How to see guests on VKontakte. How to read someone else's correspondence in a contact without programs for free, or use a paid program

A lot of users ask this question. Everyone wants to know with whom their VKontakte friends correspond... There is a lot of discussion about this. Let's figure out if there is a working way.

Important friends of Vkontakte

Many people think that a person is texting with those users who are higher in his friends list. Such people are also called important friends (see). But this theory is not correct. There are several ways to raise a person on the list (see). And this is not necessarily an active correspondence with him (see). Therefore, this option does not suit us.

Using programs and services

You can find many sentences that supposedly allow you to find out with whom a person is in correspondence on VKontakte. But I'll tell you right away - they don't work. And with a high degree of probability, their use will lead to the fact that you will lose money, or access to your page (see).

Here's an example of such a service:


The page looks like this.

The bottom line is as follows. You create a special link, then send it to the desired user (see). And if he follows it, then you will see a list of his dialogues.

I say right away - it does not work. Don't even try.

Options that might work

In the event that you have enabled the function of saving passwords (see), and a person entered his page from your computer. If the function of saving passwords was used, then your browser has credentials from its page. Just use them to login. After you get to the profile of the desired user, see who he is in correspondence with.

Continuing this option, you can talk about hacking. As I already noted, it is very difficult to hack a VKontakte page. You can of course try. And if successful, when you get access to it, you will be able to watch all the user's dialogs. There are separate instructions on this topic:


In contact with

All people who visit your page are included in the guest list. If you want to track their activity, you can use the My Guests application in contact. With its help, you can collect all the necessary statistics, see who visited your page, and increase its popularity (see).

We need to add the application to our personal VK page. To do this, go to the "Applications" section, and type "My guests" in the search. The very first option on the list will be the option we need.

Click on the icon. A window should open with a full description and a proposal to install. Click the button "Launch the application".

Let's deal with the available options.

How the application works my guests in contact

Viewing guests is the main function. So let's start right away with the Guests tab. Open it.


Here we will see a list of all users who have recently visited our page (see). Unfortunately, it will not be seen what they were doing, the very fact of their visit to us is simply noted.

Pay attention to the list right away - there are two categories here. Users who participate in the application on a paid basis are the first group. They appear at the top of the list. Due to this, you are guaranteed to see them, and you may be interested in viewing their page. Thus, they increase their popularity.

Their distinguishing feature is the heart in the lower right corner of the photo. And the link "Add as Friend".

But right behind them are those users who are really your guests. Under their avatar you can see the date and time when they visited your page.

If you click on their profile photo (see), you will be taken to their personal page. You can see if this person is interesting to you, comment on his photos (see. ), send messages, etc. (see).


Paid membership can be purchased on this tab.

This service works according to the following principle.

You pay for participation, and those users who use the application begin to show your profile on the "Guests" tab. We have already seen such an example in the previous step. If you are interested in a person, he can go to your page and add you as a friend. Nothing complicated.

The easiest way to start promotion is to buy a ready-made package. Open the tab, choose the appropriate option, and click the "Buy" button.

The calculation is carried out using the internal currency of VKontakte - votes. We have already disassembled.

If you are interested in more powerful promotion, it makes sense to adjust the parameters of your target audience. Then your ad will be shown only to the category of users that you define.

Go to the tab "Manual setting"... Here we configure each of the items:

  • Whom to promote. You have the opportunity to order advertising for any user who is your friend. Or show your page
  • Registration . Specify what data you want to show next to your avatar
  • Most importantly, choose your target audience parameters. Specify the gender, age and city of residence of the users to whom you want to show your ad
  • Use the slider to determine the desired number of votes that you are willing to spend. The number of impressions will be calculated automatically

You can sort the result by week, month, and for the entire time of using the application. The rating is shown simply in a graphical format.

All about friends

On this tab, you can see a small report on the activity of your friends.

There are four reports available:

My profile

On the last tab, you will be shown a summary of your account statistics.

That seems to be all the relevant functions of the "My guests" application. In addition, a small video review.


All the necessary functions for viewing and analyzing the actions of your visitors can be found on the pages of the "My guests" application.

If you are interested in promoting your page (see.

Most people are very curious! I think many would be interested to know what others are hiding. So, for example, some are willing to give money for hacking someone's page.

In today's issue, we will not deviate far from this topic, below in the article I will tell you how to find out with whom a person is texting on VK. Finding out who the user is communicating with does not mean reading the correspondence, it only means that you can determine the profiles (personal pages) of the interlocutors of your object of observation.

How to find out with whom a person is communicating in VK

Reasons why people want to know the interlocutors of a VKontakte user

Why do we want to access private conversations? There are a lot of reasons for this, here are some of the main ones:
  • Jealousy of one of the spouses;
  • Wanting to know what celebrities are talking about;
  • Who do your friends, classmates, classmates or work colleagues communicate with;
  • Supervision of children;
  • Loyalty check;
  • It is interesting to know with whom the person you like is communicating with;

As you can see, there are many reasons, however, officially the VKontakte social network does not allow you to find out with whom the user is texting, and even more so, what this or that correspondence is about.

How to find out with whom a person is texting on VK

On the Internet, this question is relevant, which is why many "hackers", usually on forums, offer programs for downloading, which supposedly will help you hack a VKontakte page or help you find out the profiles of your interlocutors.

The functionality of such utilities can be completely invented, and the site on which the download link is posted can be quite natural. So, not everyone is able to notice the deception and not immediately. You should definitely have an antivirus on your computer for such situations.

Well, in general, I advise you not to download programs from unofficial sites, with rare exceptions. Even if the program (this will not happen) was able to hack the page, it is better to delete it immediately, because the virus can take over your system not immediately, but gradually.

A more or less real way to find out who a person is communicating with on VK

VK has a number of applications that collect data on your friends. Here, I'll tell you about one of them now.

The application is called "Correspondences and Guests". Very popular, because before installing, I discovered that a large part of my friends are already using it.

To start using it too, open your personal page, go to the "Games" section and write "Correspondence" in the search.

Also you can select any of your friends and analyze him / her. What will come of this? For example, define the user's guests. Many actions will have to pay votes. Perhaps it is worth it, for me personally, such supervision is not required.

Infa working, but again the effect is insignificant. For guests, the most effective way to find out with whom a person is texting is to look in person, even though via a personal smartphone. Or hack the page!

More about guests here:

In conclusion, it is important to note: you should not violate the freedom of others, since breaking a page or something similar is a violation of the law. In addition, if a person finds out about a hack, they may lose confidence in you. If you read about access to interlocutors and about hacking VK pages for fraudulent purposes, then please forget about it.

There is hardly a VK user who would not like to see guests visiting his page. Meanwhile, in Odnoklassniki, you can see literally every user who visited your page (except for invisibility). On VKontakte, on the contrary, you cannot see the guests. Officially, anyway. And if unofficially?

VK applications

VK has a ton of apps that they claim are capable of showing visitors to your page. Before writing this page, we tested several similar applications. Do they show guests?

Even if they show it, then it is, let's say, difficult to believe in it. Why? When you install the application and go to the guest list, you see familiar and not so faces. But if you take a closer look at the list of users who have visited your page, it turns out that these are all the same people who liked your posts or photos, so you cannot say that they visited your page at the same time. Moreover, some applications even show the date of allegedly entering your page, which in a suspicious way coincides with the date of the like.

However, we will not rule out the fact that these applications actually show guests. But there are equally interesting ways to find out who is visiting your page.

How to find out who visited my VK page?

Get ready, friends. Now you will find out a real way to find out who visited your page. To be precise, using this method you will find out who most often came to visit you, and using the settings of your own page.

So what are we doing? First of all, go to "My Settings", the "General" tab.

We lower the page to the very bottom. Here you can see a link like "You can delete your page". Click on it. Don't worry, you can't just delete your page.

A new page will open in front of you, where you must select a reason for deleting your page. There are only six of them:

  • I have another page
  • VKontakte is taking too much of my time
  • VKontakte has too many inappropriate materials
  • I am concerned about the security of my data
  • My page is not being commented on
  • Another reason (you need to describe it yourself)

Put a tick next to the item "My page is not commented" and you see something like the following:

Yes, yes, here are the users who most often visit your page. But wait, that's not all! Press again F5 on your keyboard to refresh the page, and again put a tick next to the item "My page is not commented on" - you will see other users who visit your page no less often!

And so you can update several times until the system shows all the most popular guests of your page. And most importantly, all this can be done without using applications and other third-party software. Yes, you do not need to delete the page - after the actions taken, just close it.

Trap for guests

In addition, you can use the so-called guest trap. This is the link you leave on your page. As soon as the user passes through it, information about him will be saved in the application, which you will learn about.

It is installed simply. We are looking for an application that allows you to use the trap. For example, the application "My guests". We launch it, click on "My profile" and activate the trap for guests.

The user who passes through it falls into a so-called trap and his visit is recorded by the application. True, in order to see the user, he needs to install the application.

Third party programs

But we do not recommend using programs that assure that with their help you can see all the guests and which can be found in abundance on the Internet. In addition to the presence of malicious files, they can empty your wallet. For example, during installation, you will be asked to send a supposedly free SMS message, which is actually paid and by no means cheap. The program itself will turn out to be a dummy.

In general, we warned you.

Almost all of us have such a sin as excessive curiosity. Despite the fact that we trust people close to us, the desire to find out more about what is going on in their head, how they really treat us, what secrets they keep, makes us sometimes take the most risky actions. The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, personal correspondence. Today, few people use e-mail or SMS messages for this purpose, as it was ten years ago. But the pages on social networks are the best fit: fast, free and convenient. Therefore, many curious people are interested in the question of how to read someone else's correspondence. Indeed, today this social network is the most popular among Russians. Well, if you decide to go down this slippery path, then read the possible options.

Parting words-warning

Offered by the developers of various "spyware" programs. They are arranged in a very cunning way and manage to get access to the most intimate for many users - personal correspondence. Immediately it is worth warning that they are not as harmless as they might seem. For example, do not be surprised if viruses are taken onto your computer as a result of using such applications, or some N amount is charged from your phone. Nobody can insure against this, in the end, you yourself decided to take risks, and therefore be prepared for such outcomes. We will only indicate to you the options (let's call them tips) that give you at least some chance to read someone else's correspondence in VKontakte. The first two methods are special programs.

PageHack program

PageHack is an application that offers a wide variety of functions to its customers. Among them - the ability to view closed photos and videos, read hidden comments in the "Contact" and, of course, get access to the private messages of the subject you are interested in. All this can be done only if the person you are supposed to be spying on is your friend on this social network. Otherwise, it will not work out.

Application work algorithm

So, let's say your "victim" has already made friends with you on VKontakte, what's next? And then the following:

  1. Download the PageHack program to your computer and install it. Here, the developers advise us to disable the antivirus, ostensibly in order to successfully hack someone else's account (which the defender in the form of an antivirus will prevent). Whether you decide to continue working or not is up to you, at your own peril and risk, as they say.
  2. The next step is to get the user ID of the user you're interested in. It is he who allows you to read someone else's correspondence in "Contact". Copy this number from the address bar after logging into the user page from your account. Not the entire address is needed, but only what begins with id and further (usually numbers or a surname in Latin letters).
  3. We insert this data into a line specially designed for them in the program window. Click to watch and - voila! The desired picture should appear before your eyes, namely the personal correspondence of the subject of your interest.

Such an easy-to-use program (but is it safe?) Will allow you to answer the tormenting questions "who does the other half communicate with", "what do your friends say about you (and do they say)", "who does your minor child communicate with", etc. NS.

In general, the developers promise that the PageHack application will help solve many of your problems. But think about whether it will solve them or, on the contrary, create. Do you need detailed information about the personal life of loved ones?

Vkmass.narod resource

There is another interesting service that promises to answer the question “how to read someone else’s correspondence in VKontakte”. It is called Vkmass.narod and promises to go all the way from obscurity to the moment of gaining access to secret information in just three steps. Trying?

Instructions for use

  1. The first step is to get links to the desired user (or users). The fact is that this program provides access only to messages sent by a specific person. If you are interested in how to read someone else's correspondence in "Contact", and not just one-sided answers, you will need links to two profiles, the dialogue between which you need. We enter this data in the appropriate boxes.
  2. Next, you need to set the period for which you want to see the correspondence. Enter the start and end dates of the dialogue.
  3. The third step will be your personal e-mail (or created specifically for this insidious purpose), to which you will receive a detailed answer to your question in the form of private messages or a dialogue of people of interest.

And here is the setup! To complete the process, you must enter in the appropriate field the code word that you will receive on your mobile. The cost of the cherished SMS message to receive it is 300 rubles. Ready to fork out?

Option for talented "actors"

Is there another way to read someone else's correspondence in VKontakte without resorting to the help of all these suspicious programs? Yes, he is. But it is much more complex and requires certain abilities, or rather, cunning. Check it out and decide if this is the right option for you.

Before you start, you should know important nuances: this method will work only if you have access to the mobile phone of the right person and if his account is tied to a valid number. For example, if this is your significant other or a child, then you will be able to use this option. And if some acquaintance or unfamiliar, then it is unlikely.

Method description

  1. First, you need to register a random account by entering a fictitious name and surname, and in the "Phone number" field, enter the one that belongs to the subject of your interest.
  2. A warning will appear stating that it is already linked to another page. You agree that you are in the know and this is your number.
  3. Another warning window will open to make sure that you really want to link the new page to the same number. You don't need to press anything here yet.
  4. First you need to take possession of the user's phone (for example, do it discreetly or ask to call), now you need to show imagination and acting skills.
  5. When the cherished mobile is in your hands, click in the window "Yes, use the number XXXXXXXXXX". You should receive an SMS message with a code to confirm the binding (do not forget, using it, to remove traces in the form of SMS). We enter the received code in the appropriate field, below we enter the password (we come up with any).

As a result, we find ourselves on the cherished page of the user, under whose account we have logged in. You can read a friend's messages in "Contact" or, in order not to waste a lot of time, copy the necessary dialogs. This can be done quickly using the Vkbot service. You can just open a specific dialog and save it to HTML using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + S.

Do not forget that this must be done carefully even when the user is offline (after all, in the process of fraud, his password will be changed).

This method does not pose any danger in terms of infecting your computer with viruses or losing money. But, before you read someone else's correspondence in VKontakte, you have to get nervous, because you need to act here very carefully and cunningly.

Is it necessary?

You were offered three options for gaining access to the user's private dialogues. You can choose any one you like the most. Each of them carries an element of risk and danger. But, before deciding on such actions, think about whether you really need to get into the private life of people (albeit loved ones), learn their secrets, all the more dishonest and, you must admit, not in a very beautiful way. Sometimes it is better to just trust a person and not try to expose him in something (or maybe there is nothing to expose at all), because each of us should have space for our own little secrets.