to use the special LinkApp application. If you wish, you can download it from the link In the link that opens, you need to enter the user's nickname, which he set instead of numbers, click on “Find out” and immediately receive his ID number.
  3. You can find out your ID by looking at your avatar. Just click on the photo representing the profile of the person you are looking for and look again at the address bar. The numbers located between the word “photo” and special sign“_”, the required ID number is displayed.
  4. The ID is recognized from the information on the wall. If the information on the wall is not hidden from the searcher, you will need to click on the number when the post was posted. The ID number will be located between the “wall” and “_” signs.
  5. It is possible to use regular messages. You will need to click on the “send messages” function, sending it to the person whose ID you want to know. Immediately after opening the section with a conversation with the user, a link similar to this will open -, where the extreme characters are the ID.
  6. The user can log in to his personal individual page what you are looking for. The page code opens. To solve the question of how to view ID in VK, you will need to press the key combination “CTRL” + “U”. If the keyboard shortcut does not open required code, you can use the button on the mouse and act through the search line, where information is indicated under the category “View page code”.

Similar methods are used to check the user ID number or a specific selected object on the network. This is very convenient for many users who are forced to search and process daily large number information.

How to view your VKontakte ID from your phone?

If desired, the personal ID can also be found through access to VKontakte from the phone browser. The number is determined from regular string addresses. If, instead of the usual numbers, attention is revealed beautiful name, you can easily use any of the methods presented to your attention. You can use the community avatar, posts on the wall, and you can also launch special applications.

Through the phone you can find out not only the user ID, but also photos, recordings and numerous posts. To determine their identification number, you will need to open the object you are looking for, click on it and examine the address, which will automatically open in the address bar.

After the appropriate designation of the object, for example, “photo”, immediately number goes ID.

The room is twice as long as usual. The first half is the ID of the user who posted the object, the second is the number of the photo, post or entry itself.


The methods listed above will only allow you to find out the ID number of VK users and the information that interests a person in the form of photos and stories that he posts. Important data such as phone number, login, IP and mailbox impossible to know.