How to make the group appear in Yandex. How to bring a VKontakte group to the top in search engines, with minimal effort, almost free

Greetings, dear friends! Almost every second beginner, already at the stage of creating a group, asks the question: “ How to promote a group to the TOP of search VKontakte ?».

In fact, this is much easier to do than, for example, in search engines Oh.

Firstly, all factors are known (there are only 2)
Secondly, methods for promoting VKontakte groups are available to everyone

When promoting VKontakte The main role is played by the audience and the name of the community. Let's take an example of the search results for " women's watch«:

So, the first position is occupied by the group with direct occurrence of the key query And audience significantly less than that of the group occupying second position.

Thus, we can conclude that the position in the search results is influenced by two factors: community audience And direct entry of the keyword. You can verify this by looking at the groups occupying 3rd, 4th and 5th positions. They have a direct entry of the key query, but they differ in the number of participants.

Despite the fact that promotion for one keyword is much easier, in some cases it is necessary to specify several keywords. In this case the question arises:

How to promote such groups and how many participants are needed for the first position?

No one will answer this question, since it is a secret, and even I do not know exactly how a group with several key queries can move a group with one query.

IN in this case The audience plays a key role, but the question is: How many members do you need in a community?!

According to my calculations, on average you need an audience 5 times larger than that of the group occupying the first position. BUT! There are several nuances here:

The coefficient depends on the number of characters and the number of key queries in the promoted group

So I talked about how groups are ranked in search. Now let's look at the ways increasing the audience of the VKontakte group.

How to promote a VKontakte group yourself?

Theory, theory, theory...tired of it? Let's promote the group already!

1) Promoting the group through mutual PR- this is the most effective way to quickly increase the audience of a VKontakte group for promotion to the TOP, without spending a penny.

But as they say: “ Free cheese only in a mousetrap" - in exchange for free increase the audience sometimes has to spend up to 3 hours of precious time a day to increase the audience by 1000-2000 people.

Perhaps now it seemed to you that 2000 people in 3 hours is cool, but believe me, using this method, after 2-3 days all desire to advance on VKontakte will fall off. It lasted me just over a week

Despite the attractiveness of promotion, this method has 2 big disadvantages: freeze page And a lot of time.

Okay, I won't talk about sad things. For the first time, you can recruit a couple of thousand people, and then it’s better to use other methods. To date quality services The following sites provide the opportunity for mutual PR:

1. VKprka - best exchange exchange and PR!

Unlike other services, this exchange has good protection from freezing pages and allows people to exchange likes and introductions on almost all social networks.

2. Olike is a good old service. All smm people started with him. What can I say?!

More than a million people are registered in the system and it has no equal in the speed of completing tasks. 2000 people per hour is not the limit, here you can turn many times more

Well, I will name other services, since I don’t use them and from the reviews we can conclude that they are ineffective. Of course, the offers from Olayka and PR are not the highest quality, but the number of exits and bans is much lower than in other services.

2) Promoting a group using programs is an effective way to increase your audience, and, as in the first case, the costs are minimal. I have tested huge amount programs, but I stopped at free program VTope.

VTope is professional program to promote in . It screws up almost everything: likes, reposts, polls, entries and much more.

Maximum number of entries— 300 people/day. This is done to prevent communities from being blocked.

3) Spam in comments This is a dangerous and expensive way to promote. Why dangerous? The page is often blocked. Why expensive? You need several dozen pages.

Despite all this, spam, unlike previous methods increases target audience , because before joining a group, people study it carefully.

Thus, using the methods described above, you can within a few days increase the community audience to 5000 people.

As an example, look at the VKontakte group

How to bring a VKontakte group to the top 10 of Yandex and Google

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Do you want to know how to promote a VKontakte group in Yandex and Google to the top, like I do? Bringing a VK community to the top is easier than dragging a website there. True, if you know a few tricks.

Hello to regular readers of this blog, and to those who are here for the first time!
In this article I will tell you how to bring a VKontakte group to the top of Yandex and Google.
I just love SEO (promote websites in search engines), promoting a public page in contact in search engines is not much different from bringing a website to the top.

As I have repeatedly seen. Not only VK users, but also experienced webmasters (site owners) are unable to display communities.

Therefore, I think this article will be useful to all those who want to promote a VKontakte group in search engines, on their own, almost free of charge, without spending a ton of money, in companies involved in promotion.

How to bring a group in contact to the top in search engines, with with minimal effort, almost free

Why is it easier to bring a VK group to the top than your own website?
Look, the VKontakte community is not a separate site. This is a page of a site called VKontakte.
This social network is very authoritative for Yandex and Google.
Here you can not be afraid to promote with links or use small frauds).
Bring the public to the top, if you do what I say, you will be able to do it in 2 weeks - 2 months.

What are the disadvantages of promoting your website?
You can start to unwind it in 6 months - 1 year.
Just imagine, before this date you can’t even dream of any tops.
You see, a young resource is not an authority for Yasha or Gosha; for a small offense, he will easily receive a filter from them. If we transfer these concepts to a person, imagine that you were sent to prison.

While, social VK network is a mega cool portal for search engines. Even for the grossest offense against your community and VK as a whole, nothing will happen. He is simply an authority for them and that says it all.
Imagine a man, a dollar billionaire, who didn’t give a damn about rules and laws.

Coming up with a name for the VK group

The beginning is the name of the public.

Decide on a topic. That you will have an entertainment group or a commercial one.
Funny pictures, aphorisms, anecdotes, jokes, making money on the Internet, and so on - these are entertaining communities that are not focused on direct sales.
Selling anything, no matter what it is, condoms or cars, whatever. This is a commercial topic.

The first one will be easier to promote by subscribers, the second one is more profitable, both from the point of sale, and advertisers are more willing to apply for advertising, but it is 10 times harder to promote.

The beginning, or fatal error.
Guys, first of all, remember, the success of the promotion will depend on its name. Whatever you call the boat, that’s how it will float).
You must come up with a word or words, not what you like, but what people are looking for in Yandex and Google.
It is by name that it will be shown in Yasha and Gaucher. We'll look at it in more detail later.
I was invited to one community on VK. I copy its name. I'm going to Wordstat.
I check how many times a month users enter this phrase.

We get 34 impressions. Per day, you will receive 1 visitor from Yandex search, approximately the same from Google, for a total of 2 per day.
It’s not really camilleaux at all, do you agree?
I don't see the point in wasting time promoting it.
Here is another option that I chose.

There are 1544 queries on Yandex + Google, a total of about 3100 visitors per month, about 100 people per day.
This is the kind of request you can make.
I wrote about how to use this tool in the article:

Yes, there is one more trick.
It will be easier to pull it out yandex name, where the phrase In contact is present.
This is a vital site. That is, if you enter any phrases along with the name of this social network, search engines, believe that you are looking for VKontakte. His records will be shown in the search.

Contact pages include everything that is on it, accounts, groups, applications.
It is not necessary to write this phrase in the name; it will be automatically added.
It’s as if “how to make money in contact” is much easier to promote than “how to make money.”

After choosing a name, you must! Check it for competition.
More on this later.

Let's find out the competitiveness of the request for promotion

What is query competitiveness?
To do this, imagine this picture.
You are sitting in line to see the dentist at the clinic. Your task is to get to him as quickly as possible.
Figuratively speaking, if there are 5 people in front of you, you will get into the office in an hour, if there are 25 in front of you, then after 5 hours, 50, you will not get to him at all.

So here, if there are 10 blogs with the same name as yours, it’s easy for you to get into the top 10, if there are 1000 of them, draw your own conclusions.
We will check
This portal shows competition by request from 1 to 25.
Where, 1 minimum competition.
25 is the maximum value.

The service itself recommends selecting no higher than 5, but this is for young blogs, and yours is old).
I recommend looking before 15.
10 checks per day are free on it. The next 30 kopecks is 1 check.
Not a single webmaster now writes articles without it). I am among them).

SEO optimization of VKontakte groups for search engines

Unlike your blog, a community on VK is much easier, simpler and clearer for a beginner to set up for promotion.
With the name, you should already decide.
I remind you of the basic requirements for the name of a public page for successful promotion.
1. Normal frequency.
2. Low competition.
3. It is advisable to include his name in the request, that is, in the contact.
Let's move on.

I'll show you with this example. I'll explain later what's great about this name.
1. Everything is clear here. I have this, you have yours.
2. Important point! In the description, you can simply repeat the name of the project you are promoting, but there is a chance that the search engine will take this as spam - this will be bad. Therefore, I recommend making a description with a direct key.
The direct key is its exact name.

Using my example.
...add everyone as friends...
Yes, guys, don’t think about covering the description with a picture - it’s very bad!
Positions will drop sharply.
The project should look like this.

3. Important feature.
Url are words that when you type them into a search engine, you will be taken to a page with that name.
I advise you to translate Russian words into Latin, that is, write down its name, in English letters.
If it's busy, add numbers, underscores, just experiment).

What is this for?
With this name it is easier to promote by request.
Why does my public have such a name?
You can advance it using 3–5 keys.
In my case it will.

Bringing uniqueness to the community

In order for search engines to notice a community, it is important to show them that it is most unique and there is nothing like it on the Internet!
How this is done, I wrote
Then with each photo you place text including its words in the name.
Publish at least 5-10 posts to start.
More than 10 search robots still don't see, that is, they will always see only the first 10, starting from the top.
Next step. Indexing the VKontakte group in Yandex and Google.

Adding a group to the index

What is indexing?
In order for a site to be found in search engines, search robots must visit it, index it and add it there.
Sometimes blog readers write to me and ask.
Why doesn't Yandex find the VKontakte group?
Guys, it's all because the robots didn't find her.
If you don’t add it there yourself, it can take a long time.
To speed up this process, we will ask them to come to us.

How to do this?
There is a Yandex webmaster for this
Google addurilka

Just copy the address and paste it into them, click “send request.”
Gosha, indexes relatively quickly, 3-7 days. Yasha, longer.
You do the same with each of your posts, uniqueness is a must!

Next step.
We need search engines to pay attention to our contact page.
To do this, we need links to it from sites.
What is the principle?

Imagine, you want to get a great job, but there are more than enough people wanting this position.
An employee who has been working there for a long time comes up to the director and asks for you, they say nice guy, I vouch for him... and if another one comes up to ask for you, do you think your chances of getting hired will increase?
So it is here. A link to you is a recommendation.
Next, how to buy links at the lowest price.

Purchasing links

There are many portals for purchasing links.
We'll do it
Why did I choose this exchange?
It is the easiest for beginners.

Works in automatic mode, that is, you will be offered phrases that you can use to promote your publicity and price.
The exchange itself sets the URL automatically.
Unlike many others, here you do not need to choose a donor, as I said, this is what is good about contact.

1. Register there.
2. Enter the url.
3. The system will scan and give you the promotion price for each phrase (price for 1 day and month).
I advise you not to look at the recommended price, set your own, 200-500 rubles per month according to the phrase, is quite enough.
It will take a month or two for search robots to see the links.
Then you can withdraw them (just not pay).

Yes, guys, take a closer look.
The system will enter not your page but the whole domain, that is, “”
The system will display the most relevant entries (communities that the system considers will be easier and cheaper to promote in the search). You need to put your own. Set your own price.

After the links are placed, the system will show you where they are located.
Go to every page where the URL is for you.
Copy the address and add it to the webmaster.
This will speed up indexing.

In a period of time, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, it should reach 20-50th place in the search.
Next is the final, most important point, that’s exactly what many people don’t know).

We put links from the contact’s thematic groups to yours

This is the main point.
Once a public VK appears in the top 20-50, it will be extremely difficult to pull it higher.
Links will help us here again.
Only this time from the contact’s public accounts, accounts will also do.

Many webmasters promote using external links. This is really not a bad option, but for your blog! Social networks have different rules.
This is where internal links work.

What's the trick?
Each page, in our case, community or account, has its own weight.
By placing links from other pages on her own, she transfers some of the weight to her.
How do search engines see that other pages are linking to yours and think that if this happens, it means you have interesting community and it should be shown in the search above.

Where to get them from and what kind?
Only from thematic ones! They work, others almost don't.
What are thematic?
If you make money on the Internet, bet only in similar ones.
Immediately after publication, be sure to add Yandex and Google to the addurilka.
How much do you need?
Pieces 100-200.
I don’t recommend using more than 10-20 per day.
They might snitch on you.
Those without anchors work better, just links without words.

If you really value your group, you can buy advertising, here or here, just be sure to agree that the links will last forever (not deleted after 24 hours).
After all these steps, 2-4 weeks and you are at the top.

That's it guys, that's all I have. For anyone who doesn’t understand, write in the comments.
Good luck!

Promotion through search engines has gained great popularity among entrepreneurs, both medium and small businesses. With high-quality settings, you can get from the search large number leads at a low price. Today we will tell you how to promote a VK group through Yandex and Google, the pros and cons of such promotion, and much more.

To promote a VKontakte group through search engines, you need to know SEO well. Every year search engines are becoming smarter, so it is important to focus on quality content.

Promotion of VK groups through search engines

The leaders of VKontakte communities did not ignore search engines. Now almost every popular group receives additional traffic through SEO results third party resources. The most popular are Yandex and Google.

Attract potential clients and subscribers in two ways:

  • Contextual advertising;
  • SEO issue.

Each method is unique and aims to achieve different results.

The first is an instant influx of users to your page. But if funding stops, there will be no transitions. Your ads will no longer appear.

The second is long-term investment. Clients will start coming in weeks, or even months, after optimizing your group for SEO. But if funding ends, your site will still be on the first pages of Yandex and Google. And only over time it will gradually go further and further.

To achieve success when working to promote a group, you need to use all methods of promoting the group. As a rule, Yandex and Google like to give good places for public pages from VK.

SEO issue

This method of attracting subscribers and potential clients is one of the most effective and simplest.

The thing is that search engines trust VKontakte and are more willing to show it in search results. All other things being equal, Yandex and Google will show exactly the VK link (in the screenshot, 2 out of 3 links are VK).

We can see that it is very profitable to engage SEO promotion VK groups.

How to optimize a group for search?

All you need to do to optimize the group is:

  • Work on the semantic core. It is advisable to use low frequency and exact queries. Three or four will be enough, since you only have one page.
  • Optimize the group. You need to fill in everything: title, description, page URL, status, names of topics and albums. Write in them the keys by which they can search for you. For example, “Fitness center Samara” and add the name of your center.
  • Consider behavioral factors. For example, a community called “Order installation of air conditioners in Samara” will not be liked by people. They will often skip such a group without even entering it, since they perceive such names as intrusive advertising.
    The activity of users in your group does not affect your position in search engines. In addition to discussions and comments. Yandex and Google take them into account. But we can indirectly influence the number of discussions and comments by increasing the size of the community (only active subscribers).
  • Compose quality text for posts. The fact is that search engines analyze not only the header with the title and description, but also the entire page (along with published posts). Therefore, when you write the text for your next post, think about the keys and enter them.

SEO optimization of VK public pages is very well suited for local businesses (for example, a coffee shop in a city, a flower shop, etc.). It is difficult to promote large projects through VKontakte, since it is impossible to take into account a large number of keys on one VK page. In such situations, you need a separate website. If there are more than 20 requests, then we create a website.

We advertise a public page in Yandex.Direct

The enemy of SEO is contextual advertising. Yandex.Direct is the most popular service for the Kyrgyz Republic in the CIS countries. Yandex thinks and cares about its advertisers, helping them get as much profit as possible.

The principle of operation is as follows. You are setting up advertising campaign, create ads and show them to users based on pre-determined requests. Payment is made for each click. Your ad can be shown in special placement (the first three lines of the first page) and in the guarantee (the last lines of the first page). The price of each place is individual and depends on many factors.

How to promote a group in search via Yandex.Direct

Promotion of a VK group through Direct is carried out in the same way as any other site. Namely, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Collect semantic core. To get started, select a few basic phrases that people might use to search for you. For example, “website creation”, “site development from scratch”, “buy a site”, etc. You don't need much. Then, using the Yandex.Wordstat service, enter these keys and in the resulting result, find out what other queries they might be looking for. This way you can collect hundreds and thousands of keywords.
  2. Create an advertising campaign in Direct and configure it. There are quite a lot of settings here. If you have never set up such advertising before, then use the instructions. They can be easily found on the Internet.
  3. Create ads for each key phrase. This is done using ready-made XLS templates. Detailed instructions How to correctly fill out such templates is also available online.
  4. Loading XLS templates into Direct.Commander. In this program, it is necessary to carry out cross-backing tracks and adjustments. Afterwards, your ads will be ready to be sent for moderation.
  5. Wait for moderation, top up your account and start showing.

Above we described only the basic steps for setting up contextual advertising in Yandex. Each of them implies many details and nuances, on detailed study which will take a lot of time.

Contextual advertising in Yandex.Direct is one of the most effective ways attracting traffic to your VK page. But only with proper use. If you configure impressions incorrectly, you can lose your entire budget in a couple of days. Therefore, either study this method of promotion well, or hire a smart specialist.

We promote the group in search results with Google.Adwords

To promote your VK community through Google.Adwords you need to take the following steps:

  1. Create an advertising campaign. Specify the first parameters here.
  2. Set up ad extensions. Here you can indicate everything you have - applications, links, contact information, promotions, clarifications, etc. All of this enhances your ad visually and helps it stand out from the rest.
  3. Other settings. Indicate the time and location of impressions, utm tags, etc.
  4. Create ad groups and keywords for them. You can collect keywords separately using third party services, and using built-in services in Adwords. More detailed information You can find instructions on collecting semantics for Google on the Internet.
  5. Create ads and customize them.
  6. Top up your account and start showing.

As you can see, the essence of the work remains the same. We need to collect semantics, create a campaign, set up ads and launch. You can find many articles on the Internet about setting up contextual advertising in GA. Therefore, no matter what difficulties you encounter, solving them will not be difficult.

Pros and cons of promoting through search engines

Promoting VKontakte public pages through search engines has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages include:

  • Instant results;
  • High efficiency (with high-quality setup);
  • Targeting – you don’t show up to everyone, you choose who and what to show to;
  • When advertising on low frequency queries there will be no competition and, therefore, 1 click will cost very little.

The disadvantages include:

  • To work with contextual advertising certain experience and knowledge are required;
  • With an unprofessional approach, you can lose your entire budget in a couple of days.

If we talk in general about the advantages and disadvantages, then they all come down to one thing - the professionalism of the person who sets up this type of advertising. If a person has extensive experience and knowledge, then the result will be very good, but if on the contrary, the result will be appropriate.

Bottom line

Today we talked to you about promoting VK groups through search engines. As you can see, this method of promotion requires certain skills, without which the effect will be zero. Whether you use this method or not is up to you. Based on your capabilities. We hope the article was useful to you.

If you use every opportunity to promote your group, you will have a greater chance of success.

Every person always wants to be in the top, to occupy leading positions, that is, to be popular and in demand. The owners of groups in VK want the same thing. The results of the VK search engine show whether they have a place on the “golden list”. By the way, VK search works in the same way as other similar systems like Google or Yandex, so in order to increase the rating you have to constantly develop the group by doing advertising. We’ll learn further about how to raise a group in the search on VKontakte and why bother with it so much.

Features of VK search - how does it work?

The VK search engine displays those possible options queries entered by the user. For example, if you type in “Moscow cinema”, it will show communities, groups, meetings and people who have similar words (keywords) in their description or title. To narrow the search, many people choose the section – people, communities, meetings. Then only the selected section will be shown in the query results. But even here there will be at least a dozen of them.

The VK search engine determines the first places based on a number of characteristics:

  • The size of the community - the larger, the higher the place.
  • Name - the more accurate and less unnecessary words, the better.
  • The presence of foreign words in the title (this factor reduces the position in the query, even if the number is more than a hundred thousand).
  • Type of public – open or closed, the latter are always lower in the top.

When forming a name and description, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the search engine, so that even without advertising it will appear in the TOP of user requests. And never, hear, never, make a group closed in the hope that crowds of subscribers will flock to you due to intrigue.

How to raise a group in VK search?

As mentioned above, the search engine in VK issues queries using a special technology, taking into account a number of nuances. But the place in the ranking is also affected by:

  • Accuracy and capacity of the name, without frills and foreign signatures.
  • Group location, since default settings have gotten smarter and can recognize communities in different locations. It is important to remove this setting if you are not a local public.
  • Relevance to satisfy the search - if a group is in the top ten, and a person subscribes to it after only viewing a couple of others, then the position in the ranking begins to grow.
  • In the case of commercial public pages, the number of subscribers plays a role, and in non-commercial ones, activity plays a role.

To increase the community in search in VK, work in a number of areas:

  • Increase public traffic, even if users don’t like or subscribe. There are also special programs solving this problem.
  • Increase your number of subscribers. This is difficult to do, but possible. You need to improve your content and actively promote yourself.

Remember that the public may be banned or blacklisted for artificially increasing subscribers, so be careful here.

  • Increase user activity through quizzes, sweepstakes, polls, and controversial posts.
  • Monitor the quality of content, study audience requests, choose the most interesting.
  • Use advertising in other communities or viral ones.

What mistakes are made when promoting a group in the VK search?

To ensure your search rankings grow rather than fall, remember that:

  • You cannot enter foreign words into the title and description; rewrite everything in Russian.
  • If you closed the group, open it.
  • If you want to increase the number of subscribers, do it manually or through PR; using promotion programs will lead to a ban. The solution is to wait or contact technical service.
  • If the group does not appear in the search at all, check your settings; you may have disabled this function.


Increasing the community in VKontakte search is necessary to develop the public and attract new users. To do this, monitor the quality of posts, activity, number of subscribers, technical characteristics public

    Hello dears.

    I think many of you have already noticed that in Yandex and Google searches, along with the issuance of sites, there are groups of the social network VKontakte and personal pages users. Moreover, they often occupy top positions. I will give an example in search query“Cakes to order Perm”:

    How is it that sites that are promoted with large budgets are left behind, while VKontakte groups are in the lead!?

    Honestly, there is no exact answer to this question. It cannot be said that by applying certain recommendations to your group, it will 100% reach the top of the search. But I know for sure that by using them, you will increase the likelihood of appearing in searches.

    Recommendations for promoting a group in contact to the top of Yandex and Google searches

    1. Optimizing the group name for a key query

    The first thing to do is name your group correctly. The title should contain only the keyword, without extra characters and words.

    For example, it would be more correct to call it “Cakes to order Perm” than “Homemade cakes for every taste!” Do you see the difference? To select a key query, use the service:

    These key queries will bring potential clients.

    2. URL of the page for the key query

    Now we change the default url (clubxxxxxxx, where x is the group number) to one that is understandable to search engines key query. You must write in English letters, using underscores or dots. Example on the slide below:

    3. Description of the group with the key query

    Let's start describing the group. Prepare small announcement about your service or product using keywords. Write the tags below, separated by commas, as shown in the example. Tags are a set of keywords for your topic.

    4. Discussion on main topics

    Go to “Discussions” and create topics for your main queries. We write in them by analogy the description of the group, i.e. We use topic keywords and topic tags.

    Discussion topics are also indexed by search engines.

    5. Posts on the group wall on the topic

    We periodically write posts on the group wall with keywords, on behalf of the group, using tags through a hash mark (for example, #cakes #perm). Use images to increase conversion.

    6. Let Google know about your group

    Now all that remains is to notify search engines about your group in order to put it in the queue for indexing.

    For Google

    7. We update information in the group and hope

    Now we periodically update the information in the group and hope for correct and fast indexing.

    After reaching the TOP we get hot clients:

    Why do we hope? Because search engines have their own algorithms (rules) for indexing sites on the Internet. Using the recommendations above, you will use maximum possibilities groups that influence the promotion of the group in contact in Yandex and Google search.

    In the end, if the first group is not indexed for a long time, no one is stopping you from creating a second, third, fourth... and it is quite possible that a search engine will pick them up.

    Cheat code: create 5 contact groups at once and apply my recommendations to them. And then watch. Good luck, you'll need it!

    By the way, if you're interested step-by-step algorithm promotions on VKontakte from A to Z, you can purchase.

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