How to roll back the system to a specific date. How to create a restore point in Windows and perform a system rollback

Microsoft programmers have provided a convenient opportunity to roll back Windows 7 to the state before the day of the failure.

In what cases is it necessary to roll back Windows 7?

This is a last resort, because... refers to the way the system is debugged. Performed in cases of incorrect installation of applications that caused Windows to crash. It often happens that it is necessary to roll back the entire OS due to failures in only one specific software, which does not directly affect the functioning of Windows 7 as a whole, but is a very important utility for the user.

An example of such a program would be a licensed office, which is required for the daily work of the computer owner and, moreover, the purchase of which was spent on financial resources. There can be many such examples. A Windows rollback will entail returning all software to its original state, as it was on the day the restore point was created. The system rollback procedure is not difficult to do, and it does not take a significant amount of time.

The essence of the OS recovery procedure

The rollback principle is based on the operating system creating special restore points. To roll back, the computer owner needs to take several simple sequential steps described below. Carrying out the procedure is not difficult.

Restore points

This is what the saved versions of Windows were called. This process is carried out during the normal functioning of the operating system, which stores its state in memory during normal operation and makes a mark in order to return to it when errors occur.

Step-by-step OS recovery guide

The process does not require the use of specially installed individual applications, since the entire procedure is carried out using Windows 7 tools.

Where to start?

You will need to do the following:

How to choose a restore point?

After completing the initial four steps, a special menu will appear for the user to determine the OS restore point. In this menu, the algorithm for performing actions is as follows:

When performing the Windows 7 rollback procedure, it is not allowed to turn off or restart the PC, otherwise this will lead to the permanent deletion of all information from the system partition, because You may have to completely reinstall the OS.


Using the above guide, rolling back the OS will not be difficult even for an inexperienced user. If the computer owner is unable to do the above steps on his own, it is recommended to contact customer service.

It should be noted that there is no strict sequence of necessary steps that must be taken when there are no OS restore points. But, when the reason lies in the incorrect functioning of the drivers, it makes sense to take advantage of the opportunity to switch to the latest working version when starting the operating system.

System rollback Windows 7 is a standard recovery procedure that allows you to return a working configuration in the event of software errors. When you use this tool, you return the system to a state where it was working correctly; all changes made after the selected restore point are lost.

System rollback in Windows environment

Before we begin to figure out how to roll back a Windows 7 system, it is necessary to note important factor: To perform this procedure, you must have the checkpointing feature activated.

To activate the recovery function:

The more space you allocate for recovery points, the more options you will have for system rollback. However, there is no need to be zealous, because you are taking up free space on the hard drive.

If the feature has been enabled before (it's always enabled by default), then you can rollback to a previous working configuration:

A warning will appear on the screen that the recovery process cannot be stopped. Click Yes to continue and wait for the computer to restart.

Users often ask how to roll back the system to a day ago. This can be done if a control point was previously created for this date. If there is no restore point, then it will not be possible to return yesterday’s configuration.

Using Safe Mode to Roll Back the System

Now let's see how to roll back a Windows 7 system if it stops working correctly: for example, . In this case, “ ” will help you, which launches in the menu for selecting boot options ( - F 8 immediately after turning on the computer).

The desktop in safe mode will have a slightly different appearance than usual, since all visual effects will be disabled. However, you can find the “System Restore” function and use it in the same way as when you normally boot Windows - through the “Start” menu.

If Windows refuses to boot even in safe mode, you can roll back the system to a specific date using installation media. You can find out more about this procedure in the article about. In this case, system rollback is carried out according to the same scheme: you find a suitable checkpoint and return the computer to a working configuration.

Surely each of you has encountered a situation when the operating system of your PC suddenly began to glitch or stopped working altogether. This happens for various reasons: the consequences of viruses, system errors, failures that occur when the PC is turned off incorrectly, etc. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is the process of reinstalling the OS, as well as the likelihood of complete loss of personal data. To avoid this, every self-respecting PC user should know how to perform a system restore on Windows 7.

Before proceeding directly to the recovery process, it is perhaps worth explaining to those who are not yet aware of what it is all about. From time to time, your system automatically makes a kind of self-save, which is stored in a compressed format. When you have certain problems with it, you can use the recovery function and load this same save, thereby returning the files to the state in which they were at the time of its creation.

Simply put, you roll back all system files to a few days, weeks or months ago (depending on when the last restore point was created), allowing you to return to the moment when problems with your computer did not yet exist and prevent them from occurring. Unfortunately, all files that were downloaded, installed or created on your PC during this time will disappear. But you will be able to save everything that was on the computer at the time of saving.

How to perform a system restore on Windows 7 using the system utility

The easiest option to restore data from the Windows 7 operating system is to use the system utility built into it. Here's how to do it:

This recovery option is the simplest, however, it has one significant drawback - it can only be used if your computer is functioning normally. You will learn further about how to roll back a Windows 7 system if you cannot boot your computer normally.

Reverting the system from safe mode

If the system files on your PC are so damaged that it is impossible to boot it normally, you can try starting Safe Mode and rolling back from it. How to do this? The first thing you need to do is, of course, turn on the system in safe mode. Typically, if system files are damaged, your computer will automatically prompt you to sign in to Safe Mode at startup. But if this does not happen for you, then immediately after turning on the PC you should click on “ F8”, after which the options will definitely appear on your screen. Then everything is done as in the previous instructions.

As you can see, this method is not much more complicated than the previous one, and differs by only one action. Of course, it is also not always possible to start the system in safe mode, and therefore there is a way to restore the system on Windows 7 without directly starting it.

Restoring the OS via BIOS

This method should be used only as a last resort, as it is quite complex and requires a pre-created boot disk. If you don’t have this, then you won’t be able to restore the system on Win 7 through the BIOS.

If you have it, then here's what you need to do:

This method, if you have a prepared disk, will allow you to reliably return your system to working condition.

The easiest way to restore the system on Windows 7: video

As you can see, restoring the system is no more difficult than reinstalling it again, but it is certainly much more convenient. This way, you can keep all your data and files virtually untouched. Therefore, every user should know how to perform a system restore on Windows 7. And of course, don’t forget about creating timely restore points (except automatic ones).

Has your computer or laptop started to glitch badly? Or doesn't it turn on at all? First of all, try restoring the Windows 7 OS system. The operation takes 10-15 minutes, but it can really help. Indeed, in this case, the Windows 7 system is rolled back to a couple of days ago, when the PC or laptop was still working perfectly.

This is an operation during which all settings and system files are restored from a backup created by Windows. That is, if you accidentally deleted important files or changed settings (for example, installed a new driver), and after that the computer began to slow down (or did not turn on at all), then this can be corrected. It's at least worth a try.

Restoring to a previous version of Windows is carried out using checkpoints that are created every week, as well as after making any changes (installing or removing programs). Typically, this feature is enabled automatically. Plus you can create control points manually.

There are at least 3 ways:

  • Windows means;
  • via safe mode;
  • using a flash drive with Windows 7.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

When you downgrade Windows 7, all your personal files will remain in place. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this.

But there is one nuance here. During recovery, files recorded between today and the day to which you decide to roll back may be lost. Therefore, if you recently (today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, etc.) downloaded important documents onto your PC, it is better to save them to a flash drive. Just in case.

How to return the system back using Windows 7?

The first way to roll back Windows 7 is through the OS itself. But it is only suitable if your PC or laptop turns on. It doesn’t matter if it glitches or freezes, the main thing is that you can load the desktop.

So, do the following:

After this, the Windows 7 system rollback will begin. When the operation is completed, the computer or laptop will reboot and you will see a message that everything was successful.

If this doesn't help, try enabling Windows 7 recovery by selecting a different checkpoint. But in this case, you will need to check the box “Select another point” and click “Next”. And after that, the familiar window from step 4 will open.

Restoring the OS through Safe Mode

If your PC or laptop does not turn on at all, then you can try restoring Windows 7 startup in safe mode. To do this, when turning on (or restarting) the PC, press the F8 key repeatedly until the menu appears. Next, select “Safe Mode” and click Enter.

However, there are some nuances associated with different versions of Windows. Therefore, to avoid any difficulties, I recommend that you read –?

You wait until the computer or laptop turns on, and after that you perform all the same steps as in the previous option. That is, to roll back the Windows 7 system, follow steps 1 to 7 described above.

And the third method: recovery from a flash drive (or disk) with installation files

The disadvantage of this option is that you need to write it to a Windows flash drive, which is on your computer or laptop. And the plus is that in this way you can try to return the Windows 7 system, even when the PC does not turn on and safe mode does not start. That is, this is your last chance.

If you did everything correctly, the Windows 7 installation window will open.

Wait until the procedure is completed and click on “Reboot”. Then immediately remove the flash drive from the connector (or the disk from the drive), after which the PC should turn on in the usual way.

By the way, restoring Windows on a laptop and computer is the same. So you can try any method you choose.

That's it. Now you know how to roll back a Windows 7 system. I hope one of the 3 methods will work and you will be able to restore the functionality of your PC or laptop.

It often happens that after downloading some malicious program or a file infected with a virus, important system data is damaged or deleted, as a result of which the PC begins to work worse or not work at all. In this case, a rollback will help correct the situation.

What is this?

A rollback (the system name for this function is data recovery) is a return of the operating system to a restore point that was created before a problem occurred due to damage to the OS or its individual components. There are plenty of reasons why it could be damaged:

  1. A system file can be “eaten” by a virus, after which the OS refuses to work. Or it is simply infected with a virus program, after which it is blocked or deleted by an antivirus.
  2. An important component was deleted by the user accidentally or out of ignorance.
  3. There was an installed third-party program that harmed the operating system.
  4. The downloaded Windows updates began to conflict with the old ones, as a result of which the computer began to slow down and work worse.

We can say that a rollback is like for the user, because it is able to return Windows 7 to its normal state. In this case, you do not have to reinstall it.

Restoring the system

Go to Start // All Programs // Accessories // System Tools and click on “System Restore”.

If you are interested in which programs will disappear, click on the “Search for affected programs” button. We move on and begin the rollback. This will put the OS in order, but some utilities or drivers will need to be reinstalled.

Via Safe Mode

It often happens that some error occurs during startup, so it is not possible to load the desktop and roll back the settings. Therefore, you can log in using

We restart the computer and before loading Windows 7, press the F8 key. It is worth noting that on some laptops the F1-12 keys are activated only in combination with the Fn switch button (in most cases you can find it at the bottom left). In this case, you should hold down Fn and press F8.

From the list of functions that appears, select “Safe Mode”. Don't be afraid of a screen resolution of 600x400 or 800x600, this is normal. Next, find the program in “Start” and follow the previous instructions on how to rollback.

Using a boot disk

It happens when you can’t log into your computer using “Safe Mode,” and, accordingly, it’s impossible to roll back. This can be solved quite simply by using a boot disk. All you need is to have it. Insert the boot disk into the disk drive and restart the computer. If the drive is not a priority, that is, it is not in first place in the priority startup list, go to the Boot section in the BIOS and put it in first place, save and exit from there. When the Windows 7 “installer” starts, set the language to Russian (although another is possible) and click on the “System Restore” inscription located at the bottom left. From the list, again select “System Restore”, after which we go through the already known procedure and roll back updates and settings.

By the way, if you have a bootable flash drive, the treatment procedure is the same, only you will need to put it in boot priority.

Create a restore point

It is possible to restore the computer's operation only if there is a saved one. If it is not there, this is a problem, since it will be impossible to roll back. Therefore it is necessary to create it.

Right-click on the “My Computer” shortcut (if there is no such thing on your desktop, then open the “Start” menu and do it there) and select “Properties”.

In the “Toolbar” on the right side, click on the “System Protection” section and look at the plate where the disks are displayed.

If there is an “Enabled” inscription next to some disk (mostly the system one), then there is no need to worry, since there is a function for saving the return point. If it’s “Disabled”, click “Configure”. There we put the switch on the item “Restore system settings and previous versions of files”. And from below we select the size of the disk space (it is advisable to take at least 1.5-2 GB). Click “Apply” and “OK”. You can also create a return label manually. To do this, click “Create”, name it somehow, and you’re done.

Now a copy of the system will be saved from time to time, and it will be possible to roll back. This is good news. But there is a small nuance. Protection settings will be saved primarily before installing some programs and will be constantly replaced when there is not enough space for new saves. Therefore, it is better to allocate 5-10 gigabytes for this operation (it all depends on the capabilities of the disk), so that there are more tags with an earlier date in the list for return.

Automatic creation

You can ensure that recovery data is saved strictly according to schedule. The easiest way to do it is this way:

  • Press Win+R or open “Start” and write “Run” in the search.
  • Write taskschd.msc in the line and click OK. The scheduler will open.
  • In the tree on the left side, open Library\\Microsoft\\Windows\\SystemRestore. Double click on the SR file.

  • Go to the “Triggers” tab, select the one you need and click edit. Here we configure the schedule at our discretion (for example, set one trigger to be created weekly every Saturday at 0 o’clock, and the second - when the computer is turned on).
  • Next, go to the “Conditions” tab and set up some conditions for creating an automatic save point. If you don't need them, you can disable them.

Now you don’t have to worry about having a restore point or how to roll back the system to Windows.