How to use numbering in word. Working with graphic objects

A list in Word is called an enumeration certain elements, which are accompanied by special characters (markers) or numbers. Lists are divided into types: bulleted, numbered, multi-level. Bulleted and numbered lists can be created using the Formatting buttons and using the Menu command: Format – List. The d/o that appears has 3 tabs: bulleted list, numbered, multi-level. Entering the list can be done by command or automatically. To automatically create a bulleted list, just start writing a line by entering the * symbol. When you complete the line and press Enter, the * symbol will automatically be replaced by a bullet. For automatic creation For a numbered list, just start the line with a number, followed by a period and a space. To complete a bulleted or numbered list and exit the creation mode, simply press Enter twice after completing the last line.

Working with graphic objects. Drawing in MS WORD.

IN Word documents 2 types can be inserted graphic objects: drawings and images. Drawings are vector objects(straight and curved lines, geometric shapes). Typical example vector image- drawing. Images are raster graphic objects that are inserted into a document using the Insert – Drawing – From File command. This command opens the standard Insert Picture window, in which you select a file containing an image. To work with vector drawings, use the toolbar: Drawing: View – Toolbar – Drawing. Drawing objects may contain text elements: headings, alphabetic or numerical symbols on diagrams and drawings. To create text elements, use the command: Caption (Insert – Caption). Having created an autoshape, an inscription is created next to it. More complex designs are created by combining simple designs. Several simple objects are grouped into one using the command Grouping – Group. For grouping, objects must be selected. There are ready-made libraries (collections) of drawings (cliparts). To insert clipart, use the Insert – Drawing – Pictures command.

MS Excel.

General characteristics And functionality MS Excel.

You have to deal with extensive tables containing both initial data and calculation results in many areas of life. In particular, this applies to all types of financial and accounting activities. Previously, such tables were kept manually: the original data was entered, the derivatives were calculated on adding machines, and the table itself looked like a large, lined sheet of paper (statement), or was stored in the form of a card index. A spreadsheet is the computer equivalent regular table. The cells of this table contain data various types: numbers, texts, dates, formulas. This is the most common and powerful information technology For professional work with data. Computer programs, designed for managing a spreadsheet, storing and processing data in tabular form, are called table processors.

The main advantage of a spreadsheet is the ability to instantly recalculate all data related by formula dependencies when the source data changes.

Launch Microsoft Excel For Microsoft launch Excel, click Start. Select the Programs command from the Start menu, and then the Microsoft Excel command from the Programs submenu. You can also click the Microsoft Excel button on the panel Microsoft tools Office. Spreadsheet processor workspace Each file (document) in Microsoft Excel is a set of tables - workbook, which consists of one or more worksheets. The worksheet is a separate table. You can add or remove worksheets. You can open several workbooks (files) at the same time. Microsoft Screen Excel contains five areas: the menu bar, toolbars, formula bar, workbook window (one or more), and status bar. Collectively, these five areas are called the work area. Microsoft area Excel.

Basic Concepts spreadsheets. Workbook and worksheet. Lines. Columns. Cells.

A spreadsheet is the computer equivalent of a regular spreadsheet. The cells (cells) of this table contain data of various types: numbers, texts, dates, formulas. This is the most widespread and powerful information technology for professional work with data. Computer programs designed to manage a spreadsheet, store and process data in tabular form are called table processors. The main advantage of a spreadsheet is the ability to instantly recalculate all data related by formula dependencies when the source data changes. Each file (document) in Microsoft Excel is a set of tables - a workbook, which consists of one or more worksheets. The worksheet is a separate table. You can add or remove worksheets. You can open several workbooks (files) at the same time. The Microsoft Excel screen contains five areas: the menu bar, toolbars, formula bar, workbook window (one or more), and the status bar. Collectively, these five areas are called the Microsoft Excel workspace. The worksheet is divided into rows and columns by a grid. Row names are their numbers. The line numbering varies from 1 to 65,536. The column headings are the letters of the Latin alphabet, first from A to Z, then from AA to AZ, BA to returns value, etc. before returns the value. There are 256 columns in total. The intersection of a row and a column forms a table cell that has its own unique address. To specify cell addresses in formulas, references are used (for example, A2 or C4). Cells can be deleted, copied or moved. The contents of the current (active) cell are displayed in the formula bar. The status bar (status line) displays information about the state of the MS Excel workspace.

Entering information into table cells. The concept of the current cell, range of cells. Cells and their addressing in MS Excel.

A cell is the area defined by the intersection of a column and a row of a spreadsheet.

The worksheet is divided into rows and columns by a grid. Row names are their numbers. The line numbering varies from 1 to 65,536. The column headings are the letters of the Latin alphabet, first from A to Z, then from AA to AZ, BA to returns a value of 256 columns in total. The intersection of a row and a column forms a table cell that has its own unique address. One of the cells in the worksheet is the current (active) cell. The current cell is highlighted with a wide border, and its contents (and number) are shown in the formula bar. Data in Microsoft program Excel always enters into the current cell. In addition to the concept of a cell, there is the concept of a range (block) of cells, which also has its own unique address. A range (block) of cells is a group of consecutive cells. A range of cells can be a row or part of a row, a column or part of a column, or a rectangle consisting of several rows and columns or parts thereof. The address of a range of cells is specified by specifying the address of the upper left cell and the lower right cell, between which the separating character ":" - (colon) is placed. For example: A4:G8, D3:D5, C2:F2, B:G, 3:6.

Data types in MS Excel.

Each cell can contain a number, text, or a formula. Numerical values\\\ You can enter only numbers from 0-9 and certain symbols in a cell, such as + , -, E, e, (), . , %, /, for example\\\ 123, -24, 10%, (15),

You can also use various formats for presenting data within a table\\general format, number format, percentage, monetary and financial formats, exponential format (mantissa, order of number), fractional format (2/4). Text data\\\ place the cursor in the desired cell and enter the text from the keyboard. May include They may include alphabetical, numeric and special characters. If you need to enter a number as character string, their first character is an apostrophe. Date and time\\\Most of the functions in this category are responsible for converting date and time into various formats. Two special functions TODAY and TDATE insert the current date (first) and date and time (second) into the cell, updating them each time the file is called or any changes are made to the table. It’s worth having such a cell in invoice forms, the most important price lists, some standard contracts \\ we just print the file, and the date is entered on its own. Formulas \\\ The table can contain both source and derived data. The advantage of spreadsheets is that they allow you to organize the automatic calculation of derived data. For this purpose, formulas are used in table cells. Excel program treats the contents of a cell as a formula if it begins with an equal sign (=). Thus, to start entering a formula into a cell, just press the “=” key. If a table cell contains derived data, you should enter a formula that calculates it. A formula can include a number of arithmetic, logical and other operations performed on data from other cells. The formulas use the following arithmetic operators.

Creating numbered lists

Each subsequent version of Word has been improved. But the basic methods for creating lists remained the same. Below are instructions based on Word 2010.

In the process of writing

The list can be created immediately as you write the text.

The number "1" will appear.

Instead, you can type one and a dot on the keyboard.

Fill out the information for the first bullet point.

Press the Enter key and the next list number will appear on a new line.

Continue the numbered list in this manner until it is completed.

In the finished text

The list is also created when editing the written text.

The only condition is that each item in the future list in Word must begin with a red line.

Select the text you plan for the list and click the “Numbering” button that you learned about in the first option.

Each item will receive a serial number.

Creating Bullet Lists

You can make a bulleted list in Word in the same way as a numbered one: while writing text or while it is being edited. The difference is that you need to press a different button: “Markers”.

It is possible to adjust the appearance of markers. To do this, select them and right-click with the mouse. IN context menu that appears, go to “Markers” and select the one you like.

There are even pictures available instead of icons. To do this, go below the proposed options and click “Define a new marker.”

A window will pop up where you click “Drawing”.

In the next window, find the appropriate image and click it.

To save everything, click “OK” in both windows.

If instead of “Drawing” you click the button next to it, called “Symbol”, then you can assign an arrow, a letter of the Latin alphabet, or another icon as a marker.

Multi-level list

With the help Word tools a complex list with several levels of subordination is done quickly.

First way

First, prepare the text for the list. Place each paragraph in a paragraph, and if it is subordinate to the previous one, then indent it before it. You need to press the spacebar three times. But once or twice will not give results.

To move an item to the third level, you will have to press the spacebar six times.

When you have formed a structure similar to the one in the screenshot above, select the text in Word and click “Multi-level list”.

The following signs are used for subordination levels:

1.Roman numerals, capital letters- highest level.

2.Then come Arabic numerals.

3.Lowest level - lowercase letters and symbols.

On higher levels a dot is used after the number (letter) numbering the item. There is also a period at the end.

If the item refers to lower level, then its number (lowercase letter or Arabic numeral) is separated from the text by a bracket. This item, as well as the one marked with a marker, begins with lowercase letter and ends with a comma or semicolon.

Any list ends with a period.

Second way

If in Word you did not separate subordinate items with a space, then after clicking the “Multi-level lists” button you will receive a homogeneous list. To correct it, select the items at the bottom level and click “Numbered...” or “Bulleted lists.”

In the menu that opens, click “Change level...” and select the desired option.

Having gone through the entire list in this way, you will get the same result as in the first method.

Third way

Create multiple list levels in Word is faster exits with the Tab key. Just press it after highlighting the required lines, and the view is transformed in seconds.

This moves the selected item to any level.

How to return to as before?

When you create numbered and bulleted lists, you have to edit them. If you see what you did wrong, you can return to the previous view or change the level desired item. To do this, use the following methods:

1.Press the key combination Ctrl+Z, which corresponds to undoing actions. Do this repeatedly if you need to go back a few steps.

Listings in text documents necessary. These are far from the most important components, but they play a certain role in editing and designing the text. Therefore, it is useful to learn exactly how multi-level lists are created and what features you should pay attention to. About how it is created multilevel list in Word, read on. Secrets and recommendations are presented to your attention in the article.

Use in practice

Various lists in Word are not the main component. Nevertheless, users very often use them. Labeling helps visually highlight the right moments in the text that you need to pay attention to.

In general, a multi-level list is the most difficult option. In addition to it, Word also has numbered and bulleted ones. In practice they are much more common. The first ones are used for information that is of the same type and can be numbered. The latter are needed for listing or data that is not subject to numbering.

But a multi-level list is a list of numbered or bulleted components. It is typically used for complex classification and organization of data. Most users do not work with such hierarchical lists, but this does not preclude the possibility of creating them. What if you need to make one or another type of list?

Markers and their uses

So, the first and easiest option is to edit existing text. It turns out that formatting and creating lists is much easier than some users think. Especially if we're talking about about their primitive forms - marked or numbered.

First you need to type a small text of several lines in size where you plan to mark. After this, select the area that should be converted into a list. Now right-click and select the item called “List” from the menu that appears. Then go to the "Marked" tab. All that remains is to select an option from the available templates and click on the “OK” button.

Numbered list

Now you should learn how to create numbered lists, as they will help you better understand hierarchical lists. In principle, creating a numbered list is not difficult. The process is no different from the previously proposed option.

Again, type the text and select the area intended for design. Then by right-clicking and selecting “List” you can continue your plan. In the window that appears, go to the “Numbered” tab and select one of the proposed design templates there. Confirm your choice - and it's done.

But you need to know that these methods are easily implemented in older versions of MS Office. It is these methods that help in this program to easily format the text in the form of one or another list.

Multi-level list: execution nuances

What else is worth paying attention to? The point is that in different Office versions lists are implemented in a variety of ways. This is due to changes that the Word interface has undergone.

What does computer science say about the creation of such an object as a list? A multi-level list in older versions of Word can appear without problems in already printed text. That is, you will have to perform all of the above manipulations. Namely:

  • print text;
  • select the desired area;
  • select the “List” item after right-clicking on the selected area;
  • go to the “Multi-level” tab and select a design style;
  • Click on “OK” and confirm your choice.

However, depending on the selected list style, you will see either bulleted or simply numbered lines. This is normal because you must set the level yourself.

Setting levels

How exactly to do this? A multi-level list in Word is not created automatically: you have to first establish a hierarchy and then deal with the levels. But this task is quite easy to accomplish if you know the algorithm.

How can you create a multi-level list? After performing the above manipulations, you need to place the cursor at the beginning of the line, which should be “moved” and given the status of a sub-item. Next you will have to click on Tab key(tabulator) on the keyboard. You will notice how the line has shifted to the right, resulting in a new level.

Using the tabulator, you can create sub-items in the corresponding lists. One click - shift one level. To return to the previous position, simply remove the resulting shift-space. To do this, use the Backspace key.


Lists (numbered, bulleted, and multi-level) are created in Word in several ways. We examined the first one in detail. But how else can you cope with the task?

Regardless of what type of lists you need, there is another method for creating them. True, it is most easily implemented in older versions of MS Office. This option does not work in Word 2010. This is due to changes that have occurred to the program interface. Therefore, we will have to consider more early versions, and new ones.

The algorithm of actions in older releases of the application is extremely simple. Creating a multi-level list occurs through the use of the taskbar. Find the “Format” item there, having previously selected the area required for editing. You will see a long list of possible operations. In it, click on the already familiar item - “List”.

Now in the window that appears, select the desired tab (labeled, numbered or multi-level) and ready style design the list, and then save the changes. That's it. This is how they usually work in Word 2003. Although this is an old, but familiar program for editing and creating text documents.

Keys as a formatting tool

The following option is suitable for all Word. It doesn’t matter which version of “The Office” you have - you can bring your idea to life without special problems. True, not everyone knows this option solving the problem. Usually it comes to life while writing the text.

At the beginning of the line you need to put the following sign “*” (asterisk), and then start writing text. When you switch to new line, you will see that the result is a bulleted list. Now finish writing all the points and sub-points that apply.

All that remains is to create the required number of levels. To do this, use the Tab key again: place the cursor at the beginning of the future sub-item, and then click on the indicated button. The result is a hierarchical list. Similar manipulations should be done with all formatted text.

What if you need to create a multi-level numbered list? To do this, at the beginning of the line, type not “*”, but a unit with a dot and a space. As before, simply create all the list text and then use Tab to set the levels. This universal method creating hierarchical lists from text while typing it.

Adding elements

How to add new elements to a ready-made list? To shift a line one level down, use Tab. How to create a line if you are working with text that is just being typed?

In this case, simply press the Enter key when you finish typing. In simple words- go to a new paragraph, but do not use the keyboard shortcut to break a line.

New MS versions

What to do if you work in later versions of Word? For example, in those that followed the familiar “Office 2003”? In this case, you can use the above method, but it is not popular, because sometimes editing the list can take up to several hours.

Therefore, it is better to use the capabilities designed for finished text. While in Word 2010 or 2007, select the entire fragment that you want to format as a multi-level list. Next, go to the “Home” → “Paragraph” tab. Now all the necessary items will be right here.

In the panel that appears, select the right button: for clarity, there is a thumbnail of a list with several levels. This is exactly what you need. The section of text you have selected will be formatted using the template that appears automatically. You will have to create levels yourself using Tab.

By the way, they are numbered and are also done using the “Paragraph” section. You just need to click on the corresponding button on the panel. The first is usually used for marking, and the second for numbering.

Style selection

In Word 2010 or Word 2007, you can also immediately choose the design style of your multi-level list. How to do this? To do this, go to the “Home” tab, and there find the “Paragraph” sub-item. This area contains buttons for managing lists, or rather creating them.

To select the style you are interested in, you will need to click exactly on the arrow on the right side of each button. All sorts of ready-made templates will immediately appear on the screen. They are available for both hierarchical lists and ordinary ones. Next, click on the desired template.


The peculiarities of the task do not end there. The fact is that styles - examples of multi-level lists, as well as numbered and bulleted ones, shown when choosing a template - can be edited. You can even create your own versions in Word!

You will have to show attentiveness and even imagination. You should go to Word 2007 (or 2010) to the “Home” tab, and then find “Paragraph” there. Now click on the small arrow at the bottom right of the bulleted list icon.

A small list will appear in front of you ready-made templates. To create own style, click at the bottom of the window on the inscription “Define new”. You will now see a field in which you will have to independently configure the style of the levels in the list. You can insert any image as a bullet or simply use numbering in one style or another.

Next, all that remains is to create your own style for the future hierarchical list, and then format the text using the Tab button on the keyboard. This is perhaps the most difficult thing to create of this object. shown in the images were created using ready-made templates. But you are able to choose for yourself appearance these lists.

In general, style settings can be done, as already mentioned, for regular lists: marked or numbered. In the first case, you can even set a photo as a marker. But it is not recommended to do this, since the object will be reduced to a certain size. This means that no one will see the image in the photo. Therefore, it is advisable to use either pictures (small ones) or ready-made templates.

The article suggested possible ways creating lists that can help both in work and in the daily activities of the average PC user.

A multi-level list is a list that contains items indented at different levels. In the program Microsoft Word There is a built-in collection of lists from which the user can choose the appropriate style. Also, in Word you can create new styles of multi-level lists yourself.

1. Click in the place in the document where you want the multi-level list to begin.

2. Click on the button “Multi-level list” located in the group "Paragraph"(tab “Home”).

3. Select your favorite multi-level list style from those presented in the collection.

4. Enter list items. To change the hierarchy levels of items presented in the list, click "TAB"(deeper level) or “SHIFT+TAB”(return to previous level.

Creating a new style

It is quite possible that among the multi-level lists presented in Microsoft collections Word, you won't find one that suits you. It is for such cases that this program provides the ability to create and define new styles of multi-level lists.

The new multi-level list style can be applied to each subsequent list in the document. Besides, new style created by the user is automatically added to the collection of styles available in the program.

1. Click on the button “Multi-level list” located in the group "Paragraph"(tab “Home”).

2. Select .

3. Starting from level 1, enter the desired number format, set the font and arrangement of elements.

4. Repeat similar actions for the next levels of a multi-level list, defining its hierarchy and type of elements.

Note: When you define a new multi-level list style, you can use both bullets and numbers in the same list. For example, in the section “Numbering for this level” you can scroll through the list of multi-level list styles, selecting the appropriate marker style, which will be applied to a specific hierarchy level.

5. Click "OK" to accept the change and close the dialog box.

Note: The multi-level list style that was created by the user will be automatically set as the default style.

To move elements of a multi-level list to another level, use our instructions:

1. Select the list item you want to move.

2. Click on the arrow located next to the button “Markers” or “Numbering”(group "Paragraph").

3. Select an option from the drop-down menu “Change list level”.

4. Click on the hierarchy level to which you want to move the selected element of the multi-level list.

Defining new styles

On at this stage It is necessary to explain what the difference between the points is “Define a new list style” And “Define a new multi-level list”. The first command is appropriate to use in situations where it is necessary to change the style created by the user. A new style created using this command will reset all occurrences of it in the document.

Parameter “Define a new multi-level list” It is extremely convenient to use in cases where you need to create and save a new list style, which will not be changed in the future or will be used only in one document.

Manually numbering list items

In some documents containing numbered lists, it is necessary to be able to manual change numbering. In this case, it is necessary that MS Word correctly changes the numbers of the following list elements. One example of this type of document is legal documentation.

To manually change the numbering, you must use the “Set initial value” parameter - this will allow the program to correctly change the numbering of the following list elements.

1. Click right click mouse on the number in the list that needs to be changed.

2. Select an option “Set initial value” and then perform the required action:

3. The list numbering order will be changed according to the values ​​you specified.

That's all, now you know how to create multi-level lists in Word. The instructions described in this article apply to all versions of the program, be it Word 2007, 2010 or its newer versions.

Create a list in Word

The lecture discusses issues of creating lists in documents. Shows how to create and configure numbered list options. Provides ways to create and configure parameters for bulleted lists. Describes the creation of multi-level lists.

Design of numbered lists

When designing numbered lists, keep in mind that a list element can only be a paragraph. A list typed into a line cannot be automatically numbered.

To create a simple numbered list, select the numbered paragraphs and click the toolbar button Formatting (rice. 11.1).

Rice. 11.1. Creating a simple numbered list

To create a numbered list, run the command Format/List or command List context menu.

In the tab Numbered dialog box List (rice. 11.2

Rice. 11.2. Selecting the type of numbered list in the "Numbered" tab of the "List" dialog box

Each option for designing a numbered list has its own indentation parameters for the paragraphs being drawn up, and also inserts its own tab stops. In this case, the indentation sizes set when creating paragraphs can be changed.

The list parameters can be changed. To do this, in the tab Numbered dialog box List(cm. rice. 11.2) select any design option and click the button Change (rice. 11.3).

Rice. 11.3. Edit a numbered list in the Edit Numbered List dialog box

In the dropdown list numbering You can select the required type of numbering. In the counter start with You can set the starting number of the numbering. In the dropdown list Number position you can select the type of number alignment, and in the counter on- position of numbers relative to the left margin. In the counter tab after You can set a tab stop that sets the indentation of the first line of a paragraph from the number. In the counter indentation

In the field Number format You can add some text to the numbers. Text can be entered either before or after the number.

Typically numbers have the same font options as a numbered list. If you need to change the number font parameters, you need to click the button Font and then in the tabs Font (rice. 11.4) And Interval (rice. 11.5), and, if desired, in the tab Animation, dialog box Font set the required font parameters.

Rice. 11.4. Changing the numbering font in the Font tab of the Font dialog box

Rice. 11.5. Changing the numbering font in the Spacing tab of the Font dialog box

Editing a numbered list(cm. rice. 11.3) you need to press the button OK Numbered dialog box List(cm. rice. 11.2 Numbered dialog box List(cm. rice. 11.2) you should press the button Reset.

To continue applying the last numbered list design option you used, you can click Default numbered list toolbars Formatting(cm. rice. 11.1). The same button can be conveniently used to remove design from a numbered list. Simply select the fragment of the document for which you want to remove the design and click the button Default numbered list. The numbering will be removed.

Designing bulleted lists

When designing bulleted lists, keep in mind that a list element can only be a paragraph. A list typed in a line cannot be marked with markers.

To create a simple bulleted list, select paragraphs and click the toolbar button Formatting (rice. 11.6).

Rice. 11.6. Creating a simple bulleted list

For registration bulleted list run the command Format/List or command List context menu.

In the tab Marked dialog box List (rice. 11.7) select the desired design option and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Rice. 11.7. Selecting a bulleted list view in the Bullets tab of the List dialog box

Each option for designing a bulleted list has its own indentation parameters for the paragraphs being drawn up, and also inserts its own tab stops. In this case, the indentation sizes set when creating paragraphs can be changed.

The parameters of the generated list can be changed. To do this, in the tab Marked dialog box List(cm. rice. 11.7) you should select any design option and click the button Change. After this, a dialog box will appear ( rice. 11.8).

Rice. 11.8. Edit a bulleted list in the Edit Bulleted List dialog box

To change the type of marker, click the button Sign. In the dialog box Symbol (rice. 11.9) in the dropdown list Font select the font whose symbols will be used as markers (any font can be used, but the most interesting symbols are contained in the Webdings, Wingdings, Wingdings2 and Wingdings3 fonts), and double-click the left mouse button on the selected symbol.

Rice. 11.9. Selecting a marker in the Symbol dialog box

Typically bullets have the same font options as a bulleted list. If you need to change the marker font settings, click the button Font and then in the tabs Font (rice. 11.10) And Interval (rice. 11.11), and, if desired, in the tab Animation, dialog box Font set the required font parameters. In this case, the font itself cannot be changed, otherwise the markers themselves will change.

Rice. 11.10. Changing the bullet font in the Font tab of the Font dialog box

Rice. 11.11. Changing the bullet font in the Spacing tab of the Font dialog box

In the section Marker position in the counter indentation You can set the distance of the marker from the left margin. In the section Text position in the counter tab after You can set a tab stop to indent the first line of a paragraph from the bullet. In the counter indentation You can set the paragraph indent from the left margin.

After installing all changes in the dialog box Editing a bulleted list(cm. rice. 11.8) you need to press the button OK. The list will be formatted with the specified parameters, and in the tab Marked dialog box List(cm. rice. 11.7) instead of the changed one, a new version of the list will appear. To restore the original list design parameters in the tab Marked dialog box List(cm. rice. 11.7) you should press the button Reset.

To continue using the last bulleted list design option you used, you can click Default bulleted list toolbars Formatting(cm. rice. 11.1). The same button can be conveniently used to remove a design with a bulleted list. Just select the fragment of the document for which you want to remove the design and click the button Default bulleted list. The registration will be removed.

Design of multi-level lists

To create a multi-level list, the document text must be prepared accordingly.

If you want to apply a multi-level list to document headings, those headings must be styled accordingly.

If you want to apply a multi-level list to plain text, paragraphs formatted using the list should be differentiated by left indentation. The lower the text level, the larger the first line indent or left indent for the entire paragraph should be. The difference in indentations must be at least 0.32 cm. Than greater indentation has a paragraph, the lower its level will be. Indentation can be assigned before the multi-level list is applied or after it is installed.

To create a multi-level list, select the prepared text and then execute the command Format/List or command List context menu. In the tab Multi-level dialog box List (rice. 11.12) you need to select the desired design option and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Rice. 11.12. Selecting a multi-level list view in the "Multi-Level" tab of the "List" dialog box

Initially the list has no levels ( rice. 11.13).

Rice. 11.13. Start creating a multi-level list

To lower the list level, select the paragraph(s) and press the button Increase indent panels Formatting (rice. 11.14), to increase the level - button Decrease indent.

Rice. 11.14. Design of a multi-level list

An example of a designed multi-level list is shown at rice. 11.15.

Rice. 11.15. Designed multi-level list

Depending on what was selected, the text will be formatted with markers or numbering. Just like when designing other lists, each design option for a multi-level list has its own indentation parameters for the paragraphs being drawn up, and also sets its own tab stops. In this case, the indentation sizes set when creating paragraphs can be changed. In addition, some types of multi-level lists give the numbered text heading styles.

To continue to apply the most recently used multi-level list design, regardless of which multi-level list was applied (bulleted, numbered, or combined), you can click Default numbered list toolbars Formatting(cm. rice. 11.1). This same button can be conveniently used to remove the design of a multi-level list. Simply select the fragment of the document for which you want to remove the design and click the button Default numbered list. The registration will be removed.